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I'll soon be spending a month in Quito. Anyone here have experience there?

How's the drinking water? I'm finding a lot of conflicting information.
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>walking around feels a bit sketchy
I'll be in La Carolina area. I'm hoping it's not too bad. Not sure if i'll feel ok walking at night

>If you have extra time go to the Amazon and fish piranha
I'll mostly be in the city but I do want to do some day trips

I am going to try meeting girls from dating apps and doing some day game at the malls
some countries preserve their watershed areas
others have too much population pressure to do so
>he gets hooked up with random broads in violent foreign places
This is how you end up in the local periodico as "tourist found dead suspected drugged and robbery" you retards are not in your toddler baby safe areas stop being this unnecesarily reckless just to pound some blown out STD ridden pussy you absolute utter chimps
buy "splendor" bottle water, is jew approved so is probably the best kind of water you will find here

>Has it gotten better since the beginning of the year?
the drug lords have calmed down but the country is not really that safe, specially the Coast region + the fucking Venezuelans all around doesn't help the situation

don't go to the Amazon is like 8-9 hours trip on bus just to arrive, go to "Mindo" instead is a tourist friendly place and is a 2 hour trip from Quito
>Travelled there solo as a white guy last year.
Did something change? Are you no longer a white guy today?

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i need to move out of my moms house. Ive realized this undeniably. I have bad renting history though from when i was younger, and no friends really. I do have an income, its not from a job though.

So I need to find month to month housing. No BS, pay up front at the beginning of the month, type of thing. Ive heard from others that this exists but i have no idea how to find it. Any actual landlords I've tried to talk to about it won't touch me with a thousand foot pole. so I need no commitment, month to month.

please /trv/, hear my plea.
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Pretend to be a tourist
>even studio apartments in my small town are like 1000.
Then maybe move?
What you are looking for are "furnished apartments" which often have month to month or pre-determined lease pricing like pay for 12 months and stay.

In the midwest I can find 1br for 650 with ease,sounds like you have no credit. Maybe try to get some credit card and make some purchases paying them off immediately.
>,sounds like you have no credit.
>What you are looking for are "furnished apartments" which often have month to month or pre-determined lease pricing like pay for 12 months and stay.
i already have my own furniture, and would prefer to use my own rather than someone elses. Whats so crazy to me is that the furnished places are cheaper than the non furnished ones.
>Whats so crazy to me is that the furnished places are cheaper than the non furnished ones.
Often these are aimed at lower/fixed income or people who just moved into the area, they aren't meant for families either. They are often lower because they are trying to keep things occupied as people constantly do monthly leases.

They aren't bad just visit first

>i already have my own furniture, and would prefer to use my own rather than someone elses
So... Bring it? just because it's furnished doesn't mean you can't have your own desk or chair or whatever the fuck it is you like. You just have to put all the furniture the way it was when you moved in whenever you move out
>has no job but an income
Go live in Chiang Mai or something retard. Wtf.

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Considering visiting China. Quite cheap for me to get there because I am aussie. I have only solo travelled South America before. I have no Mandarin but will just get the basic phrases before I leave.

Any tips, stories, recommendations, or hidden gems? I really have no idea where to go bar Hong Kong and Shanghai and Beijing, but am currently just looking at random spots on pic rel and seeing what is interesting. Is Yan'an any good? Apparently you can partake in a mock battle in a 1940s PLA uniform which sounds fun.
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JBW is most definitely not fiction in China. This is not a brag or a value judgement, just observation of reality. For the most part Whites in China don't use it to their maximum advantage anyway and pass around the same group of party girls who hang around foreign clubs
China's amazing. It's cheap as shit and ultra high quality. Food is great. Virtually every woman is a hooker who will suck and fuck you so no shortage of poon.

But it's closed off as fuck. No swift banking. No Google maps. Once you're in it's like falling into a black hole. The outside world ceaeea to exist and official contact with it is extremely difficult.

Make sure you have some kind of back up method for getting cash. And don't believe any skanky lookin bitch in shanghai who wants to take you to ktv or tea or something. They order cheap shit sparkling wine then ask you to pay like 500 aussie dollars for it. It's a scam.
>But it's closed off as fuck. No swift banking. No Google maps. Once you're in it's like falling into a black hole. The outside world ceaeea to exist and official contact with it is extremely difficult.
So China is the escape from America's gay and negro empire
china is paradise if you have a BWC.
chinese girls prefer masculine White men, not chinese twinks.
mutt culture is cancer
ch*nese bug culture is cancer+ aids

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what's a fun trip to romania?
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Was in Transsylvania 2 years ago. Sibiu, Brasov, Sighisoara and Bran. Can definitely recommend it. Also not so many tourists in November. Bran castle was a bit shit but there's nice hiking in the region. Only negative is that the trains are slow as fuck. Overall very cheap and fun country though.

