>enters your hotel room ignoring the dnd sign>tucks your sheets under the mattress>refuses to elaborate>leaves
Been suffering from irregularity lately, so out of frustration I jammed the bidet nozzle into my ass and forced some water inside. The next day, I suddenly get diarrhea. Hmm, wonder what kind of germs live on those nozzles? They often have a visible scummy layer around the holes.
>>2758160People shit all over them and they are never cleaned you retard
>>2754366I am guessing some African country
>>2752949Hopefully she leaves a mint on the pillow...
I always liked the vibes of college towns. The towns that are in rural areas that are mostly dominated by the colleges in them. I think I might move to one of them.What do you guys think are the best college towns in America?
>>2751120>eugene has a lot of SOVL Eugene is meth and hippies and angry blue collar white men. That town is awful
>>2751213I’m not into Asian women but I’ve noticed UW in Seattle has a fucking ton of Asians. Has to be 30-40% of the student population
>>2751120>u of OF A G G O T, Oregon State for life. Fuck Pukegene.
>>2750694Just come out and say it that you want a town where there's lots of horny, young, women who are eager to get drunk and make mistakes of their lifetime with creepers
>>2758461Let's be honest, they mostly aren't that interested in older non-students.
I got bullied in Taiwan and it ruined my perception of the country I fell in love with Taiwan in 2023 when I discovered Edward Yang’s films, particularly 牯岭街事件 (A Brighter Summer Day). I was obsessed with it. So much so that I started learning Chinese very seriously, and vowed I would go to Taiwan. So, I went 2023 Christmas break with my mom and we had a great time. Nothing but good memories.Fast forward to 2024 August, I get the urge to revisit. I head to Taiwan alone this time. In Taipei, I visited a jazz lounge alone, and sat at this table. About 30 minutes later a guy and 2 girls show up and sit at my table. And 10 minutes after another girl shows up, and as she was approaching us, she stared straight into my eyes and made a look of horror. She sat down, punched her friend in the arm she dug her face into her arms and burst out laughing. They all started laughing. I’m not a very good looking guy, in fact I get called ugly quite frequently, but this really set me off. I’m assuming her friends told her there was a cute guy at the table waiting for her. She arrives and sees me, and they all get a good joke out of it.They couldn’t stop laughing, so I got up and switched tables. Anyways, this experience really, really, changed my perception of Taiwan. I don’t know why exactly I feel so strongly about my hatred towards Taiwanese youth now based on one bad experience. I went from being utterly obsessed with their country, to not having thought about my time I spent there since I left, because of this somewhat traumatic experience. I had a better time in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
2 Taiwan girls were laughing at me climb up the metro stairs 2 steps at a time earlier, I feel bullied :(
>go to taiwan>find a few bars>gay taiwan guys wanting to talk to me>not gay m8>HAHAHA OK OK I GAY THO HAHAHHA>won't leave me alone>huh weird one off lemme go to this other place>same shitWhat gives I was hitting sports bars to get away from them at times but no matter where I went seemed like there was always one fag trying to hit on any white dude in the bar.
>>2755166>>2755166Why would any white male be alone when we’ve got several thousand tinder matches to pick from? Never like a quick feed, some shots and then destroying some asian college student bush
>>2754984It was probably your personality and lack of confidence they were laughing at, not your looks
>>2757492Probably the looks actually. Unless you're in a shopping arcade or night market, Taiwanese people will leave you alone and mind their own business. For OP to be singled out, he must be circus freak level - whether congenital or artificial
Ruins your sleep at 3 am.
>>2755649The backpacking era of 1995-2020 is now largely over. You’ll obviously still see backpackers but the trend has moved away from rugged minimalism, budget squeezing and long-term travel towards short-term, ostentatious (often on borrowed cash) very conspicuous travel. People want to bring all sorts of different outfits for different pictures in different settings, way more than you are cramming in a 48L Osprey. In comes the rolly case, which is a nightmare to travel with obviously but these people don’t give a rats ass about the travel part of what they are doing.Get more off the beaten path to avoid them. fwiw it will swing around back at some point. we’ve been on this trend really since about 2015 it only took the virus for it to become the clear majority.
