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New and Nyanderful Thread

Previous: >>4244443
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>Mayu? What's wrong?

>Um~ Yuki, where's your underwear?

>Would it turn you on more if I was wearing underwear?

>Th-Thaaat's not what I meant at all!?
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I recently come across a conspiracy theory.
So, Otona Precure was first announced March 14th 2024. https://anime-precure.com/news/00021/
March 14th was also the date when Japan passed law recognizing international marriage. It is known as International Marriage Day (国際結婚の日). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_marriage_(Japan)
With how Otona ended, the announcement turns out to be foreshadowing that Nozomi and Coco will get married outside of Japan at the end of Otona.
And here's the kicker. Mahoutsukai sequel is also announced at the same time. So perhaps Mirai and Liko will follow suit...

And what merch Toei released way back in March 2016?
The hinamatsuri art (which Toei now used to tease Iroha x Satoru).
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

I'll be honest, after knowing the conspiracy theory, MiraLiko marriage coin just went up!
Interesting theory.
Sisters, is it all over for us in Wonderful?
Marriage is the only acceptable outcome of a Maho sequel.
While not quite as bad as the het romance tumors in Happiness Charge, unless there's a last minute Yuki/Mayu hookup, I don't think there's any hope in this series.
I only care about YukiMayu, the series hasn't been good for me outside of that couple, so as long as nothing bad happened with YukiMayu, I don't really are what happen with Wonderful.
It is one of those series where there should be supercut of only YukiMayu content.
Though my biggest problem with het content is the yuri romance always suddenly treated as "lesser form" when het romance exist. Like how one of the yuri character has to say they "don't know what love feels" (it happened with Mahoutsukai too), even though everything about the yuri pairing is just like the het pairing.
Mahoutsukai at least has MiraLiko become Haa-chan parent before episode 34 (when the het episode happened) and grows into an even gayer couple later (episode 49, manga's final chapter, the last voice drama episode), so Toei better gives YukiMayu something equally gay.

Also, not so fun fact, Mahoutsukai het episode was written by Fumi Tsubota who later become the main writer for Hugtto.
I'm on the same boat, as long as YukiMayu is fine, I don't really care if Iroha marries the sheep, but sadly the heteronormativity of the writer/director/whoever has already permeate into them, turning Mayu into an obnoxious het shipper that now "doesn't know what love feels like" despite her feelings for Yuki going way beyond pure friendship (as opposed to Iroha and Komugi)
So I think I'll just sit out the rest of the season, unless something extremely gay happens, I just can't trust this staff to do YukiMayu justice
A shame, they could've had a het couple and a (subtext heavy) lesbian couple and everyone would be happy, but they choose to push the het
To be fair, they’be been insisting in the family angle for the relationships been owner and pets because they don’t want to turn the show into beatiality/zoophilia controversies
So any official material will deny Mayu/Yuki romance to avoid zoophilia allegations
The “animal turned human but their true form is still a talking animal” has too many thorny stuff that a family friendly show for little girls will never want to touch
Toei don’t want angry parents claiming their show promotes fucking your pet
How fucking convenient.
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>they’be been insisting in the family angle for the relationships been owner and pets
Family angle (sisters, siblings, cousins, etc.) has been used to denies yuri relationship for decades.
And this would've been the fourth time precure feature human x animal relationship (first is Yes5 [Nozomi Coco, Hitomu Nuts, Karen Milk], second is Hugtto [Homare Harry, Harry Hug-tan], third is Hirogaru Sky [Elle want to marry Tsubasa episode], and fourth is this one), so it is pretty apparent that Toei doesn't care about zoophilia controversies, which are mostly only exist in western fanbase anyway.
So I find this is more of a case of good old not wanting parent to be angry about lesbian content instead of anythign to do with beastiality content.

