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Wat do?
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Buy a bullet and rent a gun
Spend 90 minutes getting out of the airport from the plane
Spend 45 minutes getting to somewhere worth a damn via the metro
Spend as much as you would in the airport for alcohol/food for about an hour or so
Realize it's about 3 hours before your flight and you need to head back
Get rained on at the station and hassled by the worst junkies you know
Be stuck in 2hrs of TSA because the amount of spanish doing the same will take you back, even LAX isn't this shit.
Get to airplane and it's delayed due to showers
Speaking of guns how about a shooting range? Any near Fort Lauderdale airport? I am from the UK and always wanted to shoot a gun. Can I just walk in and shoot at some targets?
>I am from the UK and always wanted to shoot a gun.
With 8 hour layover, not a fucking chance. CBP is going to be ass for you at MIA with every fucking Caribbean idiot refusing to let people 'check their bag'. If you aren't a US citizen don't even bother leaving the airport with 8 hours, you'll just end up missing your connection in the most retarded way
>Can I just walk in and shoot at some targets?
No there is paperwork for foreigners usually unless it's streamlined like Vegas/Arizona, many still have some 30 minute "safety course" you have to complete first
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Ok I found some shooting range experience and a ticket with a 15 hour layover. Might have a night in Miami as part of the holiday

Thank you for telling me it can be inconvenient to get through the border control and all the other stuff, didn't think of that. Will keep it in mind for sure

Any other things to do in Miami for a couple hours? Can be touristy shit. Just not retarded overpriced normie stuff ideally

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Are motels (in america) worth staying out for the cheap costs or are you better off in a normal hotel? I rarely take advantage of stuff like hotel pool, fitness, or breakfast. I'm usually in late, and out early when traveling in order to do as much as I can in the area. Seems like the only real worry is bugs and break ins?
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Where are rooms that cheap? Everywhere Ive traveled it's 70-120+ a night.
>Everywhere Ive traveled it's 70-120+ a night.
Midwest much of the south, just look up hotels.com you're never staying in the city. IF say I am passing into OKC I will probably get something cheap in Moore, which is fine since it beats city traffic.

Again you need to be on the outskirts, plenty of motel6's or rodewayiins are dirt cheap
NTA but the only time i get hotels under $80 when I use my discount rate for Choice Hotels, and even THAT is too much honestly.
I pay $54 a night for a Quality Inn and its a piece of shit, I cant imagine paying full price for any Choice Hotel chain
I primarily travel in the midwest so it must just be BFE Oklahoma on a Monday.

I am from London and I want to go somewhere far and tropical. I have only ever been to Europe, talking Spain, Cyprus, France, and so on. I have been deciding to go to an island far away where I can go on my own and celebrate a birthday somewhere nice.

It has come down to a choice between Bermuda and the Bahamas.

I've heard Bermuda is more expensive and there isn't as much nightlife. I kinda like the Bahamas idea because of Nassau and all the pirate stories I read when I was a kid. I am looking for a nice, relaxed holiday with tons of sun, beaches, pretty women and palm trees.

What could you, my fellow misfits and outliers, tell me about those two places, which would you recommend and tell me about some fun experiences you had in those places if possible.

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Go to Miami, man. People need to understand that Miami is the capital of the South Atlantic and Caribbean.
Bahamas is right next to Miami, plus you could go to some of the theme parks there. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks but don't want to go to Miami or the US.
>30th birthday
it's over
It's literally just the beginning

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I’m moving to Austria soon, potentially as a first step to leaving the U.S. permanently. I will have a job for a year and will have some time to travel. I have not been to southern Europe much and would like suggestions on where to go. I’m not picky, whether islands, cities, lakes, etc. I’ve only been to Zagreb, Ljubljana, Milan, and Turin. Any suggestions are welcome

Hi everyone, I've been admitted to a summer program and I'm going to visit Poland for two weeks. I'm planning to arrive one week earlier to my program so I can travel a bit. This is my first solo travel outside Latin America. I'm also single but not tall.

