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>ctrl+f "vegas"
>no vegas thread

Vegas thread. Post recommendations for the following
>hotels/places to stay
>casinos/gambling tips
>what to avoid
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Do yourself a favor anons and avoid the strip and stay at South Point. They got $5 minimum bets on blackjack all the time, Texas Hold'em is good as well but not recommended to play anything else.

They also got a lot of good restaurants, and they got a midnight steak deal. Lastly, movie theater/bowling alley. All fun
This. Avoid MGM/Caesars properties unless you’re planning to spend $5000 or more. The big properties are terrible value. Stay at a Station Casino or anywhere else
seasoned vegas visitor here. my advice
>limit gambling time
>keep a buzz. dont get fucked up
>consider going midweek. cheaper and no crowds
>book direct with hotels. expedia & priceline & hotwire are never better than booking direct
>drink more water than booze
>go to bed by 2am. nothing good happens after 2am.
>take the cash youre willing to lose and leave your debit card at home
>two days in vegas is long enough
>muh incel
he's right dude. you're clearly brown otherwise you'd see there isn't a single white person on the strip.
NTA but i was just in vegas a few weeks ago for a NFL playoff weekend and Fremont was majority white people by a mile. Diverse for sure, but not Lagos like you idiots claim it is.

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Why are people so obsessed with "how many countries have you visited" when the truth is that every province or prefecture of countries like England, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Spain and France have more things to see, more traditions and culture than any country in Latin America (save for Mexico and Brazil), any country in the Slavosphere besides Russia or any African country besides Egypt/Morocco?

Seriously, take some random irrelevant industrial prefecture like Toyama, Japan, population 1 million. It has a 400-year old Buddhist temple featuring masterpieces of feudal era artists such as Sesshu and Kano Tanyu, the UNESCO-rated village of Gokayama featuring real lived-in centuries-old wooden houses, a sake brewery that has been operated by the same family since 1626 and stunning mountains, featuring the only glaciers in East Asia outside of Russia and countless beautiful onsens to bathe in.

Meanwhile Uruguay, population 3.4 million and a world-renown tourist destination, has 3 DEI UNESCO sites (a delapitated poorly built ugly town from the 1700s, a church from 1958 and a meatpacking plant), their most famous natural site is a ten metre waterfall from the valley of Lunarejo, the icon of the city, Palacio Salvo, was designed by an Italian with zero connection to the land and is a direct copy of Palacio Barolo from Buenos Aires, and its national dish is plain old beef.
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What people are these, homos selling travel tickets to detinations unknown?
Maybe the love boat, exciting and new, come abord were expecting you...
Anything with the UN involved is a place to be avoided.
We need bug people to be useful after they're radioactivated.
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I just want a cute japanese girlfriend
I'll defend the thirdies here; there's no way that the UK has almost as many natural sites of note than the Congo. Europe has no nature, so it's much easier to point individual spots out

>open door
>the young hotel maid stands in front of the door
>9/10, she's latina, tawny eyes, broad hips, beautiful smile
>looks at you, a white tourist in south america, there's this deep curiosity in her eyes followed by a flash of excitement. you swear you could see her bite her lip for a fraction of a second
>buenos dias
>buenos dias
>clean, senor?
>no gracias, todo bien
>muy bien
>she stands there looking at you, you're kind of glad you didn't put the "do not disturb" sign on your door, just so you two could meet.
>it was like it was divinely orchestrated
>there's definitely something i need from you, chica...
>look her deep in the eyes, ready to pounce
>oh actually, i need toilet paper. i've ran out. can i get two rolls? gracias, guapa. see you tomorrow
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If you bitches try to ban my chicken with scallions from my Chinese joint then all hell will raise!
I'm pretty sure that you're just a pervo!
Thirdie culture. No thanks
The weirdist one was in NYC, some Law & Order Criminal Intent was based on it, some French diplomat fuck tried to have his way with a hotel girl, DSK dominiqe strauss khan. He got booted from the USA and his diplomatic status revoked.
You are mentally ill.

