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What are the best cities for just randomly wandering around in?
Starting off with an obvious one.
It's a lot of fun to wander around, because most of the surface roads are too narrow for cars.
Could it be less grimey. I'm not into the whole grunge thing.

Hello anons
I am going to Zurich for NYE, then Grindelwald/Wengen/Interlaken for paragliding, mountains, bratwurst, rosti, scenic trains, cable cars, maybe skiing, chocolate and just enjoying the nature and the beautiful landscapes.

What is something you think I should do during my 3 day trip in this beautiful corner of the planet? Anything a tourist/google/extensive AI research wouldn't know that you think is cool? What's the best spot for bratwurst?
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Zermatt itself feels like an open air shopping mall for richfags, it's disgusting. I would say that the only interest there is to get out of town as fast as possible and enjoy the views.
But even so, paying 100+ chf for a quick train ride feels like a scam
I spent a ten days in Switzerland a couple of years back. The one day I spent in Zurich before my flight out was one day too much.
It's disgusting if you can't afford it. It's actually very affordable in the winter to stay in Zermatt at an Airbnb. You can get a nice large condo for 130 euros a night. Lift tickets are 90 euros per day. If you're coming from the US, that's less than most lift tickets at the major resorts. There are cheaper places to eat in town. The grocery store had pretty normal prices. Yea, a beer is 9 euros in most bars, but you can pick up a 6 pack at the grocery for that price and drink outside anywhere you want. The only thing that's extremely overpriced in Zermatt are the apparel stores.
m8 I know my shit, I was literally living in Switzerland when I visited Zermatt. I could definitely afford a stay there, but it was still way overpriced compared to the rest of the country.
The thing is, Zermatt id basically out of place, nothing is authentic there. No real mountain town would have this concentration of luxury shops that have nothing to do with the local economy. It just screams fake shit made to suck money off from oblivious tourists. The town itself is a disgrace. And then you go hiking and see chinese tourists in the mountains with zero equipment. It's just an amusement park at this point, but at least the mountains are still preserved.
yes, switzerland really BAD, please do not come here, I mean there, switzerland really not good place, please go somewhere else.

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how would you rate the food here besides Thailand and Vietnam?
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Didn't get the name but this Lao dish looks good.
is Malaysian food as good as Bourdain claims?
>What more do you want?
I want you to leave this board, schizo.
Seeing as you can get Malay, Chinese and Indian cuisine in the country, I'd rate Malaysia pretty highly as a foodie destination. If you like eating your biggest meal after dark, Malaysia is A+ for that. However, if you like exploring a city with tons of tiny owner-operated eateries specializing in a small number of dishes, Malaysia is less ideal. Much more common is the sprawling dining hall with indifferent waitstaff and 150 options on the menu. It can feel a little soulless, even when the flavors are amazing.
>calling someone schizo because they ate larb dip, laap dip, for 4 days straight in a hot sweaty open air backroad Chiang Mai family restaurant bar with lots of mint leaves and Chang beer like the other old men sitting in there to socialize - a quaint restaurant with wooden benches and warm beer bottles at every table where the manager encouraged the waitress to approach him indecently - she refused, and refused to even take his order for some reason - and was then profusely sick for a month after from something in the kitchen, maybe poison, or just the continuous diet of raw buffalo bile salad and beer
Even Thais are scared of lap dip and they should be, but nobody is scared of you.

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What's the "situation" like here? Stopping for a month between Phillipines and Thailand.
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>The only prostitutes here are Vietnamese.
No, they are Siamese
Big tittie vietnamese are in concrete shacks nearer the airport and extra bitchy and will double charge any whytman their normal 10dolla rate for 10 minnuts
>The only prostitutes here are Vietnamese
Lmfao you gooks are hilarious
The locals take care of their teachers. Each group of students might only get two hours of schooling a day, as there are a lot of kids here. There's nothing fucked-up about living close to the land, apart from the destruction of native jungle habitat. People grow strong from facing the challenges of primitive living together.
>you consider it "cheap" to spend $25/day in a country where people make $5/day
Yeah suuure you're Cambodian.
The Koreans and Chinese ruined Cambodia. Just look what they did to snooky. Prices in PP are now obscenely over the top

