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When did it lose its charm and die for you?
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He doesn't, but fat fucks are insufferable doublenigger subhuman scum and should be eradicated. You don't need to fucking exercise to lose weight, just stop eating at a caloric surplus for a few months fucking retard cocksucker fucker
>he doesnt
ok so shut the fuck up then
No matter where you go in the world, there are always women in their 20s who'll latch onto your cock if you have a lot of money, no matter how old you are
They are called whores and starting a family with one is very low iq
>I can guarantee you if you're a foreigner who is pulling over 10M a year working IT and willing to get a drivers license+car there is 0 issue with getting a trad Japanese waifu. Assuming you know Japanese

what if you shave your head bald? i heard bald is even more of a kryptonite for japs than white women

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POLAND is so fucking *in* NOW!
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What are some good places in Gdansk to visit?
Gdansk town hall
Gdansk post office
Gdsank fire station
Gdansk museum
The Old Town is an obvious recommendation. If you played Witcher 3, you will see what Novigrad was inspired by. Westerplatte is where WW2 (kind of) started. The truth is that recently it was found out that some bombs fell in Western Poland like half an hour before the attack on Westerplatte, but it's still an important place. Check out Sopot for parties and Gdynia for the Naval Forces and modernist architecture from the 20s. Also, DO TRY TO VISIT MALBORK. The biggest castle in the world is located there. When in Gdańsk, keep an eye out for the street art. It's really cool, abundant and impressive, and it has a long tradition.
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Poland is motherfucking IN do you not get it yet, fuckers?

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thanks brazilbro for the quality posts
I would love to buy my own land with waterfall & animals.
How much would I spend? Could I own it as a foreigner? Do you have some link, or where shall I go / who should I ask
>How much would I spend?
I know a Russian guy who bought about 5 hectares for $100k but you could get much cheaper
>Could I own it as a foreigner?
Yes. But the best approach is to father a child in Brazil, giving you full citizenship regardless of your or the mother's citizenship
>Do you have some link, or where shall I go / who should I ask
Nope. Google shit
>Where are you looking at for cheap land? In what state do those foreigners live?
My experience is within Goiás. A place with many spiritual communities and lots of groups doing ayahuasca and other psychedelics
Great intel, thanks.
Say I go there, what would be some good ways to connect with the locals and the spiritual crowd?

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I am learning Spanish. I just finished watching the first two seasons of Futurama in Spanish. I understand about one quarter of the words, but I don't feel like I've picked up any more Spanish.

I kept thinking:
>I should just watch more, I'll start picking up more vocabulary. Everyone says this is the best way.
But to no avail. Anyone else tried this?
google comprehensible input
you are doing it wrong
how long have you been studying spainish? I wanna learn so i can travel to spainish speaking countries more effectively. Possibly even Expat in one, but not speaking Spainish and living there seems like a no go to me.


ive been to porto before, mostly hung around ribeira and around gaia. what else should i do in Porto when i go next week? im solo

i also did lisbon, cascais, Sintra, casles regalheira and pena, uuuh. cruised around bairro alto a bit and some other random neighborhoods. lisbon recs as well?

trying to find a way to madeira soon as well
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You can spend some time exploring the center-east and east part of the city. Start by exploring the clerigos area and go down to Palacio Cristal (great big garden with amazing views). Then go east to Foz and walk around the beach, Parque da Cidade (the big city park) and go to Matosinhos, great for end of the day relaxing
OP here, not trans lol
fucking bump
downsides of just giving up on canada and moving to portugal permanently?

>1M net worth
>32 yo
>good job but canada sliding downhill
>lived in pt for 1 year before but couldnt find job to stay and no EU passport

also looking at spain, just need some way to stay in the country and something to keep me occupied once there like a woman and a job. Would live in Aveiro or Braga maybe
Real OP here, not sure why that anon is pretending to be me, but I am trans and am looking for LGBT friendly kink parties.

What country has the least amount of paganism? When I say paganism I mean talking about sex all the time, ect

A quiet place with Christians
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Tell me about St Brigid.

