What is the alternative?Taiwan? Korea? Viet Nam?
>>2746795Taiwan has always been better than Japan.Korea and Vietnam have always been worse, though, and will remain so
>>2746797Korea seems to go downhill as well. Idk what's going on there with the politicians, the planes crashes and so on...
>>2746795There will be no alternative soon. America has won the culture war. >>2746797Taiwan will eventually submit.
>>2746810>Taiwan will eventually submit?To whom? But "yes" - regardless of your answer
millenials need to form their own asia enclaves like boomerstxdj
>>2746812>>2746815I saw chairman Xi's New Year's speech, he's actually ready to make concessions to integrate Taiwan on a "1 country 2 systems" basis, there's probably real talks being made.Taiwan WILL BE integrated, consensually.
>>2746797taiwan doesnt have anywhere near the cool culture that japan hasquit sticking to shitholes like kabukicho and other retarded places and youll realize japan is still the most beautiful place on earth. also, quit getting brainwashed by retards on 4chan. people live here, people spend their daily lives here and it has centuries of history stacked up and blossoming and a few tourists pouring in isnt going to ruin a fucking country. fuck you
>>2746850>quit getting brainwashed by retards on 4chan. people live here, people spend their daily lives here and it has centuries of historyThat's the same kind of cope being said about Paris and London.If it was just one story on 4chan, fine, but there's daily photos and videos about Japan getting fuked now.
>>2746795Tokyo isn't all of Japan. Nevertheless I doubt there's any real alternative to the biggest megacity on Earth. >>2746797Geographically, Taiwan doesn't have anywhere near the variety of climates that Japan does. 380 km from tip to toe versus 1880 km for Japan. >>2746836China is like an enormous & desperate woman beating on the door of her dweeby neighbor demanding sex, and he has no choice but to pretend he doesn't hear her.>>2746850It's more than a few anon, it's a fucking tsunami of muttified visitors. And those parts of Japan with few foreigners, don't they want to stay that way? I can't imagine tourists get many warm greetings in smaller Japanese cities these days.
I think though China is gonna be the place. Everyone says the food is awesome, high tech cities, and safe. Probably right now is a good time to go I don’t think it’s overrun by normies but I haven’t been yet
This is why you don't let Americans into your country
>>2746795>KoreaHonest question, why tf would anyone want to go here? I literally have no idea. Seems bland, moderately expensive, unfriendly, very little Tinder action
>>2746873>China is like an enormous & desperate woman beating on the door of her dweeby neighbor demanding sex, and he has no choice but to pretend he doesn't hear her.This may remain the dumbest thing I've read on the internet for the rest of 2025
China used to have a lot of desperate women, you could manhandle them on the street. Not anymore. Womp womp. They aren't even sending big boob models to hong kong anymore.
>>2746850>taiwan doesnt have anywhere near the cool culture that japan hasThat's just it though, I don't particularly like Japan's stick up the ass culture.>>2746873>Geographically, Taiwan doesn't have anywhere near the variety of climates that Japan does. 380 km from tip to toe versus 1880 km for JapanThis is true though. Of course Japan has much much more variety than Taiwan. Really I just far prefer Taipei to Tokyo, which is the experience most travelers will be comparing>>2746875Yes China is already the best place to travel in Asia but most people don't go and it wasn't in the OP so I didn't mention it yet
>>2746852>but there's daily photos and videos about Japan getting fuked now.this is likely kabukicho, and it was already a fucking nigerian infested, porn obsessed shithole where old people are hitting on drugged out underaged girls, if you think this place was in any way pure before then youre mistaken. all the stupid niggers and tiktokers wont touch the places that actually matter, like anything other than the Golden Trio or whatever people fucking doyoure treating the entire world like some homogenous playground for you to fuck around in and just do useless shit, like 'oh china has food, and taiwan has cities that are one race' based off some fucking stupid images you see online, not treating these places with the nuance and care for their culture that they deserve. same with these 'backup' places you are mentioning, you're just considering them because they ARENT japan, and youre a faggot for doing so.
