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In USA you have the following choices:

>live in a cramped shoebox for $2k+ rent in a crime infested neighborhood that makes you want to KYS
>live in soulless cookie cutter suburbia in a cheaply made McMansion; get fucked by property taxes, interest rates, HOA fees, etc. untill you KYS
>live in the sticks surrounded by hick retards and with nothing to do but entertain suicide

how the fuck did we get to this point?
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I took the 4th option:
>completely avoid all of that
>drive a truck
>no rent, no bills, no internet
>no commute, no normies
>boss cant gaslight you because there's a 1000 other jobs waiting for your call back
>make more each year than white collar wagies with zero debt and save every penny

I'm glad society looks down on truck drivers, they'll never find out what a hidden gem it really is.
>Except you can just leave the West. The rest of the world is thriving
The biggest blackpill was seeing how advanced Asia is getting, even areas traditionally considered "third world shitholes" like Thailand and Malaysia have cities that are basically futuristic compared to America.

Any sane American at this point is just doing what America was made for:
>making money
Then getting THE FUCK OUT. It's a great strategy and with the dominance of the USD overseas it works astoundingly well.

I wonder if the controllers are going to start noticing this and try to tighten the reins a bit. They can't have their best and brightest trying to flee the country.
A lot of retards in the US do phone lease programs so they can get a new iphone ever few years. The company basically charges you something like 19-50 dollars a month depending on the phone and often pitch in insurance on the phone. My coworkers wife actually pays something like 75/mo for the latest iphone each year
I don't know where you live but that's hardly the case around the country. Also HOA are really only in planned neighborhoods which DO NOT make up most of the existing suburbs. Typically only in newer planned ones made by big companies.

Even your take on the countryside homes are way wrong. I've been to dozen+ states and I drive the backroads typically. Besides the vast farmland most country homes are not "hick retards", some of the biggest and most expensive homes i've seen were out in the countryside with big acres of land. Then you have stretches of decent homes, some lower cost trailer homes, and sure eventually you do find some really abandoned or dogshit looking hick homes.
>car lease
>phone lease
Leasing is one of the dumbest things you can do if money is your issue.

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It can be pretty hot weather. I've been there a few times when "heatwave". In cities it's easy to spend a lot of time in air-conditioned underground malls subway connected to big shopping centres. From memory many open shopping streets have those fine mist cooling. The sun rises pretty early. I used to go out walking around 5am to temples etc and then take a train back to hotel. So it's doable but walking around outside in the daytime heat can take its toll. And the nights are nice and warm for strolling.
The only thing I could think when traveling across Japan last year was that "the dream is well and truly dead."
What specific instance gave you that feeling the most?
Probably. I don't go there anymore, it's not a travel thread anymore. Heck, I barely come to /trv/ these days, this board is useless. For fucks sake, boomer travel forums are more useful. Heck, plebbit probably is more useful. This board has turned to complete shit, and the mods don't do anything about it.
bad quake?

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Assuming you avoid the bigger cities and crime-infested shitholes, is the rest of California any better?
How is life there?
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Literally everything but the parts you probably know about are good. Sadly, those parts control state policy. I hate big city fags so much.
I suggest the crocker museum, the exploratorium, the sun dial bridge, Lake Tahoe, and Folsom Lake.
I've been in California for some time. Also lived across the country, throughout the South etc. Haters who have been brainwashed by the fake news think it's all a bunch of parading gays. If you get outside of the cities (like anywhere else), you find that the people in rural areas like the mountains and deserts are no different then Tennessee or Texas. Driving pick-ups, packing firearms and lots of Trump flags. The geography is second to none in all of the US. Just stay away from LA, SF, OC and SD. They're all shitholes. Check out the desert (in the winter), It's badass. Just biker bars, firing ranges and amazing hiking.
All of the stereotypes (wimps with leftist political views, whiny people with weird eating habits, fags, etc) come from wealthy areas along the coast or near natural bodies of water. Just avoid bad neighborhoods/hoods and inland areas if you want "nice" California. Mountain areas and hiking trails with abundant trees and greenery are usually okay as long as you don't accidentally find yourself trespassing.
The north coast is comfy too. I like the eastern sierra too.
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Fly into LAX. Rent a convertible. Drive up the pacific coast highway from Santa Monica all the way to Santa Cruz.
Big Sur is probably the most incredible landscape in our country.

