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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games with gacha mechanisms.

Heaven Burns Red:>>4210210
Granblue Fantasy:>>3925924
Fate: >>4197543
MagiReco>Exe: >>4116934
Project Sekai:>>4152897
Love Live:>>4230664
Idolm@ster: >>4223757
World Dai Star:>>4013431 →
KanColle:>>4072869 →
Assault Lily:>>4002982
Neptunia:>>3779723 →
Girls Frontline:>>4126603 →
Reverse: 1999:>>4236355
Path to Nowhere:>>4200458
Project Moon: >>4106215 →

Previous: >>4116716
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>>4236995 (OP)
How are Yugioh or Touhou considered gacha? Neptunia is borderline because it used to have short unsucessful gacha once I guess, but those other two don't got anything.
And please don't say TCGs are gachas.
Touhou has a Lost Word. Yugioh has multiple games so.

But glad you are here so we can open this discussion. I don't want to be that onee-sama, but I think we might need to prune some links because, let's be honest, EVERYTHING has a gacha in Japan. If we link every thread with a gacha we'd probably end up linking a quarter of the board.

So what do you say?
What even is that response? Yugioh has no gachas. It doesn't belong on this list at all.
I don't know everything on the list, so I can't talk about all the entries, but I absolutely despise that non-yuri shit like Love Live, Idolmaster and Girls Frontline get to have threads at all.

Can we just expunge any links for games that don't actually have yuri? It's fine to let them persist as image dumps, but this thread should direct you to games that at least have solid yuri/subtext. That would get rid of at least half of them. Ironically Yugioh would stay by those criteria as it has more canon yuri than most gacha these days. But it's a TCG, not a gacha, so too bad.
Basically if I had made the thread the only games worth a damn to list for a yuri gacha thread are
Heaven Burns Red >>4210210
Granblue Fantasy >>3925924
MagiReco >>4116934
Assault Lily >>4002982
Reverse: 1999 >>4236355
Path to Nowhere >>4200458

If Towa Tsugai or D4DJ had threads you could add those. Everything else is idolshit without real yuri, waifushit without real yuri and stuff that just plain is irrelevant to gacha. MagiRevo is dead too, so it will fade into the same niche as Neptunia soon enough.
As an addendum, HoYoverse would be on topic solely for Honkai Impact 3rd, but not only is that the least relevant game being talked about in those threads, it also had a massive anti-yuri decline over the last years.
You mean MagiReco?
No shit.
Thought so. Careful with that autocorrect.

No it's not dead. They released a trailer which all but confirms that the MagiReco characters will be in the new game. And if you needed anymore confirmation the announcement event is headline by Iroha's VA.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ0nUbisCNs [Embed]

So the funeral in July is less a funeral than a very cynical attempt to move people onto the sequel? game.

With all that said, there's still a chance they could mess it up. The SIF sequel has become legendary for how poorly managed it was.
Is Magia Record going EOS? Yes. That means it's dead. If this new game replaces it, fine by me.
But can I just point out that it has one of the worst names ever conceived? Puella Magi Madoka Magica Magia Exedra makes me want to do to the devs what was done to Mami in the anime.
Madoka has a fetish for the classics since Mami and her battle theme.

Exedrae were used as forum/auditory back then, before it just became fancy architecture features, so I guess the title really means Magical Public Oration. Maybe that hints at what the game will be like, much like Magia Record just meant Magical Girl Record.
Happy 3rd Aipura.
>Magical Public Oration
Singing game?
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It seems Natalia and Layla are getting married!
>>4236995 (OP)
What's the point of this?
Because this game seen eternal like Love Live now
>JP release date: 2021
Will this be the gacha that's furthest behind now?
All can be translated fast because AI
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>I put a gun in your hand. I gave you something that was yours.
>I appreciate that, Yume-senpai.
I wonder how they plan to survive if they're really starting full behind. When gachas are localized with such delays, the playerbase usually starts minmaxing banners and just mass skipping all the shitty/mediocre ones because they know what is coming next, which obviously tanks sales.
Sucks that WuWa is trying so hard to be like Genshin even though the character models and combat is infinite times better than the latter. I'm probably going to wait for ZZZ, even though their female roster looks so boring, to see which I stick with. I don't know how people play more than 2+ gachas, I've already got my hands full with one.
Love Live? You want the franchise with the majority of yuri fanworks to not have threads?
> Love Live
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, right?

