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Might have to go to Santiago for a weekend and some change. Is there any thing worth doing that i wont find on tiktok or tripadvisor?
dont' mess with texas!

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What are some common scams you should know about when traveling?
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my experience is that people approaching you at hostels and bars are not scammers. It's only the total randoms in the street that see you by yourself looking at a building and suddenly talk to you.
>What are some common scams you should know about when traveling?
when someone approaches you to acquire your business its a scam or at minimum ripoff
If a brown person tries to speak to you in a non-brown country, it is definitely a scam.
Also, be sure to research the brand name of an unknown ATM before you use it. EURONET ATMs are notoriously shady but im sure there are many more.
This youtube channel is a good resource on spotting and understanding scams that occur throughout Europe: https://youtube.com/@honestguide
Encountered one of these in Ueno Park
basically any brown person coming up to you randomly and being weirdly friendly = you're about to get robbed. Especially if they are nafris.

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Wtf is the best thing to do in norway

I will be there june 8th-june 18th, I fly into oslo
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Can confirm. I ended up in East Oslo, its like 5% Norweigian
Id try to get out of Oslo because it fucking sucks

However If you like hiking youre in for some amazing experiences
There are mountain refugees you can rent in the mountains for doing a multi-day trek.
Particularily check out St. Olavs road, which is a pilgrimage that ends at a historical church, Nidarosdomen in Trondheim, its fantastic
Fuck Oslo. Go see everything else, Bergen has some of the coolest people you'll meet
How about Norway in the fall?
I have two weeks coming up in October flying in and out of Stockholm but kinda wanted to try to see some of Norway as well.
Norway in the autumn is very nice, and the weather isn’t normally bad enough to disrupt plans. As everyone else said the capital area is bleak and shit but anywhere on the west or northern coasts is beautiful.

If you want to do that then you’re either going to have to fly within Scandinavia or do a lot of driving. If you’re getting your drive on then the area at the north of Sweden before you turn left and end up in Lofoten is very nice too (Abisko etc).

going to prague for a week and then munich for a week during octoberfest, what's good to do in prague / munich?
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As onions as this channel is, it could give you some decent tips. https://www.youtube.com/@HONESTGUIDE
munich kinda sucks, t. lived here my entire life
there's nothing worth seeing at oktoberfest, you can go there but drinking isn't worth (16€/liter of beer)

If you're in Germany for a week, I recommend getting the Deutschlandticket (and cancelling it immediately, and make sure you do this before the 9th of a month to be able to cancel without it automatically extending for a month, blah blah blah), also it's valid on half the journey from Prague to Munich so you only pay 14-22€ for the train
prague and munich and oktoberfest all suck, just visit Kraków and Wrocław
>und der ist noching zu see hier fur die touristen!
what about dachau and your crimes Hans?
>ooof das ist schlecht!
Are you staying there for a week or do you have to be there for a week? I'm, 3 days for each city is more than enough.

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Anyone do the Disney Adult meme? Assuming you don't mind spending lodsemone was it fun? Or is Victoria and Albert's the only thing actually worth doing?
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Holy shit at those prices
That was me, except for when I grew up, I stopped giving a shit.
I never understood the appeal. I went with my mom to Disney World when I was little and it was fun and all, but why not use the money to go to a different country? Life seems too short to just want to relive your childhood.
It’s because there really isn’t any other theme park where you can do all sorts of stuff. Universal is catching on fast though

