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Discussions for Mahoik/u/. Previous thread >>2853792

>Official Yen Press Light Novel Releases

>Fantranslations Tumblr

>Official Twitter

Episodes Δ is set to release on December 14th, 2021 by Yen Press.
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In other recent Mahoik/u/ news:

>Platfleece's (somewhat decent) TL of Black concluded: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1BwhX_Qv90HJPfclYRBikWE-RiiRqwfiv
>Breakdown was made into two physical books ft. multiple drama CDs with prolific voice actresses.
>A sidestory was released in which girls lust after Mamori on Endou's official twitter: https://twitter.com/asariendou/status/1402235155968782337

I hope for the release of White soon, but I've quite enjoyed all of the content we've had this year.
Threadly reminder that Snow White and Alice deserved each other.
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Now that breakdown has a kindle release I'm finally getting around to reading it. I just finished the first half. After some 10 or so volumes Im still surprised by how much I end loving the characters. Mana and Nanako-san will always have a special place in my heart but so far I'm loving Nefilia the most.
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I've only read the first part of Breakdown because it's all that's translated. Gotta wait for Yen Press, I guess, but I've really enjoyed Breakdown more than I thought I would.

The /u/ in Breakdown is pretty delicious, between Merry/Chelsea and Nephilia/Renren.
This feels kinda shaft. I'd actually love to see a few of the fights animated by shaft. A Lethe fight or Dark Cutie fight would be kino.
Bully a chicken (sexually).
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Gale and her loli ojou-sama.
>Somewhat recent news
>The Black translation was finished Feb 2020
Man this is sad. I came here to see if Breakdown and F2P's translation got finished, but I guess nothing this year.
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It's unfortunate, yeah. Breakdown should be coming from Yen Press within the year though, and I'm also hoping that White will release in 2022. I'm sure Shitfleece will pick up the TL in that case.
Ive been lurking both official twitter but recently its been all about the goods lottery. Is it confirmed white is coming next or are we getting more short stories or a book from Asari's isekai series next.
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It's not confirmed what's coming next. We know that White is to follow Black (as stated by Asari at the end of Black), but when exactly it'll drop or if another book will come out before it is up in the air.

If you don't follow Asari's twitter, you should. He sometimes writes Mahoiku short stories there. His most recent one was a Halloween special where Pukin and Marika meet each other, as well as SnoMari ship teasing.

>>3486803 (OP)
I remembered there was some translation drama ages ago but should I be reading the Yen Press translation or the fan one linked in OP?
The fan one linked in the OP is an accurate translation, unlike the one that sparked the drama - aka the Platfleece translation. However, the fan TL linked only goes up to the third arc, Limited, as far as the main novels go. There's plenty of sidestories to read though, so you can alternate between them.
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>Breakdown should be coming from Yen Press within the year though
Is it confirmed that they will translate that?
Not confirmed, but it's a fair speculation given that Breakdown has full physical releases.
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Yen Press translation of Black is set to release May 17th, 2022.
Fun thread where nips discuss how magical girl powers relate to the characters personalities and desires.
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Mahoiku White and Red have been announced. No release dates yet but I'm super excited!

Nani the fuck is that
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I have no clue, nobody does. It was certainly an unexpected announcement alongside White, which everyone already expected.
This thread needs more Weiss x Nana.
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White is set to release in February, with Red in April. It will be the end of Snow White's story.

"Ripple, who had been lost, receives the support of the first Lazuline and begins to take action to kill Frederica. Will Snow White and Ripple meet again?"
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Happy New Year, Mahoik/u/. This year, we have:

- Episodes Δ by Yen Press on 01/18/22.
- The release of White in Japan on 02/10/22.
- The (possible) release of Red in Japan, somewhere in April.
- Black by Yen Press on 05/17/22.

Shaping up to be a good year. Here is the cover for White, suspected to be Kana, aka the Third Sage, Ratsumu.
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Only a month until I can read white. Breakdown and Black were really good too so its clear that Asari is getting better. My hype is immeasurable.
Captain Grace/Weddin is cute.

