What are some supplements one must take when traveling overseas? You know I’m from Singapore, and I travel a lot—sometimes to the UK to watch the Premier League. I’ve been to 21 countries since 2010. I only take zinc and D3, and sometimes magnesium. I wish I could take five, but you know, some airports have different regulations. What about yDid i miss something
>>2759213What do you take when you eat something bad, get the squirts, and then you keeps on feeling poorly for a long time afterwards due to the harmful bacteria which are now living in the colon? Travel so much more fun when you have good appetite, lots of energy and big solid turds.
I used to bring activated charcoal incase i got diahhreea. Maybe I still would if i traveled somewhere the shits might occur. And no supplements because most of them are chemically processed and thus toxic and do more harm in the long run
A powerful multi vitamin or picrel;I go to the gym regularly and notice a really difference when on and off supplements. From my travels most countries really only like you taking a 30 day supply of things. Given picrel is so easy to point out it's vitamins never had issues, you can find similar at Donki though much smaller serving sizes.
Make a point of eating fruit and vegetables ever daysimple as
>learn local language of country X to a basic intermediate level>go to country X>suddenly all the bitches there want to fuck mewhy did nobody tell me about this single hack
>>2759206I think it's more that women find it cute when a foreigner puts in some effort to learn their culture. My french is terrible but I've gotten good reception from french ladies for trying.
>>2759205>>2759206China while speaking some Chinese is literal JBW tutorial mode straight from the memes. before going there I didn't know that it was actually possible to be approached by women asking for my number outside of larp greentexts.
>>2759205Learning a language is not going to magically give you game. Clearly it's something you already had, but you were frustrated by the language barrier in your efforts at miscegenation.Also, I get plenty of curiosity and attention from women as a mostly non-verbal traveler, but I'm not delusional enough to believe that they all want to fuck me.
>>2759210larpi speak better chinese than you, saw literal models that couldn't pull there
>>2759316skill issue
>boring old stone brick architecture>ugly gray skies and cold weather>stuck up people>overpriced food>overly crowded>no sense of adventureWhat is the appeal of Europe? I havent been to southern Europe but this shit is so lame. Asia, Africa, and South America is so much better
right or wrong listen to this comment here, we don't need any more then one of these at a time. The board is slow enough as it is and we don't want to removing unnecessary threads>>2758702>>2755816>>2757883read the catalog next time.
you live in northern Europeyou visit SEA or Southern EU whenever you can
>>2758704You're talking about western euros. They will grandstand on a soap box while worshiping niggers and tell you that you are uncivilized for also not worshiping niggers because colonialism or something. Eastern Euros/Balkan Bros are usually pretty down to earth
>>2758998>while worshiping niggersOh God the Jew media has invoked neurological mirroring from America.I have zero black friends
>>2758629>What is the appeal of Europe?to be white and hide from non-whites, unironically.
Holy shit Im in NYC for the winter and never thought it could be so bad.Museums were cool, but the city is a shithole. Women are ugly as fuck in the most part, garbage everywhere, opioid addicts tweaking in the subway. The dating scene is hypergamic and horrible (in argentina I pull pretty white women anytime I want, here it’s all just gooks, jeets or obese mexicans if anything). It’s absolutely cold too and soulless.Only redeeming things are the subway system but even that is depressing. And the city layout of course, it’s very easy to go anywhere, especially if you got the unlimited metro card. And also the kino doomer walks at night (if you ignore the temperature).Nightlife is mid, and I know the good venues (the basement, Brooklyn mirage, some bars, etc.). Nothing special. Hotels are also shit for their price and too WEFlike (pods, etc.).Also 50% of people are Latinos, 25% blacks, 15% Asians, 5% Jews and only like 5% whites. How did it go from a 95% white majority city to that.. it’s crazy.Maybe I’m missing something or don’t know the right places. Woody Allen played me bad.
>>2757857>>2757875>>2757882Not sure if you guys know about ABGs (Asian Baby Girls) but they usually don't racemix and Flushing is full of them. You would gonna look very out of place hanging out in the bars over there but who knows it could work.Just be careful the guys over there don't fuck around. Be respectful.
its another /pol/ thread. great. more sensitive complaining losers. fuck off to iceland as they are nordic types and are in desperate need of immigrants.