This is a case of Toei want to have cake and eat it too.
They won't commit to YukiMayu verbally, but they sure will keep showing imagery of YukiMayu.
Like Iroha and Satoru are both within eachother eye. Which is something that happened with YukiMayu. But oh sure Toei, Mayu "never been in love"...
The thing is, you don't have to confirm anything, I understand the human x pet ships are a fine line to walk, since they're not 100% fairies or other magical beings (even if for all intents and purposes, they're the same thing), but you can't write a romance in everything but name and then pretend it wasn't like that, just like it would've been weird for Satoru to never confess or anything
And if it's lesbians they're so scared of... then I'm certainly worried about Maho s2 now, even with a late night slot, it will still be associated with precure
I feel like with YukiMayu, they super wanted to commit to a romance between them, but due to the unfortunate timeslot restrictions, they couldn't. I doubt this whole "I've never been in love" thing'll really stop anyone from shipping YukiMayu though, which is good. It's probably just a way to sate the anger of parents if anything. (Especially considering the whole eye reflection thing in this episode more or less confirming what they were going for with YukiMayu.)

There's nothing to worry about at present honestly, y'all. Mirai Days still seems very likely to go ahead with the Yuri, the evidence in favor is pretty heavy. And YukiMayu is likely to be the same lovey dovey YukiMayu that we've had up until now.
The "animals" you mention are magic beings with sentience and human form from the start. It's different from Wonderful treating Yuki and Komugi as normal animals until the mirror stone gives them humanity
It's the same with the monsters. Corrupted or not, they're treated as normal animals and thus the Cures don't use violence against them to avoid animal abuse
The premise of "what if your pet turns human" sounds normal for a kids show but also is limited since any romance or anything will read as weird zoophilia since they're still earth animals at the end of the day. It's not something Toei was ready to handle the moment they want to make a romance with Iroha and Satoru Because that means romance is on the table but they can't acknowledge the implications of Yuki and Mayu
Like it or not: Mayu being a cat is super problematic
That depends on how they want to go about it. To look at other Toei franchise: the Kamen Rider adults stuff (Shin, Black Sun, Amazons) has lots of stuff that wouldn't fly in a main season
Which by the way: the other anon mentioned NozoCoco. But NozoCoco didn't properly get together like Iroha and Satoru until the adults spinoff Otona. So my hopes for any Yuki/Mayu stuff'd be in an Otona spinoff if it ever gets made
Another possibility is just that Narita just likes het and has no preference towards yuri and thus, this isn't restricitons but Narita being a het writer. Maho 2 has a different writer (Murayama Isao, who wrote the main show), so it may not be as doomed
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>The "animals" you mention are magic beings
Except Harry was a normal hamster who gain power to transform. Homare even has Harry as a pet in final episode. Tsubasa is also a bird who later can transform into human thanks to Mashiro's grandma. A bird who can talk, but he always insisted that he is a bird, not a human. The Wonderful movie interview also treat him as animal like Komugi, Yuki, and Daifuku, while Mofurun as fake animal (she is a doll, afterall).
There is nothing about Yuki (Mayu is a human, not a cat) that hasn't been done by Toei before.

