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The A&A truck stop is the best truck stop in america, and your reward for surviving West Virginia.

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NEET here, I can't make enough money through the internet to pay for rent and living expenses in my country. I'm 30+ and still live with my aging parents, am balding and have no prior work experience or qualifications besides a vocational college degree in Computer science. What country could I realistically go to where rent and prices are low enough (somewhere below 500USD/month) that I could live on my own? (I should also add that im very frugal, i only eat one meal a day, and don't plan to do anything like eating out or partying, just living). It should be a country where I could stay long term with my qualifications (none) and eventually obtain a permanent residence. So far what I've found was Cambodia, Mexico, Thailand and the Philippines as possible destinations but not sure about the detail. I'm not even sure if its possible for anyone like me with zero qualifications can even do anything like moving to another country. All I really want is to peacefully live in a tiny box with an internet connection and be left alone until I pass away, it's just that its not possible to do that in the country that I'm in because rent and expenses are so ridiculously high im forced to live with elderly parents who are mental. My other option is to do physical labor , develop various health problems while living in a shared house with other workers and be miserable.
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Not being a loser in this society is 100% dependent on whether or not your parents are worthless retards.
We don't live in a meritocratic society anymore. Young generations have to work 10x harder for 1/10 of the reward baby boomer assholes got. Boomers broke the social contract and sold off our future to megacorporations, globohomo and central bankers for an RV and a flat screen TV. The only way a young male will have a future in any western country these days is either by having good life RNG and have non-retarded rich parents or emigrating.
This won't be easy but the best way forward for you is probably enlist in the military for 4 years. There are a lot more 30+ guys there than you think. Even saw someone almost 40. Bootcamp is not easy but it's just 2 months. Just make sure to buy a shaver. Hopefully you can learn to have some life skills there and save some money.

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are pocket translators in 2024 a meme?
should I just use google translate overseas? I need voiced translation for Turkish, French, German and Spanish.

I'd rather have an offline solution.
I'm willing to pay for an app or device
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Offline mode Google Translate is very noticeably worse though.
i have this exact pocket translator
I first started traveling in 1989 - to Eurail'd for 2 months. Loved it. I loved learning a bit of the language before arriving in the next country - showing respect for each culture's language - always keeping my language book in my pocket. Yeah, it was all fucking bullshit. Flash forward today, and I don't give a fuck anymore. I've perfected a type primal sign language and have next to no patience for anyone who doesn't understand it. I speak English without asking if they do and if I get the spook eyes and simply revert to pointing at the fucking thing. I've never had any problem with this approach.
This thread reads like an ad

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What is it with Priority Boarding? They always call groups 1-2 first like they should but then everyone in the other groups randomly lines up behind them in disorganized clusters without knowing if the person in front of them is the last person for either of the first two groups, which means they don’t know if they’re actually getting called next or if there’s more members of group 1-2 that still need to board. Either let it be a free for all (which I prefer) or have strictly maintained order, pick ONE you fucking faggots. Stop making me feel retarded for following the directions and remaining seated until the later groups are called, meanwhile your Group 4 bitch ass just lines up in the back of the Group 2 line and casually strolls onto the plane when they don’t do shit about you clearly having a Group 4 pass.
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>just let baggae handlers destroy your electronics and steal your valuables

Shut up retard lmao
The real problem is retards travelling with massive luggage they cannot fit under the seat. If it's too big to fit under the seat it should not come on the plane, simple as
Like anyone travels with valuables. Leave that crap at home. If you find my underwear valuable then steal it.
Well, what if the currencies hyperinflate and I don't have my gold oz with me?
I'm not travelling without insurance.
And I'm definitely not getting stranded somewhere because of monetary policy failing
nigga I usually travel with just 1 bag. I don't want to leave everything I have out of my sight. Also it has my chargers, food and drinks, books etc. in it that I need during the flight.

