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what's Jordan like in the cities?
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How did you buy stuff there? I am assuming that credit cards such as visa and mastercard won't work due to sanctions.
Did you exchange euros/yens/yuans or any other currency? Are crypto currencies accepted there?
You bring in cash, then go to an exchange on the street (they’re everywhere) as needed. Wear your cash strapped to your bare chest at all times. It’s a safe, friendly place but better safe than sorry.
Jordanian cities are extremely shit. Amman has a citadel and an amphitheatre in the city centre, and a authentic souk nearby (which admittedly is pretty neat), the rest is literally just an endless expanse of sandstone houses. There's a huge flagpole that looks cool from a distance. Zarqa has 650k inhabitants but is practically just a suburb of Amman. Irbid has nothing either. Aqaba has a fort, otherwise nothing. The only city I visited there that I'd consider comfy was Salt, probably because its history goes back more than 100 years (Amman was practically uninhabited until 1878, while Salt was the administrative centre in Ottoman times).

On the other hand, the nature in Jordan is otherwordly beautiful, and the ancient sites are magnificent. I traveled extensively there a couple of years ago and could write you some tips if you want.
There's something called the wayback machine and archive.is




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I'm moving overseas next year in February so that I can 'start a new life', it'll be the first time I moving abroad in my life (permanently anyway).

The main reason is because my family thinks it will be best for me overall and I can probably help my family out when I've settled in with money.
Everyone believes life will be better for me in the country due to better infrastructure and better job opportunities (I know how that sounds but my country isn't getting better any time soon).

Some Context:
>24 years old
>Finished college
>Spent most of this year looking for work with very little luck
>Spent some time working online before being 'dismissed', it wasn't that good of a job but it was my first real experience so whatever
>My dad offered to help me move overseas so I can get a career started in a first world country
>I have a hard time taking care of myself and being responsible, so it'll be a big adjustment
>My relationship with my dad is okay mostly, family drama makes things weird but I manage fine
>My germaphobia and weird habits make it hard for me to be normal around people
>Worried that I'll do something stupid and end up getting kicked out by my dad, then end up homeless in another country (paranoid I know but it's hard to shake off)

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What state or country are you moving to? If it's the USA then I'll give you tips on burger life
>but saaar please my country is very poooor!
Brown people are so fucking irritating
I see your point, I'll just stick to changing gears if politics ever come up.

Are there any reliable or practical new sources to look at?
Op here.

>What state or country are you moving to?
I'm moving to Australia, South Australia in a small town.

>If it's the USA then I'll give you tips on burger life
You can give me the tips and advice anyway, I don't know how permanent my stay anywhere is going to be.
I need to learn how to build a life, so any advice will help me.

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Am I going to get put on a watch list if I take a vacation to Russia?
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People still believe this is what they are saying. The meme is eternal.
Its an amazing country.
I am a Greek-Russian dual , making money in Greece and spending them in Russia with the weaker rubble on Russian women. Like the dude above me said, best vibe in the fucking world.
You can visit some park in bumfuck nowhere and find monasteries and world war 2 weapons.
>rubble on russian women
I get them for free in Istanbul
>t. Turk
I don't think it ever will go back to what it was, honestly. The sanctions are never coming off. Putin is gonna crack down harder on dissent. Once you go through the rabbithole of censoring the internet there is no reason to allow it back.

The smart Russians already left. In a few years the place is gonna be a White North Korea.
Anyone not praising the Dear Leader will just vanish.
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I've been told by 3 different Russian immigrants that I look Russian, would that curry me favor?

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2024 Edition

Post your favorite travel photos you've taken this year. I know a lot of people went to Japan. Let's see which destinations were actually the most photogenic.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Arashiyama, Kyoto
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i can definitely contribute a few to this thread, this is my fav pic from my travels.

Þakgil, Iceland
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Sørvágsvatn, Faroe Islands
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Tivat, Montenegro
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Gugan Barra, Ireland

thats all I will share for now.

