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there is literally nothing remarkable about this picture. you are a fucking retard jesus.
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people don't know shit about sao paulo

mike pondsmith himself has said sao paulo is the most cyberpunk city he's ever been to
Well it's a good thing you're here to tell us what is and isn't cyberpunk
that's roachpunk
>zomg there are street signs!
>zomg are those letting I can't understand
>I'm going insaaannneee

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redpillme on Georgia, I'm hooked on these bald and bankrupt style trips after I've spent couple weeks throughout the Baltics and discovered how comfy these ex soviet republics are. How's Tbilisi? I know that the food is good and the nightlife is lively but I'm eager to know the small details that only who's been there knows
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Walk around Tbilisi. Talk with the locals. I've been there, and it's obvious you haven't.
This is a schizo chang who rants about the US in every thread and talks about how much he hates the United States.
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Guess you missed the Tbilisi protests a couple months ago. They don't seem too fond of Russia in Tbilisi
>You stole a fifth of their land, Ivan. They hate you. They like based Westerners
Your interpretation of that anon is quite correct.
t. spent a lot of time in Georgia
>I've been there, and it's obvious you haven't.
You're probably arguing with a vatnik that is in Tbilisi right now, pretending they aren't running from mobilisation while they repost propaganda.

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I'm Canadian. I want to experience the food and natural environment of the Southern States, so I wanted to see a lot of marshes and swamps and other things the South is known for, especially in Louisiana and Georgia.

I'm looking at this map, wondering if there's more areas I should drift more towards, different routes I should take for sights to see

I don't want to do much more driving than this though, I was hoping for closer to 50 hours and we're pushing 60 right now.

planning to go in February/March and start with New York, then drive down to Mardi Gras and back. Want to take maybe two weeks.

would love some input from people who live there or have traveled there
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This is the type of faggot who won’t turn off the interstate into a small town with a classic Americana Main Street city center and check out local places.
Every county in Mississippi has a “county seat” that looks just like picrel. They films a lot of movies there. And there is no better food in all of the USA than in the Great State of Mississippi
Why the hell would you visit the United States? It's unstable.
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only the “left coasts” run by marxist democrats are unstable. The parts of American that these Looney Toons call “flyover country” are still doing just fine and are safe and quiet. Places sith pokice who get away with being intolerant and touch on crime. Places where judges juries still bury criminals under the jail.
holy fuck i hate americans
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No worries. We don’t care.

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Ever been there?
Want to go there?
Have questions about Indonesia?
This is the thread
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Beauty. Same time frame as I mentioned? Have already booked airbnb in the boonies as well.
would i be able to find something for long term rental with a private gym there? im not interested in hoeing or anything, just want to live somewhere quiet and comfy and get my shit together while remote working
same time yes. i havent booked yet but the prices are really funny. if you have low demands you can be there for 3 weeks for 50 eurodollars. i'll try to find something better so i dont get eaten by snakes.
I'm a Philippines expat, but this shit always annoyed me. Don't worry about men on Tinder. Most women aren't on Tinder. They don't need to be. They have an array of options available to them if they've a job, go to Church. go to the grocery store, or just out for a walk. I only use dating apps to supplement my dating life, not as my primary funnel.
im thinking of moving there for a year or so. i work remote so no problems with jobs.
how much do you spend per month on average and whats your standard of living.

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any of you flew with these guys? They are offering pretty good prices but there must be a catch somewhere
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Fly pt 135 or into an FBO ONCE in your life and you will see what I mean.
I have. Your point remains stupid. Maybe even more so - if you’ve had that experience you’d obviously find Emirates (or, say, EVA) biz preferable to Spirit Air, etc
Well yeah airlines who cancel and delay all the time are bad. That’s the one metric you can really judge them on. Caring about levels of service and amenities across functionally identical products is retarded tier, and like I said once you skip the airport experience its pretty hard for you to ever be able to judge flying commercial on the minute differences between individual airlines ever again.
flew with them once, they're pretty good. Got randomly allocated extra leg room
Flew with them Vienna -> Taipei -> Tokyo and back a year and a half ago, everything was great, would fly again.

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I'm going to Amsterdam for 5 days in August with family. So I'm not looking to do anything mad. I'm interested in seeing some of the parks and van gogh museum, but not intense sightseeing. Decent pub/bar or food recommendations? Or anywhere worth visiting when it's only going to be a few days? Actually any advice in general would be appreciated.
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as long you arent an amerimutt i dont care
There should be an American ban. No tourist is worse than an American.
I know what you mean, no I'm from Edinburgh.
Okay that's better.

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What is the most disgusting thing you've eaten abroad? For me, it was definitely 童子蛋 (tong zi dan), aka Virgin Boy Egg in China. In Zhejiang, it's essentially a delicacy to eat eggs that have been hard-boiled in the urine of young boys. Disgusting I know, but hey, 'When in Rome...' as they say, lol. I also ate bugs and bats (average chinese cuisine) in 中国, but the piss eggs had to be the most vile.
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Hello Chang. You and the Indian spamming these threads should just fuck each other already.
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u mad?
Yeah it’s a bot. In case you havent noticed this board had a janny that was like a fed or some shit that meticulously cursted the board, and helped spammers create this golden image of the US while needling in negative suggestions about other places.

