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Is there even one canon gay couple in macross
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Does rape count?
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Poor Mylene.
Misa x Minmay
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Futaba had lot of Misa and Lamuz love. I think because they were commanders. There was a great 2ch story/images about Misa becoming lovers with her but Lamiz didn't get the idea of one sided monogamy.
Whose hand is that?
There are those two girls from Macross Delta. The Rei Ayanami clone and her big boobed girlfriend. Unfortunately their personalities were limited to Rei Ayanami clone and boobs but that was expected from modern anime
That artist loves Kaname x Mirage and Mikumo x Mirage and Kaname/Mirage/Mikumo in bed.
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That's from Macross 7 Dynamite

This is the manga spin-off `Mylene Beat` with Mylene's POV during the time Basara was away (M7D events).

Can't remember the details, but Mylene was "captured" and she resisted (It has been over a decade since I last read and watched it, so I could be misremembering some things), but was saved by Ray and Veffidas.

This specific scene appears in both the M7D OVA and the manga spin-off
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Thank you.
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You know you are tiny when you make Ranka look big.
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