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Anons born in the USA who get to travel perpetually or live abroad, how did you do it? Was it worth it? The wage cage is draining my soul
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If the crux of your trip isn’t getting your pecker played with, I can see why it might not be worth it
>Anons born in the USA who get to travel perpetually or live abroad, how did you do it?
A lot of those guys are on VA disability.
I assume most Americans living abroad, such as myself, are just wagies with overseas employment. I've been living in the Middle East for two years now. I started off working as administrative staff for a university (I don't think this is common but I also don't bother to browse job listings for universities because they're bottom of the barrel opportunities). Fortunately, it only required a high school diploma (although I have some college). The pay was only about 35k USD, which is pretty mediocre even there. Housing was free. But it was legitamtely the worst working environment I've ever been in. It had an incredibly toxic culture and the owner fucked around with our visas, vacation, and pay - among other stupid day-to-day shit. Now I'm working as a government contractor, which is much better. The hours are long (I work 72 hours a week), but the pay is good, I make about 120k a year, and get a month off every year. I recommend it as a relatively easy way to get employed overseas. There's a lot of different roles to fill (I'm most familiar with security work - not mercenary shit, more like being a mall cop) and standards are minimal, provided you're able to maintain a security clearance. I eventually hope to get a 9-5 in regular industry (ideally in Asia but more than likely Dubai).

I've worked with a retired Army guy that makes like 100k from all his military retirement and medical disability. Not exactly worth 20ish years of your life and combat deployments but having that "passive" income is insane.
Literally, married fag here.

I have the time and resources to travel on my own this year (wife is busy visiting her mother in Korea) and am thinking of not travelling. Like, what's the point?

If I was single I'd 100% get Tinder and go to Mumbai for a week or two just to download Tinder, fuck and see some exotic shit.

But take the fuck out of it and the whole thing becomes less compelling.
>born in the USA

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Sell me on a destination /trv/.

This is a high quality thread, one that promotes travel, is focused on travel, is of interest to travellers.
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Belize is the hidden gem of South America
kek, OP is an eternal bundle of sticks, as usual
I enjoyed Laos a lot back in 2000,I think it was always a better Thailand. Even back then people were saying the glory days were over. Myanmar was where it was at and I still wouldn't discount Myanmar under the junta because the junta always ran the place.

I'm wondering about the indopacific. Lots of islands.
Oman is great. It's the only genuine arabic country that is also safe and accessible.
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>This is a high quality thread

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I am a homosexual Jewish city slicker from Toronto, Canada and will be spending two nights in Charleston, West Virginia on my way to Kentucky and Tennessee. Any recommendations on what to do?
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>I am a homosexual Jewish city slicker from Toronto, Canada
>going to a place where the majority of the populace are of German white descent
>where traditionalism is appreciated
Just go to Los Angeles or New York with your ilk
Go to Huntington instead. Charleston is prettier but Huntington has Bahnhof and you can do gay Jewish stuff at Stonewall after you’ve had some good beers.
Also, definitely go to Red River Gorge in KY if you can.
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>2678093 (OP)
Also beware of the fag-bumming-bums
They will threaten to pipe you
If you're driving, in the town of Weston is a fuck huge abandoned insane asylum that they give tours of. It's fun.

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What are your honest thoughts on Australian cities?
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Are there white people in major Australian cities? Or do they hide in the suburb?
Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne all pretty much the same on harbour or river. Mix of nineteenth century buildings and skyscrapers. Adelaide doesn't have the high-rise. Darwin and Hobart very localised atmosphere. Canberra still feels like a designed city, and is less busy than the bigger cities with their sprawl.
I've lived in Sydney Adelaide Canberra and made work trips to the rest (lots of trips to Melbourne Brisbane).
Tbh they all pretty much the same. Sydney of course has the most beautiful harbour in the world.
I don't know how to really describe it except to say that yes there are white people in the cities and the suburbs. Even though the bigger cities have a "Chinatown" it's like in NYC just a section downtown with restaurants etc. for example in Sydney a lot of Chinese people live in Chatswood which is a fairly well off shopping and transport hub on Sydney north shore.
Being Greek Lebanese Italian background is so normal it isn't even noticeable.
Many of the best rugby players are Aboriginal Australian and pacific islanders (Tonga etc). My point is that the Pacific culture is also prevalent and normal here.
agreed i got the fuck out of sydney in the late 2010's moved out far west. Commute once a week to the CBD, the only shit skins i see are tourists.

based local gov gave the middle figure to high rise housing so i get to live in a leafy green suburb with no fucking third worlders. All my neighbors are white or hippy and so far away i have peace and quiet.

