I don’t see too much discussion about Taiwan Is it any good?I’m going to be there studying abroad for a year. Anything I should know?18m whiteAlternatively, Taiwan thread
Another question, can anyone recommend a Chinese language program in Taipei? There are a lot to choose from, and I don't want to take advice from reddit. Right now I am between HSK3-4.>>2764015Why do you say that's the only choice for trail access? Taipei is literally surrounded by forested mountains. I was leaning toward Zhongshan or Shilin because they look comfy and are near a couple of university campuses where I could study.Basically I am losing my job but have some decent savings so I want to move my wife and cat somewhere interesting for a while until we get bored.
>>2764151>ShilinFar.>ZhongshanI already told you about why you may not want to live on the brown line.>Why do you say that's the only choice for trail access?Because you asked for the "best neighborhood of Taipei" and "near one of the big mountain parks".That is the best neighborhood with access to trailheads in Taipei.You and I may have a different definition of "best neighborhood"
>>2764152why the fuck did you use that image tho
>>2764015Anywhere besides Jilin Road to go for a massage?
Whenever I travel somewhere (on holiday or even just visiting my parents), I don't have to poop for 2-3 entire daysWhy is that
>>2760775You can't poop unless you're travelling?
When I travel abroad, my shits are less solid. Pretty much the same intervals, but just more liquid.
>>2759782Prolonged sitting in one position, perhaps? My gut is well-trained enough that I can't remember the last time I've had to shit outside my hotel room while traveling.
>>2759791Thanks for sharing this valuable insight, anon
Coagulated semen keeps you from shitting correctly. You failed your gay bottom diligence, OP
How many nights in each place? Stops along the way? 30s male want to go to bars etc $10k budget for 1 month. Preferring train since I have time.
Skip czechia and Economic zone #3 Germlandz-LLC and go straight to PolandPic related is what Economic zone #3 Germlandz-LLC looks like irl
>>2764743final stage of brain rot
What's the best airline to travel with and not die?
>>2764061If you're not on Air Force 1, ur ded
Fly Safe Airlines: Where Safety Isn’t Just a Promise, It’s a Guarantee!At Fly Safe Airlines, we’re committed to making your journey one you can count on — because we don't crash. Seriously, we don't.Our state-of-the-art fleet of aircraft is engineered for one thing: to make sure every passenger arrives safely. No exceptions. Whether you're flying to the city next door or across the globe, rest assured that you and everyone else on board will get to your destination. In fact, no one has ever, and we mean ever, been involved in an accident on our flights. Our planes don’t crash. Our pilots don't crash. Your luggage won't even get lost. (We promise it's not going anywhere.)Every flight with us comes with a simple, highly specific guarantee: You will not crash. And that’s a bold claim that we back up with years of near-perfect safety records, cutting-edge tech, and some serious commitment to the basics — like keeping you safely in the air until you reach your destination.So why take the chance with other airlines? Choose Fly Safe Airlines, where nobody crashes, every passenger survives, and everyone makes it to the destination without a hitch.Book your flight now. No crashes. No worries. Just safe, serene travel. Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2764061One without diversity hires from first world countries. Good luck
Like real working apps I can use. Tired of wasting so much money calling through my cell line.
>>2764555Go fuck yourself you absolute faggot
When I graduated college (2017) the only people using WhatsApp and Kik were third world south americans and smelly indians. I felt extra privileged that I didn't have to do group work with them since they were incapable of texting using a standard US phone number
>>2764264Poor thirdie app.
>>2764684You lucked out and werebborn in a country with mad weapons. We get it.
>>2764261Idk mint mobile is so cheap though that I just keep my US number
Going solo to buenos aires for 10 days. Tips to survive or even have fun?
>>2764691Oof.Try getting a sube card, it'll help getting around on the subway or buses.Try to avoid ordering Rapi, it's always venecos that they send as delivery boys.
>>2764695>Try getting a sube cardLOL. I went to every metro station in the city and none had these. Then I went to the convenience stores that supposedly had them and they didn't. Then I went to the tourist office that sold then and they didn't.
>>2764700Key words here are "oof" and "try"
I always liked the vibes of college towns. The towns that are in rural areas that are mostly dominated by the colleges in them. I think I might move to one of them.What do you guys think are the best college towns in America?
>>2750694I live in Lawrence Ks (University of Kansas)It's an okay place to live but in the last decade or so it's gone off the rails trying to be Portland Oregon's retarded cousin. Libtards and fent zombies everywhere and thie city commission is a bunch of redditors. It was rad in the 90s though. I feel like the college nightlife that made this place fun is gone though.Honestly if they'd gulag the homeless junkies and cut the progressive nonsense in half it could probably recapture it's charm.
>>2764395Copy paste this onto almost every college town in the country. Though if you want a glimmer of hope it appears that basically all the funding for these efforts came from federal agencies like USAID and without those forces tilting the scales you might see a pretty rapid swing around.Ithaca, Madison, Boulder, Champaign, Bloomington…they’re all like this now. Some are still great like Brunswick ME or Charlottesville VA but progressives have literally destroyed many of these cities and you look around aside from Reddit or Xitter/Bluesky nobody seems to support any of what is happening.