Islam is one of the most pagan religions out there. They believe in genies.
more than half the population of ethiopia is christian. go ahead OP.
Islam and Hinduism are super pagan in their beliefs. I don't know of any Christian sect that doesn't believe in paganism unless they don't go to church and study the Bible (like I do). I mean, take Easter. That is an open fertility ritual for the goddess of ashtar; the fertility goddess. Conveniently takes place the exact same day as the high day of Christianity...the Passover. Interesting.
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Im going to second South west Ireland. Catholics are close enough and OP should convert, since real christians get fucking rowdy. Hes doing jesus wrong so might as well convert to catholicism. Otherwise go to Mecca. "but thats not the flavor of quiet no paganism I asked for" well nobody built the earth to please you obviously. You'll have to cope with your choices.

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Just got my Irish Passport(thru grandparents), should I use this to travel with instead of my American passport?
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>Just remember it's illegal to enter the US without using your US passport, even if you're a dual national.
this is a stupid law but I guess I get it.
>Nope, same restrictions apply no matter which passport you use, even if you're not travelling from/to/through the US and you do everything on your non-US passport, it's still illegal without declaring your purpose for your visit with the US government.
and this is just fucked up. That's like North Korea-tier shit. USA is supposed to be the land of the free but it's illegal for me to leave the country if I'm going someplace they don't like?
I don't think the US is part of the UK any more, they had some minor disagreements.
Speaking of North Korea, your government bans you from going there, very free indeed.
I mean, you just need to declare your purpose of visiting cuba, most people just say the generic "supporting the cuban people" excuse and provide "support" by purchasing souvenirs/cigars/etc while visiting cuba.

> The 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba are:
> random shit
> more random shit
> support for the Cuban people;
> other random shit

But yea, the US department of state rules apply irrespective of the passport you're using as it applies to US citizens, not simply people travelling on a US passport, so using a 2nd passport doesn't negate you being a US citizen, and thus subject to the requirement to declare your visit/intentions.
The UK? Yea
>this is a stupid law but I guess I get it.
Ireland is one of the few countries that allows Dual Irish nationals to travel to/from/through Ireland without their Irish passport. I know with my UK passport I have to use it when entering the UK.

Though you would need to get a stamp on your non-irish passport if you wanted to use it for entering Ireland without your irish passport, and to get that stamp you need to prove irish citizenship (usually with a current/expired passport).

tldr; it's a niche thing and Ireland is one of the few first world nations I'm aware of that allows it.

Looking to get to sleep in my car to save money in HCOL areas. Anyone have tips so I don't need to give hotels or Airbnbs money? Anyone do this before?
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$179 per diem is a lot of money anon. That’s not his salary, that’s just spending money
I do this
>$179 per diem is a lot of money anon
Not in D.C
Probably the best post I've read on /trv/, and maybe even the site for the past year...

When you were doing all the driving, what was your goal? Like were you going to Vancouver for a specific reason?

How did that girl's father know you fucked her?
>what was your goal?
Well, Vancouver was the 'tip' of my idea of the west coast. Overrall, no goal. First, it was much cheaper to live on the road - in retrospect; homeless - than pay rent. I had felt trapped for awhile by then, and somehow had in mind this idea of just driving away. On and off I had worked nights in rural installations for 'security' purposes or nighttime irrigation on golf courses or similar locales that had daytime operations, and I think that fed my particular idea of coasting off into an unknown dimness. My schooling coming to a close with pyrrhic academic success in a technical field left me ready to get out and explore. I had no idea what the world was like, really. Probably still don't. How it goes, eh?

Now that I mostly walk anywhere within ~20km, I fantasize about wandering into the scottish highlands and not coming out. Sorry if all this is off topic for the board, I'm not familiar with it. I'm gonna keep posting anyway.

>How did that girl's father know you fucked her?
He just inferred based on overnight lodging in isolated and relatively remote conditions. It also didn't occur to me at the time, but I'm sure he knew that girl very well, better than me. I forgot to mention the most surreal part of that story, which was dropping her off at her high school in the morning following the weekend, before continuing out of town. We had met in a small bakery just down the road.

What are your honest thoughts on NYC?
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>self-admitted loser lectures other people on how to live
Born/raised. Haven't lived there in 20 years. Would not move back. Great food, good for a 4 day visit, otherwise, like most cities, it's falling apart rapidly.
Would it be feasible to live in Hoboken or Queens with a lower income?
That’s pretty much everywhere anon. Women on dating apps have literally 5000 men trying to meet them at all times
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What is you favorite Church or place of worship you've been to on your travels
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Liverpool Cathedral (Anglican, not Catholic)
Ethiopia followed by Armenia.
The Pantheon. It’s seriously impressive. Pictures don’t do it justice.
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Crna Reka cave monastery in Southern Serbia, hands down.