Planning on going to the Northeast this time. Iași, wooden churches and stuff like that. Anyone been in that region, how is it?
In all seriousness if you go to Romania you have to watch out for vampires, they often sneak into villages at night
>Only negative is that the trains are slow as fuck
This is true, I think they're still ran by the old commies that used to be in charge. The train company app is excellent though, easy to use as a foreigner and will tell you exactly how late your train will be.
mutt thinking

Thinking about a North Africa trip. How's Tunisia?
quite cool
you can do a UNESCO round trip and basically see all the best things like Tunis, Sousse, Ichkeul, El Jem etc.

Sidi Bou Said is a bit overrated and especially touristy in my opinion
but for most still worth a visit

Star Wars filming locations is also a cool itinerary

It's less crowded than Morocco
but also the tourist infrastructure is less well developed
I'd say super budget trips as well as luxury ones will be more difficult than Morocco

and I wouldn't advice to go in any other North African country except those 2 at the moment
What's bad about Algeria?
See previous thread

Anyone ever travel with someone from the Midwest before? It's like they never tried anything besides fast food before. Spices are a revelation to them. Makes for a good time
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Not really. He's just being pretentious from the other direction. Why even think of the idea of proving something to somebody? It's just spice level. Just say "medium" and move along, like when someone asks you what size milkshake you'd like or how many pubes you want on your prostitute.
heat for the sake of heat without adding flavor is just pointless
the original post was referring to a mississippi pot roast being less spicy than the original. context clues, motherfucker
Americans need to stop trying to export their idiotic race politics. I've reached the point where, online, I can't say I'm white because that word means something completely different to Americans. I'm pretty certain blacks who aren't American feel the same way about 'black'.
americans are too retarded to know there is a country outside of america outside of their cnn and fox news. the retards genuinely believe they will be killed in european countries when the us has them ot mass shootings

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i want to escape the rat race
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What are the military guys like? They at least have a legit job that's not hentai related. Plus they are army so they can kill people. Cool.
I'm rich and just moved here, how do I make friends with nips? My real estate agent seems to like me considering he helps me all the time with random unrelated shit and I treat him to meals to show my gratitude but he still uses formal pronouns. No idea if its just tatemae tho. He's also autistic about poker, I'd like to try and play but I suck dick so I figure it's not worth me asking to join
I like him because he is not brain dead like other nips who only really know how to do one thing and get drunk, he doesn't give his opinion much on anything but when I do ask his answers are pretty thoughtful
>I'm rich
Fake and gay. Role play somewhere else.
If you don't have a degree, you may be able to get a work visa if you have 10 years experience in a skilled job such as a cook.
In Tokyo, there are cooks from various countries. In Hokkaido, many Indians work as stablehands, and an increasing number of them are bringing their families over.
Ok fine I'm a retarded poorfag just like you, happy?

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Are there any dangerous/difficult travel destinations that are worth it for the average traveler? For those of you who have traveled to unusual travel destinations (place like Haiti, Mali, etc) what made the risk worth it for you?
Iran, Russia (Chechnya especially) and Pakistan are probably one's best bets. Never been to any but they're undeniably unique and could be dangerous.
Also if you go to Syria or Iraq, you could be one of the last people to see some of the final remaining remnants of those cradles of civilization before they get blown up in WW3.
Wonder if anyone sees genuine interest in Myanmar right now, too
you ever hear of the mega-dog 2 hours from vegas or LA, its a 4000 reward(in casino chips) or 2000 cash if you finish it under 17mins its 4pounds of vienna hotdog and some topping and waffle chips
Iran is not dangerous at all and quite easy to travel (I guess less so with a US passport). Was there in 2018 amidst all the nuclear deal stuff and it was still relaxed.
Russia is probably chill as well but idk for sure.
I'd recommend Lebanon, Congo and Mauretania. Algeria is probably nice as well.
anywhere is difficult if you don't know the language. I liked myanmar, I want to go again. try going to mong la... what's the reward you seek? I want to get into the chinese government golden triangle gambling city because
I don't mean DRC that's suicide but ROC is quite nice

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TTT/Insecurity Guard anon here. I've decide to cancel my "Glorious Return" to Thailand (ate $2k in flights) and become a Buddhist monk. You guys are right, hedonism is a dead end. I'm now ready to become spiritually awakened. I will no longer be posting here. Farewell.
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>theyre making fake threads about me
Absolutely buck broken
I used to want to be a monk, and did something like this. wasted lost of time and money and dropped out in the end, demoralized. Then I eventually discovered psychedelics and realized I fell for a meme and I literally couldve become more spiritually enlightened through psychedelic experiences and freelance spirituality than by any of the garbage i practiced. Now, I just look at all monks and laugh.
also, if you didnt grow up in the buddhist faith, youll never be able to truly get it. you can incorporate it into your beleifs, but you will never truly understand their culture, customs, or the true meanings and symbolisms in their stories youd have to be a part of the culture to understand. SO, in the end, you will never be anything more than a poser by going this path.

The dalai lama actually discourages outsiders from becoming buddhist lmao.
So much for that, we are all one bullshit.
This is completely wrong.

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If I want to go to Thailand for 1-2 months, is it worth going out of my to go to Chiang Mai and for how long should I go?

