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Previous Thread: >>4277649

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964642516390
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964638143315
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

Riyo Special: https://youtu.be/98s0s3VWwho

Memory of Grand Order: https://youtu.be/WsqeLqJPKUM
No noteworthy news.
I untimately decided for that image for the OP, I'm sorry for those who may not like it.
Pancake. Also, I have the silliest fun with assigning the various stars of destiny to the servants. Just caters to the Suikoden fan in me.
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This is so cute
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One more to go
> Eats her siblings on NP

What an adorable manifestation of pure evil. On the other hand, this is the first confirmed appearance of Violet in FGO.
Why did we get a 2nd summer BB if we were just gonna get Kazuradrop right afterwards anyway? Not to sound disappointed, but I don't like how much screentime the Sakura 5 and the Extraverse take up in FGO. Popping up for a story every now and then is cool, but at this point it feels like FGO is being used to get people hyped for the Extra remake that's taken forever to come out.
The only reason I can think of that she can also be her LB6 version. The costume she gets makes her her fairy variant and all.
I think they just like them. Doesn't make sense to use the Sakura 5 to promote a game in which they don't appear (regular Extra).
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But they're connected to said game and it's characters, hence why we saw the Hakunos in the last story. As stated in the past you can't think of BB without thinking of Hakuno as well. So I disagree with you on that
You can think about Hakuno without thinking BB, though. Which is good, because BB is a terrible character.
Terrible gameplay wise? I think she's pretty decent to use.
No. Terrible CHARACTER. I already disliked her in CCC.
I mean, to be fair, there's a decent argument that F/GO only exists because of Extra, so this can in some sense be seen as repaying a debt. It was TM's first try at doing (non-fighting game) gameplay, and on a mechanical and story level a lot of parts of F/GO were clearly modeled on Extra, sometimes with a few tweaks (basic combat is turn based, attacks are with three types of cards, getting three in a row grants an Extra attack, a limited list of servant skills that can be used every now and then, and some less powerful utility options the master has access to, NPs as cinematic super moves, QP as currency, a personal room to talk to your servants with, and so on.) And that's without even getting into individual characters.
I highly doubt this is the case. FGO exists because of one reason and one reason only, money. I don't think it has anything to do with Extra. I think FGO has outlived it's storytelling capabilites and is now used to tell stories with other characters from other games to pretty much be not only promotional material but also allow writers to tell whatever type of story they want with them now. Almost 10 years of a game that has been directionless since Solomon would do that to a game.
A lot of the lingo is also directly lifted from Extra. Like code cast, command codes and spiritrons.
I think you're looking too deep into it
They certainly didn’t use those terms in Fate/Stay Night where there wasn't even a lick of technology and magic mix like it was later introduced with Extra.
But you're implying that because of those terms FGO is heavily marketing Extra characters. That the game is doing it because of some sort of debt. That's like saying Artoria was in later Extra games because Extra used the holy grail war idea from the original games and is now indebted to them. In reality it's money and the devs using previous game concepts in newer ones. I doubt when people heard command codes they all immediately thought of Extra.

Yes. . .

Glad she wasn't BB!Dubai.

>What an adorable manifestation of pure evil.
You can say that again.

Now maybe we can get her in 2 years when we get another EXTRA related Event.

I don't see how getting Kazuradrop invalidates getting another BB prior...
I pointed it out before, but in 9 years, there were 4 EXTRA related Events (and 4 Events with some level of BB focus, 3 of them being the same as the EXTRA related ones), so personally I don't feel like it's all that frequent. If anything, the frequency to which Amakusa shows up in Events bothers me way more.

My only concern regarding DCG!BB is that I already used so, so many SQs to get Summer!BB, so I fear I'll have to use pity to get her...

