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Come discuss Bang Dream/Bandori, Revue Starlight, D4DJ and other bushiroad series
Previous: >>4247919
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Rip ReLive
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Why is this ship so popular? Anon had more chemistry with tomori and even taki than with soyo.
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Haya-coco, or as /vmg/ call them, fast chocolate.
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I like it because it's a pairing between a morally-bankrupt girl who tried to fake her way to fame and a spineless human worm who would sell her own soul rather than face reality, and both of them got chewed up and spit out by life before finding each other and realizing that they could be themselves and still be happy.
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So a few days after the last AveMujica episode airs in April they will be live with MyGO!! in another band challenge.
And at the beginning of the Winter season, MyGO!! and TogiTogi have their live on Jan 5, which is 3 days after the first episode of AveMujica's anime.
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