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Cosplayers being hella gay.

Been a while since the last one: >>3937233
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Chun-li and Cammy.

Do you like Minto x Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew?
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They also really didn't go all in on the blood either. There was a little blood here and there, like specks of blood or a driplet of blood, but it wasn't really bloody or gory, even though the reboot was aimed at adult women who grew up with Tokyo Mew Mew
By not really going all in on the blood, I didn't mean that between Minto and Zakuro obviously. I meant the show didn't really go all in on the blood and the reboot wasn't really any more sexual than the original either
>Tokyo Mew Mew
Does the story have any selling points apart from yuri?
This is about climate change, endangered species, silly romance, and ancient aliens.

I'm only going to talk about the new version, Minto x Zakuro have good chemistry between them and no het, Ichigo is the source of het, the other 2 girls have an unrequited romance and shiptease that only serves to make a group of terrorist aliens look better.

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games with gacha mechanisms.

Heaven Burns Red:>>4210210
Granblue Fantasy:>>3925924
Fate: >>4197543
MagiReco>Exe: >>4116934
Project Sekai:>>4152897
Love Live:>>4230664
Idolm@ster: >>4223757
World Dai Star:>>4013431
Assault Lily:>>4002982

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>It happened, HBR got its global announcement.
Finally I will be able to play it, it was so hyped here on /u/ for so many years.
Everyone in the HBR thread had given up on global to be honest. Instead everyone learned Japanese or found translations software.
Don't use words you have no fucking idea what they mean.
Love Live isn't yuri and while you can have your little pathetic image dump threads, it will never be relevant.
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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread:>>4242556
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It's called learning from experience.
I'm glad someone else felt this way about it too. I was kinda disappointed. It has great art and I liked the story but I wish they would have maybe helped her overcome her trauma
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This lustful Brazilian animal is out of control. Who can handle her?

Does Lilysa actually point blank say this or is your goggles on too tight?

I agree with the childhood friend bit though and it sounds like at the end he'll get with no one and every one will be okay with that.

But considering this board all I care about is Lilysa getting pussy (assuming she point blank says she's gay), the cannon yuri couple getting some solid screen time and the cosplayer who just got her first lady crush after only wanting men's attention gets her girlfriend too

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Time for this overlooked yuri series to get a properly yuri thread on /u/. Season 4 is coming.
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Jashin-chan can't take Per-chan's job.
Want to bet?
Yes. Jashin-chan hates work and milking those teats would be lots of work.

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You know the drill! Share your ideas for an anime or manga all about girls loving girls!
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meant to quote >>4232950
but that also works
mesugaki x tsundere
it's amazing that this somehow hasn't already been done
Yandere that keeps killing an assassins targets because she thinks she's getting close to them for other reasons
Actually Yuri on Ice is about a man named Yuri who goes onto the ice so it basically /is/ the same.

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what are you working on? tell us about that yuri story you're writing, show off your OC artwork, or discuss ideas for that yuri VN you know you'll never make
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This is just an idea that's been on my head for a few weeks and I probably won't ever do anything with it but:
Prince Lindworm, only sort of reworked in the way Disney classics reworked their own fairytales... and make it yuri.
It would be hetbait, too. In the tale, the white rose was meant to be a girl, so why the fuck is a boy? There's also a version with onions though, which explains the layers bit.
Anyways, most of the story would actually bet the MC and the Lindworm slowly falling in love (Something like Beauty and the Beast, maybe?) and by the end the King and Queen, assuming the girl is dead, are like "Ok we're done feeding virgins to the dragon" and pick an army to kill it before shenanigans happen and true love saves the day or whatever.

I'll admit, I haven't thought super deeply about it. It's purely vibes-based for the moment.
Could still be better than Wish though.
Don't. Ever.
You gotta keep trying sis. Someone will see the worth in your story.
Wattpad has a bad reputation? Or is it just more for fanfiction?
it's for fanfiction and original stuff, it's just an awful algorithm-led shithole. Some tourists have sought refuge in ao3 after some recent changes and it's been fucking unbearable.