>you can't think of BB without thinking of Hakuno as well.
I certainly can.
>But you're implying that because of those terms FGO is heavily marketing Extra characters.
I'm not, that was the other anon. I'm saying that Extra heavily influenced the terminology that would get used by FGO and that, in fact, it is influenced more by Extra than it is by the original Fate since things like how Gilgamesh is written is straight out of the Extra games, not Stay Night obviously.
Wow, they gave her a Swimsuit Alt in her regular Ascensions, plus a Muryan Costume? Fancy.
>Yes. . .
I just thought that was the crazy snake
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I still don't think that's the case. I think that's just some writers are used on different games. I don't think any Fare game directly influenced any other Fate game. The only thing that influenced these game is the almighty dollar.
When did I ever used the word invalidates? Please stop trying to put words in my mouth.
I mean, you're clearly and obviously wrong, because of course Fate/Stay Night influenced the other Fate games, it created the entire setting.
But even setting that possible oversight aside, it's pretty easy to point out a very specific example of the storyline from the Extra games influencing F/GO's.story. Two of the Lostbelts in F/GO, Olympus and Avalon, are Lostbelts precisely because they handled the threat of Velber 02 as originally introduced in Extella differently. In the Atlantic Lostbelt, Zeus combined the Twelve Machine Gods and drove off Velber 02, which is why they still have physical bodies in Olympus. And in the British Lostbelt, the Faeries never forged Excalibur, so there was nothing to stop Velber from destroying all of Earth's human civilizations and most of the land, which is why it's built on top of Cernunnons in the first place.
Oh my god shut up. You're just talking but your ass now. "Oh they share terminology so that clearly means everything in FGO is influenced by Extra". Shut up and stop kissing the Extra games ass loser
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This is the result of someone with no life people. Seriously anon no one here gives a fuck. We're all here to talk about yuri. Take your need shit somewhere else
Anon you're using the word influence wrong. There's no direct influence on FGO's story from Extra's story. To have influence over FGO that would mean it changes or has impacts FGOs story in some kind of way. Since the LB stories are not impacted in at from by the Extra story said story can't really influence it, especially if the writers are mostly the same people. That's like saying a superhero movie influenced another superhero movie just because they have a shared reference between them. Now if something Hakuno did had an impact on Gudako's story, or if key elements of Extra directly impacted FGO, than I would agree that FGOs story is influenced by Extra. Since both games are independent of each other you're wrong in saying Extra influenced FGO. Also I a company can't take influence from themselves when it's the same writers for the most part. That's like Takeuchi saying he was influenced by his own Artoria drawing when drawing Jeanne or Morgan. Can Nasu's writing really influence Nasu's writing?
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At first I thought "No matter how you look, you can't see anything other than Morgan". But I suppose mistaking her for Kiyohime is fair enough, if you haven't seen Summer Morgan yet.

By your phrasing, it sounded to me like "If we're getting Kazuradrop anyways, then there was no need for another BB", after all, you were questioning the necessity of one, in the presence of the other, and relegating something as "unnecessary" is invalidating it. But if that's not what you meant, then I'll retract my words.
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>of course Fate/Stay Night influenced the other Fate games
How humble of Nasu to be so influenced by his own writing

No apparently Nasu is just a really arrogant guy.
>if key elements of Extra directly impacted FGO
Inb4 Velber in Part 3 because Extella is dead. The way I view FGO is that they're using it to, occasionally, actually make use of a bunch of Nasuverse crap that would otherwise never really be used anyway. Like ORT, which would otherwise only have remained some big boogeyman.
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>We're all here to talk about yuri.
There's nothing much to talk about then.
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No matter how much time passes these two are still great together.
I wish there was more Artoria x Morgan.
More Artoria in general honestly...
Is Prisma iliya yuri? Is there a lot of yuri content? I specifically want to consider this the title is separate from the general Fate universe, because I heard that there are a lot of Yuri, is that so?
It's a mixed bag. The answer you got to this same question in the general thread was pretty accurate. There's a lot of girl-on-girl action sure, even if a lot of it is overly fetishized or played as a joke. I will say though that while the whole brother-complex bit is largely a moot point as a romantic axis, as was pointed out, what they left out was that Shiro does nevertheless have a pretty substantial part in the story later on that is kinda detrimental, especially if you're looking for something "separate from the general Fate universe."
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The relationships between the three girls are fantastic. There's nothing quite like that in all of Fate. The manga might or might not end in explicit yuri but it's the best thing we have.
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Many new servants are getting swimsuit ascensions recently, it's probably so they don't have to make actual summer alts of them in the future plus fanservice
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Probably more fanservice. She might still get a swimsuit alt one day. Look at servants like Nito, Melt, and even Ishtar. All their regular outfits are more revealing than their summer swimsuits.
More and more I wish Protea Alter wasn't just a Costume...

I'm also reminded of how Gudako would rayshift into a Singularity's airspace from time to time. When was the last time? Shimosa?
>Kazuradrop's third component is actually Ashiarai Yashiki, a giant hairy foot/raccoon monster
No wonder Kazuradrop doesn't want to revealed it at all. What the hell was BB thinking?
Yeah but they weren't actually swimsuits.
If it's not a swimsuit it's not a swimsuit!
As long as the 'summer ascension' doesn't actually stand out (see Proto Merlin having an entirely different pose for example or, you know, Summer Morgan) it doesn't really count. Like, sure, she has a swimsuit, but so does Nobukatsu and nobody thinks he's half a summer servant.

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