I want to build a city there.
Swim. Duh
Build it and they will come

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I'm going to Spain to visit my dying mother, can you recommend a cheerful travel show to watch with her? Something more or less contemporary and popular.
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It's too late for her to become fujo, but i heard good things about this one.
James May in Japan, James May in India
>James May
Thanks, sounds comfy.
Bullet train
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Rewatching The Princess Bride always does it for me. It was my mom’s favorite tape to watch when I was a kid

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Looking to hike through southern Portugal in October. Has anyone ever done any of this trail? I'm ending in Lagos but I'm undecided if I want to do the interior or coastal section of the north.

I hear the coastal side is absolutely gorgeous, but extremely touristy even in October. I'm also worried the coastal view my get a bit repetitive after all those days of hiking. I know the path on the coast is all sand which isn't great either.

On the other-hand I hear the interior is a little boring, but with some cool forests. My portuguese isn't great and I am nervous about thick Algarvan being spoken up in the hills. Has anyone ever been in the area and know whether it's worth visiting?
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Vigo is nice, but I hear comparatively the coast of Algarve is one of the top destinations for old British people
Algarve is, but alentejo's coast is really not that touristy, especially in October.
Lower alentejo is mostly plains with the odd village here and there, it's worth exploring a town (like Odemira) but it'll probably get a bit repetitive.
Do you know if the coast has a lot of English speakers? I'm learning the best I can, but who knows if I'll actually be able to speak any when I'm there.
Delete this post please
Algarve's south coast is extremely touristy, so you'll manage just fine with english.
About alentejo though it's a bit different as there isn't a lot of tourism but i'm sure you'll get by. Generally people up to 40ish years old will probably have atleast a basic understanding of english. Just don't speak spanish.

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Is there anything good in Europe that can be done suddenly? All my 25 holidays are still unused this year, and my boss is nagging me to take them already. I have nothing planned yet.
I'm in Switzerland, and have already seen the nearby stuff plus the major cities.
Are there good places in Europe where you can just hop into a train or plane and go there, and it's a good holiday? Or should I wait till Autumn and plan a proper trip?
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dude the whole of europe is criss crossed by budget airlines and nowhere is more than about three hours from anywhere else
just throw a dart at a map and go there
also it's summer, peak festival season. whatever you're into there's a festival for it somewhere in europe. pick one and go
Thanks, festivals are a good idea. Usually I just made photos of cities and climbed mountains, might be a good idea to see a cultural event.
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This is a 10/10 event
>Or should I wait till Autumn and plan a proper trip?
if you can, stall until late August or September
it's peak vacation and high season everywhere

unless you want a beach / sport vacation
September (with April) is the best month to travel in northern hemisphere

you could get an interrail ticket for a 22 days or a month
that's a really cool experience if you never done it

What do you want to do / see anyway?
there are literally 1000s options in Europe
even the countries around you (Germany, France, Italy, Austria) are all densely packed with things to do
There's a thousand places, it depends what you enjoy.

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Going to do a 6 month stint in China and SEA.
I need to upgrade my phone anyway and wondering which is better suited for travel?
I know china uses WeChat which is kinda gimped on iOS but am not sure about the specific. Is it really that bad?
Is one more convenient than the other?
Budget is probably around $1000
Appreciate any help anons
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****important ****

China doesn’t use E-Sim cards so you need a physical card which iPhone 14 and on don’t have if purchased in the United States

Another great website is

Get a local card with id it’s like 20$ a month for 20gb
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holy cope lmfaooooooo
Android and it's not even close, just make sure you get one with ample bands and also new enough that it has e-sim, and youre set
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Even as a sex tourist the girls aren't going to want you unless you're good looking or visit a very poor country.
As a white male, you definitely don't need a particular phone to land women in China or SEA. You can send up smoke signals and you'll still be swimming in poon. I can't stress how easy it is to land a woman in Asia as a white male. It's honestly unfair. I honestly feel bad for the Asian men who have to watch their women degrade and debase themselves for white dick.