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will i get bullied for being italian american in missouri (aunt says i look spanish)
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kill yourself.

whiter than you btw
You're not white lol
If you're a girl you won't get asked out
>paler than you buh buh buh
no shit, you're a basement dwelling manlet

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Is it just me or Hungary seems devoid of tourist attractions besides Budapest?
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Pécs, in the south of Hungary, is a hidden gem, one that I highly recommend visiting if you have a day or two to spare. it's home to a large university so the night life is bussin', with lot of young people/foreigners, the museums are awesome, the architecture is crazy, from Roman crypts and Ottoman era mosques to Baroque cathedrals and Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Bauhaus, while its proximity to Villány, a major wine growing town, means there's plenty of good stuff to get hammered with.
How has inflation affected the cost of visiting Hungary? What's your base daily budget looking like?
Hungary is just confused Austrians wuzzing Mongols
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As other anons in this thread pointed out, in the country there is nothing nearly comparable to Budapest by density of attractions, nightlife, cultural stuff, etc. However, that doesn't mean the rest of the country is a barren wasteland. When I was in Budapest for a few days I took a day trip around, saw Szentendre, the Visegrad fortress, and Esztergom with the big ass church and the view on Slovakia over the river (picrel). There's some nice countryside and it's overall a pleasant trip - nothing worth flying to Hungary for unless you're also visiting Budapest though. In a few weeks I'll be in Timisoara and I might do a quick jaunt over the border to see Szeged, will report if I find anything interesting
10000000 huf per day (2 dollars)

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Travelling full time after college
Is it a good idea to travel full time upon graduating college this year? I don’t have a job lined up and I’ve had 0 internships so I’m thinking just fuck it and travel the world full time for a while
I could easily fund this by starting a YouTube channel and doing clickbaity travel videos
I’ve seen other people doing shit like this on YouTube where they just vagabond around to random third world countries
Is this a good idea?
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Ok ignoring the YouTube part, I’ll still probably make a YouTube channel just for fun but what would be the long term life consequences of doing something like this? Am I cooked for when I inevitably return to America?
>what would be the long term life consequences of doing something like this
Unless you document actual illegal activity you might just have someone on YT call you a fag and maybe be reminded of some cringe shit you did.

>Am I cooked for when I inevitably return to America?
Why would you be no one gives a fuck about some random 20something year old who went overseas and vlogged about it.
>I will go to places like Afghanistan and Myanmar
No you won't lol, you'll spend a few days fantasizing about it, see that it's actually kinda hard to get into, give up, fly to SEA, spend too much cash, then fly back home a fair bit poorer.
Ew lol stay home
Aaaaand that’s /thread folks, thanks for playing
That depends on you. When you see how people in these poorer countries live in the moment from day to day, and still somehow find happiness in life, will you be willing to return to America and enslave yourself to a plan whose rewards are years in the future?

And no, you don't have to go to Random Unvisited Shithole Country for that rebellion against expectations to happen. For me it happened after a monthlong camping trip in the Appalachians, primarily in West Virginia. The idea of finishing my degree and becoming another generic corporate wagie dork became anathema to me when there was all that beautiful country to wander around in, all those places that nobody from outside the region have ever heard of. Eleven years later, the purpose of my work remains the same: to save money in order to travel to interesting places and discover them for myself.

Touristy cities full of rich snobbish vacationers are so goddamn tiresome. Some Euro chick walking with her beta cuck boyfriend turned her nose in the air - literally, not figuratively - when walking past me last night.
>I'm a dominant empowered female, my tits are so perky they don't even need a bra, all you subhuman males won't get so much as a friendly glance from me

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>"driving will take 4x as long as flying and will cost more to rent a car + refuel!"
Don't care, driving anyway. Love me long solo drives, simple as. And you SHAN'T be enjoying any of my Buc-ee's goodies.
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I'm about to wrap up a week long solo drive across northwest Africa. Aside from losing today due to mechanical issues (I should be on the road again tomorrow), it has been a fun trip. I've seen some beautiful scenery (picrel), listened to a few audiobooks, got plenty of sun and fresh air, and enjoyed some time to myself.
Looks so damn serene, very jealous my friend.
How's the security situation?
Thanks. I wish I had more photos I could share. I'm driving from the Gambia river up to Tangier, and it's really cool to see all the variation in scenery, including the parts of Mauritania like that picture where there are basically no features of any note for tens of km in every direction. It's unique feeling.
I'm on a bit of a deadline, so I don't stray too far off the main routes, but I didn't feel any concern driving up from the Senegal border to Nouakchott or from Nouakchott to Nouadhibou or the Moroccan border. I've heard that there may be security concerns elsewhere in the country, but I didn't notice anything that gave me concern.
And people think driving across Texas is boring. The Sahara takes it to a whole new level of nothingness.
Pack a propane stove along and cook your own food on roadtrips. You should see how well some campers eat when traveling America. It'll make you never want to go for the franchise goyslop again.
What's the hotel availability and pricing in that part of the world? Or are you camping out?

