visiting marseille in may for 4 days.would greatly appriciate any tips, french restaurant recommendations or dishes, and any other cool thing we can see
For food, go eat some bouillabaisse ( fish hot pot with saffron ) and navettes ( orange blossoms flavored biscuits)Take a bus/train to visit Aix-en-Provence and buy a box of calissons (almond candies) Le Petit Nice (3* Michelin) is the best resturant in town but you got other restaurants recommended by the Michelin guide ( 1* or bib gourmand) For buying a souvenir, go to Maison L'Empereur. Museums/Churches : -Marseille History Museum-MuCem ( Musée de la Méditérannée)-Cosquer replica cave-Notre-Dame de la garde Basilica -La Major Cathedral-Abbey of Saint Victor ( nice medieval crypt btw) Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2759473>Avoid contacts with algerians/sandniggs and it will be fine.yeah, so basically don't go anywhere near Marseille and a 100km radius around it.
>>2759480>yeah, so basically don't go anywhere near Marseille and a 100km radius around it.Is the whole region bad? What about Avignon? What is the best place to visit in Southern France?
>>2759521Avignon is worth for 1-2 days : - Palais des Papes ( Pope's palace) - Dom rock with the view on Rhône river and the Mount Ventoux- Avignon theater festival - Visit some wine estates ( Châteauneuf du Pape)The best place to visit in the south is clearly Aix en Provence imo : - nice and safe walkable city - fine dining/cafés/wine bars- hub to others cities/places (Marseille/Avignon/Luberon/Verdon Canyon/Cannes/Azurean Coast)- cultural life ( concert/festival/theater)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2758752Oui ma gatée
Are there any good military museums on the east coast of the U.S. outside of D.C.? I'm specifically looking for WW2, especially armor. Living in PA at the moment. We have a lot of local Civil War and Colonial period museums but there's not much for WW1/WW2 that I've seen. I have been to the Smithsonian museums.
>>2759542Ah someone already beat me to it
>>2759519Thanks a trip down to VA sounds like it would be good. >>2759542>>2759543I have been to battleship New Jersey, but I'll look into the Intrepid.
The WWII museum in New Orleans is absolutely huge and fantastic. Well worth the plane flight.
>>2759549Might as well take a look at some of the Civil War battlefields if you're going from PA to Norfolk
>>2759514They are literally just outside of DC, but The Army Museum at Fort Belvoir (accessible from Fairfax Parkway, GPS may give messed up directions)and the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico VA. The US Army Quartermaster Museum is in Fort Gregg Adams Va (formerly known as Ft Lee). Museum of Aviation at Warner Robins AFB in Georgia.
This is part of traveling I hate. Dealing with baggage. It has been a while since I've done it.In your experience what can you get away with as your “personal item.” Could you take a school backpack with your laptop in it and some other stuff?How uptight are they about enforcing size limits on your bags? Do you ever get busted?What about checked bags? Does this go well?
>>2759348I feel like I am the only one who doesn't get why people are so upset and buttmad about liquids. Virtually any trip I am taking it's cheaper or as cheap to buy at the destination for the larger liquids>toothpaste>deodorant >??? mouthwash lol?Most hotels have your conditioner and other shit you need in the room. If you're going for long stays/trips just throw it in checked luggage. Shit was confusing my first flight then I was like wow, why the fuck am I packing so much
>>2759504I want to be able to drink on the airport and on the plane. Even small 500 ml bottles of water need to be thrown out. Drinks on the airport are overpriced and I don't always have time to detour and stop by the store, especially when my gate is one fucking km away from my arrival point/gate.>toothpaste, deodorant, etc.For some things like that I don't really feel like having to go to the store is worth my time. Finding stick deodorant in Japan was pain in the butt. Not a liquid issue though.
>>2759504Toothpaste is the only thing I don't hold anyone against.If I arrive late at night, I don't want to go out looking for toothpaste, I just want to check in to the hotel and brush my teeth before going to bed.If my trip involves multiple flights, I don't want to buy a new tube of toothpaste at every new destination (because most regular-sized toothpaste is over 100ml/3.4oz). I would rather just start with a single tube of toothpaste that's under 100ml.Also, let's not forget this is 4chan. A lot of people here don't like fluoride. Good luck finding fluoride-free toothpaste in an unfamiliar country.Toothpaste and shaving cream are literally the only liquids I bring. I'm more than happy with using hotel shampoo.
>>2759506I just bring an empty water bottle and fill it up past security.Deodorant sucks in Asia I just stick a large thing in my checked though, liquids don't have the same limits with checked luggage.
