Whats up /trv/, have any of you travelled the baltics at all? I am considering doing them in a big trip (I will be unemployed so the amount of time isn't really an issue). I would probably include Kalingrad and maybe even Belarus so some information about either would be great.I think I would start in Helsinki and work my way south>Helsinki>Estonia>Latvia>Lithuania>???? from thereHas anyone done anything memorable in these countries, share some stories and tell me about your trip, anything food related & outdoors is a plus.
>>2764259>I wonder how many regions of Russia have you visited?15.
>>2764254Exactly - Vilnius is not cheap at all. I was also surprised at the food prices in Kalinigrad, that's probably due to sanctions and the difficulty of importing agricultural products >>2763400> nothing specialwell you can day trip to beautiful beaches, i don't think russia has too much of that, at least away from active war zones
I'll be going to Vilnius with my gf for 4 days in autumn. Any tips to do or visit?
>>2763400>>2764259what about Kant grave?
>>2764254I also spent time in Estonia, and Latvia. Estonia was cheaper than a standard euro country, but more expensive than the other baltics. Still incredible deals though. I was able to pay like 80 a night for a great 4 star hotel in the heart of old town Tallinn in peak tourist season that would've been 50-60% more expensive elsewhere. Latvia seemed to be almost poland prices. I did an incredible 5 star in August in Riga for like 105 a night lolI heard Lithuania was as cheap as Riga and cheaper than TallinnIm going to Paris next week and im staying in a tiny hovel near the Louvre for more than my 5 stars cost, and its going to be march which is hardly even shoulder season. Im in Madrid in April and again spending over 175 a night for a mid hotel while 175 would've had me in luxury in the baltics
Do I need to pre-book the boat tours out of Krabi or Phuket or can I just turn up?Does this look like a good day?I will be at DMK airport and then going to the international airport for my flight home there are around 12 hours 11pm to 11am other than moving to the new airport anything else I might do?Is Patong purely for parties, I got 4 days there but I am starting to get worried, solo traveller if that helps, if not Patong than where? Already going to Krabi next.Tell me about weed, worth trying if I don't smoke? I had edibles but they've never done a thing for me...Anyone been to the ethical animal sanctuary around Phuket?Thoughts on Kratom?What apps are king for dating?Solo travel tips?>>2752550You make me feel good about not having my plan ready yet...>>2752780Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2764964What do you mean? Everywhere. Every pharmacy. It's easy.
>>2764986I did, on tinder. She was kinda mid in looks, but free/normal, very feminine, and I enjoyed it.
>>2765019>1 night in surat thani, just to try itI spent a day here for the hell of it and it was chill. It's a crusty third world port and that's kinda kino.
>>2765019>7 nights in koh taoKoh Tao is gay though. If you're going to be diving a bunch then go for it but otherwise that's way too long there. I didn't dive so I thought it was lamer than Samui or Phangan.
>>2762026He has shit taste in food anon bro. It's the reason why he's still eating American goyslop in foreign country. Motherfucker is eating it in every country, i bet.
Sup /trv/. I'm looking to take a trip with three characteristics:>1. Road trip>2. Remote (no crowds, not many people, of course not so remote that gas isn't available)>3. Great natural scenery.I got a piece of this in Canyonlands recently and I want more of it. The park gets a lot of visitors, but it's also huge and there aren't many people in the Needles district, so it was easy to feel like I had it to myself in some places. Any suggestions? I'm looking into Alaska, Argentina and Chile (I'm in the US so western hemisphere is easiest).
>>2760007I think it's hwy 95 from the mid point of hwy 50. Goes into the east oregon desert where you can follow 20 (or 28 can't remember) west into Salem.>>2761662Be wary of the Dempster. It's been many years since I went to the Arctic but back then the Dempster had a reputation for having temperamental weather and hard on your vehicle. I've heard the Dalton hwy in Alaska is paved most of the way now. Less adventurous but a solid alternate route.
>>2761674Dempster looks nicer from the photos I've seen, plus you can go all the way up to the Arctic. Apparently the shore is closed at the end of the Dalton. I'll be renting so I don't care too much about the vehicle.
Wife and I roadtripped around Morocco last year, mostly the south and desert. Driving was fine once we were out of the city, road conditions were iffy but there are lots of new paved sections too. Best part was how easy boondocking was, no one cares where you camp. There are so many French people in their campervans it was easy to find people to convoy with for the more remote sections.We did similar in Oman some years back, that was great too. Gas was cheaper, though everything else was more expensive.
