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>he's over 30 years old and he still travels solo
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Are Americans always this disgusting?
In Europe, we don't act like this. When I go outside, we actually know what romance is. We actually look attractive on a daily basis.
Two girls like that came to my room earlier and the tall one was a virgin. Then the milk trucks honked. Honk, honk.
Ohhh I get it.. you just reversed the ages.. ohhhhh
Wow. That's like the same thing some Americanized divorcee single mom tried to tell me once! Very underhanded! I'll be friends with whoever I want to be friends with. How about that? Bitch.
Yeah sorry Mr. Perfect Person but not taking other people on my sex trip, its weird for me.

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I'm not super rich but have about four million USD and want to move to Japan full time (spent about a cumulative year traveling there so I know a bit of what's up). Can get a cool, cheap apartment in a city, a vacation house in inaka, and retire.

However, seems like somewhat a difficult thing to do because of visas. Unlike EU it does not seem like there is a straightforward way to buy permanent residency in Japan.

Anyone ever heard of a roundabout way to do this? A buddy told me he heard of someone working for a shell business to seem like a highly skilled worker for a couple years to get PR but search isn't bringing anything up.
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Are you less than 23 years old? If so, join a sumo stable.
>Some English teachers literally get 1 year visas 10+ times in a row
because they're subhumans making almost minimum wage and not paying pension
Just "teach" English part time if you have enough money otherwise.
>your business needs to gross 10mJPY
As in revenue?
That is super lenient if revenue, I mean that's 30k yen per day on average.
I can get pr in one year and make 600k usd there, either get hsp or investor visa

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I'm planning my next trip with my gf. We've never been to any south american countries before. I want to go to peru and she wants to go to brazil. Who's in the right here?
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He's lying and you're naive
Split the difference and go to Bolivia.
You are wrong. Women are lovable creatures. You are just insecure you won't get another one if the one you love cheats on you. And that's ok. They forgive your hatred. And I hope you can forgive the way I talk to you. Love, frend.
kys you fucking simp
Ditch your gf, go to costa rica and fuck hookers instead

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the water makes you sick.
the air makes you sick. (polluted roads, traffic, mold in the AC units)
the food makes you sick.
hygiene is india tier.
i guess i'll just walk around then. (enjoy dengue fever and typhus from the mosquitoes.)

well at least i can go to gorgeous beaches...
yeah you can't play in the sand or stay barefoot or you will get hookworm.
if you go in the water (still with shoes on) you get sea lice and rashes.
scams everywhere. desperate trannies harassing you into buying them or trying to rape you. obnoxious and loud roasties and jocks. the ugliest 70 year old motherfuckers you've ever seen walking around with prostitutes and trannies.

basically people just go here to get wasted and fuck whores in the clubs. might as well do that in your country.
all this while breaking out, feeling like shit from the garbage food, and looking like shit as well, the tap water that makes your skin dull and makes all your hair fall off.
parasites are common. your gut bacteria will never be the same. people develop allergies or infections that last years after going here.

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Disgusting farang ghettos are not representative of Thailand any more than Bourbon Street or Times Square is representative of the average American public space. There's a reason those of us who actually travel around Thailand love it so much. What the fuck impels stupid foreigners to crowd into the same shitty overpriced tourist traps every time they go to a country? That's where most of the garbage food is sold as well, to drunk clueless foreigners. All that degeneracy makes you feel like shit, big surprise there.
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>garbage food
>the tap water that makes your skin dull and makes all your hair fall off
Can someone fact check this? The water in Bangkok seems less chlorinated than my water in America. I'm just showering in it anyway
chlorine isn't the only thing in water anon. also i dont think any country outside america even has chlorine in their water. anyway, he means they have hard water which yes, it gives you acne and hair loss. korea also has hard water, probably even worse, and people complain about shedding hair when going there too.
south italy has the best tap water that i know of. probably why people are so good looking.
I got conjunctivitis from using the tap water to wash my hands and then put in my contacts….

Or it could’ve been from eating from the tutors restaurant “from the back” on the street of 6