Biggest let-down. Great Mosque of Kairouan, Tunisia. Infidels not allowed inside. :(
pic not related?

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Where are the best meditation retreats? I want to follow the dao, hike mountains, eat rice etc etc.
Look up any wellness restreat and be prepared to pay for it

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What are some of the worst places/cities in America
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Pittsburgh. The weather is horrible with 6 months of cold and 4 months of rain when warmer. You are lucky to have two good months of weather. Also the population is older, I think second only to Florida in old people. The wages are lower, which historicaly hasn't been a problem cause real estate was cheap. Then it became a big hub for flipping houses and the prices of houses and rentals climbed a lot.
There's probably a handful of people that actually travel in here. Otherwise, most of these suckers are drive thru, just looked around and kept going (or worse, sat on a plane). You would know Idaho/Arizona is basically owned by the Mormons of Utah, Montana priced people out (because they want to keep it the same cowboy culture as it should) ND is the cheapest and least taxed State in the country (modern day frontier) SD is on the rise. The whole overlooked Northern reach is very accepting country, the amount of faces and cultures calling it home. Made my fortune in these regions, now I've been able to go everywhere, all thanks to the great people of the North. ND, Montana, Minnesota gave people like me a chance, and now we're going to create something beautiful and true.
The Northeast, particularly Philly. Baltimore sucks ass, Trenton is dogshit, and Martha’s Vineyard is about as fun as grandmas yeast infected cunt 11 months out of the year. Texas is an overrated commercialized shithole, and Kansas, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa are the most boring places on this planet. Other than that, most states have something great to offer. Don’t listen to fags that say “Midwest, south, Cali, FL, WA, etc”. These are people who have either 1. Lived in those states and hate them because they’re losers in their respective state or 2. Have never been or just been once and had a poor experience/believe stereotypes.

>t. Has been to 49 states and spent considerable time in over 30
Can you elaborate? Northern Idaho and western Montana are very beautiful, Colorado and Wyoming have nearly everything an outdoors person would want (no beach though), the Dakotas have the badlands and Black Hills.
Very few people or niggers per square mile. You're bug brain wouldn't be able to cope without city life.

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I want to cheap out and inly get one bed for me and my gf. Browsing all the redditfag threads they just all moralfagged about it as I expected. Anyone do this? I assume you’d only get caught if some faggotron in the room complained to management?
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What's the point of traveling with a woman if you don't even have the privacy to fuck her after the day's activities?
Worst mentality ever,I'm 40 and was just at a hostel for a night and it was fun. The hostels that only have 18 year old Germans and French are the worst examples of hostels and will make anyone hate them.
>what the pheromones of such places do to women upon contact.
Hi, newfag here who stayed at a hostel once for a night and awkwardly ran away from everyone who tried talking to me, what do those places do to women? Asking for a friend.

Then you will die.
You probably do make 6 figures and have 0 dollars to show for it you're a cheap mother fucker honestly. Act like you have class faggots. Surprised your girl hasn't left a poor fag like you

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Beginning to learn the fiddle, was thinking about traveling abroad eventually and playing in Irish pubs across the world. Has anyone done this? There's Irish pubs everywhere even Mongolia, would this be worth looking into?

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When you travel to foreign countries with languages other than your native do you bother to learn it at all or just wing it and pray they speak english?
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You mean actor
They will get you a long way in good will. Then if people start talking to you thinking you got vocab you just politely say sorry sorry just a little [insert language]
Broke ass I make three million passive
Also the femoid broke your toilet so enjoy tasting shit everyday
I fit into neither of those top categories; of the ones you list I am probably closest to D with a side of C. I speak a total of eight languages at various conversational levels, but I’m only really fluent in two of them; the others are all B-something in CEFR terms, but that’s enough to not need English. And because I am a language weirdo, I do like to pick up phrasebook-level bits of new languages when I travel, but I don’t always get around to it.

But I have always been into learning languages for their own sake, like a hobby. In my experience, being able to speak to people in their own language always pays off at least a bit, but it’s obviously pretty easy to get by almost anywhere in the world with just English, gestures, and nowadays, a translate app.

I find numbers and “How much?” also among the most key, particularly in countries that haggle.
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I find that most of the world speaks at least some english and can understand if you speak slowly and loudly with some pantomime action

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