They dont want you leaving
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anybody have the video of this?
I'm pretty sure chinkslop is worse that goyslop

What's going on with Paris? People are hating on it like fuck, but every time I go there, I find it quite pleasant? Am I just getting lucky? It's quite busy, but not any more than in other cities. I keep expecting riots or packs of angry Stealers, but I hardly see any. I might go back next week. Probably not the best time for it to be fair.
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Every race in the world is working together to deceive and undermine whites, that's why. Whites are MKUltra'd from birth with this made up concept, "racism" to demonize their natural response to someone who is different from them.
One time another white guy chimped out because I said a woman with massive tits was hot.
South of France is delightful and then there is this squatting in there. Everyone seemed primed for violence, in a way that made the hackles on my neck rise. Couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Airport is shit too
>I might go back next week.
Don't. It's a dystopian nightmare currently with QR code access, cages, and cops everywhere. Wait after the fucking olympics.
It's aite. I met a cop on a horse and asked in rudimentary French what the horses name was and she was really happy. Only bastard frenchies I met was at the airport when they closed the gate early and deliberately fucked me up the ass.

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Baking new bread. Ask questions and give advice for those interested in visiting Colombia.
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kys nigger, it's fine during daylight hours if you don't act stupid. also helps not to be a weak manlet
are you part of the tourism committee? I run those streets 24/7 better watch your back puto. I got putos up your putos ass, puto
What's the deal with going to Colombia as a white American that doesn't speak Spainish? Will I be able to get by? Do people speak English at all?
Sorry for the dumb questions bros, and thx.
Try to at least learn the basics. Latin America isn't like Europe, the level of education is very low for most of the population. A lot of them don't even write and read in Spanish that well except for the upper middle class type people who went to a university, they usually do understand English.
White American that was just in Colombia here. I don't speak Spanish. Outside of Bogotá, Colombians don't really speak English. You'd be surprised how easy it is to pick up on a little Spanish. There is always Google translate to fall back on. Communication isn't a huge problem, but it definitely helps to speak Spanish there. I'm sure I paid the gringo price more than once. Try to learn how to say Spanish numbers 1,000 through 1,000,000

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goin w a fren tmrw from boston
staying right by mcgill
any suggestions?
staying till friday
also I am aware that some people that may read this thread also potentially post on another board on this site called /pol/. Just a heads up, zany I know but thought you'd all like to know. Thanks.
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ok fuck u guys
went to a strip club
hit laval nuru massage
got great food
hit the orange julep
hit redpath
hit the archaeology museum
hit a parc safari
Ok mate I lived there for a summer I’ll give you my two favorite things to do but you gotta promise to post pics and update me on how it went

Get some food at Boustan on Crescent, the mixed plate is the best

And then go out to the M montreal hostel and go to the bar at night. Always full of hot single girls.

Also Mile End is my favorite neighborhood and if you haven’t already today go check out Mont Royal lookout over the city. Also if Silo 5 is still there is some dope urban exploration if you get through the fences.

Also the casino is fun and it’s a great view of downtown from Parc Jean Drapeau.

Oh yeah and tomorrow morning go to Mamie Clafoutis, best bakery in the city imo.
Can’t believe I forgot Reuben’s

It’s kinda a tourist trap but still pretty tasty and iconic
I hope you had a great time, redpath is awesome and seems like you went all over. I live here, I'll tell you what I would do:
>Hike the mountain and take the hard way, ask around if you can't find the climbable area, you'll get a great view of the plateau and east side. Come down through downtown or Outremont/the Oratory
>Go to the bars on St Laurent, the further up the hill the better. Bifteck, Barfly, Frappé, Siboire, Melrose, all are good places
>Go to Old Montreal and walk along the river, check out the clock tower but don't waste too much time out there
>Walk down Laurier from west to east and go to Parc Laurier (this is my hood, it's wonderful but very French so be advised)
>Eat smoked meat at Le Roi du Smoked Meat
>Check out Fattal lofts at night lmao
>See if you can go to Place Ville Marie and get a view of the city from downtown, plus you'll get to see the financial center if you're into that
>Go to Atwater market and walk around the canal, walk into Pointe St Charles, it's a cute neighbourhood but the area near Atwater market can be a bit grimy especially near Lionel Groulx
>Check out Yokato Yokabai for the best ramen in the city, St Denis is near and also has nice bars. Take it south to Duluth.
All of these should be done with beers/wine in your bag and in hand when appropriate for that real Montreal feel. Also, >>2689785
has some good advice too. Mamie Clafoutie is good (especially the tarts), it's a chain so there's a few around. If you want other bakery options (best bread in NA here in this city) check out Guillaume, Au Petit Paris, Rhubarb or Kouign Amman. Always try to stay aware of opening hours, places often close at weird times or randomly during the week.

