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Previous Thread >>4165578
This thread is a combo thread for Stable Diffusion images and AI text generation with LLMs.
For western styles, realistic styles, and DALL-E, see >>>/aco/

Stable Diffusion:

> Where do I start?

> Local UIs
Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI, node-based UI for advanced workflows: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

> Paid

> Popular Models (on civitai)
autismmix-sdxl, animeconfettitunexl, animagine-xl-v31, reweikponyxl, olympus-xl

> Prompt Sharing
4chan strips prompt metadata. Share prompts with https://catbox.moe/
Or use stealth png info: https://github.com/neggles/sd-webui-stealth-pnginfo

> Resources
Text Generation:

Still working on this one, looking for more feedback on what anons are using.

> Local
Textgen backend: https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui
Worldbuilding frontend: https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern

> Online

> Models
General leaderboard: https://hf.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard
Uncencored leaderboard: https://huggingface.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard

> Too many to choose from? Try these:
Kunoichi-7B, Chronomaid-Storytelling-13B, Miqu-q5, Command-R+, Qwen-32B-GQA
Great image to start the thread with!
Can you share some details of what models and stuff was used to make it? I know it's not NAI because those characters are too new.
Base model is AnimeConfettiTuneXL.
It has stealth png info, so you can find some of the details there, but these are the character loras:

The base was made using Forge Couple

I prompted for Kaoruko first and it made a selfcest image, then I inpainted to get Haruka.
Thanks for the detailed info!
>Kaoruko selfcest
Sounds absolutely hot.
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okay, now that sd3 launch is a complete diaaster, time to get back to xl!
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XL was launched somewhere around July 2023 and it took until about April 2024 to get usable fine tunes. We're just now seeing some promising Cascade fine tunes. It's gonna be a while before 3 is relevant. Then again, it may have been rushed because Stability AI is out of money so who knows if 3 is DoA.
So what's the preferred format for sharing text outputs?
This kills the SAI.
I have no clue man, we're still figuring this out. Last thread, people were posting screencaps. I guess if it's just text you can throw a .txt file on catbox, or if it's not a huge wall just post it.
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What about Pastebin?
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it seems to be pretty bad at animating 2d. I could't make it work right for any of my gens
Same, this was the best result I could get and it's not even close.
Sure, whatever works.

I'm not surprised. Most normie AI is heavily skewed toward 3dpd. The only reason Stable Diffusion works is because it's open and fine-tunable. Probably the only company that would dump money into anime video stuff would be NovelAI and I kinda doubt it's on their radar to fine-tune AnimateDiff or whatever.
It's definitely not good at drawings.
It doesn't understand what a gothic lolita is at all, pity.
Can I request some SAO Asuna x Sugu?
Or Asuna x rest of the harem if possible?
spent some hours doing that q_q
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Very nice please more.
can you promt stuff like pic related? pref with both nude
>linking to a hetshit board
Kill yourself, I will post yuri content in the yuri board.
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here's some groovy /u/ music:
stop this garbage
this isn't a clown thread
not your safe space retard.
>ha ha, I'm going to spam unreleated stuff because I'm so edgy
Sure thing, retard.
>Unrelated stuff
Kill yourself
Another song!
>retard can't read the OP
Nobody cares, now fuck off.
more songs:
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some dirty /u/:
>in this space, we share our poo
Man I tried to get back into text gen since last looking at it in march, but it seems I ruined something about it while getting excited to try new models. Even my old models with saved settings now run slow as shit for some reason and only use like 33% CPU + 0-10% GPU no matter what settings I use.

I did install hipBLAS+ROCm this time like the spoonfeed guide recommended, but CLBlast is just as slow.
more kino:
It's a "retarded dall-e spammer kills another thread" episode
Cry about it.

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