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Previous: >>4287267
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what's with all the reposts?
They're all new though?
you can reverse search each image of that likodot dump on the archive with a couple of clicks and notice they've been posted before, like so:
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Why the fuck do you booru retards keep thinking any time a picture is uploaded on a booru is the first time it's ever existed on the internet?
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It's just boorufag spam, every other thread in the catalog just surged with posts around the same time.

Just skip it and move on. Honestly whenever we get repost spam like this that double a thread post count I seriously contemplate putting in a danbooru filename filter but that would just make threads even more unusable, and that's what they want.
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>and that's what they want.
You sound paranoid.
Life goals.
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I'm so starved for fics that I've started using deepL and chatgpt to translate the ones on Pixiv's novel section.
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we need more zelda/dohna stuff. I cant believe she makes you sneak past her guards to grab a pair of her pajamas and gives them to you to keep
isn't she in the game for like, 5 minutes.
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Yes and?
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Can't wait for Alarmo to get a Fire Emblem update so I can wake up to Color of Sunrise and fucking swords clashing against each other.

EoW needs more fanart in general. I suspect that the artstyle isn't engaging the people who obsess over the characters of the 3D games, because EoW's actual character scenes are surprisingly good for a 2D-style Zelda.
Really? I found them painfully condescending and shallow even for a Zelda game, like something out of a Discovery Kids show. Every incident that you had to solve before being able to enter a main dungeon was incredibly underwhelming and painful to sit through, like the zora chiefs having a scuffle because they called each other mean names only for them to make up in the end, or the dekus being obsessed with candy, or the goron chief being insecure and thanking you for giving him self-confidence even though you didn't say a word to him, or the cliche of the obviously nefarious advisor to the utterly clueless ruler who suspects nothing in the case of the gerudos. It's like they were getting their ideas from every Saturday Morning Cartoon ever. They are so afraid of giving the game or its characters any personality, playing it as safe as possible. God I miss stuff like Ganondorf enacting Goron genocide in Ocarina for the sake of keeping his pet dragon fed.

To top it off, Tri was like Fi but with somehow even less personality, that scene of him asking what the word "thanks" meant was so embarrassing to sit through, but the worst was the end which tried to make it seem like a sad thing that he was leaving even though 99% of his dialogue is the most barebones, deadpan narration of what's currently going in front of you and we never had any emotional connection to speak of. Sure the other 2D zeldas didn't exactly have the deepest characters but they sure as hell didn't cause me physical pain like EoW did. Sometimes less is more.
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I won't go into arguing on the quality of characterization or whatever, not even the stuff you're objectively wrong about, but I didn't find it disagreeable enough to channel my inner Arin Hanson over it. My point was that if these characters were in a 3D game, didn't look like toys, and had basically the same dialogue but were more able to physically act out that dialogue, I'd expect they'd get more attention than they currently do.
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Frankly I was mostly annoyed by how Zelda's ultimate power is just to morph into Link for a bit. I can deal with simplistic plotlines and characters I mean it's rated E so you get what you pay for. But something about only letting Zelda directly fight when she's morphed as someone else (and time limited at that) feels like they were tiptoeing around some sexist Nintendo policy about never allowing Zelda to actually engage in combat. Which was more understandable in the 90s but it sticks out like a sore thumb here.
she doesn't transform into Link, she just puts on a tunic. Do you also call the tunic costume sexist?
Uhh I'm talking about the power Zelda gets in the first dungeon where she becomes a phantom Link for a bit. I'm pretty sure it's described as her echoing Link.
Looks like Zelda to me
But she's all echoey and phantasmal and it's clear she's larping as Link.
looks to me you're just looking for something to be offended about
I'll have to go back and look at a let's play or something but I'm 90% sure they describe it as her manifesting an echo of Link. Either way, it's disappointing she literally finds a sword and the game goes great now you can momentarily assume the role of Link.
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Swordfighter form to me ultimately just feels like a "we know people that are unable to move on are going to complain if we don't have traditional combat so we threw it in as a powerup", not that it stopped said complaints
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It's probably more so you can be expedient by stabbing shit to death sometimes(which is why the bosses shit out energy at you) but still on a timer so you actually engage with the game's fundamental mechanics of echoes instead of just larping at Link all the time.
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Still haven't played Engage

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Why is classic anime yuri so rare? I would love art of SabrinaxErika with their anime designs.
Edelgard is actually IN Engage yknow...
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skyla gay confirmed.
wait wrong profile whoops, and now it's too late to delete the post.
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(skyla still gay though)
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>I just love Latinas, Hilda.
Swanna's body looks like a pair of tits in a bra.
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Countdown until we get lesbian pokephilia with a Typhlosion.
Countdown until that shit gets reported for furfaggotry if it gets posted here.
Careful with that stick up your ass, you might get a fissure.
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That's pretty hot.
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Two girls who are breastfed by the same woman at the same time are united for life as milk sisters.
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Mario Party soon
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I always love this artist art of Carmine/Juliana

He also has some of Carmine being yandere

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I hope those chibi cavemen in the super secret Nintendo playtest thing are just a placeholder.
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Need more foursomes.
This would be hotter if the couples were swapped desu, a bit of wifeswapping is really nice.
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took me a second.
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>click on thread tracker
>expect to get taken to first unread post
>post deleted
>stays at the top of the page
God I fucking hate this. Luckily this is a slow thread but it's absolutely dreadful in faster threads where there may be 100 posts. Why doesn't it just go to the next unread post?
Tulip's out here cucking everybody
Never seen this before. Sometimes, on exceptionally long threads, I get taken to a random spot instead of the last unread post, but never have I stayed at the top. Are you on mobile by any chance?
no, desktop. My last viewed post was >>4316325 which got deleted so when I clicked, it had nowhere to go
The best route in all of Pokémon. Don't @ me.
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I always liked the idea of making a Secret Base in that area solely to wait out the storms, but now I'm picturing that in a yuri context.

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