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Discuss the lovely book and the amazing movie. It's the only Ghibli film that made me cry twice.

Previous threads:


Read the book (in epub)


And post pics and feelings and tell us if you are fine on the outside, sis...
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So was Marnie a ghost, or was it some time travel shenanigans?
>Novel implies it is a ghost.
Wait, so grandma Marnie, knowing Anna is her granddaughter still does all the yuribaity stuff with her?
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>What I want to know was, was the original novel so yuribaity

It very much was, the movie is actually toned done somewhat.

https://jayfax.neocities.org/marnie This blog is a great repository of various Marnie lore and tidbits. The writer stopped by a few times in previous threads (of the blog, not Joan Robinson, she's long dead).
I'm sure Anna will find another nice blonde girl to wife up someday...
Til there was a yuri Ghibli movie
Bought the artbook a couple months ago. I think it's time for a rewatch.
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Went to see it again at the theater on Wednesday. Still makes me tear up like it did in 2015.
>google it to see if it's playing in a theater near me
>one of the search suggestions is 'when marnie was there gay'
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Yeah that happens.

Is Marnie gay.
Is Anna insane.
Is Marnie a polterghoost.
Did Miyazaki Direct Marnie.
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Am I crazy or is this shot a reference to the Shining, with the twins in the hallway? I always felt like this was the part where Marnie was the most 2spoopy in the movie.
How different is the book from the movie? I'm thinking about reading it.
Wasn't actually yuri unfortunately. It's yuri up until the end when they go
>JK this wasn't a yuri story what would make you think that????
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Granny incest yuri is still yuri.
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I really like this, tasteful and simple. Did you make it yourself or find it posted somewhere?
No I made it recently. I was thinking of having my oldest sister paint the sides and back of the crystal box like the mansion facade. She is amazing with all mediums of art. Come to think of it she is really good with making resin water.
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