>>2764470There was a big article in the local newspaper about shipping the fent zombies and meth heads back to where they came from... but so far it hasn't happened. I drove through downtown Tuesday afternoon on a 70° day and it was 60/40 degenerates to normal humans.I don't understand the progtard psyche. What does turning your town into a magnet for the worst drifters from the Midwest (and beyond) accomplish? I fucking loathe homeless people and progressives are a societal cancer.>also30 minutes of captcha to make this post
>>2751110>>2750732Pullman and Moscow are 8 miles apart, and basically the same town. Pullman is pure college town, Moscow also has the Latah County seat. They're fun, I guess.
>>2750777>The area around Cal State Fullerton is pretty funYou mean Disney Land?
I'm currently in Japan and looking to go to Korea for a week or so after. I traveled there before for a month and stayed in an Airbnb which was like $45-50 a night for a 3 bedroom. Now looking for a single bedroom I can't seem to find a good deal for AirBnb's (Some decent ones around $40) and hotels don't seem that well priced either (Around $40 too). Now $40 for a hotel for me is fine, but I'm currently in Japan I can stay at a good hotel in Kyoto for like $30 a night (I'll admit I probably got a good price). For those that travel to Korea, where did you stay, how much did you spend, and how nice was it? It just seems interesting to me that Seoul would be more expensive than Kyoto/Osaka (I know seoul is the capital and the other two aren't but sitll). Also, personally not interested in any share house/hostel types of arrangements. Thank you =)
>>2764217Buy an ad faggot.
>>2764218What I'm pointing out OP is a faggot like always
>>2764218better yet stop advertising completely. everyone knows airbnb's a scam anyway
I met many other travelers in Seoul, most of whom had been to or came straight from Japan and every single one was very disappointed by SK in terms of pretty much everything, ranging from culture to food, and wouldn't stop talking about how Tokyo was better in every aspect. Being at the DMZ for one day was alright but I wouldn't go back to Seoul even if someone else paid for it
>>2764211I love travelling to Korea so I go there pretty often, but the accommodation situation is pretty dismal, probably due to the influx of tourists from various shitholes. The good hotels are very expensive, and the cheap hotels are all converted love hotels with shitty room quality.If you want to save money, you'll need to look outside of the main areas and try to find a hotel or Airbnb far away from any interesting places.You sometimes can get good deals in Jongno but the quality is really bad there on average.I typically just bite the bullet and overpay for some reasonable hotel tbqh.
To New Zealand.Anyone eve experience the Sky Couch?Looks comfy.
There is no place on Earth worse with scams than this place. Not even India
>>2759913It can't be worse than Laos
Should I go to Vietnam for 6 days and bounce around to a new city each dayORGo to Cambodia for 3 days in one city then go to Vietnam for 3 days in one city
>>2762330maybe you have bad taste in stuff?
>>2764568just go to Phnom Penh and Siem Reap for all of it
Best island nature-wise?
They're all pretty similar. Crete is the largest island by far so I'd try that.
Crete or Euboea or Corfu probably. Never been to any of them by the way.
>>2764274>They're all pretty similarnot true Cyclades are baren rocks
I am 41, I have an apartment, an ok job a this or that...all I want is a bond with a woman and a baby. Can Greece provide that? I am Australian
>>2764569>I am Australian>t. chang/pajeetThere is already another Greece thread, you spacker
What cultures appreciate you learning their language?
not the french
>>2764141not the germans
>>2764141Pretty much all of them except for Anglophones who are the most self centered pieces of shit on earth and just expect people to understand them.
>>2764141Not the Dutch
>>2764141Everyone except anglos who just expect people from across the globe to speak English and baguettes who treat their language like Italians treat their food
What is the alternative?Taiwan? Korea? Viet Nam?
>>2764488Canadian, so close enough.I was thinking either, just didn't want to go super cheap and do hostels.Do their hotels book that far in advance?
>>2764488> I've got a trip planned with a friend and with two beds it comes out to about $180 a night or $90 for the each of usin what world is this cheap?
>>2746873>China is like an enormous & desperate woman beating on the door of her dweeby neighbor demanding sex, and he has no choice but to pretend he doesn't hear her.This is hilarious and the furious cope of >>2746903 shows how close to home it hits for chang.
>>2764535In the first world
>>2746836>he's actually ready to make concessions to integrate Taiwan on a "1 country 2 systems" basisIt would be laughable for Taiwan to accept this after what happened in Hong Kong in 2019. But at the same time, people are already forgetting about covid, maybe they've forgotten about those black umbrella protests too.
>safest country in Africa>little to no corruption>low population, no sprawling slums or shantytowns>very little crime, has a GDP comparable to Mexico>50% of the country is nature preserves/safaris>has lions, rhinos, elephants, cheetahs, every typical African megafauna you can think ofHas anyone been to Botswana before? I think if there was any place I would visit in Africa, it would be here. Tips/recommendations welcome.
>>2763045To be fair botswana is about a full meter above everywhere else in africa in terms of safety, corruption, wealth, etc. i think only the island microstates like maldives are comparable
>>276305380% ethnic Tswana, that’s more homogeneous than most of western europe these days, and it’s EXTREMELY homogeneous compared to other african countries, most of which have no actual ethnic majority
>>2763248It’s relatively safe. South Africa is a no go zone if you’re white though.
>>2764368Imagine being a white man and viewing ANYWHERE as a no go zone. I'm a white man and, as such, the world is mine to do with as I please.
>>2764270>maldivesummackchyually its in indian subcontinent saar