By the way, the board is not your safe space.
I stand corrected. Story in 1.1 still got issues, but it's at least better than the previous acts. Feel like this game is aiming for MC x Character, as evidenced by Jinhsi's character trailer which doubles as a 'date'.

ZZZ next week but I'm already annoyed that they're doing 3 girls + 1 guy in most teams.
They can but imagine the schedule
Thoughts on WuWa 1.1? Are you guys gonna stick with it?
It's a self-insert pandering game, they had a chance to do something with Sanhua/Jinhsi, but did absolutely nothing. I will continue playing, but just for gameplay for the while, and if they don't release game modes more interesting and challenging than abyss, I'll probably quit.
>Girls Frontline
you can play a female shikkan, good enough for me
Same. Best game mode we have now is Illusive Realm, but that's only per patch. Really looking forward to Changli, it was sneaky of them to let us try her out during the story quest.
1.2 seems like it won't have any new interesting charcters. Leaks show 1 confirmed male and the other is unknown for now.
Already dropped it. Story is unbearably shit and whatever yuri exists is exclusively tied to the self-insert.
Will try out ZZZ next.
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>all my friends already dropped it
>still need to do X, Y, and Z to finish dailies
I don't know how much longer I can keep playing
Why would you stack 5 monthlies?
That's like almost every gacha created? But yeah, why the hell would you buy a monthly for a game you don't even like??
Fuck the bait.
>>4236995 (OP)
It happened, HBR got its global announcement.
So now Yostar can ruin it for the EOPs.
>It happened, HBR got its global announcement.
Finally I will be able to play it, it was so hyped here on /u/ for so many years.
Everyone in the HBR thread had given up on global to be honest. Instead everyone learned Japanese or found translations software.
Don't use words you have no fucking idea what they mean.
Love Live isn't yuri and while you can have your little pathetic image dump threads, it will never be relevant.
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Hoping that THIS TIME we'll get the Tay AI x Snaa yuri we deserve.
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So how gay is ZZZ?
Heard there's not much to go by at the moment.
fun game but it has zero potential for yuri. probably dropping
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Towa Tsugai EoS announcement was a while ago, but the actual EoS is next week. They kept releasing story updates with the latest delivering on the gay. Confession with proper kiss + others publicly recognising them too. It's refreshing after a year of flirting, and the story continues as well (via official fansite) so it doesn't end when they get together.

It's the most yuri gacha game ever and probably will be forever forgotten.
It was a very good vn game that tried to add shit gacha gameplay, should have stick with just the vn part.
Are there any attempts to translate what's there?
It's really not that hard to follow the story, you don't need like N1 level Japanese or whatever.
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Iirc in a previous thread someone posted a random Twitter account which had a txt file translation of the first chapter, but I can't find it at the moment.

Anyway, now all the story content of the game (main story, substories, events, records, couple conversations) is freely available on the official Youtube account:

The new website, Towa Tsugai Fans, launched yesterday and already has the first part of the new chapter.
It seems that to keep watching the story you'll have to be active on the website to level up your account, but it's pretty easy and fast for now (there's a gacha system but it's only for collectible cards with no gameplay use, a yuri memory matching minigame where instead of pairing matching cards you have to find the correct pair of girls, and a community where you can earn points just by giving likes or comments on other people's posts or fanarts).
Nice, I should be able to follow it then.
I can keep up with Uma's and GK's dialogues just fine but I assumed Towa's was harder because of posts like this >>4256734 that compared it to a VN.
Cheers, I thought of looking it all up on youtube but didn't have the time to yet.
I assume that website you mentioned is the way they'll release new official stuff? In which case thanks for pointing it out as well.
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Path to Nowhere's newest character is kissing the FeMC.
Goddamn Chinese censors.
Squeenix set it up to fail. Not just because of the retarded region lock, but also because they barely promoted it and focused more on making it a mulitmedia nonsense thing instead of properly investing into the main game.
Without a doubt this should have been a VN or a LN series, because they never intended to support it as a real gacha.
It was also a pretty bad gacha in the first place, the most generic gacha gameplay (combat and raising both) you could possibly imagine. All of the art sans the amazing main characters also seemed to be stock material reused from some unfinished projects or whatnot. It's really sad, given how astonishingly yuri the franchise is.
>retarded region lock
It's common practice for gacha to be region-locked if it doesn't have a translation, as annoying as it is. But also, I think very few people would've played it untranslated outside of Japan anyway.
As expect of jail girls
Not a lot of content being shared.
>It's common practice for gacha to be region-locked if it doesn't have a translation
>I think very few people would've played it untranslated outside of Japan
HBR wouldn't have a fanbase and even be discussed in the West at all if it was region locked. The fact that it came to Steam and can be played anywhere absolutely helped.
Sure, it was still very small, but there is no real downside to not region locking gachas or putting them on Steam.
Because everything has its own threads. You can talk about those games nobody cares enough about to make a thread for if you want.
That sadly makes sense.
>>4236995 (OP)
MagiReco EoS on 31 July at 3pm JST.
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Because it's on youtube now, you can turn on the auto-translate to English and get real-time subtitles as you watch.
Revue Starlight is finally dead.
D4DJ is now officially under the Donuts label.
So does that mean more yuri, less yuri, or about the same?
With how Bushiroad handled Revue Starlight, I'm inclined to believe this transfer is a good thing.
>with how Bushiroad handled RevStar
You mean with how they kept it strictly subtext? Bushiroad doesnt give a shit about yuri they only make subtext to bait waifu and yurifags equally.
D4DJ only had a single canon lesbian couple to begin with, so not much can be lost, but still. If Bushiroad had control of the IP from the start this couple wouldn't exist.
>D4DJ only had a single canon lesbian couple to begin with
This is more than 99 of gacha games have to offer
Way to miss the point.
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the guy posting blue shartchive trash really has no life huh
It doesn't deserve it's own thread, so where else would you post yuri art for it dumbo? You complaining about people posting yuri art in the correct threads is the real no-life shit.
there is reason it doesn't deserve thread here keep your garbage out of here
sorry but i like seeing girls with girls regardless
they had a big canonical yuri pairing moment recently too
Who? The red academy doujin girls?
the entirety of hoshino's arc
I'm sure it had all the depth of my foot up your ass too
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dexIaE6W1Kk [Embed]
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I don't know how yuri the rest of this is but this is pretty yuri:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAx3VLhVMRM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmX29U4V8Gk [Embed]
>I don't know how yuri the rest
It's the usual hoyo stuff, except the MCs are actual characters
Jane seems pretty promising, she goes out of her way to flirt with every woman she meets but never flirts with a dude
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At this point I'm convinced it's just someone's replybot, there's no real reason for it to be here and no actual content of any value to their posts.
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nta but the reason is most likely getting your panties in a twist
I'm sure you're going to post the futa archive game here "just because" too huh.
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Beats imageless posts complaining about yuri art if you ask me.
I'm Serika in this pic!
Not the one spamming, but I'm literally a lesbian fujoshit just passing through this thread looking for HBR discussion and even I'm fine with Blue Archive yuri. so why can't you retards just be chill?
90% of the time it's newbies trying to fit in by going EWWW these characters are from <thing> ban this sick filth. There's a dedicated hoyoverse thread btw.
>There's a dedicated hoyoverse thread btw.
Nta but are you confusing hbr with hsr? Those are different games
Oh right. Well there's also a dedicated HBR one.
Admitting you are a fujo on /u/ isn't really an endorsement of your opinion...
The only opinions that are good are the ones I agree with. That aside, a (likely) straight male anon's opinion isn't really that much better than a gay fujo's.
No. BL is not tolerated on /u/ any more than hetshit is. A fujo is inclined towards that garbage. No lesbian should be a fujo in the first place. On every level this just means she is a dumb bislut who likes off-topic trash.
I will take a yurifag's opinion over a fujos no matter what gender either of them are.
How low of a chance do we have here? I love the aesthetic, but there's nothing that indicates anything yuri from what I saw. Can our chink anon enlighten us?
>Chink gacha
>real yuri
You wish.
R1999 was a pleasant surprise and I wish to be surprised again.
>real anything
That one seems to be a huge outlier and I heard some things that explain why this particular company can get away with it. But regardless, that's not the standard and you should never expect anything from Chinaland stuff.
>Not watched by CCP
>No CCP members in company
It's the same reason why hoyo used to be able to get away with it. If reverse1999 suddenly exploded in mega popularity that would immediately change
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>Misuzu Kawazoe
They didn't forget...
Camellya has a release date on 1.4 in WuWa.

