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Is there anything good about america or should you just move to europe and asia as soon as you have money? is it time to see an immigration lawyer?
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well you said it no wife and kids. youd want to send your kids yo orivaye school, have private health insurance a nanny etc...
Tight American Pussy
indeed i quite like germany but all of east europe looks pretty comfy, even greece or armenia
>well how do you get out even if you wanted to? you just simply go?
I went with job offers. “Just simply go” is occasionally possible, but not very practical—to move to anywhere in Western Europe, you can’t stay more than ~90 days, and you can’t officially come in for the purpose of seeking work, unless you’re an EU passport holder. Parts of Eastern Europe let you stay longer and are less anal about jobseekers, but if you plan to stay long-term you pretty much have to come with a good reason already lined up.

>i thought immigration lawyers were the method
Immigration lawyers are good for helping sort certain categories of visa problems, but these are managed with/by employers in normal long-term expatriate situations. People who are good candidates to stay forever don’t need them. Lawyers can also help sort out things like “golden visa” or investment by residence program paperwork if you’ve got a LOT of money and working isn’t in the plan, but they’re not required. Oh, and I know one American who used a lawyer to get him through acquiring Italian citizenship by descent, but his case was unusually complicated. Most people with time and tolerance for bureaucracy can do even that on their own.

>plus the european city design i assumed was more convenient
Urban planning, transit, and cheap and easy regional/intra-European travel are aspects of life in Europe that are unquestionably superior to life in the States—I haven’t needed or wanted to own a car in more than five years and I do not fucking miss it for a second (although I do rent cars short-term occasionally for errands involving cargo or the rare trips I can’t take by train or cheap airline). Also way better in Europe are some quality of life and work-life balance things, like respect for taking time off—everyone I know is away for a month or more every year, and nobody eats lunch at his desk.
yea might have to just go illegally. i heard a nice loophole for poor people is buying real estate but that seems very hard to do for some reason. not sure where to even go for that. oh well

What's it like in the jungles of Papua New Guinea?
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I wish I lived in the jungle in an uncontacted tribe.
LDS missionaries do a lot of humanitarian work
Great sales shpiel, but without data and stats outlining their successes, I'm going to write it off as a dangerous genocidal cult.

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Which places are marketed as le ancient medieval houses that were actually built 100 or less years ago? Norway has a LOT of these
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accurate recreations don't count as fake
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Half the famous temples in Bali were built by the Dutch who liked the Balinese aesthetic but thought they could do better.

Where should I go in dec? I have two weeks.
since you are too stupid to mention where you are starting from, what you are into, or what budget you have, it's probably best that you stay at home
Budapest or Morocco. England can be comfy this time of year.
Most tropical countries are out of bounds for the rainy season now.

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the price range of VR googles has been dropping and you can buy cheap goggles for smartphones.
I know some keywords for this adventure, “Fly””Earth Quest” or Meta Quest”
Can you experience such amazing flying experiences by those cheap goggles by your smartphone? Or do you need to buy a goggle for PC which must be more expensive to experience it?
Maybe you can’t use a VR goggle for smartphones to play those kind of simulation games on PC right?

I am unfamiliar about it so let me ask you it travel guys
Buy meta quest 3s and you won't regret it tried it recently and it was next level experience hope they improve this tech instead of current AI slop.Also, don't try cheap headsets for smartphone it isn't worth it and grim
Avoid the quest 3S. It has the same shitty lenses as the Quest 2. Pay the premium for the Quest 3.
google earth vr is pretty cool, don't know if it's worth getting a headset for though
I am now using google earth and what i start wondering is there are many places where you can’t use 3D function in developing countries. Even in the 2D - only places can you enjoy flying above those cities like a superman in Google Earth VR? Or it’s just only in developed countries?
i havent tried a good one. even thought they are in 8k supposedly, the quality is still a bit shit and the perspective is never realistic.

