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>learning Vietnamese for the past year
>speaking has gotten pretty good. solid fluency with good pronunciation, but vocab could still use some work
>listening is good about familiar topics. no problems talking to my teacher or girlfriend, but native speakers are still a little too fast

>say one single word in Vietnamese to anyone in this godforsaken country
>respond at the fucking speed of light + nonsense slang + old man dialect + mumbling
>ask them to speak slower and more clearly
>they speak even more quickly the second time + yelling

I mean I know they're not used to speaking to language learners but aren't some things just common sense? A couple weeks ago a shopkeeper asked if I spoke Vietnamese, to which I replied the equivalent of "a little, but I'm still studying and not very comfortable speaking" and she launched into a five minute old woman rant about...something, I have no fucking clue. Something about how she has to learn English to talk to customers and foreigners should learn their language too. Thank god she didn't ask any questions so I could just nod and grunt. Even my girlfriend (native speaker) couldn't understand half of what she said.

I'm trying really hard not to conclude that Vietnamese people are fucking retarded but this is such a frustrating experience. It's basically impossible to use the language even after a year because of this shit. Any other travelers and language learners go through this?
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>I'm trying really hard not to conclude that Vietnamese people are fucking retarded

anon ... ur the retard .... u cant speak their language. wyte dork xDDD

they r smarter than u
>learning Vietnamese

So you can live in Scam Artist: The Country AND hear the locals shittalk you behind your back?
People treat travelers very different from "expat" migrant bums who insist that they belong permanently in a foreign country. Nonetheless, most Vietnamese are non-religious, which explains why their values and standards of behavior are so different from their Buddhist neighbors.
what type of expat loser lives in vietnam? white dork english teachers. finance/biz expat chads live in thailand, bali, singapore.
forgot pic xDDD

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Australia officially on the no-go list.
I can't tell who's winning.

Post experiences, recommendations, tips, things to avoid, stories, reviews, etc of anything and everything related to Sin City

>favorite spots to stay?
>favorite food?
>favorite shows?
>best gambling?
>best pools?
>best bars?
I stayed at Sahara last year. I actually like the location because the monorail is easy to get to from inside the casino to go to the busier parts of the strip but it's also closer to Fremont Street if you want to do that. And if you have a car for driving yourself anywhere else the parking garage is free and on a pretty normal street corner compared to the southern end of the strip. It's a small and run of the mill feeling hotel so if you're still in the phase of trying to impress someone just go to Cosmo and pay up.
Peppermill is worth a visit. I liked Battista's too.
Wayne Newton unironically. He is going to die eventually so just do it before it's too late. It's a surprisingly long act.
I won $10 on slots at Sahara waiting for a table.
You'll be so drunk off the minimum tab it doesn't matter.
There's a Back to the Future/generic 80s nostalgia bar and grill I thought was pretty funny.
>favorite spots to stay?
Anywhere center or north strip. NY NY is as far south as I'll go
>favorite food?
Lavo and Piero's cuz i love italian. There's a dumpling place at Aria called Thai Da Fong or something like that which is amazing, try that if you like Asian food.
>favorite shows?
Absinthe is the best. All the Cirque shows are worth a watch. Magic shows are underwhelming and cheesy. Carrot Top was surprisingly funny.
>best gambling?
Avoid casino gambling. Play poker or bet on sports if you really need to gamble. Every game in the casino exists to take your money. Sports and poker you have a chance. If you HAVE to gamble get a player's card so you can at least get some free meals when you inevitably lose a grand.
>best pools?
Circa stadium
>best bars?
Anywhere with video poker in the bar for free drinks. Sometimes you even win money to get free drinks. Casino bars in general are a blast. My favorite part of going to Vegas is bullshitting with randoms at casino bars. Everyone has a story when they're drunk in Vegas.
fremont street food and bars? im there this weekend. never stayed downtown

