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I'm planning a trip to China this summer. Is it possible to book one of these caves on Airbnb? I'm from a European country and prefer traveling to impoverished communities so I can appreciate the smaller things in life to a greater extent
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I guarantee at least one of them rocks a flintmobile
not a bad idea
They Always force Christians to live this way before killing the rest off
to live in caves? pretty sure the ccp just gulags anyone that is religious
>Cave Power

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Why do airlines charge you seemingly randomly throughout the year? Even during the holidays, sometimes you can get a cheaper rate pending on when you buy.

But then you get stupid shit like this where you spend less time flying, but are charged more for the EXACT same flight path/trip.

Why aren't price regulations a thing with the airlines? They ALL do this, which heavily implies price fixing.

I guess a side question is, how do you afford air travel? What is the cheapest way to buy a plane ticket without an absurd layover?
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>Why do airlines charge you seemingly randomly throughout the year?
Because you don't have an access to data they use in order to set their prices. That's why it's random to you and to them it makes perfect sense
Pricing algos can be weird
Recently I noticed that some airlines charge as much, if not more for booking 8-12 months ahead as they do for 2 weeks ahead
I can't say I understand why, but I have taken advantage of the cheaper tickets on short notice in these cases, I hate planning things far in advance
You have a mix of (I assume) Machine Learning algorithms predicting the amount of customers within a certain time frame combined with Operations Research optimization algorithms solving to achieve optimal results for certain goals some strategic management guys came up with, taking into account dozens if not hundreds of variables and constraints. The fact that things are dynamic out there makes it even more whoozey.
>Why aren't price regulations a thing with the airlines? They ALL do this, which heavily implies price fixing.
Because it is a fairly competetive market and thus already favours the customer quite heavily. Look at shit like "privatized" train companies, which are highly regulated. You always have delays, bad customer service and absolutely staggering costs for even short trips.
Wasn't there a time in the past when last minute tickets were actually the cheap ones since the air line would rather sell cheap than have empty seats?
>Wasn't there a time in the past when last minute tickets were actually the cheap ones since the air line would rather sell cheap than have empty seats?
That was way back, then it turned into a constant increase as you get closer to the flight date due to airlines overbooking flights to ensure no empty seats.
Not sure why I started to be able to find cheaper short notice tickets recently to be honest, might have to do with my home airport since it's not a major one and I always need at least one layover for flights to USA or Asia.
I choose the happy median of a couple months before the flight that way my plans are locked in.

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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For most of your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is very long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, check to see if there is a relevant thread before asking it here.

Previous thread: >>2549934
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You are unlikely to carry an infestation without the little bastards eating you alive. The bites are unmistakable.

To kill bugs you need heat as the eggs survive dry cleaning. If you’re away then it’s perversely easier to deal with as you just run all clothing through a tumble drier. Delicate clothing is discarded or vacuum sealed for two years. You have to dispose of your suitcase, toiletries etc.

But this is nothing compared to getting them out of your house once they’ve gotten into the carpets, behind your power sockets etc.

You really don’t want to bring these fucking things gone with you
Yes look into LL.Beam Duffle Bags, you're only allowed to carry Bags made by them.
Planning my best friends bachelor party in Nashville this summer.
What’s the best/craziest shit we can do?

I’ve already been before and done the bars and shit. I’m looking for something extraordinary as it’s a super special day
early 20s guy from London looking to move to Glasgow or Brighton, which one should I pick?
Looking to make loads of friends and date qts, both cities are great for that and both have lots of things to do that I'd enjoy, but atm I'm leaning towards Glasgow because it's cheaper and bigger (more variety so don't get bored as easily)
Sick of the soulless inhuman dump they call London
Got bad news for you anon...

One of my friends wants me to come with him to visit Saudi Arabia & Dubai this june. Are they worth visiting?
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Scuba diving in Saudi was by far something completely out of this world. Highly recommend, I basically went dune buggying on the red sea shore with my gear alone.