I'm jealous you have the skills to read White right when it releases. I'm going to buy the ebook and physical release with no context to the illustrations inside and then just wait for Fuckfleece to translate it (if he even is).
My JP wasn't all that great (and still isnt) when I first started. I just buy the ebook and export it to a word doc and use a chrome extension OCR. Now I can probably understand about 70 percent without a dictionary but when I first started it was only 50 percent with a dictionary. The action scenes and some character monologues were difficult but it was still enough to understand. If you know basic grammar I would just find an OCR and give it a shot.
Preview of sprites for White (and probably Red). The flower on Snow White's headband has finally bloomed.
Just rolled into Mahoiku, finished Restart. Unmarked was so-so, but holy shit Restart is awesome.

What are yuri related characters in this series?

Nana and Winterprison so far were canonical lesbians, but as characters they were meh.
I was hoping for Ripple x Top Speed, but then the reveal came out.
There was also Alice x Snow White, but it looks onesided.
Then there were Pfle and Shadow Gale with their crazy chemistry. Nothing sexualy gay, but Pfle is so in love with Gale that it hurts.

Are there any dykes to expect in the future arcs and how explicit can it get?
So glad to hear you enjoyed Restart. I think that's the point where Mahoiku catches most people, since Unmarked is a little on the slower side.

Pfle and Shadow Gale are one of the most popular ships in the series exactly because of all of their chemistry. If you liked them, you won't be dissapointed by what's to come with their characters.

The two most explicit lesbians in the series are Pythie Frederica and Pukin, both who have their first appearances in the arc following Restart: Limited. They definitely live up to the descriptor "explicit" as they're the two lesbians that are the most openly sexual with their attraction towards women. I can't say much as to not spoil you on specifics, but Pythie Frederica lusts openly after cute girls and a certain part of them that aligns with her fetish, and Pukin... well, that's a surprise, but she's my absolute favorite dyke in the series. She's a prince trope kind of lesbian, while Pythie Frederica is a femme; I'm sure you'll like one or the other if not both. There are multiple lines where the narrative pretty much straight up says they want to fuck cute girls.

As for JOKERS onward, there are two lesbian lolicons in JOKERS, as well as an innocent kiss scene between two girls. It also introduces one of Mahoiku's most popular ships. ACES goes a liiiittle lighter on the yuri if you don't have your goggles strapped on (though I still find a lot of it to have great ship scenes), but it gets pretty crazy again in QUEENS with one of the villains. Black is about the same.

TL;DR, you're gonna want to read Limited ASAP.
>most popular ships
Which one is that?
Marika Fukuroi and Styler Mimi.
Marika/Snow isn't that popular?
I personally love Marika/Snow and have seen a lot of yurifags like it too, but I think MariMimi is more popular, at least fandom-wise. PfleGale, Detec Bell/Lapis Lazuline, and MariMimi seem to be the big 3 for JP fandom.
Shame then, Marika/Snow is really cool and should be more popular
>“Master, when Snow White’s in the group, the game doesn’t work, pon.”
>“Huh? Snow White?”
>“She hears that the Evil King is in trouble and figures out the rules of the game faster than anyone, and then she convinces everyone, Evil King included, to go to beat the master, pon.”
I am dead from laughing and sad
She could've saved them all if only she was able to get into the game. ;_; Reminds me I need to hurry and read my copy of Episodes Delta.
Read it asap, Magical Girl Assassination Project was amazing and intense
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Also this pic is perfect for that ch
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Any LazBell fans in this thread? I think it's cute but not something I'm super invested in. Though, it's hilarious to me that the first Lapis Lazuline passed on her "advice" to get those you're interested in drunk to take them home, and that's basically what the second Lazuline did to Bellsie. I prefer Lazuline/Melville.
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Were Breakdown and F2P ever fully translated? I haven't followed this series in years.
Unfortunately not. Not hopeful for F2P but there's a good chance Yen Press will pick up Breakdown.
Anime director is tweeting about the series. There's nothing like the smell of fresh hopium in the morning even if it just a simple congrats

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The release date for Red, initially set for April, has been pushed back. Instead, we'll be getting a new sidestories book then: EpisodesΣ.

