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Just got back from a 5-day trip to Kyiv. I'm gonna post a load of my photos here. Feel free to ask questions.

Itinerary: I got an early flight from my home city to Krakow, then took a train to Krakow centre. From there I picked up my sleeper train tickets from the post office, caught a second train to Przemysl and killed a few hours by getting zurek and pierogi at a small cafe. I wandered around Przemysl for an hour or so; nice town. Then I waited in line for 10 mins at the immigration building, crossed through and caught a sleeper train
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You aren't on /pol/
rusnigs get really mindbroken seeing that Ukrainians live normally
Tell that to the russian shill who got lost from the board he was assigned to post to.
>thinly-veiled ukriane shill op
>turns out to be obvious ukraine shill op
woah... I should known better.

Russia is in the right, though. NATO promised to not expand eastwards and they did.
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Why should russia, a failed state, be able to dictate the policies of its neighbors? Maybe if they didn't consistently try to invade their neighbors, russia wouldn't be in this position. The ussr/cccp is over, sandeep. You should be happy, you'll be able to buy a cheap russian wife for a handful of rupees by the end of the decade.

Many people say that places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan etc. are past their prime and their golden age was X years ago.

But which places are experiencing their golden age right now? I would love to see more of those kinds of places. Or is literally the whole world just fucking deteriorating right now?
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>Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
say what you will but at least it's an ethos
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>Korea, although I suspect that is tapering off.
It’s done already. Korea should be included in the line up OP mentioned at first. Their golden age was in the late 2010s. After covid broke out, it’s starting to tape off and now it’s done.
>golden age of worst korea was in late 2010s when the country was run by feminist witches
what did you mean by this?
Go back doomer/pol/
Literally every single non-Western country is booming. Well except warzones.

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How does healthcare work overseas if you end up really sick while traveling?
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If you don't pay you'll likely be denied entry into this country in the future.
Other countries' hospitals don't take your stuff and leave you naked in a hospital gown? Gonna be tough getting anywhere without your shoes, wallet and ATM card, let alone your passport if you were carrying it.
I've heard that medevac coverage is the main reason to buy travel insurance, provided of course that you have healthcare coverage in your home country.
This depends a lot where you are
If you’re in Europe you’ll be fine, they’ll just send you the bill after treatment
yes if you live in some shithole
never had insurance claim denied (claim was in Asia, insurance in Europe), usually it's approved automatically in a couple of days
better hospitals contact and bill insurance company directly
you call the 'CALL THIS NUMBER IF SHIT'S FUCKED' number that's front and centre in your travel insurance documents, of course.

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How should I spend a few days in Burlington, Vermont?
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>Are you going in the fall/winter?
read the thread
I know this is ancient recurring bait but unironically Burlington might be the most trans friendly city in the United States
Vermont is the San Fransicko and Portland of the eastern US. Unless you are a sissy/leftard, you'll hate it.
It's gone downhill so much since 2009
I hate these pictures of random white women everywhere, takes away from the photo

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The air looks so polluted. I'd love to live abroad, but air quality is a big issue for me.
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Beijing has actually been really good for pollution this winter, most days below 100 aqi, right now it's like 40 and I can see really clearly all the way to the mountains in the west
Still 4 times higher than my home. Sorry, we all have our own value systems, and I treasure clean air.
Yeah I faked it man was just all a western trick. Fucking dumb cunt
You haven't been to Colorado. All the white people up in the mountains won't touch a burger unless it's made of grass-fed Angus beef on a hand-baked brioche bun.
Wow, an apple in America is $0.90 instead of $0.40 when it comes from China, literally stealing the shirt off my back! Americans eat some of the best food in the world, provided they know how to cook. The quality of the food I cook up for $8/day in America mogs what I eat for $8/day at restaurants in Southeast Asia. That being said, my cooking is rather bland and repetitious. Asian food has a helluva lot more flavor, and long as I walk 20 kilometers a day, it all metabolizes just fine.
Air pollution in America is highest in the summer. Hazy, hot and humid is the summertime norm all throughout the Midwest and East. AQI in the 50-100 range typically. Out West it's wildfire smoke or ozonated vehicle exhaust you're breathing in summertime.

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Do any of you carry a proper camera for backpacking trips? Is it worth it?

