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Alright, I have some filler time in between when I start a new job so I am thinking.

>Albania = 4 days
>Catch bus to Montenegro
>Montenegro = 4 days
>Catch bus to Belgrade (Serbia)
>Belgrade = 2 days

Has anyone got any tips or an itinerary for any of these places? I am sort of going in blind. Also how safe are they for a westerner?
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OP here, thanks guys I will definitely add these to my list getting keen for Montenegro

I appreciate the tip but I have had numerous friends go to Albania lately and they said it was cheap and unreal with nice beaches (im from Australia btw) so we have beaches to compare too.

Did anything sketchy actually happen to you in Albania? I won't much much time in Serbia unfortunately just enough time for Belgrade. Do you have any input for Belgrade city?
>Shity cuisine, you'll be eating french fries and greek salad every day
>Everything is 2x price if you are English, making it more expensive than Croatia
>Muslims everywhere you'll experience massive harrassment, and you get strange looks when drinkings beer, with condescending comments
>Police will stare at you and make you feel uncomfortable
>Taxis driers will ask for sexual favours after charging huge amounts
>Trash EVERYWHERE, with loads of rats and cockroaches, and no, not just the locals.

Anon I'm not OP but I've been to Serbia and you can't be serious. Serbia is a bunch of average towns with a particularly ugly city (Belgrade) and nothing but fields of sunflowers in between. Only Albania and Macedonia are shittier places to visit in the Balkans.
> Serbia is a bunch of average towns with a particularly ugly city (Belgrade) and nothing but fields of sunflowers in between.

Yes, but no. Belgrade really not a good choice. Northern Serbia has beautiful cities like Novi Sad, Subotica, Sombor, Kikinda. But it's true that there are only fields between them, which I don't like either. Then the southern part is a beautiful mountainous area. Tara, Uvac, Djerdap are beautiful places for nature lovers. Also there are a lot of interesting caves, Rajko cave for example.
>Shity cuisine, you'll be eating french fries and greek salad every day
unfortunately this is the case for montenegro as well. these balkan coastal grugs who live in rocky caves, all they know is grilled meat, seafood, and french fries. "Burek", that pathetic combination of sickly bread with a smattering of muck inside, is peak cuisine and sophistication for Montenegrins
after just a few days you start getting desperate for real food (e.g. all food groups, vegetables, fruits, mashed potatoes, buckwheat groats, sauces rich in mushrooms, food that is actually processed and not just thrown raw in one piece at a plate for you)

Barcelona is a shithole. I don't get the appeal. Smells like piss everywhere.
Are you in high school? Are you in college? If not, why did you go?

Good fucking question. Honestly, mostly because I wanted to tick Andorra off the list. Barcelona was seriously like Daytona Beach, FL. Just a fucking dump.
The less of you in this world, the better we will be.

Cry more.

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Last thread has reached the bump limit. Post about your favorite food, hidden towns, and things you like (or hate) about Vietnam.
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overcharging is the most common
bait and switch
sometimes when you ask help from the hotel to book tickets they will charge you "VIP bus" price and book on a cheapest bus
in small towns people are friendlier than in bigger ones and everywhere in the market the price is clearly marked
>getting filtered this hard
Here's how you do it. Be nice to the girl working the counter and banter when she wants to chat on a slow day in between your daytrips. Then, when you need a bus, tell her you are a fucking retard and can't use vietnamese apps to book a bus. Have her book you a bus through the app on her personal phone and slip her the amount in cash + a coffee. Boom, you just paid local prices for a sleeper bus.
Most people on this board shouldn't be allowed out of their home country.
I loved Malaysia but desu the food really is the main appeal. It's so reliably good that it really btfos other SEA countries, and by and large it's not funky weird stuff that westerners will get grossed out by. No bugs and shit. Penang was very comfy as was Langkawi, though both are pretty small places that you can see enough of in 4-5 days easily. KL is a very lovely city, well maintained and clean. From what I've seen Malaysia seems to be more popular with tourists from other Asian countries moreso than whities, but you'll still find plenty of the latter. It's unique in that you get the impression that the average malay actually lives decently, which gives it a different vibe as regards tourists and scams and shit. It's comfortable, tasty, but not particularly exciting.
What's the best area to stay in Hanoi for normal tourism shit? aka not cooming, but good food and neat things to see

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I just landed for a month in South Korea.
Figured we should have a South Korea thread, just in general.

