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Which of these are actually worth visiting, and which are memes/overrated?
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if you're in SLC it's worth checking out, go for sunset and stay for the night view for a while.
>Head towards Capitol Reef and completely ignore it
rude, but the best parts of Capitol Reef are definitely off the beaten path. Some of the best parts of most parks are off the beaten path, but the most well known spots are often excellent as well which isn't really true for Capitol Reef I suppose

As for overrated parks, Rocky Mountain probably tops that list for me, the mountain vistas there are just not as good as other mountain national parks like Glacier or Grand Teton or others, frankly they're not even as scenic as other areas of Colorado. Wildlife is pretty good but not as good as Yellowstone or Glacier.
Olympic is massive and diverse but it didn't stand out to me. The forests were better at Redwoods, the coasts were better in Oregon and the mountains were better further inland.
And for some reason Crater Lake didn't really wow me as much as I thought it would.
These parks are absolutely still excellent though. The only ones I really don't care for are Wind Cave, Guadalupe Mountains, and Pinnacles. White Sands is just ok also, it's cool for a minute.
I've been to all of these in the lower 48 except Isle Royale, and Yellowstone is the winner, in terms of stuff to do. They say Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world, and, yes, you have to see it, maybe even hike down into it or riverboat along it once, but Yellowstone is just denser and more varied.

Sequoia, Bryce, Mesa Verde, and Acadia are worth at least looking at because they have something unique to offer. But you do want to dedicate a bit more time to Yosemite and either Glacier or Grand Teton (depending on season,) because they give you an idea of what the Rockies are like (Banff in Canada also works in summer.)

Frankly, Smokies, Everglades, and Mammoth Cave are kind of just representative portions of the region, and if you want to experience that kind of thing, it's better to find one of the state parks, usually along semi-major rivers.
>They say Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world, and, yes, you have to see it
I've been there a while back and it felt like a tourist trap, however it is a massive canyon and is worth seeing. maybe it wouldve been better if I did a hike with a mule to the bottom of the canyon.
I found the Grand Canyon to be awesome in a very old sense of the word. I've been back since, and was still filled with awe.
But, I've known people to say it's so big that they can't comprehend it and thus find it boring. So, to each their own.
The only national park unit (unit not full on park) not worth visiting is Rushmore. The town is fucking garbage and the monument is a hideous mark on the otherwise gorgeous Black Hills. Jewel and Wind Cave nearby are really cool and so is Custer state park.

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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, ask in a relevant thread/general instead.

Previous thread: >>2600606
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Any recommendations for group tours in Australia? My father is recently retired & never got to travel much. There's always been a fascination with down under here in Ireland. I am looking for the most packaged tour possible with little planning or effort needed. Also the more Crocodile Dundee-esque the better. Thanks
I will be visiting Naples for two days, I don't know anything about that place. Any recommended hotel? Go area to visit, places to avoid?
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How can hotels be so expensive in "cheap" countries?

For example: A night at Hilton Kalastajantorppa (Helsinki, Finland) would cost 106 € per night. At Hilton DoubleTree (Skopje, North Macedonia) a night would cost 89 €. At the same time, average monthly salary in Finland is 3 900 € and in North Macedonia 650 €.

I'd assume that this would somehow be seen in the price of I just want to stay at a Hilton without needing to sell a kidney god dammit!
Probably because Finland has a better tourism industry than North Macedonia, so there's more competition. That, or tourists generally expect to pay roughly the same price no matter where they go, so there isn't a lot of downwards pressure on hotel prices.
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Superb (9+) hotels on booking.com in both places
There's clearly still a pretty big difference
hotel prices aren't really affected by local economy because they likely won't be used by people from that country

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My current idea is to travel during the winter to germany, austria, czechia, and possibly poland for a couple weeks, possibly longer. The upcoming winter break will be my last break as a university student before entering the workforce, so I wanted to do something cool.

I have never travelled solo before. Invited my best friend, he can't/doesn't want to go. Gf seems like she wants to go, but can't. No problem. Doing whatever I want whenever I want sounds nice. Also kind of want the alone time.

So, I had some concerns. Wondering if anyone has some personal experiences they wanted to share.
>Language barrier
I speak english natively, portuguese and spanish relatively fluently, and some basic german. May possibly be hopeless in czechia/poland.
Going solo. However, I thought I could just make some short term friends for company at hostels. Talk to random guys while cooking or something like that.
Is it actually fun traveling solo?
I like cold weather, but is there much to do in the cold? Will the hostels be ghost towns?