Never thought I'd like the lesbian yandere so much.
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Such a good girlfriend
>Raep the pnp

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Previous Thread

>Some places to read fics

>A (somewhat old) archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very extensive archive)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, anything goes as long as it's yuri.
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I think editor might imply some level of professionalism or a beta reader might be more inclined towards pushing on weak parts of a plot.
Rhaenyra/Alicent from house of the dragon is quite popular too if you enjoy angst
What kind of setups do they usually use for the pairing? I watched the first season and what I've seen of s2 looks awful enough that I'm not too excited to dive in, but I'm always desperate for good content.
does wattpad have anything good? i just remembered the website existed
I find it hard to believe that any author worth reading would insist on publishing only there and not on AO3.

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Don't matter if it's a waltz or tango, offical or fan art, if it involves two girls hand holding, arms on the back or waist and them dancing the night away, post it!!
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Post ProjMoon yuri. Limbus, Lobocorp, and Ruina.
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Based Ryoshu enjoyers. I wish there was more Ryoshu yuri out there but even on Pixiv it's pretty dead.

Yuri with a focus on the erotic possibilities of the neck.
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Hi, 21F game programmer here. Im looking to make a 3D yuri themed game as I feel most yuri games are VNs. First post here so not sure what to expect but I appreciate any somewhat SFW game ideas / concepts!
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So basically, I took a week of work to cook something up just to test the cinamatic/dialouge systems I made. Conviniently someone played the demo and posted it to YT so here is a little update video on the game systems. Everything is very subject to change but will have to leave it at this for now until I have more time off work.

Honestly good for a quick mock-up but between the camera stutters and the animation stutters it is quite painful to look at in a literal sense. My eyes were protesting quite strongly. Noticed in the final scene after they collide, when their faces change expression I feel like you could probably use interpolation to make it look a lot better.

I'm not sure how much you're using stock models or the like, but I would recommend picking a small number of locations and reusing them both to make it easier on the overall workload and to help justify adding some more detail to them. I liked the subway station quite a bit, whereas the room didn't look much like a room someone would live in, partly due to the lack of decor and simple geometry.
Thanks. Yeah everything is v unpolished, I do use interpolation for most things but probably not shown enough in this video as it is quite laggy. The facial expr are all blended in animation so that should be fine for the acc game the camera I would much rather use my own camera controller as cinemachine does give you some wierd reusults sometimes. As for the animations Its just placeholders I took from mixamo and did not spend time on tweaking so that partly the reson the walk-cycle etc is so shit haha.

Made all them models n shaders myself in blender/unity. The characters are created in vroid studio with some custom textures.
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I dont like the gameplay aspects in this demo at all so I'm looking to take inspiration from games like persona or similar to make some interesting and more systemic gameplay eventually. Rather than it only being a visual-novel like yuri game with simple and easy minigames.

But the project thought me a lot of things abt vroid/unity etc so still happy I made it. ^^
>Ideas for Yuri video game?
Option to mindbreak straight girls is a must.

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>We are so back edition.

Anime : 12 episodes
OP : nano.RIPE - Azalea : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNfXwN5JQvg
Scans on Dynasty :

Anthology booklet short stories : >https://dynasty-scans.com/series/citrus_anthology_lovely_party

Translations are done by Chaosteam (CT)

Drama CD volume 9 (enable closed captions for subtitles) :

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citrus has sold 4 millions of copies worldwide
>e are so back
they finally have sex?

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Starting out with Sal Jiang since she loves this stuff.
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keep the bad fic to wattpad please
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These two are an underrated pairing (for whatever that means given the limited number of decent ships for the series and it sorta having 2nd place by default) and perfect for hatesex given the reasons they have for hating each other.
There's a vast difference between the usual rivalry and deadly hatred stemming from blaming the death of a love one on the other (not to mention being war enemies).

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