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hello is possible to work and travel abroad while being a civil servant? I'm in usa and while I'm thankful to be employed and have a stable career. I don't make much money at my age 30 (110k) and don't get laid (0). in fact working for the government makes me look terrible in the eyes of women and my neighbors. they see me as a brokie. Civil servants have more prestige in other countries correct?
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>You pampered niggers have no idea how little money it really takes to live a comfortable and liberated life.
Alright, how little and how to get it?
>Civil servants have more prestige in other countries correct?
Varies by country, but there are parts of the world (especially in the Middle East) where few locals want to work in the private sector at all—go government or stay home, basically. Apart from some entrepreneurs or people with private family businesses, most private-sector paid work is done by guest workers of various species. But of course, it’s not common (or maybe even possible?) for foreigners to work in the UAE civil service.

Even in more normal countries, a lot of civil service jobs are dominated by if not explicitly restricted to local citizens.

Às for prestige, I think it varies a lot—in many countries, government jobs are regarded as desirable because they’re seen as stable; it could be a job for life from which it’s almost impossible to get fired, with a pension at the end. In countries with a lot of corruption, it could be simultaneously regarded as sleazy and a good earner. In countries requiring various civil service entry exams, it can be respected as an achievement to get in (and also maybe stable or sleazy/lucrative).

But I don’t know how relevant any of that would be to you IRL. You can certainly travel, and tell people you work for the government, and some might respond positively. But if you want to live abroad, you probably have to be able to work remotely. Your skills aren’t likely to be transferable to a similar role for a new government, even if you are eligible to work for one (I have no idea, but it seems doubtful).
Daily average expenditures for Thailand are about to fall below 20 USD after six weeks
Ok that's more than I spend to live in my country lmfao retard. Why would I go to a third world shithole to spend more???
>$600 a month
as a DN turd world afficionado, I like how much farther my money goes. you could survive on 2k a month in Canada, or you could live extremely comfy with the same amount in Thailand or Vietnam. I can't even imagine what it would be like to live in a shithole like India with 2k a month. You could probably live in the nicest hotel in Mumbai and buy a slave

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I'm planning a trip to Japan for February.
Never flown out the country by myself, so I'm looking into getting tickets, what are some ways to fly cheaply? I know booking months in advance helps but is there anything else I'm overlooking?
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Oh man, didn't realize this was 2 days old. Sorry, I was in Arkansas for 2 days checking out the JLPT.
Yeah the sites all pull their data from the same source, long ago the airlines agreed to pipe their data to a single aggregator company running under a sort of corpo/gov monopoly, and that org sells the data access to all the third party sites (source: worked for them for a bit). The difference in prices on various sites is them finding better combinations of flight plans to save some bucks, so you just find the best searcher tool (I just use Google) and fuck with the dates a bunch.
Also I bought tickets to Japan months in advance for my group. Last minute (two weeks before) another friend wanted in on the trip and found tickets for even cheaper with a more direct flight path, just had slightly different dates and times. Airline prices are constantly adjusted based on their booking patterns, occupancy, etc, so you just gotta keep playing around with the variables. Usually cheaper to do it midweek vs a weekend for obvious reasons.
>I know booking months in advance
This used to be true, but with modern pricing algorithms it's not gospel. Predicted peak travel times will start at higher prices, and if a flight is not filling fast enough prices can drop even very close to departure

The best way to get cheaper fares is to be flexible with your dates/airlines/airports and try every combination
Right now a flight to japan is 700 bucks for the next few days. That's fucking cheap. I'm flying somewhere in Asia and it's A LONG ASS FLIGHT. Maybe I should make a stop in Japan but Japan is kind of boring.

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Anyone ever travel to the parts of china with all the unused abandoned buildings? Those ghost cities(I heard they’re mostly just shitty buildings made to be an investment but not really lived in but I could be wrong). Was it interesting? You try going into the buildings? Was it creepy or just boring?
They look kinda creepy to me ngl. Just these huge empty monoliths
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>N....Nothing to see here, 老外
>E...Everything is fine. China numba wan!
>Then people move in
A few people moved in. I was in China last year and these things are everywhere, mostly sitting empty. It's no secret that the Chinese real estate market is in the shitter.
They called Shenzhen a ghost city too, at one point.
Apples to oranges. Shenzhen was a fishing village that grew into a manufacturing hub, not a bunch of empty high rises in the middle of a cornfield. Most of these things are going to be knocked down and the only way to make sense of it is to conclude that they were built to grease somebody's palm.
it was the best form of investment in china for decades, and that's all falling apart now. factor in the declining population and you have a recipe for disaster

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Has anyone ever travelled to Tasmania here?

I'm starting a job in Hobart in a few months. Apart from kicking a Tasmanian Devil in its stupid little cancerous face, I have no idea what else I should be doing here for the year or so I'll be working.
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I'm from Tasmania (born/raised there). It's boring. What do you want to know?
Whats the weather like in Tas in January?
Perfect blue skies and comfortable temps?
Mid-late Jan to early Feb is the warmest time of the year. Doesn't usually go above the low 30s, more likely to stay in the high 20s. Blue skies, not much rain except maybe some thunderstorms. Also the only time of the year you can swim at the beach without getting hypothermia. Also bushfire season but that's easy enough to avoid if it happens.
Am also interested in going. I've seen the Northern lights this year and gotten curious, anyone see the southern lights from Tasmania? Certified wouldn't be the prime objective if I went since I'd mainly want to be hiking but if it's possible to see them I wouldn't mind trying.
How do I rent a place there?