Also, any suggestions for things to do? While traveling, I like looking at old buildings, buying old coins at flea markets, and riding/walking downtown. I also like taking transit and WW2 shit. Hiking would be cool, not sure how feasible it is during winter. I'd probably try to just take a single bag with me. I heard the christmas markets in prague and vienna are super nice. I don't drink.
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what a shit post
I traveled solo there last summer and it was a blast. Not sure about traveling in winter, you should make sure you get as much sunshine/daylight as possible cuz those 4 pm sunsets are a mindfuck. Go to museums, visit shops, walk around town squares and parks. Hostels are a good way to meet people, especially if they have bars or lounges. Basically everyone in their 20s can speak some English so you should be fine.
>anon shows you can travel the world despite being blind
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What are you even doing anon?
if you're gonna visit Munich consider checking out the Deutches Museum and its lesser known Flugwerft, both are mainly tech/airplane museums but lots of rare historic stuff there like a complete uboot sawn in half, v1/v2 or the only x series plane burgers build in coop with another country

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Laiya Beachside Edition

Discuss your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.

Philippine Travel Guides:

Philippine e-Travel requirement before Arrival:
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your schizo posts are so cringe and pathetic. you are ao far off the mark for everything you say. but i would expect this level of cringe from a white dork who never got the courage to learn how to drive. that is just so lame bruh.
Is this the Philippines general or the schizo general?
it might go back to being the Philippines general soon. Cuckshed has humiliated himself in seceral threads. Plus he threatened an influential Filipino and his Jewish wife. That shit doesn’t fly here. Cuckie is desperately trying to cover his tracks and avoid deportation because I reported him to the NBI. The NBI will be looking through his post history and they will determine if his past antisemitism is a real threat to Eugene, Vika, and their child.
Imagine finally settling in the Philippines but you are such an insufferable /pol/cel chud that you can’t refrain from harassing a Jewish mother and you end up in a Filipino prison before being deported!

Cuckshed better book a flight home back ASAP! I don’t think he will do well in the Pinoy legal system. His post history will likely be national news!
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welcome bruh!
philippines is off da hook!

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25 yr from east coast US looking to travel somewhere new in September/October
I'm from the US, been to Japan 3 times, been to Central/South America so I want to go somewhere new
I haven't been to europe before so likely looking for somewhere there but want to avoid immigrant infested areas (even though I'm latino)

Specifically looking for someplace where:
1. I can relax without needing to think at all (or at least minimally) about crime, being annoyed etc. even as a colored guy (ex: like how Japan is)
2. Can get around easily without needing to drive (a given in Europe)
3. Not a beach/resort area

Is Switzerland basically what I'm looking for? Is it the safest country in Europe while not being racist? Maybe some other european country?

Don't really have specifics for what I want to do outside of simply exploring and relaxing
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Slovenia was quiet, quaint, and lovely. Ljubljana is the country’s biggest city but it doesn’t feel like a big city. Great food too. Otherwise I’d say Lyon was pretty chill. And I went right when those riots were taking place last summer and nobody at the bouchons really gave a fuck. Just stick to the city center or Old Lyon and you’ll be fine
What were your favorite things to do in Slovenia?
Slovenia actually was a country I was thinking about because it might be fun to cycle around
How much do they speak english?
They have a big castle complex on a hill overlooking the city. Walking along the riverbank and people watching is pleasant. I walked around at midnight and didn’t feel unsafe at all. Trying different food and beer is also an activity. You can probably catch a bus to other towns and lakes in the area, but that’s not what I personally did. Their English is pretty good. Rule of thumb, is people under 30 can speak English, over 30 is hit or miss.
Switzerland is very expensive even by European standards. If that's not an issue then by all means go there. Cheaper option would be Austria. Both countries are chill, people mind their own business but still are friendly. You might wanna think about renting a car tho, driving around the mountain range is an experience.
Both have low immigration and low crime. You will be judged as a american first before anything else :D
Also what the other guy said, most people around 30 or lower will be able to speak understandable english.

