>bought flights to cancun>hotel prices are more than Floridawhat the fuck? And I look at day passes for resorts and everything is 150 dollars + . i only bought the flight tickets because its cheap and my ex is mexican and i am going with her and anywhere else in mexico is twice the cost of plane tickets. I am just going to probably get a hotel in a non exclusive hotel / airbnb and pay 100 dollars a night. anywhere else in mexico this gets you something nice other than average.
>>2756597Do the Mayan Riviera south of Cancun
>>2757431i am going to get endless sex at night. its worth the cost of a trip. why would a woman pay for anything? i am not a faggot who dates career woman. plus she lives in Mexico, she is not a career whore from usa. >>2757433medellin is not safe if you talk to ghetto girls or prostitutes. and go out in certain areas at night. you have to just be extremely careful who you associate with. especially lower class girls because a lot of the times the are just gold diggers using you for money or worse they know local "amigos" who are trying to convince the girl to set you up to rob you for your phone or worse kidnap you and try to drain your bank account. If you find a religious girl or middle class or upper middle class girl you probably have no concerns/issues. also literally nobody speaks english. NOBODY. if they speak english i would avoid the girl because she is probably a prostitute dealing with foreigners or a camwhore or something. you can get a studio apartment in a safe neighborhood for 20-30 dollars a day. from airbnb. long term rentals even cheaper. unless you are trying to live in luxury which is retarded to do unless you are a richfag. I lived in TIjuana mexico and i am estimating medellin is probably half the price . 50-60k gives you a comfortable life.
>>2757433You're going to get scoped, retard.
>>2757433>safetyStatistically speaking, at least two Americans are killed every month in Medellín.
>>2757783>i am going to get endless sex at night. its worth the cost of a trip. LMAO what a bitch, any resort in Cancun is endless sex if you're not a shut in loser. Enjoy holding your ex's hand during anon.
Where can I get a military discount for a cruise that isn't on a ghetto carnival ship?
>>2755442formerly chuck's
>>2752411It's ghetto because it's offering a military discount
>>2752424>>2752689>>2752936why doesn't the Navy offer cruises on decommissioned ships>obese people get stuck in the hatch, get paralyzed falling down a ladder>toddlers' knees are skinned to the bone by antiskid coating>your daughter finds semen bottles/cum socks in void>kids open up electrical panels and die>guests leave poor yelp reviews
>he doesn't want twerking black thots
YOU CAN LITERALLY TRAVEL TO TURKEY, SPAIN, AND MOROCCO FOR under 1000$!!>Denver to Barcelona roundtrip only 480$>22hr layover in Isantbul with Turkish Airlines>travel and spend a few days in Barcelona>get cheap 100$ ticket from Barcelona to Morocco>spend a few days in Morrocco and fly back to SpainAt most it'll cost 700$ to travel to 3 countries not including stays and food.
>>2757484Paying a fine for overstaying and possibly getting blacklisted from a country will somehow save you money? What kind of stupid logic is that? Surely you don't think that foreign countries who arrest an illegal immigrant comp him a first-class ticket on the next available flight home just like that. No, you're gonna rot in jail until you pay for a lawyer and then pay the fine (far in excess of the plane fare) and then maybe you'll be deported or repatriated by your embassy.
>>2757484>What if I only buy a one way ticket and then I make sure they deport me? How much money could I save?Varies by country, but in many cases deportees are on the hook to reimburse for their repatriation flights. So it’s possible that it’ll wind up much more expensive and annoying.
>>2757307>How come everyone on this board acts like they don’t need to get their pecker played with?Turkey's not the middle east and if you come from a developed country the girls will be interested. There's also paid pecker play in the bigger tourist towns, but helps to have a Turkish friend to find it.
>>2757197>going to 3rd world muslim shitholeslmao
>>2758333OP didn't mention France.
Have you ever tried to live in SE Asia (specifically Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Vietnam) on a very low budget? I’m talking living in fan rooms and having a monthly budget of under $500. Basically, just a fuck it and go kind of escape from the west. Anyone currently huffing it hardcore in SE ASIA? What’s your budget like and what do you do all day?