I'm thinking I'll stay in Bangkok for 1 month and then get a round trip to Phuket for 2 weeks, but I'm not sure if it would be worth the quick turnaround of also trying to fly out to Chiang Mai, on the other hand though a round trip to Chiang Mai is only like $50 so it's more about time than money. Is 1 month in Bangkok too long? It's cheaper to book an Airbnb that way but should I stay in Phuket some time instead? Phuket has beach access while Bangkok doesn't, but I feel like I like cities more than beaches anyway. Is Chiang Mai nice enough to stay for several weeks? Should I just do 2 weeks in Bangkok, 2 weeks in Phuket, 2 weeks in Chiang Mai? I feel like 2 weeks isn't long enough to get used to Bangkok
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I went in October/November and really enjoyed it. Cool storms, dramatic skies, nice breeze, and only a handful of days were rained out. I'm from California though so I probably find thunderstorms neat in a way most people don't, it's got novelty.
As far as I know Feb is still peak season and the burning starts sometime in March
>As far as I know Feb is still peak season and the burning starts sometime in March
That's what I heard initially but I've seen some sources saying they start burning crops as early as January. So I'm not sure if Chang Mai is going to be a smokey mess by the time the wife and I come.
Bangers is good for a week, tops. The blade runner dystopian vibe gets old and once you’ve seen the temples and all the other tourist shit the only thing to do is get hammered and fuck whores. Chiang Mai is a chill college town, not much to do but it’s laid back as fuck and it’s much more relaxing. Don’t go to Pattaya, it’s worth a visit to see the degeneracy but it’s kinda like Vegas in that you wanna do a weekend there but not stay long term.
>Bangers is good for a week, tops.
Just be honest and say you don't like cities.
>Is the smell really that bad?
I don't know what it is but it's pungent. It may not be sewage but there's definitely a smell.

Should travelling be better regulated? One could say lack of regulation caused the spread of covid.
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Ban Americans from traveling
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>Ban Americans from traveling
Enforce the already existing rules on nba superstars for a start.
That ended with the 14th Amendment.
Prices have increased a lot since Covid. Still hasn’t stopped people. They would need to increase much more and i don’t know if airlines are willing to do that


No UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, or Taiwan. Balkans left out too. Georgia as well.

later this year I'll be driving to O'Hare to catch an international flight, but I'll have time to do lunch somewhere first, so any good recommendations in and around Chicago for food?

Another L for Belgium.

I know everyone talks shit on Belgium, but I've always enjoyed short day trips around the country
Getting fucked up by death valley in the summer is a European tradition
Getting fucked up by healthcare bills is a American tradition

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I'm looking for a Walden's pond type retreat to focus on writing my magnum opus. I don't care for the social scene - just need a place where I can live alone with clean, simple food available nearby for low prices. Should of course be comfortable enough that I am not inconvenienced by the weather or the traffic. Pollution should be minimal as well.

maine? anywhere north of stowe vt?
absolute fag tier video
OP isn't looking to escape society entirely retard, he wants somewhere cheap and easy to live while he works
it's not the same thing
>looking for a Walden's pond type retreat to focus on writing my magnum opus
Lake Como
Lake Lugano

are literally the most beautiful lake destination you could dream of
(alternative one of the other lakes in the region like Lake Iseo or Orta)

>low prices
ah never mind
forget what I said, I have no idea

just search for AirBnbs near lakes and filter by price

Maine isn't as pretty as the hype outside of a few areas, and it's long drives with nothing but white trash in between.

NH is pretty and a great outdoor adventure state, but it's extremely crowded with tourists. The food's also pretty bad. It's just not as relaxed.

Vermont is serene, and the tourism crowds feel non-existent compared to NH. It's pretty in virtually every corner of the state. It's very lush green and something about the place makes all of your worries disappear. The people are also infinitely nicer than NH or Maine.

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What is there to do in Chicago?
Real question.
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The further north, the safer. The loop is probably fine, just keep your wits about you. Lincoln Park is a good combination of safety, nightlife, and proximity to downtown/the lake.

Also I would avoid the Red line at night.

Yeah, most crime is contained in the south and far west sides; you won't end up there unless you intentionally make the trip. That said, things are slowly deteriorating under our pro-crime retarded mayor.

>Chicago is kind of your only North American option [for big city living]
This, unfortunately. There are a lot of cons of living here, but it sure beats living in my shithole home state Texas.
>Poland = Europe's most liveable nation
>Chicago = USA's most liveable city
Makes you wonder....
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>What is there to do in Chicago?
Like everyone esle said the Blues Brothers and Ferris Bueller days are long gone with the soul of the city.
That said, outside the city has a shit ton to do, Brookfield Zoo, Morton Arboretum, Cantigny Tank Park, Busse Woods, Woodfield Mall, etc.
IDK, I lived in center city philly and while Market and JFK become desolate at night, the rest of downtown (called center city) is happening af. Tons of people out, plenty of lively bars and restaurants. Maybe because it's an east coast city, which are denser I guess?
I have barely traveled west. Chicago's as far west as I've gone in 20 years.

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