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What's your favorite GL manga? Tell me about it!
>Shōjo Sect is about a popular high school girl who beds many women. But none of them can fill the hole left by the fleeting memory she has of a girl she met when she was a child. Will her memories become clear enough to discover the girl's identity? What effects will her loving manipulation have on her fellow classmates? Will Matsuri ever get Kirin's love? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z
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For me, it's Machikado Mazoku. A seemingly simple 4koma that actually has some of the best characterisation and continuity you could expect from a manga.
It's a girl-meets-girl story about a poor girl descended from demons who is fated to defeat a magical girl, but they end up becoming soulmates. Bonding, adventures, and surprisingly deep lore and well set-up mysteries ensue.
It's just too bad that the author is always on the verge of death but repeatedly baffling Christendom by continuing to live.
bump plz. Id love to hear more of y'all's smut favs
There are so many and I don't remember them all.
For now I'll say Hana and Hina After School. I just love good old fashioned angst and drama boomer yuri.
I tried this once but the translation was unreadable, is there more than one?
Murcielago, and I don't think a manga will ever manage to get lightning in a bottle a second time combining such a colorful gallery of characters, action, mystery and unbridled lesbianism, it's in a league of its own
Asumi-chan is my favorite, too. Such a perfect series.
>Shoujo sect
>The only Yuri manga to get a H-anime
Why this ended up being the first and last time a Yuri manga got a H-anime I'll never know.
Yeah! Just gotta look I suppose. Its very good! Theres also anime, but it deviates a good bit. STILL GOOD! But not manga game
there is interest for it however most h studios take safe projects since they already have issues with keeping things afloat
however, considering H anime quality keeps degrading more and more maybe it's for the better
The Shoujo Sect anime was kino
GuP: Ribbon Warrior. Nothing more romantic than the relationship between a warrior maiden hand her loyal steed.
Other than that, probably Vampeerz.
the spiritual successor to Shojo Sect

yes, yes it was

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