Could you believe I can't even order delivery without a "residence number" or something? Ridiculous.
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no because I am an involuntary celibate, meaning that I am incapable of acquiring sexual access by no fault of my own.
She's getting railed yknow.
t. bong yung

Do foreign girls really go to Korea just to get railed by their men? I get the kpop fandom, but I'm wondering if it's an actual spot for female sex tourism

I found this while I was learning animal terms in Korean:

백마 • (baengma) (hanja 白馬)
(SK Standard/Seoul) IPA(key): [pɛŋma̠] ~ [pe̞ŋma̠]

Etymology - Sino-Korean word from 白馬.

1. white horse
2. (slang, ethnic slur) white woman (as an object of sexual desire)
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I investigated the issue, here were my key findings
>yes, but
>there were a magnitude more browns than whites (include plenty of the browns with western passports who call themseves american or european or whatever)
>i discovered a new demographic: white western whales (mostly american) traveling with some dog indian boyfriend

fucking weird place man

What's the nicest Hotel you've stayed in? And what was the worst one?
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Yeah it was surprisingly nice
I like the La Fonda in Sante Fe, 25 years ago.

No such thing as a bad hotel except how they all cost $100 plus barebones in the US now. I wouldn't spend more than that, anywhere, anyways. Unless I had a really 10/10 bimbo who I might impress for one night and one night only.
Nicest was probably the Courtyard Marriott in Manhattan. If only NYC was less chaotic I'd probably look back on my stay as delightful. Worst was probably a Ramada in Rochester that reeked of cigarettes and everything was scratched up.
Anon you have really got to aim higher...

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is Split, Croatia really that good for a week trip? Heard some great things about it
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overpriced hellhole crawling with drunk Brits passing out and puking everywhere
avoid Split, Zadar and Dubrovnik when you're in Croatia
and Plitvice as well
unless you're going outside the tourists season
>depends on what you compare it to
I went to Zadar a year before, Heraklion a year later. I've found both to be more enjoyable and affordable, especially Heraklion, since it also offered some great day trips all over Crete. The traffic is sketchy as hell though and I also got fucked by Air Serbia on my way back.

I'm going to Antalya in a week and I feel like gas + tolls + apartment in Split comes out about the same as airplane tickets + hotel with breakfast in Antalya and I expect prices to be lower there as well. Same thing with Heraklion.
how long are you going to turkey for?
>going to Antalya in a week
>I expect prices to be lower there as well
turkey is the midst of a total currency fuck up
especially the big cities and tourist towns have ridiculous pricing now
13 nights

I've been to Istanbul twice in the past year and things were generally not expensive. Looking at hotel prices in Antalya, I expect the same, even though it's summer season.

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>Last Thread: >>2679921

>Florida edition

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: Hang around a ride entrance, wait for some hot girls to get in line, then get in right behind them. Enjoy your long wait together.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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A year or two ago DL would flip between blocking it and not blocking it
people like it but I'm a bit cautious about any site selling subscriptions.

Generally now you can find out as much info as you want about anything really easily. Even the clickbaity "top 10 Xs you didn't know Y'ed" on channels like Disney Food blog can be handy for wider general tips and hyper specific videos for the one particular thing you want to know about and forum/reddit/here for things you just want opinions on.

The big thing to watch out for is "unknown unknowns" things you didn't even know you had to consider, such as boarding passes, how far in advance you need to reserve a restaurant and (for world) which of the two water parks is open.

Those holiday planning VHS disney used to fund for tour operators were maximum comfy though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH0s__l3R8w&list=PLLeBVu9Xhd08vREsvTaZEHFfosS9ptK0K&index=43

>that snippet in the welcome part of the kettle drummers

I swear I saw that clip in every Disneyworld vid for about a decade.
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>I'm a bit cautious about any site selling subscriptions
I found the sub useful during my Orlando trips for the crowd calendar and queue lines app with parkgoer-submitted wait times.
Not Disneyland and DCA though. You can do some fun posting while just chillin' at radiator springs.
The Touring Plan app wait times are better than the official Disney wait times, though I feel the touring plan function itself has degraded a bit due to Disney changes.
The sub-only part of the forum also has/had some tricks/info about lighting lanes and boarding groups that you're not going to get from reddit/allears/dfb/etc (BG1)

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I want to go to Thailand but I'm not sure if it is worth it
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I will drink publicly in thailand 100%
this lmao. Thailand made me hate walking. The heat, the stench, and the shitty traffic all combined to make me not to walk more than 10 feet outside.
The scampering Scott’s in this thread drive me up the fucking wall. Choose a fucking location and just rot there. The scampering has to stop, why the fuck do you wanna keep GETTING UP and MOVING to another place. Get a fucking hotel and just rot in bar downstairs and saunter around with glazed eyes and RELAX and ENJOY your vacation.

