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>arrive at hotel
>immediately homesick
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No I absolutely don’t do this. In fact, I come and go so frequently throughout the day that I pay attention to when the cleaning ladies fuck off so almost nobody can see me constantly alone. People start to wonder about you when you’re constantly alone.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and even I creep myself out lol
what about pooping
schizo post
>Do you fags really walk or ride around for 14 hours straight every single day you travel?

This is what people who never travel think traveling is like. Every time I go online while traveling I get shit like "uhh aren't you on vacation, what are you doing posting here?". Yeah, I need some time to rest too. Occasionally I spend a whole day at the hotel, except going out for dinner.
I get this. I’m also an insomniac so travel can quickly get hellish for me. But then again, I’m not comfortable at home either.

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>travel to Japan
>have fun enjoying temples and shit during the day
>in the evening want to go to a nice bar to enjoy drinks and meet people
>turns out there are three options:
>(1) izakayas where everyone comes in groups and nobody wants to talk to you,
>(2) izakayas full of old men who will chat to you but are weird as fuck,
>(3) foreigner bars full of loud Americans on their first trip abroad making a fucking mess.
Where the fuck do I go to drink and chat with fun people?
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did u smash tho? this is weird
go back to Facebook, faggot
sounds fucking miserable
yeah it really is miserable to enjoy young girls at their very prime of beauty, fitness, and sexuality
stick to your wrinkly roasties
i'm good not "hanging out" with literal children and meeting more mature women 25+, no thanks, already did that

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I have never been to north africa but judging from aerial views on Google Earth, pretty much all cities in US could be mogged by cities in Canada in their city sizes except for New York and Chicago.

Am I correct?
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Who cares? They suck
french signs are by law
if you stick to anglo friendly areas like downtown or mile end it will be fine
even elsewhere you just need to ask parle anglais? and it will usually work in montreal
the real french areas of Quebec are elsewhere
Yes we will, learn the language or don't come
How similar are the other anglosphere countries compared to America. As an American, are any of the other anglosphere countries even worth visiting.
>canada = America but cold?
>britain = America but old?
>australia = America but bold?
>new zealand = America but whatever?
If it's just the same, then why bother? America is the best.
Canada is a disgusting shithole, nothing like the USA. Some third world country larping as a first world country. The UK is the only one with anything worth seeing but it's in severe decay.

Going for 10 days with my bro. Thoughts?

Day 1 arrive in morning - go to atitlan
Day 2 atitlan
day 3 atitlan
day 4 transit to antigua, chill
Day 5 - Acatenango overnight Acatenango
Day 6- Finish hike and descent to antigua, chill
Day 7 - Antigua
Day 8 - go to flores/tikal
Day 9 - tikal
Day 10 - Tikal?
day 11 - go home


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Thanks! Do would you recommend another full day in atitlan instead of having a full Antigua day? I get the impression The transit day to Antigua and the afternoon after Acatenago would be enough for the town itself.
A lot of cartel towns are like this, calles lined with historic buildings yet devoid of the usual Hispanic street life. Everyone either glaring suspiciously at you or refusing to meet your eyes. IME you'll be treated better going with a friend to these insecure regions versus going alone.
Atitlan, Panajachel and Antigua were amazing. Extend time in each of these cities.
Rent a car in Flores and drive to Haiti, one of the
Antigua is safer than NYC

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Tell me about Alaska. Why shouldn't I live in picrel?
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I'm in Southeast, I took pic, and it's a rainforest. You've probably heard the term "Soaking Wet" what you may not know is that there are several levels above that. "Marinating Wet" for instance or "Flooding Wet". So if there's a forest up here you are going to get wet.
>Where the hell can you go from Anchorage for a decent fare?
DOn't they have direct flights to Asia and Russia?
The good parts of living there is that it's beautiful almost no matter where you go in the state. Summers are glorious and there's no shortage of outdoor activities.
The bad is that anything that's not salmon or berries are going to be fucking expensive. It's not the cold so much as the dark that will start to bother you in winter and people start getting crazy in February. Domestic violence and spousal murders spike around then.
The state is immense, so YMMV on a lot of things. Winters in the interior can reach levels of cold you would not believe are possible, but are quite mild in the panhandle. In most of the state, you have more to worry about from bears and moose, but Anchorage has become the dumping ground for other states' crime problem and it's always been a place where people on the run go. You mostly have to worry about things getting stolen or your car being broken into rather than JayKwon and Tyrese deciding to bop you. Attitudes to new arrivals in the state range from indifferent to hostile. It's a great place to go if you want to be left alone. There are very few old people, especially around Fairbanks because it's impossible to live there at a certain point if you have certain health conditions. They tend to move to Seattle after a certain age.
I can't speak for the job market since I was stationed at Ft. Wainwright, but would imagine that you're good if you have a background in petroleum, mining, or maybe hospitality
No way there still are direct flights from anywhere in the US to Russia
You are mentally ill. Holy fuck. I hate you.