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Leaf here in Australia. What’s the etiquette for using the urinal? Do you squeeze in the gaps? Wait for a comfortable amount of space? Do you stand on the piss grate?
stand on the grate. avoid eye contact. go in the gaps if the place is busy.
Just glance really inconspicuously to see if the other blokes tip is same as yours or fatter.
Yes step up on the grate / or some old ones have a tiled ledge.
These trough urinals are pretty rare though these days. Most are individual porcelain ones sometimes with privacy dividers.
If you feel self conscious or if the urinals are occupied it's also fine to use a toilet cubicle and you can leave the door open as you are standing and peeing into the toilet bowl.
At a pub or a club with a trough urinal where everyone is half drunk and pissing beer just wait and then step up when someone steps away. You don't need to wait for a "big" space.
Honestly Aussies are pretty laid back about pissing as long as you just do it and keep your eyes down.
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I've used urinals like this once, and the sink was placed like picrel, so basically you could see everyone's dick when you washed your hands.

I'm 27 year old European
Going go to Thailand this September, hoping to stay until January in SEA depending on how much I stretch my funds
I'm visa exempt and I'm thinking of getting a ticket going to Vietnam 20 days after my arrival. Will that be enough for my airline and immigration to let me board? I will have like 8k euros in funds. First time leaving Europe and I'm not used to visa stuff etc. I want to travel overland from there on, ant tips for that? Laos especially.

General recommendations? I want to mostly stay in hostels so I can meet other backpackers and hook up with girls.
I want to visit the country side too.

I've zero interest in sex tourism etc. or retiring here do I'm hoping to avoid what other threads are spammed with

I'd like to think I have a good gut but how do I avoid food poisoning

Common scams?

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getting visa to Vietnam is very easy, Thai visa requires more documents, if you aren't able to do that how you are able to travel in the first place??

no one has ever asked for a physical copy of the passport photo in Vietnam, wtf you're talking about?
you need to have a physical copy of the visa but that's the same in many other countries
I've got a visa exemption for Thailand as long as I've got an outward flight departing before 30 days, so that's a non issue
Laos and Cambodia are visa on arrival, so that's easy
Anyone know what's it like travelling overland to cross the border there? Thinking of doing that between Laos and Cambodia

I'll probably sort out my visa in person in a consulate as I do want to visit
I'm honestly just too lazy after being used to how easy it is to travel in Europe
>no one has ever asked for a physical copy of the passport photo in Vietnam, wtf you're talking about
About my personal experience. It should not really be hard to conceive that these rules change over the years and their existence in practice varies by the current mood of the border guard.
>Anyone know what's it like travelling overland to cross the border there?
you are likely to be asked for bribes, just say no

>I'll probably sort out my visa in person in a consulate
vietnamese visa? good luck with that

never heard anyone being asked to show a passport photo on entry with evisa either, why they would care about that??
more proof needed for your claims
Again it's the airlines who are strict about it. People get denied boarding all the time because they don't have a return ticket.

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Have you ever gone to a northern beach resort, /trv/? How did it compare to more traditional beach resorts further south?
Several characteristics to consider:

Amount of sunshine
Sand quality
Beach size, width
Water (clear, clean)

All of these vary by location, but clearly some are explained by north/south in the northern/southern hemisphere

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> Expat living in Japan for 12 years now.
> Have an old friend from Murica visit the country for a week.
> Offer to show him around the country since he bought a JR Rail Pass.
> Declines; says he came to Japan solely to visit every single Pokemon Center in the country.
> He lives reasonably close to a Pokemon Center back in the States.
> Cue him spending his entire vacation mostly sitting on bullet trains, visiting every single Pokemon Center, and spending his saved up funds only on Pokemon merchandise.
> Outside of Pokemon Centers, he subsisted on cup ramen/onigiri from konbinis and stayed only on the cheapest capsule hotels to make sure most of his money goes to Pokemon shit.
> Bullet train -> Pokemon Center -> Konbini -> Capsule hotel -> Repeat for a week. No deviations.
> He goes back home to the US the next week. Some time later, he laments that he regrets being so engrossed in Pokemon that he never actually got to experience the real Japan or eat actual Japanese food.
> “Damn. Looking back, I feel like I wasted my trip to Japan.”
> That was his first and only time in Japan, and he had to save up for years to afford that one week.