>>2746927This is Shibuya newfag
Taiwan is Japan but 20 years ago. Extremely comfy place to visit if you're into cities but the countryside is kinda boring outside of the occasional beach party (which are mainly attended by and geared towards the IG tourist crowd). Vietnam is about to become what Thailand and Bali were up until COVID. You have about 2-3 years left to check it out before it gets completely gentrified and overrun with tourists and "digital nomads." If you don't believe me, just ask any 20-40 year old white collar professional what their top 3 vacation destinations are, Vietnam will be on that list. Korea is shit, don't even bother. Way more far gone down the Americanization rabbit-hole than any other country in Asia.As for "alternatives?" Probably China, but going there is a special kind of headache in and of itself with all the yellow tape and needing special apps, etc. If you want a taste of it you might want to check out Hong Kong, but the city is definitely dying/on the outs so it might not have the vibe you're looking for.
>>2746795I’m doing my best not to scream at the top of my lungs but I think the reality has sunk in after I asked about a thread of gif of gentleman’s clubs in east Asia as to wether they let whites in and the answer was a resounding “no.”I’m not going to be able to tolerate an existence where there isnt even a remote possibility I can paypig my way into slender East Asian model bimbos. I’ve had enough SEA monkeys for a lifetime. If I’m gonna get jeet’d by east Asia because im a white ape I might as well make my next trip to Asia one that ends in me plunging over the view talay balcony
>>2746795>Taiwan? Korea? Viet Nam?What? All of these places are dirtier than Japan. Not sure what your point is except for autistic screeching.
>>2746836lol why the hell would Taiwan do that? they don't need China for anything
>>2746943You're right about Vietnam. Once everyone realises how still dirt fucking cheap travel and food and drink is it will be Thailand 2.0. I love Vietnam and been many times over the years but it's changing for sure.
>>2746944Plenty of places accept gaijin in Japan these days. Korea not so much
>>2746914>China is already the best place to travel in Asiaonly chinese people believe this btw, it's a polluted shithole
>>2746943>Vietnam is about to become what Thailand and Bali were up until COVID. You have about 2-3 years left to check it out before it gets completely gentrified and overrun with tourists and "digital nomads."it won't. vietnam has 1. unfriendly visa policy2. scams everywhere3. tinder scams4. no public transportation 5. air pollution (hanoi) 6. Trash and pollution 7. not monger friendly Vietnam will never be a thailand or bali, because it lacks reedeeming qualities for the normie tourist
>>2746943>Vietnam is about to become what Thailand and Bali were up until COVID. You have about 2-3 years left to check it out before it gets completely gentrified and overrun with tourists and "digital nomads."Vietnam has 5% tourist repeat rate.https://e.vnexpress.net/news/readers-views/vietnams-tourism-has-bigger-problems-than-visa-4531975.htmlFilthy beaches, overpriced and overrated accommodation, subpar restaurant quality, and a limited selection of international foods are just a few things that put me off.Although I don't mind paying, I expect some sort of value for money. I don't want to go on a holiday where my quality of life is reduced for the entire trip.Vietnam may have once been able to compete with its neighbors, certainly not anymore.
>>2746966Why did the begpacker thing only take off in Thailand/Vietnam?
>>2746966>No public transportGood one for showing yourself up for having never been and no fucking clue>Unfriendly visa90 days visa issued to everyone is more than anywhere else in the region except Japan>7.You just are stupid. 300k to 500k vnd. >>2746968Hotels can be had for 9 dollars a night that are 3 star with breakfast included No beaches are polluted look at da Nang, hoi an and phu Quoc Food beats anything in Asia
>>2746970>Why did the begpacker thing only take off in Thailand/Vietnam?whites do it in south korea too
>>2746972>90 days visa issued to everyone is more than anywhere else in the region except Japanprivilege whiteys like visa on arrival, no charge. vietnam requires paying for visa upfront.
>>2746996All of yoorup now requires you pay in advance. So does Japan. So will Thailand
>>2746996>he needs a visa to VietnamPlenty of European passports get in visa-free.
