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All about breast milk and yuri.
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That milk is practically yoghurt.
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Can be like cream too.
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Lactation Bukkake
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Lezmoe is such a blessing. Only he would have come up with something like this (or the dovefucking fro the other thread).
Oyu no Kaori is a pure yuri artist and does some hetero-style yuri fetish but never uses futa or strap-on. Instead, use breast and milk. But she makes too little pussy juice and uses too much pee.

We need more artists like her.
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BTW! These are tits on a breast paizuri.
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Doujin about a young lady forcing her butler to lactate.
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Fuck me. Link to the full set?
It's not a set but here are some sources
Even the Pixiv tag says yuri and no futanari, you can see she has a dick with sperm in her clothes.
Didn't catch that
this from?
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Homura Subaru doujin full of milk as expected.
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And dovefuck as Oyu no Kaori
Salty milk
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I should probably make a new piss thread for the next pic.
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Deer milk
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Since it involves lactation, I offer to this thread Mira's Seinaru Chichi no Elf Hime:

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Milk doesn't usually go on hamburgers, but...
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Made me think of this
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That's the first time I've seen something like that that isn’t R18G.

>Milk doesn't usually go on hamburgers
At least cheese is made from milk.
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>Aura, lactate
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