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I feel very bad for the future sons of all these racebaiters, whom I presume are white disc*rd users. You know your son will be half Asian right? Making fun of Asian men is literally just reinforcing a harmful stereotype and culture against your future hapas. Reminds me of those Asian roasties who also partake in that and want white kids but are completely oblivious to the fact that half asians are fully asian passing 90% of the time.

Wish this board didn't have so much race war shit.
see what anon said here
I seriously don't understand how none of these racebait posters see the end result of their shit, they will have, essentially, Asian sons. Your lineage is fucked with this mindset towards a whole race
Virgin cope. White BVLLS will keep taking and ruining asian girls from asian bois and you cant do shit.
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> Poor ricel you can only dream. You will always be a virgin.
>Asian girls will always prefer White BVLLS.
Asian "men" can only become ladyboys like Thai and Filipino do
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Nigga, you are a PORN ADDICT. I'm not even Asian. Take a step back and imagine yourself saying all of the stuff you've posted in this thread to your hapa son. Your own progeny and future of the family. Doesn't that sicken you? You have better things to be working towards instead of masturbatory shitposts, it's not good for your soul.

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I will be traveling to Athens with my wife in late December of this year. I will be staying for 15 days, and will be traveling around the country with a rental car. Are there any tips you have for me in regards to vacationing in Greece?
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honestly dude, its greece. ancient shitt and related museums are literally EVERYWHERE.

ofc, athens is easily the best in terms of ancient shit to look at and museums, can't really beat the acropolis. and then you have the odeon of herodes, the agora, several temples to ancient gods, there's like an 11th century (iirc) church at the top of ermou street (main commecial street, exit the subway in syntagma), etc etc

you might also want to visit vergina, the birth place of alexander the great, they have a museum there too, iirc.

then nafplio has some cool forts and stuff from the ottoman era, sparta has a cool medieval castle, iirc, korinth has their own acropolis, thessaloniki also has some cool shit like the white tower

my main piece of advise is to avoid spending any more time in athens than strictly necessary. greece is a seriously beautiful country, but athens is a butt ugly, fucking horribly hot concrete jungle. and thessaloniki is somewhat better, but still not a great place to chill. so, yea, do all your ancient shit/museum stuff asap and get to the country side. preferably somewhere close to the beach.
i'd suggest somewhere that's not straight up open to the aegean or the ionian seas, so you have calm and warm waters to swim in (eg nortern shore of pelloponesos, east shores of chalkida)
>east shores of chalkida)
west, fucking west. the part that's not open to the aegean. sorry, im sick and hopped up on ibuprofen.
Thanks for the in depth advice. I’ll leave athens after 3 days then dip to the country side.
>t. self-hating greek
As usual those types give the worst kind of advice.
>avoid islands, they're super expensive
Islands are fun as fuck to explore, not expensive at all (maybe for this retard it is if he earns 1200 eur after taxes). OP, check Ferryhopper. It's very easy to draft a nice trip around 2-3 islands giving each 2-3 days.
>leave athens as soon as possible
Again, Athens is a city like no other, there's ton of very cool neighbourhoods and there's so much to see. Most people either hate it guts or can't get enough of the city. The views from the Areopagus and Lycabettus hills both during the day and after sunset are amazing. A hike to Kaisariani Monastery is short and the views are once again very rewarding. Kolonaki, Palaio Faliro, Glyfada are so chill and nice to walk through. Even Exarcheia and Gizi are nice these days. The fact that you're traveling in December makes it a perfect opportunity to actually give it a go because you're not gonna get fried by +40C heat.

My advice would be split the trip like:
>5 days Athens
>10 days islands (e.g. Paros, Naxos, Milos, and btw Santorini IS as beautiful as they say and is 100% worth it)
Or maybe
>6 days Athens + day trips to the closest islands like Aegina and Agistri
>9 days mainland (Arachova/Delphi, Meteora, Chalkidiki)
If your wife likes the beaches, we did this beach outside the city at this place called Lefteri's Canteen. It's where all the snorkelers go. There are some cool spots to "cliff" jump off some lower 5-15 foot ledges. The one thing you have to bring are water shoes. You look like a dork, but those sea urchins are no joke.

