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There must be something in the picture clearly showing that the subject is fantasizing about another girl, obviously.
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>excuse me while I pleasure myself with your hair floppies
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Need girls masturbating to yuri.
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I prefer girls masturbating to solo female porn.
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I miss sonohana
Is there any reason to play them? My impression was that they're just relatively bland porn games.
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I've done this with pics of my friends before, but then I always feel super guilty afterwards
Hopefully you used something better than an eggplant emoji.
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While the description of the board on https://www.4channel.org/rules does say 'of Japanese origin' it's long out of date, there has been a Western general on here for years and plenty of other long-running generals for western media
Regardless of it being western and in a style that's meant for /aco/, it's also hot garbage.
Just ask them out.
A classic scene
She's really getting into it. Look how much those braids are flopping around.
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how about girls masturbating other girls
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That's just plain lesbian sex. Now if the the girls are masturbating TO each other however...
I feel like this is a cop out. They should stop pretending they're not having sex and just actually fuck each other.
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Dumping a classic
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fap fap fap schick schick
why not
They are all super straight and would not be into that.
Not sure who invented the “all women are actually bisexual!” meme, but, they’re wrong.
They just haven't gotten the right pussy yet.
Befriend a hot guy and use him as "haha maybe he'll look at us if we start making out" bait.
This can only end up well if the guy is a faggot. In that case, it might actually work.
I dunno, there's something fun about straight girls in denial schlicking together.
they're cute and smutty VNs, a good palette cleanser if you've read something that made you feel like shit afterwards
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There it is
Someone call an ambulance, this girl is having a seizure!
This scene did surprise me the first time I watched revolution. It also surprised me that the consensus was this was meant to show how nuts and unhinged Nina was. I just took it as a young and very horny and alienated girl getting some release. Euphy was gorgeous after all.
Huh never knew Code Geass had a lesbian. I guess that's why it's called Code Gay-Ass
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My wife describes herself as straight but she has had sex with at least five different women, most of them while we've been married.

It's not that all women are bisexual, but that all people are potentially bisexual and it bubbles up under certain circumstances. What you want to do here is quietly approach their boyfriends for threesomes, and make it clear that she's going to take some convincing. The boyfriends should start by investigating these girls' masturbation habits, mainly by asking during or after sex what porn they watch. Then try and start watching porn together, and if the girls won't tolerate lesbian content start with amateur couples, then threesomes where the girls don't have much contact. If they are okay with that, find some videos where the girls use toys on each other but don't eat pussy or kiss, and so on.

Or, since you don't actually seem that interested, someone else should do all that.

These are awesome, thank you.

Does all western content belong in /aco/ or should I post some on-topic Guido Crepax?
The rules say that western content belongs on /aco/ but it has never been enforced, there are entire generals dedicated to western shows
Thanks, I did see that but didn't want to risk spoiling the thread. Crepax is kind of gross sometimes imo but there are a few good panels. I'll post them later if no one objects.
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Porn Nina. Euphy gets more sexy time official art with her sister than she does with Nina.
Blood is thicker than pussy juice.
* Poor Nina. wtf.
>Porn Nina
The what now?
When Milly busts out the camera.
I love this, but more so if she's watching her friend masturbate or having sex.

This dojinshi has the protagonist masturbate because she lost a game. Her friend is obviously into it.
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I’ve got this huge fantasy about a repressed, prudish girl who hates her roommate for being a slut. One day she overhears the roommate masturbating and gets so turned on she immediately starts touching herself even though she doesn’t really know how (rubbing herself through her clothes, humping her hand, etc). She cums to the sound of her roommate schlicking and the shame and self-disgust just makes it hotter. She gets addicted to spying on pretty girls playing with themselves and goes from an uptight virgin to a perverted, voyeuristic dyke.
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>what is Global Rule 3
The image is from Gravity rush a must looked hidden gem game
Sometimes I would go into my older sister's laptop back in the day, she wasn't smart and I found sites like this. I also found some of the gayest porn on her hard drive, not a single cock in sight.
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Your sister sounds based, I hope you showered/bathed with her
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Just take the underwear off. You're alone in your room.
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something's off with that anatomy.
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Just perspective
Does this series go anywhere yuri-wise? I mean Maika and Eripiyo – I remember the two gay members of ChamJam from the anime.
I thought it was Matataki to be honest.
Or maybe she was smart and wanted you to find it, but you weren't smart enough to get a hint.

This is assuming you're female, of course.
Very little in this world depresses me as much as thinking about the mid-teen and younger girls who could have done gay stuff with each other and enjoyed it but never found the opportunity.
Sometimes it feels better if you keep them on.
Telling your bff you want to go diving for her pearls is very difficult to be fair.
>alone after school together, put lesbian porn on your phone and lie on bed watching
>"do you think it really feels that good?"
>"let's find out"
Doesn't seem that hard to me
I would like to call this bait, but these days....
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That sounds really hot and I wish that was what happened to me. But when my high school best friend caught me watching lesbian porn she just called me weird. She didn't make fun of me for it too much or tell anyone else (thank god) but I was super self conscious after that.
She was probably just deep in the closet.
This artist seems to have a thing for art of Revy masturbating to Dragon Ball characters. Very niche fetish but I like it.
I could see co-op masturbation being something couples would go for if they actually like each other's bodies that much.
Aeris' face sends me
They can masturbate to each other and then fuck afterward.
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Before anyone asks, source is Calendula Joshi Seitokai ~Wotome no gogo~
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The rest is also pretty nice.
What exactly is going on in this scene? Is the following shot supposed to be someone who walked in? What is this scene from? What’s the context?
>being this new and underage
>someone who walked in
I can tell she’s masturbating, I’m wondering what’s going on with the following shot that’s mostly cut out, and how it fits in.
First girl is having seizures, second calls an ambulance and waits nearby.
That's not why they called you new and underage.
Newfags are so adorable.
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The ant community thanks you for this webm.
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No one actually does this except identical twins who have the hots for her pair.
Billie Eilish infamously admitted to it
The question I have is if they exist in the same universe for porn reasons or is Revy masturbating to what are to her the fictional women of Dragon Ball.
fairly recently too, in Rolling Stone I think
I think the unhinged part is her doing it in the student council room on a table that her friends also use, instead of her own room.
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what the fuck is this
End of Evangelion: Yuri Edition.
Looks like Rockhopper Penguin.
I was more curious what qualifies as a 'trashy yuri anime'. Citrus? Sakura Trick?
MahoAko, obviously.
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This one gets it.
girls really do this, most likely women who didn't fully understand why they slept with a blanket tucked between their thighs when they were younger.
There was this girl in high school that leaned into the corner of my desk while we talked, it was around the time I realized that this was a way some women got off and I don't think she knew I realized what she was doing.
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It feels good if done right.
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Not a series or ship I was expecting to see today.
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Is that Frida Kahlo

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