Rich Saudis are honestly gross nasty people you being Muslim or not making no difference

I have honestly considered converting as fully pious Muslim since a family I knew when I worked there offered to arrange a marriage with a women I knew who was semi-westernized and Mia Kalifa harem levels of hot. The issue isn't religion for me but the crazy dowry culture they have.
Tell us more about your time there? How did the situation occur where they ask you to marry their daughter?
I think I remember you writing about your time there last year and how absolutely miserable you were. This is what I fully expect of working there.
>t. Longterm expat
Is Bahrain or Qatar any better?
They're boring, not worth visiting unless you're there for a while and want to tick a few countries off, same goes for Kuwait.
intriguing. can you say more about what made oman so good?
it sounds gay but I was obsessed with the arabian nights stories as a kid so I have always wanted to get as close to that experience as possible

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Can some anons share?
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This was actually mentioned in the Lonely Planet guidebook for India. Cheap hotels that don't lock from the inside, with creepy staff barging in trying to see you naked. It seems prevalent in India.
India sounds perfect for the white knight type, kek
>can get 3 star rooms here in highly developed Taiwan for $40. Just go to Kuala Lumpur, pay $30 for a high-rise studio, and enjoy all the Indian food you want in a far more sanitary setting.
I'm not talking urban settings retard. Resorts in the countryside, where there's more nature.
>Screw that. I thought India was cheap.
Every large city in India has hundreds of thousands of people who would be at least upper-middle-class by Western standards. The prices of upscale hotels and resorts reflect the fact that India has more economic diversity than "impoverished street-shitter."

You can still get a decent hotel in Delhi for between $25 and $35 per night (or slightly less, if you're willing to compromise on setting and stay somewhere like Paharganj). However, you're not going to find a good 4-star hotel or a lower-range 5-star hotel for under less than $100 per night. If all you're interested in is feeling like a "white god," as half the morons in these these threads seem to be--and almost none of whom seem to have traveled anywhere more exotic than their own backyard--you're best off going somewhere like Thailand or the Philippines, where there's an entire economy built around the needs of degenerate coomers and sexpests.
35 a night for a shit hole hotel in india jessus christ. Even better countries are cheaper. Who would wanna go to expensive shitty india

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Is it a silly dream to want to travel around the entire world?

I have the instinctual urge to go be a vagabond that never returns home, but I have the sensibility to know it's expensive and/or risky to go out so long, and the novelty could wear off at any moment. At the same time, American work culture's generic "2 weeks per year" shit is not really enough to get a good feel for the world. I just don't want to die without seeing the planet and its people in an organic fashion. Any thoughts?
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Europoor here, will finish my Masters in Data Science soon, but also have a lot of CS stuff.
Which skills would you recommend I grind now in order to land a high paying job, ideally in the states? For that money I am indifferent whether it is programming, software architecture stuff or DS
Also, does the pay increase happen automatically or do you have to annoy your boss every few months?
>in the states
Ask around on H1B/big tech forums, namely Blind.

>Also, does the pay increase happen automatically or do you have to annoy your boss every few months?
I've never asked for a promotion or a pay increase. I've given myself high marks on my self-eval which usually has bonus implications but my biggest bumps have come from job hopping. Job hopping is common for younger employees so they should bump your pay automatically unless they WANT you to leave.
Will check that out ty
>I've given myself high marks on my self-eval which usually has bonus implications
That sounds like quite the broken system. Do you get a higher workload also when doing something like that?
It's only broken in the sense that it's kind of irrelevant. Bonus money is allocated to teams and then it's up to the manager to decide how much each individual gets.

Your manager already knows if you were useful or not by the time your annual review comes around.

The one time I gave myself above average remarks is when I was trying to get one last big bonus for the fuck of it right before I quit (lol). It didn't work, but I wasn't punished either.
It varies from company to company. A decent company will usually have an annual raise review, if not one after your first six months to adjust your pay. Others only do raises upon promotion, some only on protest from the employee. Union raises are typically structured by tenure and position, not skill. Just depends on who you work for.

That's why job hopping is so beneficial, you get realistic pay bumps (10-30%) instead of the marginal (2-10%) bumps you get just to counter inflation and cost of living.

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Is the Falkland Islands worth visiting?
If you want to see large cetaceans it’s good, but the bong homeland is better for that
Isn't this North Korea?

where can I get a job traveling with research groups to middle of bumfuck nowhere? no I am not getting a geology degree
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big store of non-perishable goods, which we'd cook communally every evening. Also some fresher stuff whenever a boat with supplies came every month or so. Also we caught fresh fish
Were you the seabird guy posting above? If so, what sorts of birds are/were you looking at, and what is interesting about them? Are you working on PhD, as some kind of research assistant, or other?

Also curious to know what your day-to-day research activities are like. I have friends who’ve done zoological or ecological work for various government agencies doing stuff they described as “counting fish” and “dissecting bear shit,” among other things, but the details are pretty mysterious to me as someone who, y’know, works indoors.
>t. worked there 2021-2022 summer season
What did you do, and how did you like it? I have a friend who nearly went down to do some kind of food service management role, but he ended up changing his mind and working on cruise ships for a few years, ending up with what I suspect would have been similar complaints about pay, hours, and working conditions, but arguably better weather when he wasn’t on an Arctic or Alaskan contract.