Depending on how it goes, might finally be the indicator for me of whether or not to drop this game. Been switching between ZZZ and WuWa and it made we realize (very early on) that the character interactions outside of the MC in this game really lack any sort of personality. The character models and combat is still really good though. Big dilemma between combat and story.
I felt vindicated in my choice of dropping WuWa once ZZZ came out. If I want player x character interactions Rin is a far better ‘player’ (since she’s more of a character) than Rover.
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Who is Rin?
Probably Belle in JP

Just depends on what you're playing for I guess. I very much prefer the combat in WuWa than ZZZ.
I would also try out PGR but I'm one of those people that doesn't want to play a gacha that's too old.
Wuwa needs to really fix its hitboxes and hit feedback. Combat is genshin tier simply because that part is so bad.
Also the devs are bad at kit design. Chars only build the bar to build the bar, not because those actions do any damage. Like how the next healer does all kinds of nonsensical shit that deals negative damage as she scales healing with HP but attacks via EXTREMELY low atk% multipliers, when all you care about is her outro and the fucking liberation.

I have long since given up on the battle part of the game. Only the other things could possibly save the game, but as a gacha you naturally suffer if your kit designers sucks ass and don't even design them with enemies in mind. (the tower Scar nerf is funny, because that was just one of MANY issues the game has in this way. Almost every char is fucked when enemy jumps away when you just entered your short "I can deal damage" window with most chars, or the enemies spam too many attacks)

We'll see where it goes. Right now I'm just waiting for Tsubaki to see if she can turn things around a little at least.
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It is a rule that every company above a certain threshold in number of employees need to form a Communist committee.

MiHoYo frequently collaborated with authorities. The Shanghai CCP branch pushed MiHoYo to boost Chinese soft power. They have been working hand in hand since the beginning.

The only thing that has changed is that XJP started cracking down on things he does not like in modern media including gays but he is not as strict about it compared to say, things that make the party look bad. There are still arrests but baihe is still being written.
I just want a gacha game where I dont have to deal with het/harem hjinks...
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Reverse 1999
Stop being a shit. The minimum should be "has yuri" not just "isn't a het harem". This isn't the platonic all-female cast board.
Well you have a mediocre game like Queen's Blade Limit Break, barely any story, silly events (crossovers) and a system full of greed and no scruples, but there is no het so that's good, I think.
Assault Lilly, heaven burns red, that squenix game that's a web page only now, and reverse 1999
I think it's just bait, there's no way someone is oblivious to the many games in the market that fit that description
Shorekeeper story of wuthering waves is pretty romantic , she play piano with Rover
Towatsugai... if it wasn't dead (I'm yet to figure out the Fans thing).
I rue the fact that I probably will miss the upcoming GLFes with a Blue Archive section...
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>try a new gacha cause i saw it had a female "mc" option
>the whole anime opening cutscene is just the male mc
i guess these hack devs are still doing this shit, i'm still somewhat hopeful that in 2040~2050 the female mc will not be an afterthought in many games with a mc gender option, but who knows....
Which game?
Which academy should I pick at the start of Assault Lily for MAXIUM YURI? Or just quality writing in general.
Why is there so many new gacha games but all of them have a male mc only? i guess we're going back to the dark times of gachas, maybe there is some new obscure ones that has a femc but it's hard to know about it and this thread is dead af....
>quality writing
>in the MTL game
Probably should go to the academy that teaches you Japanese.
Who cares about the riffraff? All those small gacha will EOS quickly. The only ones that matter are the big ones. And for those we got at least two with a mandatory female protag and several with slectable gender that have been going for a while.
I care when the riffraff occasionally have explicit yuri pairs and yuri pandering in every update. Calling what the big ones offer a drip feed is an insult to hydrodynamics. Selectable gender is asking you to keep your blinders on for a character bland enough to fit in every possible pairing that will inevitably be dropped in a month when it's time to shill someone new. I couldn't imagine how desperate you'd need to be to play those big ones primarily for yuri.
Wishing for a Yuri doujin with only the female commanders/admirals/etc.
I think Major General Armstrong/Winry would be pretty based. Though Winry of course isn't a general.
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I love them to bits.
I actually wrote a fanfic that's up on AO3 (From Cinder to Flame) but there's three others by oaksy that are longer and better, I'd definitely recommend those.
I quit Arknights (actually gachas in general) ages back, but I still love these two too. Blessed.
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I'm aligned slightly differently but can certainly appreciate
When I inevitably get back deep into AK this thread will still be up and I'll check those out
So which gacha is the best to play? There’s too many to choose from and half of them are Japanese only
What are you looking for specifically?
Don’t let that hold you back. I picked up HBR with an OCR+translator and my only regret is that I didn’t start it sooner.
>What are you looking for specifically?
No grinding, no need to spend real money
I think the vast majority of gachas on the market actively prevent grinding via stamina/energy systems; the only game I can think of that has a grindable portion is WuWa.
>no need to spend real money
There aren’t many games where this is an issue as long as you plan ahead and don’t go for every single character.