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I'm spending 4 nights in San Juan. What do you recommend?
With that much time stick to Old San Juan, Condado, La Placita en Santurce, and the beach. Ocean Park beach will be popular and close by, but with that little bit of time you really should just beach bum it during the days and go out a bit at night. Rainforest trip will take around 2 hrs roundtrip and you'll need a tour company because good luck getting a reservation otherwise to enter while the post-hurricane cleanup is happening, you can also book a kayak tour of the bioluminescent bay in Fajardo since you're not too far away. Nightlife also runs on a schedule so if you want a packed party La Placita on Friday night, Old San Juan on Saturday night. If you're willing to spend money, then you should grab dinner at La Picara by Chef Xiomi or Santaella on Friday right by La Placita then barhop focusing on La Penultima and Jungle Bird, the plaza proper has more divey bars. In VSJ (old SJ) you need to hit up Casa de Montecristo, even if you don't smoke cigars the bar and interior alone are worth (they also do jazz night w live band on Thursdays). El Batey is a well known dive, La Factoria is a must do (go past the saloon doors next to the bar for more hidden bars inside, salsa dancing on the third bar, 4th bar opens around 1030/11pm). La Verguenza is a dive with a nice vibe and plenty of locals, but DO NOT go into La Perla as its pretty much the only crime hotspot in all of VSJ. La Taberna Lupulo if you want a beer bar with an outdoor patio where you can drink and smoke. If you like rare agave Mezcal, then you need to visit La Grieta. If you're in Condado, grab a seafood mofongo or fried red snapper at Cayo Caribe. Calle Loiza in Condado also pops off a bit on Fridays, tons of great restaurants and bars there too but a bit of a crime hotspot, it's slowly getting better. Miramar is mostly to be avoided outside of La Placita, Calle Cerra and Ave de la Constitucion.
>>2688498 (cont.)
If you want to up your beach experience to another level, you can book a catamaran from Fajardo to Palomino/Palominito/Icacos. Alternatively, you can get a catamaran from Ponce or Salinas to go to Caja de Muertos. Desert-mode tourism is doing a nature hike at the Dry Forest of Guanica. If you want to go surfing, then you'll need to go to Rincon for the better waves. It's more of a Christmas thing with everyone having free time for family, but Lechonerias are great, small, family owned restaurants nestled in the mountains serving up local dishes and specializing in spit roasted pork, Guavate and El Cuñao are my preferred ones. Don't drink Medalla or Magna, its cheap piss water, Ocean Labs if you want local beer. Bacardi is for tourists and you should avoid it, drink Don Q and if you want rum neat or on the rocks get Ron de Barrilito (3 stars is good, 4 and 5 star for REALLY good shit). You can do beach tourism on the mainland by driving to Arecibo, checking out Mar Chiquita, Playa Caracoles, the Cueva del Indio cave hike and tour the many small Pozas along the way. Arecibo observatory is kill so don't waste the time trying to go only to find it shut down.

If you want to tour old san juan go early in the day, then back to the hotel to shower up for nighttime because you will sweat a lot here, very hot and humid. Also, you may want to try quenepas (spanish lime), they ripen up around this time of year and are not available outside of summer. If you had more time you could have gone to Culebra for an overnight but it will take up too much time with only 4 nights.

You must try STUFFED Mofongo while there (NOT served plain as a side), Churrasco is the steak cut of choice, Fried Red Snapper is the choice fish option. Tripletas are the best drunk food sandwich there is. Spanish influence is big so feel free to hit up a proper spanish place like Bodegas Compostela or La Bodeguita de Manolo (the Condado one hidden in the Sobao sandwich shop)
Sup. I'm flying out of ORD tomorrow and got a place in Old San Juan. Seems like the spot to be chilling at. Other than buying a ticket for Casa de Bacardi tour, I'm just winging the rest of the trip. What's a must see?

Thinking of moving to Canada from my shithole cuntry.Since I heard PR is preety easy there and a lot of immigrants,housing crisis and all but don't care since west is wild west rn everywhere.Maybe I am thinking of going in student visa as many others.Which state and city should I go in leafbros?
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like i just installed the dating apps and within 2 days a chinese girl and an indian girl asked me on a date lol, both pretty attractive. Thanks Trudeau!
wake up, jeet
im white
I bought just a little few shits in a SuperC for 110,34 CAD.

We're fucked up in this country dude...

You think Pierre & company, will do something?
I'm going to Rwanda, unironically.

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32 years old, I made poor life choices and now get paid 4k a month to just exist but it's in my best interests to leave the country.

