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Has anyone been to Hong Kong post COVID? Is there still soul or has it been completely taken over by the CCP?
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Also forgot to mention, when I got back to Japan and the customs agent asked me where I'm coming from, after I said I'd spent a week in Hong Kong they took me off to the side and made me open all my bags and swept all my clothes with the drug detection paper, even inspected my wallet. I wonder if I just looked suspicious or if HK is a known drug destination in Asia? I definitely smelled weed a few times and a couple of the clubgoers seemed to be on some substances but aside from that I didn't see anyone using shit openly, all things considered.
>I knew HK was metropolitan but I never figured it to be a big tourism ~*DeStInAtIoN*~ for normies... until now
I feel like HK will have a boost in popularity because Japan tourism is amready maxxed out, so people who've already been to Japan and want first world cities are left with Korea, HK and a few others.
>Surprised at how many tall Chinese people I saw. I'm 6'3" and felt like every 10th guy was my height or taller.

You're joking right? I'm 186cm and I think I find someone taller than me once every few weeks and 9 times out of 10 they're white.
Let's keep getting some good insights into Hong Kong and Macau.
holy shit imagine thinking that disaster of fake, unauthentic, nonsense aimed solely at stupid tourists is awesome.

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>weed LMAO

Okay but what do you actually DO there? I got a short stint during the summer, but looks like the best thing to do with your time is take a day trip into the mountains. Any other recommendations?
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Accurate, t. Denverite

>Happy Cafe
The Thai place next door, J’s Noodles, is the best pad thai in the city
salt lake is the acutal mountain city. people who haven't been to dever don't get how far it is from the mountains.
Been here for 2.5 years. It’s a functional, walkable city With god tier public transportation, with a pretty impressive plethora of food options but that’s it bro. That’s the only redeeming qualities

It’s totally mid. It’s like any other American city. Nothing stands out, there’s no flourishing niche culture here or there, it’s just “America”
>god tier public transportation
Tell me you moved here from the suburbs of the small town Midwest without saying it explicitly
oh yeah all of that stray fentanyl smoke and psycho hobo fecal residue is just god-tier faggot

Im going to Italy, starting with Rome than use the train system(trenitalia) to enjoy different cities, im doing an italy sweep trying to have the ultimate Italian experience, is 10-12 days enough? any suggestions on
>where i should go and do.
I can speak Italian so small villages wont be an issue. thought about using a fairy to reach sicily.
>any activities for a single man
like going to restaurants alone isnt my thing, most of my food would be breakfast at a cafe or some fruit from a grocery store. ( i did this during my spain and france visits)
>is tinder good in italy?
used it both in spain and france, was successful in both, but im a little older, i believe thats a big factor on getting matches.
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this is bad, but hes right on the 10-12 days, can you do a month?
What are you looking for in italy?
Im not op, im visiting utaly for a few weeks should I not bother to learn some broken italian and just speak english?
If it's your first time, you'll probably want to do a Rome > Florence > Venice trip, spending about 5 or 6 days in Rome, overnight in Florence and a few days chilling in Venice before flying out through the venetian airport. You really don't have as much time as you think you've got and 5 or 6 days in Rome is a jam packed week with a lot of activity to cram a massive tour of the city in rather than rest and relaxation.
You could easily spend two weeks in Rome itself if you have an interest in history-- Museums, Churches, Roman Ruins are all fantastic. Modern tourism as we know it started because Frenchmen, Germans, and Anglos wanted to see ancient Roman stuff, and tourism for it is still going strong
Doing a 7 days in Rome and 7 days somewhere in the south would be a good start for visiting Italy-- if you start with the big tourist checklist stuff in Rome like the Vatican, Collusseum and Forum etc. And then go down south to relax at a beach, or explore small hill towns you'll enjoy jt
Make sure you call girls "terrona" they'll be absolutely enamored with you
Depends where you're staying
If you're in smaller towns learning enough words to buy cigarettes isn't a bad idea

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In contrast to the other US cities thread, what are the best US cities that you travelled to?

Pic not related, I'm American but I've been to more cities outside of the US than in and I want to change that.
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the diagonal parking spots along mainstreet are a staple of the "up and coming small town", it's just basic fact in north america at this point, they have barely any housing actually near the nice part of town where people want to actually spend time so they have to provide tons of parking for the suburban developments where people live and the out of towners who are certainly getting there by car.
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as an outsider, it looks like a shithole surrounded by cool geography, what the fuck is this development pattern, it's designed as if there are serious constraints like being in a tight river valley but the river is the highway
horsedrawn coaches? if the city is going to put something in for a nostalgic meme how about a tram that doesn't literally shit up the streets.

This is a fair assessment. The payoff is 100% the proximity to all the mountains and trails.
>the diagonal parking spots along mainstreet are a staple of the "up and coming small town"
They're the staple shitty towns too. Just a strip mall at that point

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Thinking of heading to Colombia next month
What am I in for?
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This is correct.
It feels counterintuitive, but Barrio Antioquia during the day is significantly safer than Poblado at night. The gangs that control it have an understanding with the police. They are allowed to peddle their wares as long as the neighborhood remains safe.
>Criminals know it's where tourists high in money and low on street smarts congregate, and understand they're the few places in town where they can rob people without fear of retaliation by CRIMINAL groups.