>>2757231If it weren't for massive gubmint subsidies, American poors would still be living in Third World conditions.
>>2755553Unsurprising quads >>2754190Check it out you fucking loser, I just got kudos from a quadster. You don’t have a single fucking repeating digit LOL. Get off this board for every you single digit dicklet >>2757318Coper from a tiny little “faggot nation” somewhere overseas that nobody gives a single fuck about lol
>>2757320Its a Chinese slave
how easy is it to fly in to cambodia on a tourist visa and get a 12 month visa extension? thinking about making Phnom Penh a base to explore SE Asia over a year
>>2747736>it’s not your high fat high sugar slopYou have literally never been to Southeast Asia if you honestly believe this.
Is it true that you can seek asylum in russia as a westerner?
>>2757169Albabese gumies are better, the blow the shit out of haribo.
>>2757169That's pretty grim, haribo gummies growing out of your head.
>>2757169looks like broccoli to me and my ai bros, asshole
>>2757162it's a trick. they'll put you on the front to die in jewtin's war
>>2757162Silly thread, but the literal truth is that the Russian Federation does have official asylum protocols. They’re famously slow and bureaucratic, and permanent/long-term refugee status (awarded to people whose asylum applications have been approved) favors applicants from nearby (read: former Soviet) countries, although this is no longer explicit policy. For Westerners, red tape dissolves and the process is fast-tracked only for people who are in one way or another unusually valuable, either financially (always the shortest route), or as intelligence, expertise, or PR assets.If an applicant is a nobody, but can make a defensible case for being in danger at home, official channels still exist, but require the global standard of some years of scrutiny, deprivation, and expense, under some thicker-than-the-global-average layers of graft and corruption.>tl;dr—unless you have something to offer, there are almost certainly easier ways to move to Russia than by seeking asylum.
How have you been scammed or attempted to be scammed while traveling? In the image, something very common. Overcharging tourists... because they don't know the real price of things, they overcharge them.Share your story here
>>2757748>>2757744Morocco is a really special place. I'd say it's world's top 3 for scammers, along with Egypt and India. Unbelievably stubborn grifters.The taxi thing I swear I get it every other ride, no matter the country. I make it a point to always explicitly say the price is in total, for the car, for all of us - one, two, three all of us included. Then I restate it three times with them affirming. Even in the local language if I know it and with obvious hand gestures to go along with it. End of the ride, they still try to pull this bullshit. Unreal. It's like a script they're physically unable to deviate from.
>>2757809Morocco is worse than India hands down. Morocco is junior varsity Egypt.As for taxis:>me and a bud are in Fes>take a taxi to some old Roman gate on a hill outside the city>starts getting dark so the muzzies can eat>guy starts talking to me, my friend wanders away>he tells me he studied in Montreal, his English is really good>gives me all sorts of delicious food with his friends while my buddy leers from a graveyard or some shit>decide we better leave>start walking back to the medina because it's almost dark>try to flag down a couple of taxis since pretty far away for walking at night>one pulls over with a guy already in the passenger seat>both hardly speak English but wreak of hashComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2757748This is the big filter. People who get butthurt over being hustled and let it ruin their whole trip, versus people who get a kick out of bullshitting the bullshitters and therefore earn their street cred.
>>2757725East Asians are even more likely to pay extra without argument than Westerners. Traveling Southeast Asia I rarely ask the price before ordering at a restaurant, trusting people to be honest. Haven't encountered anything like the outrageous 300-500% ripoffs that people experience in big-nose countries, and which make them hyper low trust in every business encounter. 60% surcharge is the most I've encountered so far in Laos, with the majority being 15-20%...an amount they correctly assume I will pay without protest. Yesterday I had the bill get adjusted from 40K to 45K as my change was getting handed over. She seemed to feel bad about it, because the next morning she charged me 45K for a 50K meal.
