Hello fellow Redditors, I'll be sharing photos from doing a full trip through Belgium and the Netherlands, covering pretty much all large cities and some hidden jewels.The program:>15th Maastricht>16th Liege + Dinant>17thBrussels>18th Mons + Tournai >19th Gent>20th AntwerpenComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2712191Anon, you took a pic from the wrong angle. Liège station is great. Underrated city overall imo. I like to go there every once in a while.
>>2712202YOU suck
>>2711112The Cathedral in Antwerp is a nice visit, it's a nice cathedral with a few Rubens' paintings.If you like Flemish masters, check out the newly renovated KSMKA likely the best museum in the region.What kind of food do you like?
Netherlands motor trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rAYxaRwMEs
>>2712210Netherlands suck
Hey TravellersSo two weeks ago I visited Shibuya in real life, all in all I feel like Persona 5 does a good job of portraying Shibuya, In my experience I noticed a lot of multi-floored businesses like Mandrake-Animate where I'd get lost and have to take an elevator to exit from. I also noticed that real-life Shibuya is way more packed... the crossing was intense!!I actually travelled the Ginza line so seeing the actual train was amazing. Sorry for the Rambling but the point of this post is that visiting Shibuya in real-life has deepened my appreciation of Persona 5 and has my latest playthrough more enjoyable comparing it to my experiences. Especially travelling the JR lines.
>>2711068I have never posted on reddit. What does it feel like?
>>2711069Probably not good. You're posting on probably the most highly-moderated forum around. People bitch about jannies here, but it's nothing like what happens on that god forsaken site.
Welcome to 4chan fellow Redditor (the Narwhal bacons at midnight)This is the travel board (they call subreddits "boards") and while it has some trolls and racists it is generally good. Stay away from /b/ and /pol/ though, they are bigots and very scary. There are hackers on /b/.Stay safe and have fun!
>>2712050/b/ is just full of porn now, newfags everywhere seriously.
>>2710223go back
Once while at a bar in Paris, I overheard a Canadian, whose accent was identical to mine (and most Americans), feel the need to explain to the bartender in English that he “isn’t a stupid American” while ordering his drink. Why are Canadians like this?
I cringe every time I see people with flags glued onto their backpacks as if they're some kind of big time travelers at 21 years old
>>2712636not as bad the travel penis measuring sessions that pollute every common room in a hostel. How many countries have you been to? How long have you been out travelling?
>>2712682Also, they'll as you where you've been so far, and OF COURSE, the one place you skipped they went to and it was the best place they've been too so far
>>2712682>not as bad the travel penis measuring sessions that pollute every common room in a hostel.i was never invited to those :-(
>>2712682I pack a massive hog so I actually love those. Last time we made a paper crown with "KING DICK" written on it for the winner to wear around the hostel. Wearing it around the hostel and explaining why I am wearing it got me so much pussy it's unreal.
Hear me out. this is a board about travelling, right? well, we need jobs (money) to travel. I see a lot of shit posting and doom posting but rarely anything about how to make it happen. for those who don't know, merchant marines is a job type that can lead to travel. work on the boat, hit a port, back on the boat. and when you arent on a ship you can live overseas (if you can afford it). would a mm general or travel job general be a good idea? I think so.
>>2708771if you have army expirience maybe you can get a job as a meme mercenary the other posts are stuffed by third worlders it is not a nice job t. greek
im a croat deck officer that works on bulk carrier ships, basically what everyone says most ships are staffed by 3rd worlders and gone are the days of the crew traveling as you imagine it when in port. Also traveling to some giga 3rd world ports is far from fun.the job is hard and frustrating and really not for most people, it will also destroy your personal life. The pay isn't even that good just that the standard of living in Croatia sucks so the pay is relatively speaking decent. The advantage is that you spends months home free from any sort of work with money in the bank and then you can use that money to travel wherever you and and however long you wish - but you could mostly achieve the same with some other high paying job.