I like the way you think, friend. Just don't end up like one of those eighteen dead Americans so far this year whose bodies showed up in Robledo, Aranjuez, Santo Domingo or a dozen other safe barrios.
>The gangs that control it have an understanding with the police. They are allowed to peddle their wares as long as the neighborhood remains safe.
Exactly. Barrio Antioquia is, by convention, the drug marketplace of Medellin. People go there to buy drugs (in personal quantities) with impunity. Everyone in the city knows this.

The police presence there is a complete charade. They're told by their superiors to look the other way if they witness someone picking up. The leadership is in cahoots with the local mafia.

So not only are you protected from petty crime, you're protected from the police as well. Barrio Antioquia is a Foucauldian heterotopia, a world within a world, mirroring and yet upsetting what lies beyond.

Might sound like a larp, but all this was explained to me by a very street smart Colombian lawyer. I had it straight from the horse's mouth.
What's it like at night, though? Seems like there would be a lot of crackheads scurrying about in the shadows

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>be me
>still going to school
>live shit life, boring and monotonous, day after day, depressed
>only few superficial friendships, little if any connection to family, dislike distanced and work- and efficiency-focused culture here in Germany
>thinking about moving to Finland
>"happiest country"
>EU member state
>welfare state
>nordic countries usually score best in pretty much every ranking
>chance to get away from it all, start anew there, independently
>have good education, can probably get somewhat well-paid job here to begin saving money
>probably financial backing from parents/grandparents' estate
>maybe sidejob for the time being

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I forgot to add that I'm planing to transition. How good are the doctors over there?
>>live shit life, boring and monotonous, day after day, depressed
>>only few superficial friendships, little if any connection to family, dislike distanced and work
bro this is finland
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Fuck off, we're full.

Had to be drug-related right?

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this doesn't make sense, sorry. you buy drugs on the spot in a very busy place, even large amounts you just go to the flea market and peddlers will try to sell you weed and poppers at 3x the local rate. Dealers will approach foreigners because they know they want drugs, simple as.
This is Mexico. The country is sketchy and violent and full of untrustworthy people.
Whether or not these guys tried to buy drugs and were set up for a robbery or not, the Mexican cops are now saying this was a robbery and the Aussies tried to fight the robbers off and one of them pulled a gun. Girlfriend rolled over on them under interrogation.

All over a laptop, a couple cell phones and some nice wheels that were on the one guy's truck.
Fuck off cunt. It was a surfing trip, and the motive was robbery and the fact Mexicans are brown lawless poor niggers

ther was another body in the hole that was someone else they killed earlier, so i doubt it was all just an innocent accident during a robbery

What's Reno like? We've spent most of our lives in Las Vegas, even lived there a few years, but never bothered to travel to Reno because of how out of the way it is
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Sounds like you agree with him since you didn't deny it
Reno is at altitude. It gets into the 90s in summer but not Vegas heat
Such a weird Reddit thing to harp about.
It's also a lot further north. It snows and gets disgustingly cold. You find pine forests around Reno, there's no palm trees.
Why are you biking at 1PM?

Most people would bike to work around 8AM where it's about 75 and breezy then back home when it's kinda hot but a e-bike in PAS saves you any issue.
>muh 110
Dry heat with wind >>>>>>>>>>> cold rainy shit constantly stopping every 2 blocks for a light
>Such a weird Reddit thing to harp about
Crying reddit when you have no argument. Sounds about right

I am doing the Way of St James from Saint Jean Pied de Port to Santiago in July.

Anyone done this before?

Sorted my gear (I think) and fairly used to hiking in Scotland.
 1x Poncho
 1x Shirt
 2 x long sleeve footy
 2x Shorts
 1 x trackie
 2 x Shoes
 3x Socks
 2x Boxers
 1x Hat
 1 x sunnys
 1x PJB
 1x tee

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Just remember to pack twice as much water as you think you need
Buy like a bucket hat to protect your head from the sun. Spain in the summertime is no joke.
please post an american translation. I don't know what half those clothes are
There's a drinking fountain every few km what are you on about

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Where should I go and what should I see? Good places to meet people too? Anyone want to hang out next week?

Can not speak a word of Greek
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I spent 5 years living in Baltimore Maryland and I have seen some insane shit in my life, but the brothels in Athens shook me to my core. Those women were being held in dungeons with 3 inch steal doors and no windows.
>Where should I go
not athens.
ideally, an island, preferably in the cyclades. if that's not in the budget, crete, rhodes, or one of the ionian islands
and if you can't manage any of that, anywhere else in the mainland. just not athens.

t. greek
how is aegina? is it any good to visit for about 2 days?
Kek no they aren't

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I finally got bitten by those mfs at the hostel, and it was a nightmare. Thankfully, I received a full refund, and they closed the room with four beds, don't know how long they will though. Have you ever had a bed bug experience?
Thought I brought these back to my apartment but was just breaking out because I sucked a prostitutes tits
I'm not a poorfag that sleeps in hostels.
I've neverr encountered them, but I understand with your luggage in the belly of any plane, that you can get them just from your trip ordeal. There exist in Disney resorts and 5 star restaurants

But hostel, no way. I travel where security exists. My peace of mind is having enough of a profit margin that they have adequate employees, hotel drivers and those kinds of perks. If you're a broke dude, whatever though.
I got them at my old apartment but I just tanked it until I built up an immunity to the hystamine response. So I still see bites all the time but they don't bother me at all.