>>2759530Many people fly without checked luggage.
Tomorrow is the Super Bowl so I'm going to Philly and I've been there a couple of times but never been to the heart of the city, though I always make sure to go to Geno's and Pat's whenever I'm in town. So far all I'm going to do is go to the museum of art and visit the Liberty place. What else should I do?
>>2758125>you anons gotta keep this thread aliveI'm on it.Have you found any demons yet? Mind you they can disguise themselves in all kinds of shapes like prostitution, poverty, illegal immigrants, drunks, drug addicts, etc. Stay vigilant.
Then Barnes art exhibit.
>>2758259I just got back. This is probably the only city in the world where the foreigners are far more well-behaved than the locals. I honestly don't blame them for thinking we're crazy. I stayed pretty much in the downtown area it was fine, though the way people drive is pretty dangerous imo. Just make sure you stay away from Kensington, that shithole is full of tranq addicts. And take salt with you if you're eating locally, you're going to need it.
>>2758502Didn't see this thread until now but I live in Philly and it fucking sucks. The historical district is interesting and West Philly around the colleges is probably the one livable place. Nearly all of West Philadelphia is made up of 1900's townhouses with a few colonials and it's legitimately beautiful. Kensington is basically a blocked off escape from new york open air camp now. They shut down the subway station there because all the workers assigned to it kept quitting. The local "culture" is being an asshole, so you'll get limp wristed basedmen trying to start shit with people. Superbowl was probably a good time to come. Despite all the drinking people cool off a bit when the Eagles win big and there's less retards trying to start shit. The driving is nightmarish, especially in North Philly. I've lived here close to 8 years now and have seen about 6 pedestrians hit by cars. Glad to hear an anon visited Philly without being attacked though.
>>2759513>>2758502>>2758308>>2758259>>2758255>>2758125>>2758117>>2758116Bait thread, relies discarded
I'm about to live in the UK for 6 months because of work, where should I i visit that I haven't been yet? Right now I'm looking at>Romania>Southern france and Monaco >Southern SpainMaye Belgrade and Vilnius too?
>>2759446Egypt, look at some of the best reefs in the world.Better dont though, do that in SEA, less food poisoning and retarded arabs.
I will have a few free days in Medellin (and possibly a couple in Bogota). What do?I am planning on doing Guatape, but would like other suggestions especially for nature/wildlife. Are there good places near Medellin (or maybe Bogota) to see monkeys in the wild? Or birdwatching? Or other great scenic hikes like Guatape? Or any other suggestions for things to do? Preferably places I can just go do on my own but I can pay for a tour if needed too.
>>2758412Medellin sits at 1400 meters elevation. It is also far enough north to have a dry season with plentiful sunshine. This makes the climate very pleasant without ever being too hot or two cold. Medellin also has a FUCKTON of high-rises. This gives people a feeling of luxury and safety in their apartments. The airport and bus terminal are very conveniently located. You don't even have to take a taxi if you don't want to. Funny enough, the only part of Medellin where I felt distinctly unsafe was El Poblado. I also hated the ripoff pricing there, the stupid richfag tourists speaking English in public, and the audacity of beggars to come into restaurants and demand the food on my plate. Everywhere else in the city, nobody tried to harass or target me, and I traversed the entire city on foot. I walked down streets infested with drug addicts, checked out the slum neighborhood in picrel. Fresh squeezed orange juice every morning for 60 cents, I miss that. Here in Southeast Asia, the orange juice is always 30% orange juice, 20% sugar syrup, and 50% water.
>>2756762Yes, Cartagena>>2758141Money talks and bullshit walks, simple as. Cartagena is not a city for poorfags, the Old City is chock full of high-priced hookers (high-priced everything, to be exact). Remember the Secret Service scandal when the guys paid a hooker $50 after she demanded $700, and she complained to the police? That was in Cartagena.
Thinking of moving to Bogota once I clear up some debts this year.I need me a latina wife.
>>2758463One day your number will come up. It always does.
Any recommendations for where to stay on the carribean coast? I wanna surf if there's swell, if not a good beach is fine. The only other requirement is accessibility to Tayrona park. I was thinking of staying in Palomino instead of Cartagena or Santa Marta.
Singapore is just the ultimate /trv/ filter because you aren't seen as a walking piggy bank there simply because you're white. It also makes the poorfags actually seethe when they realize how expensive things like rooms and beers are. Small country good for 7-8 days if you don't have cash, good oasis in SEA to get quality food, gyms, women, and goods. Poorfags can go across the border to Johor and seethe.
