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Previous thread: >>4063321

Anon’s folder with RAWs and translated chapters: https://mega.nz/folder/BOxGnYhQ#mT8TH7X9vYItwV3pHA1fKA
Translated chapters uploaded to https://dynasty-scans.com/series/virgins_empire
and https://mangadex.org/title/d4d43c50-ce1a-4751-b474-e239cf862f2a/otome-no-teikoku
Mangadex is a bit behind atm
10th Anniversary ASMR video by Kishi: https://youtu.be/2jVkMeWTLqw
Three voiced chapters with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKgyTEebxtfzep0Ty-BvkzdNqf0Wn00ob

Kishi's Twitter: https://twitter.com/kishitorajiro
Kishi's AlterEgo Twitter: https://twitter.com/k_toraziro
Twitter for Otome: https://twitter.com/jplus_otome
Kishi's Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/14974201
(Please note that Kishi doesn't exclusively do Yuri, so you may not necessarily like what he posts)
Read originals online at https://shonenjumpplus.com/series

If you want to support the creator, you can get tanks from Honto.jp, Amazon.co.jp and YesAsia.com. He also appears to need a kidney, if you have any to spare. For the Japanese sites (and fanart searches), search using オトメの帝国.
Please do not post about the scanlations using the Japanese Tag (オトメの帝国) on any social media platforms. Kishi is pretty active on twitter (and possibly others) and everyone would like to avoid problems. (Too Late, He Found Us)
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May the Non-tan of Summer grant you warm, sunny days and fat titties to kiss.
Does anyone know about Kishi's current social media usage? I think he moved to Threads, but is he active there?
New Mini
I dunno but I sub to his fanbox and he hasn't posted anything there since august for example. Seems like he's taking it easy with social media.
So Eli leaves before they become an official maidencouple?
I hope Kishi does a full on cliché "running to the airport for your girl" scene.
Thankfully the plane gets delayed because Kaoru was fucking the pilot in the bathroom before take off.

How does Mask know about HaruKana?
Good question.
Did anyone know about HaruKana?
Michiru, Hibiki and Nao. Hibiki > Midori > Mask seems like the most likely chain of transmission.
Haruka looks off.
Is this NTR?
Everything with Miyoshi is. She is the maiden killer.
Who are the ntr maidens? Che has a lover that plays with everyone.
Ai, Miyoshi, Shizuka, Kaoru and Hibiki have straying hearts.

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