>>2759693Canyonlands is cool and if you want to be alone then raft the river from moab to lake powell.
Capitol Reef is a really remote National Park. You won't see anyone up on the trails. A lot of the trails out near Escalante are very remote. It'll mostly be hikers, not typical tourists. There are endless free campground and a lot of really cheap parks to camp in. Utah is gorgeous and unique.
Do I really need a VPN if I am traveling and have a remote job and I just bring my work laptop everywhere with me? Or will the eternal boomer find out and fire me?
>>2762561We have on perm AD because a lot of our apps basically still want it, we also have an app engineer who is crazy about python and writing jobs to a DC on prem. It's not that big a deal imo.We do Education and other industries like retraining people for work force development, certifications, etc. I shit you not we didn't go with O365 because the idiot we had as a director said O365 on iphones don't work well or some dumb shit.
>>2762576that makes more sense. If I had to guess, the apps probably use LDAP. I doubt it'd even be that hard to switch everything to Entra ID instead.>we didn't go with O365 because the idiot we had as a director said O365 on iphones don't work well or some dumb shitgotta love retards who tank the direction of an org and fuck it for potentially decades.I've seen so many orgs who are hurting because they migrated to Google for the initial cost savings but are now realizing they need enterprise features and that microsoft is way cheaper. And now they're stuck paying for all of the features separately that they need, like an MDM, EDR/XDR, RMM, IDP, etc.
Do not use any sort of public or private wifi to do your work.
>>2759397that was uncalled for
i wish there was somewhere i could go and drink and have fun and stay for a while that was cheap but also COLDsouth east asia is uncomfortably hot and humidi wish norway was as cheap as thailand or thailand was as cold as norwayknow what i mean?is there any cheap cold destinations for a single white man to relax and enjoy himself?
Does South America not exist?
>>2763806Cringe contrarian weathermaxxer dorkus rare sighting on trv
>>2764293South Americas cold regions are extremely expensive and not very populated (patagonia)
>>2763806Try Armenia, Georgia or Turkey in winter. Cheap as, snow, and plenty of alcohol. Especially Armenia re: cheap (and alcohol for the matter)
>>2764348altiplano/inca trail places aren't extremely expensive, if you're 3000 meters in elevation it's going to be cold during their winter, bolivia is cheap other than OP having to fly from norway
I want to move but everywhere sucks. I just want to be around cool or smart people or idk good people but everyone's a poser like nobody is really smart. You need to be like 99.9th percentile to actually be smart and nowhere has all that many people that smart. But it sucks being in America because America sucks. The shithole town I live in sucks, the few bigger cities in my state suck pretty hard compared to how they were, and from what I hear everywhere else sucks. I've always wanted to move to California among a few other places but everyone says it sucks. What's the best place in America? For some reason recently I was thinking Rhode Island might be good, it's near new york but not. Also close to Boston. But for all I know Rhode Island is full of rednecks. What's so good about NY anyway, if it is literally all people who act like they're from NY like italiens from bwooklyn what's the point. I've heard of some fancier neighborhoods like really hipster places in big cities, are there any of those worth being? Like everyone knows San Francisco sucks, it's not the 60's or even idk the 90's. Kinda want to go be a janitor at an ivy league school like that loser good will hunting just to be around some supposed smart people.
>>2764144>I want to move but everywhere sucksWhere? To other country? I am sorry anon, but in case you didn't know, no country will want you either, unless:1. You have high qualifications2. You are a big fat investor, like 5M USD or more3. You are willing to do menial labor for peanuts on a temporary visa.And given the fact that America is still the country where you can do the max amount of money doing menial labor, then I will say you are fucked.
>>2764235how is it a troll thread if you are agreeing with me lol. Other regards too but I just kinda realized all the hipster places, like every one, has been demoted to not cool. Hmm I think I'll go *literally anywhere* oh shit it sucks. It seems like whatever place people say is cool actually is not cool at least by then. Austin, Colorado, Maine, San Francisco, Portland, all considered cool and then not. If I had the money I would travel myself to every state to see how it is before moving there but idk fuck it I'm going to Nashville I guess
>>2764243Nowhere is "cool" anymore because the hipsters are all like 45 years old, immigration and internal migration made housing too expensive to be a shitbag in most cities (unless your grandma lives there) and the city councils let mentally ill drug addicts roam around because putting them in jail would be mean, and zoomies are the product of a stuck culture and have very little to contribute to anything that would make them cool, so all the cool shit is left over from the xellenials, and covid and TDS put the final nails in just about every "scene" by making all the hypochondriac shitlibs go fucking crazy.But if you're okay with all that, there's plenty of places that are fun and interesting. But the lack of "cool" places is a symptom of general cultural decline, not a result of people trying to confuse you.Anyway, the city I live in is pretty cool but I'm not telling you which one it is because I don't want you there. You sound like a whiny cunt.