>>2759487Probably my favorite comfy travel destination. No taxis scamming you, no gutter oil food, no screaming retards everywhere, very limited third worldness. Just chill in your fancy hotel at the fancy pool, see some really cool sights around the city, and enjoy nice food everywhere.Nightlife sucks shit though.
>>2759494>Nightlife sucks shit though.Unless you're staying in little india it's fine, cops just take a shit on anything the indians due due to some riots a while back and use them as a punching bag. It's fine but you need to pay some serious cash, if you're not spending 200 a night for just getting into a club and drinks, then you're probably not going to pull any women your way.
What activities, places, events or things should a person consider when visiting Amsterdam?
>>2759475I lost my virginity to a prostitute when I went at 21 there. Got drunk with the boys, got a girl, then did shrooms. Good times
How often do you travel somewhere tropical? What are the best destinations to go to?
>>2759354I go to Australia every 2 years and it sucks, you should never go.
>>2759354>inb4 muh beachesAn upland or highland tropical environment is far better suited for a white man than a lowland or coastal one.
>>2759354>How often do you travel somewhere tropical? Nowadays, almost never. But my boomer parents retired to a backwoodsy part of the Caribbean for a few years (they eventually got sick of hurricanes and worried about healthcare), so I visited them over Christmas several times. And I made a handful of trips to different parts of Southeast Asia, and later Central America, through work; was also sent to West Africa on business once, but I’m not sure if I was literally in the tropics, latitude-wise. It was hot and humid, so close enough, I suppose. But it wasn’t a personal trip, and I would recommend neither Liberia nor Côte d’Ivoire as vacation destinations for most people (although CI does have beach resort destinations that are supposedly quite beautiful; my French colleague who grew up an expat kid in Africa spoke very highly of them). >What are the best destinations to go to?In Central America, I found the natural beauty and wildlife of Costa Rica seriously impressive. Got glimpses of similar landscapes in parts of Nicaragua and Guatemala, too, but the infrastructure in CR is better and the country overall a lot less sketchy (or at least it was at the time—I’ve been told that CR has deteriorated in some places). I really liked visiting my parents in Vieques, Puerto Rico while they were based there, but it’s neither the most beautiful nor entertaining island in the Caribbean for normie resort tourists. It’s arguably boring and at least a bit of a shithole by many people’s standards. But I liked it specifically because it didn’t feel touristy, just kind of sleepy. And the many beaches are often nearly or even completely deserted, and there’s some very good snorkeling. But for more traditional palm trees and white sand, most people, including most Puerto Ricans, prefer the neighboring island of Culebra.Southeast Asia is well known. I’ve liked most of the places I’ve been.
>>2759354I come from a tropical country and had traveled to a first world country for the first time and holy shit, your winters are though. No wonder you guys are always wishing to travel to third world destinations.
Paid $6.50 for a four hour ride in a pickup truck to the middle of bumfuck nowhere after crossing paths with the same trio of 58 year old French Karens every time I went for a stroll in Huay Xai. No, I don't want to be another lame ass foreigner wandering around a tourist zone. That's not fucking adventure, that's NPC behavior.
How's life in the Midwest? I'm tired of the hot stupid south and thinking of going up to Michigan/Ohio/Illinois/Wisconsin.
>>2745730I want to move a little outside a major metro, buy a fixer upper house, work as a security guard, shop at Walmart, and drink by myself at home.I don’t care about having a social life, I don’t care about women. I just want to be left alone. what is the best place to do this in Ohio?
>>2759292Literally anywhere between Dayton south to the State line.
>>2745730Minnesota/Wisconsin lake life is the best. Another cool place is Duluth. It's by great lakes. I was born and raised up there. Id trade the awful humidity of the south for mosquitos and deer flys any day. I just love the culture and people up there. It's most all Scandinavians and lots of nice people due to having many homogeneous communities.
>>2745747Go to Duluth or a small lake community in Minnesota or Wisconsin
>>2745953Duluth is a fun place to visit. I live on a comfy lake in a small rural town in Wisconsin about an hour or so from Duluth. Lots of big nice houses on this lake and very chill and comfy. Have a fireplace going on a cold windy winter night while looking out my full glass sliding doors onto the lake. Or listen to the haunting calls of loons at night during summer is just the best.