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Long term travel chads how do you keep things interesting?
>be me
>get remote job
>fuck yeah digital nomad chad card
>book Asia ASAP
>first few months a blast
>hit about 8-12 month range
>barely doing anything that I wouldn't do back home
>talk with another Digital Nomad Chad
>he laughs and says he never cared about exploring in the first place
>starting to get depressed

How do you guys keep the excitement up after a while? I've resorted to just eating out as my main reason to leave my airbnb, mostly just sit playing vidya with people who have shit ping from australia, or just sleeping. Instead of getting healthier I feel noticeably worse somehow even though asia(have been in Japan for the past 2 months) is suppose to be the healthiest people on the planet. Every time I talk to friends back home it's hard to do anything and they all seem to be having way more fun fueling depressed feelings.

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>be WFH
>love to travel
>do it for 2 years straight
>everything a blur even though I usually spent >1 month each place
>end up in the just sitting at airbnb for days sometimes doing fuck all
>oh yeah I did that or looking at my photos best way to recall stuff
>had a blast but look at all the stuff I missed
>Fast forward to today
>do 3-4 months abroad, usually dedicate 1 month per stop, with selected places I know I want to go and things I want to do
>have a blast each day
>easily recall and enjoy each moment
>come back for 2-3 months recollecting everything work out for any gym I missed there
>easily balance my back home life with my abroad life

Nonstop travel can be fun if you have no ties to back home I guess. I found it demotivating a bit to guggle it all, best way is to rent some cheap ass apartment or room with a friend to crash back at when home, and travel in small bites. It could be just me but even when I did 3 months in some place, by month 2 I was just going through the motions of things I'd do at home not really caring about where I was. Sure it got me some cheap food and girls, but man was I FUCKING bored. I even ended up going back to normie bars just to meet people from home and chat without having to play 20 questions with a local again about what I am doing in their country.
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I was in a similar situation and I figured that I should just relocate somewhere for like 2 years, make the effort to establish a proper social life, etc. and that would make it more interesting than resetting my life every month or two.
So I did that, moved to Japan, and it was fun for maybe half a year but then it just becomes even more depressing once it hits you that you're stuck for a while and can't even really relate to these insectoids that surround you.

I don't know what the solution is. Now I'm thinking that it's probably best to find a base location where you're reasonably happy and then just take 1-2-week trips to cool places. Not sure what a good base is though.
Depends on which country you're living in. Most places you're probably spending real time in (developed countries, population centers) have some international/expat community. I always look for meetups, language exchanges, hiking groups, that kind of thing.
Once you've moved to a new city a number of times and done this, making new friends becomes really easy. I'm at a point now where I have to make excuses not to go out, because I get too tired of being around people.
To add to this, meeting locals is a different issue, and I've found it really depends on the country. Some countries like Spain or Brazil have very friendly locals who love meeting foreigners. Others have a more insular culture. It's always possible to break into a friend group of locals, but it's difficult and doesn't make sense to actively seek that out. Spending time in the more international groups is easier and you'll meet locals through them regardless.
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Dunno I travel for work but changed jobs recently which just has flipped my schedule.

My advice is get into a hobby, mine is gym and just anime cons. Lotta fun people to meet and can help you out with local shit or just fun stuff to do. If you ain't got hobbies any place going to be as boring as the place you sit since you always sit with yourself.

I have watched endless travel vlogs going to India and they generally all have the same outcome. It's disgusting.
Is India away from the cities much better? I continuously see members of developing countries and Indians fuming that white men video absolute shitholes in India and state they're just showing the bad parts
Does india have any good parts?
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Here's a delusional Indian man full of pride.
I just want the Darjeeling Limited experience. Is that unrealistic like expecting Paris to be the Amelie experience?
Just go to Darjeeling
Or any other eastern parts
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#1 superpower actually sir
What about Panchkula and Chandigarh? Not only do they look like very nice cities by developing country standards, but they are close to some great topography.