>>2758367I've had both experiences. Travelling with a 40lts backpack is great as it is light and easy. But you'll be either doing laundry a lot or smelling bad in a long trip.Carry on + personal item is great as you can fit multiple outfits, it's not that heavy and for most places you'll have no problem carrying it unless you're planning to walk around remote locations. But, truth be told, the places that lack infra are usually the same with cheap taxis. And most people will just leave the bags in the room/lockers and take them from there to airport/train station/bus.The real memes are those giant backpacks. I mean, you'll have to check it, risk some airline misplacing it, it's heavy and horrible to move around. Can't see the point unless doing some serious camping/hiking. The real travel chads only take a small bag with two pairs of underwear and a tee and buy everything at the destination. The supreme travel hack: be rich.
>>2755649>why are you bringing so much luggage.Because I travel for long periods of time and hate having to waste time doing laundry
>ruins your commute
did you pick up any language while travelling? Even conversationally?
>>2756361I spent four years in South Korea and didn't do any classes or dedicated self-study but accumulated enough to be able to call people variations of 개새끼 and that's good enough for me.
>>2756689Thank you for your service, Tyquarius.
Anyone know this feel>Learn some asian languages while bored>Think I'll need it where I go and will be appreciated>realize 90% of the things in Asia I am seeing or reading are just SALE! SPECIAL! COME IN NOW! GREAT DEAL! etc>kinda annoyed that the language instead of just looking cool is just billboards>COVID hits>decide I am going to force myself into speaking Japanese>go though courses>shit opens back up and fly out>EVERY. FUCKING. JAPANESE.>20 or so same questions while they themselves have the DUMBEST fucking responses or interesting subjects to talk aboutWhat a waste, I liked it when most things outside dishes and asking for the bathroom were what I knew.
>>2756361Nah if you don't know English you're not worth knowing
Went on a university trip to Nepal for 3 weeks and spent it immersed with local students from the universities. Its amazing how much you can pick up when you are fully immersed it was an incredibly enjoyable experience and the language that I learnt from that time I knew it quite well.Learning the languages is my favorite part of travelling
You couldn't name a worse state in America.
>>2757780>anti california hate is literally just flyover state republicans seething.The seethe is hard. I can see the rift between the 2 lives in my personal family tree.My uncle beelined to LA in I think the 90s. Set up in long beach and now has a 1.2M place in irvine that he got for $8xxk. knocked up a filipina. My parents stayed in Ohio and my dad sold his house to move to a rental in....2019 lmao. the same appreciation he'd gotten on the house our entire childhood to 2019 was about equal to the covid inflation gains in ~2 years lmao
>>2758253nice blue state cope pictures. the homeless camp pics were guaranteed taken in LA or seattle
>>2758021clearly youve never been to canada
What's your favorite place you've traveled to and why?
>>2753966Japan when it was still Glorious Nippon and not ruined by normies and nu-weeb faggots
>>2754098You just described how women and men work regarding everything, not just travel.
>>2754447>>2754416There's that video of a guy in a wheelchair toppling over and a girl is recording it, but she keeps poking her head in the frame to try to do that pic related. If a man recorded this and made fun of the guy would be bad enough, but her pathological need to be seen just makes the whole thing extra fucked up.
>>2754634>>2755098These posts are funny because I'm Catalan and all I see is a boring backwater town in the middle of nowhere. But I get what you mean.
>>2754947NWO psy op training ground is a form of culture
Is Russia a viable destination for tourism?
>>2752015You’re a full-time retard. Imagine if someone was trying to order a pizza from you in Hindi. You probably wouldn’t even recognise the word “pizza” in their accent, especially with a bunch of foreign words either side. Of course you had to point to things. Stick to your holidays to Magaluf if you want the locals to cater to your inability to use google translate you pathetic cum-breathed slug.
Russia is huge, even region to region the economy varies considerably. Historically Russian tourist visas were extremely unfavorable which is why nobody visited, Russia was a single trip country, so most people preferred to tour the 'stans or eastern Europe instead because those regions were better connected.So you can totally do russia, but there are reasons people don't, or at least, they do russia last
>>2754767what would be the best non-warzone non-tourist trap things to see in eastern europe, then?