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>Last Thread: >>2720096

>Dead coaster edition

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: Ride every coaster every year, as it may be gone next week.

Park Crowd Tracker:

Roller Coaster Database:

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>I doubt it since it would require the track to be powered throughout the course.
You just need to maintain or increase speed by continually decreasing elevation (like LR) and/or contouring each successive hill to make it a little more intense than the previous one.
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Really interested in knowing if it's going to be a mini drop ride or if it's closer to a simulator that moves between physical scenes. Given this matches the seat layout it's probably safe to assume it's doing this patent.
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It's pic related, apparently. Basically a scaled up Scoop vehicle with more vertical movement.
Epic Universe is really going all out with animatronics, it's great to see
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Zippin Pippin has a single hill near they end of its bunnyhill finale that needed a slight profiling adjustment to provide clearance for a train, and because of that, it provides Magnum levels of ejector after multiple floater hills.

Solo travels: how did you get started? What willed you to travel to other countries for weeks/months at a time? Where did you do your first big trip? How much money did you save? What did you do for work and howd your bass take it when you left/got back?

I want to start solo traveling by next summer. I want to do a couple months in Europe but have somewhat limited money at moment and my job isn't the best. What would you reccomend?
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My mom is cool and let me go to Europe during summer vacation when I was 17. I earned $5.25/hour back then so I had to save up for a while for plane tickets. I bummed through the Alps and Hungary for a month, camping and hitchhiking. Had the time of my life, almost 20 years of serious travel later, I still consider that my best trip.
Friend was studying in Korea, I mulled visiting, then a girl broke my heart so I decided a holiday was very much needed. A friend was also studying in China at the time and I'd always been interested in Japan... So I went to all three countries and got the travel bug from there.
Just stay in hostels and keep an eye out for cheap air fare, there's plenty of guides online for money saving. After that just weigh up the time to cost ratio, if you don't want to spend more than X amount a day you may need to shorten the trip.
3k for 3 months would be considered frugal in Europe, but it can be done.

Especially if most of the time is spent in the east. Hostels in northwestern European cities aren't cheap.
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never travelled much when i was a kid. family are poor. uk working class.
had some problems when i became an adult. drugs, alcohol blah blah. didn't travel much then either.
eventually got a job that involved a lot of travel. went everywhere the company had a customer. asia, europe, americas, middle east
did the same again. added africa and australia to the list.
became contractor/freelancer. still travelled a lot. mainly asia and europe
present day : still travelling between asia and europe several times a year. got married to an asian woman at some point.
i will probably keep doing this until they carry me off the plane in a box

random pic related, a statue in a park in s'hertegenbosch, netherlands, home town of hieronymus bosch
My goal is around 10k for roughly 60-70 days in Europe. Whereas I would be living as cheap as possible but I would like to some extra to go to some bars and do tourist things like hikes/tours. Figuring a place to sleep every night would cost me around 1500 a month alone.

Been thinking of switching careers to something remote too so I can work while I'm there. Even if it's a $17-$22 an hour job and I could have something when I get I back or extend my stay indefinitely.

I'm heading to japan for a month from dec to jan any tips on what to do for that period of time?

It will just be me and my gf none of us are really weebs but i do like video games alot.

So far we want to go to tokyo, osaka and kyoto
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xd I did not have a clear mind when I wrote this last night
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I assume first time right? I go again end of december for about a month. I only went to an arcade once with some other foreigners i met on here, but theres some games i would like to find. Ones that used to be at dave and busters before they lost sovl. If we're in tokyo or osaka at the same time would you want to get hammered and play arcade games until they close or first train? I promise i wont touch you or something.

Bike ride the inland sea
Climb mt fuji
Take an onsen in the monkey forest
climb mt Fuji in dec-jan sounds absolutely wild
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I'm an inexperienced traveller who wants to do a solo trip for the first time. I want to do something off the beaten path a bit for an American, but something still more or less easy-mode, so I've settled on visiting Malta. Can someone give me a quick rundown of essential shit to do here over the course of a five day trip? Anything especially. to avoid?
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Hey OP. Maltanon here, I would suggest you visit Sliema, Valletta and our sister island Gozo too. Paceville is hit or miss, if you like shitty clubs that play EDM you may like it, but it's too crowded for my taste. I usually go to Valletta at night for some drinks or Bugibba/Sliema to chill out.