Aegina was cheap.

5 days in Athens was more than I needed when I was there last September.

Should I travel to Carson City, Nevada?
They don’t have an airport, only a balloon port.
Which is fine unless it’s a rainy day, when your balloon would be cancelled.
Go to NM if you want to ride a balloon
Wrong. There's KCXP in Carson and KMEV in Minden.
uh idk why you would want to visit? It's close to Tahoe and Reno is always fun and there's lot to do outdoors if you look around the area. Just weird that you are asking about Carson City of all places cuz idk what's so special about it. It's not a bad town, I enjoy going to visit my grandparents. Just a really specific place to be asking about and idk why
Nope. But you should definitely go to Lake Tahoe. It's amazing in the summer. The bike and hiking trails are really good. There was a lot of snow this year, so the waterfalls will be running into the late summer. I was living in Marin County for 2 years for work and I went to Tahoe 7 or 8 times at least. Cabins are really reasonable in the summer. Definitely bring bikes. Here's the good stuff off the top of my head

Eagle Falls
Cascade Falls
Horsetail Falls
Glen Alpine Falls
Kiva Beach
Fallen Leaf Campground (camp in the Yurts)
Pope Baldwin Bike Path
The Hangar
Pretty Odd Wieners

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found some cheap flights to Aruba for early August
how does it compare to the Bahamas? worth visiting?
checked and following
bumping for flamingos and friendly island niggers
Palm beach is the (touristic) party area and Eagle/Machego beach is more for couples. The waves are generally calm and blue in both areas but you can go more north for surfing if that's your thing. Locals are nice and they speak English. Don't do all inclusive because there are better restaurants outside the hotels. The other vertical slice of the island is for driving with UTVs and Jeeps; it's a nice bumpy ride. There are some ruins, unswimmable crashing waves, caves, and wind turbines.

Oranjestad is meh. Good restaurants and bars but that's kinda it. I've never been to Flamingo Island but either stay at the Renaissance hotel or buy a $100 day pass to get access to it

The island is so chill that you can rent a car and drive around and speak to locals. The locals usually stay in the bottom half of the island or some spots away from the beach in the north

If you want to coom, you can order from your hotel room with agencies or go south of the island to San Nicolas for street walkers. The cuisine is Colombians, Venezuelans, and a sprinkle of Dominicans and local Arubans.

I have never been to the Bahamas so I don't know how to compare. Aruba is my go-to island to coom and chill.
What agencies to coom? I need more details

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What are some fun things to do there?
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kill yourself you 3rd world abomination. You'll never be successful here or India or anywhere esle.
Jeet situation in Alberta? Any good cities to stay in if I take a trip to Jasper?
Can I get some honest travel recommendations for Toronto? Im so tired of my job and I want to take a quick vacation. Its easy for me to drive to Toronto from New York
going on a vacation to toronto is like going on a 55+ retirees cruise as a single 20-something. your intentions are so out of place for your setting that it could almost be made into an episode of seinfeld.
jasper, RMH, sask river crossing (expensive maybe), or just camp. Joesph creek is nice as is preachers point. Valemount on the other side is okay but had a lot of natives. Minimal jeets.

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I thought Venezuela was the dirtiest, stinkiest, shithole the world has ever seen but this guy keeps releasing videos about Venezuela every other month. How good is Venezuela to travel more than one or two days? Say a full week of staying there.
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LATAM food is very good, yes.
Digits have spoken
The economy has gotten a lot better and shortages have ended but yeah the country sucks. Cuba is much worse off.
Nice try but Mexico is your heavy hitter
some places are kino but most of the country is a shithole and women are all whores

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if you lost all meaning and joy in life and needed to rekindle it where would you go?
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There's nothing fishy about it. After ayahuasca, people just feel incredibly euphoric and like their life has changed and has purpose and direction. It changed my life.
This is the best one by ratings. I intend to go to this one next year.
Why do you know that
I'd go camping, then decide if I want to just become a woodsman, away from everyone and everything. But actually learn to do it unlike that retard that starved in an abandoned caravan.
Depends on how you want to rekindle.
>Partying and boozing
Spain, Poland, Korea, China
>Spiritual recharge
Japan's Gifu prefecture, spending time in the mountains and extremely small towns. Alone in the private island cabins they have in Thailand. Temple hopping in Asia or checking out cathedrals in Europe, using ambiance to focus on meditation and self reflection.
Psychedelics at home.
I would ride a bike a few thousand miles across Europe

What direction and purpose did it give you?