>>2757558So like 50% sovl?
Crazy-brave Polish youtuber just spent like a month in war-torn Russia and was apprehended a couple times by FSB and Rosgvardia and was a hairs away from jail...Not recommended, trailer here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksSUtEL7lIUhe said he would only sing praises of russia in the materials but as revealed now that he's out, the material is mostly critical xDBTW russian law's severity is inverse proportionally limited by russia's corruption and ineffectiveness of bureaucracy. He managed to sneak Russia-critical material in Polish out of Russia by exiting Russia through the Mongolia border. if he tried leaving from moscow airport i bet they'd get some translator and he'd be fucked
Can you solo travel and have a good time if you’re over 23 and ugly?
>>2755388Jeez, amen to this. Misery seeks to make others miserable. Go travel, OP, be gracious and polite and you'll find welcoming people.
>>2755244What’s he crying about?
>>2755173That guys hairline is slightly too far on the wrong side of the cut off limit for being treated well by women. Hair is makeup for men, and therefore it is all that matters. No, women DO care about looks, and are only tolerating a bald cancer patient for money. >>2755244This is the max recession that you’re allowed to have if you still want to get pussy overseas in 2025.See pic related. There are 21 year old chads with thick, lush, floppy heads of hair, driving around Ducati motorcycles, and living off onlyfans subscriptions from creepy gay men. Good luck baldie
>>2755285Society as a whole is mentally ill.
>>2755173are you new to this board? if you are past 19 your traveling days are over.
Do any of you carry a proper camera for backpacking trips? Is it worth it?A DSLR is out of the question due to size and weight, so I'm considering getting a smaller point-and-shoot. However, with today's smartphones, I'm not sure if the difference isn't marginal and not worth the extra weight and stress.
>>2756405Dedicated camera is only worth it with lens that has shallow depth of field but that is not pocketable so I only carry dslr with me maybe 2-3 times a year and make under 100 shots total. Also have m43 and small point and shoot, I use those even less :-(
Almost every 4chinner I've known had one of these, hell it use to be the camera of TRV, I don't even know this place these days, the GOAT days were 2010-2018
>>2756679That was a nice camera. How much does it cost to buy and process a roll of film these days? $20?
>>2739972Your phone camera is superior in every way. I still take my dslr because I enjoy using it
>bought flights to cancun>hotel prices are more than Floridawhat the fuck? And I look at day passes for resorts and everything is 150 dollars + . i only bought the flight tickets because its cheap and my ex is mexican and i am going with her and anywhere else in mexico is twice the cost of plane tickets. I am just going to probably get a hotel in a non exclusive hotel / airbnb and pay 100 dollars a night. anywhere else in mexico this gets you something nice other than average.
>>2756597Do the Mayan Riviera south of Cancun
>>2757431i am going to get endless sex at night. its worth the cost of a trip. why would a woman pay for anything? i am not a faggot who dates career woman. plus she lives in Mexico, she is not a career whore from usa. >>2757433medellin is not safe if you talk to ghetto girls or prostitutes. and go out in certain areas at night. you have to just be extremely careful who you associate with. especially lower class girls because a lot of the times the are just gold diggers using you for money or worse they know local "amigos" who are trying to convince the girl to set you up to rob you for your phone or worse kidnap you and try to drain your bank account. If you find a religious girl or middle class or upper middle class girl you probably have no concerns/issues. also literally nobody speaks english. NOBODY. if they speak english i would avoid the girl because she is probably a prostitute dealing with foreigners or a camwhore or something. you can get a studio apartment in a safe neighborhood for 20-30 dollars a day. from airbnb. long term rentals even cheaper. unless you are trying to live in luxury which is retarded to do unless you are a richfag. I lived in TIjuana mexico and i am estimating medellin is probably half the price . 50-60k gives you a comfortable life.
>>2757433You're going to get scoped, retard.
>>2757433>safetyStatistically speaking, at least two Americans are killed every month in Medellín.
>>2757783>i am going to get endless sex at night. its worth the cost of a trip. LMAO what a bitch, any resort in Cancun is endless sex if you're not a shut in loser. Enjoy holding your ex's hand during anon.