I'm hoping to see some of the twitter exclusive stories make it to the book. Particularly the ones featuring Pukin, and the PfleGale one.
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I can't read JP but I read the chapter titles for White, and saw the illustrations... holy hell. Post your thoughts in a spoiler once you're done or as you go along, please.
Sure but it will take me a while. Maybe Ill do chapter by chapter impressions or every two or so chapters. Also, I haven't started but I really hope we get something that pushes a deluge x snow white ship even if I like x ripple more.
I would love that if you can, take your time. Also, you have good taste, I also like the idea of Snow White x Princess Deluge. They're great foils of each other. Let's hope together that Asari gives us some crumbs of content for them.
Post them
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Since anon asked for the illustration from White to be posted, here they are. I won't post all of the character sheets, but I thought to post this one since a lot of the designs are new. Here we have designs for the First Lapis Lazuline, Blade Brenda, Cannon Catherine, and a magical girl we haven't seen before. If anyone would care to translate her name, it would be appreciated.

I'll spoiler all of the illustrations.
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The end. Really love the last illustration and this afterword in particular.

Sorry if you saw me miss the spoiler tab twice like an actual mental case, I was distracted.
Illustration posted by Maruino of Princess Lightning and her human self, Ai. By the way, the human names of all of the girls from Class 2-F were revealed. Just a few of them we knew before, like Tetty's, Mepis, and Kumi Kumi's, but here's the rest of them.

Tetty Goodniigiru: Fujino Toyama
Miss Lille: Satoko Kanegafuchi
Wrappy Tip: Rumi Itadakita
Mepis Pheles: Fuko Sayama
Thunder General Adelheid: Adelheid Müller
Kumi Kumi: Kumiko Tateno
Classical Lillian: Miki Chikage
Princess Lightning: Ai Tanaka
Sally Raven: Risa Karasuno
Psyche Plains: China Mizuta
Narakunoindiko: Hitomi Goto
Ranyui: Saho Suzui
Calcolo: Calcolo Crunf
I'd also recommend checking out monthlyMGRP's countdown tweets of their profiles. They're in the style of the previous fanbook profiles, and contain their stats, likes and dislikes, and a little comment from Kana.


Just scroll through their recent media tab.
And finally, Calcolo-sensei by Pochi Edoya.
Welp, I read all of White with a machine TL. If anyone has any questions related to things they're curious about feel free to ask. Of course, it's just a machine TL, so I don't have the nuanced details, but I feel the general idea is pretty solid.
Psyche Plains and Sally Raven were cute and gay in White.
I got to their first scene in white and realized I don't remember anything specific about black except Kana Mepis and Lighting Adelhied scenes. I've started re-reading black so I can rediscover their gayness.
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Stinky lolicons!
Cover for Episodes Sigma. Very gay and cute. Hardgore Alice with her white bunny plush representing Snow White, and Pfle with her black feather representing Shadow Gale.
I think she grooms all of her apprentices.
A nice Mahoiku fan translated the new April Fool's Story from Asari's twitter. It's called Magical Girl Grappling Project and features the girls from Unmarked as streamers.

Breakdown part one from Yen Press will be released on September 20th of this year.
Wew. I'm like 30 pages away from finishing white. I'm really loving the team work haha its so great that Mepis and Tetty were able to make up hahaha they really came together as a class to defend the school hahahaha... someone. H E L P.
Lesbian love between two totally fine and normal magical girls is so cute. I sure hope nothing terrible happens to them!
The perfect villain doesn't exi- >>3641554. Man what an ending Right when I thought I lost my favorite living character she pulls the best switch-a-roo I've seen in a long while. White was one of the more predictable novels in the series especially after breakdown but that end really took me by surprise. The question is at what cost. Mepis's final paragraph still causes me immense pain. Actually I'm starting to think white was only possible with funding from Abe because every single ship in black is in a questionable spot save for Adelheid who has at least three but likely 8 more wives.