>>2746795It's over friend. Sex tourist? Comfy "literally no crime no noise no trash no one bothering you walking around in the dead of night in an inner city"? Even just finding locals to converse with in a cultural exchange. These past two generations from zoomer to gen alpha have completely grown up online, regardless of country. We aren't special anymore. Immigrants are in every single country and even if there's no crime they still trash the place, make once quiet areas loud, etc. No more pure silence on the subway in Tokyo during rush hour. People will now always talk, phones will go off. It's just over. Go in the countryside of a third world country if you still want to "adventure". They are all relatively the same, the danger included. But that's kinda not what most of us wanted to do. Sadly the comfortable and safe travel destinations are all "ruined" AKA simply not the same as they once were, and it's time to find a new hobby if you can't cope with it.
>>2747014And yes China right now is the best place to experience rowdiness safely. For example SEA is what it is and China is similar, but in China there's infinitely more things to see and you get that same "this place is a shithole but I'm safe and not stressing about it". It will be a little difficult and rough, it's still a very poor country even in the tier 1 cities, but you'll be alright for the most part as a tourist. But as I said "comfortable" travel has been ruined unless you're a nature guy who enjoys being completely alone.
>>2747014>hese past two generations from zoomer to gen alpha have completely grown up online, regardless of country. We aren't special anymore.brown third worldies know about white dorkus, white trannies, white begpackers, shart in the mart memes ... being white lost its charm
>>2747022>america, canada, australia, new zealand not on the list white bros ...
>>2747024Good, fuck Anglos
>>2747024It's because they refuse to give them heroin mules reciprocation
>>2747022>Chile>Panama>90 daysLol wtf
>>2746943>If you want a taste of it you might want to check out Hong Kong, but the city is definitely dying/on the outsI feel like Hong Kong can come back hard. It will never be 1999 british Hong Kong, but now that the mainland won and people really opposed to it left, maybe it will be less conflicted and more dynamic for people who just want to have fun.
>>2747036It's because the viets go to governments and say we will let you in but you must reciprocate with Vietnamese. Almost all good countries laugh and say no which is why it's only shit hole countries on that list plus ASEAN
>>2747043Hong Kong is finished it's just another bug city I can't believe the Brits fell for it honestly>We promise if you give it back we let them stay for 50 years governing themselves>Lmao these stupid white cunts actually believed usReminds me of that copypasta of the guy who worked in china buying steel for western companies all the lying cheating and deceit done by every single person he has to talk to
>>2747014Tourism is reversible, depending how economic situations play out. Immigration I hope will be suppressed.I will add that japanese "intellectuals" irritate me to no end when they just imitate western intellectuals in adopting a pro-immigration stance, being default liberal & welcoming the "other", and fail to understand their own uniqueness as a population.And that people fail to see the unique value that Japan adds to the world by being so homogeneous and different.
>>2747043>>2747045I didn't get to see golden age HK, but I could tell how amazing it was during my visits.It's just a sense of how much potential the country we call China could have if it wasn't mired by...I don't know, chineseness.
>>2747051Hong Kong was basically going back in time to Japan 20 to 30 years at that time. Not now though. I don't think I would ever go back to Hong Kong in my lifetime and I really used to enjoy the place. Mainland Chinese have absolutely flooded and ruined the place over the past 20 years and it's just another distopian Chinese hell hole where you can be arrested and sent to mainland China secretly for trial and prison for having memes on your phone
>>2747015Saying China is "still a very poor country even in the tier 1 cities" is a little silly. "Very poor" conjures images of Phnom Penh, not Shanghai or Qingdao
>>2747049Well that's what you get for being a pro-Western country.
Japan has fallen. Owari da.
>>2747059>it's just another distopian Chinese hell hole where you can be arrested and sent to mainland China secretly for trial and prison for having memes on your phoneBullshit. Maybe in mainland yes, but not in HK.China needs HK as a financial hub (and a touristic hub to a lesser extent), they want the city to be more foreigner friendly than the rest of the country.
