I have no idea if I'm actually going to be in the mood for my plans when they finally come around or if I'm just going to have spent thousands of dollars to be depressed in a beautiful place. It makes me want to cancel the plans.
>>2747482Don't plan too early, you moody bitch.
>>2747484It's way cheaper that way.
>>2747482Does it matter if you are feeling depressed or manic when you travel? No. It's like visiting the beach on a cool gray day, versus visiting on a sun-drenched summer holiday. Both can be enjoyed in their own way. Stop throwing a shitfit when everything isn't exactly how you want it to be, stop making your expectations the centerpiece of your reality. Learn to accept the present reality and let whatever happens, happen.
>>2748867Yes because if I'm going to be depressed I can just stay home and not spend $2000.
>>2749173You can also be happy with your life and stay home too. My dad always thought he wanted to travel but now that retirement is within reach he decided he's content to stay at home. Good for him.
>>2747482Yeah I feel the same way. I booked a month in Europe because I felt like I was wasting my life and I needed to get out of my comfort zone, then I spent the next few months getting gradually more anxious about it. It's happened before previously and I enjoy my time there for the most part, but the lead up to it is so fucking stressful.