What's with the legion of zoomers wearing these thinks while travelling? No one uses these things in my country, is it just some kind of zoomer tourist uniform or do people actually use these in their home countries?
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Bags are popular in places with functioning public transportation. In the US where you’re hardly outside and just commuting by car, it’s easy to throw all your shit in your car and go. In Japan I have a several bags but usually carry black leather ones because they look nice. EDC is wallet, card wallet, charger, keys, towel, sunscreen, phone, camera, handyfan in the summer, sometimes food sometimes beer or sake, extra clothes ect. My friend who used to live here went back to the states and he said he ditched his bag pretty much right away.
Wear it under your clothes faggot. Guy in op is a faggot.
where else will I put my dragon dildo
Where did you buy that bag at?
yurocuck uniform

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Going to Paris for a month. Which district would you recommend to rent an Airbnb?
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stay around château rouge metro station for the real Paris experience.
Are you subhumans seriously bringing Whatsapp notes to fucking 4chan of all places? Fuck all the way off, nigger retard. Your advice is pretty fucking terrible anyway.
npc take

I hear the 11th is popular with students and young people.

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I’m going to be flying British airways business class soon. It’s my first time ever in business class. What are somethings I should/shouldn’t do so I don’t stand out as a complete noob to the regulars
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>Is it worth if the flight is just over an hour and a half?
A flight that short usually means it's a smaller airplane. The business class configuration can vary by airline and aircraft.

Since you asked me directly, I can tell you that British Airways' short-haul Business Class had the exact same seats as Economy Class, but the middle seat was blocked off.
Another difference I can note is that Business Class passengers got meals and everybody else just got basic snacks. The meal was not as good or as extensive as long-haul, however. Food quality was equivalent to long-haul Economy Class.
Just ask for orange juice, and tell them to only bother you for the food. Then put your headphones on.
>office drones get put in cubicles even when flying
lmao I am never getting a job
keep subsidizing my economy tickets, retards
on regional flights the business class is literally just a curtain
you get to sit in front of the engines but so does a quarter of economy
>keep subsidizing my economy tickets, retards
it's always amusing how the poverty stricken cattle try to self justify on here whenever this thread comes up
the ones in the big comfortable seats sipping champagne? oh yeah they're the retards

Crossover thread
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i flew on a flight from seattle to burbank and this older indian guy was blasting indian music on his phone before takeoff. a stewardess had to tell him to stop. when the plane landed he rushed to the front before others seated ahead of him, then demanded a wheelchair. so no one could leave the plane until the wheelchair came up the ramp for him to take him away. so fucking irritating.
>rehashing content because he ran out of things to film in Japan and views were falling
>riding the coattails of Bald & Bankrupt
it's over
Honest question: if there's over a billion Indians, and it's easy to milk views from them, like how bald got his base, why doesn't some Indian make videos of the nice places, proving that it really is poverty porn, and not just the state of India.
>why doesn't some Indian make videos of the nice places
every 3rd world country has those videos
and they get millions of views
but your country + history of views you are more likely to get westerner traveling to poverty areas than beautiful 3rd world (staged) videos
I'm never logged in to YouTube, delete my cookies regularly, and change my VPN all the time. A few days ago I was getting recommended Conan O'Brien videos because I was a comedy binge, now I'm getting Diablo 2 videos. Trust me chief, I know how to use the internet, moderately well. But I've never seen India's nice places. Frankly, I don't really care to search for them. I'm about don't traveling. Most of the somewhat safe shitholes, are overpriced and crowded, and the real shitholes are definitely overcharging. I'd rather just go back to chilling in America on the farm.

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>streets reek of piss and trash juice
>homeless people on every other block
>prices gouged through the roof

What the fuck should I do for the week I'm here that isn't just tourist traps
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i've never heard any horror stories about it
>a tech exec has to rent when he could clearly buy a nice piece of property for an even cheaper mortgage
yes its a meme, but if you want to live on the billsburg waterfront, its worth it.
Maybe not in NYC, but hitting up local bars in the Third World and making friends can absolutely get you into a sketchy situation somewhere around 2 AM when all parties have consumed far too much booze and aren't thinking wisely
Try to see at least one well reviewed Broadway show if you can afford it. Going to the physical TKTS booth you can discounted tickets on select Broadway and off Broadway shows. I think I saw two Off Broadway shows via TKTS discounted tickets. One sucked very hard, and one was very good. I also saw the Book of Mormon at full price $199, it was expensive but worth it, the script was hilarious, the songs were good, the acting was top notch.
anon, op posted this a month ago

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hello is possible to work and travel abroad while being a civil servant? I'm in usa and while I'm thankful to be employed and have a stable career. I don't make much money at my age 30 (110k) and don't get laid (0). in fact working for the government makes me look terrible in the eyes of women and my neighbors. they see me as a brokie. Civil servants have more prestige in other countries correct?
humblebrag thread
just take the foreign service exam. there are plenty of jobs available at embassies in shithole countries
>terrible with money (110k)
The best part is that 110k isn’t even a lot of money. So your reverse chimp antics where you claimed you don’t know anything about money as a smug diversion to humblebrag flopped because of the paltry sum.