>>2747090Not that anon and I like HK but I think your thinking is outdated since covid. They don't care about HK in those ways anymore. Most of the finance stuff that isn't critical to Mainland's own use and in their control already went to Singapore, and HK airport is a shell of its pre-covid self
>>2747049>homogenous and differentApplies to every country as ethnic homelands. But economic progress and globalisation think differently. Think it has something to do with power and financial control or some such..
>>2747090Ever since the national security laws most companies left and won't be back you retarded cunt They jailed Jimmy lau for owning a newspaper
>>2747099So i guess owning an opposition newspaper is the same than being a tourist having a meme on his phone.
>>2747103oi m8 u got a loicense for that meme?
>>2747096I mean it’s complicated. Even the land of poverty mutts is happy unlike more prosperous homogenous nations.
>>2747103If you've ever said anything negative about china or the CCP online that's enough reason for them to have you shipped to mainland China without trial and held forever. Doesn't matter where you said it or when.
>>2747044>It's because the viets go to governments and say we will let you in but you must reciprocate with Vietnamese.based. fuck whyte countries that don't reciprocate. vietnam remembers the opium wars...
>>2747169I'm yuro and i feel what you say, but i have the same fear about the US.Look at what they have done to Julian Assange or to Kanye, fake rape stories for one, billions that disappear overnight for the other.
>>2747065japan getting chink'd oriwada .....
>>2746795obligatory white dork posting
>>2747146That is a god awful qualitative graph.It genuinely caused the onset of a migraine.
>>2747060Shanghai is literally just Thailand but with modern buildings. That's like saying South Africa is fine just because it has a beautiful city that tourists love. In that beautiful city you will find the typical third world peasant behaviors.
>>2747178white dork > brownoid street shitty sorry rajeesh, I don't make the rules
Spend most of 2023 in japan and didn’t really have any of the issues listed in this thread outside of like the shibuya station area and kabukicho
>>2747192You must not have eyeballs because there's foreigners and foreign restaurants everywhere. Street kebabs at every corner, Ramen shops run by a Middle Eastern guy, Indians hanging out in alleyways etc.
>>2747207That's simply not true
>>2747187>Shanghai is literally just Thailand>Except no open sewers>Or nasty tropical weather>Or hanging electrical wires>Or roaming animals>Or open prostitution>Or third world traffic clusterfuck, motorcycles tuktuks etcIll give you that there's some peasant behavior but its not predominant.
>>2747169Has this happened once ever? I'd be surprised because I know lots of retarded foreign teachers IN China that post moderately anti-China shit on their wechat and never get in trouble
>>2747242They've used the national security laws against thousands of Hong kongers who have disappeared. The law is world wide and retroactive as well so if you say fuck xi Jinping you've broken the national security laws and they can and will arrest you when you land in Macao, Hong Kong or China
>>2747175对,对wo ye shi ou zhou rendefinitely scared of evil yankee police statechina numba wan
>>2747244Right, when have they used the law against a western tourist or even western resident of HK is what Im intending to ask>>2747245If you live in America or the EU and are a tourist in HK or China, the speech restrictions in your home cunt pose a much bigger and more persistent threat to you than those in China, yes
>>2747253Instead of being an annoying cunt why don't you listen to what I say because you're too fuckinf stupid to know any better and spend 6 seconds searching for ithttps://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cmj68rv1y4poI swear you dumb fucks just be annoying for absolutely no reason. A Portuguese man has become the first European citizen jailed under the China-imposed National Security Law in Hong Kong, a law widely criticised by rights groups.
>>2747207Why do you care? All the Japanese girls are still there. Are you just mad because there are more tourists and foreigners that have competent Japanese and no one gives a fuck about a white guy who can't even read katakana
>>2747255Your example being a "westerner" who's 1) actually a Chinese guy 2) a political activist is not supportive of the claims you're making
>>2747255>chinks are gulaging thoughtcrime in HK nowso glad I went in 2012. I know it was already over then, but Hong Kong is absolutely cooked in 2025
>>2747262>ummm akshually he was chinese and stated political opinions that go against the glorious CCP so it's completely justified that he was sent to jailping pong
>>2747268You are being disingenuous. Being a political activist is not the same as "if a tourist has a bad meme on their phone theyll get arrested"
I talked to some African touts and also eavesdropped in on their convo and basically they never get beyond a 1 year visa. Most of them are not in Japan long term. Basically they are just coming and going and their only chance of long term residency is marriage and most j girls stay away. Thats how it is for most foreigners here. Most don’t end up staying in Japan long term. I lived in Japan during the pandemic when borders were closed and yea I didn’t see many foreigners at all even in Tokyo and Kyoto and Osaka. So I’m going to say most of the people you are complaining about are other tourists.