>>2755426Learn English first lol
>>2754851Wait till it snows.The city gets mad dirty.I mean it is dirty all the time, but with the snow you can actully see it as all the filth in the air settles on the snow.The trash system is also very outdated
>>2759243So which part of NYC should I go to pick up Asian women as a white man?
>be me>move to Italy>Live extremely close to Italian Alps>Don't have many friends>Ones you do have not interested in skiing>I never ever donet it, so I need to take a lesson>Can't find a single soul to go togetherWhat are my options? I really really want to try it but I don't want to go alone. I tried "solo travel" before and I hated it.
>>2758730Huh? Just meet people on the slopes. Sign in for lessons in a group.
>>2758730>Go to any smaller resort near you>book beginner group ski class for week with the local ski school>?????>WE DID IT REBBID
>>2758770>>2758814If I do this I’m extremely sure I will be the only loner in the group. Happened many times before.While solo traveling (I traveled for 2 months in south Italy.) I joined to walking tours to meet with couple people but pretty much always people were joining it as a group. Time to time there was loners and I made friends with them but I don’t want to take risks.
>>2758730Just go man. I went to Japan for snowboarding alone. It's fun, you can spontaneously decide where to go each day, and you don't have to wait for slow retards.
>>2758730I'm moving there soon, maybe we can go next winter if you aren't a freak
anyone been to Bahrain?
>>2759157No they love in East Riffa, but I guess you can larp in Muharraq. Honestly, with the souq (bazaar/marketz) being in Muharraq it does have the Aladdin feel. The architecture and such I guess does make it feel more rustic, but you go inside of any flat and it's all modern. As far as wwhn I got my car stuck, I thougt it would fit, and did initially, but the alleys/roads aren't necessarily uniform. I just backed out, but did scrape it up a little bit in the process. The foreigner dynamic is like this, the Bahrainis are always on top. If you get into anything with a local, the law wil side with them, but right behind them are first world expats, regardless of race, There is a US Navy base there so they are used ro seeing Americans. Bahrain is where the Marine smuggled the princess he was banging out of. Bottom rung is service workers / third worlders. The cops are all Pakistani to keep the Indian laborers in line. Prostitution is huge in Bahrain, but expensive. Alcohol is legal 4 or 5 star hotels so they all have sports bars and clubs attached to them. There's a bridge from Saudi Arabia, and they flood the place on the weekend. Apparently they believe there is a dark cloud over Bahrain so Allah can't see the debauchery. As far as how the city is divided, which city are you talking about? If Muharraq? Amwaj Islands, which are man-made, is the main entertainment area, Most of the night life is in Manama, though
>>2759033that's only because it's spoken about in comparison to saudi. sure there are places to drink and coom, but nothing like what exists in the west. bahrain in general is quiet.
>>2759173My good God, that one on the right is a clean 9
>>2759177Yeah, as mentioned, all the venues of vice are attached to luxury hotels, so they act as containment zones. Even the Miami style beach clubs look like whatever from the street. So though the level of vice is pretty large, is at the same time invisible, except for the obvious odd couples you see out and about or dining, It's not hard to ignore the night life, but if you do partake, it can get pretty crazy and wild. Opposite of Thailand, it's the women who get thrown off balconies, but it's reported more outside the country than in. Incidents of all kinds happen all the time, but the government keeps it hush and if you aren't part of the underworld you wouldn't know. I accidentally became part of it while there. Do note that in the below articles they use Asian in the broad sense of South and East Asian like the UK, not the USA colloquialism for East Asian, so Asian basically can mean any nationality from Pakistani, to Indian, to Chinese, to Filipino, to Thai. Technically this is officially true for the USA.https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/06/16/tinder-sailor-hooker-pimp-the-us-navys-sex-trafficking-scandal-in-bahrain/https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1240966/thai-woman-who-died-in-bahrain-fall-was-traffickedhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7140663/Russian-woman-22-pushed-death-sixth-floor-hotel-window-Bahrain.htmlhttps://www.newsofbahrain.com/bahrain/82509.htmlhttps://www.qatar-tribune.com/article/41406/latest-news/expat-tosses-housemate-a-woman-off-5th-floor-in-bahrain
>>2759218you what?+ a tattoo as wella 3 maybe
I realized that flights to Seattle/PNW are relatively cheap and fast. Now I'm really interested in going there for about 10 days in summer as my first solo vacation. I would like to stay in the city for a few days, preferably in a cheap hostel. Any tips regarding transport, nightlife, sightseeing in the actual city? For the second half of my time I would rent a car and drive into the Olympic park, as well as Mount Rainier. Can I just sleep in my car at a campground for a reasonable price? Is it reasonable to leave out Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie and North Cascades and focus on the aforementioned parks for 5-6 days? Which beach sides should I visit? anything else I need to pay attention to, especially if I want to stay budget-friendly?