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What are popular tourist destinations you would never visit? I personally wouldn't choose to visit Argentina, Brazil, and Germany because they just seem boring, and like inferior versions of neighboring countries
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South Asia and anything south of Morocco in Africa. I don't give a fuck if you had a nice trip to India, Bangladesh, or the Congo, they're shitholes to me with nothing of worth.
As a Balkan enjoyer, I fully agree. Whatever you're looking for in western europe, the balkans have it 3 times cheaper with less tourists. They're the only countries worth visiting nowadays
Obviously, but time and money are limited so you don't want to waste it going to dumps like Johannesburg South Africa
Paris probably? The demographics aren't what they used to be

I used to want to go to the amazon rainforest but not anymore probably, too many bugs, too much fungus, might run into an illegal operation, etc

Why is so difficult to go there? What is their problem?
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Any stories?

That the equivalent of going to compton in LA and then saying white americans are violent degenerates

Are you retarded ?
>Are you retarded ?
Are you??
That's different race and different culture from the average white American, those people in the vid are the same ones in Europe (same culture)
And that city "Oran" is a large metropolitan area
Why go to Algeria when Tunisia is right there?
Not OP, but Algeria seems like you could get the RealTraveller™ experience. Tunisia looks cool though too. I did Morocco, and while it was great, I constantly felt I was being ripped off (spoiler: I was). Touts were obnoxious as fuck.

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How do amerilards travel so much? If your a wagecuck you get like 2 weeks of PTO and if you're neet you can't afford it... what am i missing?
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The USA is the 3rd most populous country. Almost 340 million people. It’s also the richest country in the world. It comes at no surprises there are millions of Americans that travel. Yes many Americans don’t get good PTO but there are enough that get a lot of time off. I get 5 weeks a year. Not including two extra weeks depending if I use them. That’s a total of 7 weeks. I travel multiple times a year. It’s a combination of having the time off and making other sacrifices to travel. I don’t drive a nice car, I don’t make risky investment, etc.
I run my own business and I usually take about 7 weeks a year off too. You almost feel bad for the Subway guy, but bro lives in Los Angeles. There are endless opportunities to make money in LA.
>You almost feel bad for the Subway guy
He's a security guard. If you feel bad for him check out his behaviour here
He's the one who hates white people
order is wrong /fa/ and /fit/ are at the same time frame and /out/ is after you have become /fit/. Then its /biz/
This. You see many Americans abroad because there are 330 million of us. Most of the Americans you see abroad are suburban boomers or families as well as backpacking college students or young adult professionals. In my experience, young adults and college students backpack all over the place, whereas suburban white families stick to cruise ships and the most popular destinations, like Paris or Amsterdam for example. The majority of Americans don’t even leave the continent and I’d say close to half never leave the country. Their versions of vacation are going to Myrtle Beach or Lake of the Ozarks or some shit. Also you’ll rarely see hillbilly redneck Americans abroad because they simply cannot afford to travel and it is more expensive for them since they don’t live near large airports

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Old thread 404'd
Post all things Vietnam related.
Everyone tell us your favorite city or town and your favorite thing to eat here.
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>I had two relationships
no you didn't. you only wanted sex and you made it happen. none of those women wanted something serious with you
34? he looks like he has 45
Not a /trv/fag, just here for recommendations for a cheap SEA vacation
Why the fuck is half of this thread seething about whites banging vietwomen? This is reddit levels of cope
Just Vietcels seething
I thought it was just one autistic Indian

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I wish i could move to east/southeast asia for a few years at least but i am an efl (so i cant become an english teacher) and my job, although quite in demand here does not allow me to work remotely. I dont even want to have a degenerate lifestyle, i just want to live normally.
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You can always get a master in international relations or something like that. They always accept students with a law background
I already have one. Ive got a dual (meme) degree
I do here but i dont over there
I dont have a tefl, i do have teaching experience though. Ideally i would like to do inperson teaching but online would be fine too. I cant be picky
I dont even care is it the far east, i just want to get out of europe.

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Is the Oregon coast worth visiting? What happens there?
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It's because of Seattle's economy. It's all leftist service workers and code monkeys and engineers. At least 4/5 of them are ultra judgmental and passive aggressive while pretending they're open minded. I hate people like that and it's literally why I moved to the east coast from WA.

Sweetie shouldn't you been in reddit?
are the portlandia type hipsters still there?
they're ultra leftists now. no longer quirky beanie wearing coffee and music enthusiasts, now they're legit insane and want you to be insane with them

>Masses of people moving in aren't like these freaks and they'll be drowned out and increasingly displaced eventually.

