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What is the alternative?

Taiwan? Korea? Viet Nam?
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Ok I recommend if you have a gf do an overnight trip to Hakone and get a ryokan it’s a romantic experience. Also do not do a day trip to Hiroshima you should spend a night there. And you need to plan your days out in Tokyo. I recommend searching festivals and going to them they’re fun as fuck. You’re gonna be here around cherry blossom time in some parts of Japan so maybe plan to do some hanamis. Another good couples spot is Minatomirai which is where cup noodles is so spend the day going to the theme park and doing all the typical couples stuff in the area. Kamakura is another good spot along with Enoshima island.
Thank you, those are good suggestions. I figured we would be at the early stages of cherry blossoms so I wrote it off initially. I'm already planning the cup noodle thing (shes a slut for cup instant ramen) and the doraemon theme park thing. I'm trying to figure out if its worth flying into Hiroshima first and then working our way up, flights seem about the same cost wise.
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You talk like a fag.

A few tourists" caused WWII and "a few jewish tourists" caused 9/11
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Yeah in your government, because they'll be literal jewish kikes like Rahm Emanuel who does nothing but threaten Japanese politicians to accept more niggers all day.

It's the Gates of Toledo all over again.

What an angry butthurt kike


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Does /trv/ think that tourism as an industry is going to increase or decrease, and why? Will some sources of travellers become more dominant and some cities more popular while others fail? Or a global general increase or decrease?

I personally think international tourism is going to explode. People will get fed up with no change early on in the year and spend more on grass is always greener type escapism trips than ever before, from all Western nations and a few affluent Asian ones like South Korea.
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you may as well just put the GPT bullet points into image search at that point, you'll enjoy it just as much and it'll save you a fortune
>Does /trv/ think that tourism as an industry is going to increase or decrease, and why?
why? bitcoin. more?
>Same with the small population of lucky crypto faggots
total crypto marketcap is 3.3 trillion (with a capital T) which consists of more than a few lucky people. i would encourage you to buy now while possible but hesitate to cast pearls before swine.
Pleb doesn't understand what marketcap means. There's no where near that much liquidity.
>There's no where near that much liquidity.
there will be...there will be...
Business decreases as its more and more useless but tourism increases, specially the luxury niche. But just a hunch. And untill next big crisis. Much money still to be made in Africa/Asia so there will be a whole new demography travelling in the next decades.

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Did traveling/tourism ever recover since COVID?
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Travel was already in terrible shape pre-2020 but after the coof it never recovered.
Nowadays you're paying more for less wherever you go, quality of everything has gone to shit.
i wish it didn't. during covid i booked a 4* hotel room in amsterdam for 40 euros. now same hotel is for 150 euros.
It “it recovered and now there’s suddenly black people everywhere
Numbers wise yes, it did. But certain places lost a lot of their soul and charm, like Thailand which became much more reserved, westernized and corporate then before.
I was lucky to go to Barcelona when COVID was only retreating, the city was completely empty, streets lacked any tourists and my companions were desperate junkie shemale hookers with whom I spent many delightful hours being drilled by their majestic Latino cocks while being high as kite

What are the best countries for backdoor studies?
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Enjoy wasting 15 minutes of your life so you can troll/shitpost.
not really
Brazil - it's not hard to find shameless butt sluts here, the 2 I've been with seemed to have the attitude that they were the ones paying and wanted to get their moneys worth

Also very common

>What about countries where the girls are only doing main studies after marriage, but frequently engaging in backdoor studies before?
You need to find countries where there's still an expectation of girls being virgins when they get married, so middle east, maybe India, good luck

Any you find are likely to be total chonkers that can't get laid otherwise
>they were the ones paying
what do you mean?
I mean even though I was paying them, they seemed to have more of a need to have their backdoor pounded out for the full hour and didn't want to stop.

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Hi anons, I want to leave Russia but I don’t have international passport and visa , what are my options? please tell me
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Unfortunately it's not a guarantee - he could get sent to liberate Kursk and never visit the foreign lands of Ukraine at all.

My suggestion would be to get moooobilized and hopefully become a POW in Ukraine
You should spend money because it's a one-time trip. Were you expecting to ride the plane for free, as well?
>he could get sent to liberate Kursk
If he loses few dozens of kilograms Ukrainians might take him for a Nork. They are actively searching to capture living Norks, so chance of survival will be bigger this way.
>why should I spend money on this if it's just a one-time trip?
Wtf is this logic? This:
Money is an instrument to achieve a goal and your current goal is to escape from Russia and never look back. It's that easy.
Because it's the requirement.