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>Be me
>Not a trust fund hippie
I was looking through travel sights when I saw tickets from SF to India was $530
I don’t like India but I like Far Cry 4, and tickets to Kathmandu are $330.
Is Nepal the same as India? on a “what you’d see online” basis
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they are heavy dumplings. one of the worst global dumpling options.

go to india. kathmandu is a dusty indian town with terrible infrastructure.
Are you people legitimately delusional?

I've actually been to both countries, and Nepal is less-developed than India in almost every respect. For example:
>reduce the land area to something like portugal
>add some massive mountains
Add? India has them, too.
>subtract the good spicy indian food
You find plenty of spicy food in Nepal.
>subtract sweaty feces people
At least 50% of Nepalis are indistinguishable from Indians.
>subtract the honking, polluted dumpster fire culture
And that's how I know you've haven't been to Nepal any time in the recent past. The entire country's infrastructure was devastated by the 2015 earthquake. There are probably fewer than a dozen traffic lights in the entirety of Kathmandu.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

The point is that Nepal, despite being poorer than India, looks and feels like Switzerland compared to it.

Are there touts? Yes, but mostly at the airport. Will people stare at you? No, not really. Is there trash on the street? Nothing comparable to anywhere in India. Is it possible to visit the country without being groped, stared, yelled at, bombarded by car honks? Absolutely.
>Are there touts? Yes, but mostly at the airport.
And all throughout Thamel, the area surrounding Durbar Square, the entirety of central Pokhara, and so on and so forth.

>Is there trash on the street? Nothing comparable to anywhere in India
Pakistani-tier logic.

>Is it possible to visit the country without being groped, stared, yelled at, bombarded by car honks?
It's almost like Nepal has many of the same problems as India, yet benefits from lesser population density in the only parts of the country that foreigners visit (i.e., Kathmandu, Pokhara, and the mountains--and absolutely nothing outside of those three general regions).
You sound like a disingenuous redditor.

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I just finished a eurotrip, now back in the usa, bored with nothing going on, just made money when i got back and thought about finally fixing my teeth.
I always had a problem with my teeth and the only way the dentists told me to get the smile i want is by getting veneers. itll cost me 10k-20k here in the us. someone recommended Medellin Colombia, cuz its cheaper, will roughly cost me 4k to 5k. including flight and hotel.
is Colombia worth a visit?, and what aree the things i should do while im there?
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I’d like to get all mine ripped out, just denture me up at this point.
i understand. good teeth helps a lot.

Greece has low prices and western tech
word. but isnt it expensive this time of year because of the tourists?
Dude are the horror stories over compensation and lack of awareness on the patients part or is it just a bad dentist?

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Post your motorcycle camping setup, post recommendations for dope motorcycle camping setups, or backpacking, as I'm sure there is crossover in camping styles, and post the best gear you know of for the best price. My bullshit is as follows:

I'm back to my old camp, but I'm working on updating it. I want to be able to travel sustainably and take my camp with me. I'm working on building a trailer for bike related, Im reckoning I want to swap out my tarp setup for a hammock. Money isn't the issue, I hate paying rent to live amongst the city dwelling degenerates, so I guess I'm looking for a hammock that won't hurt your back, I have electricity already, solar setup with deep cycle battery and 400w inverter, (let me guess, you need more?) I would like to be able to filter water reliably, or recommendations for a cheap method to distill water, probably need a backpacking stove again, although im not sure how expensive propane bottles are these days when you need to boil water for noodles and chicken breast 3 times a day.
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I think I've seen these threads on /out/ more than here 2bh
now that I have what could technically serve as a mountain bike (DRZ 400), I'm more inclined to try motorcycle camping. how do I get into this? I've never camped before. should I just do a night in a safe campground? do I need to buy those expensive saddlebags?
Nah just stuff as much shit as you can into a backpack and go somewhere. It's only one day, you'll survive. Just warm enough clothes and water and some food.
t. former DRZ owner
I became homeless not by choice, the motorcycle came second. Rain, or cold, and especially the combination, if not properly prepared for will kill you. Or at least make you wish you were dead. Pooping is more trouble than you would think. If male, peeing is actually much easier than ever, because basically walk away from where you sleep and that's where you pee. The more things you gather the worse, because now you got to move your solar panels and deep cycle battery. Sure, unlimited power for an electric scooter, or a hot plate, or really anything that doesn't require a lot of electricity will make you feel superior to your bill-cucked counter parts, but at what cost?
You can get cheap saddle bags on eBay, and they don't mess with your stability as much as a backpack, although really if wearing a backpack is gonna make you wreck you might not need a motorcycle anyways. I ratchet strapped a toolbox to my passenger seat, somewhere along the way the slack came loose because I'm a notoriously lazy strapper, went under the tire, and sank my rear suspension before popping a 600lbs strap like nothing. I'll never learn my lesson and will continue to be a lazy strapper.
What are you using for protection? Tell us about your load out
Ex /fit/izen, I'm 5'9" and 165 pounds of lean rage, so I got a machete, but the best way to stay alive is to avoid conflict. I'm deep in the woods, too far for the average crackhead to follow. I haven't owned a firearm in a while, used to have a 13 inch length of pump shotgun with no stock, held 5 12 gauge shells, but that was like 6 years ago. Confiscated by the police when I got arrested for DUI. But I'm wanting to get another one.

