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Get better glasses, sister, my post literally says that it's fine for a light subtext series like this one to have it's own thread when we have unironic hetshit threads in the catalog.
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You know it's fake because Torako would never betray Anko like this
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t. Anko
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All Adventure Time yuri is welcome, but I need a place to dump the cute bubbline I find
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Do you happen to remember which fic?

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Cute girls and stinky girls name a more iconic duo
You could have just made a Toukomaru thread.
where's your thread title
In your heart
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Inhale the aroma

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June 25th is Yuri Day in Japan, how are you celebrating?
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From Yuri day to 4chan birthday
I’m not sure if you’re still around, but could you tell me a bit more about this? What was it about Yuri that helped you?
Not that anon but yuri was a good distraction in College.

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Age-gap edition
Cont. from >>4302970

Season 2 confirmed
new manga chapter releasing along Half Life 3
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they are on the 'less than lovers, more than friends' stage, but at least every now and then the author shows Utena feels the same way for Kiwi but just can't fully commit to it
>Will there be any new couples in the manga?
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Hell yeah, got my English Language bluray in. No extras in the case though. Kinda sad Sentai didn't do a box set or a steelcase either, but what ya gonna do.

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Starting out with Sal Jiang since she loves this stuff.
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I posted it on another thread >>4290865
Trying to post it here again leads to a duplicate file error. Downloading the current version from this thread reveals that it's corrupted.
This feels against the spirit of the thread.
weird-ass glitch I've not seen on any other board
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It happens all over 4chan. I think it happens when the original poster was banned or a bot. The post technically persists, even though the banned anon's content should be deleted.

Yuri Kiss Thread
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The smell in this picture is highly imaginable.
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Still the best kiss animation in the biz.

Cosplayers being hella gay.

Been a while since the last one: >>3937233
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I've always wondered, does Ishigami Natsuho publish her photos somewhere? There's no way she pays a full shooting just to upload a couple of pics on twitter.
Some time ago she said she did a very lewd shooting she wanted to post soon but in the end never did. No Booth, nothing on Amazon, no links to fanbox or similar sites.
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Anyone know something about this cosplayer Ririatte? She seems pretty gay looking at her Twitter and very close with Yuriko Tiger, another cosplayer.

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It's almost 20 years old, it would look nicer in some current animation, even though the original had great animation for the time. I would like some nice yuri to watch, I love porn and all, but other than Citrus, what is there to watch or read?
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It doesn't need a remake.
Remakes of shows and movies are for stuff that had a good idea but a lacking executions, nothing else needs it. SP is excellent in what it's trying to be: it's not just a mild satire of catholic-girls-school manga/anime, but one of the best examples of that genre itself.


That's what I was going to say. But the I remembered that SP is based on an unfinished manga that went in slightly different directions and has a novel adaption, too. You could technically adapt any of these and it wouldn't be a remake per se.
My only fear would be that they don't do it justice today and that it might overshadow the great old anime too much in any case.
What does it mean?
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Strawberry panic is going to be featured at GLF. Also new(?) merch.
The anime doesn't even come close to all the content in the novels, so it would be nice to see it adapted in some form. A full on remake would probably be too much effort though.

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Girls selling themselves to other girls.
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Christ, something is wrong with that girl, all her yuri doujins are super extra

Hate to digress but Shichison/Nayoi is a woman?

Now, back on topic. I also recommend Pandacorya because lesbian prostitution is a feature in these works by Pandacorya:

1. Sousaku Yuri: Les Fuuzoku Ittara Tannin ga Dete Kita Ken (I Went to a Lesbian Brothel and My Teacher Was There) - https://exhentai.org/g/1613887/00f436d4e7/

2. Sparta Sensei ga Oshiego no Bitch Gal ni Ecchi na Koto Sareru Hanashi (The Story of a Strict Teacher Who Got Fucked by Her Gyaru Bitch Student)

a. Part 1 - https://exhentai.org/g/1865435/f48aee2086/

b. Part 2 - https://exhentai.org/g/1944415/d39b161c7f/

c. Part 3 - https://exhentai.org/g/2470991/9d8eb7fb1b/
Anyone who enjoys toxic situationships usually aren't straight men, I'll say that much
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Happy Birthday to my OTP!
hopefully one day the translator of the himegami no miko manga finally tls the extras he said he was gonna do
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Wait did someone...

>official art
20 years about to end like this...
Since we discussed Super Robot Wars in threads for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, how would Kannazuki no Miko work in an SRW game?

And when KnM does get in, what series would work best with KnM (SRW tradition dictates two shows that have similar themes tend to be paired together in terms of plot and how the protagonists from Series A interact with protagonists from Series B).
Aren’t they literally in the SRW games already

Nope. In Kannazuki no Miko's case, it should have been in an SRW 10 years ago at the least.

It's been years since we last had a thread.
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Where the ran aoi content at?

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are you retarded? Yamato is 100% a woman biologically. Even if you consider larping as a guy as "not a woman", it's not futa then either.
Don't bother, this guy has already tried to troll with this.
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Robin and Bonney have a cute as hell dynamic. She's defo the team mom.

>Search "Yuru Yuri"
>No result
Let's fix that, /u/.
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But it does keep the lights on at yuri hime so we gotta be thankful for that

And citrus of course

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Sexy muscles!
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