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When will DPRK finally open up for us?
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this is realted to the reason nk is allowed to be the way it is, btw. it's a playground for wealthy chinese.
also, expect HUGE advances in medicine in china, as they're ripping straight through 'muh ethics' while americans argue about trans equity and equality ratios.
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>expect HUGE advances in medicine in china
Where's the cheapest place for Chinese/Korean excursions?
>expect HUGE advances in medicine in china
synthesis of manufacturing and syntheic biology
nixanon, i expected more from you...
there's no prize for second place

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What taxi apps to use for thailand?
Is walking/crossing the street hard in Bangkok/Pattaya?
Is taking the train to Chiang Mai advisable or is it too far?
My phone is kind of broken, so I thought I'd just buy an unlocked phone in the USA before going and then use a sim card from 7/11, would that work?
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There’s a fucking Thai general you piece of shit. Fuck you
chill bro. OP just wants to create another coom thread
Nope, a taxifaggots rightful place is way down the general thread where nobody has to give a fuck about his little piddly transportation issue that can be answered with a google search
They think they're special or that they Travel The Right Way if they choose to "figure out things on the go"
They think they're better somehow, I don't get where their thinking comes from. Maybe they feel like they're special for going to a different place, that just makes them look like hicks that make a big deal out of travel
For me, I like to ask for as many details as possible so I don't have to struggle where I don't need to and can get on with relaxing and enjoying myself
>buy an unlocked phone and then use a sim card from 7/11
That's the best option. Alternately you can go to a market and find a secondhand phone for sale.
>is walking or crossing the street while hard advised in Bangkok/Pattaya?
You might experience a lot of banter in Thai from people you pass by if your package is of notable dimensions Otherwise, it's of no importance.
>taking the train to Chiang Mai
Do whatever you want. It's retarded to ride a train from the beginning to the very end of the line and then complain that the train ride is too long. If you wanted a shorter ride you could've stopped at any of the places along the way.
$3-4 USD in baht for a 6-8 km ride is typical.
It's like asking the restaurant staff...
>How much food should I put on my fork?
>How long should I chew each bite?
>How often should I take a sip of water while eating?
Of course they're gonna tell you to stop being a retard and figure it out yourself.

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Left home midwest state at age 18 for University of Chicago computer science

>we were studying leetcode stuff weekly around a pizza in 2013 + exchanging tech interviews we'd recently seen etc

Made it to $1.5M USD net worth at age 32, but I've hopped around a lot geographically. I lived in Denver, Seattle (shortest), Hong Kong, Manila + surf town philippines, and now Bangkok. I've been living in Asia for a few years

I think an anon in a thread last month told me they believe I'd "eventually come around" to re-settling in the Midwest, so I've begun to think more about if it made sense for me financially, relationally, professionally, climate, etc.

So, I'd like to open a broader discussion on the Midwest. I'd especially like to hear from those that returned to it to re-settle or that paired it with a career switch/starting a (local) Midwest business.
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>Omaha looked promising, but the high property taxes are discouraging and all of the industries there are licking off the same ice cream cone that is Berkshire Hathaway. Once Warren Buffett dies, the city is headed for an economic decline.
Omaha here; yeah.
It is genuinely a nice place, but we really can thank hundreds of billions of dollars of Warren Buffett for that. He's a genuinely good, smart man with what's basically trillions to his name, he knows it, and he's careful and charitable. When genuinely good people have enormous power, it's a pretty neat experience.

Shame that there's going to be a brain drain once he passes. I interviewed for a job at the Bank of Omaha about a year ago, it seems that leadership there is well aware of the fact they have too much concentration of business around Berkshire and are trying to diversify their portfolio so they won't be hit too hard when the transition occurs. I'm assuming the other banks and Fintech companies in the area are doing likewise.
Unlike Ohio, Massachusetts has a coast with some of America's oldest cities. They are pretty heckin' neat because they are full of old money richfags who since the late 1600s have striven to make these places as good as they can be. There's a reason Mass always tops the charts in quality of life.
>What are the hubs of the Upper Midwest?
the point in settling somewhere like the midwest is to find a nice safe clean mid-sized white city nobody has ever heard of and put down roots, not to live in a pod in a gated ivory tower one of the third world liberal diversity hubs like milwaukee or minneapolis-stpaul or god forbid chicago.
woops, meant to quote >>2741437

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Christ those genetics. Is this a Bongland specimen?
>Czech Republic
>4. Costa Rica
You what

>Hong Kong

I haven't traveled much.
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I know Panama and Costa Rica (maybe Belize?) look interesting, but what about the rest of Central America? What would there be to do in Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala?

I am asking this question here as I have been met with kind of a tricky situation.

I currently have 2 passports. Indonesian, and a European passport. My European passport allows for dual citizenship and does not care for my Indonesian passport or if I have any other passport. Although by Indonesian law, by the age of 21 if you choose to still have the Indonesian passport, you must renounce all your other citizenships.

i would like to keep my European passport as it allows for ease of travel and other reasons. Although I would also like to keep my Indonesian Passport due to business reasons. I understand that this isn't allowed, but I am asking on this reddit to see if anyone has been able to get around this, and if so, how did they do it.

Currently I'm thinking that every time I enter, I fly to a country which is visa free for Indonesians and spend a bit of time there before flying to Indonesia. When leaving, I fly to a visa free country again and spend a bit of time there and then flying on to wherever I need to go with the another ticket bought to my end destination.

I have heard of people doing this and I remember once reading a reddit post about it although I could not find it again and I am inquiring as I would like to know how those who do it do it.