>>2708771I want to be a merchant marine deck officer but I'm bad at math
>>2710994Damn, sounds rough
>>2710994I did one tour and I hated it so much that now I rather work wagie shit in my city. t. also croatian
Hi! In case there are any train autists here, I thought I might report on the ÖBB Nightjet sleeper train I took from Basel, Switzerland, to Amsterdam on Friday. PRICE: Not expensive. My family (me, wife, two adolescent kids) booked a whole couchette compartment (available in four or six berths) for ~€240; booked in advance, beds in shared compartments start at under €50. Slightly nicer classes of sleeper coach (with tiny shower and private toilet) exist on many routes, but the compartments accommodate fewer people, with just two or three berths, and you can’t book a single bed in one of these.SCHEDULE: We left at 23:13, right on time because Switzerland, and pulled into Amsterdam Centraal almost an hour late (approx. 10AM), presumably because Germany. Supposed to be a ~10hr journey. Stopped four times en route, but I slept through most of them. Woke up in Köln.STOCK/AMENITIES: The Nightjets heading north out of Switzerland use surprisingly decrepit old DB sleeper wagons. ÖBB is manufacturing new sleepers for other routes, presumably out of Austria, that are sure to be more comfortable. The berths we got were noticeably hard and basic. We all slept some, but it was not luxurious.The better sleepers offer cooked breakfast; we got bread and water (white rolls with butter and jam; coffee machine was broken). Overall, it was totally okay, but less comfortable than I had hoped for. If I do it again I’ll spring for the better berths, and my wife will probably fly.
>>2712733gay people statistically have more expendable incomebeing poor is heteronormative
>>2712734They outsource their crews to Newrest (customer service staff) and the national railways (crews operating the trains).Their sleeper breakfast is slightly better, but the couchette one is good enough.Too bad that we won't see any Russian trains in Western Europe for a while, their normal gauge sleepers were much better than what is currently rolling through Europe.Also shameless plug for The Man in Seat 61.
>>2712806>Also shameless plug for The Man in Seat 61.If one likes a train, this should go without saying. I have literally never looked at the /trv/ stickies, but if it isn’t there, a mistake has been made.Regarding Newrest, I did see their name on the abundant water bottle labels scattered around our compartment, but the few humans I interacted with had ÖBB or DB uniforms on.To all, if you want to sleep on a train in Europe, ÖBB Nightjet is likely to be able to accommodate you.
>>2712641Riding a train at night is lame, you can't see shit out the window. Only time I'll do it is if I am going cross-country on Amtrak's slow ass trains...which BTW cost a lot more for a sleeper berth than European trains do. I was quoted something like $600 for the 2000 km ride in a sleeper. Paid $101 for a coach seat heading west, $84 for the return trip six months later. First time I drank and talked politics for hours, second time I dosed hella THC edibles and the 34 hour ride passed by before I knew it.
>>2712641Interesting thanks OP. I've thought about the Caledonian Sleeper from Edinburgh to London before but it seems kind of similar to this one where I'm not sure if you are on the train long enough to enjoy the experience. It seems like all you are getting is a bad meal and a bad night's sleep, not the Orient Express larp you want from a sleeper train. I need to see if Nightjet do trains that aren't just overnight runs
My worst the experience in Asia was at the Thai-Laos border. I ate something bad so I had explosive watery diarrhea. I walked into the toilet and it looked pic related but dirtier with an inch of green and blown slime. The smell was overwhelming and I never used a squat toilet before so I took my pants off and held them in my arms while trying to squat with one hand on the slimy floor for support. The diarrhea was explosive so it sprayed all over my foot and sandals. I nearly puked. Most horrific memory from traveling in SEA
>>2712567Stupid hurts.OP was stupid to choose bad food while being surrounded by good food. Doubly stupid by choosing to have his runs in some filthy primitive public restroom. Triply stupid by being so out of shape he can't even squat with his ass between his feet.Probably quadrupled the stupidity factor by not having any asswipe in his wallet. >>2712918You're managing to sound exactly like an ignorant asshole with a poop fetish.
>>2712910wtf are you eating styrofoam or something?
>>2712567I remember my first squatter
>>2712918Just link her to this thread.
>>2712567I love seeing fat westerners defeated by their inability to squat, something even a baby can do by default. Enjoy covering yourself in your own fecal matter, it's fitting.
This is my third day in Sydney and I'm not enjoying myself.I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I can't really sleep in the hostel, maybe I'm jet lagged.My plan is to move up along the east coast, which I'll be moving on in a weeks time. Everyone back home said it'll be the time of my life and I'll really enjoy it etcIdk. I'll be the first to not enjoy coming to Australia
>>2707738its not as good as europe fyi
>>2707780This is bait. Canberra is known to Australians as, "A waste of a good sheep station." There's nothing worth seeing there except the Australian War Memorial and military museum.I suggest making your way up the east coast, as you'd planned. There are nice beaches and national parks along the way. Your mental image of Australia is probably what you'll be seeing in Queensland. Head towards Cairns and get a taste of subtropical and tropical Australia. Do some crocodile river tours or go to a crocodile farm, like the one in Rockhampton.I went as far north as Airlie Beach this time a few years ago and was surprised it's not warmer in early spring. Really too cold for swimming.
