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I'm planning to visit DRC. The more I look at it though, the impression I get is that they want me to have an actual booked reason for my visit for the visa application. Normally I like to be pretty free and don't like to book to much in advance, especially since the actual accepted reasons for going all seem to be $100s tours of parks for a couple days, and also I would want to be unrestricted in my movements. Does anyone have any experience travelling in DRC?

I'm planning to visit north and south Kivu and Ituri sort of area and I want to be able to travel around the local villages and stuff. If I book one of these trips to mt. Nyiragongo or whatever, will I be able to do the tour, then be free to travel around in congo for the duration of my visa? And I notice it asks about your accomadation, do I actually need specific places booked in advance, and how important is it? Or can I just book one night somewhere and then after that I'm free. What even are accomadation options like there, from a quick look around I couldn't see much in the way of options for less than £100 a night. Are crappier hotels just not listed on google maps so much there?

And would getting a press card and pretending to be a journalist help here and with tourism in general? Can't quite figure out whether it would give you a diplomatic immunity sort of perk, or whether it would put a target on your back and bar your access to lots of places.

Also even more unrelated but does anyone have experience signing up to charity work there or anywhere else? Was thinking it would help me attend refugee camps and the like and be a good excuse for the visa, and I could really do with it on my CV, but a brief glanse and you seem to have to pay hundreds of pounds for the priveledge of working for free kek.
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The other Congo (Brazzaville side) is supposed to be less awful in every way and easier to get into.
I kind of want to go to the DRC to see catch fatiche wrestling, as stupid and insane as that sounds.
Ask in the FB groups West Africa Travellers (the one with 2 L’s) and Overlanding West Africa. Those guys can give you tips on visa hacking for the DRC
did a 4 week tour up the Congo River last year

had a local travel agency organize everything

their visa questionnaire is stupendously long but at least in Germany you get your Visa approved quite easily once you actually filled it out

>What even are accomadation options like there
western style hotels? Rare.
You have some typical African business hotels

but outside of Kinshasa it gets even rarer

there are of course more "hotels"
but you REALLY don't want to stay in them

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>Congo (Brazzaville side) is supposed to be less awful in every way and easier to get into.
yeah but that's in the west
OP wants to go to eastern Congo

even so
Brazzaville is generally a way more enjoyable city compared to Kinshasa

but honestly the rainforest / nature on the DRC side is far superior
also regulations are way more lax / less enforced in the DRC so you can actually travel like you want
so no one will bothering you when you camp somewhere

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heading to tirana in september, how long would you stay for?
2 minutes to take a piss, then head north to Montenegro and Croatia without looking back
is it better? i like hostels and stuff and drinking with randomers will i get that in montenegro
>heading to tirana in september, how long would you stay for?
You can see the sites in a packed couple of days.
The cablecar and the two bunker museums and surveillance museum are worth a look.
Take a walk around the main square and mosque and the Block neighbourhood but there isn't much to do there besides the museums already said.

I liked Tirana. I recommend Dean's Apartment on airbnb.

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What is you favorite Church or place of worship you've been to on your travels
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The best Catholic Churches are in Poland and Italy anons. Poland is so underrated. Warclaw is supreme.
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Huge fan of St. Paul otuside the walls, very relaxing and calmy garden and exteriors, beautiful interiors while also being humble and smaller in scope compared to any other Rome's basilica
Hnnnnfgghhh the statues are awesome
Kino, may need to final play this shit

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Exactly as the title says. What is the best hostel to stay in Berlin for a day or two, i.e. what are the places where you wouldnt have to share a room with a brown? I had the misfortune of having to stay in the a&o hostel near the main station and it was an absolute horror, it was six beds and i was the only white there, thankfully my flight was super early in the morning so i only stayed there for like 3 hours or so. I was thinking about the Meininger one near the airport since i am assumming most of the people there would be staying after/before a flight so they would atleast be human enough to be able to afford a plane ticket. I have stayed in the Astel one for a day as well but there arent any private bathrooms there and that is a must for me so that one is out as well. Anyone with experience on the subject willing to give me some kind of a pointer here?
How fucking spoiled are you
St. Christopher

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I want to go somewhere for dating, culture, and beauty. Where are some places that some people speak English? Any places I can Date(Not buy) ladies that are into 40 year old white American dudes?
I've been feeling empty inside, and I just need some adventure.
I'm sure someone is going to yell at me for posting this, but that's okay. Thanks Bros, I love you guys.
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What about Mexico? People speak any English there?
What you think about moving to Belize ?
How me meet spainish girls me no speaky any Spainish????
You white niggers are almost as useless as the regular ones.