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Is it a bad idea? I'm going to Philly in 2 weeks and was planning on driving there and flying back since I've never driven across the country before. It's a 12 hour drive and I'll be all alone. Will I regret my decision?
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It's just boring.
do it, simply for the fact that it's something different and out of your comfort zone. if it induces a sense of nervousness, lean into it. dont overthink it
Hook your phone up to your car's audio and keep it charging. Set up a playlist of podcasts of things that interest you. Buy a 4pk of redbull and consume at your discretion.

You're gonna be fine, kid.
I'll take the rest of your advice but energy drinks fucking suck. I'd sooner drive drunk
I hate driving more than 2-3 hours in a day. Maybe you do too, or you can handle it. It's very possible to have a good time, driving while listening to your favourite playlist is enjoyable. Make sure you stop off some national park, or waterfall or musuem or something. Go to restaurants in the evening, then find a motel to sleep at. See if there are some comedy shows or small concerts along the way.

Try to talk to people your age, especially girls, for some reason it's easier to have sex when you are on a trip.

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Where do I find friends to travel with? I had a huge hiatus and now I'm back in college but all the clubs seem to be closed for the summer.
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Do you really want travel friends if you have no real friends? They slow you down, they have different pans, they eat slowly, they get tired, etc.

If you really do, you could try an organized holiday by some agency where you have a program. They obviously make groups, and you will be with some randos.
Otherwise, a Chinese tourist picked me up while exiting the train station in Lugano, and asked if we want to see the town together. This probably only works if it's a one way trip, as otherwise you would stay in different hotels.
>slow you down
Can't stand this. When I do my euromaxxing, I love to blitz from city to city and experience as much as possible. Newfags are doing shit like booking extra nights, while I'm already 2 cities ahead, sleeping on Flixbuses, and getting rare sidquests in.
wya OP I’ll go to France with you
Find them online

I did, and traveled all over the world to meet up with them
Just solo travel and meet people abroad. I've gone traveling with friends and they've only been a hindrance and a setback. I love hanging out with the bros, but abroad I want to vacation on my own terms, and the bros will inevitably get pissed when you decide not to waste an entire day waiting for them to wake up from the drunken stupor from the night before.

Do Japanese people just hate white people walking around with cameras recording everything and everyone?
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They just think it's gaijins doing crazy gaijin stuff
Yeah, I was thinking that too. It's probably the number one stereotype of Japanese tourists.
I've noticed that on the Internet, most Japanese stereotypes are at least several decades old.
>Japanese tourist cameras
Haven't been true in at least 15 years.
>Suicide meme
Rates have been going down for 20 years
>work culture
Has made significant improvements in the last 10 years or so.
I still see Asians obsessively photographing stupid shit but these days it's more like cell phones than cameras.
That would be literally everyone. Everywhere you go, most people are just taking pictures or videos with their phones.

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