Now, I don't actually think Toei will make YukiMayu confess and be couple like Satoru Iroha, but I do wish they don't make Mayu said "I never been in love" because a) that's clearly false based on what the show has shown to us so far and b) it put yuri relationship in "lower level" compared to the het relationship because even though YukiMayu has experience many of the same thing that IrohaSatoru experience, it is not considered "love" simply because it is yuri.
Tsubasa and Harry were still sentient all the time and from a magical world. Not literally an animal like Yuki.
Seethe all you want but Yuki's origin IS objectively an obstacle. It's not about yuri being inferior or whatever (could be a part of it, specially given Narita) but about being desperate to deny any implications of the cures fucking animals
Anothe difference is that first contact with Harry and Tsubasa was when they could transform to humans and were basically magic transforming humans from the POV of the cures. Meanwhile Mayu met Yuki as a cat with no magical properties or human sentience: just a cat. This is gonna have issues. like it or not and you trying to compare to magic animals with human form or at least sentience is a false equivalent
I wouldn't assume evidence of anti-yuri agenda. Just playing it safe and avoiding any weid implications. You could say the wedding with Coco's fairy form was kinda weird in that aspect, but that's also Otona and if KR is any evidence, Toei have different regulations for the adult-targeted spinoffs than the regulations they apply to the main seasons aimed at children
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>then I'm certainly worried about Maho s2 now, even with a late night slot, it will still be associated with precure
Nah, there are just too many hints that it will be a lot more yuri than the morning TV show. The producer is also a die hard MiraLiko fans who said that Pink Diamond meaning has something to do with the sequel. And we get this visual.
Also, Toei clearly treat different medium differently. Like Otona has the Cure drunk and wasted, something that will never happen in their morning TV show. They allow Mirai and Liko to kiss in the manga. And despite the doom and gloom, we don't get all boy Cure in the morning tv show and that only exist in the live stage.
So I am confident Mirai Days is safe. It is only the morning show that still disappointing.
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People mention parents, but aren't the parents of the current Precure fanbase millennials?
Views on same-sex issues around the world have always had quite a large generational divide, and the current parent group are part of a generation where most would probably not be bothered by a same-sex relationship in Precure.
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>that first contact with Harry and Tsubasa was when they could transform to humans
When Hana meet Harry, he was a hamster and first transformed into human in episode 2. He is from the future when Hana and friends are adult, but it is still the same world. And he is not sentient all the time, he was normal hamster before Criasu corps give him power, that's why Homare can have him as a pet in the final episode (in this timeline there is no Criasu corp).
And the first time Sora and Mashiro meet Tsubasa (which was when they visit Mashiro's grandma house) he was a bird who never talk, until episode 8 (Cure Nyammy first appeared in episode 11). From the Cure perspective, especially Mashiro who have seen Tsubasa for years by that point, he was Mashiro's Grandma's pet who gain ability to become human, just like Yuki.
And Japan's folklore is chockful of animal transforming into human who then married human (there is kitsune myth, there is myth that if cat is old enough they changes into human, there is a crane myth who married farmer that saves her life, etc.). Fictional animal who become human and then have relationship with human is simply isn't that problematic in Japan.

>I wouldn't assume evidence of anti-yuri agenda.
As I said, Toei want to have its cake and it eat too. They will gives us visual cue in their morning show that two girls are in love because they know shipper like it, but they won't commit to verbal confirmation because they afraid parents will throw hissy fit. That such policy make the yuri relationship place below het relationship is an unfortunate implication they are willing to swallow.