- Are there any one-night hostels in Warsaw? Are they safe?
- What's the art scene like? I'm interested in museums, art galleries and exhibitions. Please nothing on war crimes museums lol
- How is the transportation? (I've never used a metro or train.)
- Is three weeks enough to find a cute wife/gf?
- What are the top activities in Poland?
- Are there any good bookstores?
- Is a week enough for a quick visit to Berlin, Ukraine or other cities in general?
- As you can see, I have zero sense of fun other than walk and read. Is there anything else I should be doing? I'm from Latin America, so I don't mind going to ugly parts of the cities, drugs, parties or whores.
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>- What's the art scene like? I'm interested in museums, art galleries and exhibitions. Please nothing on war crimes museums lol
WW2 has had profound impact on their people. To ignore that defeats the purpose of learning about Poland and its people.
>- How is the transportation? (I've never used a metro or train.)
Train is a good mode of transport there.
>- Is three weeks enough to find a cute wife/gf?
Sure if you go out of your way to be around the beautiful women and are not an absolute EL GOBLINO DE MONSTRO. Don't go to mafia-run brothel or stripclub unless you want to get drugged and then kidnapped or extorted for money.
>- What are the top activities in Poland?
WW2 memorial and historical areas. Literal areas of significant history.
>- Are there any good bookstores?
Many bookstores there- many are not in your language though.
>- Is a week enough for a quick visit to Berlin, Ukraine or other cities in general?
Sure but you won't be able to stay long enough to see everything
Visit the National Museum built by interwar Fascist Poland it's near
>- Is a week enough for a quick visit to Berlin
Theoretically doable, but why would you? It'll take you six or seven hours to get there by bus/train from Warsaw. That's more than a day, realistically two, completely wasted in transit and you've only got seven of these to spare. If you're going to do that, plan to see cities on the way and around as a full-week trip.
Forget about it. The border is an absolute hellhole nowadays. You're basically gambling on whether you'll be stuck there for a day each way and none of it will be a pleasant experience.
>or other cities in general?
>2 weeks in Poland
>doesn't mention anything except Warsaw
Krakow, Wroclaw, Gdansk - that's where you really want to go.
>first time in Europe
>go straight into a war zone
are you nuts m8? it was trash before the war, and it's even worse now.
>inb4 western Ukraine is not so bad
it's still a country at war.

Im 37 and I havent been abroad, as a matter of fact I have never been outiside my birth place city, im poor aka wagie who rents, been saving up and I have around 1000 usd, took me 7 years to save that up recommend me a place to visit
>Inb4 your own country
Im from Mexico, let that sink in I dont want to be levantado for army guys wearing running shoes and today most pf the country is under the control of you know whom
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Which place would you like to visit the most?
If he knew the answer to this question do you think he would've created this thread?
You know jackshit about the thirdworld pal
It’s honestly really easy to scam a few senile boomers out of several hundred thousand dollars with a few cold calls.
1000 USD in 7 years how? Like what kind of job.

Also what kind of place are you looking to visit and for what reason? You can't ask for a rec without listing some preferences. Are you there to party, to find a legal place to do drugs or what.

In august, I will be traveling to Washington DC. It's a business/study trip, but I will have two days in which I'll be completely free, and I'd like to spend them wandering around. It's going to be my first time DC and the first time I visit the US at all (coming from western Yurop). I will be traveling alone, and I speak fluent English.
The top three places I absolutely want to see are:
>Washington National Cathderal
>Library of Congress
>House of the Temple
Some other places I'm considering visiting, but aren't top of the list, are:
>Arlington Cemetery
>Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
>Smithsonian American Art Museum
>Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
I plan to spend the evenings walking around to see all the various monuments and memorials, since from what I've heard those are open around the clock. Also, I'm obviously considering a tour of the Capitol, even though I don't know how feasible that is (especially since I only have two days at my disposal).
Any suggestions or general tips regarding the city (lesser known attractions, good places to eat/stay, areas to avoid, rookie mistakes etc.) are more than welcome. Also, let me know if there's anything you think any first-time visitor to the US should know.
General DC / traveling to the US as a foreigner thread
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Where do all the hipsters live in the DC metro area?
How’d you like silver spring? Never see it mentioned since most people on the younger side live in southwest dc/arlington, unless you work at the nih or somewhere else in maryland
NTA, but i lived in SS from ~8-14 years old, then Olney from 14-24, and Gburg from 24-31 where I am still now.