Are Pokemon adults just as bad as Disney adults now?
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This was based until he started regretting his life choices.
>my mindless consumerism is better than your mindless consumerism
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Pokemon is retarded kid shit but technically the retarded poster is right, it's still pumping out games that are played online by millions even if they're shit. Disneyfags no excuse
Worth a read: https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/pokemon-go-travel-catching-them-all-0285381b
Had a Disney adult coworker, can confirm she was insane (and not hot). Don't trust a Disney adult. I'd rather trust one of those autist nevertravel weebs from the japan general

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I want to go to comiket and /a/ directed me here, do people here go to comiket in summer? It seems hot (+20C) how do I not die I really want some comics and stuff.

Is JAL as good as they say? I don't speak Japanese so might stick with british airways. Do they care about white guys there or did americans like johnny somoli ruin foreigners appearence. I dont know much japanese so can I order food easily? Is 3 weeks enough for Akihabara and tokyo? It's the worlds largest city so I am not sure.
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>bumping a thread within 5mins on one of the slowest boards on this hellsite
Look at the Japan general thread, retard
not asking a general question, I am asking a specific question about comiket and for my holiday I don't care about generalizations
unless you're gunning for comiket exclusives, it's cheaper and simpler to just order the same books online.

questions about how to dress for weather, airline reviews, and trip length are better off googled. if you're the type to plan your first trip to japan a month out, without knowing the language, and without knowing local laws on what you can bring back, it will be difficult for both you and any locals you interact with.
Please read the following carefully.
I also recommend that you read the Japanese version carefully.
It's a good idea to check the catalogue in advance.
The biggest problem is buying tickets. There are only a few places where you can buy them.
>I dont know much japanese so can I order food easily?
You will likely have problems using the toilet, so we do not recommend eating much, even breakfast, and instead drink fluids frequently.

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Is teaching English in Japan or Okinawa still worth it if you're a white american that wants an Asian GF?
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It's less that those asian countries are safer and more that whites are a minority, so the (((system))) doesn't focus on anti-white racist initiatives like it does in the west. They target the native population, because if they were instead targeting immigrants/'expats' that would normalise to the native pop that it's okay to keep foreign influence out which is exactly the opposite of what (((they))) want.
Basically being a racial minority is the only way to game the system of modern governments being hostile to their own countrymen.
>tfw SEA born in the UK
>learning Japanese since I was 18, so for 10 years
>go to Japan for the first time last year with my 6 foot blue eyed/blonde haired white friend who is a massive autist
>guy gets a lot of 'ikemen' and 'kakkoi' when we're out and about but doesn't succeed in getting any dates or sex despite scrolling Bumble all day every day, doesn't even make friends
>meanwhile I make a bunch of friends, start dating a girl from Osaka
Honestly, Just Be White is no longer a thing for one thing, but you also need to be able to speak to people to have any chance in the first place. Looks gets you one foot through the door, it doesn't guarantee anything at all beyond maybe one-night stands or shitty relationships with equally fetishizing gaijin hunter chicks. Work on yourself in every way, and then try to pull.
Just FYI the rest of Japan basically considers Okinawans to be Southeast Asians.
It hurts, bros
The Middle East is expensive if you want to live in the GCC. it's also unbearable hot and boring. Even as it relates to cooming, most of the girls are SEA or African and charge like $80USD. There's literally no reason to be a digital nomad in the Middle East

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I'm in Madrid with a friend of mine until the 9th of July if anyone wants to go out for a beer or whatever.
we can talk on telegram

