Whenever I travel somewhere (on holiday or even just visiting my parents), I don't have to poop for 2-3 entire daysWhy is that
>>2759782I usually find myself constipated for a few days whenever I travel. I associate it with disruption to routine, whether chronological or environmental. My wife and I joke that it’s because some primal animal instinct has convinced my body that as I am in alien territory, I am at greater vulnerability to predators. If I shit, they’ll be able to find me.But realistically it’s probably just because you/I are dehydrated and/or eating differently, maybe in a different time zone.
>>2759782Same. One time I went back to visit family in Europe (I was born there but grew up in America) and didn't shit for what must've been 5 days. When it finally came the urge was severe, to put it mildly. But unfortunately in the absence of shitting for nearly a week I had developed a hardened shit-puck near the sphincter end of the turd log in my anus which took me a good 10 minutes of struggle to pass. How my asshole didn't tear, I still wonder to this day.
I'd like to go to Japan this year, first time. I don't know the language well enough to have conversations beyond simple phrases, greetings, thanks. When I go out to dine alone ideally I'd like to just go to any hole in the wall, but will they even be able to communicate with me or do I need to stick to the more touristy places for people that can speak english if needed?
>>2758918I want to laugh at gaijins too, where to see that through the beautiful eyeslits of the glorious nippon people.
>>2758933And some further recs>cafes Kissa Akane in Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo (this is a really charming cafe that would be perfect in the spring, the owner will use comically outdated tools to make excellent coffee. cash only)>more drinkingOuchi in Arakawa City by Machiya station, right next to Sankakuya Bar (I spelled it wrong in the last post)2 Chome-19-9 Higashiogu, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0012, Japan (I couldn't translate the name fuckit, best Chinese food I had made by some old lady, cash only, really cozy spot)Kazusaminato in Arakawa (this is a nice izakaya that has sumo wrestling on the tv, perfect to watch while chowing down on some of the best seafood I've ever had)
>>2758692a translator will put you ahead of the curve, the best ones are about 400 dollars and you will do better than most
>>2758835In Japan rn and this is the real game changer
>>2758918please link
I'm in hell for the next 8 hours.
>>2759374>Fly 50 USD, 1 hour, go from one tourist hotspot to another >"This place is ruined, there are roasties and pajeets everywhere, people keep trying to scam me, etc.">Train 100 USD, two weeks, spend a night in nine towns along the way between the two tourist destinations>"This country is awesome, the villagers are so friendly in X province, on the edge of Y town I found a narrow dirt road leading up a steep..."
>>2759318>>2759350>>2759374I lost my passport you assholes
You can't cover country on a plane.>>2759714That's really gay, anon. Were you the guy who wrecked his scooter in Vietnam and didn't check his pockets to make sure everything was still there before riding off?
>>2759228LOL. Criminally underrated observation.
>>2759747crimintally autistic observation. I'm 5'9
Been to:>Iceland>Japan>Peru>Jamaica>Panama>Egypt>England>Entire western part of the StatesHavent been impressed by anything. Recommend me something good, please. Preferably no tourists, beautiful nature, and amazing architecture
>>2756630Go to Edinburgh for the architecture and the rest of Scotland for the nature. Almost exactly what you’re looking for, obviously there are tourists but having been to Italy it doesn’t even compare. And once you’re in the highlands there are pretty much only hikers since tour groups can’t hack it. Go on the summer if you’re worried about cold
>>2756630its over
>>2756630Road trip down through the Florida keys.
>>2756924If you really were even a little bit of an adventurer, you wouldn't be asking for recommendations like one of the reddit niggercattle. You also wouldn't be complaining about being unimpressed like some tiktok addicted zoomzoom whose brain has been burned out by a constant stream of skillfully doctored moving pictures on his phone screen.
I'm traveling to Philadelphia for the Eagles Superbowl parade on Friday. Anyone else? Any tips?
>>2759080Get some Italian food in south Philly
>>2759275>Eastern State PenitentiaryUsed to live by here, pretty unique spot as far as American cities go.
>>2759275>Glencairne MuseumNeat
>>2759080I was in Philly for the game on the day of Superbowl, these people are crazy but you probably already knew that
>>2759641Yeah I was too
Sierra NevadaI have 5 days to drive and hike around this area. I'm thinking of the usual suspects: Yosemite, Sequoia.What's the weather like on the last week of March? It seems to be mellowing out, snow is still on the menu so I'll prepare chains just in case.I plan to stay up in the mountains and it seems like as long as I get the right permits sleeping in my car in the parking lots is ok.Anything good/bad to watch out for? Bears I guess?