Where can I get a military discount for a cruise that isn't on a ghetto carnival ship?
>>2755442formerly chuck's
>>2752411It's ghetto because it's offering a military discount
>>2752424>>2752689>>2752936why doesn't the Navy offer cruises on decommissioned ships>obese people get stuck in the hatch, get paralyzed falling down a ladder>toddlers' knees are skinned to the bone by antiskid coating>your daughter finds semen bottles/cum socks in void>kids open up electrical panels and die>guests leave poor yelp reviews
>he doesn't want twerking black thots
YOU CAN LITERALLY TRAVEL TO TURKEY, SPAIN, AND MOROCCO FOR under 1000$!!>Denver to Barcelona roundtrip only 480$>22hr layover in Isantbul with Turkish Airlines>travel and spend a few days in Barcelona>get cheap 100$ ticket from Barcelona to Morocco>spend a few days in Morrocco and fly back to SpainAt most it'll cost 700$ to travel to 3 countries not including stays and food.
>>2757484Paying a fine for overstaying and possibly getting blacklisted from a country will somehow save you money? What kind of stupid logic is that? Surely you don't think that foreign countries who arrest an illegal immigrant comp him a first-class ticket on the next available flight home just like that. No, you're gonna rot in jail until you pay for a lawyer and then pay the fine (far in excess of the plane fare) and then maybe you'll be deported or repatriated by your embassy.
>>2757484>What if I only buy a one way ticket and then I make sure they deport me? How much money could I save?Varies by country, but in many cases deportees are on the hook to reimburse for their repatriation flights. So it’s possible that it’ll wind up much more expensive and annoying.
>>2757307>How come everyone on this board acts like they don’t need to get their pecker played with?Turkey's not the middle east and if you come from a developed country the girls will be interested. There's also paid pecker play in the bigger tourist towns, but helps to have a Turkish friend to find it.
>>2757197>going to 3rd world muslim shitholeslmao
>>2758333OP didn't mention France.
Have you ever tried to live in SE Asia (specifically Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Vietnam) on a very low budget? I’m talking living in fan rooms and having a monthly budget of under $500. Basically, just a fuck it and go kind of escape from the west. Anyone currently huffing it hardcore in SE ASIA? What’s your budget like and what do you do all day?
>>2757231If it weren't for massive gubmint subsidies, American poors would still be living in Third World conditions.
>>2755553Unsurprising quads >>2754190Check it out you fucking loser, I just got kudos from a quadster. You don’t have a single fucking repeating digit LOL. Get off this board for every you single digit dicklet >>2757318Coper from a tiny little “faggot nation” somewhere overseas that nobody gives a single fuck about lol
>>2757320Its a Chinese slave
how easy is it to fly in to cambodia on a tourist visa and get a 12 month visa extension? thinking about making Phnom Penh a base to explore SE Asia over a year
>>2747736>it’s not your high fat high sugar slopYou have literally never been to Southeast Asia if you honestly believe this.
Is it true that you can seek asylum in russia as a westerner?
>>2757169Albabese gumies are better, the blow the shit out of haribo.
>>2757169That's pretty grim, haribo gummies growing out of your head.
>>2757169looks like broccoli to me and my ai bros, asshole
>>2757162it's a trick. they'll put you on the front to die in jewtin's war
>>2757162Silly thread, but the literal truth is that the Russian Federation does have official asylum protocols. They’re famously slow and bureaucratic, and permanent/long-term refugee status (awarded to people whose asylum applications have been approved) favors applicants from nearby (read: former Soviet) countries, although this is no longer explicit policy. For Westerners, red tape dissolves and the process is fast-tracked only for people who are in one way or another unusually valuable, either financially (always the shortest route), or as intelligence, expertise, or PR assets.If an applicant is a nobody, but can make a defensible case for being in danger at home, official channels still exist, but require the global standard of some years of scrutiny, deprivation, and expense, under some thicker-than-the-global-average layers of graft and corruption.>tl;dr—unless you have something to offer, there are almost certainly easier ways to move to Russia than by seeking asylum.