Really though, I don't get how people can get tired of traveling. Does a map with all its intricacies of detail mean nothing to them? I can spend half the year in Asia for the next two decades and still only get to experience a tiny fraction of what life is like in various parts of the continent.

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Should I move here? I'm in a unique situation where I can choose where I want to live without fear of job or housing. I have disposable income and don't need to be attached to an office. I heard Seattle became a shithole in the past 20-30 years and governor Inslee is destroying the state. I see crime go completely ignored. But plenty of people live and work here and it seems worthwhile. Should I live here? What are the pros, cons, FAQs, and misconceptions? Can you see Mount Rainier from the city or do you need to be in Tacoma or further east?
>inb4 rain
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Not really a big goth community in the area but they tend to congregate at The Mercury on Capitol Hill. The latter is a private club and you need a member to bring you in as a guest to get in.

I commute into Tacoma for work and it's better than Seattle in several categories. It's a place full of PNW weirdos and freaks, but people there are much more sociable and easier to talk to than the dipshits in Seattle.
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Don't kid yourselves, go watch Martin Bell's Streetwise or even the article its based on which came out in the early 80s.
Seattle has had a homeless and junkie problem since forever, what's really tragic is there are KIDS who are homeless in that city.
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What is Bellingham like if you can move there without worries about lack of local jobs and affordable housing? I saw that it's almost as rainy as Seattle with scenic beaches, lots of outdoors stuff, close to the islands, etc. Looks like a fuckton of Marxist gender dorks, though.

Is this place just nice Seattle on a smaller scale without the drug zombies or does it have some real value?

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why does France get so many more tourists than everyone else?
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Former (and still) colonial power (so wealthy citizens of former colonies visit a lot), rich neighbors, its been famous for hundred of years as the country of high fashion, fine dining..., great places, has one of the most, if not the most, recognizable landmarks in the world (E. tower) and is pretty easy to visit although they could improve english usage (but why/ people visit anyway). Also still economic relevant so business tourism is a thing.
Nice chart btw
>I want to see Times Square
top fucking jeet

And to answer your question, >>2747984, many thirdies visit the US exactly for the same reason this curry ass turdie is.
>there the girls are pretty
monkey-faced midgets are not pretty
>what's not to like?
The country.
This >>2747706. Tourist doesn't mean what you think. Brits going to Spain by car are tourists in France, same for the Germans and Dutch. "Safe and effective, believe the science, the numbers don't lie." Use your brain.

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Is it fit for /trv/ again?

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Anyone from here or has been there? Planning a backpack trip and looking to get some insight on cool spots or places, especially Romania/Bulgaria since I know nothing about those
I have done Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo, Definitely recommend Albania and Montengro, Kosovo was a little odd but it was dirt cheap I did only stay in Prishtina though.
Is there decent English in Albania and Montenegro? Would you recommend combing the two into one trip? How many days would be best for each country?

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Do you follow any?

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Noel seems like a nice fellow, but he is an airline reviewer rather than a conventional travel vlogger.
Mutts are as diverse as they come, you dumbass. Funny enough, a lady here in Laos asked me where I was from, I said America, and she shook her head "America! Oof, not good". She then proceeded to surcharge me 25% on a bottle of beer.
Her videos were getting pushed on my YouTube recos for a while. Personally I'd rather read a report of someone's travels with pictures and clips embedded than watch a 20+ minute long vlog.
He's kind of a bore to be honest and so are his travels. He's been doing this for decades and still only does basic tourist stuff.
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I thought he counted