Hitched a ride in the back of a pickup with a family going to market today, after hopping off the truck in Paktha village yesterday against the driver's advice.In the process of getting the ride, his daughter spoke to me over the phone, and I broke one of the cardinal rule of travel in Third World countries: never talk about how much money you have, never talk about having to make a withdrawal from an ATM (which are magic money boxes to the country folk). The guy got a peek in my wallet and saw about 500,000 kip inside, it was all he could do not to reach out and grab it. Instead he asked 300,000 ($14) for a 38 km ride with the chickens and the cargo that left me covered in dust. I simply told him I was paying 70,000 kip - still more than the ride was worth, but within reason for a remote part of the province. He hesitated for a second, then took the notes with a murmured comment, leaving me at the bus station.
I'm planning my first trip through Europe and 90% of my itinerary is just museums.I don't care for food or engaging in the forbidden topic, so museums and landmarks is all I really have to do. Is there something I am missing here? What else is there to do alone?I like history but I feel that I am leaning in too heavily on this aspect.
>>2757982Go to a bar and talk to random people
>>2757978>What else is there to do alone?Anon, what do you like to do alone?"Trip though Europe" is as generic as it gets, so assuming you have free range over the continent and enough time at your disposal you can:>hike through the Alps (or the Pyrenees, the Tatras, the Carpathians...)>go scuba diving in the Mediterranean>go roadtrip around the more "off the beaten path" areas of Europe (Scandinavia, Balkans, Caucasus...)>go visit the churches or spiritual places of your religion / denomination of choice (or, if you're an atheist, go anyway to see all the religious people doing rituals and shit)>visit specific places where you can find esoteric food / drink that isn't available where you're from (e.g. sardinian maggot cheese, specific types of alcohol like balkan rakija or Cyprus wine etc)>go to important and fancy cultural venues (Scala theatre in Milan, Opera in Paris, Wiener Philharmoniker etc)Assuming you have money and time, you have a whole ass continent at your fingertips thanks to Schengen visas and stuff like interrail. Figure out what you like that you couldn't easily do at home and just go do it
Just do pretty much the same you do where you live. You really like museums and visit them at home? Do it overseas and have a blast. Like to engage in heavy drinking? Do the same... Just add those places/things/activities everyone consider a must do where you go (usually there's a decent reason for that) and things you have no access back home. Lots of touristic guides say to get a Thai cooking class. I'm not a fan of thai food, am horrible cooking and would never cook thai food back home. So I would skip it. I can't visit 100 y.o. buddhist/indu temples back home though. And I like them. So I'd go to lots of them.
>>2758006Talk to random tourists. Locals in tourist hubs don't really interact with tourists.
>>2757978>I like history but I feel that I am leaning in too heavily on this aspect.steam train/heritage line
Back in the 50s-90s we knew what we did best in America and built a capitalist tourism empire that is seen today as culturally inept and phony compared to the "real life" experiences that can be had in other countries.Before things like Disney and Carnival cruises there was Route 66, Old Florida, Vintage Vegas etc...Small businesses that drove traffic into town and boosted local economies.A lot of the old stuff is still around, including hundreds of old tourist trap places, MCM kitsch and big roadside objects and fiberglass muffler men statues. Yet all this stuff is so underappreciated that even most Americans aren't aware of its presence at all let alone appreciative of it's historical perseverance and ability to withstand the economic and social turbulence of the country's population..Multi-generational attractions, parks, drive-ins, diners and eateries continue to be a testament to the American dream and make traveling here a unique and fun pleasure that is severely overlooked and misunderstood.
>>2757696That's because America is a shithole. They're all making the right choice.Why would some Indian travel around the world to look at street shitters in SF?
