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Are motels (in america) worth staying out for the cheap costs or are you better off in a normal hotel? I rarely take advantage of stuff like hotel pool, fitness, or breakfast. I'm usually in late, and out early when traveling in order to do as much as I can in the area. Seems like the only real worry is bugs and break ins?
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The economy is a zero sum game.
For Indians to be prospering, it means whites in the US cannot because you occupy wealth and positions they otherwise would have held. Pack your bags and leave.
If "whites" are such pathetic losers it's no wonder more capable and ambitious people are taking their place. Maybe the high level of competition in America is too much for you so pack your bags and leave.
It's more like, people who have a greater cultural inclination to cheat, who have fewer qualms about ripping off the local community and who have a greater willingness to engage in things like money laundering and human trafficking (or at least turn a blind eye to it) than whites did are moving in.
When does the cope stop?
I remember there was a very nice hooker who worked out of the local red roof in my town. She typically made housecalls to the shitty property I worked at and always followed the rules (don't name names if they ask what room, etc). Johns typically gave her gifts.

I don’t frequent /trv/ so sorry if I’m breaking any rules, but I just wanted opinions on how people like the detroit metro nowadays. Obviously it’s bad but nowhere near as bad as it’s been in the past, price of living is bottom of the barrel so I’m entertaining it as a place to move in the long term.
>Inb4 you’ll get murdered by niggers etc
I’m black and I’ve lived in inner cities before, I know how to navigate them more or less. Also don’t eat pork so I’m assuming I’d find some good eats in neighboring Dearborn?
For context on the price of living, something like picrel would be close to a million dollars to buy in New Jersey where I’m from. Also just a fan of detroit/Chicago style homes in general
Detroit has made a serious comeback. I was there a year ago and loved it. My family comes from the region. I remember 20 or 25 years ago it was a lot worse...
>I'm black
Oh...ummm... Detroit sucks my homie. My real hood be in Atlanta. Shit be off da chain in ATL. Trust me for shizzle, Detroit is bad news for Brothers. Yup, Atlanta, Georgia be the best place for based Black gentlemen such as ourselves. Shawtys be abundant in Georgia haha stay away from Michigan seriously
The population is already like 80% black dude, plus ATL is too faggy

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I want to go to Thailand for the winter to avoid very cold northern USA weather, it's really inexpensive, cheaper to go to Thailand for 2 months than Miami for 2 weeks, so I figure I might as well go for a long time to avoid practically the whole winter, but I'm worried, is it TOO hot? A lot of people say the weather in Thailand is very uncomfortable so I'm worried I'll get there and get super sweaty any time I leave my hotel for 5 minutes and end up just feeling stuck being there for 2 months. I'm normally a pretty sweaty guy, I've always lived in cold climates, but I went to Japan in the summer and it was 100 and humid and I could still walk around. Even if it is really hot, I still think it would be preferable to the bitter cold back home, so do you have any suggestions to beat the heat or cautionary advice?
I suggest you shut the hell up with all your yappin
it would ve better to winter in Costa Rica or Panama
If you can handle Japan's heat, then Thailand is fine.
You'll be fine dumbass, and you'll probably love it because thailand is based
The north region (chiang mai and whatnot) is pretty temperate in the winter if you can't enjoy Bangkok. You might even wear a sweater there in the morning and evening. But AC is everywhere so it's not a huge deal
I like cool asian cities tho

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I heard a lot of great things about this place. Considering visiting soon maybe for 2-3 weeks.
Another thread where useless mods do nothing about pajeet spam copypasta that’ll reach 300 replies.
the weekly homeless deathmatches get lit
How's the nude beach there?
Streetshitter running tours to gawk at people
Always been a very trashy place to be honest.

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Has anyone flown with Aegean? Are they any good? Gonna be flying with them relatively soon
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Short haul
Flew them a few times, never had a bad experience. They aren’t anything special, they just get the job done and provide the basics.
They're pretty good.

They're one of the best
Flew 4 times with them. It's a good airline. You should be fine with all non low-cost european airlines anyway

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Best places for this feel that isn't the Alps? I don't just mean mountains, I mean beautiful mountain/valley towns
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The little crumb of alps slovenia gets might be your best bet, but even that is starting to inflate in price in the last decade. Small apartment in a town will cost around 200k these days.

Can't say I ever minded living in the alps while I did though, it's peaceful and cities aren't far.
Slovenia at least lets you but houses
Austria blocked foreign (sometimes even regional outsiders) from purchasing in most places

>it's peaceful and cities aren't far.
depends of course heavily where you live

my home town has a bus that comes once every hour and needs ~45min to the next big(ish) town (more during vacations though, but I wouldn't count ski buses as advantage)
and way faster with a car
sucked as a teenager and even as adult when your life does not center around the few villages in the vicinity

i wanna move to Innsbruck after University (if I can get a job)
mountains near but still a city - just perfect
Europe is actually even more dead. Try going somewhere out west in the US if you want white people and scenery
4chan always hates this while they're busy jerking each other off with their come home white man fantasy, but it's true. Alpine villages make for great photos but they're full of elderly germanic types and the vibe is absolutely frigid. New Zealand is a much better example of what people like OP want even if the aesthetics are different
First comment meant for >>2677514
>what's the catch
It looks boring?

hi i want to know if anybody has experiance about the requirement to travel and open business in other country like Germany and us and netherland

sorry for my bad English it's not my ative
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working on it
Try the /biz/ board. They're experts on matters like this.
every one of those countries listed has a website where they explain the requirements

and it all depends on your own passport!