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I want to emigrate from this PoS county. Preferable outside of the west. I got UK citizenship but Europe just seems more of the same garbage as Canada. What are good options to emigrate to? I'm currently considering Malaysia, Turkey, Thailand, Morocco, and Oman. I would emigrate to China if possible but they don't allow non-Chinese to emigrate there long term. I have intermediate understanding of Mandarin (can read, listen but not speak).
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You gotta fix your shithole first. Good luck with Trump.
Pick Malaysia. Your Mandarin can be useful in and near Singapore, Malaysian language itself is quite simple, nearly the same as Indonesian so now you can communicate with so many people. You can also do business. It's not overrun by digital homads and bromads. I would check out visa and living options now. Be aware they have rainy seasons and in summer are quite hot.

Absolutely do not go to Morocco.
Fly to Mexico and walk north.
I was in the same boat as you but did go to the UK, and things are a bit better here than Ontario and Quebec. I'm in the south but if you were somewhere like Manchester it'd be even better QoL, from what everyone tells me.
I'm a dual Canada-EU citizen and also thinking about leaving, I made 100k this year and also the one before by working 70 hours per week and I'm ready to cash out. What are the best places in Europe to buy cheap property?

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How you are doing? I'm really tired.

>see clear colorful dreams about traveling that feel like being in a VR world
>think these at the morning every day
>day dream about traveling
>watch videos about people living in a van, people traveling etc. in Youtube and Twitch
>learn a language but in average you are doing this 15 minutes per day so it will take +20 years to learn it at this rate
>remember how difficult it was to take out the trash and you are now days too scared to even go anywhere

Basically I'm a loser with mental problems living with government money. I know my life is easy when I have everything but day dream being homeless in the car while I hate everything that "traveling" would be. I don't like seeing monuments or being in the museums. I don't like talking or being in a public places. I have car with manual transmission from 80s and I hate driving that. When it is -30 Celcius and it has 50 cm snow layer on top of it and I'm forced to go somewhere, I want to kill myself when I'm cleaning it up and driving it. One time I was forced to be in a public place in coffee shop. I did drink my 5 € coffee, head hurts from super loud noices, people yelling, talking, cars honking. Coffee tastes like burned shit. Lights are too bright. I was just thinking how horrible it is there. Everytime I'm somewhere, I just think how many hours is left until I can go home.

My brain is ruined. I'm low maintenance, only use money if forced and I like sleeping and seeing dreams. I like thinking things. I should have been forced to do work straight from school rest of my life so I wouldn't know what life can be with unlimited free money and unlimited free time. How you even motivate people like me? "If you do work you can afford this and that! If you want kids you have to work! Living with somebody elses money is wrong!". I get that but problem is that I don't or can't care and that is fucked up.
>How are you doing?

I’m not bad. I just got back from a short trip to visit an old friend in Athens (which is far better than its reputation in my opinion, but the haters who call it a shithole aren’t completely out of line), heading to Scotland, Ireland, and the USA in a couple of weeks, thinking about a getaway with my wife in January while the kids are at ski camp. There are aspects of my life for which I feel immense gratitude, and parts that kind of suck, as I suspect it is for most people.

It sounds like you’re not doing great. Do you think taking a short trip somewhere would help? I find that new environments are always a good temporary distraction from my problems, and I get some endorphin/dopamine boosts from travel that can ameliorate some of my depressive tendencies for a time. But travel doesn’t cure mental illnesses, it’s unclear from your post whether you want to travel at all, and this is almost certainly not the right board to post in if not.

Perhaps you want to go car camping somewhere? Borrow a tent/gear, drive someplace that is sparsely populated and not your house, sleep in a campground for a night or two?

Car-based homelessness is just going to be everything you don’t like about what you’re living with now, except without a place to shower or take a shit.

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what's the most obscure country you've been to?
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Belize. Enjoyed it, would like to go back.
How was Moldova?
Andorra or North Macedonia
Depends on how one defines obscurity from their POV. Bhutan like >>2734561 mentioned ain't that obscure to Indians and a lot of whiteys are now going there. (I was there months ago) Most countries mentioned in this thread honestly aren't that obscure anymore like Tajikistan and Moldova thanks to their leniency to visa entries and basically just time going by. Definitely around 5 years ago they were extremely obscure but now? Not so much.
For me, the most obscure place I've been to is Niue, but this was years ago. There was only 1 flight per week to/from Auckland and I still have the handwritten boarding pass when I left Niue. Almost no beaches but plenty of cool rock formations and ocean pools where you can clearly see colorful fish, corals, and sea snakes. Also got to meet the premier at that time and even stayed at his former residence. I'm also surprised by the amount of flips on this island. Not sure if things have changed nowadays.
I’ve never really been anywhere particularly “rare,” although like >>2734526 I have been to both Moldova and Liechtenstein.

