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Describe, in as much detail as you would like, what you would do with a budget of $20,000 for traveling as long as you'd like.
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I would go to Antarctica. The rest I'd spend groundhopping in South America.
Barely enough for a romantic weekend with my wife in Prague, I add another 40k to it just for comfort.

This is the correct answer. With 20k you would be able to get an Antarctic tour with Antarpply for example on the cheaper end and then have plenty of money to spare to check out Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil etc.
I could probably do my dream circumnavigation with that money
99% would be done via bike&tent. 5,000$ a year for food alone should be very doable, no? Most of it would be third world prices
That’s 6 months of premium pecker play in pattaya with precocious princesses personally proclaimed as pee, pu, and pon

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What's the most disgusting thing you've eaten abroad? For me, it was 童子蛋 (virgin boy eggs) in Zhejiang, China. There, it is considered a delicacy to eat eggs that have been hard boiled in boy's urine. Similar to a tea egg but much more salty and smellu. Disgusting, I know, but "when in Rome..." as they say lol
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Balut is different, the embryo is allowed to develop with balut
bullshit. you have no idea where that oil came from, what it's made from, and rarely do these vendors have running water. handwashing is few and far between, if ever
>without sauce
you brought this onto yourself
How are Asian ladyboys so prevalent? Is the LGBT not outlawed in most of Asia? Taiwan and Thailand are the only countries in Asia that recognize gay marriage.
ladybody cum

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can i make friends living in a hostel for 4 weeks?
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>>2733440 (You)
I mean you don’t really have a choice
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I've never been in a hostel before but what do you do when you have to fart while in bed?
>Met a guy in Sarajevo
Was it Franz Ferdinand Hostel by any chance? I stayed there as well and had a pretty similar experience.

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Do western android phones work in China? Not really looking for anything that's too much hassle. Just outlook / skype / microsoft teams / wechat, anything that can send brief messages to my family.
Cao ni ma also means: fuck your mother
The phones all work its specific sites/apps that don't. Install VPN and no problem
Daily reminder the ruling class in china (like the daughter of The Party member who runs huawei) use iPhones and Apple products exclusively. The proletariat (like the poor everywhere) all use lagdroid

Which Muslim country has the most 'Arabian Nights' feel to it? I want Bazaars, magic lamps, fancy carpets, dancing girls, attractive mosques, cool swords etc. I dont really want women in burqas or boring fundie shit.
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Uzbekistan and Iran are the closest I can think of, and I can attest to that since I've been to both.
Khiva is probably the closest to your description. I feel like that city was purposely built for that Arabian Nights aesthetic, but it's definitely a must visit place. Bukhara & Samarkand are also not to be missed.
However if you're not a burger or any of the sanctioned countries, Isfahan in Iran definitely takes the title. Not only is it bigger than Khiva, there are more sights to see & just spending a day sitting in Naqsh-e Jahan Square feels like you're in that fantasy.
Study the history of the gunpowder empires, you’ll notice important cities with names you’ve never heard of. Check em out on google maps and odds are they will have the feel you’re looking for, much more than a city that’s been constantly developed and modernized.
Please share cool spots if you find something anon :)
That, or practice your muzzie larp and infiltrate Mecca/Medina
>dancing girls
that's harram, pal. everything else you will find in Fez Morocco
mecca is not arabian nights larp, it is just a mass conveyor belt for pilgrim niggercattle and is all fucked up by rich saudis exploiting everything
I read a lot of Paul Bowles novels before I visited Morocco; crazy how nothing seems to have changed there since the '50s.

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can I go here in 2024 as an american? what would I be in for
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back when i was there, it was '''omg ur a westerner tee hee''' + actual dating websites with profiles and shit. Couchsurfing was fucking hillarious, too.

Even without online game, just turning up to rock bars with friends and speaking to people = instant interest, especially if you had reasonable amounts of money.

The girls who weren't rich, and lived in your basic commie flat, but wanted something more from life = autopilot.
Sounds like my experience with China. Definitely want to check it out but will wait for the war to end
Nigger, shit just blew up a 110KM into russia. Attacks will only start to get closer to more populated and important cities if the war rages on.
Even if you don't get hit during the attack (which is unlikely anyway), the major concerns come from the aftermath. If you were vacationing in MuskCowe and some shit blew up on the outskirts, you'd bet your fat, jew-loving american ass would be forced to stay in russia for a few months.
hard to recommend it if you are a citizen of a NATO country, you never know when butthurt rusoids will try to find somebody to make an example of or fuck with

in general its a bad idea to travel to any country that a country you are a citizen of is at war with either officially or unofficially
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It's called MosqueCo, keep up

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What is there to do here?

Besides safari and Zanzibar, looking for other things to do, especially if it means interacting with locals. Music, sports, any suggestions welcome
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hike Kilimanjaro, tallest mountain in Africa
interact with young local females
There is Dodoma wine country if you're into that.
you might get culturally enriched, whatever that may entail, much like most countries
Maybe get a pizza at Prestige Pizza

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going to montreal december 26-31 and quebec city from december 31st to january 4th
any cool things to see in each city?
won't have a car, is ottawa worth a day trip?
saw a city near quebec city called saint georges, is it worth a day trip
any must sees or skips?
is knowledge of french a must?
thank you in advance

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You know how sometimes you'll watch an old TV show/film or read an old book and you'll suddenly understand so many references and see where so many newer pieces of media got their influences from? Rome is like that. I'm walking around like, "oh I see where classical art comes from now". All those beautiful classical landscapes of ethereal cities on hills - they're from here. They actually exist, in Rome.
cool, would you say Rome is good destination for lonely incel interested in art, poetry, love and good food : second half this December? What about weather, will it be decently sunny then? What about cool parties or raves in NYE?
Should i reserve plane tickets+apartment on Booking for 3 weeks in December in Rome?
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It’s mad how big the Pantheon is, actually insane. I think the craziest thing in the whole city is the little indentations in the roof of the big domes they have. How did they do that?
>I’m a lonely tortured autist incel, just like you anons
>what about parties and raves?
Just go back