EU <-> US/UK/AUS/NZ/CA are pretty open to each other and you most likely only need to formally apply for residency with no further requirements

for other countries
generally you need to invest and create jobs to get a visa
creating a company is the easy part, actually working in it the hard part

most EU countries will be around ~500k€ invested and 5 Jobs created
no clue about US
but again they all have websites for this information
thank you i will try it
yes i read about it but i don't want to travel as a investor it's huge for me i want just to open business there but thank you anyway

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7-9 days

Relatively cheap or moderate

No more than 1 day of travel time to reach the destination

Mix of good food, nice city, and nature.

Nowhere in western mainland Europe, Japan, China, or Central America (already been to these countries).
Somalia. Specifically Mogadishu.
Oh wait, you're not allowed thanks to UN treaties that all countries respect.
I wonder why?
Islands of Greece, do you research.

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why is it so hard to get a green card?

i just want to leave eastern europe and live in LA or NYC or somewhere cool, like in the GTA games or in the movies.
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>eastern europe
Just roll up into South Brooklyn and no one will notice

On municipal level, every city is controlled by liberals, every rural town is controlled by conservatives, and suburbs are battle ground. This is mostly true throughout the country.
Yes libtards are unfortunately in control of and destroying cities, as my post acknowledges.
Don't forget your booster.
marry me and u might get one
I lived in LA for a month and that was enough to last me the rest of my life. I came home one afternoon and the swat team was in my building with guns drawn raiding an apartment downstairs. Homeless people used to walk through out alley all night rummaging through our trash to search for cans to recycle. The gay motorcycle guy and his boyfriend in the next unit would have huge fights and he'd go into the alley and rev his motorcycle for an hour or two and wake up the whole building as revenge. My roommates car was side swiped the first day i moved in and the dude who hit him just left his car totaled in the street and fled. The schizoid across the hall would watch Rocky 4 at full volume for 8 hours a day. When he wasn't watching Rocky 4, he would listen to Desert Rose by Sting on repeat for the rest of the day. Only that song. 16 hours a day at full volume. Transvestite hookers used to stand on the corner every night from 8pm to 5am. I packed my shit at the end of the first month and moved back to Maryland.

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Is there a literary type scene in Germany? I'm staying in Nuremberg and have been wondering, yknow, NYC had Dimes Square. I've had stories published and a couple plays. Is there any place here to meet such kinds of people, readings or something. A way to chat, and exchange ideas and such or are these things permanently in the realm of the internet?

Wheres good place to NYC hotel
Don't you have some street to shit on?

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Gavin Mcinnes once said barcelona has the greatest clubs in all the world. Googling it i get sum fuckin macarena chick- shit. What gives? Any wetbacks in here can offer me some hidden gems?
Gavin once shoved a butt plug up IN THE ASS on stream so you know exactly what clubs he’s referring to.
>offer me some hidden gems?
if you walk the lower boardwalk of the beach overnight you can come across homeless heroin junkies sitting on their cardboard mats
When did Gavin say this? I remember he mentioned once on JRE that it was a great city but never recall him mentioning anything about clubs.

As a Barcelona local I’m genuinely interested lol. Been following Gavin for years.

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I booked a flight to Hong Kong on a whim, what am I in for? I'm a white bong if it matters. I didn't realise it had quite such extensive territories around the city. Is it worth doing any hikes or will I die of heat stroke?
i'm heading to hong kong in december, so would also like to know similar info. especially regarding the country parks/large nature areas around the city, are they worth visiting? i'm planning on going to see that big buddha on lan tau (?) island
There are lots of good hikes around HK where you can climb up and see some great views of the city with barely anyone there to bother you. Just be warned cause it rains a lot the dirt ground often gets muddy so bring some good boots. Just take a look at hiking websites and they will give you lists of them and routes to take. HK that many little buses that will take you to most starting areas.
The buddha is pretty massive, well worth going up to see it.

Any non-white people here who travel? What’s your experience like? You ever get the “Yo Yo you like de hip hop!” and the taxi driver plays Gangsters Paradise?
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impress? i said aggravate, you specifically.
I'm impressed.
>(who will probably assure me that all these people hate me in their mind or some shit)
The dalits are aware. Cease operations.
Go to Thailand and they will call you chocolate man.
ppl keep axin me abt breakfast like wtf cuh?

How is it going to Israel now during the war?
>inb4 it's ackhually called Palestine
I don't care, I want to go somewhere controversial and trigger people by saying I went there.
Planning on doing a long weekend and seeing Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, is this reasonable?
Why go to the worst country in the middle east? Jews hate everyone that isn't a Jew, it's overpriced and miserable, and the architecture is ugly. The hasidics spit on christians.
It's fine. The war has barely changed anything if you're not going to near Lebanon or Gaza. It's reasonable depending on what you want to do in each place. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is less than 2 hours. People often do a day trip to the dead sea from Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem is right in between.

Jews hate Jews too, look at Israeli politics, it is overpriced, architecture isn't impressive imo but you'll probably like it if you like religious history, hasidics just try to keep to themselves. I'll add that it's fuckin hot in Israel these days.

Idk what op wants to do but he can definitely enjoy himself.

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