Hi anons, I came here for the straight non bs advice.
Be brutally honest with me. Just wanna work a year or 16 months, save some 35-40k USD.
>don't drink
>don't smoke
>don't like to party o buy useless shit
>will eat rice and eggs all day long just to save a buck
>will live on a shared house to save rent
>will not stay, just there to make money and gtfo
Is it even possible while working construction, carpentry, hospitality, or any other low skill no degree job that I can find?
>will do manual labor
>will work +50 hours a week
>I'm 6,3 and 87 kg, not unfamiliar with breaking a sweat at work

I'm thinking a work and holiday visa, but no holiday at all, just grind all day long and maybe a pint after work.
I'm from Argentina, 29 years old, male, no kids or people to care for.
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I want to work and live in New Zealand for a few years. Not the working holiday visa tho, for i am 34. I'm American and have a college degree.

Not sure if you want to try this OP, but I'm thinking of showing up as a tourist, exploring LOTR nerd stuff, and then decking out and dropping my resume off at a bunch of restaurants, bars and seeing if anyone wants an experienced bartender, server or manager. I think its possible. But then again, i'm not from Argentina and im not sure if you have a college degree.
Did 3 years of WHV in 2019. I'd take what the Aussies in this thread are saying with a grain of salt.

You've got two things to think about. How easy is the job to get, and how well does it pay. You are guaranteed to find a farm job. With a bit of effort you can get one of the good ones that don't abuse you. But more effort you can get some really good pay if you can drive tractor or anything specialized like that.

City work your best bet is construction like the other anon said. Tree planting is also pretty easy to get into.

Every backpacker talks about the mine jobs. Can't say I've ever met a backpacker that got one. I imagine you need a connection or some real experience. Good pay so it's worth a shot, but don't hold out hope. It'll all be in WA too.

Fishing boats can be lucrative in-season. Hospitality is all right, keeps you in nice areas at least.

One year of work at a basic job you can expect around 40k aus (25k USD). Groceries are expensive, rent is worse. Working hostel might be 40 a night. Get a car you can sleep in if it works for you. You'll need wheels if you aren't in the city anyways. There's a lot of country to see, so maybe you're broke ass can enjoy it while driving between growing seasons or something. You're on the other side of the world, enjoy it.
I'm not sure how much money you'll save, but Australia is the perfect country to do what you're planning. Wages are quite high. Cost of being social is high (going to restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, drinking outside of your house), but if you just work really hard, live in a sharhouse 20 mins drive from the city, and don't go out and drink much, you'll save heaps of money.

Unfortunately though, we are full.
Casual construction labourers can earn $30-35/hour. Honestly you should just resell aliexpress jewelry at 10x the price at street markets.
Make sure and have their 9 holocoof vaccine requirement. Fuckers made that island hellscape a medical prison

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Stink tofu edition

Who is in the country now? Who wants to do a meetup?
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is it true that Taiwan has the most crowded cities in Asia?
Just go outside and eat, don't think too much.
what's the best hike in Taiwan
didn't even notice
you're good man
I do the same despite knowing the appropriate usages of your/you're
taroko national park seems to have loads of popular hiking trails

Is Mexico City of any value to visit.

Also, how likely is my dark haired Caucasian girlfriend to get raped and beheaded?
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It's worth it but outside of Polanco/Roma/Condesa/Coyoacan/Lomas there isn't much to do besides maybe going to the pyramids or Xochimilco. I'm kind of bored of it now after visiting like 4 times.
>Is Mexico City of any value to visit.
Yes, for many reasons, not the least of which are the incredible museums, parks, and restaurants. But, you should NOT slum it. Stay somewhere with cars and drivers, and good security. No uber for you, no public transport. Don't look like you can't kick asses, or too anglo or have too much of an online persona. As a tall blonde, I haven't been since the '85 earthquake, but it wasn't hardly safe for me back then, but I had family around me. A guy on an airplane in first class next to me owned a kidnapping insurance agency and calculates risk (had 180 agents, woah) and confirmed to me the risk is very high still. He personally won't go there, nor Rio. They're worse than Iraq. :/

tl;dr Enjoy Costa Rica instead if you don't look like you fit in and utterly bilingual. If you can stay with an actual friend, like Polanco, you could make it work.
First of all there is nothing European about this photo. Second of all, that is not an average Mexico City street. Why do people constantly lie about Latin America?
I'm yet to know Lima, but for me CDMX is the third LatAm to know after Rio de Janeiro (if you don't try to be edgy) and Buenos Ares. From there you can make day-trips to Teotihuacán and Tula and top-tier museums like Antropologic Museum and Soumaya. Bonus for their street food (Montezuma's revenge aside).
op pic is not Mexico City