Red can't come soon enough.
Frederica is incredible, one of the best villains I've ever seen in a series. It helps that she's one of the more overt lesbians too. She has it all. I wouldn't go so far as to say White was "funded by Abe," but maybe that's because I have my goggles on very tight most of the time and I ship easily. I will say though that I was disappointed that Mepis was said to have "sisterly" feelings for Kana, but I will choose to ignore that for my own sake because I love KanaMepi. Adelheid is definitely the gayest girl in the Colors Trilogy though... she's so ikemen, and AdeLightning as a pair has incredible tension. It does seem the Colors triology is lacking in more in-your-face ships than the other volumes though. Diko/Ranyui is still cute.

I'm so excited for Red, and nervous too... let Snow White and Ripple be safe.
Honestly, this trilogy might have more ships than any of the other arcs but they just don't end very well. KanaMepi was sisterly for now but with better circumstances it could have been more. Especially because they both felt like the older sister. I hope Kana finds a way to save her. We don't actually know what happened to their bodies.
Wtf does keikaku mean?
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>Posting Pucelle in the Mahoiku thread
I thought we were past this
I did it for you. Just so I could get your attention. Do people actually care? What about Mei ships? Those are vanilla yuri either.
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Aww anon, thanks. Mei is a cute FEMALE turtle! Baka!
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Nemurin isn't underrated but people tend to miss how lesbian she is. Stinky sleepy little lesbo.
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Mahoiku Black from Yen Press was released! I'm personally on Chapter Four myself. This translation is already miles better than Fuckfleece.

Kana a canon slut! I can't imagine how much Frederica was playing with her pussy the months leading up to Black.
I love Diko and Ranyui. I love Diko/Ranyui.
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Happy 10th Anniversary to my favorite /u/ series. I'll continue to pray for Snow White and Ripple's happiness at the end.
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Loyal stinky elf (lesbian) and loyal killer loli (lesbian).
Dropped my image because I was distracted by stupid captcha.
Best lesbians.
I haven't followed this series for years. Were F2P, Breakdown, and White ever fully translated?
Yen Press just finished black so breakdown then white are next. There's always platfleece too. I'm doubtful F2P will get a translation unless it gets a novel release.
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I miss Yunaree's Mahoiku art.
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Reading of a spinoff? https://twitter.com/odd_information/status/1581963233887285249
seems like a live reading of the spinoff over a few days. Hopefully they do some sort of distribution of the recording. I wonder with this, the delay in releasing red, and the recent pachinko stuff if they are testing the waters for a S2 to coincide with presumably the final novel. Maybe thats just wishful thinking. Also I had no idea cranberry was voiced by shinji's VA.
I'm hoping at least for a transcript of Cranberry Gaiden to be put online, but a distribution of the recording would be absolutely amazing and something I would gladly invest in. When I first watched the anime, I was admittedly a bit taken aback by Ogata's voice for Cranberry, but I've grown to love it very much. It would be great to hear her again. (She also voices Haruka/Sailor Uranus).

A lot of JP fans I follow on twitter have been feeling quite confident that Restart will receive an anime. I'm having a hard time even processing the possibility of it, maybe because I don't want to get my hopes up. But that would be incredible and make sense with all of these 10th anniversary goodies relating to the original anime.
Cool art
Finished Breakdown part 1 from Yen Press. I've already read the CN -> EN translation of what was available from mgrptranslation, but it was a fun refresher. I liked it a lot more than I remembered, and I already liked it a lot back then.

Maiya/Rareko is too good. Anyone else a fan of this? Abusive agegap yuri with the added psuedo-incest layer on top. Both are great characters too, I wish we could have seen more of Maiya, but Asari seems to spoil her with content on twitter, so it's ok.
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Miya Octave from Unripe Duet, a magical girl from Cranberry's past to be featured in the upcoming reading drama.
And Tell-Me Doll, another new magical girl associated with Cranberry's past. She's so cool, I hope she has a romance with Miya Octave or Cranberry. My conspiracy theorist coming out to say Cranberry falls in love with Winterprison during Unmarked because she resembles Tell-Me Doll.
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Pam x Artist's OC.
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And Pukin too.
There's going to be an online stream of Unripe duet. I wonder if it will get ripped.
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I bought and watched Unripe Duet btw and it was awesome, definitely gave a bit of a peek of what's to come in Restart.
Did you need a nip address or phone number to register. I didn't even try and just assumed it wasn't available to people outside of japan but..
Nope, there's no sort of barrier whatsoever, and I bought it as easy as I usually buy anything else in my region. You can buy the ticket on the website to watch any of the last four performances, it's very worth it. The composition of the entire thing was out of this world.
I can't wait to see the surge of yuri fanart for Restart.
Congratz, Pfle
Please let the anime be 2 cour, not 1. Also, please don't fuck it up.
I think it might be inherently fucked up if it isn't 2 cour in the first place. Let's hope.
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Happy Valentine's Day, Mahoik/u/.
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So cute. I love Shufflin's boobs.
Another reading drama will be coming out in October, and Red in November.
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Some news: the new Mahoiku reading drama will be based on Snow White Raising Project! The second part will be an original story called "The Blue Magical Girl's Self-Assertion."

