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KittyxIllyana is canonical now.

Previous thread: >>4228137
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Odalia's genes are kicking up early
Mei likes it rough
Tbh I can't image Azula x Mai ending in any way but with one dead and Mai probably being the one to bite it. Like either Mai provokes Azula intentionally into killing her or her general Mai-ness results in an accidental death due to Azula going rougher and rougher to get reactions out of her.
Ugh, something new happen in the game?
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Mei just needs reeducating.
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Of course Ty lee will be there too.
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The more the sexier
Amity got fat
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Did some /u/ comic reading the last couple months.
>The Well by Jake Wyatt
This was a unique /u/ with an actual story arc which was very fun to read. This isn't focused on romance and the /u/ is just a tiny part of the MC's journey but the story is cool so it makes up for it. Definitely the best of this newest batch of /u/ I've read so I recommend giving it a try.
>Avant-Guards by Carly Usdin
This is by the same author as Heavy Vinyl so I thought it was worth a shot. It is a 3 volume series, and vol 1 starts out with promising /u/ developments but sadly it is an ensemble cast and vol 2 mostly ignores the /u/ couple, then vol 3 starts focusing on them again but by then it wasn't very satisfying for a number a reasons even though it ends ok they spent most of the volume in a fight. Not terrible but has too much non /u/ and doubly disappointed to be reminded that heavy vinyl got canceled.
>Sunhead by Alex Assan
One volume story about a diehard fan of the in-universe Twilight analogue. She strikes up a conversation with a girl who reads books and gets her to read it too and they bond over talking about the story and slowly fall in love. The /u/ is a slow burn but I thought it did a satisfying enough job considering this is supposed to be an immature middle school romance. Ending spoiler They kiss once about 2/3rds of the way in, she freaks out not knowing what to do next so she stops talking to her until the near end of the book. Then she cuts her hair and makes up with her in the finale where they go to see the in-universe Twilight movie premiere together while holding hands. Was cute enough although I am not a fan of last 3rd "breakup" plot device as a character development.
>Coming Back by Jessi Zabarsky
Weird fucking story. Basically an all-woman society has babies born from a seed that dead people leave behind which only couples are granted permission to grow. The MC couple is separated because one has to go on a quest to save a haunted library. The other one steals a seed and plants it alone in secret and hides the kid from her entire village for years. The story spans years even though it doesn't make sense that the other one was questing that long, and then they reunite at the end and have a fight but make up or something, who knows none of it made sense. Honestly I absolutely hated reading this, it felt like a combination of child abuse and partner dishonesty mashed together during an acid trip. And there's basically no /u/ to speak of despite being an all woman society. Waste of time.
>Full Shift
I haven't read it yet but had it on my wishlist while waiting for a sale. It's by the same author as Coven which was forgettable but from what I recall the MC had a girlfriend at the start and the story didn't do much with that but it was inoffensive so I'm willing to give her another try.
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Spooky edition
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anyone have cute, vanilla, marcy x anne?
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Try the Amphibia thread
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Anything lesbian related in Tomb Raider The Legend of Lara Croft S01 animation?
came here to ask the same lol

I guess I'll just watch it
If there was there would already be posts about it
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Just watched it. There is Lara conflicted and yearning about Sam, show is pretty much about Lara fighting her inner demons while saving the world. Very ending of the season is Sam in trouble, either running from something or getting kidnapped and Lara going to save her

So we have nothing new, but they also didn't drop Sam as her romantic interest. We will need a new season however, since the story would finally directly involve Sam
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A single person on /co/ filled a thread with shera yuri.
That's dedication.
Glad to hear good things still happen there
Does the new Lara Croft animation have any "comphet" or bi shit? I want to watch it even if the yuri is not explicit, but I have no patience for stuff with heterosexuality involving the main characters
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god i miss gf /u/
>KittyxIllyana is canonical now.
Wait are they really? I haven't read a marvel comic in like 4 years.
Chris Claremont fucking wishes. (As do I.)
No, at least not yet.

But Kitty accepted a date with a girl, so shippers are suddenly filled with hope.
She also dated her childhood friend but due to her not being over Sam she just strings her along like an asshole. Overall the show is fucking terrible and even all of the /u/ in the world couldn't save it.
Has "The Legend of Vox Machina" tv aniamtion any lesbian content in it?
Not that I've seen
Kima and Allura don't show up in it?
Horrible body disfigurement, yikes
Watching them hurts my back.
It's accurate to the show's artstyle.
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Why you fags didn't told the thread that the new Transformers/GI Joe comics has lesbians?!
Also, they are pretty fucking good.
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I'm just now reading Batwoman. I don't really like all the supernatural elements, but Kate being a bit of a bottom is adorable.
Batwoman works better as a Hellboy type.
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Which series are you reading? I’ve been wanting to get into Batwoman, but I’m not sure if I should start with her appearances in Detective Comics or her New 52 series.
If you mean old detective comics, that's not the same character and she's not gay.
I thought this Batwoman took over DC for a bit. I know there was a different Batwoman before.
Ah, I see. My confusion here was that old DC is still that "same" DC, and "Batwoman" has old appearances (including her first appearance) in those. So I thought you were asking which starting point was the correct one.