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you have 1 teleporter pad at home, and can place 3 more anywhere in the world to travel to and from. Where do you place them?
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I'm really surprised here, desu. Something doesn't add up. I thought IST would absolutely crush FRA given the power of Turkish Airlines, its location and Turkey's government backed attempt at crushing air travel/hub status.

I'm guessing the sheer amount of airports in Europe and the volume provided by low cost airlines statpads pretty heavily.
nah Frankfurt held this title for a very long time

and IST is number 2 after all - that's still pretty impressive

>the sheer amount of airports in Europe and the volume provided by low cost airlines statpads pretty heavily.
not true at all!
FRA is Lufthansa's main Hub
which has an insane route network by itself
173 routes from FRA just by Lufthansa!
That already dwarfs most airports

but more importantly is Star Alliance

almost all Star Alliance member airlines have their overwhelming amount flights to Germany go through Frankfurt

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Tokyo, Germany, Los Angeles.
Those about cover anywhere I want to visit with a 6 hour tops travel time. (I'm in Florida)
>my gfs house (when I get one)
>randomly teleports me under any occupied bed in the world so I can shake the bed and scream and then teleport out
>uninhabited tropical island
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>You are mom's house

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Every time I took a taxi in a foreign country, I got scammed.
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They are a Mafia but having A fare is better than no fare. You just have to grow some balls and speak with your chest. Not aggressive but be firm and be prepared to simply call another taxi company and that's always enough to get a fair price.

Maybe it's different in Europe/Asia but I'm speaking mostly about the Caribbean or South America
see me fucked up been fucked out of my own mind my thoughts will never be shallow
Coming into a third world shithole and stepping into the chaotic environment right outside the international terminal at the airport is basically a guaranteed scalping. I’m cheap so I’m always getting in at like 11:30PM and all I want to do is get to the my accommodation. Forking over double price to a taxi driver is just a cost of doing business.

After a week or so I’m in the groove and more comfortable haggling and things are way better. I try not to use them very much but sometimes it is the only option.
I’m American and this used to happen in the USA too. Taxis were crooked as fuck until Uber/Lyft took over. Now taxis are usually cheaper than Uber, but they’re always driven by angry foreigners
When they tell me a ridiculous price I just snort and start to exit the taxi. 90% of the time they’ll counter with half of the original price, which is still overpaying most the time. I had a driver in Pattaya ask for 300 baht to go less than 5km to my hotel. I snorted and reached for the door handle and he laughed and countered with 100, which was still overpaying but I’m a rich white man in his eyes so who cares. It’s $3

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>last night
>100 degrees in hostel dorm, even with windows open
>food poisoning
>spend an hour puking
>some fat fucking indian is in my bed when i get back and i wake him up to move
>guy on my left snoring loud enough to wake up an entire zipcode
>someone is watching porn on the other side of the dorm
>finally go to sleep at 5am
>checkout is 10am

why like this?

post hostel stories
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Yes get a private room
Unfortunately you are right about Latino culture, it's trash. The men can be cool but shouldn't be trusted. They're dangerous even if you don't give them a reason. The women are hot and can make a holiday way better, but they also shouldn't be trusted. One robbed me while I was in the shower and still sucked and fucked me for an hour afterwards, no shame or guilt. Generally with Latinos, I found the darker they are the more careful you should be and the same goes for the area you are in.

That said, I don't think they're the worst. I still find niggers and Indians to be far more undesirable and subhuman.
You sound fun to be around
>Germans are just weird I don't know how to explain it but every conversation they are in they just make shit akward. Also tend to walk around naked for ??? reason?
ok so
the walking around naked is actually a cultural thing

19th century Germany is basically the birthplace of nudism
in German

being nude is way less or even not all sexually connoted in here in Germany

while nudism was more popular in the past
we still have a LOT of nude beaches, nude camping spots, you are nude in the Sauna etc.

>tend to walk around naked

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Fuck Palestine, anyone who's ever met an Israeli at a hostel is already radicalised against them.

Never met one that wasn't an absolute shitcunt, the nation just breeds the absolute worst of the worst tourists to endure but because it's a smaller country they seem to fly under the radar for most people

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If you were planning on visiting Jasper, Alberta, don't bother. It burned down.
all good, no one was anyway
Huh that was my last trip before everyone started having a loss of taste and smell

Not to jasper specifically but all up the Rockies. All the ranger types were saying they need a fire for the good of the nature but they daren’t start one.

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What are some fun things to do there?
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>Does this shithole of a country have ANY redeeming qualities?

Eating Indian food.

Making friends with new Indian immigrants.

Eating Mcdonalds, made by Indians with feces coated hands

Visit Nigara Falls and see local Indians shitting on the sidewalks and INTO the lakes.

Right terminology, wrong driver's license. The gold star ones are Real ID compliant. Enhanced IDs are only available in Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, and Washington. Somewhere on the ID there will be a US flag.

I couldn't find a picture of the new Michigan one, but here's one of the old style along with a Real ID one and a regular driver's license.
>in Canada
the nature which has yet to be poo'd on is pretty nice but realistically you can see that shit anywhere
Don't you have Uber Eats that needs delivering right now? Hop to it. :^)

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