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I miss Cass.
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How lesbian is PB?
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>The Pirate and the Porcelain Girl
Read this graphic novel over the last week and enjoyed it enough to recommend it. It had decent world building and adventuring for a single volume story and the /u/ still took center stage with a good amount of development. It's about a stubborn pirate captain who through circumstance helps a runaway girl escape some people chasing her. Basic synopsis of the /u/ plot is the girl is trying to get to her ex who she never got over, but the Captain and the girl hit it off over the course of their journey. Captain still helps the girl reunite despite falling for her by the end of the journey. Of course when an ex is involved who isn't the MC's real love interest it never works out, and there was no manipulative storytelling leading the reader on in that area which I appreciated. Some story twists and pirate battles occur, but it concludes with a cute ending.
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