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Previous Thread: >>4116934


Scene0 Subs:

TV Subs:

Rebellion subs:

Drama CD subs:

MagiReco subs


Magia Record Stageplay:

Magia Record Main Story

Magia Record Last Story


Magia Record Mobage:

Latest English Releases:

Rebellion Sequel CONFIRMED

After almost 7 Years of Service, JP, the Final Server, of Magia Record EOS'd at 3pm JST. HOWEVER, Iroha and co will return in Magia Exedra. What about (you)r faves?

Pre-reg/Wishlist has begun for Magia Exedra- but only if you aren't region locked.
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GAN has posted something too but probably not allowed here. Check it out on his xitter.
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For anyone who asks, yes there is a Private Server (possibly) coming but it's too late to transfer your account over if you haven't done so already.

Looking at the instructions you needed to save your data as a zip and so on.
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Hint: Begging them to remove Region lock on xitter will not make it happen any faster
So /u/. What are your hopes for Magia Exedra?
-Even if we are the MC we should not steal Sayaka away from Kyouko. Mami or Madoka is fair game.
-Ray Tracing.
Yeah about that.
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>The difference between Homura and Madoka is that Homura's love is completely selfish and Madoka's is completely selfless
Completely wrong. Homura often acts selflessly and helps others besides Madoka. She is willing to distance herself from Madoka and be seen as villain in order to save Madoka from a tragic fate. Her wish is selfless because it makes her suffer tragedy over and over again and its resolution is Madoka ascending instead of ending up with her. She likely lacked karmic potential to save Madoka outright, given that all the wishes unrelated to Homura are insignificant.

>watching Madoka just fix everything at the cost of the one thing she promised a previous version of her that she'd prevent has some fucking consequences
How selfish of Madoka to make Homura promise this! But there are no karmic consequences, since it's not a wish.

>it is wavering because she's literally the only person who knows that Madoka exists
Sure, Homura was unhappy with the outcome of being separated. But you should expect better from someone who could endure countless tragic time loops. And the end of the series proves me right.
>this was a place that she wanted to protect
>I remember that.
>And I will NEVER forget it.
>That is why I will keep on fighting.
>Don't forget. ALWAYS, somewhere, someone is fighting for you.
>As long as you remember her, you are not alone.
She keeps fighting even in a futuristic wasteland. And Madoka reminds her, talking to her, telling her ganbatte! Homura is not alone, remains determined, and is more powerful than ever. The Rebellion movie takes a gigantic shit on Homura, making her selfish, weak and suicidal, then pulling a nonsensical deus ex machina.

I've changed my opinion since my last post. The original series is a masterpiece. I now view the Rebellion movie as fanfiction because it is inferior and only drags down the original. As always, corporate greed ruins a franchise.
Rebellion is more yuri and thus objectively better than the main series.
Rebellion haters are truly brain damaged.
>Rebellion is more yuri and thus objectively better than the main series.
No and no.
You are flat out wrong
Nuh uh.
This time for sure.
wow this is based onee-san
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I miss Wraithdoka
Based on what?
1 Week to MagiReco 7th
>SHAFT doing Monogatari
>Madoka movie 4 delayed to 2025
Knew it would happen. Fucking Monogatari
>1 year delay
To think they released the first concept movie for this in 2016, and talked about making it in interviews even before then.
The concept movie was a group of ideas for the franchise as a whole, some pics from it were used for magireco for example or for wraith arc. Thats why its concept movie not concept trailer.
That being said, fuck shaft for being so shit, they officially announced this movie in 2021, how are they having so much production issues
At least they’re giving a date for the delay
MagiReco, RWBY, Monogatari
MagiReco and RWBY in particular struggled a lot and they had to make a lot of fixes for BD. They even reaired Ice Queendom in japan with reair using the BD footage
To absolutely no one's surprise.
Never mind
Excellent jinx
Does Winter 2025 mean Jan-March?
Nope, for movies winter usually refers to Q4
Looking to play Exedra when it drops. Is knowledge of record required to enjoy the game? I haven't touched Magia Record (game or the anime) since I didn't really see a point to.
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Delayed to promote Exedra first! Let's go!

Depends on what happens and which or where in the Madoka timeline the game takes place.

We know Namae (you) is on a quest to regain her memories so this could involve a lot of time-travelling shenanigans.

And who knows? Maybe (you) end up becoming Madoka's Forgotten Childhood Friend.
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So basically I better hit the books. Thx anons
Wrong image I'm an idiot.
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Happy Birthday Iroha.
No release date but:
1. PAPA, MagiRepo's artist, is back
2. MagiReco Volume 10 out soon
Paru Rari as an anime girl?
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Leaving here
New trailer dropped.
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>New trailer
>Dancing MadoHomu
>two replies
/u/ is cooked
Black collar Homura is an Incubator in Human form, I'm calling it now.
I do not trust her.
any /u/ poster today doesn't know kannazuki no miko… all they know is vtubers, gwitch, gachashit, be bisexual, post porn & lie
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Learn English.
it's a copypasta...
What's the original then?
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It's "any female born after 1993 can’t cook… all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie". I'm surprised you don't know it. At this point it's at least 5 years old.
>facebook meme from 2016
Don't act like it's some classic meme like Walk the Dinosaur.
Wait until the movie actually releases
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More movie spoilers.
Holy shit, are you a 40yo Facebook mom?
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Umm, I'm not a mom and I'm not 40 yet...
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So why would you be on facebook?
36 and above count as 40 too, y'know.
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I wonder if Homura (good ver.) and Sayaka are going to work together in the new movie...
I hope Homura (any of them) punches her in the cunt.
the duality of homusaya fans
How fucking dare you accuse me of being a homusaya fan.
A good half of hmsy fans would say both of those things at the same time
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homusaya fans are not humans but some form of lichen that has evolved to shitpost on the internet
ok, but maybe I can entice you with some delcious fanart?
looking forward to the homusaya hatesex in the movie
That's not a gun.
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We got canon.
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I don't suppose anyone has more of this artists work saved? Or even remember their username? I don't remember what it was. They drew Devil Madoka x Homura bdsm stuff way back.
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I haven't had time to follow the new series yet... Has the information about who the Mahou Shoujo who transformed into Walpurgisnacht come out yet? Who is she?
Mary Todd Lincoln
MadoHomusisters, don't look...
Where Madoka?
In the Madoverse, all things gay are canon
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