The few inner city blows in that can afford to buy, get the shits with the lack of "culture" and fuck off or adapt and end up hating the poojets and gooks.

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I lived through a long hiatus and now am back healthy and doing my boating and GMDSS license. After I finish I wanna go on a long as holiday and do some hands on boating.

Here is the thing though, where do I find friends/a group of people to go on an adventure with me. I left my old friends behind because of my hiatus and they aren't into sea adventures. Join a local club?

What else can I do? If I go to a hostel, are the people there usually smart and enthusiastic or are they normies wanting to get drunk?
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You can buy ads on google. You target the the demographics you're looking for and write a textual ad along these lines : "Looking For New Friends Into Sailing After a Hiatus. Call Me If You Want To Meet Me". And you add your phone number. Then you target searches such as "How to make friends that are into sailing", or "where do I meet people to sail with".
Best place is the sailing schools/clubs you go to for learning. The one I go to has afternoon sails for members. I'm usually the youngest there among retirees or folks close to that age looking for a new hobby. You would want to ask the skipper/instructors about finding folks in your area.

I don't hear about many people doing long trips in my area, unless it's for some sort of delivery or several experts getting away for the week. Enter races and you can network from there. If you do good the you can build a reputation and people will probably invite you to join them and their rich friend on his yacht in Sausalito.
Thanks, that sounds good.
lmao even

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I’m thinking of relocating to Belarus as a westerner.

Are there ways to get jobs there, such as English teaching or IT stuff?

Is it possible to obtain residency through business establishment or investing in real estate?

What are some vital things to know about the country?
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Being Sigma is moving to Belarus for the low rent and beet and not realising that there was a war.
To state the obvious, it's an especially bad time to try to relocate to Belarus
Russian and ukrainian women are the biggest whores I've met. Except russians ones are gonna lie and pretend they're trad. Then cheat on you just because.
fuck off we're full
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This doesn't make you an interesting person. It makes you look like a fucking weirdo and depending on your home country could put you on many lists.

shortly i will travel to nz/australia, what should i wear? how do I pack lightly?
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If güerito = wear brownface
Seriously as anon says if you're not used to the sun you'll get sunburn so buy some sunscreen ( you can do it when you get here -- can be bought anywhere but if you ask in a pharmacy / "chemist" (drugstore) they'll help you choose.
Sunglasses. Cap or hat. The weather's generally pretty mild heading out of winter into spring. A denim jacket, zip up wind jacket or similar is useful. Just dress as you would in California

One pair of pants, no undies and 2 shirts. Socks are over rated wear thongs only.

Take one puffer jacket you'll fit right in, buy a hat from bunnings to wear everywhere.
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Footy shorts
Hi vis polo shirt
the fuck I know? you know

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>In 2023 there were 1.3 billion international tourists, with a growth of 33,4% compared to 2022 and growth of 112.2% compared to 2021

Will everyone be a tourist very soon?
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I really don't understand how everyone is so overreacting about it like it's some giant tourism paradigm shift. It's literally just the yen turning into a rag. The moment their central bank seriously intervenes tourism will go back to previous levels.
>what is devaluing your currency to compete in a global market
>their central bank seriously intervenes

they won't though. this is the new normal
Social media

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Mutt here
>Never left north America
>Only to Canada forcefully by family and staying in a hotel the whole time

>Want to go somewhere solo now that I'm an adult and I have some money(Student)
I want to go to southern Chile
What should I know? Not a bitch btw
I'm about to leave for Conception for two months. Big thing in Southern Chile is time you're going, activities you're interested in, and how rural are you expecting to go?
>What should I know?
such as?