Sequoia has some national forest dispersed camping nearby. It is around 7000' elevation, so it'll be very cold in March. BTW your windows will frost up and make it super obvious that you are sleeping in your car. Don't expect to get away with it if there are any patrols, which in an extremely popular park like Yosemite are to be expected. The Sierra foothills are a really tough area to stealth camp, as every acre of habitable land is private property fenced and posted. You can use the national forest interactive visitor map to see all the plots of national forest land and figure out which back roads are worth checking out for the possibility of dispersed camping.>bearsFood storage regulations are very strict in the park. Don't leave your windows cracked. Always lock your car doors, even on the shortest walks.
>>2759341>7000' elevationI did not realize that, thanks for the heads up.I've been doing a lot of car camping so as far as what to do/not to do when it comes to sleeping in a car, I should be ok.Want to know more good/bad things specific to the area, like Sequoia being that high up.I'll be there last week of March / first week of April.
>>2759651There are lots of free campgrounds and campsites all over California. But you don't want to car camp in the Sierras in March. It'll get down to the teens at night. Bears won't mess with you if you're in your car, but they will break in if you have any food and you're out hiking. You have to use a bear box and keep it outside the car. I'd stay down the mountain in Oakhurst and then drive in to Yosemite and hike there. Oakhurst has a couple free campgrounds. It'll be 30-40 degrees warmer than up in the mountains at night and you'll have the town nearby for supplies. https://freecampsites.net/#!California&query=region
My current list1) Colombia 2) Georgia3) Cambodia4) Turkey 5) PeruThoughts?
>>2759478are there other nice islands with reliable infrastructure?
>>2758665where can i live cheaply that isn't hot as fuck?
>>2759528Budapest used to be solid, not sure about prices anymore. Riga, too
>>2759528Highland cities, the higher the better
What is the alternative?Taiwan? Korea? Viet Nam?
Have any of you guys experienced the hookers in Okubo Park?How is it? How do I avoid scams?
>>2746795each one of those niggers has a haram of qt Japanese girls while you go to Japan and the girls won't even look at you
>>2758490Just use them as a spear and jam it into your food
>>2746795is this a stupid white dorkus thread?
>>2759657Imagine being a member of a sub-human negro race and thinking that everyone else is the problem when your kind moves into an area and ruins it.
Sir! Could you put your bags into the bag size checker? Ah yes... Your backpack seems to be 2 cm wider than the allowed limit, please come with us so we can proceed to charge you 3 times the money you paid for your flight ticket.
>t. fatpackerEveryone hates you people with the ENORMOUS fucking backpacks, blocking aisles and casually bumping into people behind you and looking like a stupid mule in the streets trudging along with your ginormous triple-strapped load. Then you get to whatever poorfag hostel you've booked and throw your mulepack on the floor because it can't fit in any of the luggage compartments. Now everyone has to step over your hunk of junk. Retrieving anything from the pack is a huge pain in the ass, with the noise and struggle involved waking up the rest of the dorm. And packing it up? That's at least a 45 minute ordeal. >B-but it's a heckin $300 fancy brand name ultra trekker sixty gorillion liter basedpack built with indestructible poly-acryl-nylon 8000D!I travel to remote outposts of human habitation with a $14.88 Walmart duffel bag that never needs to be packed or unpacked.
>>2759678>bag size checkerNever happened to me, you either have to have a massive bag or fly some really shitty airline
I'm going to move to Europe. My plan right now is to buy property in Portugal, get a work visa, and keep my head low until I can acquire EU citizenship. What else should I know or do?
