All Adventure Time yuri is welcome, but I need a place to dump the cute bubbline I find
old thread >>4070656
>>4121525I mean ooo Peebs probably COULD take her in a fight, with all her unrestrained tech and weapons development, and leisurely time spent researching vampire juice. Major Peebs is an incredible guerilla, but she's also the peebs equivalent of a rat hunted into a corner.I say that, but her showing in the finale battle wasn't that impressive.But I do feel like ooo Peebs is way more creative/freaky in the bedroom and that would flabbergast Star into submission temporarily
>>4121525OG PB and Boss PB would argue so god damn much.
back to save my thread from page 10
>>4124310>no capi lol'd
I'm thankful for the fun alt universe spin of boss bonnie and evil marcy, but I hope they continue to feed the bubbline fanbase with F&C S2. Bubbline is an integral part of the AT draw now and neglecting it would be like starving one of your arms
There's a lot that's very good about this
>>4152477That's pretty funny.
It's hard enough seeing normal PB in CQ but I think it would break Star's brain trying to see a connection between her and her Bonnie
>>4160954>Why does this crazy woman seem familiar and why is she cute? Something is going to short wire in her. I want to see it lol.
>>4124959who's the artist?
Thanks for keeping the thread alive
woah the ip counter is gone
Not sure if I posted this before Someday I will have the time and energy to practice and produce good art but if not enjoy the storyboards tribbing