>>2707738Sydney is a shithole filled with gooks, meaning the food is pretty legit, so eat accordingly.Don't bother checking out anything out west except for Katoomba. If you are into beaches check out Bondi and while you're there do the Bondi to Coogee walk. Maroubra beach is the best and filled with hot South American girls. The rest of Australia is a lot nicer so it will probably be better
>>2712491>If you are into beaches check out BondiYou are cleary not from Sydney, likely not even Australia. Tamarama is far superior.
>>2712494Probably some trip advisor faggot, Manly is nicer out of the two "famous" beaches. And Katoomba is a shit hole.
For long trips do you guys do laundry at laundrymats or in your hotel shower or just bring enough cloths to last the entire time?
>>2711879Not everywhere is the same, but I promise you that you don't have to buy your own detergent at the store. The laundromat will either provide it to you for free, or they will sell it to you in portions that are sufficient for one load of laundry.
>>2711882To add to this, there are places that will do both. The free stuff is usually very basic, while the sold stuff is higher quality or for specialized purposes.You don't usually buy these from a person. They're usually sold through vending machines or some kind of automated system most of the time.
>>2711855New clothes aren't clean, they need to be washed first.>>2711853Hotels have ongoing laundry needs, so have laundry facilities and staff that they're more than happy to sell to you, again, stop being poor.>>2711838>>2711652Disgusting poors.
>>2712228>New clothes aren't cleanNot where I shop. If you don't know how to buy new clothes that have been pre-cleaned, then you're just as poor as the rest of them. Dirty chink piece of shit.
>>2705880I used a hotel's coin op laundry for the first time on a road trip this summer. Everything went better than expected but I probably wouldn't have risked it at a lower class hotel.
>go to thailand because there are million threads on /trv/ about what a lifechanging experience it is>haha I will surely get so many friends in bangkok at the hostel>can't find anyone, everybody is travelling in packs, when I try to join someone they look at me as a weirdo, go sightseeing alone, feel miserable>travel to chiang mai>haha this time I will surely find some friends at the hostel>same shit happens>go to phuket>same shitactually think about killing myself in thailand. How the fuck should I get friends while travelling?
>>2689272>I don't fucking travel to have sone faggot expecting me to do things, defining what I should and shouldn't do.Sounds like you got some issues to work out. You sound just as retarded as OP. "Oh no friend wants to go to the beach tomorrow. I've been seething all day about it. Sand is so course between my toes". This is how you fucking sound. Like a friendless faggot. Imagine malfunctioning because god forbid you have to interact with other human beings. Fucking topkek
>>2704844Attendence: 1 janny
>>26899062/3 of your problems you can literally fix with going to the gym regularly for 3-6 months. The cystic acne can be fixed with surgery that I'm pretty sure you can get covered with insurance. Every time some fucking worthless autists complains about shit not working out, its always because of problems they refuse to work on. Suffer and become a better man or kill yourself.
>>2694984>I “just sit in my hotel room all day”.nothing wrong with getting the most bang for your hotel bucks, i see no issue
>>2689253 If you don't have friends here you probably won't make them there either and certainly not by intentionally trying to do so.
I don't care what anyone says, the St. Louis Arch is the most impressive modern day monument.>taller than the Space Needle>indestructible>stainless steel welded sections look like something an alien would make it's so perfect>wildly impracticable, the viewing portion at top you can't even stand inIt's like a giant FU to the Earth, physics and gravity. It serves no purpose other than to say we yes we can build it. It's beautiful, simple and timeless, and for that I love it. St. Louis might be a shithole, but god damn if this thing doesn't bump it up a few points.
>>2711505It gets worse.
>>2711562It has a Six Flags.
>>2711562kek, my entire family lives in st. louis. I hate going back there. So many feral niggers running around doing retarded hoodrat shit. Could've been a decent midwestern city but they blew it.
The Pantheon in Rome is easily the most impressive to me.
>>2709592I parked in a garage near the baseball field and walked to the arch park and was only stabbed 37 times.
Ever rode Greyhound?
