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What countries will you never visit again?
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>Azer the worst
Please explain, I'm intrigued

Agreed. NPC factory that fetishizes consumerism well beyond their means. There’s also a distinct sadness (about the younger generation’s behavior) on the old people’s faces that just cuts you to your core. I had more fun hiking around Anyang with a small group of ajummas than I did partying in Gangnam/Itaewon. Those ladies can hike for days
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Canada. Smelly poojeets everywhere.
Well are the taxes ridiculously high, like over 50 percent income? Are fines based on income? Is healthcare and public transport "free" or heavily subsidized? Do most people live in subsidized or rent controlled tiny apartments?

Post Soviet Union used to be like that. I think you can call that socialism.
>Well are the taxes ridiculously high, like over 50 percent income?
In the time period that US righties fetishize, the highest marginal tax brackets in the US were 90%

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Old thread: >>2708592 Discuss everything related to Philippines travel here.
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I know Singapore will always be there. In some ways, I fear it.
kek this
low level office workers earning 200-300 dollars per month aren't "middle class"
Anyone going to Cosmainia or Komiket?
I thought this thread was about travel and not about Filipina mail order brides for dorkers?

FYI never marry a pinay. You actually get less out of them if you marry them and get them pregnant.
>gets absolutely assblasted by facts
>starts name calling
every time

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Old thread: >>2701761
Discuss everything related to travel in Thailand here.
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>speak near fluent Thai
If she loves me, and I her, we'll develop a pidgin together.
Nothing ironic there. I've tried every teaching facility available in the beautiful Kingdom of Thailand. Soapies are the best educational institution available.
Minimum wage bank staff in a developing country like Thailand arent gonna know shit. You need to talk to a local CPA. I doubt even front desk staff at a major banks in the US would be able to tell you about all the laws regarding taxes/finra in relation to your bank account, and even less so at banks in Thailand. Also because Thais make nowhere near the amount that Westerners do, so the max tax bracket at 35% for Thai taxes applies to wages far far lower than whatever you make in the West. Wages back home that get you taxed locally at 15% to 20% would fall into the 35% tax bracket based on Thai wages, which means that you would need to pay the remaining 15%-20% to Thailand to make up that 35% that they require every year to stay in compliance. Theres a reason Thailand is now suddenly being so liberal with visas just as these foreigner tax laws are rolling out, and its to trap suckers like you.
Yea thailand going after pension funds like retards, but retards are too addicted to being tutored by thai girls so what gonna happen?
The rich people in the tourist areas already pay sales tax and vat.

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Sunset edition

Previous thread >>2667437

Who is in the country now? Who wants to do a meetup?
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I'm chinese asian from asia without the western accent privilege and 5'5"
oh you'll be fine then don't worry they can tell who is Taiwanese they won't try to talk to you in mandarin or anything
This is a lie. I have a half Indonesian Chinese friend and they always talk to her in Chinese and me in English even though my Chinese is better
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Ahhh I miss my Taiwan girls so much
67 days left and counting
Also, why are Taipei sunsets so beautiful?
Does Hsinchu count?

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Sup trv, /g/ here just got news we will be 100% remote starting 2025. Wondering what other nomads have done for travel. I'm worried about being stuck overseas with something that doesn't work or having to use a foreign PC. I've done some remote work when I travel as my boss basically makes coming into the office after thanksgiving to the new year optional, but planning to go full 12 months abroad.

So far looking to travel with
>Work laptop Inspiron 16 inch (we have have local admin and can install games though it's only an APU)
>work phone + personal/travel phone (still looking for something)
>65W 74 watt hour power back for power outages (heard power reliability is iffy in SEA at nights)
>wireless noise cancelling headset and mouse
>150w USB c wall multi port charger w/ plug adapters
>A9 tablet e-sim version w/ keyboard cover for all personal use
>multiboot usb drive w/ linux windows isos if I need reinstall
>9020m Optiplex at my parents place to remote desktop into

Wondering what you guys have recommendations for laptop bags or if forgetting anything. Mostly worried about my phone working abroad and how to keep my number active for 2FA. What other equipment do you guys bring along, thinking about getting a smart watch too just to help me stick on schedule with the time differences. Something you wish you remembered to bring, doing Japan first so I don't think it will be that hard to find electronics I forgot.
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I can think of China and Laos. But I think any country whose railroad is built (and partially owned) by China uses the same security rules. So that might include Indonesia and some countries in Africa.
Get a waterproof carry on size bag for SEA. Waterproof is a must.