You're hoping on a miracle, it's never going to happen. The PNW attracts these types of freaks and mutants like a corpse attracts flies. Most of the normies who come here leave after a couple of years when they realize how shit the region is for having a social life.

Spending the holiday in this little town to see some outdoor shows. I will have some time to kill afterwards , what is there to do here? I have been hearing about this place for years and its very different but has a weird feel.

Any restaurants or bars that are unique that I should see?

I am in my van and will be heading north after this so any Colorado advice would be great also.
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Huge understatement. I was driving through that area once and came across a funeral where the people were dressed like they lived in 1700s Mexico, were carrying the casket like a mile down the middle of the highway in the summer heat. Some men were on horses.
People in the little towns still speak spanish but it's unintelligible to Mexicans because it's like hearing Shakespearean English to us. What a strange place.

Also understated what a shithole NM really is. There were huge billboards everywhere that said shit like "Don't OD on heroin."
>Don't OD on heroin.
but that is good advice
california should have billboards like that
>Those places are all pretty white, but most of northern new mexico is hispanic/indian/hippie
Protip: "northern New Mexico" means "the mountains" for everyone except local tourism boards trying to mislead people. When someone says "northern New Mexico" they don't mean those tiny little towns along I-25 or Santa Fe or the reservations - they're referring to the small part of the state that's effectively a wart on Colorado's ass and MAYBE Taos but people generally (and correctly) identify Taos as its own little planet.

>and has a very different flavor than colorado
Not from non-yuppie Colorado though, and that's my point. Places like Questa and Chama feel more like Westcliffe than Santa Fe.
Questa has almost no white people in it.
Is westcliffe mexican?

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Why do many people ignore the Midwest and hate it? Why does it get so much hate?
It’s arguably the region in the U.S. with the least distinct identity. Conversely, it is considered the most “plain jane” American region. Probably what you think of when considering this region are county fairs, corn dogs, fireflies, and swimming holes. But it’s the most boring region in the US when it comes to nature. Just cornfields and meandering hills. I’ve heard conflicting things about the people ranging from nice and down-to-earth to passive aggressive and crazy. Ironically after decades of decline, the cities are in a bit of a rebirth. You can probably get good housing for a relatively cheap price. And the infrastructure is pretty good because of the industrial past

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What is the most disgusting thing you've eaten abroad? For me, it was definitely 童子蛋 (tong zi dan), aka Virgin Boy Egg in China. In Zhejiang, it's essentially a delicacy to eat eggs that have been hard-boiled in the urine of young boys. Disgusting I know, but hey, 'When in Rome...' as they say, lol. I also ate bugs and bats (average chinese cuisine) in 中国, but the piss eggs had to be the most vile.
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chinese food is on a whole different level
The last dim sim in the reheating tray at the only Asian food vendor open at 6am or whatever at Hong Kong airport.
That's fucking disgusting. Why do Chinese people digest young boy's urine?
a 60-something homeless woman living at the Hong Kong airport offered to suck my peepee when I was in my mid-twenties
Goes back to Traditional Chinese Medicine. They will eat things like moon bear bile and snake penis lmao. absolutely disgusting. you don't even see this kind of savage behavior in Africa.

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The gf and I are looking to go on a cruise that fits our specifications, and having serious issues finding it. I would appreciate some advice. Here are our requirements.

>No blacks
>Not overrun with kids (small, white families are fine)
>Plenty of stuff to do and good food to eat
>Not sitting poolside in chairs all day (we can do that at home)
>Departs and returns on the East Coast of the USA

We don't really care where the cruise goes as we'd the boat itself to be entertaining enough that the destination is just a bonus. We don't care about room size or location as we will only be using the room to fuck and sleep. I can drop a lot of money on this cruise if I have to, but I would like it to be worth the cost.

We were interested when we saw the new Icon of the Seas from Royal Caribbean, but every review has lamented that it's just a week of watching unattended black kids shit in the pool and the workers taking all day to clean it. That is the scenario we'd like to avoid.

Any suggestions? Oh, also, I will not be tipping anyone. Wagies can ask for a raise if they really need it. I'm not their boss.
Just go on a rich / old people cruise. Celebrity virgin etc. Regent or viking if you're actually loaded and want to chill. Note that this only works if you don't mind spending money and being around people your grandparent's age.

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