Yes, Kate has a decently long streak in more recent DC, but that is chronologically after the start of her new 52 solo series (actually might be after the end of that entire first 40 issue volume?). So you should be able to safely just start with Batwoman (2011) #0 or #1 or whatever.
Thank you. I’ll start with #0 and work my way through her series.
Her run in Detective Comics is good and the New 52 series is a continuation of it, even though it makes the timeline wonky. DC didn't fully commit to the reboot with the Batman and Green Lantern lines.
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Yeah, the New 52 is a continuation of the Detective Comics run, so you should start with the latter. There are references to earlier events in 52, but the books don't really expect you to have read them. Her origins and most important relationships are established in Detective Comics.
My bad, I didn't even realize the 850s run existed.
Yeah, every few years I get the urge to start reading cape comics again but the tone-ruining crossovers and bizarre reading orders usually put a stop to that pretty soon.

Oh the joys of seeing an interesting manga, starting at volume 1 and reading through until the last one.
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Does she really loves her aunt?
She loves her when she gums
>starting at volume 1 and reading through until the last one
It's a trade-off. This also means that short of unexpected sequel series, the thing just ends and there's never any more of it. If Batman were just a self-contained ongoing run, even one that occasionally switched authors and artists, or stopped and started and sometimes reset continuity, we probably wouldn't have gay Batwoman, or canon Harley and Ivy, etc. The universe aspect gives characters a chance to really live and breath and have their own interests and goals and lives that aren't just in service to a singular narrative.

I'll take weird events and awkward reading orders if it means more stuff to read rather than like, what happened with Toga, or Yoruichi and Soi Fon. Where you have the potential for something but it's more or less confined to a handful of moments and then the series is done.
it took me like 5 minutes to realize what the original meme was about. I guess I'm not as horny as I thought
yeah i don't get it. cracking her boobs?
the woman on the right is only smiling when the womans cleavage on the left is onscreen and she is frowning when it's not
that's all there is to it. I was too focused on the food
more like daughter
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I think there might be something going on between these two…
Took them long enough.
So Netflix made a western Gundam series called Requiem of Vengence. And Chuds are having a meltdown over the MC who is LGBT POC would this be the first lesbian in a Gundam series? The shows terrible BTW.
doesn't look like a POC to me, but that retarded haircut, not this shit again
>Chuds are having a meltdown over the MC who is LGBT POC
Can you type this again in non-terminally-online language?
Are you mixing it up with the Japanese Witch from Mercury? WfM's protagonist Suletta is a brown girl who marries another woman. Vengeance's MC is a straight white woman, assuming there isn't a plot twist in the two episodes I haven't watched yet.

Anyway, Suletta's probably bi rather than a lesbian. The first f/f Gundam couple is in Iron-blooded Orphans. The older series had some possibly gay women, like Emma in Zeta and Dorothy in Wing.
>So Netflix made a western Gundam series called Requiem of Vengence. And Chuds are having a meltdown over the MC who is LGBT POC would this be the first lesbian in a Gundam series? The shows terrible BTW.
Anon why are you trolling?
The so called buzzcut femMC has a pendant of her husband and a daughter, she isn't gay or bi, she is straight who got character development after her family was killed and she is quite girly in the flashback scene before.
She even isn't shown to be into other girl in the series fro mthe squad at all, there's zero gay or bi content in it for anyone.
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>The Strange Case of Harleen and Harley
>High School AU Harlivy
Why did no one tell me about this, it was super cute and extremely wholesome.
Thanks for the recommendation, Anon. It was cute. There's also a stand-alone Ivy book done in a similar, American shoujo style under the same imprint. That version's also got a gay Ivy, but there's no Harley.

This one's maybe a bit too wholesome for me. I think I prefer Ivy and Harley as tragic fuck-ups, so everything turning out perfect for them with the help of Gotham's surprisingly wholesome organized crime was a little boring.
>a little boring.
In a vacuum I'd agree, but I feel like it's precisely because in their normal iterations they have to deal with so much bullshit that a self-contained story where they just have a pretty comfy time is refreshing and nice.
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So in Venom finale, what's up with the two female scientists?

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