With that said, I think the best recommendations I can give you are Reverse 1999 and HBR. The latter is JP-only as of now but the global version already has a pre-‘order’ version on appstores, so it’ll be coming soon. Both are more story-focused games with dailies that take a minute or two, and they both have explicit yuri, (though HBR is much more explicit and its yuri is more plentiful).
Some other games to consider:
Hoyoverse games (Honkai, Genshin, Star Rail, and Zenless): The yuri comes in varying degrees of subtext, but there isn’t too much of it for the most part (other than Honkai which has the most). Dailies are short, and the main annoying part is the ‘grind’ for gear (not real grind since you’re locked to 5-6 runs per day).
Rhythm game gachas: D4DJ (most explicit), Project Sekai (has 5 males in the main cast) and Bandori.
Feel free to ask if you have questions about any aspect of any of these games. Any others that I didn’t mention (like WuWa or PtN) are because I have 0 experience with them.
What Yuri does reverse 1999 have?
They have a thread on /u/ just take a look at it
Threads are filled with fans who over exaggerate the yuri content actually there
There's a fixed female protagonist and multiple girls romantically into her. Plus a bunch of cute side ships.
Do you have to deal with any men into the MC or can you just ignore them?
Varies from ship to ship. Mostly subtext of varying degrees, but a few are more explicit and one have an obscured kiss.
Not much of that really.
HBR is getting an EN release this month, I think.
Not confirmed. The app store allows you to download it on the 15th but there’s no guarantee servers will be up. Just have to wait for an announcement from Yostar.
Any talk of a pc port? Like the current one on steam?
I remember them saying it'd come to pc somewhere yeah. Whether that'll be on Steam or a standalone launcher though I don't know.
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The coveted BA yuri...
Literally, the only artist that consistently draws MikaSei.
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Atelier Resleriana is all in all pretty subtext, but it does have nice moment
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Super gay.
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>Just femRover's version of the animation
A shame the game is harem slop, but femRover makes it tolerable
I stopped playing, but I still can't get over how fucking dumb that bow looks.
Yuri harems are great tho
Bottom of the barrel.
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Still yuri
Well, this is the gacha thread.
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>>4236995 (OP)
Uhm, I was told HBR had deep and mature writing....
And that isn't?
whoopsie gravy
Is this how you level up the other girls?
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I'm guessing there is nothing /u/ relevant in gfl2.
Sadly nah, and also the GFL developers are leaning super hard into the incel harem psychosis and repeatedly cut out scenes implying the girls are friends with other men. Gigantic red flags.
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KeN9CeJQi0 [Embed]