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Apparently Detroit is consider a great place to go in 2025, what are some /trv/ approved activities in the city of niggerly love?
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Only a dumb nignog would shill detroit or chicago.
I was just there a couple months ago. Downtown Detroit is kino. It's dangerous in the jogger outskirt neighborhoods, but tourists have zero reason to be there anyway. I can guarantee 99% of the 'Detroit has, like, worst crime ever, dude' posters have never even been there
>Detroit has, like, worst crime ever, dude' posters have never even been there
Lmao, even. My job has me traveling almost 75% of the year and I probably spend 5-6 weeks a year in Detroit and the surrounding neighborhoods. Once you get north of Warren/Sterling Heights it's decent but who gives a shit about the far out suburbs? Even the downtown feels a lot more iffy compared to my shithole (Milwaukee, WI). I guess there is a nice auto museum in downtown Detroit. Like I stated in my first post, if you like authentic Iraqi or 'soul' food then there will be great options so long as you don't get murdered or mugged, maybe 3% chance of that happening, but 3% is really fucking bad lol and assuming you're a white guy, you end up in some noghole where 'folks like you don't belong', probably higher then. Only places crummier than Detroit (from my personal travels) are E. St. Louis and Gary, IN, maybe Camden, NJ/Southside of philly. I hear Baltimore is a hellhole from coworkers but have never been as I cover mostly Midwestern US and occasionally Mid-Atlantic if I'm helping a colleague out.
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>downtown Detroit is iffy
stopped reading there, you're just a faggot
Detroit has some of the best architecture in the US, especially if you're a fan of art deco
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Who wouldn't want to go to 8 Mile to pretend they're Eminem and they grew up on the tough streets of Detroit while bullets whizz past them?
Sounds like the perfect vacay

Anyone stay here without knowing much Russian? How are the festivities?
>Anyone stay here without knowing much Russian?
Until you're an absolute retard you won't starve or freeze in Moscow and St Petersburg without knowing Russian. In rest of country you're fucked though.
>How are the festivities?
They're having huge party in Kursk Oblast right now. In general closer you're to border with Ukraine, more likely you'll see fireworks.
Why would I want to know commie bullshit?
They can fuck off!
Why are Russians and everyone from that area so damn creepey?
They cant help being creepy, they just are.
why don't you simply learn some russian, it's not that hard

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Why do they put their hands on either side of groin and wait in that position for like 20 seconds? It's like they're testing your ability to get an erection. I always reverse kegel but the blood flows there anyway. Am I supposed to tell them no thank you when they start doing that? I'm autistic and I get the ick really easily
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>hippie cuddle pile party
Tell this fuckin spilloverfaggot to keep it to the generals. Spilloverfagging is so 2023.
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>please give me a cuddle
Trigger points for thight psoas.
t. suffers from tight psoas
they are just being lazy

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

Long or convoluted questions should get their own thread.

Questions about popular destinations should be asked in any active thread about them.

Previous thread: >>2705061
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Is Oktoberfest worth it if I don't like beer?
Do you at least like sausages, pretzels, and women dressed in historically inaccurate 19th century clothing?
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Here's all the tonal marks used in Vietnamese

> /
rising inflection
> \
falling inflection
> ?
like you're asking a question
> ~
like you tripped on something mid-sentence and are surprised
> .
like you're carrying something heavy or are constipated

I swear this isn't a shitpost.
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I'm going to study abroad in Ecuador this June and planned on traveling around after the program was over.

What's the best way to see the Galapagos Islands? Cruise? Hotel+day trips? What's a good length of time to stay there? Anything else worth seeing in Ecuador?
It's pretty much the equivalent to a US state faire. Just with more beer, some Tracht minus the made up patriotism.

What is it like to be a black national of a developed country and go on holidays to a developing nation? Do you spend some time researching if blacks are well treated there? Do local street hustlers and scammers let you be? Do hospitality workers treat you any differently?
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the users behind both these posts are white, i bet.
A black man would have better luck squeezing a bottle of water from a handful of sand in the Sahara than getting laid in Europe without paying for it.
That's the most retarded thing that I've read today and it's only Wednesday morning you stupud nigger.
Ironically nigger like behavior.

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We're 3-4 guys in our early 30s (Europe and US) and want a guy's trip. The vibe is like pic related (banter), but most of us are in cold climates so we want somewhere warm.

Where would you go: Malta or Key West or somewhere else (Tenerife)?
You would enjoy Miami (south beach) better than Key West and it will be plenty warm in March.
>South Beach in March
Paradise for sheboon hunters, kek
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Key West is mostly old boomers that come in on cruise ships. It's an overpriced tourist trap and inconvenient to get to.

South Beach, as the other guy mentioned, is a haven for ghetto blacks and Hispanic gang members. It's my literal hell on earth.

I've never been to Tenerife, but it looks a lot nicer and whiter than South Beach. It looks like Tenerife has some nice Airbnb beach condos for like $1500/week in March too. The weather would be right on the edge of too cold to swim, but it wouldn't rain.

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headed to vegas for two nights early december

please share suggestions for entertainment, food, gambling, museums, tips & tricks, etc. any and all vegas insight welcome
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nta but I can't switch off my GTO autism when I play poker tho
I’m just saying decent looking chicks who play blackjack/poker solo are almost always approachable and usually slutty unless they’re poker autists like you
Ok, so I should probably stick to the table games to keep my autism at bay
Just got back from a trip. Had a blast on Fremont.