Do you live in the Caribbean? Wish to visit the Caribbean? Post about the region itt
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Puerto Rico is the most affluent territory in the entirety of Latin America. Hotel prices are basically the same as the continental US. My sister rented a car and an airbnb when she visited with her friends.
Entire cities like Caguas have zero hotels. P.R. is not a place to be a poorfag traveler. Dominican Republic is also expensive and heavily visited, but you can find some cheaper options there.
*Compared to Mainland USA
There you happy now? You goddamn nerd
Puerto Rico if it were a US state would be the poorest state in the country well behind Mississippi. If it were an independent country, it would be the wealthiest country in latin america.
Is there any place that has a sizeable minority left?
Depends on what you consider to be "white"

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I have one week (saturday to sunday) of time I can allow to the Azores this month. It may be a tad short for island hoping, but probably a tad too much just for the main São Miguel island. Would you recommend I at least hop to one or two other islands? Or maybe skip the main one and just hop between the smaller ones?
I'm quite surprised at how booked the hotels are, I thought it was a rather under-the-radar destination. I can also just pack up my mountain hiking gear and tent and go in campings, or better yet, just camp in the nature where there are some nice views if it's allowed.
Any anons that went to the Azores? What would you recommend? Ideally I don't want to rent a car, but I likely won't have the choice.
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Did you find it at all boring?
It seems like a cool place, for sure, geographically and climatically but the people I've talked to who have been there said it's very agricultural, not very touristic, and there's not a lot going on.

Also I heard you can buy subsidized flights from the "main" island to the other ones as a tourist.
>Did you find it at all boring?
Not really, but it's true there isn't a whole lot to "do" there. You can drive across and around the entire island in half a day. The only museum I went to, the military museum at the fort, was pretty lackluster and smelled of mold. I traveled with my family for my mother's birthday, so it was a fairly slow vacation anyway. I just enjoyed the nature, climate and general vibe. If you want constant entertainment and banging nightlife, maybe it's not for you. The flight thing is true I think, but like I said I never left São Miguel. There's also several boats between the islands for Real Travellers.
>make sure it's an automatic
The Azores are the place I would specifically request a manual, it's too much fun to drive on the mountain roads and there isn't much traffic to block if you're not used to a manual transmission any more.
I want to take a sailing trip to the Azores, the joy of experiencing land after a long watery journey sounds interesting

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Imagine this: You step off the plane in Greece, the warm breeze from the Ionian Sea welcomes you, and right away, you feel something different. I recently visited the western coast of Greece with my wife, and I couldn't help but fall in love with the place—the landscapes, the people, the culture—it all felt so familiar, yet uniquely special.

Coming from a Syrian-Armenian background, I’ve traveled a lot, visited over 20 countries, but Greece struck a chord with me. Have you ever had that feeling when a place just feels like home? That’s what Greece did for me. The moment I wandered through the streets, I noticed something—the faces of the people, their warmth and kindness, reminded me of the Armenians from back home in Syria. Their family values, the sense of community, even the food—it all felt so close to what I grew up with.

And here's something I found fascinating: you don’t need a high-paying job to enjoy life here. Greece, especially outside the big tourist hubs, is incredibly affordable compared to Western Europe. With its perfect weather, mouth-watering food, and unmatched hospitality, life there feels rich in the ways that truly matter.

If you asked me, I’d say I could easily picture myself building a family there. Greece just has that charm, that sense of belonging. Have you ever been to a place that felt like it was calling you to stay?
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Is it really that difficult to immigrate to?
You guys are raising my expectations of a place I've always wanted to visit. I'd also like a more authentic experience outside of tourist traps, anon, which places do you recommend checking out?

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> be digital nomad™
tells everyone at home "I make money anywhere bro"
>been living in hostels for months, too broke to rent a real apartment
>spends days hopping from sketchy cafés to public libraries for wifi
>decides to take a trip to Europe, cuz "it's so easy to work from anywhere"
>ends up in Eastern European city, takes metro to save money
>squeezed into tiny metro seat, pulls out 7-year-old MacBook
>tries to look productive
two hot girls sitting next to him, chatting in a language he doesn't understand
>they glance at his screen
he's on Upwork, trying to snag a $5 job writing blog posts about "10 Best Coffee Shops in Bali"
>they giggle, probably think he's some kind of tech genius
screen suddenly goes black
forgot to charge laptop at hostel, no outlets on train
pretends like he's just done with work, closes laptop smoothly