A DSLR is out of the question due to size and weight, so I'm considering getting a smaller point-and-shoot. However, with today's smartphones, I'm not sure if the difference isn't marginal and not worth the extra weight and stress.
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Hell no! I don't want to be robbed by some nigger!!
Who in their right mind wants to be robbed by a stinking nigger?
If you have a Huawei phone you won't need a separate camera. Invest the money and space instead on a drone. that's where you'll get shots you can't get with a phone camera.
Point and shoots are mostly pointless, given smartphones. I think they have a narrow niche as something you can hand to a local to get your picture taken. That way you aren't fucked in the worst case, where they run off with it.
bringing a slightly modified one of these on my next trip with a bunch of Acros and Ektar
I got specific shots in mind, yes it's bulky, but it's one of the lightest cameras that are still in production. the 'look' is something you either love or hate, but i'm bringing it for me, not social media.

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I've lived in 8 different countries now and I still don't know where I would like to settle down. I thought I'd travel around and find my "perfect place" but turns out that a perfect place doesn't actually exist, everywhere fucking sucks for different reasons.

Any Anons moved to a different country and didn't start regretting after 2-3 years?

I wouldn't even mind nomading around for the rest of my life, but it's not the same once you're in your 30s. I feel like I need a more permanent base.
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>Why do people keep repeating the worn-out meme about 30s being too old to travel?
Nobody's saying that it's too old to travel. But the vibes are way off.
Only real travelers understand why traveling while old is great.
Yeah the grass is always greener but I have found somewhere where im content with things
Tell us which place was the best so far
Can I buy your DVD on spiritual practice oh venerable anon?
>Turns out that a perfect place doesn't actually exist, everywhere fucking sucks for different reasons
Yes, came to the same conclusion myself
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I am a 100% non-spiritual person. Seems like anons here are perpetually stuck in their childhood rebellious phase, i.e. being spoiled by getting shit for free, but nonetheless hating everything and thereby making themselves miserable, which of course leads to coping and seething and hating everything the more.

Methinks it is because anons have never pushed themselves through a life challenge of their choice, day after day pushing out self-doubt and working a little bit closer to the goal. No, you do not get any reward when a monumental task is complete, so don't even expect there to be a cookie or a sticker waiting for you at the end. Instead, your reward is a feeling of self-assurance that sticks with you and begins to change the way you think about everything.
>the vibes are way off
Only if you're 35+ and trying to live out some rebellious hedonistic fantasy of a lost youth that you insist has been denied you. For those people, travel is merely incidental, a tiresome and expensive ordeal that must be endured in order to unlock the desired reward. They are not travelers and never will be travelers.

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Not interested in west Africa or anywhere populated by ooga booga Bantu spear chuckers
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I backpacked in 2017. It was very exciting, diverse and cheap. Tons of things to do (Danakil, Simien, Omo tribe).

Locals not easy to interact with. A few nice people though.

I believe it is safe again. There was a civil war in the north (Afar region).
>As primitive as it is, it looks quite expensive for foreigners.
No, not really. You can get a decent hotel as low as $10 and a good one for $20-30. Food is quite cheap, taxi is cheap.

>Getting around the country is likely a huge pain in the ass as well. Population has more than tripled in the past four decades, meaning every transport vehicle is going to be packed like sardines and traffic is going to be nightmarish.
That's true, though it applies to most African countries.
How’s the tutoring over there. One of you has to know
I hear Emitrea is nice.
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Ethiopia's pretty cool. I'd go as far as to say it'll remain one of the coolest countries I've ever seen or will see, despite having traveled a good it and planning to continue to do so.

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This shit is like $1000 per person for a fortnight, surely you can ride a train cheaper....

I'm going to Switzerland and Germany, is it better to just get passes for each country?
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Ok, how much fuel does it take. How much CO2 and other harmful gasses will be emitted destroying our planet. There are other ways to measure things, than time, you egocentric monkey. News flash: time doesn't begin and end with (You). You're like one of those faggots that drink almond milk because it's healthier, not knowing that it takes 1600 gallons of water to make one liter of it. Get your priorities in line.
If you're doing small cities where parking is easy, get a point to point rental car. If you're in a group of 3 or 4 people, you could split the price and see a lot more for a fraction of the price. You can rent a car for about 100/week in Europe. I went to Spain and picked up an SUV in Cordoba for a week for $140 and dropped it off in Malaga. Manual transmission cars get great gas mileage and we never paid a toll. In most most towns, you just park for free on the edge of town and walk in. You'll usually have to pay like $12 a day to park in a larger cities, but still much cheaper with a group. We ended up getting to see a lot more small towns this way. For a week, we hit 5 towns and we spent $140 for the rental, $150 for gas and $150 for parking. We split the cost between 3 people so it was about 150 per person per week.