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What do I need to know about Connecticut?
I need to move to within 20 minutes of the Milford area for work. Any recommendations? I like access to nature but am in my late 20s so don’t want to live in a small hamlet further north either with old people either.
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Maybe in Boston and other places in eastern Mass, but Springfield and most of the suburbs around it hardly seem like touristy areas.
I'm from NY and I go to VT all the time :)
Thanks. I guess I’ll look for housing in Milford itself. The countryside looks like it’s a close drive from there anyway. I can always check out New Haven for more exciting stuff on weekends I guess.
Thank you again.
Okay I will.
Other anon saying VT have good advice. I like Portland Maine too. Small city. I’ve only visited though but it seems safe and like there’s culture there. Plenty of things to do if you like the outdoors or want to take a ferry to a nearby island and look around.
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If you want western Mass, dodge Springfield. Even the inner ring suburbs of Springfield are extremely depressing, bordering on Detroit-tier aesthetics. Worcester is slightly more expensive, but it's a lot closer to other important cities (Boston, Providence, Nashua) and both the city and inner ring suburbs of Worcester are very normal
Longmeadow was where I was looking at; it doesn't look that depressing.
Portland is too isolated for my job to let me move there. Even Vermont is kind of an issue that way.

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I might get one soon and there is a slight chance that we will travel together, but it scares me a little.
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Do straight men enjoy travel?
There is just something timelessly American about this man. This is the America the world should see. Not NIGS
He looks and talks like a retard
I think I might be the only one on earth.
Certified virgin

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I'm planning a trip to Risa soon, but I've heard they sometimes have trouble with the atmospheric controls. Do I need to pack cold-weather clothing, or is tropical stuff enough?
The wether never changes there unless the weather control goes wrong
Only if you display the Horgahn if seeking Jamaharon
Shaka, when the pants fell.

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question as european guy : is kansas city a shithole?
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actually kc is the only city in the country that has zero control over its police because of Republican meddling

it's getting better as a city (they added public transit a few years ago and it's almost tolerable) but in practice it's still absolutely garbage

2x DC prices w/ none of the networking job opportunities infrastructure or tolerable weather

was in Zurich yesterday unironically similar price wise with none of the benefits
kcmo barbecue is trash btw
the only place anyone likes (joe's) was acquired and sucks and the only replacements people cite are expensive hipster garbage that tastes like trash (and Joe's was in Kansas suburbs)
More or less, yeah.
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Right.....I'm sure it's "Republicans" causing all the crime.
Good ol' fashioned right wing Republicans brought them here.
Then brought more of them here.
And more of them
And more after that
And kept on bringing them here by the literal boat load
Then collectively decided,
>Hey they're your guys' problem now! Good luck with the near complete takeover of North Manhattan, East St Louis, all of south Chicago, East Pennsylvania, and while we're at it, turns the entire Nation's Capital into one big huge fucking ghetto! We're going back to New Orleans and having Mardi Gras!

The rest of America is 100% correct to fucking hate southerners and their politicians.

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i want to escape the rat race
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Holy told
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>move to Japan for some work
>think it will be great to be out of the USA
>after about 3 months shit starts to sink in
>realize Japanese are often dumb as bricks if not told exactly what to do/say/think/react sure americans are dumb but at least they can form an opinion albeit stupid, still an opinion they made rather than waiting for want kenji-san thinks
>food is probably less healthy than back home lost a ton of muscle mass and it was costly to keep it on no fish and rice is shit after the 4th time this week you had it
>doing anything escapism wise is incredibly expensive if you aren't bankrolled on a US/foreign salary even with "muh hekkin trains" shit adds up
>breaking into social circles is impossible, sure you're "in" but you aren't every truly "in" word of mouth is basically how everything gets done or twitter
>quality of goods is DOGSHIT compared to what you get in the USA everything from suits, to shoes, to furnishings unless you pay for what is basically "american brand" or "american style" you are fucked
>healthcare is a fucking joke don't even get me started people in Japan basically would rather die than admit they got so sick they needed a doctor visit
>moving up in a company is basically "I hope the guy above me dies" most the time, skilled as shit? sorry bud kenji kun is above you and takes the credit, oh you want to leave because of that!??!?! we won't accept resignation here
t. Poorfag wagie seethe
The companies that do this are mostly ones that deal with foreign markets a lot anyway so they'll just ask American/European/Ect. employees if calling their product "white power" is a good idea or not.
All these anons can't recognize obvious irony

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