>>2757810>Endless beaches along 90,000+ miles of coastline>Mountain ranges of all different types and elevations>Multiple climates and ecosystems>Thousands of art museums, history museums and collections on display>Unique folk art & roadside oddities dotting the entire highway network as well as off the beaten path>200+ amusement/theme parks including ones that are over 100 years old and nearly 1,000 roller coasters>The most diverse selection of food and cuisine anywhere in the world with over 800,000 restaurants and eateries>Bars and nightlife in every metropolitan area of every mid-large city>Concert venues, sports stadiums/arenas and convention/expo center everywhere>Events and festivals happening all year in every region of the country>Massive urban tourism meccas such as NYC, Las Vegas and Orlando as well as rural but still huge ones like Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, Wisconsin Dells and Branson>Cultural and historical cities for tourism such as New Orleans, Nashville/Memphis, Savannah & St. Augustine>Never ending sights and things to see and doKeep hating us because you ain't us, losers! You know full well that everyone the world over wants to come here because of the sheer amount of things to do and enjoy. Maybe if you're allergic to fun and would rather be scammed or stabbed to death by sandniggers then you'd rather travel somewhere else.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2757810>in SFI agree, big cities are mostly shitholes. Luckily big cities account for probably less than 10% of the total land mass in the US. I hate it when I talk to a European ad the first thing they say to me is something about NYC or LA. Then they try to tell me how everything in NA is just like NYC. Like get the fuck out of here nigga.
my issue is there is just so much to do and attend in USas such I keep waiting for the perfect opportunity to go but this is also why I was never able toI should just buy a cheap ticket and go for a week at some point to at least breakaway from this curse
>>2755547>In short, the homogenous, neighborly and high-trust society that America used to be all across the map.Keep moving nigger, your kind isn't welcome around here
Why do people who go here claim that they’re “travelling”? You’re not travelling. You’re going to some city that’s exactly like your own to look at tourist traps that everyone else has already seen, and to hang out with a bunch of other tourists and locals who are just like you. Saying you’re “travelling” to Europe is equivalent to saying you’re “travelling” to a different grocery store in your town.
>>2757883You've already made this thread>>2755816Also, as a European, I like mountains more than cities
>>2757883I like that I can find a hostel for half a thousand dollars that has a gym, and every grocery store has high quality food that doesn't cost a finger and toe. I've spent over 1500 dollars in all of Asia for the same thing, luckily, the poor air quality in Asia was for free.
>>2757883These are civilized nations that have a history. They have high art and high culture, unlike China.
>>2757883Why wouldn't I like visiting my brothers and sisters from time to time?
>>2758001>unlike China.Bad shitpost. China's history goes back further than Europe. China had a far richer ancient history on its dynasties many centuries before anything of relevant was founded in Europe with the exception of a few that were closer to the ME / far SE Europe
Well I’m going to Florida as a Europoor. Not going cause I want to but because of work. I’m specifically gonna stay in Gainesville and I’m staying for 11 days and only going to work 4 days.So what to do in Florida and what city is best to visit?I just don’t see what is special. It’s Walmarts and tall corpo buildings maybe I should try a strip club cause I never did that and I’d be happy to be recommend non black areas or activities.
>>2757731>Central FL is best FL get a load of this faggot
Gainesville is kind of in a shit location. Orlando is only worth going to if you want theme parks. Jacksonville and then the panhandle aren't worth going to at all. You can either head to the Pinellas County area or head all the way down to Miami/Fort Lauderdale/Boca.
>>2757579I've seen more mullets in Europe than anywhere in Florida
>>2757579Busch Gardens and SeaWorld are good experiences. Gainesville has a lot of cute hippy indie type things to do. The UF museum of natural history is free and they have a butterfly park that is $15. Disney stay at the Contemporary and then hop monorail to parks. They just put in a cheap comfy speed train from Orlando to Miami. Miami has great beaches and Daytona has a very relaxed feel (less foreigners and you're allowed to be fat).
>>2757579Pretend to be Australian. Americans feel like they're more masculine and like us.