I don't go down into silver spring a ton these days unless I'm going to eat at Cubanos, though I think their Silver Spring location is closed at the moment anyway, so i'd head to Bethesda. But overall, Silver Spring is decent, some low cost of living areas which aren't great, but it's still relatively upscale compared to the likes of PG county. If you're raising kids it's hard to beat the public schools in the area too.
You can just go to the King's Street station and then walk to the water.
SS has good ethnic food but otherwise it's just a poorer Bethesda.
> Ballston Rosslyn corridor has some of the best food around
dont be poor and be good at playing food minesweeper in a sea of premium mediocre

What's going on with Paris? People are hating on it like fuck, but every time I go there, I find it quite pleasant? Am I just getting lucky? It's quite busy, but not any more than in other cities. I keep expecting riots or packs of angry Stealers, but I hardly see any. I might go back next week. Probably not the best time for it to be fair.
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I actually live in Marseille now lmao
Vienna is like a smaller comfy Paris were you don't have to deal with the aspects of a giant city that everyone hates
Vienna is bigger than Paris
lol no
Paris is about 4 times vienna
>It's quite busy, but not any more than in other cities.
This is factually false. It is literally the most visited city in the world. I live in London and even I'm appalled by just how crowded Paris is and the worst part about it that it hardly even seems worth it wading through the crowds.

I like walking along the river and browsing the stalls and I love the Musee d'orsey but I don't think Paris as a whole is really any better than any other major city.

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>Watch video of 1980s Harlem/Bronx
>"Wish I could go back in time"
>"NYC is dead now"

>Watch video of 2020s Baltimore/Detroit
>"Wow this is fucking scary"
>"Is America really this bad?"
>"I'll just stay in NYC and visit Times Square or something"
Insecurity and the grass is greener syndrome

The past can't hurt you so you don't see the past as threatening whereas when you think of going to new york now you think of all the ways you could be hurt despite it being more dangerous 40 years ago. Add to that all you fantasies of the past you might find desirable: different fashion, different attitudes, people were whiter and then it is no wonder why we spend so much wishing things were how they were instead of how they are now

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>ruins your flight

If you bring a baby on an airplane, I genuinely hope it gets cancer and dies before it turns 5. Signed, everybody.
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Cargo flights are greatly superior to scheduled passenger flights.
>no TSA, no queues
>all your luggage at hand, no arbitrary limits
>easy access to cockpit
>comfy seats with nobody before or behind you
>self service catering at any time
>fast track immigration
They only lack alcohol and IFE, but nothing your own computer cannot fix.
shes whiter than your slum whore, you pathetic dorker incel
how exactly does one book a cargo flight?
>be pilot or dispatcher
>select flight and list for jumpseat
let’s unwrap this

-cuckshed has no child
-cuckshed is estranged from his family
-cuckshed cant drive
-cuckshed is a coward
-cuckshed’s whore has black nipples and a dirty brown pussy that looks like the prolapsed asshole of a ladyboy

-Eugene has a child who is a member of the elite ruling tribe of the planet.
-Eugene has a wealthy family
-Eugene is a social media influencer
-Eugene is living the full University experience of his youth
Eugune is enjoying pink nipples and white pussy

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I am a retard and I need to ask this question. When /trv/elling, how do I find someone to buy drugs off of?

Primarily weed but also like acid/ecstasy/ketamine.

But I don't know who to approach in public or at bars and shit. It's not like I see wooks out and about.

Author's note: Portugal
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> Portugal
well can't help you with that, but given you have "Europe" in your title, your best bet is to go to a party city.
In Budapest if you are a young white man, especially travelling in a group of young white guys, just walk around the Pest quarter and the ruin bars after sunset and you'll have taxi drivers roll down their windows to offer you some and gypsies also selling
In Eastern Europe meth and ketamine is currently popular and you'd find it just by going to parties. Given you do not know anyone in portugal your best bet is just to go to the nightlife and hang around that scene
What happens if you're a middle-aged Korean woman in Budapest, especially travelling in a group of middle-aged Korean women?
Oh my god, what if you are a white twink who just wants some weed?! where do you go?!
I made some friends and asked them. The hookups all use whatsapp and have menus of their offerings. You can message them with your order and they will say where to meet; I was blown away by how fast this was, last time I picked up some k and stuff they said '5 minutes, black Mercedes' and one pulled up outside my hotel in that time. I assume they have dispatch and a number of vehicles driving around. This was in Portugal but from what I've seen it's a similar game all over Europe. I had another guy who only sold coke and took longer to meet up but he had a mk4 TDI so he was cool in my book.
Go to university areas. Go to stoners. Profit.

