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Discuss the lovely book and the amazing movie. It's the only Ghibli film that made me cry twice.

Previous threads:


Read the book (in epub)


And post pics and feelings and tell us if you are fine on the outside, sis...
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So was Marnie a ghost, or was it some time travel shenanigans?
>Novel implies it is a ghost.
Wait, so grandma Marnie, knowing Anna is her granddaughter still does all the yuribaity stuff with her?
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>What I want to know was, was the original novel so yuribaity

It very much was, the movie is actually toned done somewhat.

https://jayfax.neocities.org/marnie This blog is a great repository of various Marnie lore and tidbits. The writer stopped by a few times in previous threads (of the blog, not Joan Robinson, she's long dead).
I'm sure Anna will find another nice blonde girl to wife up someday...
Til there was a yuri Ghibli movie
Bought the artbook a couple months ago. I think it's time for a rewatch.
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Went to see it again at the theater on Wednesday. Still makes me tear up like it did in 2015.
>google it to see if it's playing in a theater near me
>one of the search suggestions is 'when marnie was there gay'
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Yeah that happens.

Is Marnie gay.
Is Anna insane.
Is Marnie a polterghoost.
Did Miyazaki Direct Marnie.
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Am I crazy or is this shot a reference to the Shining, with the twins in the hallway? I always felt like this was the part where Marnie was the most 2spoopy in the movie.
How different is the book from the movie? I'm thinking about reading it.
Wasn't actually yuri unfortunately. It's yuri up until the end when they go
>JK this wasn't a yuri story what would make you think that????
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Granny incest yuri is still yuri.
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I really like this, tasteful and simple. Did you make it yourself or find it posted somewhere?
No I made it recently. I was thinking of having my oldest sister paint the sides and back of the crystal box like the mansion facade. She is amazing with all mediums of art. Come to think of it she is really good with making resin water.
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is the book an older version, or the revised one? Fuck I'm still pissed about it. We need to find an old ebook of it.
Sorry sis but Marnie is still yuri.
someone in previous threads did a whole post about both movie and book, there's an entire section about gay

If you come around, blogsis, I also appreciate the "new" post about the book version differences :D
So, was Marnie a predator?

That was actually a pretty solid read
There's a lot of other posts about Marnie in the blog. I used to think I was Marnie's #1 fan but this Jayfax has blown me out of the water with the research. I adore the blog.
I recently had this come in the post via a Chinese shipping agent. Chinese edition of When Marnie Was There. I saw online images of it and I adored the art so much. The cover and illustrations inside are by Lisk Feng.
Wow, thank you, I'm blown away people are still reading my stuff. I had thought it was spent resource by now.
is the movie worth watching??
Damn, that cover's a vibe.
I re-read the marnie posts in that blog every so often, when I'm in a marnie mood. I have it bookmarked actually. And I hope I get to see more of it! And any new discoveries you might make :D
When will we get something similar to this bittersweet kino? The Summer You Were There got the bitter covered but not the sweet.
i just finished watching the movie and why did anna imagine marnie in the first place? i dont get it
Welcome to the club, we've been discussing what the fuck was up with Marnie's hallucination/ghost/tulpa/whatever for years.

Doylist answer: What Marnie is or represents isn't important, only the role she plays is.
NO! She was not. At all. She was a child who was abused by her grandmother and the maids and loved her grandchild very, very much.
Do you think using the guide in the marnie Blog we could create our own version of the epub that's accurate to the OG?

I have no idea how to edit epubs but if someone knows how I'm willing to go through the trouble, seems like it wouldn't be that much work.
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Anna was in a low point of her life where she felt worthless and unable to connect to people. All of a sudden she makes contact with a girl who gives her an immediate and deep connection, and a feeling of worthiness. That's the basic aspect, but it gets deeper when you consider the familial connection they have, and the way their relationship becomes very reciprocal (Marnie turns out to need Anna as much if not more than Anna needs her).
I wonder how lesbian marnie would've turned out if she had future vision and saw herself doing this shit
I hope there's a sequel where she will find another lesbian lover when she grows.
>Before When Marnie Was There, I used to say that lockdown had ruined my daughter’s viewing habits. Pre-Covid, she was on 20 minutes a day of carefully curated, gentle kids TV.
>After two weeks of lockdown, aged three, she’d learned how to use the remote control and discovered Netflix. I thought we’d lost her.
>Then, one wet Sunday a couple of years ago, we put on When Marnie Was There. As a family, we’d watched other Studio Ghibli films together, but something about this slow, gorgeous animation (a world away from the loud, obnoxious telly shows she usually favoured) got her; the connection was instant and intense.
>Now aged seven, she still gets the same dreamy look whenever we put on Marnie.
Now that's a lesbian in the making.
Reminds me of the Kiki book. The movie left out a lot about Kiki's and Ursula's first meeting. UM UM . IT IS YOU! Um I need the stuffed cat back. Did it fall in the forest??? FOR ME IT IS YOU, MY BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN HER BEAUTIFUL BLACK DRESS!!! That whole part was great. That and when Kiki first meets the senior fortunetelling witch.
That depends, how much do you wanna cry.
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So I made the edits to the Ebook, changing most things to how they were in the original save for the fixed typos.
Read this beautiful story in all its gay glory here-
Or on mega if you want
oh, forgot to mention: Thanks blogsis for making that chart with all the differences!
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Fantastic job, it was only time someone did this. If anything you should have credited yourself somewhere in this ebook to indicate it's been textually reverted.
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It took months but I scratchmade a couple of outdoor candle lamps on my beloved swamp here at my house and I am making a short boat dock and Lighting it with either hurricane lamps It is like a gateway.
She goes back to Little Overton and makes out with Priscilla/Sayaka
This was a really good scene "THE WINDOW GIRL!!!"
there should be more yuri of this
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Finally got around to watching the movie. Beautiful. I know the book has lots of lovely lines to read between, but the physicality of their interactions in a visual medium adds a new dimension to it even if some other aspects are toned down. And of course it's still a great story even if you're somehow immune to subtext. Now want to reread the book.
read the true version >>4275091
Is it incest if one of them is a ghost/tulpa?
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Ghost yes, tulpa no. A ghost is actually part of your relative, but a tulpa is your own creation.
This could get complicated.
Does anyone have access to a hard copy of the second edition, as seen on the blog linked in >>4228685 ? In the last thread we discussed the lost Jackanory episode that featured the story, illustrated with on-location photos. It aired the same year as that book edition was published; I wonder if the photo on the cover is from that photo shoot? Can someone check and see if it credits the cover art?
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As writer of that blog post, I have a copy of the 1971 edition (duh). It doesn't have credits of the photographer, I did check this a while ago and checking now nope still can't find it.

Interestingly, Robinson's later novel Meg and Maxie, a paperback of a similar profile of said edition of Marnie, does credit the photographer for the cover. Paulus Smith, a name that yields absolutely nothing on web search, in case that person had any connection to Marnie.

I did wonder if the photo was from the Jackanory shoot. I'm not sure. I did investigate this a while ago and one gentleman I asked, a Norfolk expert Cameron Self, noted the windmill in the photo isn't from Burnham Overy, that it looks like Polkey's Mill in Reedham. That doesn't totally exclude the chance that the photographer is the same anonymous person who did award winning work for Jackanory, but I only know that it was shot on-site in Burnham Overy.
During the last thread I looked at the jackanory imdb credits and came to believe that James Matthews-Joyce was likely the photographer. He also had no online information I could find, apart from working on many episodes of jackanory, and one auction site selling a painting (unrelated to jackanory) that might have been by him.

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