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This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.

Useful links:

Rules for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:
No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.

Previous: >>4300584
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Micomet themed thread for no reason in particular.
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Fubuking is secretly the threesome booty call.
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PolMiko on the side.
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Not especially micomet, but Miko being a gay mess as usual in front of others while Suisei watches.
Sakamata Chloe is out
wich holo she bed the most?
I feel like I'm starting to recognize your posting style. Say something random and stupid with bad formatting and spelling errors. Not quite the bad English anon, because you aren't trying to tell us everyone is actually straight. But these lame fantasies of yours aren't much better.
Reine talks about yuri for quite a bit here.
Beats the "[random vtuber name]..." dude. Unless they're the same idiot.
Reine really does the Prillya meme of "Girls should love girls and boys should love boys" unironically. Gotta love it.
one more gone. Hololive is going down the shitter.
If you knew anything about her you'd be saying good riddance.
She was, according to herself, bi. She did a few F2F ASMRs in her other accounts.

I mean, yes, good riddance, but for her.
Did you get upset because I called out a shitposter? New low.
In Hololive itself she has contributed basically zero to yuri though. The most relevant stuff she did was creep on Shion.
I think it's more the yuri in content and games that she's contributed. She always picks the yuri path when possible and did seem pretty genuine about it, and her and sana were the only ones in EN who had ever explicitly stated their sexuality and now they're both gone
I was talking about Chloe... hence the Shion comment. Fauna I will actually miss.
I guess it's kind of a coincidence that both of them claimed to be bi (with Chloe having much less confirmation of that).
Oh yeah I don't know anything about Chloe's /u/ relevance or PL. I think what you replied to was talking about fauna though, unless Chloe also did a f/f asmr.
autofister is real
She is fauna bigger fangirl
Mina voiced a character from a yuri visual novel, Scarlet Defiance, still demo so we won´t know yet if she one love interested but her character look exactly like her
It's a damn 3 hour prologue where nothing happens and they sell it for like 15 bucks. It's almost a scam.

IRL (alleged) yuri couple propose on stream
Lina Asahi is a man, don't post that shit here.
you gals think cece wished she fell in love with a person with a more mature and cool charm?
nah cece ditched one to be with gigi
who else could it be
No proof, shut up
now shut up and never post him again
tell me about the green hag then, anon
If Tomoe meet Kiara, will she bed her?
Pretty sure Tomoe is too much lesbian for Kiara to handle
To be honest I do think Gigi has a certain cool charm to her, though I've yet to see ccgg fanart depicting it. but I tuned into her stream before and she mentioned wanting a more handsome/mature live2d outfit
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kind of checks since she had a little suit for her birthday stream. I could see them giving her some kind of cool streetwear similar to what Bae and Reine have.
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Gawr gura? More like gay goober
I could see a cool side with GG but it's not a dominant trait. With that said, I can't think of an intimate reaction with any of the cool holos with CC. CC is too unconventional and sharp to be shaken up and led by anyone like that. I can't pin down CC's romantic traits that she wants.
Amazing how babiniku doesn't get deleted but other stuff does
Mkoyuemu (married lesbian couple) playing Asobi Taisen in English.
I hope Mina choice Rubee in the end
she is also bi but doesn´t had that awfuld Nimu actituted
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gigi is has low energy after sex and just cuddles with cece for 10 minutes
She seen legit

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