Stop fucking scampering
Had another threesome at Tulip, I'm amazed it's not that popular and coomers queue instead at nana and soi cowboy to get attitude and starfish experience for 10k baht.
One of them was 29 and looked like a punk Asa Akira, one of the wildest I've fucked. In the shower she was already putting my finger in her ass while the other sucked my dick.
They didn't care about each other's spit and would just lick my dick balls and ass alternatively without interruption. Fucked them both around 10 minutes each and asked to finish in mouth.
But they went for a double facial instead, one jerking me and looking at me begging to cum on them while the other sucked the tip.
It was mostly just a show and I don't think they got much sexual pleasure but who cares, I'm not some boomer going "DATY" for 20 minutes and bragging he made a whore cum. Not a coomer either, it's just a hobby.
Do you mean the tulip massage in that immediately comes up when you google search tulip message bangok? Interesting
I enjoy eating pussy and, in certain cases slobbering all over their butthole, but they have to be on the paler side with soft skin and East Asian aesthetics

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Planning to leave this god forsaken state called California.
Anyone in the automation/robotics field can give me some pointers?
I'm an engineer with 3 years of experience in robotics, and I want to know what cities are decent to move for work.
Some cities I've been eyeing are seattle, denver, and that's all for now.
big plus if I can avoid the indian invasion.
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Anyways, I found some good job options in pittsburgh, and it has winter season.
Seattle has no income tax, so that sounds very appealing ( coming from someone paying almost 30% of my salary on taxes)
8 fig net worth here seethelet. I post on /pol/ too
The US patent office (USPTO) is in demand for robotics/control people and it's WFH from anywhere in the USA including Puerto Rico and Hawaii.

Avoid Denver, it's an overpriced shithole. Never been to Seattle but no sunlight and an apparently Uber-austistic populace doesn't sound appealing.
>Some cities I've been eyeing are seattle, denver, and that's all for now.
Watch the video "Seattle is dying" I just stopped through Seattle for a conference and man it looks so bad downtown.

Why are choosing pot-friendly cities, they'll be liberal and awfully run.
Stay in Cali don’t ruin other states.

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I’m doing a personal favor for an old friend, and he’s paying me to stay two weeks. Can anyone suggest sites for someone who enjoys fishing (both fresh/salt), natural history, regular history, and photography?

Thanks, and god bless!
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More like SMELLbourne, it stinks!
Just kidding I've never been there...
It stinks!
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Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge is an option for photo + nature. Turkey Creek in Palm Bay is comfy too.
The Indian River is a good fishing spot, definitely go hit Sebastian Inlet.
All of Brevard super sleepy but comfy. Once you get too far inland into Viera/Cocoa/Palm Bay it gets kinda soulless.

t. lived in Palm Bay
Not OP but I'm actually thinking of moving to Melbourne, anyone spent time there?
I lived down south in Pompano for 6 years before moving, but I'm starting to miss Florida.

Anybody been to Saudi Arabia? What did you think of it? Is it worth visiting?
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Anybody out there who doesn't look like a stereotypical Muslim and isn't Muslim slip into Mecca?

I have an interest in Islamic culture and like visiting mosques when I travel, but unfortunately, there's no way I can convince myself to believe in any religion. I still dream about visiting Mecca and participating in the whole ritual just for the fun of it.
People do do it. If you can larp as an enthusiastic recent convert you’ll be allowed in. I don’t know why you’d want to if you’re not actually Muslim though. This may cause problems back home if you blab about it as someone will get offended.

You do have to be careful. If rumbled they’ll probably just deport you but if you have actually done something profane or blasphemous then the penalties get serious.

I’d rather go to Lourdes. Or vegas.
well why don't you have a good cry and roll around and beat your tiny powerless fists on the ground
fortunately for me i'm not a loser-back-home and i have a modicum of self control
i have seen videos of chinese people at mecca. maybe pretend to be chinese or something. just squint and bite your bottom lip, that should do it
It's not possible. You check your religion on the Visa so if you're non-muslim you won't get anywhere close since there's multiple checkpoints on the way to Mecca. If you say you're muslim and you're from a muslim minority country (i.e. western), they'll be suspicious and probably ask you to recite religious passages. Then you'll be asked to turn around and you can get fined.
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>Saudi Arabia has culture.

