armpit licking /u/
Needs more hairy 'pits tho.
>>3727431Dont know why, but this is sooo sexy!!
>Hopelessly turned on by girlpits/musk>Absolutely turned off by boypits/muskMy lizard brain never gave me a chance.Thanks lizard brain.
I woke up with a start after a troubled, prophetic dream recently.Even thought this thread is about licking, I figure this is the right place to ask.Is there any art of armpit TRIBBING? I think would be the best way to describe it.Like a girl is straddling another's armpit and going at it like that.My knees felt weak just imagining that happening. Onee-samas, help a sister out.
>>3825628Sadly, in all of my years of collecting yuri, I haven't seen a single instance of this. Such a hot idea too, I've fantasised about it a lot. It would be the Holy Grail of armpit yuri.
>>3825651Damn, I was hoping that maybe I just had failed to find it all this time, but I suppose we can't have nice things...But I won't lose hope. Maybe I'll even try to make it happen myself. Praying that all we need is one proof of concept picture for more of it to surface.Still, thanks for letting me know I'm not alone in having this dream!
>>3825717AI generation could make it real, but since there's none to begin with, it would be very difficult and frustrating. A comission is your best bet for now.
>>3825717Please post it here when you find it.
>>3897559I second thisBeen looking for the same thing for a while
Nobody posted the latest Tsuyuno-chan
>>3750885Anyone has sauce of this?
>>3969570Kaguhara's Notebook
>>3969587Thank you bro
>>3964949Charlotte and Rinka from Fire Emblem.
>>3947003Where can I read it?
Any vids?
Just got back from seeing this, hope we get more of these two in the coming days.
they're shaved pits though
Bump.I want more
>>4003459That’s disgusting
>>4003619That's why it's so hot.
Don't die!
>>4003619Welcome to 4chan, newfag.Enjoy your stay until you kill yourself.
>>4042005God, I wish that was me.
Source is Docchi ni Shiro Dotsubo
yuri gave me an armpit fetish.why are armpits so popular in yuri works?
>>4134363They look like pussies.
Muscled armpits are godlike
>>3752516I mean same.but why is that a problem?just don't fuck people with penises
tifa showed armpits in advent children and now i'm in the mood for tifa armpit yuri... i don't know if such a thing exists though.
>>4157114Hairless version.
>>4157356To what end?
>>3530889>>3638986>>3559323>>3977611Here u go
>>4190890top left corner kinda sus
>>3825628ANON!!!!!Yokubuo pandora. The artist's pixiv for color + the actual manga (black and white, translated) its a very armpit focused manga, go to chapter 10 if you dont wanna search for more tribbing besides that. Worth the read, best hentai manga I've seen yet.
I love the fact that this one >>4215837 is the response (or the opposite) of this one >>3950459Need more of these girls.
Happy 3rd Birthday
How ba-a-a-ad can I be?
Not the armpit, but close enough.
>>4316280Wait, is that from the Yu-gi-oh cardset (title implies so)? I don't recognize the girls.
>>4336906If you can read the title in the filename, you can also read their names in the filename.
>>4349721AI shit.Die.
>>3825628>>3825651saw this posted on twitter by user @tirabaki