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Old thread: >>2703854
Discuss everything related to Philippines travel here.
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New >>2711149
Versus what, someone who has actually trudged the streets of Manila for two weeks straight and seen that this anon >>2710825 is absolutely right? "Hostels" in Manila are not places where foreign backpackers hang out and socialize. They are places where migrant workers, seamen, and the odd traveling foreigner bunk up to save money. Usually quite dirty and with neglected common areas.
If Donald Trump wins the election i will probably move back the US.
Jeetjanny got triggered and nuked the new thread lmao
You can't avoid it, but you can mitigate it by cutting down on the amount of interaction you have with average Filipinos daily.

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Discuss different airports and airlines, as well as advice to getting the cheapest flights here.
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RIP airport anon. i still think about ye
Do you guys ever buy round trip thats refundable and just change the return flight based on if you feel like staying shorter or longer?
Does any one ever do multi city tickets? If so please explain... or is it really just that simple? Last time i looked for one i was not sure it had a return ticket to the original country i was flying from
Im basically still wanting a lot of freedom with one -way travel but to save $$$ and not get fucked on last minute planned tickets etc .
>Do you guys ever buy round trip thats refundable
No but I did pay to change my ticket so I could leave Albuquerque early. Had a job offer there. Went to check it out, after being there about 6 hours I told them absolutely not. Flew out the next morning. With savings from not staying a 2nd night, which would have been a Saturday at the hotel, I about broke even.
or is it really just that simple?
Customs will also not care where you're going back to as long as you have a flight OUT of their country paid for when you show up.
Multi city works best imo looking on travel websites and booking the segments separately.
>change the return flight
I did that in Colombia, bought a round-trip for one month then extended it to three. Then Delta locked it and I would've had to call and sit on hold for an hour to change it again.
>multi-city tickets
Always make your flight purchase decisions based on what's best for you, which is not always what's cheapest. Often it makes more sense to buy two tickets separately instead of buying both through the same carrier, but if that carrier offers two free checked bags with every flight and you have two big suitcases, why bother with the budget airline?

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What's the appeal of traveling?
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Depends really. There's a whole lot of reasons people travel including but not limited to; relaxation, change of scenery, education, food, chance to experience different cultures, art, creating new memories.
I grew up in the suburbs of baltimore county, when I became an adult, I drove into baltimore city daily. At first I spent my vacations in New York (Long Island and NYC), I liked it so much I moved there. Then I started doing Miami and Seattle. I eventually branched out to the Caribbean and Hawaii. Granted those we not out of the "US" so they don't count (The same way visiting Canada or Mexico doesn't count if you live in the US). I moved to the UK and now I do Australia and mainland Europe.
I was originally doing it to reset. A chance relax, not to think about work or the drama of where I lived. Now I do it because I want to experience new things. Every long weekend, I'm in a random country on the Iberian Peninsula or Mediterranean. I do proper holidays in Switzerland, Austria or Australia depending on the time of the year.
Whats the appeal of posting demoralisation threads on /trv/ with all the pedo anime pictures you have saved on your computer?
they cant make it on the big boy boards so to have to come here to get their daily (You) quota.
Scarcity and fomo
IMO, touristy things (museums, tours, sight seeing), a change of scenery to mentally reset and find new inspiration, as well as just mentally unwinding by setting aside several days where you have absolutely nothing to do but relax and enjoy yourself.
IMO, if you're lonely, then traveling isn't fun.

Are there places good for that, or do you just have game? I find women tourists in my town are easy to get with, but being a tourist yourself somewhere makes everyone ignore you.

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I spent a month in the US and it's not a hellhole as I was led to believe. To be fair I was only in costal or near costal regions.

>Baltimore County
Suburbs, lots of black people in comfy looking areas. Everything was relaxed and chill. Massive lawns and houses. Went into Baltimore city inner harbor for a few things. Not bad, but not like the wire. Way more white people in whitemarsh. Nightlife in the area is not really my scene. Morning jogs were eerie and quiet which I kind of liked.

Drove from MD to NY.

>New York City/Long Island
I hated Long Island, it was like Baltimore county but not welcoming. Cars on Long Island were surprisingly massive, also more pickup trucks (some laden with Trump flags) than anywhere else in the US I went, which makes no sense and they all drive like assholes. That said, Fire Island was fucking kino. I like NYC a lot, but I only spent time in Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan. I really enjoyed the night life. I could live in Queens or Brooklyn. Manhattan looked nice, but it's actually too busy for me to live in, maybe work in. Jogging in central park was nice.

Annoying to drive in. Annoying to bike in. Hills everywhere. People seemed nice, I couldn't shake off how performative they seemed to be though, like they were pretending. I could live there but I'm not sure I'd have an easy time finding people I didn't thing were pretentious.

