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Never thought I'd like the lesbian yandere so much.
her character feels like a much more empathetic twist on the traditional 'psycho lesbian' archetype. I can't help but appreciate her / the author for that.
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Please be gentle with the Miko. She appears to have high mental fortitude, but otherwise Miko is quite fragile.
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Will Michiru be able to beat Hana's "childhood friend" perk?
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Oh shit
We'll know the context tomorrow
This looks very gay
Not even the gayest chapter
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Michiru ruined her panties right in the spot

I doubt that
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I like the fact that instead of being confused or embarrassed she's ready to be taken right then and there
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Michiru wants Miko so bad
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And Miko does want to keep her safe
>these fucking dykes
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Such a good girlfriend
>Raep the pnp

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