For anyone interested, Female MC option appears to be confirmed for ANANTA, formerly Project Mugen. (Trailer does not feature her however)
>Trailer does not feature her
Then it's a non-starter.
Nobody's playing Infinity Nikki?
>Trailer doesn't feature the female protagonist despite having the vastly superior design
Does not bode well, but I'm willing to give it a try.
Feel like that's already a huge red flag. They're like the opposite of Endfield
I've seen so little about Infinity Nikki. I wonder if it just didn't fit people's expectations and nobody's playing it or if it's just an oversaturated market and nobody's playing it.
Aren’t you guys playing withering wave despite the male mc getting the trailers
Looks like it'll be like Wuwa which is clearly catering to straight incel men where they only market the male MC.
Just started it. In the prologue Nikke gets a magic dress that transports her into fantasy land, where she encounters an older woman named Ena, who tells her she used to dance with the original owner of this dress (implying she was banging Nikki's mom or something) Whole encounter was setting off alerts in my yuri goggles.
And at the very start Nikki and the cat were talking about some graduation ball and not having a date but it was not gender-specific so that's a plus.
Gonna play more after work, so far I like the overall presentation and fluidity of movement. It's not jank like wuwa and both are using UE5 iirc
Oh, and at the start, when Nikki opened the closet to reveal that magic dress, it danced with her too, intertwined fingers and everything
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Camellya and Rover look way too good together
Is it true that Wuwa devs actually go out of their way to change characters interacting with rover depending on which one you picked?
Lol no. There is one instance of a slightly changed image with the first rate-up character (a dude). But its not even more or less romantic, just different. Everything since then is exactly the same. So possibly they had intended that at some point, but gave up on the idea for obvious reasons (90% of the playerbase picking FemRover, who was the most attractive female character at launch).
Seconded the only difference in gender was the first limited where in the end of his quest picture he was like "Allow me to protect you from this trash mob" while Rover gave him the most I don't give a shit look ever
>an afterthought female mc
yeah no thanks we've been there before
All the recent even with Shorkeeper and Carmellya were pretty romantic
Is someone playing Infinity nikki ? How /u/ relevant is it ?
Aside from what >>4339482
already said, there isn't really anything in there besides Nikki befriending/admiring various attractive females who praise her beauty and style which you can goggle quite easily if you're so inclined. Sofar the game has not made my Nikki overly care about a male character, so it works for me. And the game is a quite beautiful exploration game.
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Resna is such a casual menace to all the girls around her
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I'll try it, femc looks pretty.
How is GFL2?

Didnt realize it also had a Female MC choice
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PGR is going to have an option for choosing gender, walking around and interacting with your wiafus pretty soon. Dorm stuff like Snowbreak. Take note that this video was just from the beta, and characters usually look even more polished on release. Also that your appearance is customizeable (I'm going to remove the visor lol)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp9UBbyiykk [Embed]
Oh damn, I have not played PGR in a long time but Alpha remains one of my all time favorites....but if this is just CN beta, isnt it still a year away for Global
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You are correct that this is CN beta. But, you do know that PGR global (all servers, actually) and CN are going to literally be all on the same patch by summer of next year, right? Plus, this year only has half a month left.
Image attached is my commissioned art.
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Also, I wasn't trying to imply no one could use the art or anything, when I said I commissioned it. Just saying. Also, here's a link to some yuri fanart I translated of Karenina and Lucia. She's not Alpha, but at the same time she is, XD. Please enjoy the art.
in like 2 years or so since cn is a year ahead
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Not in 2 years. In less than one. Previously, the most behind server was global, and they were about 10 months behind CN. However, Kuro Games CEO made an announcement that all PGR servers are going to be fully synchronized by end of next year. The first stage of that "acceleration" plan was revealed with a roadmap for Global earlier today. 2-3 patches in one, thus we'll be caught up mid next year. During acceleration, which begins next month, all materials, daily rewards, and weekly, etc will be tripled for players. There will also be a bunch of events that give out extra rewards for servers undergoing synchronization. Surprisingly, the community reaction to acceleration was... way, way less negative than I had anticipated. But, it probably helps that the acceleration plan is designed in a way that gives F2P's an advantage.
Official site link: https://pgr.kurogame.net/
Download links are in bottom right of the webpage, and news about synchronization (picrel) can be found under the news tab, or if you add /news to the url. Also, you reopen the game this month (as a returnee), you can redeem return codes and get rewards. Try code: 10C035A
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F2P's have been laughing pretty hard about how synchronization caters more to them than P2W's. Global catching up to CN, and F2P's catching up to P2W's. I guess Kuro can afford to take the revenue hit thanks to all the revenue their other game makes. Even though I vastly prefer PGR to that game to the point where I won't even play the other one, it's true that it's made a ton of money. Though, people have also said that mega-spenders can take advantage of acceleration too. Then again, mega spenders can take advantage of anything lol. My hope is that Global feedback on the game will be a lot more relevant after we're actually on the same patch instead of a year behind.
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That baseball game is dead.
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Now will it's future sister GBC be so gay?
It doesnt have any yuri. Don't let these waifufags drag you in.
Thread is so dead. Yuri in gacha is always grim. We only got the d4dj lesbians and maybe HBR
>maybe HBR
HBR is super gay.
And Reverse 1999 and Assault Lilly