All in all, I had a good time. The roads are massive, and I enjoyed driving on them, though Long Island drivers are assholes, and nobody obeys the speed limit anywhere I went that was not NYC. I don't get the fat American memes. Most people I saw weren't fat, most women I saw were not bad looking definitely a shit ton of outright attractive women in NYC. Most of the fat people I saw were Europeans on holiday in NYC.

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wow the whitestone bridge.
>looking at maps of DC made it look like a nightmare to drive in
You have good instincts anon. Public transport is actually really good there. Should definitely see the monuments/museums next time around. Glad you had a nice trip. I think people forget a place can be nice to visit but maybe not nice to live (or vice versa).
I assume you're being sarcastic, but no it's Verrazzano.
brother I wish South street was gone. my brother lives there and it's constantly a fucking zoo all hours of the day
What the fuck is even over there anymore (left in 2014)? All the cool stores went belly up after the market crash.

I'm planning a US road trip in October. The route is roughly Washington D.C., Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, Florida, New York and back to D.C. I plan to sleep in the car for most of it.

Do you have any tips for this? For example, are there strange regulations for items needed in the States that the rental car company won't put in the car as standard? Is there a nationwide fitness chain that you can use for parking and showers? Where can I shop cheaply, Dollar General? I’m not on a budget but I don’t want to spend more than necessary. I’m an ex soldier so my standards are not too high and I’m frugal. I hear 2good2go is a thing. Any tips are welcome.
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I did a 2 week road trip a few year ago from southern California up to Yellowstone and back. By the time we did the Yellowstone loop and came back. We had driven the equivalent distance of a cross country trip from California to Washington DC. 40 hours in 2 weeks was way too much driving. I'll never do it again.
As cool as that sounds its gonna be expensive as shit. Id almost suggest buying a shit beater minivan for like $1500 USD and driving it into the ground versus renting (would cost you like $100 per day plus you have to return it to the same location). Planet fitness has cheap memberships but i dunno if theyd accept a passport. Food is going to be expensive and of shit quality.

Honestly when you crunch the numbers its a tough thing to do cheaply. All these vanlife niggers you see are wealthy millenials who work in tech and have no problem dropping 2k a week on their little adventure
You are definitely an american. Confined in your own filth.
I'll tell you a secret

You can park often at Walmart, waffle house, and cracker barrel overnight and they won't care. Just steer clear of the weird ones in bad areas
>Los Angeles to Florida with nothing in between
What the fuck? There's nothing waiting for you on that route besides lot lizards. I'm afraid I have to inquire as to the true purpose of your journey into my homeland.

Have a weird layover, 1am to 11:45am on a Monday morning.

Anything that can be done between 1am - 9am in Dublin on a Monday?
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The shuttle to downtown takes close to an hour one way, and I don't know what exactly is open at three in the morning. I didn't find the Irish to be degenerates like the stereotype they have been adorned. Maybe because it's fairly expensive. So they're forced to focus on being healthy and work.
I've never been to Ireland but if I were in Dublin I'd go and look for an open pub where I can buy a pint of guinness on tap.
>You’ll have plenty of time. Go through customs give them your luggage again (if you have to do any of this).
NTA but will the airport even accept people that far in advance? i know it varies by airport/country, but i'd be amazed if they were accepting bags 10 hours before departure.
Considering he’s having a layover, meaning he’s arriving at the airport by plane I have to assume that he doesn’t have to go check in and his luggage has to either go through customs if he’s arriving outside eu or traveling to USA and that he has to do all that shit as soon as he leaves his original plane.
If he was arriving from the street then yes you’re right they wouldn’t let you in through security. They didn’t let me in till it was 2am or 3 am. I was thinking there would be something open in there but not really. I don’t know about checking luggage in because i never do that anymore.
They probably won't, despite them having the exact same airlines flying to the exact same cities at the exact same time every fucking day. The best I had internationally, was in the Philippines. They let me go through check-in and security 4 hours in advance, while funnily enough, domestic flights went let through 6 hours in advance. Spain, and every other "organized" country would deny me if I was a few hours before my flight, and then obviously, almost every flight I made it to the gate with maybe 30 minutes to spare. LAX on the otherhand, the most busy airport in the world, let me through at 10 in the morning with a flight time at midnight. What's that jackass, you want to sit in the airport with overpriced food for 14 hours. Ok. Have fun I guess.

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Renting a car for 4 days in Munchen. Tell me where to go. I am willing to drive at max 4 hours a day so around 300 kilometers.

In my earlier trips I have seen
>Innsbruck, went to the mountain with a cable car
>Salzburg, went to the fortress
>Mittenwald (picrel, perhaps the most picturesque place I can imagine)
>Bodensee (meersburg)
>Eagle's nest, Berchtesgaden and königssee (maybe go again there and stay for a night, berchtesgaden was fucking based)
>Chiemsee and took the boat to Herreninsel

This time I only know I want to drive the Grossglockner pass or some equivalent panoramic road. Is it worth it to drive to south tirol and drive a pass in the dolomites instead and see maybe Bolzano or Brixen along the way? Mostly I want to drive with nice mountanous scenery around and eat and sleep at cute little towns like Mittenwald and do some activities like the boat to Herreninsel or cable car at Innsbruck but some new places this time.