>>2756577>space needle is stupidThe view at sunset is very kino you are just jaded
>>2755691Mariners have one of the best baseball parks. Great spot to catch a game
>>2756348>dating/sex in the PNW sucksSad to hear. I lived in Portland 2010-2016 and it was getting laid on easy mode. Never had a problem finding a GF or fuckbuddy
>>2759099Through a social scene or dating apps?
>>2759112Both but mostly through friends. To be fair this was pre-Trump when left wing women were still somewhat normal and not fucking insane. My politics haven’t changed at all but there’s no way a Portland lefty chick would consider dating me anymore
Which country has the worst tourists? I’ll start: Germany. First of all, there’s so fucking many of them anywhere you go. They’re rude and everywhere and they think they’re superior to everyone else and they actually believe it genuinely, not like Americans who play it up to be funny. God forbid you get stranded in a hostel with a bunch of Germans.
>>2758911It's Anti-German propaganda
>>2758911We are pretty nice, maybe OP is a (((OP))). Theres rude, stuck up cunts here though, some extremely snobbish even. But generally we are quite pleasant and like to meet people from other cultures.
>>2758036I've honestly only lost respect for Europeans and only gained it for my fellow Americans as I've traveled.
>>2755703Rich Arabs. Probably from some place like Dubai or something.They act like they own the world and treat everyone like servants. They will throw coffee in the face of a waitress for not being quick enough or drag housekeeping in their hotel room and demand it to be cleaned now.
>>2755703Germans aren't super friendly and are somewhat awkward, but French and British are a lot louder, French and British are also much friendlier though. My least favorite are like Arab/Turkish people, they always act too cool yet behave nastily like talking loudly on the phone and coughing without covering it and shit. I also think Russians are annoying because they always break rules like cutting in line and smoking in no smoking areas
So I'm planning a 2 month beach Vacation in Vietnam next winter, I booked 1 month in Nha Trang so far, I've seen videos of Nha Trang and it looks like a solid, well rounded place with both beach and city, as well as lots of cool surrounding nature, I was just wondering if anyone knew of any other must stay places in Southern Vietnam, preferably a more rural amd isolated place to go after Nha Trang, something sort of like pic related.
fuck I used the same pic as someone else, I just found it in google
Is there a place in black Africa where you can just go, like you do to most European or East Asian countries? Where you can just go outside of hotel, without constant full-alert mode to avoid being scammed and/or robbed, or where you can just go on beach without being bothered by local niggers?I've heard people in Rwanda and Cabo Verde are more relaxed and less obtrusive than typical Africans. Is this true? Are there other African places/countries like that?
>scared of niggers>wants to go to Africa
>>2750785Nigeria is promoted by libs which means corrupt, liberal, athiest and Muslim.
,,,>>2750805Zambia has the highest rate of interethnic marriage in Africa at 46%. Of course in Africa a different tribe might as well be a different race (and they aren't wrong, as their is more genetic diversity in Sub-Saharan Africa than anywhere else on Earth),.so that number includes different African ethnic groups, but also a lot of marriages to non-Africans.https://academic.oup.com/genetics/article/161/1/269/6049925
>>2758651Aren't the local blacks slaves of the Arabs?
>>2754446Reunion is French though so he was barely even wrong, chill out
I've multiple times witnessed Japanese patrol officers ignore crimes in progress and know of two foreign women, one Japanese woman and have heard of a couple of women who have been sexually assaulted or stalked, attempted to report it and had zero follow up by the police.I also was dry humped on a crowded train by a fat Japanese woman once but I liked it cos I love fat bitches, so I won't complain.You guys really believe the low crime rates?There's no gang crime and bugs kill themselves before they resort to the more alpha solution of mugging pansies, that's all.The high trust society shit is bollocks. Everyone gets raped or molested her. Not even kids are safe.