What are your honest thoughts on NYC?
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thinking of moving there with GF(male) when i'm outta school, we are both programmers and he can easily make 200k and i'll probably be able to pull at least 65 to start.
Gonna be there soon. I wanna score so bad with a black cutie but I don't wanna catch their stds.
>10 fucking USD for a beer
I thought canada was supposed to be expensive, even in downtown vancouver it's considered overpriced for a good local craft beer to be more than $9 CAD.
i find it humorous when comparing the exalted status of NYC with its actual value ascertained by its conduct during the pandemic. all those enriching "things to do & high-value people" were absolutely worthless and did nothing to stop its vaulted citizenry calling for the oppression of their fellow man like some blood thirsty plebs from the salem witch trials. you were purported to be better. perhaps its true you became better versions of yourselves but what does that prove?
I've thought of visiting because a friend/neighbor of mine ran off there. Certainly out of their price range, and I don't like spending more that $100 on a room anywhere. I spotted a few for less in that place.

Yet, what is there to actually do? Anything and everything? Mostly the grime appeals to me. And I'm a sex tourist. I imagine freshly imported latinas beckoning me from rundown doorways, and the usual chinatown shuffle. Walking through the 'park' with all the niggas beatboxing, etc. Then I'd probably get bored. Then I'll have to resort to foodie scene and getting up in people's faces with their bad accents, like "Hey, I'm walkin' here!!" and catcalling unobtainable models for entertainment? Find the an underground techno goth bar? Mostly I see videos of people from New York who seem like absolute faggots so I'm not impressed. Yeah, let's rollerblade down the street and be quirky!

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Attention to all World Citizens and RealTraveler™s of /trv/, according to my estimates from piecing together various vacation countdown screenshots, today, July 19th, 2024, marks the beginning of the infamous Security Guard Anon's retreat to Thailand. Let us celebrate in this thread by reminiscing on some of his great contributions to this board, and look forward to the next 6 months free of peckerposting, hatred for successful people, and dorker spam.
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Lol you are correct
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i imagine cuckshed is going to need another keyboard
You're definitely a subhuman currycel and a complete fucking loser with a permanent, raging inferiority complex towards White people. Every samefag post you make is a self-own, an unintended trolling of your own very pathetic life. Unironically kill yourself.
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All this rage is coming from a man child who can’t even drive a car.

You aren’t Neil Armstrong or Elon Musk. You are a white dork who never lost his virginity until he flew to SEA and payed a slum monkey to have sex with you.
sweet jesus, this fucking thread
is this what you fucknuts do instead of actually travelling?

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I've often heard London being reffered as as a lawless hellhole but now that I'm here on my first solo vacation im having a great time. Currently chilling in an underground bar with live jazz after busting my feet with 7 hours of walking.
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nah countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Namibia etc. are relatively safe (with normal precautions)
and Rwanda is just as safe as any European country

you absolutely don't need guards there

the kinds of vacations you can do there are relatively expensive
the big cities are kinda boring / not very well developed for tourism (with some exceptions like Nairobi)
rural tourism / backpacking is also not a thing (like e.g. in SEA)

so you are left with adventure / outdoor / safari (/ beach resort) stuff
and because of often badly developed infrastructure, it's very difficult to plan your own tours

essentially binding you to the Lodges / Hotels / Resorts

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you got mogged af lmao
>good shopping, fantastic museums, and a fuck-ton of well-preserved historical sites.
nigger. genuinely what are you talking about? you wanna go to a real european city with actual charm?? thats fucking paris lil nigga, you can get chlamydia by just touching a woman there and its still such a more soulful place than london
london is a shithole and the only thing to do is go clubbing. you go to a london club and feel like you are in the "bad part of town" in america
the museums suck cock compared to france too.
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very based
gif related, it's anon on the left and Redditors seething about /pol/ on the right
I love london

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Is Washington State worth moving too? I want to live in Western Washington, with all the trees.
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Ok sorry for all the questions but where is a cheap area with minimal blacks that’s north of the space needle?
I haven't lived in Washington in years, but If I remember correctly, east of shoreline is is fine. Idk what your budget is , but the other towns I mentioned earlier are perfectly fine and low in blacks.
K thanks
Spokane man its the Jewel of America but you gotta be willing to drive. Its like a family/college town with nice river walk and fishing, nearby Idaho, can drive to Seattle, Tri Cities, you are bound to have something to do.