Phone with multiple physical sim card slots. You will need it for buying cheap local SIM that doesn't have esim option
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>physical sim
this meme needs to end
Laos is the only country that I've heard is extremely strict with knives in baggage for their Chinese-operated rail line. I had no issues whatsoever in Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines or Taiwan.
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Why? Physical sim is nice as I can pop it into my PC and roll or put it back into my phone.
>inb4 he doesn't have a laptop with a sim slot


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I want to get my first taste of the 'stans. I won't have time for all of them so I'm planning an introductory trip. So far I only thought or a preliminary itinerary:

Fly to Samarkand, spend ~3 days
Undecided. Tashkent? Bishkek and Kyrgyz mountains? ~5-7 days
Reach Almaty and fly out from there after ~2-3 days

If I definitely want to see Samarkand, and finish with Almaty since it's easy to fly out from, how would you fill the gap in between? Is it worth it taking a Kyrgyzstan detour? Or spend more time in Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan? I like history and culture stuff but also local food and drinks. And outdoors if easily available. Not huge on big parties but I've heard there is some great nightlife in the region as well so wouldn't mind checking that out. Budget not an issue. I don't speak Russian or any other local language.

Also, general stans stories or advice.
Lurk caravanistan

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I spent a week up there starting out in Fairbanks and hitting up Talkeetna, Kenai, Seward, Valdez, and Delta Junction on the way ending again in Fairbanks. Wound up spending around 2k to maybe 2.5 for the trip.


More details and pictures incoming
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I particularly enjoyed it myself. Would highly recommend, maybe not in winter though...shit got Hellishly cold (living out of the van until I got to Anchorage and the FEET of snow hit making it retarded to even drive (Astrovan, full bed in back with weighted blanket, slept like a king.))

Juneau was super quaint and homely.
nice pictures anon

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Is it actually worth visiting this country or is it just being shilled on Instagram?
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Nah he's cool, and he knows a lot about China. He provides video evidence daily about the goings-on in China. You kinda can't fake video evidence. Go ahead, say it's AI lol.
How do I chat to Chinese women in a city before arriving and load them up as an informal tourguide?
Can you just set your location on WeChat and start blasting away messages to people close by?
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it's crazy how beta chinks are. I'm essentially mogging them 24/7
I would still fuck her instead
You can watch in the corner playing on your phone if you want
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how do I get Chinese sugar mommy gf?

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Is going to Europe even worth it nowadays? Is there anything to do in Europe or is it just some expensive historical amusement park? Why should I go there when Japan is on discount and I know what I am getting in Asia. Or I could be cooming in Africa with rapacious village women. The only good thing is that it is close to Africa< I think. Are the Romanian whores worth it? I don't want it to be an antisocial experience with boring whytppl which is what Europe sounds like.
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europe is made of first world countries, retard
t. american
You seem mentally challenged.
This edgelord speak is really getting out of hand. At some point trying to be suave and edgy turns into unintelligible gibberish.
What a load of crap. South Euros do absolutely not speak perfect English. People speak their own language however we've incorporated english words into our daily use. Migrant issue really depends on where you go. Anyhow you won't find a non multiculti big city in America either. Prague, Budapest, Warsaw are still pretty void of migrants i'd say.

But do please stay on your "other" continents buddy. You sound like a retard.

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Any other US tourists feeling miserable after coming home from Japan?
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That's a tiktok thing
I see, thanks for the correction.

Go the fuck back to Tiktok, troonspeaking zoomer
me too
I despair that America only has fat women with tattoos
>if you don't even have a 4 year degree yet then your only option is get a degree there on a student visa, then graduate and switch to a work visa
Technically not a must, 10 years of relevant work experience is considered equivalent, alternatively if you get a high salary and have JLPT N1 then can still get enough points to qualify for HSP.

That said if you don't have a degree then a Japanese company will not hire you, only international ones. But that is not necessarily a bad thing.
*turd world CUNTry pretending to be a first world country

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What's the best city to visit for a fan of Brutalist architecture?
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i just went to albany, and if you are talking about the empire state plaza it's not brutalist, but its sick as fuck. pic i took there.
true, we forget that
what do you love about brutalism? what other buildings do you like?
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I like the geometry and minimalism of a lot of brutalism and other modern architecture. The sharp lines of shadow and light they cast work well with the style of photography I enjoy doing. There's a point where it kinda doesn't feel right anymore, like ultra modern low rise condos with cheap siding or generic glass skyscrapers. Something like the pic I posted is just an immense object but also a piece of art at the same time. Sure the same can be said about a lot of other buildings, I can appreciate huge cathedrals too.
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I'm not an architecture enthusiast so it's hard for me to articulate, but I like it compared to most other (post)modern architecture, which just seems to be architects deliberately creating ugly buildings. I also like that it utilizes modern, cost-effective building materials while still having a clear aesthetic style. You don't see that with a lot of modern buildings which are just optimized for space with no thought to aesthetic appeal.