Like I am sure we'll get YukiMayu content next episode, where they will be in a date, just like IrohaSatoru (the episode is called "everyone's date" afterall). But IrohaSatoru will be verbally confirmed as couple, while YukiMayu will remain just has visual to please the shipper.
I mean its a bloody aquarium date, it is so obvious will have YukiMayu content.
There's still a large number who view Homosexuality negatively unfortunately.
The big thing though is TV regulations that heavily restrict what can and cannot be shown on Morning Television, especially Sunday Morning Television. In time, there's a chance those restrictions could be loosened, but until then, Sunday Morning Precure will likely never have any kind of explicit Lesbian relations, sadly.
(Still though, keep your hopes up for Mirai Days. I tell you, they're going in on MiraRiko.)
You are once again dishonestly failing to see the difference beetween mystical/magic shit. And actual animals as the Yuki. Komugi and the villains are
I'm not even sure how intentional the Mayu/Yuki thing is, it could be an accident from writing Yuki with typical cat traits but human like Komugi has her dog traits translated to her human personality
Point is: no matter how much you insist, the people in charge see a difference beetween Yuki/Komugi and previous fairies or magic animals with human form, and the "sisters" relationship is their official cope and thusm they can't have Mayu admitting any romance that would involve Yuki. They must in fact insist in the family relationship and deny romance
This is the rules we're playing with until this gets some kind of Otona-style spinoff for older audiences. It's not an anti-yuri agenda. It's damage control before they're accused of goddamn bestiality propaganda
What also needs to understand is that a lot of the people in positions of power in Japan are still old people with very outdated views. Even if younger generations with a more positive view of homosexuality are now the parents of the little girls watching Precure today, the old people in charge will still play safe and keep to the rules they know work instead of rocking the boat
It's the same way in A LOT of things, which is why Japan is so slow to change and even gay marriage is still not legalized.
>I'm not even sure how intentional the Mayu/Yuki thing is, it could be an accident from writing Yuki with typical cat traits
Now let's not be silly, in their first interaction Mayu is already calling Yuki (in human form) beautiful and it only goes up for there, with them saying they want to be together forever in the climax, you don't write that "accidentally" (plus they're getting really shippy merch)
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>no matter how much you insist, the people in charge see a difference beetween Yuki/Komugi and previous fairies or magic animals with human form
Proof it then.
Because here is exhibit A where Toei treat Tsubasa, Komugi, Yuki, and even Mofurun as the same thing: https://x.com/precure_movie/status/1842006730156474563
Here is interview where the movie staffs treat Mofurun just like Komugi and Yuki: https://lp.p.pia.jp/article/news/378925/index.html?detail=true
Where is your proof that "people in charge" see difference between Yuki/Komugi and the past fairies?
>bestiality this, bestiality that
I don't see a point to this debate, there's been 20 precure series and none of the characters were confirmed lesbian, so I very much doubt it would have happened this time either, regardless of animals being involved.
The fact they go so hard on the family cope and denial is the only evidence you need. They didn't do that for other popular gay ships like Mirai/Liko or Sora/Mashiro, or Yukari/Akira. And meanwhile other fairies have also been treated the same as human characters. It's Komugi and Yuki who are limited in how far they can go with their writing and it's obvious why
True. But in past seasons, they are happy to play in the lines of ambiguous subtext, never confirmed but never denied
Here they outright deny it and it's obvious Yuki being a cat is a reason why. They're playing it safe and wanting to avoid trouble
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It's Wonderfulover. Personally i was never sold on this pairing (I know how Precure (Children shows play). MiraLiko is clearly the one WE should be paying attention to
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>But in past seasons
See this >>4305623 They did the same thing with MTP. In fact, as I rewatch the episode again, this week Wonderful remarkably similar to the MTP one. We have a friend who is in love (Iroha in WPC, Mayumi in MTP), someone need explanation (Iroha in WPC, Haa-chan in MTP), someone tries to explain how love is different from friendship (Mayu in WPC, Mirai in MTP), and someone said they don't understand love (Mayu in WPC, Liko in MTP). There's even someone who become morale support for the person who fall in love (Mehmeh, Niko, and Daifuku in WPC, Kana in MTP). Yoshimi Narita, you hack!
But to be a bit more serious, I don't think they are going to remove YukiMayu or no longer focus on them. It just an annoying habit Toei keep doing where they the moment a het relationship exist, the writer has to insert line to the mouth of a yuri character that they never know what love is to justify why the het relationship is special.
Eh, to give the benefit of the doubt, it's perfectly in character for Mayu to not realize any possibly romantic affections she has for Yuki yet (she probably never will in the span of the show, but that's besides the point).
The Doki novel doesn't particularly shift the status quo when it comes to relationships (other than platonically or if you count one-sided crushes). That said, there's an interesting scene between Alice and Rikka after Mana leaves for a training trip where Alice reminds Rikka about her speech during the Christmas episode and how it indicates that the bond of love between Mana and her is higher than the mountains and deeper than the seas. Rikka denies there's anything special, and says that she was describing how they all feel about Mana, but Alice thinks she's being dishonest. Alice then asks if she loves Mana. Rikka then goes into an internal monologue about how she definitely likes Mana. She insists that it's probably different than romantic love between a man and a woman (clarifying that she's not completely sure of the difference since she has no experience), only to then think about how Mana cut off the love they've cultivated over the years, and that her one-sided feelings will never reach Mana. Alice then proceeds to say that just because Rikka can't reach Mana right now, Rikka can't stop thinking about her. After all, that is love. She then ends the conversation by insisting that Rikka hold onto her feelings and that Mana will come back as it says in the letter Mana left for Rikka. The author leaving things ambiguous here feels more like it is done because it wouldn't make sense characterwise for Rikka to actually realize that she's in love with Mana at that moment in time than any particular mandate, so I can believe the same applies to Mayu.
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>It just an annoying habit Toei keep doing where they the moment a het relationship exist, the writer has to insert line to the mouth of a yuri character that they never know what love is to justify why the het relationship is special
Let's hope that's the case, at least as tired, old and obnoxious as that message is, it isn't total character assassination
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Oh wow this picture is amazing. It's like Honoka and Nagisa were always one and the same.
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Mirai Days OP's been performed.
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Found the lyrics for the Mirai Days OP.
From what the song looks like and from the lyrics, it seems that Romance is looking more and more likely, on top of everything else we've seen so far. I actually think the chance of MiraRiko becoming canon is becoming higher and higher. We'll see when we get the PV on the 12th next month, but the chances are looking solid.
Looking back at Part 1 and Part 2 lyrics, they perfectly summarized the plot of the first and second half of MTP, so I think it is safe to assume that Part 3 is also a summary of Mirai Days plot.
I used MTL so it most certainly isn't perfect, but some part caught my eye.
There is line that says "no such a thing as spell to stop tears of love", pretty much confirmed some kind of romance will be in it (MiraLiko get married intensified).