My advice: don’t gamble unless you’re playing poker, sports betting, or video poker. Tables and slots have horrendous odds these days
Bro it costs a quarter and it’s fucking fun. There’s no cheaper thrill gambling

Going to DC with 3 friends for president's day
>Feb 15 Boston - DC
>Feb 16 DC
>Feb 17 DC
>Feb 18 DC - Boston
Any advice is welcome. This is what I found so far:
>The Mansion on O Street.
>Holocaust & WW2 Museum
>Capitol, White House, etc. government stuff
>Eastern Market
>Spy Museum
>Catacombs at Franciscan monastery
>Karaoke where Lincoln assesination was plotted

Any more kino stuff? Not a huge fan of what I found so far. Find something engaging where we could have fun.
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Check out the tomb of the unknown soldier. Its guarded 24/7 in respect.
Check out the tomb of the unknown soldier.
The Smithsonian air and space museum (both locations) are worth a visit.
As is the Smithsonian museum of natural history.

The national art gallery is also decent if you like art.
Also, taxis are generally cheaper than ubers, and the Metro is good but closes way too early.
This. Also just get whichever app you want and ride those electric scooters around if you're going short to moderate distances. Far cheaper.

The Wharf is a great spot for bars and food and sometimes events if prices aren't an issue. Parking is ridiculously expensive too.

Old Town Alexandria across the river is a great destination for stuff as well.
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Easiest women in the country

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Is teaching english in Asia as a means to travel worth it?
Is it true that the market is very saturated?
Covid dented a lot of the demand along with China slowing down a lot in its hiring practices.
“Worth it” is relative. I did it for a couple of years when I was young and had low expectations, and I loved it. But it’s arguable that it’s not as good as ‘a means to travel’ as it is as a convenient way to stay semi-long-term in a place, with some local/regional travel. To oversimplify, it either pays extremely poorly or offers comparatively limited time off/schedule flexibility. So the “best” jobs offer the least freedom, and the “worst” jobs REALLY don’t pay (in quotes because it’s all relative). Bouncing around picking up jobs in new places while you travel isn’t realistic. It’s not completely impossible, but anywhere that will hire a short-term drifter isn’t going to sponsor a visa/work permit or pay more than a poverty wage, so it can be sketchy and/or precarious.

So it’s worth doing for someone who’s willing and able to be mostly based in one place for perhaps a year at a time, and content to explore on weekends and holidays. It’s not worth trying as a revenue stream for backpacking.
ESL is the most based job out there, desu. Probably the most accessible way to escape goy slavery and to become your own man not restricted by borders.
You'll live like a king in some literal where shithole, with barely legal keen and easy students dripping all over your classrooms like snails. You'll typically work 20 hours a week, and have shitloads of time to explore the country and live like a local.
Yes and no. The esl monkey jobs most of you will do means you barely make enough to save and enjoy life and nobody respects you. The next level up in private tutoring but you must work freelance to get full earnings which also means possibly not having yhe right visa and being sneaky and having to find and set up your classes, although after the first one they come to you like bees to honey, word of mouth is powerful. However the real career is tutoring full time for one family, an affluent family that pays you to have good credentials and experience, and with this they cover housing and transport and you are paid well so for someone qualified it is a great way to travel and save a lot but most useless plebians will end up as dancing monkeys and rejection at the local bars every weekend.

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We are 6 guys from germany and are looking for a cool vacation place we could live the best 2 weeks of our life.
We will go in autumn 25 so we want it warm and thought about Greece and Coratia. It will be a road trip with 2 cars.

We want a spot where it’s not too noisy, the beach is not crowded…
A airbnb or a flat is needed.
We want to chill at the beach, go 4 a hike…
We got 500-600€ per person for everything and want to stay 1,5 weeks.

Language barrier shouldn’t be a thing because we speak german, english, spanish, turkish and russian

So do you got a rural place, a village, a town where we could live peak?
A region that is really recommendable?

Hope to hear suggestions soon
Love from germany!!!
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I'm going to throw in Albania.

Albanian Riviera is boss tier. Plenty of great beaches. If you want to get your holiday to a great start, then paraglide from the Llogara Pass down to the beach bar.

For the hikes, you can head north to do Theth-Valbona, and you'll have one of the greatest experiences of your life.

Cheap, too.
Why on earth would a group of traveling young guys want to spend two weeks loafing around somewhere boring and uncrowded instead of heading straight to a Spanish tourist destination full of boozy nightlife and easy women?
How about Turkey?
+1. I think you guys would have more fun in Spain.
Just stay home and annoy your own neighbors instead of trashing up another country

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What is there to do in Tucson, Arizona?
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you're a dumbass. the more south phoenix or into tempe you are, the more Mexicans there are. go to scottsdale, north phoenix/deer valley, or even more west and you will see the difference in demographics.
because I am autistically obsessed with Mesoamerican history and archeology and want to enable more free to use images of specific pieces and archeological sites to exist online
Does Arizona still have le blue McDonald's???!??!?
I've gone as far as Flagstaff
Yes its still there in Sedona

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