>>2747258>no one gives a fuck about a white guy who can't even read katakanab-b-but /trv/ told me about white boy summer ... .
>>2747274Vietnam or Cambodia?
>>2747325Clearly Vietnam
>>2747258With Japan's low birthrate, those girls are getting older and older every year. Soon they'll be 90% hags.
>>2747090>China needs HK as a financial hub (and a touristic hub to a lesser extent), they want the city to be more foreigner friendly than the rest of the country.That's not the case anymore when Shenzhen, Shanghai, etc. exist. If anything I bet the PRC wants to slowly strangle and destroy Hong Kong, a free and prosperous HK is a threat to PRC rule.
>>2747255>>2747268>>2747245>>2747169>>2747099First, you claimed that tourists in Hong Kong can be jailed for a meme of their phone, wrong and no example given.Then you cite Jimmy Lau as an example, the chinese owner of an opposition newspaper.Then you cite "Wong Kin-chung", an opposition figure living in Portugal, as an example for a westerner being detained in China.Pathetic attempt at moving the goalpost, Shlomo.In reality, you have more chance getting detained and killed if you visit the US and oppose what is Israel is doing.
>>2747414Maybe you're both full of shit?
>>2746820Weaboo internal colony in Akihabara
>>2746903>This may remain the dumbest thing I've read on the internet for the rest of 2025Chang cope is funny cope
>>2747103>an opposition newspaperChink confirmed. KEK chang, everything you touch turns to crap.
>>2747437It doesnt take a chink to realize how obtuse it is to claim political activism being dangerous = tourism is dangerous
>>2747272I talk shit to them all the time in kabukicho and almost all of them are married to fat Japanese women either an outright sham marriage or fat ugly unwanted Japanese chicks
>>274743914 months jail for wearing a free Hong Kong tshirtHong Kong man sentenced to 14 months in jail for ‘seditious’ T-shirtBasically you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and going to Macau or Hong Kong means the Chinese commies can do whatever the fuck they want to you for any reason
>>2747414>you have more chance getting detained and killed if you visit the US and oppose what is Israel is doing.There are literally pro-palestinian protests in every major US city on a regular basis. They only get detained when they chimp out and attack the police.
>>2747448>But what about this political activist>But what about this political activist>But what about this political activist>But what about this political activistBTW I don't disagree with you that their system is fucked up, but your point and arguments are still retarded.>you don't know what the fuck you're talking aboutConsidering I've been traveling constantly in Hong Kong and Mainland China for nearly a decade, I think I have an accurate assessment of tourist safety
>>2747455Pro-palestinian protesters arrested in New Yorkhttps://www.reuters.com/world/us/dozens-pro-palestinian-protesters-arrested-outside-new-york-stock-exchange-2024-10-14/Police breaks pro-Palestinian protest in US Universitieshttps://www.lemonde.fr/en/campus/article/2024/05/11/in-the-us-police-arrest-dozens-as-they-break-up-pro-palestinian-protests-in-universities_6671058_11.htmlStudents arrested for protesting for Palestine in Australiahttps://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/courts-law/hey-dumbass-protesters-charged-over-propalestine-posters-in-sydney-cbd/news-story/7b1b83e9a6ebbeaf6c3cb645c1d758e6Girls arrested in Hyde Park London for wearing pro-Palestine t-shirts (those are girls, not bearded islamists)https://www.instagram.com/studentsforpalestinesydneyuni/reel/DBC9LsryrZb/>In the US alone, the Associated Press has recorded at least 75 instances since April 18 in which arrests were made at US campus protests. Nearly 2,900 people have been arrested at 57 colleges and universities.How is it more democratic than the arrests in Hong Kong?