Feeling a little exhausted? Feeling a little burnout?It's OK not to travel this Summer! You don't need to hop on the next plane to have a meaningful and fulfilling break. You don't need to keep up with the Joeneses.Here are some ideas to make your summer memorable without traveling:>Local Adventures: Explore nearby towns, parks, and attractions you've never visited. Sometimes the best experiences are right around the corner.>Learn a New Skill: Whether it's cooking, painting, coding, or even a new language, dedicating time to learn something new can be incredibly rewarding.>Volunteer: Giving back to your community can be a deeply enriching experience. Look for local organizations or causes that resonate with you.>Start a Project: Have you been putting off a personal project? Whether it's writing a book, gardening, or redecorating your space, now could be the perfect time.>Self-Care: Use this time to focus on your well-being. Relax, read books, practice mindfulness, and enjoy hobbies that make you happy.
Is it me? Or am I getting old?Whilst on a business trip young people annoyed me to no end.On my flight I had a "youtuber" filming a trip report/review of the airline and seat.Had 2 inflencers doing silly dances in the aisle.Can flying be a thing again for the rich or people that have a reason to travel.No fucking riff raff!
>>2753164I took a 2 hr flight from Denver to LA last week and when we flew over the Grand Canyon, I could see its entire expanse, absolutely mindblowing beauty!75% of the people had their windows closed and heads buried in their fucking phones.
>>2757531It's a surprise the flight attendant didn't order you to close your window, kekThey did that to me when I wanted to look at the scenery below.
>>2753586>BA's business is like other airlines' premium economy. There's no sophistication.I’ve only flown with BA in biz once (R/T), but I was satisfied. Lie-flat seat, amusing retractable smoked-glass partition, no-worse-than-average service, food, etc. Nothing flashy or outstanding, but that’s not to be found on any of the European or North American legacy carriers anymore. Certainly a more comfortable flight than any premium economy seat I’ve used. The BA lounge at Heathrow is unimpressive, but that’s also true in most places.
>>2753164>am I getting old?clearly not if you're still flying coach
How 'bout all them plane crashes?>plane on fire plummeting toward the ocean>everyone on the plane: it's just a bad dream, flying is statistically safe, it's much safer than driving, this isn't happen-ACK!
What’s Bam Margera up to these days?
>>2757895Whoops meant to post this on /tv/.
Going to Argentina for about 10 days in late November / early December, have about eight days after the trip before I have to go back to work so I wanna see somewhere else in South America. Would that be enough time to head to Peru and see Machu Picchu?I had ChatGPT whip this up for me:>Saturday, December 6 - arrive in Lima in the morning, explore and eat >Sunday, December 7 - Fly to Cusco and acclimate, explore as able>Monday, December 8 - Sacred Valley >Tuesday, December 9 - Rainbow Mountain>Wednesday, December 10 - train to Agua Calientes>Thursday, December 11 -Machu Picchu>Friday, December 12 - return to Lima>Saturday, December 13 - return homeI'm in very good shape and do a lot of hiking / cardio, but I've never dealt with altitude sickness before, so I don't really know if this is too much or too little.
>>2753879Argentina only if you want white women but speak spanish or hot mestizas/castizas.Otherwise is just italy/france in latamBoring and too safe if you want adventire is better shitholes like Perú Colombia north Brazil or North argentina.Buenos aires is like europe.
>>2755429>Argentina only if you want white womenI'm a Bong, how will my JBW work there?
>>2755429Argentinians are not white
>>2753879>in very good shapesurprisingly that has very little to do with your ability to handle altitude. I'm /fit/ and do a ton of hiking, but I live at sea level and did the Salkantay trek (which goes even higher than the Inca Trail) and I was dying at the highest point, while some fat chick was doing better than me. But I still made it. Altitude sickness has a lot to do with genetics but even if you have shit altitude genes like me, you'll just feel like shit but you'll still be able to make it. Just take your time and don't feel rushed.
>>2755431>I'm a Bong, how will my JBW work there?White people aren't really exotic there, but you get a standard +0.5 foreigner bonus, and the girls are generally friendly even if not interested
I'm going to Barcelona next month to visit family, and I've already been there once. Where else should I go? I was thinking about hopping over to Greece, my sister says somewhere in Italy, and some other homies say go explore Spain more. Where would you go late March?