Im going to Italy, starting with Rome than use the train system(trenitalia) to enjoy different cities, im doing an italy sweep trying to have the ultimate Italian experience, is 10-12 days enough? any suggestions on
>where i should go and do.
I can speak Italian so small villages wont be an issue. thought about using a fairy to reach sicily.
>any activities for a single man
like going to restaurants alone isnt my thing, most of my food would be breakfast at a cafe or some fruit from a grocery store. ( i did this during my spain and france visits)
>is tinder good in italy?
used it both in spain and france, was successful in both, but im a little older, i believe thats a big factor on getting matches.
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Going early September and I'm looking for some suggestions for this gap

>Day 1: Arrive in Rome (11:30 AM)
>Day 2: Rome
>Day 3: Rome
>Day 4: ...
>Day 5: ...
>Day 6: Sorrento
>Day 7: Sorrento
>Day 8: Sorrento
>Day 9: Sorrento
>Day 10: Head to Naples (Flight at 10:00 PM)

>Rome interests:
Vatican City, Colosseum / Palatine Hill / Roman Forum, Appian way biking, Janiculum Hill / botanic garden and some other misc sights.

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tell your experience with tinder

I had it for months, went on 2 dates but overall it seems very ineffective
I got my watch stolen in the Madrid metro while we were packed like sardines in the train, i wish the faggot dies the worst death possible

worst thing is i didnt notice it until i was already off the train, i wasn't robbed, he finessed me
I'd say 3 full days in Rome would be enough, unless you want to stand in a lines. I'd rather walk around and look at shit.

1 day in Bologna (climb the big ass tower)
2 days in Florence (see the
2 days Verona (my favorite city in Italy) Definitely do some biking, in Verona
2 Days in Venice
1 day Treviso

if you have extra days. Take the train from Florence to Pisa. Then take the train to Lucca. You can also visit La Spezia on the coast from there by train. I'd also highly reccomend going up to the Dolomites and seeing Bolzano
Hijacking this thread like others have and if anyone is ever doing doing Cinque Terre, dont skip over Genoa even for just a day trip. The food there is fantastic, its the home of pesto and focaccia bread and it has the largest aquarium in europe. If you can get over the slight seediness of the city youll have a good time.

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I go on vacation in august and I have never been to Croatia or Spain. Which country would you most recommend? I feel like I like both countries equally much.
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>in august
I've traveled extensively in both, but will put as much effort into this post, as the OP did in his.
Should be minimum word count on OPs to get rid of trash like this. How the fuck can we recommend something if we have no idea what you're looking for? Cunt.

>never been
>like them both
Travelling is for the retarded, invest money in the stock market or bitcoin.
spain is great
some places will be too hot in august
both will have less touristy spots available still but locals will travel to those places in august
to bait someone making an earnest response to then call their recommendations shit or gay is an old pasttime of 4chan

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I need a new liver and kidney. What are the best countries to get organ transplants very quickly and cheaply. I’ve heard organs are cheap and easy to acquire in the Philippines. But are those sea monkeys competent surgeons?
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More dogshit straight from the dog’s asshole.
He's right, you're a huge faggot prick and you're going to die from a shit transplant.
Is this legit? I'd be scared of getting scammed, your remaining organs stolen, botched surgery, etc.

you can do it in China but you have to bring a Falun Gong with you. they will remove and transplant the organ for you, but it's on you to bring the organ
It's better to get Uyghur organs in China. They'll be cleaner. I'm not sure if there is a price difference between the two groups though.