This was my third road trip in Europe. I also did a road trip in southern France and one in Czech/Austria/Hungary. I do think the train is better in Italy if it's your first time and you're just hitting the big cities.
As a good comparison, Amtrak is currently having a sale on their USA Rail Pass. 10 legs over 30 days for $299.
I once thought about getting that, and going only in the big stretches all the way around. Around the World in 30 Days.
With the Germany ticket it would probably be lot cheaper to just buy that and tickets for each train in Switzerland. The down side with the Germany ticket is that you can't take fast trains, only regional trains, so it will take more time, but will cost you under 60 euro for a month.
With Interrail you are paying for the flexability, it is cheaper than buying tickets the same day and you have more freedom.

I come from Eastern Europe, but now live in Western Europe. Recently I was visiting my family, and on my way back I got seated next to an old western man. He told me he was visiting his son. The son moved to Eastern Europe to get a based trad wife because in the west there's too much feminism. Yet, the old man was unhappy, because this was his son's third girlfriend in the span of two years, and their relationship wasn't looking good either. I haven't really said this to him, but my immediate thought was "have you considered the possibility that in this particular case the problem might not entirely be boiling down to western feminism?".

What do you think passport bros?
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It's delusional to think there's no Western feminism in Eastern Europe, it's actually very similar.
Depends on what you mean by feminism.
Nothing wrong with a stay-at-home wife who takes care of the household duties, as long as the husband actually works/earns enough to justify it. Women aren't against serving their man, they just don't want to serve a bum.
>The son moved to Eastern Europe to get a based trad wife
ill beat you up faggots so bad
Women entered the work force in masse half a century ago because of the decline of wages and inflation. One paycheck was no longer enough to support a family. Men didn't become "bums". There was a systematic change made, on purpose, to send women into the work force to be around other dicks all day with the express design to be the disintegration of the family unit. How the fuck can anybody not see that?

staying at my first hostel. what should i expect?
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a lot of Australians for some reason
>Is this the most autistic board on 4chan
Fuck no
I always thought the plastic covers were for piss/cum/vomit protection, makes sense for bedbugs as well. Some places it's like sleeping on a crinkly trash bag.
check'd and kek'd

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want to go biking in rural china, not super far out like tibet or some 2 person/sq km mongolia place but places like szechuan and shaanxi. Want delicious food and cool landscapes. Anyone been? How hardcore are the police?
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I usually tent outside in warm countries and every few days get a shower and a room. Not sure if this would be allowed? I'm wondering if its like Vietnam - a dystopian police state - but only for locals? or if the tourists also can get wrecked...
Taking pictures of the wrong people or buildings can get you in trouble.
I am curious to know what countries you have done this in?
what? biked and slept outside? tons. In the UAE I was 200kms west of abu dhabi, 50kms+ from the nearest village and the police came and found me in the desert (after I had just taken my evening poop) and asked if all was okay or if I needed anything...nice people but lots of police
Is it true that the villagers collect tolls on their own as they pass through the villages?

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Titanic is the most hilarious in your face example of hypergamy and the biggest redpill about women it’s almost like it was written this way on purpose so that you would have to find the hidden meanings behind Rose’s abhorrent behavior
1. Hypergamy is women dating up, Jack is of lower social class than Rose. It's literally the opposite of hypergamy
2. >>>/tv/ is that way
Oddly enough this thread is pretty /trv/ related, Titanic does feature a cruise ship and peckerplay

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What’s it like travelling there? The map shown is Hans island which is bordered between Canada (Nunavut) and Greenland

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Recommend things I need to experience in Los Angeles?

Really into asian or japanese stuff so I might check Japantown
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little tokyo in downtown LA is nice overall but the surrounding area is kind of shitty. if you end up going, you might as well walk to the arts district and look at Hauser and Wirth which has free exhibits. if you go west to the heart of downtown LA there are walking tours for architecture through the LA Conservancy. the Last Bookstore is unique and fun if you're into books and art.
there is also a japanese neighborhood/street on sawtelle blvd and olympic blvd in west los angeles. that is not close to downtown, but it has many japanese restaurants and some stores.
for other asian stuff, look into LA's chinatown (surprisingly clean and well kept, but not very busy anymore. most of the chinese have moved to the san gabriel area), koreatown (largest diaspora of koreans in the world), and thai town (near hollywood).
griffith observatory is a must do
also a lot of LA museums are free (but some require reservations)
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Zankou chicken
Clifton's Republic, the Wolves, and golden gopher are neat bars to check out downtown. Sonoratown is my favorite tacos. The Bradbury building is cool if you like blade runner. Chinatown is eh, little Tokyo is neat, Sawtelle has really good food in Japan town. That market near the Bradbury building isn't great, just walk through. Griffith Observatory, the Getty, lake Hollywood Park, and Malibu bluffs park are good destinations to just get out of your car and take in your surroundings. Baldwin hill stairs too
Can you take amtrak through LA/ Socal now or have the fires ruined it?

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