My goal is to finally play and beat all the games in my massive steam library. Which country is my best choice to become a permanent shut-in till the day I die?
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My combat exposure was flagged as the inciting incident. That followed with my suicide attempt and drug use flagged me as permanent and total. The TBI and nerve damage is there but with the exposure everything shifted to them not finding out what else there is but more worried about me lashing out or talking about the incident.

Due to the suicide part of this involves living in a combat vet facility and heavy medication if I'm in the States. I can pick which one I want to live at but it's just an upgraded mental ward without freedom.
*sigh* I’m never joining the military dude
I'd probably be bumming around south east asia/india man
you ever do any physical stuff like long distance running or strength training or anything?
it's like irl video game and leaves you fulfilled and too tired to give a fuck
Don't let my experience ditact your choices. It was my fault for selecting a combat role. The real move would to be a DOD contractor instead of getting cucked.

Yeah, I've done a good amount but not anymore. I didn't start until I joined my unit. Every time I grasp the knurling I get a Jimmy Neutron brain blast of feels so I choose a different outlet. I'm into gymnastics now, it started as a joke but trying to perform a Maltese on rings is no joke.
Come live in Australia. We'll pretend to be fans to get you a Partner VISA. Boom. Steam bros for life.

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is there anything you would like to know about Russia? I can take photos and videos of ordinary places or travel around Russia to non-dangerous accessible places (subject to payment of the road).
Potentially almost any safe trash at your expense. I'm a little bored.
I use Google translator so that your eyes don't suffer too much.

p.s. the worst Captcha EVER
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as a T50 brownoid, would I be welcome as a tourist in Russia?
Have sex, incel
Do the women like American men?
no everyone hates mutts

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My In-laws booked the family a Royal Carribean cruise without asking and even though I split the cost with my GF I am still kind of pissed. Am I wrong to look at it as the Wal-Mart of vacations? We are going to Bermuda, Nassau, and Castaway Key. They are all so excited about the ship having all you can eat soft serve? My last trip was a complete adventure to Medellin where I had a motorcycle for a month and did coke off a hot latinas ass. Is this going to be a major downgrade from that? I am not stoked to be using the last of my PTO for the year on a holiday I did not plan.
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At least the time off work will be nice. It does suck that her and family seem to enjoy that I am not too happy about it. "HAHA anon you can't bring weed on the cruise guess no joints for you for a whole 10 days!" I am paying to go on a vacation I don't want to be on and they are laughing at how I won't be able to do the things I enjoy. That being said I plan to make the most of things. Essentially going to just sneak in as much booze and pot as possible and be not sober for the entire thing. Going to starve myself and only eat hotdogs and ramen a week before the cruise so the 3rd rate food will be somewhat enjoyable. I have also never been to Bermuda or the Bahamas so I will be sure to enjoy some new scenery
bermuda will be cool, private island will be cool, nassau will suck. stay on the ship and try to get a port day discount on a massage or something
you're probably going to be surprisingly happy with the dining options. in any case, go to the buffet and get all of the indian/SEA food options, they'll be really good because they'll be made by the third worlders themselves
That is a solid point about the food. I do plan on going for a nice couples massage. As the trip comes closer I am more comfortable with things. I am gonna try scanning FB marketplace for some local excursions.
the more ethnic dining options will be available in the main dining room as well, often labeled as a vegetarian option.
massages are always cheaper on port days than sea days, and of your options listed, nassau is the port to miss. nassau sucks. that said, going off on your own into deepest nassau away from the resorts isn't that far off from scooting around medellin lolllll nassau will be the place that you'll be most likely to find a cheap excursion leading up to the cruise.
in bermuda, rent a golf cart and scoot around yourself. look at the island on google maps before you go and think about where you want to take the girlfriend.
as for the private island, you can't find a bootleg excursion on fb. also, castaway key belongs to disney, not royal caribbean. are you sure you're not going to perfect day at coco cay? which ship will you actually be on?
cruise sounds like an excuse for me to sit and play portable games and read for 10 hours a day while drinking and eating excessively but I can do that a lot of places.

