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Do you guys have any tips on how to live abroad without having any particular skills in Digital marketing expertise, analytics, or other online jobs? I want to earn a stable income and move out to south east Asia. In particular Thailand. I’ve been there a few times and found myself, as many others very comfortable and happy there.

I have friends who are dropshipping but I don’t know if that’s a thing for me. I have a regular job as a cook and not exactly the smartest guy,
But I’m willing to learn some particular skill or take a course but i have no idea how to begin..
You are a bum, don't fool yourself.
You’re a prime candidate for the “loser micro-retirement plan.”
>save large amount of money
>quit job and spend 6 months somewhere while still paying your rent back home
>return to apartment you’re still living in and paying rent for and find another job
This is what I’m gonna do next time
You should be a mechanical turk
my rent is so high idk if this is worth it man
I need to be able to find sublet for this but I want to do this at least for 3 months in 2 years
> I have a regular job as a cook

Do you enjoy cooking? In all seriousness, you might consider looking for a job in a kitchen with an international hotel chain. I know several people who have enjoyed significant training and international mobility in the hospitality sector. It might take some time, perhaps additional outside training (culinary school?), but it’s 100% feasible to work your way into a hotel restaurant in a 5-star resort in Thailand within a few years.

Otherwise, the two-years-on, six months off scheme described above sounds achievable.

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