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Worth going to Albania?
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I was interrogated by the police in Lushnje and made to sign a confession. It was all under Durres.

>Giro Coaster
>Bajhi Ram Curry
Also, yes, it is.
>Komani ferry
>Theth valbona hike(!!!!)
>Albanian riviera
>Lake Ohrid (Macedonia)
>Bunker hunting
>Urbex the submarine base (if you still can?)
>Gjirokaster castle and old town
>General feeling of traveling around and feeling like a traveler in a weird land
>Various Roman ruins (i.e. Orikum) you can just do what you like in
>Cheap boats to go to hidden beaches and fuck around on
>ezpz drugs
>Paragliding at LLogara pass (where Caesar crossed with his troops).
>I was interrogated by the police in Lushnje and made to sign a confession. It was all under Durres.
I Shkoder to think about it, it sounds like Kruje and unusual punishment
The best time was the coof when it was wide open and sort of a crossroads for backpacker types looking for somewhere to scratch the travel itch. Now it’s pretty mainstream, somewhat overrun and about three times as expensive as it was only three years ago. Still, worth it.
Was hilarious that Albania's only restriction was not being able to play music in bars after 10pm.

Still able to buy coke from barmen though, and they didn't mind if you played music on your bluetooth speaker, which attracted customers.

Remember a policeman walking past, a little puzzled, then just walked on.

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Short story I can only get my holidays in the summer. Just came back from Greece and swore I'll never travel anywhere with more than 25 degrees anymore. What is even left? Norway? Scotland?
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>I'll never travel anywhere with more than 25 degrees anymore
What the fuck is wrong with british people
Nude beaches
why would you even travel in summer??

I always take the whole April and the 3 first weeks in October as vacation

>way better climate
>no Taifuns / Hurricanes / Rainy season anywhere
>you are in off season almost everywhere
Scandinavia and Scotland only places left for yuros who want a nature focussed summer trip in bearable heat. Even they can still get warm and are prone to swarms of biting insects. Scandinavia famously expensive; you’ll spend less day to day in Scotland but it’s no cheap either, especially if you start racking up the miles with calmac / north link / Logan air

Alps/Dolomites are a bit warmer but are still gorgeous and worth a visit. Lots of Germans on walking holidays who insist on being German about everything

Scotland in particular has limited accom in the summer peak season and needs planning / booking way in advance which fucking sucks. Unless you already live there and get fucked off with tourist congestion instead

being Scottish really is shite

Some people can only get holidays in the summer anon

Have about five days in the Outback. Flying into Yulara and out of Alice Springs and I'll have a rental vehicle. What should I make a point of seeing?
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>sturdy meal
owl give yer mah a sturdy shaggin
I went through Alice Springs in January 2023. It was a bit of a dump.

If you're headed down to Uluru, there's a King's Canyon National Park along the way. I thought it looked cool.
>Alice Springs was ranked the 18th most dangerous city in the world in the mid-2024 Crime Index by City, published by the crowdsourced data website Numbeo.
>Numbeo gave Alice Springs a crime rating of 72.1 in the mid-2024 list - equal to the Mexican city of Tijuana, which currently has a murder rate of 91.7 people per 100,000. Ranked only slightly worse was Cape Town, with a crime rate of 73.8
what the fuck

That just doesn't seem possible. Especially since it's a tourist jumping off point.
All the abbos do is get high steal shit and fight with each other.

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What are the most dangerous feeling places you guys have traveled to?
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not only copying single answers but even answer's answers.
I'm too pure for internet
Been through some ropey suburbs in the balkans, SEA and China but the only times I’ve experienced violence were in rural England and Berlin. I’d quite like to explore South America for some real poverty porn but alas I’m now married and will likely be a father within a year or 2
I'm always amused by people who suggest American cities aren't dangerous, because you can just avoid the half of it that's dangerous. "What are you talking about, Detroit is great, just make sure you don't go to most of it". I don't know if you live in one of these and are coping, or just think it's a cheat code for being smug on the internet whenever anyone correctly calls a shithole a shithole. Seriously think about how low your bar is
>For reference, I've spent time in Bangkok, Tijuana, and Kuala Lumpur and none felt nearly as dangerous.
Bangkok and KL are about as safe as a big city can get. Bizarre statement
Bro what the fuck, like half of this thread is in there.

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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, ask in a relevant thread/general instead.