>maybe hbr

At least play the game before being this wrong. HBR is incredibly gay

Sadly nothing in those games is explicitly confirmed. Stop pussy footing and say "She's my girlfriend". I won't deny they have yuri content of course, but man I just want more confirmations and explicit shit. All these stupid het gachas have it
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I'll give you assault Lilly because of the souer system. But R:1999 is yuri. Just because Matilda isn't getting cucked doesn't make her any less gay. Nor do you see Tennant flirt with every girl she sees doesnt make her any less gay. Ect. Ect. And no they don't in het gacha, those fags will burn the dev offices down if their favorite girl doesn't win/ isn't with them
i love seeing girls lick pussy so much...
>>4236995 (OP)
>Gakum@s just had a canon kiss between two girls
Idolmaster really is going Yurimaster.
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Anyone playing the new SoC event? It's pretty gay
Already back when the game came out in global and this one hit TW I was wondering why they decided to push a yuri ship between those two so hard, when we know how its gonna end anyway.
Its pretty cute on its own, but when you know the best Raffiyah can hope for is to be step-mom to Saffiyah and Dandalions child when he dies, it really cools my enthusiasm.
but will they bump clams, and will it be hot?
that is the question.
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>introvert Tsundere attracting extrovert Tsundere
Sharkry has been 'very' sweet on Makkiato in this event, constantly trying to get her attention and approval. I can ship this.
WuWa uses both MCs equally. They might actually use the female MC slightly more.
I think Shorekeeper, Camellya, and Changli are the most into Rover in the game.
Yet it has no yuri fanbase because we know that shit is made for incels, not us. Just like Blue Archive.
It does have a yuri fanbase, just a very small one since the game isn't terribly popular.
> that shit is made for incels, not us. Just like Blue Archive.
Tip for the next time you come here pretending to be a yurifan, don't take an example you only know from hearsay on /vg/. BA has a dozen or more yuri doujins every comiket.
Every 4th or 5th yuri entry for pre-orders atm is a BA doujin.
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Ironically, because of that, the game has more yuri content than most other big budget gacha games.
Yuri doujin are irrelevant when the game has them show interest in their (male) teacher.
NTA, but BA having such a strong yuri base is purely accidental and not by design. It's like Love Live no one on either side of the aisle wants to see Rio with a man. It's just the het incels are a much larger group
If they didn't want you around they would be going out of their way to alter scenes and dialogue like Hoyo started doing.
>started doing
They always had those though? Is this butthurt over the fiance lie, which was just the equivalent of a jp gacha not letting a minor talk about drinking?
Delusional. If they cared, they would change all the invitations to join the family.
Honestly I think they don't mind (yet) Yuri fan as long it involve Rover. With 2.0 adding CG and the only difference in cutscene as of now being a sword FX.
Would not reccomend it for Yuri tho.
I was thinking of the Citlali scene where they changed her expression to look confused instead of flustered.
That always feels like tea leaf reading to me, especially compared to much more explicit text changes like Lumine and Jeht.
Neither Hoyo nor Kuro have any interest in driving away customers of any sort.
Only thing that would make them turn on yuri is CCP mandate and even that didn't fully deter Hoyo.
All of these companies adapt their content constantly, trying to keep as many consumer demographics as possible.
Take what yuri you can get out of it but don't play these games for yuri, obviously.
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I'm really not sure why some people think the lesbianism doesn't count if its the protagonist. Doesn't stop you from crackshipping either, I love the idea of Zani and Phoebe.
>Take what yuri you can get out of it but don't play these games for yuri, obviously.

Yeah thats what Im doing with Wuwa. I play it because I have fun not because of yuri. I play HBR for that
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Priestess x demon yuri is an untapped market
I need Phoebe to flip and start domming Zani, while blaming her for awakening these "sinful urges" in her.
Kinda werid that the new costumes in Assault Lilly are so waifu focused. It ain't right
>current Arknights event
>casual girl npc explicitly, sexually flirting with another girl
>later scene has a casual lesbian marriage offer from another npc

Based Arknights
>waifu focused
What does that mean? Post Riri and Yuyu.
That was pretty out of left field. They just casually reveal that gay relationships are not only openly accepted but also used as a way to get powerful/desirable individuals to become part of your family.
Scavenger's profile said her relationship was "forbidden love", but that lore bit was from launch. Maybe the writers had a change of heart or something, I dunno.
Its also many different countries in AK
Scavenger got exiled from her tribe for oripathy, not for being gay, I'm pretty sure.
I saw that Towa Tsugai ended its story (on the website, the game died last year). Anyone watched it? Happy ending or not? Do other couples become canon and/or kiss (other than Fukurou/Flamingo)?
I need Endfield to release this year so I can finally quit Hoyo. What are even the chances? Though I feel like it'll be next year
Topless swimsuits looking at the camera