>>2757176>I've multiple times witnessed Japanese patrol officers ignore crimes in progressThis is really one of the dark things about japan that people don't realize. Japanese police will never stop crime in progress, and will not investigate anything unless all the work and evidence has been collected for them already, and its irrefutable. There is a lot of open criminality in many parts of japan, such as the illegal visa-overstaying criminal nigger touts bullying people, but police will never do anything. Police in japan exist as a facade of authority and legitimacy.>>2757596>while the girls get all giggly and mischievous around a foreign guyIt's like they can sense that if they were isolated they would be getting dicked down. It's very cute.
>>2757176>There's no gang crimeHave you heard of the Yakuza?
>>2757176In Asia, the police won't act unless you bribe them.
>>2757182post hand, coon
>>2757601>visa-overstaying criminal nigger toutsIs this actually widespread or are these guys just loopholing with spousal visas? Way easier for asians to do it because they blend in. Maybe that's what Vietnamese and Chinese are getting busted so much in Japan for.
What is it like to be a black national of a developed country and go on holidays to a developing nation? Do you spend some time researching if blacks are well treated there? Do local street hustlers and scammers let you be? Do hospitality workers treat you any differently?
>>2750359crazy right? when you could just stay in your country and get fucked by them everyday
>>2750225I am black and I have never left my hometown
>>2750268You're probably cracker larping, but a lot of black people are actually doing this. {articularly in Ghana, whihc makes it easy for us, but throughout the country. A lot of black guys travel there for study partners, too. Just like the last wave of white guys ruined SEA for y'all, the passport bros ruined Latin America for us. I mean, it's still there and popping, especially Colombia, but it's not what it used to be.
>>2753670its called pattern recognition. you wouldnt get it.
>Cold>Expensive>Boring>Every city looks the same>Countries are in complete decay and decline>People are generally asocial and unfriendly, minus some of the Mediterranean nations>Bland foodHas to be the most overrated place on Earth.
If your IP has >24hr presence on /pol/ you shouldn't be allowed to travelSimple as
>>2758788Taiwan is a country with its own territory (separate from China), its own history (separate from China), its own government (separate from China), it's own written language (different from China) and its own way of doing things (separate from China). No amount of gaslighting by the PRC is going to change these simple and obvious facts.
>>2759217That has nothing to do with my comment
>>2759203what am I going to do in Berlin's club scene after 0200 retard drink beer?both coke and molly just wipe your next two days, coke less so I guess but still
>>2759217What is this glownigger seethe. Taiwanese aren't even the native people of the island. The original negritos were wiped out of existence by the Chinese that moved there.
Do you follow any?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G13e9yCazpE
Travel Vlogs are nice to follow specially when they present dark places and urban explorations.I just discovered this one wich is the most popular backpacker in spanish https://youtu.be/XRmIx0ZUhtU
North America road trip vloggers?Some of the ones I watch:Through My Lenshttps://youtube.com/@throughmylensJoe and Nic's Road Triphttps://youtube.com/@joeandnicsroadtrip(the constant focus on decay can be depressing but the content is solid)Travel With A Wiseguyhttp://www.youtube.com/@TravelwithaWiseguy(good job of showing interesting small towns in the US)Roadside Explorerswww.youtube.com/@RoadsideExplorersComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Why do you guys like to travel to shitholes? I get that it's cheaper but its not worth >trash everywhere >crime>obnoxious foreign languages >overcrowding>foreign culture >no legit bathrooms with toilets and toilet paper
Never been to the US, so I wanted to see it
>>2758544>speaking English>foreign language mentionedPlz use logic in your gaslights
>>2757993Crime is the only part that bothers me. It's an adventure really. And if the people are cool, I can take a lot of other problems and inconveniences
The #1 most important qualification for a destination is that no goddamn Karens or vacationing middle-aged DINK couples or other snobbish privileged First Worlders be present. It's impossible to feel like an adventure traveler if there's some random braless European roastie wearing two backpacks and walking down the street with her cuck boyfriend, who is also wearing two backpacks. Yuck. Same with the weird old doddering boomers who walk around with their underarm pits exposed to public view. So inappropriate. I'd rather ride a bumpy ass dirt road to a middle of nowhere village and be someone unique and worthy of special attention, not just another weird fucking foreigner in a city full of weird fucking foreigners.
>>2757993Because I love the tropics and sadly most of the tropical nations on this earth are shitholes. As long as I dont get food poisoning, and the people are okay enough with little crime its acceptable. Think Panama.