>>2764144I've traveled around enough to know that the #1 determining factor in enjoying a place is your attitude. If you have a bad attitude, everywhere is going to suck because you are miserable and alienated from everyone.
>>2764144The places you seek are outside of America. It sucks but it's true. America is a shit hole that is unsophisticated, greedy, and lacks culture.
How's life in the Midwest? I'm tired of the hot stupid south and thinking of going up to Michigan/Ohio/Illinois/Wisconsin.
>>2763591What if I want to just be a security guard and buy a shitty house outside of Dayton or Columbus?
its better than canada at least
>>2763591>it sucksThe only thing that sucks is how everyone gets into a near concrete level routine compared to the big city life on the coasts. It's something when I first moved out here I didn't notice at first but it's pretty funny and sad given how it is. From things to do with the seasons, to vacation excursions, to holiday traditions, to days of the week of drinking or eating out, and so on is pretty much set in stone. It's hard to explain until you live here how weird it is but so fucking funny once you realize it. Not that big in the main cities like St. Paul, Chicago, etc. but the midsize smaller cities? it's hilarious to experience
I just finished my first winter in a midwestern city. The weather did suck, but it wasnt unbearably bad, it wasnt constantly snowing or anything. The urban value is amazing, i pay under $850 with utilities for a 1 bedroom in a pretty area near retail, parks, cafes, bars, a laundromat, and museums. I looked around a lot of cities and i dont think theres anywhere else at that price that i'd like better. Its a very diverse city but i havent had any runins with crime and have almost never felt unsafe walking around my part of town. The only sketchy feelings I get are certain parks and bus stops at night. I have had problems making friends, and the people i have met say locals here mainly stick to their cliques. But ive always been a shy guy and had issues socializing.
>>2763591How are Japanese cars stealing our industry if they’re made here though?
>GF wont let me travel alone to ThailandI just want to get my dick sucked in peace and go to nice beaches. Says she trusts me but doesnt trust the girls there.
>>2762147>supporting animal exploitationwestern tourists are subhuman.
>>2762154my gf wont suck my dick until we are married
>>2762154think about how much his gf must weigh if he wants to get his dick sucked by some swamped-coloured Isaan rat
>>2762135Based gf protecting you from a tranny giving you AIDS
>>2762166>has a chaste trad gf>wants to dump thousands into stabbing her in the back for foreign whoresI hope she's 300 pounds, otherwise you don't deserve her.
Anybody been to Sri Lanka? Heard its like India without awful Indian stuff
Never been, but recently spent some time with a Sri Lanka girl. Some random bits to add from memory:I remember hearing you can technically walk from India to Sri Lanka - the strait between the 2 nations apparently is ~1m deep.Apparently fishermen around this region are constantly fighting each other over fishing rights and 'invading' each others area. This has often flared up into mass arrests and violence.There's also "stilt fishermen" around the island, but I don't exactly know where they practise this absolute kino.Like guy above said. Tea is a huge thing. IIRC, the natives speak Sinhalese. Brits moved over loads of people from Indiia to work the tea plantations, and the majority of these were Tamil speakers. I believe the Tamils are educated, upper classes, and the Sinhalese are the 'buddhist masses' and there's a bit of resentment between the 2. I understand Sri Lanka is descending into being a shithole, fuelled by the greed and ineptitude of the Rajapaksa family. It smells like a tale seen so often around the world: "upper class ruling caste are pushed out by masses who drive everything into the ground". This all might need massively correcting, but might help kickstart some conversation, or inspire you to read a little more.
>>2763663Other stuff I found after having a little look around:>There's a "tea train" railway built by the Brits which apparently is spectacular>Bridge over the River Kwai was filmed there>Ratnapura is a huge gem mining location and you can visit the mines, do workshops, etc.