I work a travel job and am always in hotels and Airbnbs? How do I profit from this? Get an AMEX card? I don't all that much, maybe like 4 times a year

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Musem hopping in DC soon. This can't be right can it? 2 hours to walk 6 miles? On a related note how are the police on jaywalking enforcement here?
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if it's on trumps inauguration day 1/20 dont bother everything is closed
If you like tendies then there's a place called Little Chicken that's pretty good. It's too expensive for what it is, but everything is up there.
I was told nandos is the mandatory dc chicken
When I went to DC in 2021 there was a very extensive network of rental bikes. I even brought my better Brompton folding bike. But rather than using it and locking it up outside while museum hopping, I used the DC rental bikes that had ubiquitous docking stations by most museums.

I’d suggest doing the same instead of wasting time slowly walking.
>Alright fine I'll use the dirty underground system of tubes
Metro stations and trains are nice and clean, I swear.
If you're looking to eat and drink, consider spending some time in Chinatown. It's less pretentious than most of DC.

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How is the city these days? I'm going to be there for a week or so in November in a nice hotel downtown. Used to visit regularly, but have only been once since the pandemic, in mid-2022, and it was in pretty rough shape.
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>bar scene is great
i had a great time biking around on a bar hop we met friendly people at every spot portlanders are pretty easy going and easy to talk to so long as you don't mention politics or religion or anything chuddie
those are cities pardner
you don't realize how shitty of an experience this is once you get used to it. it's shocking to outsiders.

thanks for the update anon glad you had a good time
I live in PDX and the people who live here are the worst that Oregon has to offer.
no doubt about it but it's still pretty fun

My wife and I booked 3 weeks in Malaga so my 2y old son can get some warm weather and sunny time because of health issues.

We're booked from 28th of November to 18th of December in a suburb of Malaga. Should we cancel even at a loss? How fucked is the south and will we have a good time when spainbros are busy rebuilding their country?

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Your spirit animal is Elliot Roger.

If you aren't looking for hot women, cocktail bars, pubs, clubs, live music and thousands of people hanging out, what would constitute good nightlife?
Your post was directed to >>2731133, retard. I like hot women, cocktails bars, pubs, clubs, live music and thousands of people hanging out, and Malaga is an overrated subpar place for it with third world standards and shit weather. I already gave you a few options for cities who are far superior in that sense.
Fuck's sake, grow up, learn to read and get some standards.
damn shame
Cancel. Im from Spain and even if it doesn't rain, it won't be that sunny. Why would you book december dates if you wanted your 2yo to enjoy the Sun??? Go from late March to early October.
I think you'd be luckier to have good weather in Galicia on the summer than on Malaga in the winter. I don't know if I would cancel... But its kind of a shitty time of year to go there.

>There are still countries, in this world, that have to throw their used toilet paper in a trash can instead of just flushing it down the toilet
why are they like this? Why don't they just build a proper toilet that can handle a flimsy sheet of paper?
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>Indias shitting power extends thousands of km out to sea
troll image of the tsunami map
When I went to Tibet they didn't even have toilets with plumbing, not even squat toilets. Just a hole in the ground, or a cesspit with a log to squat over so you don't fall in.
just wash your hand thoroughly afterwards, what's the problem?
That's not the global distribution of tsunamis at all. Nowhere close.

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Travelling to Philippines this month, landing in Manila, and noticed there’s no PHG. Anyone been to Philippines lately?
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It’s odd seeing a Rolls Royce or Lamborghini driving through Manila, but it absolutely does happen. A $300k car passing by slums where people eat garbage to survive. One of the many examples of Flipland being totally fucked.
I see supercars on the NLEX all the time. There is a bright yellow Ferrari that I have seen taking the exit for the Philippine Arena a half dozen times. Most common are Lamborghinis and Corvettes.
>everyone look at my 5 inch pecker
Two inches bigger than the average in the Philippines
Cubabro: Nonconventional (but not really) places to make "friends"

I know most of you niggers are going to just stick to dating apps or bars, but believe it or not, there are people that do go outside. If you simply smile and don't come off as a completely smelly weirdo, you'll find it quite easy to make friends whom you can possibly study the bible with. Trust me.

1. Plazas/Public parks/boardwalks/baywalks. Tons of friendly people out enjoying what's probably the only public space that is upkept. Talisay plaza and Mercado plaza in lapu lapu are a lesser-known gold mines

2. Ghetto gyms. NO NO NO not the gym in your condo or the one in Ayala, I'm talking about the 60 peso hole in wall, side of the road barangay gyms. I'm a big fat tambok boy, tipping the scales these days at a hefty 250 pounds, and I could still make friends in these places just casually lifting weights or hitting the heavy bag. There's always girls in there who look lost and waiting for instruction. >no no no you have to go deeper on the squats daeee

3. Barangay hall basketball courts. Go shoot some hoops with the local tambays and make friends with their female friends

4.Coffee shops. Always people in there 24/7. I beat Baldur's gate 3 at my local shop and even found a friend to coop with.

4. Inernet cafes. I got a 4090 i9 but It's still fun to play dota or pubg in a sweaty room with 40 other people. And if you're wondering, yes, I've made friends there. There's a big one near San Carlos University in downtown Cebu, voyager internet cafe

Anywhere here is a song for Today, happy Tuesday niggers.

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