It will feature, of course, Snow White, Ripple, and Frederica, but *also* Lapis Lazuline, Tot Pop, and 7753!

All info can be found here: https://twitter.com/odd_information
What are some controversial but good pairings?
Maiya/Rareko is one that comes to mind. Maiya is basically her mother but I like that Maiya sort of treats her like a beaten wife, too. I'm sure we're all aware of pairings like Quake/Tempest and Proud/Umbrain. Pukin/Weddin is considered controversial even though it's canon, and that's one of my personal favorites. Snow/Marika, maybe? I also love your pic-related, very underrated. Especially when compared to Frederica/Ripple.

Winterprison/Cranberry might be considered controversial just because it's not the canon pair for Winterprison, but I like it a lot. They both wanted each other at some point anyways.
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Need these sisters to bump pussies.
Any news about S2?
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Nothing much since it was announced. It's very early in production judging from posts on twitter, so I imagine it'll be awhile before we see it.
Goodbye summer
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The covers of Red featuring Snow White and Ripple.

A new reading drama about Pfle and Shadow's Gale's past will be releasing in March 2024. The voice actresses for Pfle and Shadow Gale for the anime were also revealed. Nanjolno will be playing Pfle, and Reina Kondou will be playing Shadow Gale. A special preview of their anime designs were shown to guests attending the last show for the Snow White Raising Project reading drama.
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>Check back on Mahoiku artists I haven't followed for a while ahead of the new anime
>Of course several have completely nuked their accounts or at least a lot of their art since

Oh well
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OP of the Keek art was a hetshitter anyways. There's a lot better artists around nowadays.
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LETS GOOO. Now I just need to fight the temptation of peaking at the illustrations while I reread Black and White
It's always super funny when Japanese confuse the pentagram for the Star of David.
I think the Star of David is intentional, at least how it's used in MGRP, it seems to be connotated with magic and it reappears often (Ragi Zwe Nento's robes have it too)