Princess Cays in the Bahamas had a nice beach, the secluded part when you go off the hidden path, over a bridge near the little dock. Clear, blue, beautiful water. Barely anybody there, driftwood, great sand, a bit rocky but gorgeous. Cruise ships in the distance. LovelyI liked the Finikoudes beach in Larnaca, Cyprus too. Nice promenade, smells lovely (of great greek food), quite nice even though popular. Clean sand, nice layout. Very nice.I really want to see one of those bioluminescent ones in Japan.
>>2758804I like a beach holiday
>>2758836Heck yeah, who doesn't?
>>2755067My favorite beaches are the ones not crowded by moron tourists and assholes trying to sell stuff to annoying tourists. If going to some beach I honestly want to be left alone and not deal with bullshit like nigger foreigners trying to steal stuff.
abaco bahamas was probably my favorite solely bc it was rare to even see a single other person except when people were running in the morningeven on the main beach where I was staying it was like 20 people tops. Good snorkeling too
>>2755067I hate Australia, it’s huge, expensive and boring but I love the beaches.I did all of the country, will put in the best ones.>Geraldton>Esperance>Mornington peninsula >Bells >Wategos>Evan’s head >illawarra>whitehaven and Whitsundays >Tasmania but it’s really cold water but can have bioluminescence with auroras Sydney and Melbourne city beaches are trashComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
good day /trv/>be me>suicidal>want to travel a bit first before seppuku>quintessential nerd/weeb, always wanted to go to japan>need bucket listrecommendations? i have 50k savings. already quit my job and sold all my stuff as im planning to go next month.i went to /adv/ first btw and they told me to come here.
>>2757196>is there any way around that?language school. you cant travel as much during the week, but you can do a lot in tokyo.
>>2756996if you're suicidal why go to a country that has some of the highest rates of suicide in the world? that's not the kind of place where you're going to have the time of your life. go to some place happy like colombia. trust me, you'll get your mojo back. if not you will at least go out with a bang
>>275728732 fag here doing my first trip soon.Take the vacation time to cool off your head. Really take in the place and please don't walk into aokigahara
>>2756996>akihabara@deepgo to akihabara at the end of one street is the red stairs that Box-kun hides under in the jdrama>Ikebukuro West Gate Parktake the west gate exist in ikebukuro and sit and drink booze in the park and take it in the sights and sounds. amazinggo to Shibuya walk up towards the Dogenzaka and across the road from the 109 Building is a whale resto you'll see a whale sign on the outside only. Go in, it will cost about 30 dollars for a protected Minke whale set meal. Try it once, they give whale bacon as part of the set and whale blubber. Bonus take photos and tag greenpeace etc on social mediago to Kabukicho go do some batting at the back of the place towards the hill slant , if you play yakuza its in there alsogo to Mt Takao they have a buffet at the top and all you can drink booze its like 30 bucks for 2 hrsgo to Yoshiwara next to Ueno JR and have a hot bath
It's calling to me. What's Romania like?
Do I really need a VPN if I am traveling and have a remote job and I just bring my work laptop everywhere with me? Or will the eternal boomer find out and fire me?
>>2759385Dunno some jobs don't care as long as you aren't breaking any data laws by working overseas. Ask your boss if you're that concerned. My boss gives no shits where our IT team works so long as we have our devices bitlockered, don't brag to karen who is in the wagecage, and are working the norm 9-5 in a country with reliable internet/power. If you're finance, healthcare, or the like data laws may need you to remain within the local area or country.As an IT guy most the time we find people working abroad is because they forget to take email off their phones not from their desktop.
>>2759385Go fuck yourself.
What are some supplements one must take when traveling overseas? You know I’m from Singapore, and I travel a lot—sometimes to the UK to watch the Premier League. I’ve been to 21 countries since 2010. I only take zinc and D3, and sometimes magnesium. I wish I could take five, but you know, some airports have different regulations. What about yDid i miss something
>>2759213What do you take when you eat something bad, get the squirts, and then you keeps on feeling poorly for a long time afterwards due to the harmful bacteria which are now living in the colon? Travel so much more fun when you have good appetite, lots of energy and big solid turds.
I used to bring activated charcoal incase i got diahhreea. Maybe I still would if i traveled somewhere the shits might occur. And no supplements because most of them are chemically processed and thus toxic and do more harm in the long run
A powerful multi vitamin or picrel;I go to the gym regularly and notice a really difference when on and off supplements. From my travels most countries really only like you taking a 30 day supply of things. Given picrel is so easy to point out it's vitamins never had issues, you can find similar at Donki though much smaller serving sizes.
Make a point of eating fruit and vegetables ever daysimple as