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>go to thailand because there are million threads on /trv/ about what a lifechanging experience it is
>haha I will surely get so many friends in bangkok at the hostel
>can't find anyone, everybody is travelling in packs, when I try to join someone they look at me as a weirdo, go sightseeing alone, feel miserable
>travel to chiang mai
>haha this time I will surely find some friends at the hostel
>same shit happens
>go to phuket
>same shit
actually think about killing myself in thailand. How the fuck should I get friends while travelling?
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Here's a (You).
I'm literally stating it was 7 years ago since I was in a hostel. My career is software development, just taking a small break from it. Planning on finding a new job again later this year. Funny you mention Bitcoin as I just received Mt Gox distribution two days ago. Shouldn't be bothered to share this but whatever.
Why not instead share what I should be doing as a 30 year old boomer that wants to do some city sightseeing with others in a similar transient place in their life?

I'm pretty inactive here, spending an hour or two a week. Only on /trv/ to maybe find some info you won't find on travel blogs. Anyway, 30 is still within age demographics. Hopefully for me I'll visit the site for the last time next year.
i'm almost 30 too
there are definitely a lot of traveling people that age in almost every big city

>remote work
that's exactly what I do nowadays
in big cities I stay in hostels popular with DN (also because I have to work some days too)

>but rather do some sightseeing
you can try, but i never found anyone 30+ to do sightseeing with
so I do it alone, which I like better anyway

like I wrote in my original post
most socializing I do is going out in the evening (not to party but just hit a few bars / restaurants for a few hours)

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Basically this. Travel can be soulless tourism to say "i did this", but did they did anything?
Travel can also be a journey. A pursuit. What do you like? The word "worth it" ought to be banned from this site.
Do you enjoy food? Take a food journey? Soup?? Try every soup in every backwater village you can find. Do you enjoy cycling? Cycle across a continent, that beingyour overarching goal, but talk to every cyclist along the way, chat with cycle store employees (you'll find practically none ever did what you are doing). Do you enjoy fortresses and imagining what the defenders felt like huddled behind the parapets? Go do that and Larp, just chill all day on the wall with some tea and envision the men who were ready to die for the town.
What are you interested in? Because I don't know many people who sit at home in their boring life and say "hey, I really want to hang out with broke dirty impulsive shallow broken branches in a stinkpit, maybe i'll strike gold!". Nah mate, ain't happenenin. And they'll mask up and lie, anyhow. You dodged a bullet, go find your people
>my daughter is in university and her friends have flirted with me since they were preteens.
whew lad, i wouldve indulged at uhhh "some point"
i kind of empathize with this but i tend to just put on "fucking loser blinders" these days and just tune out some of that more injurious shit like kids laughing at you for ambling aimlessly through their city streets when youre just a little too old to be doing what they know youre trying to do

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So I’m transferring to University at Buffalo because their STEM program is pretty good.

I don’t really know much about Buffalo. What is there to do here? Nightlife, bars, etc.
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Hutch Tech, City Honors, and Sweet Home also have a lot of Asian students.
Only Asians you get around here are international students at UB who barely interact with other students outside their nationality, and the many Burmese refugees they planted here in the ghettos.
>Visiting anywhere in the US
Why dont you visit a better country like Russia, China, Finland, Austria, or...?
Did you even read the OP?

The dude is transferring to that school. I’m going to assume he’s American.
As someone who’s used Tinder and Hinge in Buffalo, this person is absolutely right.

What footwear do you recommend for spending a whole year in Thailand? My adventure sandals recently broke after four years of rugged, daily use. I would just buy another pair but I'm worried that:

A) My feet will be exposed to abrasions (or worse) and tropical bacteria. I heard the streets can be pretty dangerous, exposed rebar and such
B) It will ruin my swag. I can rock adventure sandals where I currently live because it's an outdoorsy tourist town in the desert, everyone is rocking sandals. I want to look swaggy and fit in with the Thais, but I refuse to wear n****r-flops

I'm leaning towards closed toes for comfort, but I have no experience in a tropical environment. What footwear would you rock?
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Crocs realtree is all I wear at home and abroad. Yes I am from the South. Crocs and socks all year baaybeee!
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>adventure sandals
This the new Thailand general?
How accessible are western brands of footwear in Thailand?
what is rebar

Has anyone been on a Carnival Cruise before? What should I expect?
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My cousin went on a cruise, someone smeared shit everywhere
Expect a lot of loud and disgusting children. Fucking everywhere. The pools are literal piss. Good luck!
The pools got crowded with adults and toddlers, squeezing side by side.
>What should I expect?
i wish this were true, id be cruising all day and night 24/7 365
unfortunately theres no way to actually get away from non whites

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