I’ve been to a (very) few less-visited countries for work, most exotic of which was probably Liberia, but it wasn’t for adventure and I didn’t see much beyond hotels, restaurants, conference rooms, and some derelict rubber plantations. Same with Afghanistan—been there twice, once for several weeks, saw and did very little, and wouldn’t go again for fun, although it’s almost certainly safer to do it now than when I did it.

I’ve definitely never been anywhere that /trv/ hasn’t heard of, but I’m totally OK with that. I’ve been to many small towns and villages that don’t get much/any tourism in normie/basic/accessible destinations, which I think is more interesting in some ways—even in countries full of tourists, it’s always possible to find places they don’t bother with.

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I have been to most of SEA cunts other than Indonesia, burnei and Malaysia. I have a feeling that this country may be my fav cunt judging from its city’s sceneries on google image.
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>extremely polite
That's an exaggeration. Indifferent service of generic goyslop in 20-table eateries is prevalent. Their menus are so identical they might be national franchises for all I know. Hotel staff are often surly. While traveling Malaysia I really missed the small eateries of Thailand with their attentive service and variety of flavors, each cook adding his individual touch. In general, if you hate the blandly prosperous suburban lifestyle in a place like Florida, you will dislike Malaysia as well.

Watch out for the 16% service charge added to your bill, it's very common in KL. Posted room rates exclude the tourism fee and sometimes other taxes as well. People often crowd onto the KL metro before passengers have gotten off. Pedestrian behavior is less considerate than in Bangkok, you're far more likely to get brushed or bumped by passersby in KL. Without a car you are at the mercy of downpours, which can last for an hour plus. The radar-based predictions like "rain in two hours" are often erroneous.
I’ve had many monster muffs, I used to actively seek them out on my TRAVELS but I am sad to report I never had a big bush in Malaysia. One Spaniard who was trimmed, and wakanda Kween who was clean shaven.
mid: the country
Fucking hotel in Ipoh. I was exhausted and scanned my room card at room 212 instead of 221 and it scanned green so I went in. 2 beds, weird. Then, an hour later the manager leads a woman and her kid into the room while I'm on the bed and he is LIVID. I apologize and tell him the key scanned my room. He didn't even take my key and just told me to go to my room. He then angrily stared at me at checkout the next day. Should've reported them to the police for having full retard security
That's an awfully strange situation

I've put my key in other people's doors then had them come out to look at me as I'm walking away

Which passports give their holders unique visa-free opportunities?
Malaysians being able to visit Algeria without a visa is one example.
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Pretty kino desu
Also is getting a US visa even worth it
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>3 literal turdie passports
have fun getting paid in roubles, naira, and rial
nobody is going to make the argument that the US passport is the most powerful, but it's most certainly better than stacking a bunch of shithole passports
the biggest drawback of the US passport, however, would definitely be the taxes.
>have fun getting paid in roubles, naira, and rial
I'm getting paid in dollars tho
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>finnish passport
>3rd in the world passport ranking
>174 visa-free countries
>rest of the countries you basically just ask visa when you are there and you get it
>couple countries you have to do something to get it, like ask and wait for one month, then you can go
It is always funny how you as a third world American (non-white) speak this way about others. Your passport is worthless. I would kill myself if I had wasted my life being born as American.

Should I visit Philadelphia or Dallas next May? Would be for 5 days. I'm a euro and have friends in each but have never been
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DC is a lot cleaner than Philly and has more to do for tourists. Nicer people, too, which says a lot about Philly
Philly is nice it’s just a reputation. DC isn’t a real city. It’s a made up district for our lawmakers to bang hookers and do a ton of blow with expensive restaurants and a bunch of historical bullshit that Philly has beat as it was the original capital and first city. Go fuck yourself with that stupid Washington monument.
>come to Philadelphia
>there are sports to see and things to do OUTSIDE the city
you're not really selling it
Yeah its not like DC is a planned city with free museums in a central location near the other tourist shit people come to see.
DC museums are kinda shit, catered to retard Americans. Being free is the only upside
Art Museum and Mutter Museum are significantly cooler