What are the most BORING places you've been to? A place that's just overall tedious.
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Sounds good to me.
There's no need to keep repeating yourself
This. On top of that, it's 50€ a night for the cheapest hostel. The main attraction of Switzerland is its fresh air and it's barely there. The architecture is okay in the old center, but get very bland pretty quickly.
On the plus side, you can swim in the Rhône river during summer. I only go there to buy cigarettes.
The most BORING Singapore I've been to? A place that's just overall Singapore? I'll have to go with Singapore
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Okay, but can you articulate why you think so, like an adult who actually visited the place? I have no doubt Singapore is boring as fuck, but why?

Hello fellow Redditors, I'll be sharing photos from doing a full trip through Belgium and the Netherlands, covering pretty much all large cities and some hidden jewels.

The program:
Liege + Dinant
Mons + Tournai

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Believe it or not, I actually took the short trip from Liège to Maastricht.

And despite liege feeling like 2x poorer and 30 years behind in urban development, I’ve returned to Liege (where my hotel was) way sooner than expected. Turns out SOVL is a real thing, Liège just had more of it.

And dining options were way better obviously, French vs Dutch cuisine isn’t even a comparison.

But as a place to live and raise a family, you’d ought to be a lunatic to pick Liège over Maastricht, that I admit.
Nice pics anon. I will be flying into Amsterdam for a two week trip starting mid October. Any advice for an itinerary? Dont have much of a plan, but I would like to ride IC rail into Belgium and possibly NE France if I have time to see the WW1 and WW2 sites.

I figured I would rather fly into Amsterdam than Frankfurt this time as it seems like a more convenient location and the flight was cheaper. I am an Ameriburger who is willing to walk, but would prefer not to rent a car. Obviously not looking to stay in the Netherlands for the entire trip.
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Not OP but checking out the WW1 sites probably requires you to rent a car. I did a ww1 trip this January by car. I caught most of the Flanders WW1 spots. I based myself out of Yper. Next spring me and a buddy will go to Verdun. You could go by train to Yper. From Amsterdam that would take you about 4 hours. But most of the sites that are near Yper aren't accessible with public transport and they're not really walking distances either. You could just spent a day in Yper I guess. But i don't think Yper alone is worth it. Dunno anything about WW2 sites. But if you go by car to Yper Dunkerque is about an hours drive away.
Thanks for the tip anon. Maybe this trip I will stick with Arnhem, Nijmegen Bridge and the Market Garden WW2 sites. I also would like to see Verdun some day
70's urbanism killed the city + very bad maintenance
it looks like the city got no money and just doesn't evolve

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Currently working in Aomori, Japan. I didn't even know this Prefecture existed a few months ago but so far I love it.
Where are some places in Northern Japan I should visit while I'm here?

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If you had to choose between
>work hard in your 20's
>travel a lot in your 30's and 40's
>travel a lot in your 20's
>work hard in your 30's and 40's
Which one would you choose and why?
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The amount of money a man can have access to in late 20s and early 30s is much comfier than early career or pre-career. I think there's a correct balance for each individual
>>It’s completely pointless until you’re early 30s at least
No it's not, if you don't work on it by the time you're in your 30s your competitors will be miles ahead of you
how about:
do some work and travel all the time
when you're 50+ reduce or eliminate work
it doesn't need to be 100% or 0%
by living in developed country with human rights
>Travel in 20s. 99% of the time focusing on your career in 20s will get you nowhere. You want to take your education seriously and if you intend to serve in the military do that but you shouldn’t give a fuck about career. It’s completely pointless until you’re early 30s at least. You may as well travel.
>No it's not, if you don't work on it by the time you're in your 30s your competitors will be miles ahead of you
ya I also disagree.
I was born 1993 and roughly careermaxxed highschool/college/20s. Worth a little over $1M before age 30.

My college peers are sometimes doing even better
at least 1 founded a team with funding from AVAX
a VR engineer at meta
a few medical path people wrap up their schooling
engineers will be senior/staff level or sometimes even higher if quite high performing


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