>>2759534we're full fuck off
>>2759534>My plan right now is to buy property in PortugalIf you have the cash to buy property it's better to go for a country that gives you residency for the purchase>get a work visafor what jobs, it's fucking Poortugal, they haven't had an economy in decades
>>2759685>My plan right now is to buy property in Portugal>If you have the cash to buy property it's better to go for a country that gives you residency for the purchasePortugal used to be one of those countries—they’ve still got a “golden visa” residence by investment scheme, but real estate no longer qualifies as of late 2023. There’s a housing crisis in many parts of the country, and rich non-EU foreigners buying houses for permits made it a lot worse. To get a residence permit by investment, you now have to keep €500K in one of a few approved Portuguese funds for a minimum of 5 years. On the plus side, residence by investment now also includes permission to work (which wasn’t guaranteed when you just needed to buy a house). But as with pretty much all country-specific residence permits in Europe, it only offers permission to live and work in Portugal, unlike EU citizenship, which still offers largely unrestricted free movement. To OP, if you can afford to invest €500K that doesn’t include your housing, and you can manage to find a job, you’re eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship after five years in-country. So the plan isn’t at all impossible, but it’s not coming cheap.
I just got back from an Alps ski trip. Finally checked Switzerland off my list. Zermatt is mediocre for skiing. Not as expensive as I imagined, but also not cheap. Glad I went, though I don't plan to visit again. Austria had the best skiing, infrastructure, and apres ski scene (German house.) Italian Dolomites had the prettiest views, open and kind people, and food ofc. I found Milan to be a bit of a dump.Baikal next week.
>>2759434I do not and will not recognize the existance of r*ssia, France, b*lgium or Euro-ir*landPink just was the first my mouse landed on
>>2759393Thanks anon. Was this self-planned or did you go with a group? Where in the interior of Guyana did you visit? I've been to the Amazon a few times, the llanos, and pantanal so as much as I do still want to add Guyana I'm not sure what I'd get that I haven't already seen. A few years ago I inquired with someone down there about hiking Roraima from the Guyana side but that was sadly a no-go.
>>2759236Algeria is probably the most underrated country I've been to, nobody goes because unlike it's neighbours you need a visa but it's so much more interesting than Tunisia and Morocco in my opinionHuge, super diverse (cultures, ethnic groups, landscapes), people are extremely friendly, cheap and chips and you barely bump into any other touristsI was there for 3 weeks but I easy could have spent a month
>>2759501It was a group trip, did have a bit of time in both Suriname and Guyana at the end and before it started to wander around Paramaribo and Georgetown though. I took a plane to Kaieteur Falls one day, most of the trip was along the coast. I haven't seen anywhere else similar so I can't really compare. May not be as interesting if you've seen a bunch of similar stuff. Georgetown itself is pretty interesting though and worth a visit.
What countries will be the most unwelcoming and hostile towards American travelers in the Trump 2.0 era? What countries should I stay out of at this time? I did most of my international travel during the Obama era when the US was more respected around the world and wish I could go back to that time
>>2757654USAID is ending and all these shithole countries that you were misled to believe were sub-first world economies for the past 15 years (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and even South Korea) are going to collapse overnight back into the irrelevant third world shithole shanty towns they have always been now that their economies are no longer artificially propped up by US tax dollars. Cry harder, bitch. What countries should I stay out of? All of them- because they are all going to collapse lmao.
My experience in Europe and Oceania among white people who are not obviously just college leftists going through a phase is that most people are very envious and wish their country had a Trump figure. They caveat it >oh but I don’t like his brashness etcBut they admire it. People are exhausted of having to roll over all the time.Particularly found this sentiment in Australia, NZ & Germany. And this is way before even 2020 when everything seemed to go insane.
>>2758335> they ping your email/phone that you used to register your passport 365 days out before expiring. Pretty sure you can do the renewal shit online as well, forward it to a friend, have them mail it to you.>You have to be a grade A retard to not just stop back home in the USA which is stupid easy,Given that a LOT of countries won’t even let you in/issue a visa without six months of validity left on a passport, it’s hard to imagine how someone even gets stranded if they’ve got their act together. Obviously, if they’re residing in one place for an extended period, it can happen (I last renewed mine while living abroad, just inside the six-remaining-months-of-validity window), but even a resident who’s not crossing borders regularly is usually going to have to present a valid passport once in a while in his host country. It’s hard to imagine the expiration date just sneaking up on you unless you’re unusually oblivious.