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Just traveling in Kazahstan, lol.
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$290 for a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Almaty. Absolutely worth considering as a destination for mid-May or thereabouts. Escape the humidity and rain of Southeast Asia.
has another slumbo entered the chat? Or rather, Sczchlumbø?
do they look down on you for your race
funny misconception cause Borat was actually recorded in Romania
My great-great-great-great-great-grandmother was probably raped by a Mongolian marauder, so IDK it's doubtful I'd stand out in Central Asia.

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how is myanmar for tourists?
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I seriously doubt direct PRC involvement
their non-intervention schtick, while only true on the surface level, has been their number one moral argument for decades at this point and I doubt they will move away from it for the Burmese junta

I cant see a way out for the junta especially considering the fact that the rebels arent anti-China or anything of sorts
I agree that overt military intervention seems really unlikely, although who knows how much covert technical or advisory support could be expanded before it looked to the outside world like boots on the ground. Surely cheaper and easier for them to bide their time and cut deals with whomever ends up on top when the dust settles. But I also don’t know how serious these supply chain disruptions are to them; if there’s a point at which direct intervention starts to look like a better deal than postwar reconstruction, I’m sure much more could be done even on the down low.
Oh, and I forgot about another reason China might prefer to discreetly help the junta win (although, again, I agree that open military intervention still seems vanishingly unlikely). While it’s obvious that no active or aspiring political force in Myanmar would ever be insane/stupid enough to expound an explicit anti-China line, there’s a lot of quiet ambivalence about China on the ground, across ethnicities and segments of society. And I’m confident that suspicion of China is more widespread among at least some of the rebel organizations, whose numbers include (among others) lots of evangelical Christians with deep-seated if outdated anxieties about the godless Reds. Combining the fact that the junta has historically been at least reasonably competent at managing the extraction and export of the various natural resources that Chinese industry vacuums up with the fact that they might be moderately easier to work with than whatever new regime is to come, with a lower final price tag for redevelopment (because whenever and however the fighting ends, it’s inevitable that the PRC will be leading and paying for most reconstruction), there are plenty of good reasons for China to want a quick end to the conflict in favor of the devils they already know.
Think I can get some crab rangoons there?
Some decent crab rangoons and spring rolls are getting diificult to find.
Ts funny af ngl

>hostels are a place for people to connect with others
>music blaring so loud you can't even hear yourself think
>you have to yell intimate details about yourself out in public
Why are people always so full of shit. Everything I hear people say, not just online, but in the real world, is always some meme. Like they think they're suppose to believe it is an accurate interpretation of the world. Just be honest faggots. And turn down the music. And if I'm reading a book in silence, don't come sit next to me chatting about nonsense so fucking loud.
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Sounds like you ended up in some Swedish hell hole reminds me of a place I stayed in Helsinki. Was very much a one off thing that caught me off gaurd.

Would be interested in seeing that the listing looks like, most hostels only will play that on friday/sat night, then fuck right off with it for normal days
>reads books
>2000 + 25
Nigga, please.
Anyway, plenty of chill hostels where you can be quiet during the day and socialize at night drinking alcohol, as any decent person would do.
People are just people everywhere.
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> rift raft
That was on purpose wasn't it
Please post the hostel, this either is being heavily exaggerated or is clearly a party hostel.
>inb4 anon staying in red light district of Amsterdam or Berlin and is mad
You >>2758257 need to read this >>2758260 carefully and understand it. Your response was so far off the mark that it's clear your mental model doesn't work as far as interpreting accurately the situation

2 of my closest friends don't travel with me anymore and I think it's cause I'm a shitty person to travel with since I get stressed out easily and can be kind of bossy/irritable. I'm working on changing this.

One of these guys has just started doing an annual vacation with his girlfriend exclusively, and another one of my friends told me he plans on going to Europe with a friend from one of his hobbies, and from there, solo travel to Asia. No mention of inviting me, but point taken, ofcourse.

I've burned bridges with friends travel wise and there's a lot of places I still want to go, but I don't know if I should just solo-travel without bringing it up to my friends, or really try to force a group trip, even though we don't do those anymore.
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One time I went out to dinner at a nice little budget eatery in Getsemani (a backpacker neighborhood in Cartagena) with a fellow American I met at the hostel. When we ordered our meals I ordered pescado frito and he ordered carne. When the dishes came and my sizzling fish looked so much more appetizing than his stewed beef, he tried to insist to the waiter that he had ordered a fried fish and didn't want beef. I backed up the waiter, and he sullenly resigned himself to eating his meal. Needless to say, we parted ways afterwards and didn't talk again.