There is clock ticking sound, so somekind of time travel is included.
It mentioned how time is sweeping present to the past, grain of happy time is collected into jewelry so they can be freed into the future.
So the plot probably involved the Cures travel back to the past so they can collect linkle stone from that time and use them in the fu-
Hey, wait a minute, is this Endgame?

The second verse is talking about smartphone and someone is waiting in the distance.
And that instead of slumbering in peace, they should "dive in" to the next encounter.
This either talking about Haa-chan when she was trying to stabilize the two world in episode 49, or the Cure is time traveling with the smartphone.

And I think that's it the portion that explaining the plot.
So in summary, there will be something that happened in the present that force the Cure to the past. In order to return to the present (or to save the present), they have to collect all Linkle Stone again. Their smartphone is going to play a role here.

There are 12 linkle stones and 12 episodes, so we might see them collect 1 stone per episode with Pink Diamond in episode 1, assuming we only get 12 episodes.
But Emerald is with Haa-chan, so unless Haa-chan is captured, they might only need to gather 11 stones and the final episode is just final battle plus epilogue (MiraLiko married intensified).

If Pink Diamond is any indication, then the other Link Stone probably changes too, so hopefully we'll get new form for the other linkle stone like Ruby.
While I would say your theorisation of the plot itself is maybe a touch farfetched, I'd say your understanding of the OP is pretty solid.
I do think that there could be Time Travel shenanigans involved, and Love almost seems guaranteed to play a part in the plot, but I'm not sure if there'd be anything regarding gathering the Linkle Stones, simply because we don't know what Pink Diamond does quite yet, and I imagine it's a one of a kind upgrade. That said, we'll find out for certain next month, since Riko's birthday is almost guaranteed to be when we get the PV for Mirai Days: much like how we got news on Mirai's Birthday and how we got news on the day that marks the midpoint of Riko and Mirai's Birthdays. Naitou-P is cooking, that's for sure.
With every new piece of info it gets more promising.
>but I'm not sure if there'd be anything regarding gathering the Linkle Stones
I actually very confident the story will be about gathering Linkle Stones (again). Gathering Linkle Stone has been used as the backbone of the story in both part 1 and part 2. Every stories in MTP (MiraLiko relationship, Haa-chan's development, supporting characters' stories) always end up with the Cures get a Linkle Stone (or closer to get one).

Looking at previous opening, they also summarize how the linkle stone is going to be used in the story.
The lyric in part 1:
"We should look for treasure
To find new dreams shining like jewels
The diamond's light makes way for the ruby
As we fly over the sapphire sea
But if you make your dream shine through the topaz
You can create miracles"
Which describe the Linkle Stones in part 1: They are spreadout throughout the magical and mundane world, Diamond allow the Cure to find Ruby, Sapphire is located in the seas and allow them to fly, and Topaz is powered through imagination.

The lyric in Part 2:
"This strange jewel keeps changing its color
Our fantasy continues on being infinite
Our hands link us to the wings of dreams
Letting us soar over the rainbow"
It describe Alexandrite (which has meaning of 'embracing changes') and Linkle Stone's spirit which unlock Extreme Rainbow attack and gives Miracle and Magical a cape that looks like wing.