Any advice and answers based on experience of people who have been in the same situation would be really helpful:)))
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>but I am asking on this reddit
fuck off
>Unironic SEA monkeys on this board
KEK Im never listening to any opinions on this board again
I'm glad both of my countries don't require me to choose.
>implying you ever have
I became functionally retarded after I lost IQ points from reading most of the shit on this board.
>I currently have 2 passports. Indonesian, and a European passport.
You're not fooling anyone by masking your nationality, your European passport/nationality is clearly Dutch.

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Why haven't you done yours yet Anon.
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I've been to Cuenca (Sora no Woto) and Kappabashi (Sarazanmai), whole Asakusa is also pretty relevant to Sarazanmai.
I did.
Based. I remember wanting to do it but finding out it's pretty out of the way
For me, it’s a three week adventure by plane, train, and automobile that starts with Anime Japan 2025 as soon as I land. Hitting Seki to snag a katana, a desire since first watching Kenshin on toonami as a wee child. Didn’t get an Akihabara spot for tokyo but I’ll be spending a week outside Ueno Park, so close enough.
i wanna go to spots from toku shows

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Looking to get a new travel backpack for air travel (i only travel with 1 backpack) and wheeled luggage for road travel. Are these new vacuum backpacks a gimmick or do they actually work? What do you guys use that has been reliable and can take a beating?
The are useful for specific cases but often are sold for lazy people who don't know how to fold or roll clothing. Sure they do save space at the end of the day but it's often minimal due to the bags needing to remain in either a specific shape, be HEAVILY squeezed or vacuumed to get all air out, or so on. Not to mention these things get in the way and can be a PAIN in the ass if you get randomly selected for your luggage to be checked.

The best advice is learn to not over pack and rubber bands to hold clothes together or rolled up are far cheaper and easier to use.

t. fell for the vacuum bag meme
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>rubber bands to hold clothes together
That's genius. Why didn't I think of that.

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its me again whats up /trv/ its December and you know the deal every new year the plane is taking off at 23th night time so meet me at NAIAX T3 in the afternoon and return is on January 5 longer than usual anyone else at it visiting the snowy parts of asia like the Genghis khan statue in Mongolia and the Harbin ice festival winter theme park thingy so what the hell do i even do here? and yes we do have a tour guide with bus
also i learned that this place was actually a safe haven for Russians during the war and Harbinites used to have a Jewish cemetery there at one point though how do you meet IRL slavs i know you guys are hiding out here somewhere but i dunno how to "legitimately" peek and cross in the europe border maybe next 5 years i guess

since i will come in "contact" with the mainland itself lemme know some good shit to do with the great firewall of china should i try something fun like probing the censored network with a cheap rooted phone? will anything from the outside even work at all and can i even phone home to the mini PC back in my room in manila?
now out of morbid curiosity what would happen if i type the infamous tiny man square in public wifi or use my issued tourist sim inside hotel for a harmless baidu search would i actually get trouble? inb4 OP delivers im not gonna risk my entire family for this stupid stunt 4chan though

apologies for the exact duplicate my last thread >>2740097 died and NEVER got a single reply funny how /trv/ is obsessed with hidden gems but yet no one seems interested here
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post the part where he gets flattened
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I went between the 3rd and the 8th of January with my gf, it was really cold but honestly with enough layers it's bearable. Chemical handwarmers are an absolute must tho unless you have insanely thick gloves and boots, I have proper gloves and had to use them every day otherwise my fingers would have frozen. I had proper boots and double socks which were ok but in normal shoes my toes got cold within a few hours and I needed to stick a warmer in the sole. I didn't need to use a scarf or a mask to cover my face, but it was cold enough that the moisture inside my nose would freeze.

picrel - ice and snow festival

if you have any questions ask
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walking over the frozen river
Very nice, any good food place around/inside it?
there are typical chain restaurants inside but they are all super overpriced (i.e. 30 yuan for a strawberry tanghulu when it's like 12 outside). It's also on an island in the middle of the river that doesn't have anything else. I'd advise bringing some snacks or eating before

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Roadtripanon back in action. Went around the great lakes in 2024 and now heading down to Myrtle Beach this summer. Looking to fill a couple gaps in my itinerary. Basic plan is to bounce from YMCAs to NARM eligible museums to dispersed campsites and vibe throughout.
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Also, I've been checking out www.wickedcampers.com/ for a possible trip in New Zealand. Looks like they have locations in America too
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Yea South of the Border is in disrepair and will sell pretty much the same kind of stuff you can find at Myrtle Beach, but in a Mexican theme. Going east would be better.
I've done two big roadtrips myself, these being their approximate routes. Hoping to do a third this summer.
oh damn! That's cool. I've been up and down the Maine coast a few times as well. What do you do at night? I've been rocking dispersed campsites since i'm just in a passenger vehicle with a tent. Seems like a camper and walmart lots would be slick too
I have a few friends spread over the East Coast I stayed with. Other than that I would book cheap hotels/airbnbs. I haven't been camping in over a decade.
neat. I did a pretty bad job keeping in contact with highschool & college buddies. So now even though we've all scattered, I dont really have those types of relationships to draw on.
I've heard hostels are a good place to buddy up with international folks then leverage the relationship to stay with them or have a local guide

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