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Why are so many asian cities just like this massive beehive with people crammed in? They can be hyper organised and clean like tokyo or japan or a cyberpunk dystopia like hongkong or mumbai. What's the driving force and how can it be fixed? This is no way to live for humans
>This is no way to live for humans
obviously it is a way to live for humans
>how can it be fixed
it doesn't need to be fixed, it's not up to you, it's their choice to live like that
you don't need to do it, and them living like that doesn't affect you at all
Should they all move to suburbs instead like in muttistan?
Also if in your home country they plant you drugs in your suitcase asian prisons are no joke
Actually, Buddhist believe says, peace in the world can't be had, until all suffering is ended.
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>fucking asians, living like insects in a hive
Nobody cares about your made up shit.
Each of those houses has 10x the living space as an Asian apartment
It's their choice though. That's their religious belief that they're going against.
Suburbia sucks. Deal with it
hmm maybe living space has 0 fucking correlation to living like a real human. our ancestors would cuddle together in caves during winter
The thing that bothers me is how everyone has to make fucking noise. It’s like if you’re not making noise you’re not alive.

Everyone CLAMOURS into the street to yap, shout, and blast their shitty Asian favela music, BEEP BEEP their faggot horn, etc. Be fucking quiet
maybe you should leave your degenerate island, eh? I haven't heard a honk in forever
Meh. The middle class Chinese and Korean apartments I've been in were surprisingly big. On average much bigger than comparable apartments in the west
How many post in this thread isn't trolling. There's an entire board for you.
There are simply more people in Asia; cities draw in people from the countryside, who all find a little niche where they can work. BTW European cities used to be really crowded as well until half the population emigrated or got killed off in world wars. Americans on the other hand have a surplus of space and a willingness to spend a huge percentage of their earnings on automobiles, so there has never been an incentive to use urban space efficiently like in Asia...until now, when wasteful sprawl has severely limited housing supply and driven prices far out of reach.
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Maybe you go back! Why you stay in my country if you not pay! Farang kii nok!
Do you even listen to yourself when you talk. There's seriously no way this could be a rational persons observation. This has to be like 95 percent of the post here(trolling because you're desperate for attention)
Nobody cares about your made up shit.
no he's right, and you're an idiot for not drawing the same conclusions
So America has ran out of land and that's why it can't build more houses and prices gone up. Let me guess, prices of things in Japan are cheaper because of le exchange rate, and not that they're generally a non-greedy society. You all are a waste of fucking time. I could get better information from a three year old.
What the fuck are you even talking about. Cities are the best thing about Asia.
Literally yes. 50 million boomers with their huge lawns plus a 3000 square foot house for two people and their pets. They fight tooth and nail to prohibit bugbox construction. Just look at the Los Angeles metro or the Bay Area. Large homes with yards for miles and miles. It is all specifically designed to drive costs up. Economic segregation keeps the lowlifes out.
If you actually believe this, stop doing drugs.
They are not European Christian based. No morals
Most cities are like that even in the West. Downtown residential complexes are the best place to live in, even better if there's a subway. Big cities are where all the amenities are and qualitatively so; good doctors, good shops, good restaurants. you live in the countryside and the neighborhood pizza place sucks cock, you're fucked.

The driving force is that contrary to muttland, rent is very cheap. 2000$ gets you a hole in the fucking wall in downtown Manhattan meanwhile that same amount of money lands you a penthouse with a view on Taipei 101 in Taiwan. Even if the appartment itself sells at a higher price per square meter than in New York.

>This is no way to live for humans
what is no way to live is >>2743601. Miles upon miles of nothingness with no places of interest or streets worth strolling and no way to get to the good places without a fucking car. Meanwhile your hongkonger is never more than 30 minutes away from Kowloon, HK island, or anything really.

Funny how the places with the most SOVL, personality and are really what culturally defined America itself are the downtowns of every big american city and never the soul-sucking WASPy mutt steppes also known as suburbs.
>Most cities are like that even in the West
no they aren't lmao, you can get huge apartments and townhomes for like $1500 a month anywhere that isn't downtown LA or Manhattan. cities used to be for the working class and now they're for the subhumans and elite only.

>good doctors, good shops, good restaurants
true for wealth enclaves like beverly hills and battery park, less so for the poors, you're better off going to bog-standard suburban urgent care.

>you live in the countryside and the neighborhood pizza place sucks cock, you're fucked.
or you just learn to make pizza, you dumb mong. most westerners cook for themselves.

> that same amount of money lands you a penthouse with a view on Taipei 101 in Taiwan
you could buy a mansion in texas or a luxury condo in almost any american city for the same price as a one bedroom condo in taipei 101

>Funny how the places with the most SOVL, personality and are really what culturally defined America itself are the downtowns of every big american city
the SOVL of America, and the west exists within the people, something someone with background from a soulless stock of human cattle could never understand.
To the contrary most people agree that the most soulful parts of America are those with very few Americans, where the old values of self-sufficiency and struggle against nature are still practiced. Kill and cook yer own damn meat, ya dumb city faggot.