>>2709469Probably once a while ago, but I'll never remember the time I didn't ride it. 2 AM bus got delayed for like four hours while I sat at their outside bus stop in the cold, before they let us know it was cancelled. No refund. Don't think I'll ever take an American bus again
>>2711174man what a nice guy. junkies go through that phase when they're just starting off and still have some money where the drugs just make them kind and generous. I hope that fella made it out of the hole in one piece. you hate seeing nice people get caught up in the junk.>huwhite
>>2709469in the USAonce in 1999 LA to sandiego.never agian.The LA terminal was. mix of homeless people drugos and niggers. See I had come from another western country here greyhound was cheap, modern, clean and fun.LA terminal was like a bad post nuclear apocalypse. LA generally looked shabby and run down to me.Sandiego was better but still shabby, also Sanfran was ok but parks full of homeless blacks in thier 100's iin not 1000'sNYC was by far the best place back then this is pre 911, and I have grainy Digtal video from the top of one of the twin towers.
>>2711889to be fair LA greyhound station was one of the worst places in the country in the 90s guns n roses has a song about it
>>2709469Yes and overnight. You start seeing things at 4 o'clock in the morning. Some of them are real, others maybe not but you can never be sure.
You might not like it but this is what peak tourism looks like
>>2712578kek turdie detectedLatAm or SEA monkey?
>>2709736I don’t do airbnb because I don’t like the idea of enriching a single person who owns property while I don’t. It makes me angry that someone can make money off me just existing in their house.At a hotel, I don’t know, nor can I see, who’s ultimately profiting off my stay, so i don’t think about it or get angry about it.I don’t want to be reminded that there’s people doing better than me on my vacation
>>2712646I know how to cook. I just don't when on vacation. Washing clothes on vacation? No thank you. I'll bring enough for a week. I don't do mundane household activities when I am away. That's the whole point of going away in the first place. Treat myself to a good time.
>>2712432Can't be any worse than what I'm gonna catch from these foreign girls
>>2709736>costs more and is worse in every possible way than a hotel in your path
What are the best churches to visit in the US?
>>2697996Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico.Its no longer a church, but the Miracle staircase is still there.
>>2698075your fat
>>2711647She's actually atheist (probably she kept her mouth shut about that) but she went for the spectacle rather than the actual architecture. It still feels pretty weird considering most cult places (temples, churches and the like) tend to be visited (as a tourist) off service. But that is probably the whole point of being a megachurch, isn't it?
>>2711672Absolute worst church to visit. They charge admission, have stupid audio stories playing throughout the chapel, and then you literally are forced to exit through a gift shop that is twice the size of the chapel itself. It is a fucking scam and it is atrocious. The literal opposite of what a church should be. In Santa Fe you should go to >>2699301 and San Miguel Chapel, both of which are still actually churches and still have services. If you have a car you should also visit Santuario de Chimayo. But AT ALL COSTS you should avoid the absolute shitty, disgusting scam that Loretto ((Chapel)) represents.
>>2711672What do you like about it? What's special about the staircase?>>2712170calm down
I was sitting at the gate to fly from Tokyo to Chicago when they announced the flight would be getting delayed by nearly 2 hours, I can speak Japanese so I went to the gate counter to ask what’s up and afterwards on my way back to my seat a cute black girl got my attention and asked me what they said.VERY smoothly I sat down right next to her and explained the situation then immediately hit her with the “so why did you come to Japan” line, we ended up chatting for nearly an hour. Unfortunately she didn’t live in Chicago, she was just transferring there, but I like to imagine I could’ve asked her on a proper date if she was local.
>>2712991>could have chatted up any of the qt3.14 Japanese girls>instead flirts with a nigger
>>2712991So why did she come to Japan?
>>2712991>blah blah blah forever with a cute girlThat's why you will remain an incel. A wasted opportunity
>>2713015Her parents met on a base in Okinawa or something and she was a low-key weeb.
Vermont is so damn beautiful, like most of new england
>>2712622It's one of the most sovlful states in America, that's for sure. The small farms, the rustic towns, the slowpoke highways following creeks through the hills. It's great for eating real farm-to-table food. However as a vagabond traveler, I much preferred Michigan for its plentiful open public lands. Michigan folks are easygoing and unpretentious, but their food is goyslop tier, however. Vermont feels economically exclusive and socially closed-off unless you are one of the weird-looking hipster whites with the obligatory libtarded mindset, which talks all about being inclusive and welcoming without actually being either.
>>2712622Vermont's a significant step up from Maine and NH in terms of tranquility and beauty.Don't get me wrong, a lot of NH and ME are beautiful, but almost every square inch of VT is, and it feels like a peaceful place, removed from the rest of the world's troubles.NH has the big mountain adventures (for east coast), but it's way busier with tourists. Way less calm and peaceful.Maine is nice, but has a similar thing going on with tourists in the summer, and most of it isn't as pretty as NH or VT, it just has a lot of land so people have lake houses there.
Too bad about the communism. Every nice place has to be ruined by it.