American here, didn't know the French routinely shake down drivers with speeding cameras for driving a normal and safe speed and in a normal and safe manner, ended up with three speeding tickets.

What happens when I go back if I don't pay?
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>It is very common to find automated speed cameras hidden at the bottom of a hill right when the speed limit changes from 90 to 50kmh, like 5m after the sign boom.
Yep that's how they got me the second and third time, no idea why they reduce the speed limit in 40km/hr intervals
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And to think this is the same country that allows hitting other cars if it makes parallel parking easier.
France is a fascist shithole, it has both the autoritarism of dictatorship and zero security.
Worst regime in Europe.
Couldn't you just call up the bank and say "don't pay these charges"
Sure you can, the rental company will then show them the rental agreement you signed that makes you liable for these charges.

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I've been looking into traveling to the states at some point next year, maybe in late springtime.

I've been to several countries in Europe, and the only time I've been out of the continent was when when I went to NY with friends 5 years ago, but this time I'd like to spare 2-3 weeks for a road trip on the west side of the country, ideally from Texas to LA, going through Colorado and Las Vegas.

Is this a good idea? And what would be cool things for an european to do/visit in and around these places? I know this is an extremely vague and general question, but different people will have different views and tastes, so I want different perspectives

Bonus points for cool metal/rock festivals too with shit that I'm hardly able to see here in Europe
Isn't metal pretty big in europe, especially scandinavia.
Some great national parks roughly on your route through Utah but late spring is pretty hot already especially for a european already so be wary of that.
The road up to Pikes Peak should be open, kind of neat, especially if you don't plan to actually hike any mountains.
Check out a baseball game, different atmosphere than other sports (besides cricket I guess), you might like it. Coors Field in Denver is beautiful with great weather and right in downtown. Dodger Stadium in LA is nice too, more famous ballpark and much more famous team. Angel Stadium is the other LA (Anaheim) option and next to Disneyland. Don't know about the new Rangers ballpark in Dallas, heard it's nice but kind of soulless, looks like a warehouse. Baseball games can be a cheap night out if you know how, you can get into Coors Field for $4 and have $3 beers before the game starts.

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is this movie responsible for the travel meme?
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/trv/'s own
You should be thankful he talks of fascism instead of right wing extremism or something
Monkey see, monkey do.
for Europe only though
Going on vacation has always been a normal thing all over Europe. My parents already went on vacation every year with my grand parents when they were children.

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>last night
>100 degrees in hostel dorm, even with windows open
>food poisoning
>spend an hour puking
>some fat fucking indian is in my bed when i get back and i wake him up to move
>guy on my left snoring loud enough to wake up an entire zipcode
>someone is watching porn on the other side of the dorm
>finally go to sleep at 5am
>checkout is 10am

why like this?

post hostel stories
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>>go out and get absolutely plastered
>>come back and spew in bed off the top bunk onto the floor whilst hes under me
Shit like this is EXACTLY why I'd never go to a hostel.

I couldn't imagine having to be around a band of white niggers whose definition of fun is getting drunk, contracting hepatitis from the nearest whores, holding up their hands in loud places, making chimp noises and going "WOOOOOOO".

Only Westerners think behaving like oafish idiots :partying" is a great experience.
I don't mind dancing at a good club, but party hostels are essentially captive bars where they overcharge for the experience.
>only westerners
Found the pajeet who ran away from >>2681284
I was 18 my guy, I’m sure you did stupid shit at that age, as I said definitely feel bad for old bud now.

Or maybe you are were of the kids on the brink of shooting up the school
you're too old for that crowd mate, see >>2681787, I'm already beginning to feel that in late 20s, though I should be good for a few more years. the golden age for hostels is 20-25 years old.
at the very least, get a private room in the hostel if you must

he's a jeet his opinion doesn't matter

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