Lots of newbie travelers at hostels get upset about this; you talk to someone for a couple hours and then you get to thinking "whoa, I made a friend, what can we do together tomorrow?" Then tomorrow comes around and the veteran traveler only has a casual "goodbye, enjoy yoru trip" as he/she continues on to the next destination. Doesn't even remember your name. This doesn't upset me, quite the contrary. One social episode per person is ideal. That's why I prefer solo travel to travel with a friend.
>One of these guys has just started doing an annual vacation with his girlfriend exclusively
that's pretty normal
Every time I have a friend who wants to travel with me I realize how fucking retarded they are. I mean full stop good friends I know turn into mouth breathers who I question how they dress themselves. It doesn't help these people are so far up their own ass they don't realize they are the worst fucking travelers who can't just shut the fuck up and go along with the ride.

>don't know if I should just solo-travel without bringing it up to my friends
>really try to force a group trip
Yup, you're one of those man babies that made me travel solo early on. Ask me how I know you're one of those guys who just tries to get their friends to tag along on trips because as soon as you do the 1-2 things you wanted expect them to pick up the slack and keep you entertained.

If my friends want to do something I'll go meet up with them for a few events then fuck off, you don't know how many problems that solves.
>travel with good friend
>book budget airline so some restrictions dude didn't read any of the shit regarding it gets to the airport has to pay excessive bag fee
>flight delayed for 1hr literally nothing burger
>get on plane dude confused where his seat is gets frustrated when in the back
>get to hostel told him it was a hostel made it clear it was a hostel since it was a short cheap event we wanted to go to in an expensive city
>Oh no private room? what is this!
>entire time dude clearly broke ordering cheapest drinks at any bar trying to sneak alcohol around terribly
>"forgets" to pay for ubers
>is a debbie downer the entire fucking time
>will not shut up about every ant hill being a mountain
>don't talk to him for like 3 months after that

Never a fucking gain
Traveling with friends is cancer. I never want to do that shit again. It made me realize how much of a loser piece of shit they are. I travelled with two other friends. One of them was fine, but I don’t even want to see the others fucking face ever again. First trip abroad and literal non stop bitching and moaning 24/7 for weeks on end.

I'm planning my European trip for early summer (Prague, Vienna, Budapest, maybe Northern Italy), what are the best dates to avoids Bongs?

What i understand is already to avoid:
-"Early may bank holiday" may 5
-"Spring Bank Holiday" may 26

Is mid-june safe to avoid them?
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>Prague, Vienna, Budapest, maybe Northern Italy
You're unlikely to get those loud drunken types there, most are going to be in Amsterdam, Tenerife or other "party" holidays.
Elaborate, retard
Not OP but I fucking hate posters like you
Nobody asked, /pol/ degen
Ignore him, the issue is more that these are quite tourist friendly destinations which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
If you have the time I would recommend going off the beaten path a little and seeing what these countries are *really* like but people congregate to capitals for a reason.
That anon is essentially bitching about going to London but skipping Bristol/Cambridge/Brighton/ etc.
Sounds like an underaged shitposter who hasn't really travelled at all but rather scoldes people online for having insufficiently obscure knowledge of travel locations as the one's he's favourited on Google maps, but will never actually visit himself because he's far too afraid of the blacks and women staffed at his local grocery store

People this autistic should require a license to use the internet, in all honesty

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this should not be in new york.
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There should be a train line connecting nj to Brooklyn through system island. Why hasn’t this been done yet,would ease up congestion in the NEC
because we don't like niggers here.
That’s just retarded bs. I got two train stations within a 10 minute walk here in jersey and we don’t have that problem.
A fuckton of commuters from jersey and Staten Island would sue that line to get into Brooklyn.
why is nyc going to spend billions of dollars on a borough they hate?
They won’t but they should

Just finished this show, thought it was entertaining enough, what does /trv/ think?
Wad the host too onions? The places/activities too normie?
Any locations/things he missed?
I thought it was kino, wish there was a second season desu. You can clearly see Louis Theroux is one of his inspirations but I definitely think he has potential.

There is a town in Australia called Wittenoom which is Australia's own Chernobyl (but with asbestos) it would be neat if he visited the only remainind townsfolk there.

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Im wondering how crowds will be and wondering if anyone can reccomend some smaller towns near Rome to visit and stay in a for a couple days
Yes thats me in the pic

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