If you're into prostitutes your best bet is to use websites and arrange a meeting that way. Just type in Malta escorts and you should be sorted. Most of the options are either slavs, south americans and some asians. Local prostitutes exist but they are the minority
>Isn’t Malta a rich, hyper Normie destination
I don't know about rich but it's super easy mode for an English speaker since 99% of Maltese speak it. So don't be shy about asking locals for help since most of us are happy to oblige
You’re a nice guy, Maltino. Paceville seems more my speed because…haha…
>Don’t solo travel. People will think you’re a loser.
kek but i am a loser
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. As I said, I am an autist, so I know it will be hard for me to get a gf/wife. But why not have some confidence? After all, I had a lot of girls chatting with me when I was abroad. That's why I like solo traveling, it forces me to socialize and be independent. Anyways, I'm starting to think that if 25 is not considered old, then why should it be weird to solo travel. I just wanna live a little bit.

What was you worst trip/vacation that you ever taken?
but this picture reminds me of an apocryphal family story
went to disney in the comfy early 90s when i was 6. we're in line at splash mountain. finally, it's our turn.
another mom and dad and son and daughter get out of their log for us to get in. the daughter is so excited and is talking a mile a minute about how awesome it was
my super friendly dad asks the son how he liked the ride
and he looks at my dad with the most sullen face and goes, "i hated it."

and "i hated it" has been in our vernacular ever since
rip dad

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Any New Yorkers here? I've lived in America all my life but have never been to New York City. What are the places to visit? Restaurants attractions etc.
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I am traveling to NYC to make a pilgrimage to Trump Tower. I don’t need any advice I just wanted to tell everyone
Do I have to tip hotel staff? Do I tip the airport taxi I booked with booking.com?
You have to tip everyone at least 20% because everyone is connected to the mob in NYC. If you don’t tip then you will get a brand new pair of cement swimming shoes and a boat ride.
Does New Jersey count?
Seriously, is it worth it stay in NJ and commute to New York for tourism?
Yes, just stay somewhere near the PATH train which goes directly from New Jersey to NYC.
There is also NJTransit, but it's worse than the PATH.

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Leaf / Slav here moving to Poland soon for tech job. What am I in for? It's in Warsaw. I just couldn't stand Canadistan anymore.
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It's cold as shit and seaside sucks. Everyone is going to exotic places in winter period

Good move. Polish chicks are hot.
What do you want to know? Precisely? Britfag here (Krakow) who's lived here a while, and know a fair bit about the country.
How trad is it? No zigger/currycel ragebaiting though. Is there much of a culture shock?

What are the pros and cons of visiting the Philippines? How foes it compare to other SEAs in terms of culture, nature and sights?

Everyone speaks English

Natural disasters

What else?
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I'd let her steal my seed 5x a day probably
I watched some of his vids

Seems like a poorfag who overstayed his welcome and/or overestimated the power of.JBW

Can you imagine going all the way to the Philippines to live in a nipa hut and eat instant noodles in the province

He could unironically be cuckshed
You sound like a wagie. I can live 3 years off of $5000!
I'm a wagie that needs to fap. Any hot stories you can share of creampieing or knocking up dumb teens?
Living like a provincial Indio is nothing to.be proud of, unless you actually are a provincial Indio, and if you are I'll gladly hire you.to handwash in front if my house for 300 pesos

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When Trump was winning every state with Elon as his butt buddy last week the writing was on the wall, so I YOLO'd into Dogecoin options with everything I had... I know have enough funds to travel indefinitely for like two or three years? And still have a fat stack at the end. Just quit my job lol. Where should I go?
Oulu, Finland
Kek I'm from Norway so that's not terribly interesting to me. What's in Oulu? Think of going to Vietnam or Thailand first, then Japan in the spring.

Well that's not very nice of you sir
Buy a motorbike and do the Morocco-Cameroon route. That's what I would do. Or you could consider investing in property abroad to have a cosy place to escape to forever.

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what's Jordan like in the cities?
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how do i get jordanian minor prince bf?
what's your definition of scam?
I can't technically say I've "been" there, but I had an interesting layover in Amman on my way to Thailand. layover was 12 hours, maybe more. they took everyone with a long layover from the airport (a real shitty airport btw) to a nice hotel nearby and gave us all free rooms and there was a buffet. the building was in a guarded compound. then they took us back to the shitty airport. some guy working there asked for a bribe when I wanted to know which gate and when boarding started. one of the strangest transfers I've had
>guys flashed a badge pretending to be police then demanded money and grabbed at me, felt something was up and started calling police and they ran
>every car/uber/taxi of any kind tried taking double to 10x what fare should be
>hotel tried to scam me at checkin quoting inflated price
on and on
>this. very scammy and total shit.
i didnt find them scammy, just boring.
>how do i get jordanian minor prince bf?
not entirely sure but i think generally be female, very attrractive and submissive. being ok with having them shit on your chest is helpful apparently.

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