Going to Iguaçu falls at the end of March, by plane. I want to get back to Rio by bus after that. How much time should I spend around Puerto/Foz de Iguaçu and what are the cool spots to stop by in the South of Brazil? Any recommandations on what to do/see?
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>give days
*five days
>You can't use your passport number as your ID number like you do as a foreigner in every country that requires ID verification?
For a SIM card? Technically it's possible, but the people at the official phone stores are lazy pieces of shit and won't help you and most of the little convenience shop places either don't know it's possible or don't know how. The pharmacy at the Rio airport can do it and there's a convenience kiosk in the mall by Copacabana that can do it, I think it might be possible to buy the TIM brand card and do it all yourself, but I haven't tried. I would just use an e-SIM if you don't need a local number for anything
One day for the Falls and birds' sanctuary, one day for Itaipu Dam and maybe one day for a visit to Ciudad del Este for anthropologic reasons.
Why did you do this for yourself?
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>Why did you do this for yourself?
Because I live in Guiana and I wanted to be able to brag about driving from France to Brazil. Indeed, it wasn't an interesting trip at all.
>Five days seems too much.
Thanks man but you're the one talking about five days. I said four in the OP simply because I arrive in the afternoon of the first day and don't think I'll do anything interesting that day. That leaves days 2 and 3 to enjoy the falls, day 4 to see that damned dam and take a bus to somewhere else in the evening.
Will save that for another trip, but it looks spectacular indeed
No point in going to ciudad del este unless you wanna buy stuff
I’d recommend spending more time on the Argentine side, it’s a lot bigger and more to see, you gotta do it in 2 days if don’t want to rush

How easy is this shit for autists? I'm not going to remember any of the student's names. I'm literally just a white guy who speaks English. Is it that easy?
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If you're actually autistic please do not go work a job teaching kids
Why? I'm not aggro or anything
It depends on where are you going. In europe (spain, italy) you can usually apply for language schools, and their course ends in an exam. If your students fail, you will be fired.

Asia is different. In thailand, cambodia and vietnam they dont give a fuck. In japan, china and korea the parents are very strict and they want their kid to be perfect in english. You need to work your ass off or they will fire you.
I did the “TEFL tuck” after I completed my certification course
>what’s that
It’s where you realize after the course (especially after you do live practice classes at the end), that you actually cannot stand in front of a class of 30+ children for 1 hour without collapsing internally from social anxiety. Once you know where you stand you metaphorically tuck your tail between your legs, ghost your TEFL course instructors, stop responding to emails or engaging in the job search, and quietly leave the country.

When I went to get my certificate after the course, I looked down at the floor as I exited the lobby in order to avoid making eye contact with my instructor who just spent his time and energy for 4 weeks helping me to prepare to be a teacher. Then I never talked to any of them again.

This was in 2018
Its a social position. You need to be comfortable speaking to an audience and making conversation.

How many consecutive times can I visa free run here, usually risk free? I'm an American and we get 2mo visa free now. If I fly out of Bangkok to KL or somewhere, should I wait a few days before returning? Is it true the border staff are more chill at DMK?
And can I just keep 20k baht or something on me whenever I return?
There have not been any recent anecdotal reports of foreigners being denied entry to Thailand for having too many Thailand stamps in their passport. The old rule was up to six air entries per year, which funnily enough comes out to 360 days with the new visa-exempt regimen. Personally, I'll be keeping it under the 180 day per year mark. Been itching to go to Vietnam and see what it's all about, but VN is one long string of a country, whereas Thailand is a vast spread with room to wander freely in any direction. Also, can't forget the dirt-cheap Thai weed LMAO
You can bring up to 50K baht through immigration without declaring it.
>You can bring up to 50K baht through immigration without declaring it.
No, I mean would bringing that substantial sum of cash foolproof my visa exempt run? I plan on just renting a place for 6 months and leaving my stuff there when I go for visa
Not that guy but im pretty sure that means unless you have over 50k it would not matter
So you having 20k pecker touch coins is no different than 1k
Now tell us a fucking cool story or some cool beach to fuck off on for when im there in a month

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Anywhere off the beaten path in Bulgaria that's worthwhile to travel to?
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I'll Ameriam style off their vampire style off the beaten path!
You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.
Are you okay? Are you a bot?
Beautiful mountains (if you like ski tourism or hiking check Borovets, Bansko, Pamporovo)
The seacoast is cool but not as clean as in Greece or Turkey for example, so I wouldnt get my expectations high for beach tourism. The people are good-natured (except the gypsies, dont be around them) and most of them speak English to some point, so it would be easy to ask for directions/places and stuff like that. Oh and its cheap (duh, eastern europe)

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