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>major pain in the ass
Sounds like you're a lazy shithead who only wants to rot away the rest of your life in Bumfuck, England, going to the same stupid pub every weekend to chat with the same crew of beer-swilling losers.
>starting over every three months
To the contrary, three months is far, far too long to stay plopped down in one location. I've stayed as long as one month in two different places, and their appeal was absolutely lost on me by the end of it. Three to four nights is ideal.
>most of which will suck
No, you suck at traveling. Hitting the streets in search of good food is peak enjoyment for a non-coomer.
>le insurance
Fuck insurance in all its forms.
>everybody already saw all over youtube
Same old zoomer excuse. You faggots live your entire lives through a screen to the point where the only authentic travel experience for you is laying in bed watching some broface traveler yapping on self-importantly for 45 minutes about his daily routine.
You have any idea what emergency care costs in America?
>inb4 it's free, just don't pay the bill
Theft of service is nigger behavior.

Okay, boomer.
This reads like a new version of how Avon and Tupperware was sold as a "career" to 1970's moms. It works out for very few people...
very defensive post, reeks of insecurity in decisions
>healthcare while cheaper abraod
lmao, do Americans really?
Regardless, it's never been easier to work remote, DN visas are fucking everywhere with simple requirements and I crack up at all the losers who wish they could dork it up like me across the planet. Stick to crying about being a failure on Fijian Knitting Forums, you won't ever make it.

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Sunset edition

Previous thread >>2667437

Who is in the country now? Who wants to do a meetup?
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It just works
Honestly can't believe that this would survive flight luggage
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I flew in from Thailand, where after a few rocky days on my first arrival I had many graceful, stress-free business interactions. Thais have very high self-confidence and are masters at intuitive communication across a language barrier. Taiwanese, not so much. Their body language betrays unease in the presence of a grave-faced white foreigner, and they get easily annoyed when something they say - undoubtedly part of their routine for taking an order - is not understood. Nonetheless, Taiwanese who have spent time in America are very friendly toward an American visitor, in my experience.
Surprising how hard it is to find fried rice in Taiwan. You'd think they'd serve it everywhere, but no, 70% of budget eateries serve soup.
Am I gonna lose a kidney if I go out with a random tinder match who directly says she wants to "have dinner, chat and then sleep"?
yes rice isn't really part of Taiwanese cuisine for some reason. I think it's because all of the rice used to be exported to Japan when it was a colony, so the locals learned to eat mostly fruits and veggies and meat. the colonial government used to force the rice farmers to sell 90% of their yield to Japan.

no scams aren't very common here. as long as you take basic precautions like putting your passport and cash in a safe and not taking any random pills you'll be fine. I've never heard of anyone getting drugged or robbed here on a tinder date.

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What's a good, affordable city if I'm looking to live in Mexico? Mostly care about affordability and safety, other stuff I can work out later
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yes absolutely, very very few people take soccer as seriously as Argenchina
I speak spanish and I would never step a foot in mexico lol
I really don't understand how first worlders can even consider mexico as a tourist destination, especially outside of cartel ran tourist sites.
Many Hispanics are too chickenshit to explore Mexico, for good reason. People in Morelia would tell me "Tamaulipas is very dangerous, don't go exploring there!" Then in Tampico, my friend tells me "I'd never go to Michoacan, it's very dangerous!"
Cartels don't run tourist sites, they merely launder some of their dirty money through the cash-cow resorts and keep them safe for vacationing family members.
Mexicans especially lower class rarely leave their hometowns unless it's to migrate somewhere else for work with plans to return, usually wherever is closest and easiest. For them it's a big deal to go their state capital let alone the national capital and very few grasp the concept of exploration, of going to another state just to see different things. They are the descendants of conquered people. White Americans are the descendants of explorers and settlers. We have an inherent drive to know what is beyond the next hill, in spite of, or maybe because of danger. Hispanics take the path of least resistance. Anglos go somewhere "not because it is easy, but because it is hard."
The terrain and weather look like mountainous CA