Previous thread: >>2600606
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Have fun
Zero questions. Stamped my passport. Let me in. That was a first for Europe though. t. burger
In the US, most flights will have tags that say "TRANSFER" on them by the bag tagging kiosks. I've had my luggage transferred without them, but you should put one on each bag.
I wanted to book a car from Sixt for a few days in Florida, but I can't find anything about valet parking in the rental T&C and a lot of the accommodations I looked at have valet only parking. If the valet manages to crash the car, does it land me in a pool of shit for letting a technically unauthorized driver (since the valet isn't on the rental agreement) behind the wheel?
How viable is it to find one of those countries with a depopulated countryside and buy one of those collapsing buildings there? (The stone ones)
I'm confident I could do all the stonework needed to rebuild the house by myself so at least it would have a stone shell and wood floor, how bad do they rape you with taxes and regulations in these countries?

I've pretty much just assumed that all these places with "1 dollar houses" are always like that for a VERY good reason, usually related to taxes and zoning and regulating. Somewhere like rural spain, rural italy, something like that. I could easily buy a crumbling stone property, fix it up in a month or two, and have a vacation house (albeit without modern luxuries but I really don't care about modern luxuries at all.)

Just as a little house to go to for 1 month of the year it doesn't seem too bad, does it?

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I have off of work for the next two weeks, I live in a upstate NY city. Any good ideas for solo travel or day trips I could do? Was thinking about New England or maybe somewhere out west. Anyone have experience solo camping, hiking, etc?
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What do you guys think of Acadia national park? Or if I go west Glacier National Park?

You have two weeks. You go just about anywhere. Or you could just stay home and get fat off Stewart's ice cream.
Montreal is a great city to explore on foot or by riding the metro. Good food and museums if that is your thing. Climb Mt. Royal. Hot college girls around because of McGill

Glacier is nice, but that is an extremely long drive from where you are. Acadia is a better bet, or Lake Champlain etc.
If I was going to go out west to Glacier I would probably fly and rent a car. I've been to Lake Champlain when I was young, never done NE or the Rocky's which is why I'm leaning towards them.
Pls help, I've decided on doing New England, any advice for planning this trip? Only have a few days left to before I gotta leave. I'll have to save Glacier for my next vacation and plan it out more

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American here. Really need a change of environment from this place. I used to go on adventures but haven't traveled for years. I'm looking for an easy place to travel from the East Coast. Here are some things that I am looking for:

>pleasant in the summertime
>good local cuisine
>cool history
>walkable (do not want to drive at all)
>any visa needs to be hassle free and quick

I've already done Italy, so I would like to try something new. Please don't be rude; I've been to Siberia, sub-Saharan Africa, etc. I just want a place where I can shut down my brain and become an NPC if possible. Like I just want to leave my hotel every day and walk around and find a place to eat and gawk at historical stuff without being scammed.
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This anon gets it. PV is the spot to go to be lazy and shut your brain off. You can sit by the water and read a book or get hammered drunk, or you can do fun stuff like rainforest tours and ziplining and shit
Sounds like basically any standard vacation
>Breezewood is based
Because you are a vapid consumer.
I had 3 dates lined up in 3 nights in PV on Tinder last time I was there. It's worth it to sign up for a Gold Account while you're there. lol.
Best part of the Eastern USA.

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Nashville bread. I'll be there for the weekend. How can I get the most of it?
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Looks like a prison meal
>no go zones
Don't go on the bridge at night. Just stay in the popular areas downtown and you will be fine at night
Thanks for the info dump anon.
>Oh Be Joyful used to be my spot, you're guaranteed to meet strangers there.
What do you mean? It has good social vibes? I'd say that's my primary focus. I want to meet fun and interesting people. Seeing nice scenery/nature would be nice too but it's secondary.

How's parking downtown? Is it worth paying the extra bucks for a hotel in walking distance so I don't have to fuck with parking?
OBJ is in Franklin FYI but yeah it's a neighborhood bar but not too divey or trendy. I would really encourage you to check out East Nashville if you want to meet people. Downtown is almost entirely tourists and the downtown hotels are usually full of hawk tuah type of girls on a vacation. They are usually loud and packed. IMO just Uber to Broadway from somewhere else so you can get a good night sleep.

Are you going there this weekend for the conference?
Why is East Nashville a good place to meet people. I'm looking at it now on Google maps and it looks like generic suburbia and retail sprawl. I thought all the good social venues would be downtown.

>Are you going there this weekend for the conference?
yeah. How'd you guess? kek.

I want to take my partially blind gf on a trip to Japan with me. She's never traveled for fun since losing most of her central vision. Thoughts?
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how blind?