Looking into the origins for the Star of David, it's a derivative of the Seal of Solomon, which in itself is associated with mystical properties like spiritual communication, so it still seems in line with the idea of magic
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Anyone read Red yet? Thoughts? So much yuri, so little time...especially with so many lives being cut short
Anyone got around to translating it yet?
Nobody has translated it yet and I doubt anyone but Platfleece will take a crack at it, but I have read it so I can answer any questions. It was amazing and equal part devastating. Snow White/Ripple canon, though.
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These two broke me in Red.
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Just wondering where I can find the raws for MahoIku if there are any? All I see are translated chapters and scans of art works.
what volumes are you looking for? I have a few.
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Y'all prefer Swim x Ruler or Swim x Tama? Or Swim x someone else entirely? Or Swim x nobody because she's a weirdo?
>forgot pic
If genderbent boys are allowed in /u/ then Pucelle is allowed in here.
I am looking for quiet a few actually. Which ones do you have?
Ill share for a few days
These are the raws?
Sorry I just saw your post. I wish this was uploaded to Nyaa too.
Keep the Mega Link alive.
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I sorted by creation date and saw this, how the fuck does a thread last for more than 990 days?!?
Its like 2-3 people that refuse to let it die while we wait for news
Season 2 was announced, so it would be a waste to let it live for as long as possible. Also we've had threads that lasted much longer.
Speaking of which have we gotten any news about a staff or a release date?
Read the new side story volume. I like that the Archfiend Cram School is just full of psychotic violent lesbians.
>>3486803 (OP)
How is this thread almost 3 years old?
It's /u/.
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Puk Puck has untouchable pussy beloved by all!
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When Red comes out? Also how's the story arc in terms of gay? I'm waiting to read it in one go
Last I checked many fans were asking about the restart anime and got no reply, soooo it's probably canned
I'm actually wondering if madoka got delayed and mahoiku production wanted to ride the hype train from the movie so they delayed too. Endou mentioned the anime in the june monthly update so I don't think its been straight up canceled. yet..
That gives me some hope it will actually see the light, someday, it'd be awful to pretend it's still happening if Endou knows otherwise.
You guys know they showed ALL of the characters in the last stage play, right? They only showed character sheets for Pfle, Shadow Gale and Pechka publicly from the recording, but those who attended the plays in-person attested they'd shown all of the restart characters designs. In fact, they just rereleased a good chunk of the books in Japan with promotions featuring the anime designs.
Do we have staff yet? I'm hoping we get a different director.
Pfle - Nanjō Yoshino
Shadow Gale - Reina Kondō (yes THE reina)
AFAIK they haven't revealed any other character voices yet.
They're keeping Hiroyuki Hashimoto as the director, however, I have a little copium he'll have learned from his mistakes and taken the criticism to heart. That and the CEO of Carmina Slots, Keiichi Sato, is pretty much funding the entire thing (he also funded the stage plays and bought OddInformation, the company that produced the plays), and given he's a huge mahoiku fan, there's a good chance he'll keep an eye on the production. I saw him liking some tweets before Twitter hid likes of some Japanese fans' wishes for improvements against the original anime, specifically remember one fujkta tweet he liked where they mentioned the flashbacks killing the impact of character deaths. Who knows, but if I were a millionaire, I'd want my favorite series to have a nice adaptation.
Otherwise they've been recasting seiyuu to revise their roles from the anime for the stageplays. Seems like it'll be loyal to the cast so long as said cast wishes to keep working. The character designer and studio haven't been confirmed, but it looks like they have a different artist who's staying closer to maruino's old artstyle. On the mahoiku news Twitter blog, they recently mentioned they're in a period of production they can't talk about, so there's a good chance Restart is being animated at this very second!
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Did you get your copy? Thoughts?
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I finally finished red. What a ride. Pythie is such a great villain. I really loved her fight with ripple. Speaking of which, I like the Ripple x Lulu ship better than Ripple x Snow despite the ending.
Finished reading Red yesterday. It does have it's moments but it wasn't the same since Pfle died. I had hopes the color trilogy would introduce another ship to care about, oh well... Adelheid x Lightning were great while it lasted, would love to see more of it but no, half-dead. Mephis x Tetty? Not as good, but shared backstory would be a great start... No, Mephis even lost Kana who she had best chemistry with. I guess Bluebell x Deluge is still alive, if only I cared about them. It felt like it could be the end of series with Frederica dead and three Sages dismantled. But Endou opted for plot hooks for later books.

P.S. this new captcha is utter garbage
Pretty crazy, isn't it
More voices:
>Fairouz Ai as Masked Wonder
>Honoka Inoue as Pechka
>Jenya as Nonako Miyokata
>M.A.O as Rionetta
>Mariya Ise as Clantail
>Maaya Uchida as Magical Daisy
>Hime Sawada as Nokko-chan
>Akari Kitō as @Meow-Meow
>Sayumi Suzushiro as Genopsyko Yumenoshima
>Ami Koshimizu as Akane
>Shiori Mikami as Melville
>Maria Naganawa as Cherna Mouse
>Miyu Tomita as Detec Bell
>Aoi Yūki as Lapis Lazuline
>Megumi Han as Keek
We're getting another unbelievably stacked cast
Who are the best lewd MGRP artists on Twitter, Pixiv, etc? I'm trying to stay on top of fanart ahead of the new anime.

Is Farouz still going to be in the show given what happened to her?
Just as keikaku
>Is Farouz still going to be in the show given what happened to her?
You'd think so, any voice work is probably still a long time away

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