Just bite the bullet and do what you can afford in Seattle otherwise, its got bad vibes but I dunno just go in not trying to be a right wing spooky douchebag and make trouble and whenever you see a fellow White person give them a light nod and remember you cannot get pussy unless you get personally introduced. Get linked in to some organizations and go from there.

If you want to go big, try canvassing for Kamala Harris campaign almost everyone will agree with you, comfy as fuck and filled with young women. pro tip
God this sounds so pathetic. Why the duck did I move here. These people are legitimately freaks.
>Give your fellow white people a nod
These faggots look miserable and walk their fucking dog.

>try canvassing for Kamala Harris campaign almost everyone will agree with you, comfy as fuck and filled with young women.
These people are garbage.

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I'm going to be in Louisville at the end of the month for a weekend. The only thing I have planned so far is a tour of the Waverly Hills haunted sanitarium. What are some fun things to do in the city otherwise?
I'm 31 single and white if that matters
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any good local spirits i should look out for?
since im driving ill be able to bring back any bottle i want
You could pick up some local Bourbon that doesn't have national distribution. Nulu by Prohibition Craft Spirits is really good and they make a lot crazy experimental bourbons that you'll never be able to get outside of Louisville. Get a bottle of their Gin too if they have any.
You seriously MUST go to Starlight Distillery just north into Indiana. They are a massive farm that makes crazy expiremental stuff like wines out of their strawberries, then brandy out of the wine, then puts whiskey in that strawberry brandy barrel. The tasting is less than $20 and comes with 12 half shots of whiskey so you'll have plenty of time to explore the massive property and farmers market they have there while you sober up. Try the pecan pie as well.

As for other food, Shack in the Back BBQ does some incredible turkey ribs with white lightning sauce. The rest of their BBQ is terrible though.
2 more days bros thanks for all the good recommendations

I’m going to be doing a lot of drinking I guess
If you're willing to drive you can go 1 1/2 - 2 hours east and hit up the Kentucky Horse Park + Red River Gorge (which is very cool).

Worth going to Albania?
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I was interrogated by the police in Lushnje and made to sign a confession. It was all under Durres.

>Giro Coaster
>Bajhi Ram Curry
Also, yes, it is.
>Komani ferry
>Theth valbona hike(!!!!)
>Albanian riviera
>Lake Ohrid (Macedonia)
>Bunker hunting
>Urbex the submarine base (if you still can?)
>Gjirokaster castle and old town
>General feeling of traveling around and feeling like a traveler in a weird land
>Various Roman ruins (i.e. Orikum) you can just do what you like in
>Cheap boats to go to hidden beaches and fuck around on
>ezpz drugs
>Paragliding at LLogara pass (where Caesar crossed with his troops).
>I was interrogated by the police in Lushnje and made to sign a confession. It was all under Durres.
I Shkoder to think about it, it sounds like Kruje and unusual punishment
The best time was the coof when it was wide open and sort of a crossroads for backpacker types looking for somewhere to scratch the travel itch. Now it’s pretty mainstream, somewhat overrun and about three times as expensive as it was only three years ago. Still, worth it.
Was hilarious that Albania's only restriction was not being able to play music in bars after 10pm.

Still able to buy coke from barmen though, and they didn't mind if you played music on your bluetooth speaker, which attracted customers.

Remember a policeman walking past, a little puzzled, then just walked on.

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Short story I can only get my holidays in the summer. Just came back from Greece and swore I'll never travel anywhere with more than 25 degrees anymore. What is even left? Norway? Scotland?
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>I'll never travel anywhere with more than 25 degrees anymore
What the fuck is wrong with british people
Nude beaches
why would you even travel in summer??

I always take the whole April and the 3 first weeks in October as vacation

>way better climate
>no Taifuns / Hurricanes / Rainy season anywhere
>you are in off season almost everywhere
Scandinavia and Scotland only places left for yuros who want a nature focussed summer trip in bearable heat. Even they can still get warm and are prone to swarms of biting insects. Scandinavia famously expensive; you’ll spend less day to day in Scotland but it’s no cheap either, especially if you start racking up the miles with calmac / north link / Logan air

Alps/Dolomites are a bit warmer but are still gorgeous and worth a visit. Lots of Germans on walking holidays who insist on being German about everything

Scotland in particular has limited accom in the summer peak season and needs planning / booking way in advance which fucking sucks. Unless you already live there and get fucked off with tourist congestion instead

being Scottish really is shite

Some people can only get holidays in the summer anon

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