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Is a working holiday visa with 2k€ saved possible and fund the stay/food by working at a combini in Taiwan/Japan/Korea/Hong Kong without turning the entire year into pure suffering?
Which place to stay could I even afford, would minimum wage + max amount of work allowed even make enough money to sleep somewhere alone and have better food than rice & beans?
Am I likely to get rejected as a Neet without any language skills?
Put yourself in the employers shoes: what’s in it for me to go through the trouble of hiring this guy from wherever the fuck who looks and sounds like an incel? He better be really good at something to make it worth my time
>wants to work in a customer-facing role in a country where no English is spoken
>no language skills
Any McDonalds employee I faced might aswell be on a working holiday visa based on their language skills. Ofc 7/11 etc. are in dire need of minimum wagers.

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Post suggestions and recommendations for anons who don't want to party in nightclubs or hire prostitutes or be on the move nonstop.

Share experiences, destinations, and low key activity ideas for people who prefer a quiet, simple, relaxing holiday.
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you think a girl that fucks a tourist on a first or second date hasn't high body count?
this thread is about simplicity and ease, what if you want to have a sex?
1. try to contact local women, despite language and culture barrier
spend lot of time and energy chatting with them after getting a contact
spend lot of time and energy on multiple dates
have to listen to their bitching
constantly stressed that you say or do the wrong thing
sometimes things don't work out so you start from zero

2. just have a prostitute, have sex, continue with other activities
I have self-respect
me too, that's why I won't waste time and money on courting low/mid-quality women
I like coastal Mexico for this. I’ve booked a few trips there following rough work stretches or family drama. That stupid Kenny Chesney song was right

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When I look at China or Indonesia I see it has so much to offer. Snorkeling, scuba, temples, avatar mountains, rainforests, cute girls, friendly locals, good food etc. Europe on the other hand seems very overpriced and boring with very little to see or do asides from walk around and look at old buildings defiled with LGBT symbolism. The continent seems to be completely void of nature and ecologically devastated, mostly an ugly deforested plain. Why is this continent so overrated? Is it because Americans are too racist to go to actually good countries?
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I think every human on the planet would greatly enjoy seeing the Swiss Alps, it's ridiculously soul-nourishingly beautiful up there.

Emphasis on human though
Çaber seems like the most obvious choice
non tourisy and exquisite location
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2 more weeks and russia will take Kyiv
If a post mentions women in the first two sentences I immediately disregard it.

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Is there anything I can throw in that makes a 12 hour flight in economy feel okay? I can barely take 2 hour flights. Not being able to move much makes me almost go crazy even during such a short flight. I really want to go but can only afford economy. What about weed (never used)? Any input is appreciated.
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I accidentally did this and ended up sleeping right after the first meal for 9 hours on a 13 hour flight. I was disappointed I only got to watch a single movie.
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A380 has a live camera in the tail looking at the whole plane.
Rawdogged it from Sydney to London
This one, this is me. It's always completely random how the serve the drinks in my aus-sng flights with how liberal they are with the booze. Sometimes they start making weak cocktails after the second one and other times they try getting you hammered at 7am on bloody marys by constantly bringing you new cups every 20 minutes. But really I enjoy the flights and actually look forward to them now.
Thank your lucky stars you're not Australian
I've tried this and end up just not sleeping for 48 hours because it's impossible to sleep on a plane.

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going to afghanistan, shoots guns, and visit gun factory shacks is the top of my bucketlist.

roughly how much would it cost for 2 weeks trip there with a guide & necessary bribes there?

I'm planning on visiting russia first for a week or two
then go through central asian country land border and not via direct flight so my passport won't get flagged (I don't want to explain it when I'm applying for western visa + I'm a muslim which already made it a hassle)
won't disclose my country because I'm a paranoid schizophrenic :) but my passport is good for all surrounding country except for turkmenistan

any suggestion?
>shoots guns, and visit gun factory shacks
would welcome relatively safe (publicly allowed & no need to go to warlord encampment) other country/region too other than afghanistan
>ib4 america
their visa is a pain to get
Go on Twitter and ask Kilometers for advice.

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