Japan might be a nice
the food, hot springs
though in general I wouldn't say they are super accessible

>other destinations
Does she like beer / wine / spirits?
Because these tours are always really cool
Like in Germany (which has a lot of quite accessible spots in general), France, Scotland or Italy
Food tours in Southern Spain or Tuscany are very nice too

Spa / Hot Spring travel might be cool to if she enjoys them
through Germany, Budapest, western Czech and of course Japan

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>It's a good excuse to walk around a lot while holding hands
anon you don't need an excuse to hold hands with your gf
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Goddamn it anon this is too precious.
Best of luck, OP. I'm accompanying my blind mother at the moment.
As with any other destination (especially Asian), Japan and the attractions and activities in Japan are more geared towards fully sighted people.
That said the basic outside accessibility infrastructure in Japan is pretty advanced for an Asian country, in Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto at least (IIRC).
Obviously the food is great, the sweets are delicious if not a bit over sweet, snacks are amazing.
Maybe a small and cozy live house for music?
Nara park for the pettable deer, though they can bite, kick and headbutt. A cat or dog cafe might be better for petting animals.
In either case Godspeed and God bless you anon. I'm sure you'll find something doable

Would you rather have a $300K vacation property you basically have to visit and maintain every year, pay taxes on etc but you can maybe rent a bit and sell for a profit one day, or $300K in a dedicated travel account you use to fund a wide variety of trips overseas for ~20 years until it goes to zero?

I'm beginning to get to the stage where I've seen a lot of places now and have some money I could put down on a little place somewhere sunny (Portugal or Greece or Florida or somewhere) in an ex-pat/retiree vacation community - nothing too extravagant like a 2 bed apartment or something cheap to maintain that I could work remotely from in the winters or you can just lock up and leave ~8 months a year - but the idea of going to the same place over and over year after year kind of worries me that I'll get bored of it after like 3-4 times going? The alternative I guess is just to take that money and keep travelling to different places a couple of times a year which is always nice, but you're just spending the whole time and eventually the money will run out leaving you with nothing but memories.

Is the second home vacation property juice worth the squeeze?
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Great Thread OP.

Good luck getting anything $300K in any desirable part of Florida. Even the outskirts of Orlando (Winter Garden, Kissimmee, Apopka, etc) are higher than that.

Orlando is also pretty mediocre in terms of vacationing, as it's an hour from any beaches, and the only appeal is the plethora of amusement parks.

Destin, FL similarly most houses start at 500K. You're only getting a condo for that price range and getting fucked with HOA fees.

Asheville, NC is NC's best vacation city - same story.

You're not getting anything anywhere decent in California for 300K either.

Most places you're going to find a home in the USA for 300K won't be too appealing for a vacation with varied things to do.

You will be able to find cabins in remote locations, or even huge southern homes - it will just be a slept on city.

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kids aren't on the table for me, but good point.
this is a good idea I might actually try this for a couple of times and see how it plays out.
yep I think this is the better option really. I was wondering about downsizing my primary residence to something that's much lower maintenance (apartment in a tower where one condo fee takes care of everything or something like that).
the idea of being a landlord has never appealed to me. People treat places like crap and if things aren't literally screwed down they'll get stolen. I could do without that kind of headache.
eh it's probably not that much these days in somewhere with a sea view or scenic view really. by the time you've covered tax and set up costs too.
yes good point, a letting agent would be needed really.
I know I nearly left that last bit out by saying "leaving you with nothing" but of course a life of travel would never leave you with that.
Yeh, I guess I have some romantic idea of getting a cozy cabin in the woods or some chic modern house in the remote badlands of nevada, but hanging out there year after year with not much going on I guess would get old quite quickly.
The richest people have the vast majority of their wealth in stocks actually. Real estate is like a stepping stone that you eventually supersede as the return on stocks i far superior if you're lucky.
>18 to 35-40ish
Backpacker phase
>35-40ish to retirement
Vacation house/cabin with side trips to kid-friendly destinations phase. Home away from home while you raise the family.
>retirement to unable
Convert the equity in the vacation house into cash so you can do boomer-tier travel in France, South Africa, Australia, USA etc. Maybe go RV at this point.

That’s your god tier.