>>2758368>death of USAIDThis! We are about to see all these arrogant 3rd world shitholes collapse in real time now. DOGE will expose to the world who and where our tax dollars go. I expect to start seeing attacks on Americans abroad
>>2758368>>2759677>believing USAID is what it's name says99% of that money was just going to lib propaganda organizations to enforce the globohomo world order and most countries will be happy we're no longer stirring up shit there
Hey I was just wondering, what gifts from France and Italy would ravish my japanese friends?I have a few ideas in mind, but as a dual citizen, I wanna offer the best gifts that would make them think of my countries, that they have trouble finding there... What do they crave from them?Thanks in advance
>>2758122By friends you probably mean someone who you meet online by vidya gaming? In which case you hardly know them enough to get a non gaming related gift. And even if you got them a gaming related gift, they may not use it. The reality is that even when you buy stuff for yourself that you think you will use, time transpires and it becomes months or years later and you don't use it. It happens all the time. So getting someone else a gift only compounds this unwanted gift problem as few people know what another wants and will use.
>>2758256No, actual friends I made up with last time I've been in Japan (Aomori and Hiroshima).I'm over 30 btw and they are too.
>>2758304If they live in Japan and you don't at most they are acquaintances at best. Why get gifts for people you barely know?
>>2758304>friends I made upI have friends like these, too
>>2759493Jeez dude let it go
Philippines travel general
The “men” are especially useless and lazy. They’re are good for manual labour and other menial tasks - but most will only put in effort to drinking and gambling. The women can be call centre agents Maybe a flight attendant if she’s ambitious. And if she’s the “first daughter” she better be ambitious because she will be expected to devote her entire life to supporting the rest of her entire deadbeat family. She will sleep on the floor of a shitty studio apartment with 5 other girls and send every peso home to mommy and daddy. She might even start selling her pussy to keep the cash flow coming in. Just so daddy can drink his Red Horse and mommy can give money away to scammy inlaws. Philippines is a 120 million person trailer park.
>>2759965I mean, this whole idea by foreigners that the place can't change, while being in the midst of a vastly changed Philippine, is nonsense. If it can't be changed, then how did people go from being kind and friendly to angry and hostile? It was not like this before, and this change was obvious between 2014 and 2015/16 which is a small period of time and nowhere near a generation which is usually the metric to measure such drastic changes. Your canned, parroted lines are meaningless and wrong, and you're. It even making an attempt to examine the situation. Is there some forum you use where people echo these erroneous thoughts? I'm curious what is reinforcing this impossible mentality.
>>2760039>and you're. It evenYou're not* even
>>2760005>Philippines is a 120 million person trailer park.
>>2759938Chad as always is oblivious to the dating problems suffered by lesser-value males. >I get pussy anytime I want to bro, what do you mean girls are hard to get? Just be me bro, it's that easy>>2759929Extreme fucking laziness is the problem. Filipinos hate cooking a proper meal 2x a day because it's too much work. Here in Laos you see country folk cultivating garden plots everywhere you look. Not in the Philippines, it's too much work.
visiting marseille in may for 4 days.would greatly appriciate any tips, french restaurant recommendations or dishes, and any other cool thing we can see
For food, go eat some bouillabaisse ( fish hot pot with saffron ) and navettes ( orange blossoms flavored biscuits)Take a bus/train to visit Aix-en-Provence and buy a box of calissons (almond candies) Le Petit Nice (3* Michelin) is the best resturant in town but you got other restaurants recommended by the Michelin guide ( 1* or bib gourmand) For buying a souvenir, go to Maison L'Empereur. Museums/Churches : -Marseille History Museum-MuCem ( Musée de la Méditérannée)-Cosquer replica cave-Notre-Dame de la garde Basilica -La Major Cathedral-Abbey of Saint Victor ( nice medieval crypt btw) Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2759473>Avoid contacts with algerians/sandniggs and it will be fine.yeah, so basically don't go anywhere near Marseille and a 100km radius around it.
>>2759480>yeah, so basically don't go anywhere near Marseille and a 100km radius around it.Is the whole region bad? What about Avignon? What is the best place to visit in Southern France?
>>2759521Avignon is worth for 1-2 days : - Palais des Papes ( Pope's palace) - Dom rock with the view on Rhône river and the Mount Ventoux- Avignon theater festival - Visit some wine estates ( Châteauneuf du Pape)The best place to visit in the south is clearly Aix en Provence imo : - nice and safe walkable city - fine dining/cafés/wine bars- hub to others cities/places (Marseille/Avignon/Luberon/Verdon Canyon/Cannes/Azurean Coast)- cultural life ( concert/festival/theater)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2758752Oui ma gatée