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hello is possible to work and travel abroad while being a civil servant? I'm in usa and while I'm thankful to be employed and have a stable career. I don't make much money at my age 30 (110k) and don't get laid (0). in fact working for the government makes me look terrible in the eyes of women and my neighbors. they see me as a brokie. Civil servants have more prestige in other countries correct?
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>You pampered niggers have no idea how little money it really takes to live a comfortable and liberated life.
Alright, how little and how to get it?
>Civil servants have more prestige in other countries correct?
Varies by country, but there are parts of the world (especially in the Middle East) where few locals want to work in the private sector at all—go government or stay home, basically. Apart from some entrepreneurs or people with private family businesses, most private-sector paid work is done by guest workers of various species. But of course, it’s not common (or maybe even possible?) for foreigners to work in the UAE civil service.

Even in more normal countries, a lot of civil service jobs are dominated by if not explicitly restricted to local citizens.

Às for prestige, I think it varies a lot—in many countries, government jobs are regarded as desirable because they’re seen as stable; it could be a job for life from which it’s almost impossible to get fired, with a pension at the end. In countries with a lot of corruption, it could be simultaneously regarded as sleazy and a good earner. In countries requiring various civil service entry exams, it can be respected as an achievement to get in (and also maybe stable or sleazy/lucrative).

But I don’t know how relevant any of that would be to you IRL. You can certainly travel, and tell people you work for the government, and some might respond positively. But if you want to live abroad, you probably have to be able to work remotely. Your skills aren’t likely to be transferable to a similar role for a new government, even if you are eligible to work for one (I have no idea, but it seems doubtful).
Daily average expenditures for Thailand are about to fall below 20 USD after six weeks
Ok that's more than I spend to live in my country lmfao retard. Why would I go to a third world shithole to spend more???
>$600 a month
as a DN turd world afficionado, I like how much farther my money goes. you could survive on 2k a month in Canada, or you could live extremely comfy with the same amount in Thailand or Vietnam. I can't even imagine what it would be like to live in a shithole like India with 2k a month. You could probably live in the nicest hotel in Mumbai and buy a slave

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I'm planning a trip to Japan for February.
Never flown out the country by myself, so I'm looking into getting tickets, what are some ways to fly cheaply? I know booking months in advance helps but is there anything else I'm overlooking?
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Oh man, didn't realize this was 2 days old. Sorry, I was in Arkansas for 2 days checking out the JLPT.
Yeah the sites all pull their data from the same source, long ago the airlines agreed to pipe their data to a single aggregator company running under a sort of corpo/gov monopoly, and that org sells the data access to all the third party sites (source: worked for them for a bit). The difference in prices on various sites is them finding better combinations of flight plans to save some bucks, so you just find the best searcher tool (I just use Google) and fuck with the dates a bunch.
Also I bought tickets to Japan months in advance for my group. Last minute (two weeks before) another friend wanted in on the trip and found tickets for even cheaper with a more direct flight path, just had slightly different dates and times. Airline prices are constantly adjusted based on their booking patterns, occupancy, etc, so you just gotta keep playing around with the variables. Usually cheaper to do it midweek vs a weekend for obvious reasons.
>I know booking months in advance
This used to be true, but with modern pricing algorithms it's not gospel. Predicted peak travel times will start at higher prices, and if a flight is not filling fast enough prices can drop even very close to departure

The best way to get cheaper fares is to be flexible with your dates/airlines/airports and try every combination
Right now a flight to japan is 700 bucks for the next few days. That's fucking cheap. I'm flying somewhere in Asia and it's A LONG ASS FLIGHT. Maybe I should make a stop in Japan but Japan is kind of boring.

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Anyone ever travel to the parts of china with all the unused abandoned buildings? Those ghost cities(I heard they’re mostly just shitty buildings made to be an investment but not really lived in but I could be wrong). Was it interesting? You try going into the buildings? Was it creepy or just boring?
They look kinda creepy to me ngl. Just these huge empty monoliths
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>N....Nothing to see here, 老外
>E...Everything is fine. China numba wan!
>Then people move in
A few people moved in. I was in China last year and these things are everywhere, mostly sitting empty. It's no secret that the Chinese real estate market is in the shitter.
They called Shenzhen a ghost city too, at one point.
Apples to oranges. Shenzhen was a fishing village that grew into a manufacturing hub, not a bunch of empty high rises in the middle of a cornfield. Most of these things are going to be knocked down and the only way to make sense of it is to conclude that they were built to grease somebody's palm.
it was the best form of investment in china for decades, and that's all falling apart now. factor in the declining population and you have a recipe for disaster