>>2747471I wonder why they were arrested, was it because they chimped out and attacked police officers? A lot of these protesters go with the *intention* of getting detained/arrested as a sign of "solidarity". They are usually released within 24 hours. It isn't china where they are getting gunned down like in Tiananmen or have Triads sent to beat protesters up like in Hong Kong
>>2747090I don't know if you've been living under a rock for the last 6 years, but China is actively trying to undermine Hong Kong's status and has done everything in their power to make the city as bad as possible, while at the same time spending insane amounts of money growing their own cities right across the border (Shenzhen, Guangzhou)
>>2747577>Day 1,047 of the 3-Day SMOhi ivan, kursk status?
>>2746995This shit trend garners engagement by selling the idea that even the poorest fuck can travel for free, they need to be kicked into a curb
>>2747551>It isn't china where they are getting gunned down like in Tiananmen or have Triads sent to beat protesters up like in Hong KongTiananmen was in 1989, do you want to go through the number of people the US has killed since 1989? The death toll at Tiananmen is probably around the same than the Waco massacre alone.And what's the source about people in HK getting gunned down by the triad? Out of your ass again.
>>2747707>The death toll at Tiananmen is probably around the same than the Waco massacre alone.lol not even close76 for Waco2000-10,000 for Tiananmen>the number of people the US has killed since 1989?Public figures because it's not an opaque dictatorship with literal concentration camps.
>>2747589You don't know shit. Have you actually ever been to HK?Take the HK subway then compare to the NYC subway or London subway and tell me how China is trying to make it as bad as possible. They still invest in the infrastructure, tourism and skyscrapers are still being built.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIoop3OyLfI
>>2747713>2000-10,000 for Tiananmen10 millions even, retard
>>2747713>it's not an opaque dictatorship with literal concentration camps.HAHAHAHAHA!!!!No concentration camp? What the fuck is Guantanamo?
>>27477152600 is the Chinese Red Cross estimatehttps://time.com/archive/6715033/how-many-really-died-tiananmen-square-fatalities/10,000 comes from leaked UK embassy cableshttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-42465516Cry about it
>>2747717>No concentration camp? What the fuck is Guantanamo?A military base in Cuba that hasn't housed any prisioners of war ever since Obama closed it down. China guantanamos its own civilians on the regular.
>>2747719>>2747718>What the fuck is Guantanamo?>A military baseYeah, that's probably why it's literally called "Guantanamo Bay detention camp".https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_detention_campAnd supposedly Obama transfered the prisoners (and unlike the chinese we must to believe him because what?), so i guess it's okay, after all it was 10 years ago. But Tianenman in 1989, oh no, we shall never forget it. We shall only forget Guantanamo, the two Wars of Iraq where the US murdered millions of civilians, the US arming the israli genocide in Gaza and so on.You're either a glowie or full of shit, either way, fuck off.
>>2747722>WuMao shill says something retarded>More people died on Waco than TIananmen (no, not even by the Chinese government official death toll lol)>Gets called out on his bullshit>Spergs outMany such cases, I wish you people would leave this site alone.
>>2747724ok glowie
>>2747725I wish I got paid for the 3-minute google search it took me to dispell your bullshit, seems like a piss easy job
>>2747707>HK protesters gunned down by Triadsstrawman. nice try, bing bonghttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Yuen_Long_attack
>>2747764>Death>0Yup, definitley gunned down. A real massacre there.
At the same time in 2019 France, the regime literally killed 11 yellow vests protesters:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_vests_protests#Fatalities_and_injuries
>>2747714Yes Zhang, I visit Hong Kong several times a year and it was my favorite place in the world before your disgusting chinkoid buglord decided to fuck it up because it was hurting his feelings. I hope your whole fucking menace of a race kill themselves.