And have you read Big Dead Place, either before or afterwards?
Postdoc here. You should understand something fundamental about the academic research business: Principle Investigators (usually profs) win (usually big, national) money, spend it on postdocs, students in lab, technicians, etc. so to produce publications which bolster the academic's CV that has only 2 sections publications and money won. The cycle repeats and the side effect is a great deal of knowledge (quality varies) is generated all over the world under the exact same model.

Put yourself in the PI's shoes: Why the hell does anyone want to hire you when there's an army of researchers, researchers in training, hired guns with valuable skills, etc. available? Are you exceedingly cheap and your time worthless? If not then you clearly won't beat out a local at the fieldwork site.

/t. geomorphologist
>Were you the seabird guy posting above? If so, what sorts of birds are/were you looking at, and what is interesting about them? Are you working on PhD, as some kind of research assistant, or other?
Yea that was me. Have worked on a variety of different island ecosystem and/or seabird projects. Lots of island species like breeding seabirds are threatened by invasive rodents eating their eggs and chicks so monitoring that is a big part of it. Also done projects where we attach GPS trackers to wild seabirds to see where they feed, migrate, and whether they are affected by offshore windfarms. I was a research assistant for most of these, although PhDs are a good way to get into it, but you'll spend less time actually on location in the field than dedicated fieldworkers.

Day to day activities for the role on that island included walking transects to locate seabird nests and burrows, catching adults and chicks to attach ID rings and take biometrics, surveying for and removing invasive plant species, monitoring native reptiles including injecting ID chips to snakes to determine populations size etc. Lots of maintenance work, plant nursery stuff aswell. It can vary hugely depending on the project

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>passport bros saturating any decent location
>social media basically bringing in hordes of normies and zombies into any tourist location
>westernization at rapid pace
>overall inflation
>brutal competition with concepts like looksmaxxing and geomaxxing going mainstream
>foreigner fatigue
Future doesn't look bright bros. What keeps you all motivated to travel?
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Based, bald men should be banned from red light districts or any establishment that has young hot women getting naked.
Exactly the point. Passport bro mindset is "she told me she's a virgin so her head game must be great," it's hilarious how delusional they are.
>I don't need to pay money to have sex, travelling is about learning how the world works and how different people around the world live in their peculiar ways by having chance encounters with locals, tasting their food and so on, it's not about exploiting them, and sex is only a bonus
Food can also be "only a bonus" as well. That's subjective, you could just eat slop and gruel anywhere you go and use your exact same argument that "trad" foodies are getting REKT by these "gruel bros"
>The thing that I think is the most unfortunate is people travelling just to go over their itinerary (which itself is based on google reviews and tripadvisor), taking their IG shots and basically not interacting at all.
It's why I want to just solo travel now. I went with friends, and when I was with them, it was just running from place to place to get the requisite pictures and check off the checklist itinerary. When I was on my own, I got to get to meet and know people, do odd things, and just exist in the place I was in instead of rushing from IG photo spot 507 to IG photo spot 508. You can still get the experience you're looking for, you just might have to work a bit harder for it
>Next time go out of the meme zones and you'll spent a good time.
You could even go just a couple of blocks outside the meme zones and the tourists really thin out fast

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I was in Cuba and met these guys on the malecón in havana and we started talking. They invited me to an underground poker room I thought it was a bit risky but thought why not? I love to gamble and I've been up to crazier shit abroad before.

So I went to gamble and there was a waitress there and she was really sexy. She started flirting with me and then touching me so I went home with her and it turns out she was embassy personnel from Russia. I was in a ton of shit, if I say why it'd be bad op-sec but I had to gtfo. So I got smuggled to cienfuegos and then put on a cargo boat to Honduras. I was hiding in Tocoa for like 6 months until I was able to access some lawyers and money to get me home. My dad was able to wire some money since my account was frozen.

I was a desperate man.

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What is the most touristy city on Earth?
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worst I've been to was Rome
Tokyo was pretty bad tbqh
Dubai, definitely. They serve alcohol in an Islamic theocracy. It'd be like if the Vatican had nun-themed strip clubs specifically for non-Christian foreigners or if Jerusalem had all-you-can-eat chicken bacon egg breakfast sandwich buffets readily available for amerifats.
That is your main takeaway of Dubai being touristy? Not how it's straight up grotesque with the skyscrapers and pointless megaprojects?