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I've been wanting to travel around the US for a while and I don't have a car.
I've been thinking of fucking off on long distance Amtrak rides and seeing states that way.
Is Amtrak as miserable as people make it sound or is it tolerable enough to make for an enjoyable trip?
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Threadly reminder, amtrak roomettes and bedrooms allow you to bring your own liquor. Feel free to ask your car attendant for glasses/ice. As long as you're enjoying your own bottle in your compartment, totally allowed. And obviously don't be a drunk POS to passengers when you're not in your compartment.
People drink liquor in coach all the time. Obviously, as at any time you are breaking a rule, keep it discreet. If you are not a well-disciplined white man who can handle his booze, you should not be drinking in coach.
One night in coach feels like an adventure; two nights is when it really starts getting to you. My first Amtrak ride was from Kingman AZ to Raleigh NC; I drank almost 1.5 L of cheap vodka over the trip. If you make an effort to seek out non-NPC travelers, entire days can pass in alcohol-fueled conversation.
Amtrak's not that bad at all, its a pretty pleasant travel experience. Problem is it doesn't have enough routes.
The two problems with Amtrak are delays and prices. Take the train to Glacier NP if you go through with it.
you can get a 30 day pass that includes 10 rides any distance for $500. you could easily see the whole country for this price:
>new york
>Washington DC
>New Orleans
>Los Angeles
>New York
that's a lot of time sitting in coach but if you're a broke boy and don't mind a little adventure hard to beat that price

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Last car crash of a thread hit bump limit
Let's try again
Seething retards need not post, we know you exist
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2 people died from a falling tree today in the carpark of Peranakan Mansion
A hiker died few days ago falling into a drainage system and the body was found 5km away
Wild monsoon weather plus king tides fucking up a lot of places right on the beach
Shit be crazy right now but I'll be honest, really enjoy the chaos of monsoons and thunderstorms.
needs more sauce
tell the guy to get some tips from ramly burger stalls
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bullshit on both counts. the patties are made of proper ground beef with minimal fillers, cooks up kinda dry and chewy with the grease running out of the patty into the bun, and they were your standard 70 g or similar weight.
>fancy western bar prices
You can find bars serving Tiger or Carlsbad for RM 15 on the riverfront in Melaka. One bar even had an RM 7 Carlsbad special while I was there, 4-7 PM every day. As cheap as the 99 Speedmart and cheaper than 7-Eleven, kek. It was a very depressing place, run by two kids and hardly ever saw any customers. Rats scurrying all over the place even with the lights on and music playing.
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you are the anon with the phobia of pigeons lurking in restaurant rafters? I've seen plenty of sparrows fucking around in restaurants, hopping on tables, flitting onto food prep counters like the little flying mice they are, but rarely pigeons. In fact, you hardly even see a single pigeon in a city like Malacca, they've been completely driven out by the gangs of raucous crows whose cawing continually echoes through the quieter blocks. Klang Valley is famous for its crow gangs as well.
>over 150 USD
Unless you want to stay in a windowless poverty-tier bugbox, you do need to spend more than that per week. My last four weeks in southern Malaysia averaged RM 870/week or $180. Kuala Lumpur averaged RM 1065 or $225. Food expenses per week were RM 345, 303, 452 (durian binge), 253, 270, 219, 289.
>le air quality
Unless you're asthmatic, who gives a single fuck about a little wildfire smoke from Sumatra or burning season in northern Thailand.
Filipino barbecue mogs Malaysian barbecue in juicy flavor and costs a third the price.
If you want cheap beer the best is usually to go to a hawker market, no one gives a shit if you turn up in a group and just start drinking without ordering food, old Chinese dudes and office workers at 5pm do it all the time.
It's basically the same price as you'll get in a supermarket.
We would always hit there first to load up then go to actual bars.
Would pay about RM17 for a big bottle or 50 for a bucket.