>>2747767read my original comment again, bing bong. your attempt to strawman is very bugman of you.>>2747551
>>2746896I went to Japan a few months ago and let me tell you, as much as I fucking hate mutts, they were a lot more civilised than the aussies. And in regards to the littering, I went to Osaka and Kyoto first and noticed that, despite there not being any bins, it was surprisingly clean. Then I went to Tokyo, Shibuya specifically, and it was just like in OP's pic. Granted, that was all at night and after that I went to Ueda Akiba, where it was a lot cleaner as well. Who would've guessed that the district known for its all night partying and drinking would also be the dirtiest part of the city?
>>2746875>>2746914with that 144 hours transit visa, do you know if you just "show up" and show them your onwards flight out of the country?
>>2746836>1 country 2 systemsthis was always going to be the outcome but it will take another 15 to 20 years. what matters is whether the DPP can hold the presidency and therefore the narrative. if KMT win, which they should have last time if the 3rd guy didn't vote split, then 1c2s talks would be floated as the future progress. right now taiwan is suffering because they are being kept out of the rising tide of asian investment. take away chips and taiwan has nothing but tourism and that is fickle.
>>2748033>taiwan is sufferingthey're fine lolhands off, chang. I know you're desperate to kill it like you did with Hong Kong, but that's not going to happen
>>2747980I have a friend who used some dodgy sounding way to enter China through Hong Kong and he was allowed to only visit one city in China or something. I guess he was saying they monitor the trains you can’t go to another city via train but he hired a taxi to drive him several hours to explore around. They seem very strict so I’m not sure I would take risks with unofficial travel methods
>>2747980Yes thats exactly what you do. And its not sketchy at all like other anon said its actually basic official policy
>knocked over trashcanwhatever>knocked over trashcan: JapanITS OVER. JAPAN HAS FALLEN. WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO NOW??
>>2747015>China right now is the best place to experience rowdiness safely.pressing X to doubt on that one, chief
>>2748086frankly it's incredible they even found a trashcan to knock over
>>2748086maybe that's because orderliness is Japan's main quality.
>>2746943Korea is a shithole and the people there are just the fucking worst. The worst of "asia" and the worst of america combined into a dystopian hell. But nobody is willing to talk about it because white people looooooooove it and korean nationalism is dominant.
>>2748146whitey are so cringe. they created korea in their own image
>>2748146>The worst of "asia" and the worst of america combinedyup, down to the mutilated dicks.
>>2746850>taiwan doesnt have anywhere near the cool culture that japan haslol>implying Chinese culture and history is in any way less cool or interesting than Japanese>if not outright superior in terms of both quantity and qualitysmelly, dumb, weeaboo scumnot even a chang
>>2748179>Chinese culture and history how do i get chinapilled?
jeez brictatd shills are so tryhard, he better not be doing it for free
>>2746797I love Taiwan's charm, but as travel destinations the two just can't compare. Japan has more in terms of sight seeing, outdoors, travel convenience, food variety, entertainment, sports events, and heritage sites. Taiwan's much cheaper though
>>2746836Why would they want to be Hong Kong'ed? If they integrate - their main problems wouldn't change - which is youth unemployment, bad traffic pollution management, and poor housing affordability, problem that China is dealing with themselves. The only conceivable way Taiwan will even entertain 1 country 2 systems is if CCP relocate from Beijing, make Taipei the capital city, bringing all the HQs, banks, foreign embassies, etc there.
>>2748078without proper punctuation, this sounds so sarcastic
>>2748206read romance of 3 kingdoms, journey to the west and watch pili
>>2748157I'm white. Here's my girlfriend.
I've got 14 days in Japan mid march. Where can I (and GF) spend our time to avoid large crowds and too many tourists? I wanted to do the so called "golden route" but idk. Here is roughly what I was thinking so farDay 1-3 in Tokyo as we recover from jet lagDay 3-9 in Osaka with day trips to Hiroshima, Himeji (castle), Nara, and Kyoto. Sumo match in there somewhere. Considering spending a night in Kanazawa on the tail end, or making it a day trip as well.Day 9-15 Tokyo, wrap up sight seeing, food stuffs, shopping etc. Doraemon theme park and Cup noodle museum (GF loves those). Maybe a day trip outside the city for something?Day 15 Fly home