Planning a trip to Nicaragua either alone/wit my dad

I have 8 non-flight days, 10 days in total.

Day 1 fly in (obviously)
Day 2,3 Leon (one day to chill in city, one day for hike and volcano board)
Day 4,5,5 Grenada (one day to go around city, one day for volcano hike, other day for isletas/relax in city in evening)
Day 6, 7,8 Otempe (is this too long? is Otempe worth it compared to other stuff? Is two days better?)

What should I do the last day? San juan del sur? Am I spending enogh time at Leon and Grenada? Is there anything major I'm missing that is a must-see? I plan on not going at all to the Caribbean side since it's such a short trip.

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Any particular hikes or tours? I will be in the area a little over 24 hours in mid June.

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What's the most you can handle driving in a day? I'm thinking of driving from Kansas City, MO to Buffalo, NY in one day which is about 14-15 hours of pure driving time + breaks to refuel the car, get food, etc. I'm not sure whether I'm deranged to try doing this and should just stay somewhere else for the night or whether this is a good idea. I think the most time I've spent on the road in a day before is 9 hours.

Pic unrelated: I would be driving a Honda Civic rather than a big ass Cadillac.
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5 hours per day if I'm a tourist
9-12 hours if i'm just trying to get somewhere (depending on traffic and the types of roads im driving)
Last year I drove an 08 civic from close to Buffalo (Hamilton) to Utah. I left at 6 am and probably was in Kansas city before midnight. I ended up doing 21 hours that day and than pulled over at a rest stop for a couple hours. I made it to my first camp sure in Colorado at 6pm next day. I drank a lot of those PK things you can get at the dollar stores.down there. I'm doing another one to Wyoming in about a month and I got some LSD to try microdose driving.
I’ve driven nearly, but not quite, that long in a single sitting at least a couple of times; I’ve moved cross-country by car twice. The stretch I recall most clearly was between Madison, Wisconsin and Cheyenne, Wyoming, which took more than twelve but fewer than fifteen
hours door-to-door, including a couple of stops to use toilets and/or get gas, and pump myself full of too much caffeine, but no long rest or meal breaks. When I was younger I had a weirdly masochistic, arguably maybe slightly self-destructive, attitude towards road trips undertaken out of necessity rather than for fun; although I didn’t fixate on being as fast as possible (although I will absent-mindedly catch myself going much too fast on sparsely populated highways once in a while, I don’t like to speed excessively in the presence of any other traffic; tailgaters and gratuitous lane weavers hell-bent on passing everyone they possibly can wherever they can are dangerous, dumb cunts), I liked to get them over with, and often didn’t eat at all over the course of a day of driving. It’s not smart, as I much later understood that low blood sugar will eventually fuck up my judgement and reaction time, as well as just making me foggy-headed in general and more prone to fatigue. In retrospect, duhh.

So I guess I can honestly report that “around 14 hours” is the most I CAN drive in a go, I don’t *like* doing it, and don’t recommend it if it’s avoidable. Nowadays I would sooner drive no longer than eight or nine hours at once at the absolute outside, and can admit to being tired enough that I would rather be done for the day after as little as six or seven.
>What's the most you can handle driving in a day?
30 minutes
I hate driving so much bros
Alone, i can do 20 hours.

With a bitch, i can do 2 hours top.
I learned this the hard way, doing a road trip with an ex gf.

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This June, the lads and I are planning a trip to the Lychee and Dog Meat Festival (玉林荔枝狗肉节) in Yulin, China. Has anyone been before? What kind of dog meat dishes can we expect to find there? Any info is appreciated.
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That’s because 4chan is blocked in China so the dog eaters won’t see it and become outraged. Indians clearly have access to 4chan (hence the enormous quantity of low quality, ESL garbage) and get outraged easily
chang and pajeet spam this board relentlessly, but they seethe when the tables get turned. it's hilarious desu
>4chan is blocked in china
are you sure? I thought it was one of those weird sites they didn't block. they definitely have government shills posting here
You'll notice that White people don't eat dog. Where are you from?
So, you first take a flight to Guangzhou, China
Once you get off at that airport
You wanna ask around for the Guangxi provincial bus
And it costs 20 US dollars
And it's a four-and-a-half-hour ride
And you get off at Maoming West
Just remember, Maoming West
Now, you might have to stay there a full night
Depending on the time you arrive
Because the next bus that goes to Yulin
Only runs like once a day
And you have to buy another ticket
It's about another 22 bucks
But from there, it goes straight to Yulin
Soon enough, you'll be eating some dog

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