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what's a fun trip to romania?
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why does romania have such a bad reputation? it's name is literally "rome"
I fell for the Brasov meme. The city is very dull and small. Outside of the Old Town, it's quite ugly. Airbnb was a dump. Host was an absolute psychopath. Bucharest probably takes first place for my least favorite major city in Europe. It's a dirty shithole. There are gypsies, but there are also Romanians. I can't explain why, but something about Romanians just seems 'off' to me. They are weird. I was there for two months and couldn't wait to gtfo
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>what's a fun trip to romania?
Last I was there was in Constanta. There is a spot there where its just bars, hotels, nightclubs on the beach, overlooking the Black Sea. There's something for everyone, the cheapie chill vibes bars on the sand and then there's also the high-end nightclubs/gambling dens where you can see the local gangsters drive up with their gold-wrapped AMG. You can go to Bucharest and wander around the nightlife and question the legality of many things because it seems so free. People there are so happy to be able to party and enjoy life- but you can also see their struggle. You'll see gypsies with smartphones riding on a wood cart being pulled by a small horse in front of some executive Mercedes on the street. It's a playground of hustlers and the wealthy. To me, it feels like your stereotypical villain hometown where evil happens all around you- you just don't see or experience it unless you go out of your way to. Many of my buddies sought after the easy brothels and prostitution nearby as Romanian women are very beautiful.

where's bulgaria? I don't know european geography outside of the roman empire

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best /trv/ shit to do while violently hungover that isn’t drinking and also isn’t losing a day in (city)
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did already this didn’t get any pictures because i demolished that fucker now im just overstaying my welcome in the cafe feeling like a corpse that’s been laid in the sun to dry. cheers /trv/
Have one (1) beer to help ease the hangover
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i ended up vegetating in different cafes every few hours only moving cafes cuz i felt cringe by the staff

got on a ferry to get to next guest house, threw up immediately

Light hangovers are eased with water and fatty food, but when you did some real nigger shit the only solution is a cold one
killing yourself

I have two week vacation coming up at the end of July, likely going to end up traveling somewhere alone which I've never done before... I've been meaning to do a lot more but just haven't. Every time I've gone somewhere in the past its been with family. I am 26 years old. There are four trips I've always wanted to take
>New England
>Northwest, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, etc.
>Lastly Japan
What do you guys recommend I do and where do I start for a first time solo traveler? I currently live in the rust belt.
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Partying by yourself?
Well I usually try to meet a girl but yeah, I go to bars and clubs by myself. It’s no problem.
Solo is travel is nice, and there's zero debate what to see and when to see it. Go to the best restaurants, or hotel restaurants, and dine at the bar w/the business travelers. Enjoy your museums. I'd highly3 suggest walking tours, organized pub and food tours to add interesting people to activities.

It is doable,if you rent a car, as is Vancouver nd the weather is nice. Seattle is a shithole of drug user/homeless liberal types in a shocking way to visitors, as is Portland.

>Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, etc.
need 9-12mo of planning. Nat'l Parks are full of people with advanced reservations since covid and massive amounts of ppl in the hotels, RVers, and such.

ideally shoulder season when the kiddos go back to school, so mid-September you'll find more bargains. For a newcomer, stop through Reykjavik if they still do the free layover idea.
It seems like such a foreign concept to me, how do you do it and bond with strangers like that? How did you get started doing it?
just throw a dice instead of shitting up the catalog

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I will travel to Egypt.

Do you have any recommendations(e.g. apps or places to visit, Things to Bring)?

I have planed so far:

1. Sun Protection:
• High SPF sunscreen
• Sunhat or cap
• Sunglasses
2. Light Clothing:
• Cotton or linen clothing
• Long-sleeved shirts and long pants for sun protection and visits to religious sites
3. Swim Gear:

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learn basic arabic
dont b stupid
get haram-esque clothing
Make sure to hire a gang to guard you from the other gangs

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It's 49 eur for 1 month of unlimited train travel in Germany.

I'm considering travelling around the country on this ticket. Anything I should know beforehand?
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to Strasbourg it would have been 4/5 hours driving yeah but I didn't have a car at the time and wanted to do something fun on a whim
Are you visiting major cities that are near by, or up in the sticks?
I want to visit places that are fairly close together, travelling maybe 2 hours at a time. E.g.
>Flensburg -> Hamburg -> Bremen -> Hannover -> ?
>Flensburg -> Kiel -> Lübeck -> Schwerin -> Rostock -> ?
Ffs forgot a > when quoting
The smartest here thing seems to hub and spoke it by basing yourself in Hamburg and doing day trips.
>Anything I should know beforehand?

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>is worthless
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>treat me like a GOD
delusional moron
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nigga u a nyc boomer from the 70s? lol, but yeah prioritiy pass sucks dick now because they started handing it out like candy
lmao what a nigger, its amazing how dumb some people are
>youre a delusional moron if you want customer service
Still rarely see the melanin rich in the lounge but I guess I also don't go to niglocations

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