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File: lang.jpg (2.08 MB, 5572x4177)
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What single language opens up the most doors for travel? Or maybe 2-3 languages
English and then probably Spanish
central/south america
anglo world

upside china downside china. seems to
still widely spoken in eastern europa
literally only japan.
france is full of muslims and niggers, as is africa, but many speakers
i love italy but only useful in italy, wife is italian, dio benedica

do not learn:
>anything relating to india
do not go to india
why do you want to talk to sandniggers
nearly anyone under 40 can understand basic english in germany

everywhere else is either
>too small
>too retarded
English is king and superior. Untouchable

For the sake of argument...

Covers all of LATAM except Brazil
Will help you from Morocco to Dubai,
Thanks to the USSR, the territory which Russian is spoken is gigantic. Add Mongolia and some parts of China too
Language of the future

Dishonorable mentions
LOL a shit language, but since streetshitters have invaded the West, it might be wise to understand those dirty fuckers
Language of your enemy. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer

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