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The mummy dude gets proposed to by people of both genders too, which while humorous could imply that this isn't just a thing people assume about minoans (greeks)

Yeah she was exiled for oripathy, the forbidden part of their love could be either thing but my assumption has been that it was oripathy
Although Talulah kept her relationship secret, and the comrade that became aware chose to respect her privacy rather than explain to the others that were confused
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Is TexasxLappland still a thing based on ingame lore?
It's "still a thing" in the sense that people still ship them but relationship wise they aren't really going anywhere. They're still frenemies, only difference is that Lappland is not as obsessive as she used to be. Hypergryph won't kill the ship but also won't move it forward, but I guess fans and artists are fine with that since I still see Texas x Lappland art getting pumped out like a factory.
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You know I was kinda pissed at first about Setsuna being in GBF's obvious scam banner since KonoSetsu was one of the first yuri pairs I was into nearly twenty years ago but then I thought fuck it. The game fell off when it got that new producer and I'm not planning on sticking with it for that much longer so I might as well go all in. I've got the crystals for it so it's not as if I'd be giving them my money. I just hope the crossover event itself has a nice moment between the two.
Just quit them anyways. I did when I realized nothing they put out actually satisfies me. And I don't just mean yuri. That company teases quality without actually delivering.
Liking yuri and playing Hoyo games is just waiting for disaster to happen. Arknights, while not outright confirming most ships, atleast puts out stuff like this>>4365811 It does makes me hopeful for Endfield.
I'm getting there! After that game releases and I try it out, there's nothing I'm looking forward to. I just like gachas, gives me something bite-sized to play for the day

I'm honestly only looking forward to the 'crew roaming together' gameplay of Endfield. It'll be great if it's like Arknights though
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>It does makes me hopeful for Endfield
If you're fine with protagonist x character pairings, then Endfield definitely provides enough of that. Only time will tell if any non-protagonist ships start to form.
Yeah, im fine with feMC pairings. But as you, hoping for proper ships.
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They did recently get a manga elaborating on their past, as far back as when they were children
Don't think there's anything in the event coming up either particularly supportive or dismissive of it
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>install assault lily last bullet
>see this
>uninstall assault lily last bullet
Should have installed the japanese version without fucked up auto-TL.
In the main plot this interviewer doesn't exist. Why he is here is beyond me, but in the main and side content he is not there
Hope when the GBC gacha comes out, they don't launch it with 5 other filler bands just to pad out the roster
It's going to be funny when the devs realize that players only whale for Momoka-san's banners.
Subaru is where the money's at.
Except one of those filler bands may end up being the most popular. It has happened before.
It will happen. Spyce game only had original and one more group.

And it died
spyce wouldve died regardless
Still better than what HBR pulled
>>4236995 (OP)
Exedra news soon.
True all that Hbr stuff made me drop it. so stupid.

You mean that shit that amounts to nothing and can and should be completely ignored because fucking nothing happened?
I just think doing all that and focusing on male character and horny male characters at time in a game that author introduced as yuri focused is very stupid and in bad taste no wonder people complain more each update since the author clearly is doing it to spite the fans of the game
Did they really do that? wow hetshit in hbr was the last thing i expected in 2025 but never say never i guess
Coming March 27
They are trolling. It's not actually remotely that relevant. Fuckers will literally ignore 20 yuri ship moments to complain about male NPCs existing for one-off side-stories.
Just bait.

>complain more each update
They don't though. People's complaints are mostly focused on gameplay and always have been. 99% of the time content comes out nobody complains about the content itself either. Of course the few disagreeable things will be especially focused on among a yuri board, but the only actual romance in the entire game to this day is still yuri. In fact all the major ships get fuel consistently. HBR is more yuri every year, but some irrelevant bullshit gags or a very bad filler segment in a story chapter will make certain people completely put things out of proportion. Not to mention that a lot of trolls who were mad about HBR, a yuri gacha, succeeding were waiting for any opportunity to shitpost about it.
Thankfully those trolls got banned from the HR thread.
>region locked
Holy fucking shit Japan never learns.
Move to a better country lol.

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