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Thought you were going to fly out on a nice getaway on Friday afternoon, eh?
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My flight today is on time so far. A few cancellations here and there but it's probably ok.
>A few cancellations here and there
I meant in my location. Fortunately I'm in Europe, not America.
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Do people not know how to drive any enjoy the land anymore?
>Driving to Niue
Based retard

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I am currently living in Maine and have a remote job. I am looking for a city in the Southern States to spend the winter. I would leave after Christmas and come back to Maine in May. I would like to spend less than $1750 per month on rent. I recently visited Montreal and loved it, so anything with a similar vibe in the South is something I would enjoy. I would prefer a city with a lot going on. I enjoy live music, books stores, and cool places to just walk around. What would you guys recommend?
If you don’t mind crime then New Orleans is the place for you!
thanks for the reply anon. I have been to New Orleans a few years back for a bachelor party and had a blast. Any neighborhoods you would recommend I look for lodging? Any place to avoid staying?
I couldnt tell you, anon. i havent lived there in a coons age.

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>Noooo, you can't just visit our city and leave a lot of money here

Fuck you, I'm booking my ticket to Barcelona right now.
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>businesses leave
And this is bad because...?

>Leaver is shit service sector job employing moroccans
>business owner isn't spaniard, it's some german faggot syphoning money out of spain
>le tax revenue goes down, making the pool to steal from smaller for politicians

Boohoo, le free market failure means less niggers and trannies. Cry me a river faggot.
>Bro, let's just build more housing
>Huehuehuehue We urr immigrant, we cum for affordable housing
>We wunt monies, we buy house and rent huehuehue
>Gee, housing ran out again, I know, let's build yet more housing
When does it come to an end retard? You will kill your stupid country. You don't need more houses idiot, you need less people.
I'm from Spain. Those fags that say ''don't come here'' go to other countries as well when they are not in their shitty fucking city.
So go there, don't feel intimidated, and defende yourself in case you get assaulted.
Honestly all Spain should do about tourism is tell cruise ships to fuck off and stop filling Barceloneta with fake sand. Barcelona is fine as a historical-cultural city, past beyond a certain level of wealth all a place earns is a steady supply of drug traffickers, sex traffickers and the shittiest immigrants to man the crime industries.
You are either an American or retarded, probably both.

I'm going to Budapest soon, and am wondering on stuff to do, and not to do, places to visit etc.

Any general tips you can give? Will be staying for 4 days
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Who hurt you?
>"""Authentic""" Hungarian restaurants in general, most of them are criminally overpriced and the food is garbage, finding good places that serve real Hungarian food is pretty hard actually, but I might have a couple of recommendations if you or anybody in this thread is interested.
I wish I'd had some recommendations before I went last month. Found a couple of half decent places eventually, but most were shockingly bad.
Am I retarded but aren't the ruin bars literally all in that same small area? It's like a club with 3 stories.
Don’t feel bad. Most major European cities are like this.
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>Am I retarded but aren't the ruin bars literally all in that same small area?
Pretty much, most of them are in the so called "Party district", which is actually the historic Jewish district i.e. ghetto. It's just a bunch of old as fuck, crummy buildings and dirty, dogshit-stained streets full of leftist hippie scum and some grumpy, leftover senior citizens by day and drunk as fuck foreign Chads and Stacies by night. I try to avoid it as much as possible, but it can be fun.

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if you lost all meaning and joy in life and needed to rekindle it where would you go?
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>>2682592 (OP)
Her middle toes are weird. Would not bang.
Flint, Michigan
For me, it’s been Tokyo and whatever really remote camping location I can realistically get to with a particular emphasis on dark skies. Partying in the city is fun and sometimes gives me the little renewed vigor I need but the real magic happens at the campsite. Something about the silence and those stars overhead makes me feel so connected to everything. One time I saw a shooting star at 4 am and I actually had the thought that this was somehow God speaking me and telling me I was thinking on the right track.

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