Suggest me something frens
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See or stop for lunch at Lindau (Island) or Bregenz, both places are just a few km apart, both have cozy small town centers. Lindau wins on the lake/alps view side, Bregenz on the price/quality of food side.
Fuorn Pass pass and the swiss national park is a cozy stop for a quick hike and some beautiful views
Stelvio Pass is a great attraction on it's own, one of the best drives ever with 10/10 views
Meran is a good quick stop with a fantastic small historic town center, a comfy promenade next to the river Passer or take the chairlift up to Dorf Tirol
Sterzing is a cool place for lunch and a bit of strolling around
Seefeld on the way to Garmisch is another stop I can fully recommend.

The cities are all medium towns to smaller cities so you will have some ok museums if you care but most won't be that spectacular
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And I forgot do not skip Umbrail/Stelvio pass, it's probably the best ride in the alps you can find
hopefully he delivers
Well I hope OP planed that for next summer or is already on the road. It's already snowing in Davos so the passes might get closed in no time.
t. in Davos right now.
I did, some 10 years ago. I posted a pic on /trv/ about it. I hope I did not lose the pic and still have it somewhere.

Or are they all just grifters that push NordicVPN? Bald, Caz, Binksy, Harold, Timmy, Roberto, Santenello, Indigo, countless vapid solo-females, pathetic couples, etc

The entire world feels completely exploited at this point. Does not matter if they walk around in Managua, Sarajevo or Dhaka. 'Bali's hidden gems' 'Most dangerous street in Harlem' It's all so tiresome.

Give me someone real please...no, Vagrant doesn't count.
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Still the same prices up though due to Chinese and Korean poofs
Khmer440 died because the owner was retarded and it made no money anyway he constantly tried to shut it down over the past year. Gottfried from thepiratevay actually donated server equipment to keep them running and did their tech stuff back in the day until he got arrested and extradited from a guesthouse above the bars
to tell you the truth, I really only watch smaller youtubers now for this reason. I'm sick of the ads.

Last night I was scrolling through youtube and really took in just how high quality/res everything is now, making everything feel inauthentic. Professionally made thumbnails, clickbait titles, basedface etc.

I just miss the authenticity of old youtube.
>Good rizz but loud and repetitive. He goes to cool places but it's just clickbait and boring, plus he's a sex pest
Once he got exposed as a predator from the Roosh V forums I kinda went off him.

Never laughed so hard than when he walks in some abandoned building in bumfuck nowhere Russia to be greeted by some guy having a shit.
she has huge tits
It's always good to rewatch

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Pretty common travel experience unfortunately
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>Pretty common travel
it's not actually, if you get robbed you probably set yourself up for it
One time a gypsy couple tried to mug me on a bus but they were super obvious so I noticed and I slammed my foot on the guy's foot as hard as i possibly could and they jumped off swearing at me like it was my fault that it happened. I didn't see what happened because the bus started moving again but I hope I broke something.
Was doing a bar crawl in Pattaya and was shit faced, we all go in a ladyboy bar and they are playing with my dick nekk minute I wake up in a ditch with no shirt on the next day no memory no phone or wallet kek
One of them fags must have roofied me
and also raped you, welcome to AIDS
I've had my car burgled twice while unlocked, in Mexico and America. First time, they didn't find the cash hidden inside; the second time, they did, all $1200 of it.
Twice I've handed my wallet to people who swiped cash from it. First time it was Mexican police and the wallet was in a bag with other things; second time they were Filipino "wallet salesmen". They told me to take the cash out the first time, offered me 200 pesos for the wallet, but didn't tell me to take out the cash when they asked to see it again, and one guy even handed me his wallet with cash inside to hold. "Here's your cash", the old guy said, and handed me back half of what was originally inside. Peak retard moment for sure, but not quite robbery.
>in a ditch
Yeah, right. Drainage ditches are covered in Thailand, dumbass.

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>go travelling
>end up getting super daydrunk every day, crashing out by 6pm and waking up at 1am to spend the whole night awake on my phone
anyone know how to break this loop
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Spending holiday drunk is the best fucking thing.
>sober = autistic
>drunk = not autistic.
Being drunk lets me become the person that I want to be. Alcohol is fucking good. I wish I was permanently drunk.
hello christopher hitchens i thought you were dead
Had a laugh.
drunks are pathetic, imagine blacking out while drinking during your travels forgetting half the shit you did or saw, then waking up with massive hangovers daily and trying to visit tourist sites, Not to mention you have to spend a good amount of money on your travels/drinking when you could just get blackout drunk at home. I don't see how that would be fun at all.
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>omg, that's the "teetotaler" I was telling you about. I hope he doesn't try to talk to us...

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