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in Miami in the US

Only $149,000 for a studio... It's so cheap

the equivalent in France is Nice

Nice salaries are less than US salaries...

https://www.leboncoin.fr/ad/ventes_immobilieres/2626299384 200k for a studio.........
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>Thinks the south of france is white
Lol, lmao even. Better brush up on your darja before visiting.
I was just there, most people are white. You’re comparing a whote country that has some immigration to a 99% brown area in what is basically a brown country. Miami has jews, castizo wetbacks, 90% browns and blacks and zero actual white people.
because the boomers own 90percent of the housing in this cunt and overprice everything on purpose

they should probably gone in around 15 years and property prices will crash, unless one of our freemasson ministers decides to turn all of it into commie social housing
I lived in southern france and was raised in france and honestly it's not that bad of a thing (marseille is the only exception). North africans make up for most of the immigration and nice, toulon and nimes are still 85% white
Americans aren’t anti social you’re just a faggot

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Which is the best state and possibly city to live in and find a job?
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>AC dies
>don't be a mouth breather and call someone
>go walk around a mall or sit in a bar for a bit till it's fixed
I know that you can fix it and will be fine
wasn't meant as an insult

I just genuinely wonder why people don't move to more temperate areas
even if you like the warmth, aren't there more "human" options
(I'm not from the US so I don't know all the states)
Seattle has a odd vibe kind of ominous Portland is comfier
It's only real bad 3 months out of the year and southern AZ isn't as hot as Phoenix (due to altitude) but yes people (mostly old) do die every year because their a/c breaks and they don't have a way to go somewhere else. I like AZ but only being able to be an a/c environments all summer including at night kind of sucks.
Don't come here if you're Brown, especially if you're a Pajeet. We don't want to end up being another Canada.

If you're not Brown, I would suggest South Carolina, Tennessee, or DMV area.

>me boarding only after they start calling my name on the PA system
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What is it with Priority Boarding? They always call groups 1-2 first like they should but then everyone in the other groups randomly lines up behind them in disorganized clusters without knowing if the person in front of them is the last person for either of the first two groups, which means they don’t know if they’re actually getting called next or if there’s more members of group 1-2 that still need to board. Either let it be a free for all (which I prefer) or have strictly maintained order, pick ONE you fucking faggots. Stop making me feel retarded for following the directions and remaining seated until the later groups are called, meanwhile your Group 4 bitch ass just lines up in the back of the Group 2 line and casually strolls onto the plane when they don’t do shit about you clearly having a Group 4 pass
>For me it's playing "formula 1" in my head and trying to overtake all the passengers to get to security first.

It's very satisfying to disembark down an ultra-long corridor and then activate the autism walk speed DRS to beat 50 people in a row to immigration.
More airports these days have automated gates that don't let you board until it's your group's turn.
Incredibly based. Love it when there's stairs, too, and NPCs go at half-speed up the escalator.
>flying home from Japan
>see a tiny cute security lady after the metal detector
>purposefully forget a metal object in my pocket
>get a patdown from a 150cm cutie
Sometimes things work out well

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Where is the best place to stay in Bangkok? I booked a place around midtown, nearish to Hua Chiew Hospital, but I can still switch it. The location looks nice because it's sort of halfway between Khaosan Road/Central Bangkok, Siam/Thonglor, Si Lom Road and Chinatown, sort of a central location 30-50 minute walk from all of these locations. The problem is there doesn't seem to be as many train stations around as I thought there would be and the Khaosan area doesn't seem to have any trains nearby at all? Should I get a place nearer to Khaosan or nearer to something else so I can easily go out every night, or is it worth being in a central location so I can easily go to more inland neighborhoods? Are there cool neighborhoods that I'm missing, I really don't know the city at all. Also how expensive are taxis? Google maps is strange, I feel like I can see traintracks on the map but the subway directions and mapping seem weird
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You should mention your budget. Can you afford the luxurious 5stars?
nahhh, the place I did get was cheap like $450 a month, looks nice and modern though, I think the drawback is the location. I'm thinking about reducing my stay in this place from 4 weeks to 2 weeks, because it does look like a good central location to walk all over and explore the east riverside area, the west inland area and the southern area from, but I might get a more expensive hotel for a week in a trendy area as well, and I was thinking about flying out to chiang mai so that could be the other week. But I'm not sure what the best area to get a nicer hotel in would be, should I just go for the nana to soi cowboy area like the other guy was saying? I'm getting mixed reviews on that area based on web searches, on the one hand it does seem like the most touristy and trendy area, but on the other hand some people say it's trashy
switch west and east but yeah
Nana hotel
What next? are you going to tell me that chocolate ice cream is better than my mint chip which is my personal favorite? Lmao I hope you can realize how silly you sound when you are unable to understand individual preferences

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Be me
Business trip to Japan
Don't want to go out cause weather sucks
Stay in hotel jerk off to Widowmaker and Mercy porn
Had a blast and went to bath
Go to laundry room with only my bath robe
Asian chick try to talk to me
She obviously want the D
I am dried, I said no money she said its ok no money
She still want the D but I left cause I have used all my quota and I am retarded

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