So I am very confident that this verses in Part 3 describe another linkle stone gathering:
"The particles of happy times
Are collected into Jewelry
When released toward the future
It will shine in the color of miracle"
To me it is pretty clear that it has something to about gathering memories of the past into linkle stone and then use them in the present.
Though, I am not sure if the Cure will transported to the past, or they simply reminiscent about the past, or something else related to the past.
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My speculation is that the enemy is related to Deusmast, and they are trying to prevent the Cure from defeating Deusmast by altering past events. The Cures then have to travel to the past, so they can stop them and get new linkle stones to finally defeat the enemy in the present. So we'll probably get to see important/popular episode from MTP (like episode 1 when MiraLiko meet, episode 21 when Haa-chan was born, or episode 49), and some tima travel shinenigan will happen where MiraLiko has to defeat the new enemy without their past selves noticing. At least that is my theory.
Could be fun they are looking back at episode 9 and notice how gay their youngerselves are. Heck, maybe they can use episode 34 >>430562 to make Liko said the event in this episode made her realize she was in love with Mirai, and absolve this episode from its sin.
But that is just my theory. We still need to wait for further information.
I meant to link to this post >>4305623
For some reason the number 3 in the is cut off.
You can do better, Toei please
That's from the first two ops. It was a cat, then a dog, now it's a pig.
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Ultra cute
I think this is the first time Yuki smile and blush in the past couple of episodes?
I remember she either looks bored or pouting whenever Mayu fangirling, but not this time.
In my head, this is because Yuki just want all the het to be over, and the moment Iroha and Komugi get blessing from Komugi's previous owner, she said (in her head) "finally, something that isn't hetshit".
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Also, is it just me, or Yuki use her human form longer and longer?
Maybe at the end of it she will just use her human form permanently (so she can marry Yuki)...
Just kidding. Unless...
Yuki is a lot less attached to her cat form than Komugi is to her dog form, true. I don't think that's indicative of anything in particular though
I remember the Maho producer has said that it's not Mirai's or Liko's love story. However, Maho2's op has a romance theme. Interesting.
And Maho2's first key visual is by far the gayest official art aside from Futago-sensei's stuff. Toei had never released anything like that before.
It's possible that the overall story itself isn't all that focused on romance, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Mirai and Liko aren't in a romantic relationship. This is a stretch, but maybe they get confirmed to be engaged early on so the rest of the story focuses on Haa-chan or whatever.
>the Maho producer has said that it's not Mirai's or Liko's love story
Citation needed.
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That's not about Maho2, it most likely wasn't even planned at the time.
Yes, that's about the first season.
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So it isn't MTP's producer (Naito) who said MTP wasn't planned to tell Mirai's and Liko's love story, it was the director (Mitsuka).
And I think his wording is more like this:
"There is love story, there is popular boy, but from the very beginning there is no plan to tell love story of Mirai and Liko [with him]. Afterall, the story is about their growing relationship and I am very conscious of what I was saying"
I add the [with him] bit, because the interviewee ask that when a popular boy exist, people expect love story between him and one of the main character.
So the director's answer is less about he doesn't plan to tell Mira's or Liko's love story, but more that the team have no plan to make Mirai and Liko fall in love with popular boy.
And his final line ("I am very concious of what I am saying") kinda make me think he did make the story is about Mirai and Liko growing to love each other without outright saying it.
You are misreading things because of your machine translation, his final sentence is about keeping a strong awareness that the story was about the bond between Mirai and Liko, which connects to why they didn't want to add a romance between a boy and them into the mix.
And again, drawing conclusions about the sequel from an interview that took place years before it was even conceived is entirely misguided, even if they had no intention of having a love story in the first season, it has nothing to do with Maho2, which might very well have been conceived as a love story from the start.
That's the point. Something's changed between S1 and S2.
Well, the director's different, so that's a pretty big factor. It's the Otona director, probably because they are working with Deen. I'm not that worried since he was basically a puppet director; Otona's issues seem to stem from the producer and writer trying to do too much in a single cour. Alongside Narita being Narita I suppose.
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>drawing conclusions
I am not talking about MTP2, obviously. I just find the director's answer amusing.
Admitedly I am jumping the gun at the end, but I think it is interesting that when the question is "is there love story with boys" his answer is "the story is about Mirai's and Liko's bond".
The producer's answer is something that is more generic "There is a love story, it was Mayumi's", so the director's answer become more interesting to ponder. What was in his mind when he directed MTP S1?
He personally directed of episode 1 and 49 (obviously he directed the whole season, but these were episodes he personally directed), so when he talked about the growth of Mirai's and Liko's bond, the iconic episode 49 immediately spring to mind, and that episode is absolutely romantic.

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