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Watching your gf have sex with other girls.
231 replies and 112 images omitted. Click here to view.

That entire series is like this

But the mom turned lady killer is the best character arc in it by far
watching a mother x daughter couple fug your gf = perfection
What series is this?
Tae & Jimiko

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delete this thread already if you’re just going to dump shit like this
That anime/manga has yuri? I know it's a harem (or not?) but it's also common to have yuri fanservice in those
It's basically harem (the guy is the center of everything) so basically people using popular characters to win over dumb people.

Following the example of >>3665398 a thread for erotic lesbian fighting or wrestling.
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Hell yeah, actually me too. I'm not normally that into ryona but something about Tifa being involved really does it for me. Out of curiosity, did it start from the Yang/Tifa death battle? I've legit talked to multiple Tifa fans who said that's what started it for em.
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For me it started as early as in 90s when I played FF7 first time. I was already into heroine girls being beaten and then in the game there was Tifa vs Scarlet slapfight. In early 2000s I stumbled upon Pluto's fem wrestling gallery and they drew lotsa Tifa wrestling ryona. But at that time you could already see ryona artists doing art of popular heroine girls beaten, like Chun Li and Tifa. Of coure the Tifa and Yang match also brought new fans into genre.
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That feel when Screw Attack just wanted to do a fun and exciting animation but accidentally made a whole generation of people realize it's actually nice when Tifa loses to other women. Definitely lemme know when you've finished up that animation of yours.
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I finished it while ago. Pretty much just cleaned it up from the >>4244780 You can see it in https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120165411 or https://www.deviantart.com/jujudrop/art/Aerith-piledrives-Tifa-animation-1069897358 or https://twitter.com/jujudropart/status/1807832194766848439
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Ooh, very nice. Damn the whole ring shook, Tifa's gonna feel that one in the morning. It's kinda cozy and cool there's a whole community for an admittedly pretty out there interest. Keep it up!

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S3 will be airing in April. Are you ready for more AyaRin screentime + jealous Nadeshiko?
Last thread >>3731673
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Am I the only one who's concerned about the lack of Ayano x Rin?
What happened?
What do you mean? There's plenty of it.
>plenty of it
Don't want to be rude or anything but I think people who think like that are non-white. May I ask if you're serbian, albanian or any other non white ethnic?
My descent is 100% Frank.
لقد شككت في ذلك

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Previous: >>4092153
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It's not really a chapter. Just a volume extra.
Guys...we might have to prepare ourselves for a sexless chapter every now and then
Such is the nature of machine translation.
Damn I was super impressed that Kuro was being open about her sex life
No, the real chapter is out, its in yuri hime, its just not translated yet

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Murciélago raws:
Korean version:
English version:

Arana raws:
English version:

Yoshimurakana’s Twitter:
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Waiting for English volume update...
Why isn't this getting an anime yet?
Author shitposted too much on various media about his fellow mangakas who baited with yuri and also he was friends with some sect guy who cheated many people on money.

With Halloween fast approaching, let's have a thread for any yuri with a creepy/horror theme.
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>not a lesbian
Then why are you here
Surprised there isn't any more of them.
One is a straight girl from a series that appeals to fujos and the other is an eldritch god that, according to the rules, isn't even allowed to jump on the bed with Humans.
>the other is an eldritch god that, according to the rules, isn't even allowed to jump on the bed with Humans.
So yearning?
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Thread for yuri content from the Undertale/Deltarune series, canon or otherwise.

No NSFW images of the anthro characters, please.

Previous thread: >>4090105
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I still say it should be the other way around, based on their sprites.
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So my mom really WAS gay? Goddamn
Care to elaborate anon?
"Your mom is gay" joke, but it didn't land

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>We are so back edition.

Anime : 12 episodes
OP : nano.RIPE - Azalea : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNfXwN5JQvg
Scans on Dynasty :

Anthology booklet short stories : >https://dynasty-scans.com/series/citrus_anthology_lovely_party

Translations are done by Chaosteam (CT)

Drama CD volume 9 (enable closed captions for subtitles) :

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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How would you manipulate your hypothetical daughter and stepdaughter into a yuri pair /u/?
Abusing them so they only find solace and warmth in each other's embrace.

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There must be something in the picture clearly showing that the subject is fantasizing about another girl, obviously.
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She is part of the harem now
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Yuri Kiss Thread
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Thread for Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb series, Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, Nona the Ninth. Post fanart and discuss the books
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They are so fucking cool
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2024 is the year of Alecto
I can feel it in my bones
Alecto isn't coming out anytime soon. It's always a bad sign when trilogies get expanded.

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any thoughts /u/?
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>emotionally abusive and manipulative
>conditions max to be obsessed with her
>basically tells max to "suck it up lol" when her time powers start showing side effects that potentially hint at brain damage
>shoots a dog
>can die a total of six times, each of which is her own fault except maybe the alternate timeline where she asks max to euthanize her.
>10/10 character
You know, if she was an antagonist with an appropriate bad ending, she'd be perfectly fine as she is, but we're supposed to like her?
Messy punk girls are always like this. You roll with it or you don't. Are you one of those people who kept rewinding time at the scrapyard shooting scene so Chloe can shoot herself by accident over and over?
I don't mind messy punk girls, Chloe specifically just feels like an amalgamation of every terrible emotionally manipulative girlfriend stereotype out there. Like I said, if she was explicitly an antagonist love interest that we're supposed to either hate because of her actions or love due to charisma, with an appropriate bad ending for a "choose your own adventure" type story that Life is Strange is trying to be, tempting Max away from the good path, she'd be perfectly fine as she is. But no: We're supposed to like her and want her and Max to get together, be it as friends or as lovers, which I just can't get myself to.
And no, I'm not that much of a sadist.
Been a long time since I've played the game, but I don't remember Chloe being that bad. She was annoying for sure, but the game really tried to make you understand that she was like that because of her shitty circumstances. You don't have to agree with the game of course. I personally wasn't convinced by the writing, but it was very obvious to me that Chloe was the "bad girl with a heart of gold" stereotype, which is a very popular trope.

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