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I don't care what anyone says, the St. Louis Arch is the most impressive modern day monument.
>taller than the Space Needle
>stainless steel welded sections look like something an alien would make it's so perfect
>wildly impracticable, the viewing portion at top you can't even stand in

It's like a giant FU to the Earth, physics and gravity. It serves no purpose other than to say we yes we can build it. It's beautiful, simple and timeless, and for that I love it. St. Louis might be a shithole, but god damn if this thing doesn't bump it up a few points.
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I parked in a garage near the baseball field and walked to the arch park and was only stabbed 37 times.
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I wasn't impressed with the elevator ride/view from the top of the Arch, but the view from the base outside is fucking incredible. The most ridiculous National Park too, but so, so worthy.

It's a tossup for me between the Arch and the Luxor. The Luxor is just a badass place to venture inside and outside. It's also a symbolic artifact for conspiratards like myself (illuminati and 2017 shooting).

The worst city in the US is Williams, CA.
Is there really anything to venture around the outside of the Luxor? You just walk in under the Sphinx. And the inside is just a really tall room. Am I doing it wrong?
There isn't really anything special outside, I just find it breathtaking to take in the size of the pyramid amidst the bizarre backdrop of the city (and the beam at night is a nice touch). The interior is supposedly the largest atrium in existence, but yes, it is just a really tall room. A grandiose human achievement nonetheless.
Don't get me wrong, I love Vegas. The city itself a monument to both our ability and arrogance. There is no reason it should exist but it just does.

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Redpill me on Upstate NY

Best town/city?
Fun things to do?
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What's the best county?
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Also, this is what I consider upstate
I stopped in some small town just off of I-90 once that had a cabin restaurant to the side of a waterfall. That was a cozy dinner.

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I’m facing a 6hr layover at Dublin airport mainly because I’m too scared of missing a connecting flight. Been burned by that twice relatively recently.

Whats the longest layover you’ve had? What do you do to pass the time? Is it worth trying to escape the airport and have a look around the city?
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>11 hour overnight layover in Paris Charles de Gaulle next week
>refuse to book accomodation
what am I in for, lads
Just barely enough time to make your next flight.
comfy ass airport

dont buy the lamb dish from the indian guy who shouts at people as they pass though. He annoys me
9 hours in Toronto airport, and the gate next to mine was boarding a flight to Mumbai. You can imagine how that smelled
>You can imagine how that smelled
Like burnt hair? You were probably expecting cliched answers like curry and poo, but my experience with these people has been that they smell like burnt hair. It's still an unpleasant odor, but it's also confusing. At least the cliched answers make sense. Burnt hair makes no sense, especially when it's numerous people, not just a few.

Traveling used to seem like an adventure, full of promise and excitement. But now, at 25, it feels hollow—each trip another reminder of what’s missing. I’ve seen beautiful places, sure, but every city is another empty hotel room, every scenic view another moment spent alone. I watch people, couples, families, all sharing something I can't seem to find. Each return home feels lonelier than the last, with no one to share stories with, no one to miss me.

The thrill of new experiences fades fast when you’ve got no one to come back to. And the worst part is, there’s nothing more miserable than realizing it’s not the places you visit that make you feel alive—it’s the people you share them with.
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>all Thailand travelers are coooomers!!!
>true fulfillment
More expensive escapism. Anyone who promises you that doing X or Y will bring you happiness & fulfillment is a manipulative, lying sack of shit.
Collections of imaginative stories spun around recalled images of a transcendental experience do not fit any definition of "scholarly literature". Tens of thousands of people come close to death every day, yet very few of them have transcendental visions. Blandly arrogant religionist assumptions that everyone's dying experience is identical, when in fact every individual journey is unique and depends greatly on how you've lived life in preparation for death.
>Buy a house, find Jesus, get married, start having kids. This is the recipe for true fulfillment in life.
Plenty of people do that and end up miserable and unfulfilled. Satisfaction with life is up to the individual.

You're all spiritual plebs.
That's just because gen alpha got online and is trolling everyone
Buying a house and getting married is the worst things you can do as a man in the west because you can lose your wife and home as soon as she feels like she wants attention and to ride the cock carousel again. Finding jesus and having kids is good advice and what a lot of men are doing now anyways. My gf had 2 of my kids and is working and cooking/cleaning while I'm in between jobs and investing in crypto. No wife would ever accept such an arrangement but a gf would.

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