In Asia the scarcely populated regions tend to be lazy, dirty, impoverished and unappealing to outsiders. Personally I feel the happy spot is the small city. Big enough to have a sense of civic pride, lively enough that there are still eateries open at 9 PM, but small enough that each person is still a unique individual and not a mere ant in the anthill. BTW you can buy a luxury condo in Vientiane for under $100K; it really is one of the fastest developing cities in Asia at this point, but AFAIK Laos has made zero efforts to cater to foreigners from ZOG countries.
>you can get huge apartments and townhomes for like $1500 a month
Stopped reading right there. This isn't the early 2000s, pal. Slightly out of touch.
They already do live in suburbs. They just call those suburbs shit like “Greater Tokyo” and all the dumb weebs go “oh wow sugoi Tokyo so big the whole country is Shibuya!!!” Basically the only difference between Azabu and Gladwyne is that Azabu has a better train line.
Dishonesty won't help you cope, bozo. The entirety of downtown New York City has as many amenities as Battery Park, and same goes with LA. And the "West" isn't just whatever top 10 cities you can find in the US either. European cities follow that exact rule too. Beyond that, comparing what is comparable is more relevant here. Downtown asian and western cities are what's densely populated. Suburbs are not so dense and hence comparing suburbs is a moot point.

>huge appartments for 1500 a month/ luxury condos in any american city
Any big city in America (certainly not boston or NYC btw) lands you a 1 bedroom appt with that budget IF YOU'RE LUCKY. Maybe take your head out of your ass and out of that minnesota mutt steppe you live in before you start talking about a subject you know nothing about ?

Pretty much everything in America, culture, education, lifestyle, politics, entertainment was created by what you boarfuckers call "coastal elites". whatever "soul" you're referring to is something described by artists and writers that are ultimately a product of these cities and only use you for vibe purposes. No one actually cares about you, just a romanticized idea of Americana.
>lives in a laotian small city.
You literally live in a small hick town in the Zimbabwe of Asia thinking you're not an ant. You wouldn't know what civilization was if it raped your mother and shoved it up your ass.
>meanwhile that same amount of money lands you a penthouse with a view on Taipei 101 in Taiwan
Kek absolutely not. You can get decent places in Taipei for 2-3k/mo but penthouse implies square footage which you are most certainly NOT getting at that price point, unless outskirts.
Because you are racist and associate Asians with bugs.
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I think Viets hit the right balance with tube houses (nhà ống). It allows tons of people to live in highly populated cities but without needing to share an apartment building. In addition to all the stuff an apartment has, people can have rooftop gardens, 3-5 floors, space for a small garage etc. It's a lot bigger than it looks because they're deep and tall to make up for their narrowness.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of tube houses in Vietnam are ugly and poorly made, but I think the form factor itself makes a lot of sense for densely populated areas.
There isnt anything to believe this is basic american history. Literally american urban planning 101. Suburbs were built explicitely to escape city niggers and we are all paying the price for it today
>Each of those houses has 10x the living space as an Asian apartment

American mutts are fat, fat niggers. And materialistic. Asians live simple minimalist lives.
we call those town houses in the civilized world
>asians aren't materialistic
who are you trying to fool, chang?
poor chinese farmers live simple spartan lives, white dorkus.
Not the same:

>Tube houses are much narrower
They're the width of a garage, and their garage is also designed to double up as a storefront
>Tube houses are taller on average
They're designed to hold multiple generations in one household, which is common in much of Asia
>They're modular
Families typical expand the house over time as they save up money and their needs grow. They're allowed far more freedom to modify as they want too because they don't have to deal with HOA bullshit.
>They often have rooftop gardens, which townhouses typically don't
Far more space-efficient and greener too

Don't get me wrong, townhouses are far nicer on average but they're luxuries at the expense of a higher cost and taking up significantly more space, which are becoming increasingly less viable for hyper-dense Asian cities. When townhouses aren't viable, families having their own expandable tube house is far more preferable to having a highly-regulated pod in a shared building imo.
This. The typical defence is something like:

"well ACTUALLY they're using their honking to communicate for safety, its you dumb westerners who are wrong for reserving your honking for road rage"

Not only is that disproven by the fact that road safety is often worse in these Asian countries (particularly thirdie ones) but also when everyone is honking at the same time for a range of different potential things it loses all meaning.
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The answer to your question is population density. Asia simply has more people per sq mile so they have to stack them up together.
That's a Pinoy student in the States who got banned for protesting Gaza
Westerners would live like this too, but a fundamental feature of Western culture is the will to be an individual and to dominate open space. Every Westerner wants a massive house on a big estate that they own. The rest of the world wants luxury apartments in communities with amenities. We are just unique in this regard. Only Japs are nearly as individualistic and only Russians nearly as willed to space, but in totally different ways.
And Taoism says just go with the flow. What's your point?
>Why are so many asian cities just like this massive beehive with people crammed in?

lotta sex. something white dorkus is lacking

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