The prognosis? You’re gonna keep being a fucking loser chained to your civilfaggot job. You’re gonna scramble and screech and keep not having sex and feeling trapped.

That’s what happens to govt workers with 5 inch peckers that try to whip out that they have a big girthy stack of 110k. Sorry, come back with 250k LOL

Fucking gavott
>he thinks he's flexing with 250k
get a load of this poorfag kek

>Be me, about to turn 30 yo. Self employed. Able to work 100% remotely. Currently living in Spain and paying rent.
>Been considering subrenting my apartment for weeks/months and start a semi digital nomad lifestyle.

Which is your advice anons? Which countries are the best? What should I consider before I start my travels? Which are you experiences.
I would like to start in Europe, since the shengen space makes it really easy, but I'm considering south east Asia. The fact that I have to pay my rent scares me a little.
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Did anyone ever tell you there's this thing called your brain, which you can use to acquire skills that will allow you to trade less of your precious time in exchange for money? Or are you really that hopeless??
Doesnt help if your social skills are so rotten that nobody will give you money in exchange for work.
Then pick a job that requires less social skills. What's the problem anyways? If you're aware that you suck at socializing, then just mask. Keep your mouth shut, smile and nod like a dumb goon. If you're not an asshole and can follow instructions, no one will care. If you're actually socially retarded, like you have body odor and are completely obnoxious to be around, then yeah, don't bother.
Lighthouse keeper doesnt exist anymore.
Ships still exist. Become a merchant mariner. I make $800 a day doing a list of easy, repetitive procedures, and get months off at a time to travel.

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What would you do if you travelled to Leipzig, Germany for a week?
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take the train next time
Drink beer and smoke cigarettes in the park. Pic rel is a great to dink beer and smoke cigarettes.

It's got a nice bar/club scene. Flowerpower is cool, at least it was 8 years ago. City is like Berlin but toned down about 20-30 percent, a lot less pretentious. I'm convinced most east Germans don't actually do anything with their lives until they turn 40. 8/10 would recommend.
Leipzig itself should offer enough for a day or two, but make sure to climb the Völkerschlachtdenkmal. Only keep in mind that its the main attraction of the city, so you wont be alone there.

Everything else for the rest of the week is all the great places that you can easily reach from Leipzig within an hour or so: Wittenberg for everything Luther-related, Dresden (make a stop at Meissen on the way, the birthplace of Saxony which has an awesome castle), the Elbsandstein mountains is a must, Lusatia if you want more nature and nice towns (Görlitz, Bautzen), or if you feel like it you can easily reach Thuringia (Erfurt,Weimar, Jena) or even Berlin if you want to visit that shithole for whatever reason.
Have anal sex with lots of German moids
Beating up antifa spastoids.

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How dangerous is it to visit the Appalachian Mountain region? I read about disappeared and got a little scared. I was planning to visit with three friends at the beginning of next year
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amt is extremely safe and rarely takes you more than an hour or two from civilization, if you get hurt/immobile getting help is simple. You will probably have mobile reception the entire way.
>They have a paranoid belief that every outsider wants to sneak onto their property and steal their old junk.

...no, they are paranoid that outsiders will smell their meth cooking/ find their weed garden, and report them to the police.
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>That's basically sea level to us Eurosuperiors
Stop embarassing yourself. Some of your garbage countries sit below sea level lmao
They're kind of boring. After you've seen the Sierras in California, the Appalachians are a real letdown.
I started hiking part of the AT for a section hike after hiking in Peru.
I got bored after a week and took a bus back to DC.

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What are the pros and cons of living in Australia
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>normies are brainwashed by mainstream media.
Sounds just like America
Are dingos a threat?
saaar your men are weaker and shorter than polish women

You'll get to meet one of your extended family members here at every petrol station and pharmacy.

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