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Just as the title says - Ameribros what have you found to be the best travel card to apply for? 100$ yearly fee or less only because i am not really a huge spender in my day to day life. Looking at the Chase Sapphire because of the current 750$ sign up bonus, but I don't know if its worth it. Currently have a bank of america travel card but its kinda shit and i dont feel like I get many benefits from it after 4 years of having it.
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Wow thank you for all the replies everyone. I think I'm a little unclear though, you use your points to buy the tickets and book the hotel rooms? I only ever used my to like pay off the balance from booking. Like i book a $1000 plane ticket and then I just clear it off the balance with the points.

I also looked into this. Some of the prices are insanely good, but wtf is with the layover times?? It's not worth the savings to arrive 3 days late because you waited at YYZ for 20 hours and then again in Korea for another 6. I feel like flying in general has taken a nosedive since covid. What used to be like 10 hour flight destinations with maybe one 2-4 hour layover now look abysmal in terms of stops and layover times. Am I looking in the wrong places for flights or something?
So basically you use the point transfer function to, well, transfer your points. I don't know about other card issuers, but when you transfer points from a Sapphire card, you actually get a 1.25x or 1.5x multiplier, so that's extra points. Sometimes there are no rooms available for points, or it's actually cheaper to get a room or ticket with your card and then use the points to pay it off, but most of the time you are getting a good deal. If you want to get real sweaty, there's a term called "cents per point" where people try to max out the amount of value they're getting. Most points are supposed to be worth 1 cent, since your 1-5% cash back translates to that, and you can generally cash your points for one cent each. But when you start transferring your points and using them for some stuff like business class flights or hotel stays, you can get like 4 cents worth of value out of every point. But of course, if you start spending 700k points on a first class flight to the next airport over because you're getting 8 cents per point out of it or something(I don't know how much a first class flight costs in dollars or points) then I think you're a retard because that's worth a few business class flights to anywhere in the world.
This is incorrect. Booking through the Chase portal is not transferring to partners, it's booking through an OTA. That can sometimes work out but you're through an OTA so if you have any issues you are at the bottom of the to be helped list an you have to go through Chase, not the airline or the hotel. The best bet is typically transferring points to a partner and booking directly through them. For Chase that's multiple airline alliances for flights and for hotels the only one worth it is Hyatt.
Oh, I wasn't talking about the Chase portal. I've heard that 90% of the time you're overpaying on there.
>lack of good exchange rates
When do cards get bad exchange rates? I always thought banks and credit cards usually had the best rates since they do the most volume. This is assuming the card doesn't have foreign exchange fees

Hello fellow Redditors, I'll be sharing photos from doing a full trip through Belgium and the Netherlands, covering pretty much all large cities and some hidden jewels.

The program:
Liege + Dinant
Mons + Tournai

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Here's another one. I sometimes take pictures when I'm running errands in the city center on a nice day
Heading to Amsterdam for 5 nights in January, followed by another 4 in Belgium, then one more night in Amsterdam before leaving.

I'm just wondering, is Antwerp a place worth staying a night? I was thinking I could spend a day there while en route to Ghent, which is where I'd like to stay for my time in Belgium. Im seeing good things about the place and I think I might enjoy it more than Antwerp, plus its close to Bruges.I can't really get a feel of Antwerp itself, does it having anything that stands out from all these other places? Food, activities, architecture? Or am I spending too much time in Ghent?

Brussels doesn't seem that widely recommended so I'm skipping it for now

Any thoughts on other Dutch cities like The Hague, Rotterdam, and Utrecht?
Hello I'm going to amsterdam for 2 days tomorrow

Where to stay? What to do?
Any thoughts on antwerp?
Antwerp is very nice around the Grote Markt and the central station if beautiful, but other than that I can't think of much else. KMSKA is a great museum if you're into art. If you're coming from Amsterdam you will probably arrive there, so depending on what time you arrive it might be easier to spend the night there before heading to Ghent, but as a city it's not as good as the other big ones imo. Definitely just a one-day thing.
What I would do is just stay in Ghent, from there you can very easily take the train to Antwerp, Bruges or Brussels for day trips.

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