>>2763223i was just there for 2 weeks before the new year, did the typical tourist round trip in the south/central part of the countrycolombo is pretty boring nothing to really see or do there, i went to a small buddhist temple there that was super intresting but besides that there is not much to do cities in general are pretty boring and/or ugly nature is really beautiful and there are elephants everywhere i was never in india but people who visted both tell me its night and day considering hygiene and trash its not that dirty there is not really a lot of scams but note that as a tourist you will pay more in restourants than local people sri lankan food is kinda mid and boring seafood is great and cheap tho alcohol other than local beer is super expensive so are cigarettes like 10 dolars a packpeople are kind and wont really bother you a lot you can travel as a solo white female its nothing like india
I haven't spent time in the Tamil regions but overall the country is really not comparable to India. It's more a generic Southeast Asia country only the people are darker skinned and the food is spicier. What you wish Bali was really like, that's what Sri Lanka is.
I'll be going in April. I'm eager for pretty nature, beaches, curry, and lion lager.It seems to be a popular destination at the moment because it's cheap but has stabilised since the war.
>go on a trip through Italy>best pizza>milan >best overall food>milan (ossobuco) >best sights>milan duomo, lake como>best atmosphere>milan (almost no other tourists except at the major landmarks and least number of "migrants")Why is Milan so underrated?
>>2763153>best pizza>milanPeople laugh when I tell them Brooklyn has the best BBQ in America too. It's true, simple as
Milan is the most bland and metropolitan version of italy you can find and the food matches it well. Go have some fresh fish at the foot of mt vesuvius or some boar a farmer shot that morning in the hills of tuscany, a roman pasta next to a building older than jesus, visit a city with historical relevance that doesn't just exist to serve cardboard veal to russian prostitutes
>>2763153tokyo still has the best pizza
Agreed, you also forgot to mention is the most fashionable city by far. Everyone dresses like they are in a catwalk >>2763163Its really, really big
>>2763153>least number of "migrants"I'm Italian and wtf are you saying, milan has the less % of Italians in the big cities
I will be traveling to Isle of Skye in Scotland in april. Because of my job, I can only afford a week of travel, and I'll only have 3 full days at the island, and I'd like to do a few scenic hikes in that time. I wish it could be longer, but it is what it is. So as such, I'll have a pretty limited time budget. What are the best trails to do? I'm thinking of spending time at a different trail each day, so may three good suggestions would suffice. I'm not a super experienced hiker but I'm still young and fit and can handle some moderately difficult trails. I will likely be staying in portree and I will have a rental car to get around.
>>2763433Old man of Storr for sure
you should walk the trail that leads to the talisker distillery where you can drink delicious whisky
>>2763433the Cuillins are the UK's best mountain range for hiking in. some of them aren't difficult to summit (just a long day), like Sgùrr na Banachdich, Blà Bheinn is another one. if you don't want to go up mountains then I've had very nice walks to Talisker (the bay) from Talisker (the distillery), and to Boreaig the abandoned village south of Broadford
>>2762635That's what our Subic Bay port call was for anon
>>2762642Ahh. I see
>>2759487Singapore is just a Malaysia with first world prices, visit it to cross it off your list if you must.
>>2762625good wholesome story.
>>2762339That's the brownest Hainanese Chicken rice I've seen in my life.
how is myanmar for tourists?
>>2755040not really. there are some conflicts but the tourist spots like yangon and bagan are perfectly safe.
>>2760915i want to go to shan state
>>2760917northern shan state is kind of risky, but most other areas are ok now. shan noodles are damn tasty too.
The Thai side of the Myanmar border at Mae Sai.
The river is fucking filthy with what looks like mining runoff.
how the fuck do you do this? I'm new, hotels are expensive, airbnb less expensive but still not that cheap
>>2764035whatever you do, don't book motel 6, super 8 or red roof inn, that is like asking to be robbed. If you are a cheapskate then camp in a national or state park.
What timeframe are you looking at? We’re getting cherry blossoms in DC in a few weeks so hotels spike in price.
>>2764035Visit cities with dormitory accomodations, i.e. the hostels that /trv/ loves to hate. You can still expect to pay upwards of $40/night for a bunk in many places.Better option is to rent a Transit or Sprinter van. For the cost of one night's lodging you can buy an air mattress, blanket, pillow, campstove and saucepan. Poop in plastic bags and throw them on people's driveways if there are no public restrooms available.>>2764095Budget motels in America do host all sorts of unsavory mutt characters, but robbery of your person is not very likely. You can thank America's gun culture for making the knife-wielding mugger menaces of the 1970s a thing of the past.