I dated somebody overseas whose house was infested with bed bugs. She'd gotten them from a cousin, but never realized they were there--neither her nor anyone in her family have any physical reaction to bed bug bites. Unfortunately, she ended up bringing them to my Airbnb, and they very quickly started to reproduce.

Absolute nightmare. Can't speak for you, but when I get bitten, it usually takes several days for the bites to show up. They're insanely itchy, and they stay that way for at least 1-2 weeks afterward. I remember trying different creams and gels, but none of them provided much relief. I started getting paranoid every time I slept and felt a fucking hair twitch.

Fucking hate those things.

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>Ant Anus
It's hard to explain but lithuanians have this weird autismo mode about going above and beyond on the scope of normal EE's.

A lithuanian will talk shit about their country 24/7 but if you accidentally mess up where they are from they go full nationalist mode and will never forgive you on it. Same with their food, language, history, etc. It's like you somehow make them embody chris chan's autism for moments while they become #1 patriot of their country. I don't understand it one bit.
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No, but they surely rank among the best. Was there last summer and it was incredibly comfy. They also get bonus points for being one of Europe's bulwarks against the r*zzian hordes, omething which they really don't get enough credit for. My only real gripe with Lithuania is that after a while the cuisine tends to get a little boring, but on the other hand the fried garlic bread was like crack to me.

Pic related, our 8 day itinerary through Lithuania and Latvia
You rented a car?
nice try tõnu, nobody except estonians thinks this

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Today I'll be doing a double elimination bracket. Each game is best out of 7. All US and Canadian states, provinces, and territories are in it. Pic related is winners bracket.

I have 51 categories to compare each state/prov to one another. I will use random #generator 1-51 for this. Whichever ones more categories wins and advances. Seeding was done randomly... sorry if your state/prov didn't get a by.

Next post I will post the categories, feel free to offer more suggestions I can add them as I go.
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>Well the sweet 16 in the winners bracket is set. Are there any surprises?
These are all states and provinces that have been through the gauntlet and deserve to be here. They all are peculiar which is important to set yourself apart and have a particular line of questions you can dominate. Indiana represents the last gasp of flyover on the winners bracket. Most of these states have very specific draws. Whether it's the cozy forests of vermont or the endless mountains of wyoming or the gator filled swamps of lousiana. These states are here to fight for it. They've come so far and you know they don't want to give it up.

>How about that Florida vs Hawaii matchup?
It's the kind of matchup fans dream about. It's the sort of thing these states will tell their grandkids about. When you get this deep in the tournament you're going to have to go against states that play to your same strengths and try to eek out a win.

>The loser's bracket is heating up too. Any matchups you have your eye on?
I'm looking at Connecticut vs New York first... I wouldn't be surprised if it's a sweep or a five game series. Alberta vs Yukon will be an exciting match but I have to agree with the bookmakers and give alberta a slight edge.
Connecticut vs New York
1: Bird watching: new York
2: Best state/national park: New York
3: Best music: New York
4: # of pro sports teams: New York
Alabama vs Northern Mariana Islands
1: Tourism motto: ALABAMA
2: % arable land: Alabama
3: lowest recorded temperature: Alabama
4: Air quality: NMI
5: Best song about State: Alabama

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based thread
will make it a point to going to the best state/province/region
Thank you! Again, a bit busy today sadly but I hope to do some more matchups today :)
>Round 1: Comfiest roads for road trips to Idaho
never been to idaho but as a quebecois i agree

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Has anyone been to Tikal? looks better than the Mexican ruins and less tourists getting in my way
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Belize's only good city is the Spanish-speaking San Ignacio, which is basically a Guatemalan town. All non-Spanish areas of Belize are entirely soulless and kind of shitty.
However the nature in Belize is perfection, sublime, so that's the tradeoff.
Nature was pretty, but I didn't care for the locals.
yeah okay - so how do you fly from Cancun to Tikal then?
what time of the year did you go?
I went in July. I'm from Texas, so the cooler weather was nice.

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I'm going to Las Vegas next week, should I stop at the Heart Attack Grill? Does it really have the yummiest food in the world like people say?
>Does it really have the yummiest food in the world like people say?
It's fine if you're drunk as hell, the burgers are run of the mill meh. Expect to drop a bunch of cash on it you only go for the meme
If you're going to vegas stop by Omega Mart. It's really cool
Only if you do it as a joke. I personally go to fine dining places like Zuma
>Does it really have the yummiest food in the world like people say?
I've never heard anyone say that.
The gordon ramsay burger was nice the mgm or whatever. But not as good as I would ever return to this shithole again

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