>>2764035I use booking.comI checked DC for June and found a few places under 50 a night.
>>2764131>>2764088Ok, thanks for the advice
My US laptop to runs super hot and its battery life has been permanently damaged charging to a 240V connected via prong adapter overseas. Apparently the charger supports 120V-240V but clearly can't handle the extreme end. Why would this be the case? Do I need to buy a step-down converter and are those safe to use long term?
>>2764125Could be something like a locked phone to a carrier and it was doing a self reboot if it couldn't contact X provider. Just a guess I have no idea what the device/carrier was or apps used.
>>2764120I couldn't find much for ps2 emulation, but maybe I haven't searched enough. Anyways should be fine if I get a separate laptop for the job, and a portable desktop (this laptop probably) for gayming.>>2764123By PSU you just mean charger adapter right? I'd get a higher wattage for the headroom, only thing that worries me is their proprietary shit and models not working for another (their OEMs are quite expensive). If it's just the step-down transformer failing couldn't I just buy one separately? This pos works fine plugged in, but I don't expect any viable battery life unplugged at this point so it's gonna serve as a portable desktop for the rest of its lifespan.
>>2764159YT shows a ton of Emulators, looks straight forward from what I can tell.As an IT guy a Dell PSU will work on any dell laptop there is no 'proprietary shit' on laptops, usually the only thing you need to make sure is the same is the DC input physical size. Dells are all uniform outside their alienware ones that go to +240W and need to support 4080's. >If it's just the step-down transformer failing couldn't I just buy one separately?You should replace the entire thing, again you're dealing with something probably 10 years old if not older since it was sitting in a warehouse probably for whatever laptop it got paired for that year. I seriously can't believe the dell power unit for that laptop is still working, even after being in IT for 12+ years this year, I don't know anyone still using their same adapter let alone a PC that old. For all we know the battery in the laptop is puffing it's impossible to diagnose via an anonymous message board. If part of the unit is going it's best to just replace the whole thing.For your next laptop would get an APU, that's what I rocked for the past year. Ryzen 7 series give me a good balance of performance and battery life while charging via pretty much any USB-C wall charger I come across. My current thinkpad gets about 6hrs on battery saver and can pull a full shift when needed.
>>2764161>usually the only thing you need to make sure is the same is the DC input physical size. Dells are all uniform outside their alienware ones that go to +240W and need to support 4080's.Alright good to know thanks, it looks like the UK has the OEMs with the 240V prongs on amazon so I'll try ordering from there next visit.>I seriously can't believe the dell power unit for that laptop is still working, even after being in IT for 12+ years this year, I don't know anyone still using their same adapter let alone a PC that old.This laptop's actually a hand me down from a family member who barely used it. It's probably seen maybe... 3 years of proper use? But the battery life has gone to shit very fast which is concerning. I previously had an Acer that lasted maybe 5 years until the battery blew up it's first trip abroad from the airplane's cabin pressure, don't know how the airport securities let me fly back with that thing. The power supply still worked a few years later at least. I have miserly luck when it comes to laptops and travelling.>>2764161>For your next laptop would get an APU, that's what I rocked for the past year. Ryzen 7 series give me a good balance of performance and battery life while charging via pretty much any USB-C wall chargerI'll be on a look out for one, that sounds like what I need.
>>2764163Anon the prongs aren't what make it 120-240v, if you're USA based just get a new charger from amazon and call it a day.>It's probably seen maybe... 3 years of proper use?Those chargers have chemicals that dry out, bindings and circuitry simply oxidizes and breaks down, the lithium ion battery being 10 years old and being at 80% charge capacity is admirable. Again this is just an aging laptop that if a new charger from amazon doesn't fix it's time to retire the device.Keep in mind, you laptop has a USB-C port which you can charge your laptop from, if you have any USB-C chargers that can do 65W I would recommend going for that as it's super quick and easy to test. I get it's a bit shitty to have to do a new laptop sometimes, but if this is the thing keeping you afloat and putting bread on the table while traveling. It's a no brainer to replace a 10 year old device with something new. I doubt you're still using a 10 year old phone, don't cheap out on something like a laptop especially if working abroad.