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I have no money and zero friends not exaggerating. i was homeschooled and don’t care enough to mingle with co workers.
but i wanna save up maybe 10k from a sales job and just start driving across the country next year. miami hollywood louisville kentucky, go to NYC for a few days. after the biggest cities i think ill visit every state that i can. sneak into concerts pick up cute homeless chicks do drugs network with people maybe start a cult or strangle a few hitchhikers along the way, cheap hotels or find my way into the rooms of expensive ones bur will probably sleep in my car outside of notable cities.
just one long endless trip because why the fuck not? is this a bad idea? i plan to get a gun and im a pretty tough fella so i shouldn’t die but i do wanna take some risks and mess with dangerous people go to skidrow or detroit

so should i do it? anyone have any experience doing this? pros cons tips and tricks let me hear it all
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Just Be Chad
Also if you have any bad habits you won't save money at all and will become the 30 year old jooob hunter, perpetually looking for a new job.

$1000/month is about as much as you can expect to save at megacorp parkie jobs if you want to have any semblance of a life. If you have a nice car with payments and full insurance coverage, you will spend every dollar of every pay period
Read Che Guevara's Motorcycle Diaries
He shit diarrhea out his bedroom window on some peach slices a German family had out drying before taking off early in the morning on his bike with his buddy
Take that reward for your hospitality, Eurocucks
Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassidy were Chads and also bi butt buddies... if this young 20 year old OP with stars in his eyes wants to see the country and get some strange from a girl with braided pubic hair he should head West and become a raft guide
Specifically, just go to Moab Utah, do rafting start rock climbing in your spare time, and you'll have an insta pop up social circle rife with "free spirited" women
But yes I agree that traveling across the country city to city is not in fashion or even possible anymore unless youre a junkie in an RV. Cheap lodging used to be plentiful, gas was cheap, everything was cheap, the hippy movement was just beginning, and it was cool. Now vanlife dorking is in fashion, but you won't be cool in that circle unless you're in the outdoor dirtbag scene, so I suggest he does that

what is your favorite us state and city/general area?
for me, gotta be california and san fran. it's the most pleasing city i have found so far. my top 5:
>1. san francisco california
>2. finger lakes new york
>3. flagstaff prescott arizona
>4. greater miami florida
>5. seattle washington
when you add everything up, is there any place more aesthetic than these in america? since every city is a shithole these clearly seem to be the least shit. like what city would you want to represent america even though america is dogshit? what are the gems. you must look at it objectively, compared with the rest of the country i believe these 5 mog the rest by far
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Boston has the hottest thick healthy colonial white women with ocean blue eyes that look like they came from the mayflower
Thats actually kind of hilarious
Coastal Orange County California from Newport Beach to San Clemente is the best place in the US and it's not even close. The weather is perfect for the entire year. The quality and variety of food is better than 99 percent of the rest of the country. The scenery is gorgeous. They have some of the lowest crime rates in the US. They have almost none of the homeless problems that plague LA and San Francisco. The high prices keep out the undesirables. And there's endless stuff to do. But please, don't come here.

I do also really like southern Colorado. Durango, Ouray and Telluride are all amazing. It's really serene. The ski resorts are fantastic. The towns are gorgeous. I just couldn't live that far from the beach.
I prefer old east coast cities like NY,Philly, and Boston. Nature is nice but those cities are so old they were built without cars in mind. Really the only walk able cities in the country. Everywhere else cars are almost a necessity.
People in the PNW will grab drinks with you once and you think it went really well but they will ghost you for the rest of your life.

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Have you ever been lost or stranded while traveling?
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Let me guess you're an American who thought all of Europe is just a bus or train ride away?
In small ways, many times. Most recently, I was on a Greek island last summer and discovered that I’d booked my flight back to Athens (ahead of a connecting flight home) for the wrong f***ing date. Ended up having to get a last-minute “business class” ticket for a ferry late that night, which in practice meant sleeping on the floor of a café in the roped-off business class section of the boat with my wife and kids. It honestly went much better than expected, but it was a frantic scramble and a not-so-comfortable, very late night.

Got separated from a friend (who had my guidebook and phrasebook in his backpack) for a little over 24 hours during my first visit to Ho Chi Minh City, decades ago, before smartphones—we got hustled to two different hotels, many districts apart from one another (mine in the middle of nowhere, his in the backpacker ghetto) by enterprising motorcycle taxi drivers at the airport that we mistakenly thought were in league with each other. I found Pham Ngu Lao street the next morning and eventually met back up with him that afternoon at a backpacker cafe where he’d left me a note. I’d been running around like a shithead trying to figure out where the hell I was, and then killing hours in a cafe, while he’d been sightseeing, but it made for a good memory.

Other than that, I’ve been stuck for a day or two by weather conditions that closed airports or canceled flights, and once spent most of a day stranded by a roadside, and then in a middle-of-nowhere village garage, waiting for a rental car replacement after an accident.

So never anything particularly serious. If you build the flexibility into your travel schedule that God surely intended, and can comfortably throw money at problems that suddenly need solving, unexpected detours and delays can be kind of enjoyable.

I don’t think I’ve ever been seriously lost, although I’ve taken plenty of wrong turns in cities and when driving around in mountains. No big deal.
I lost my wallet on a motorbike trip alone in central Vietnam. I had like $5 in Dong left. I booked a hotel on my phone before locking my credit card and I got the manager to give me like $50 for some cryptocurrency. Thank you mr. manager!
Yeah, mulitple times.
-When I was in Albania my phone died while driving back from Berat to Durrës, where my hotel was. Ended up lost for a couple of hours in the middle of nowhere, got help from a farmer who didnt speak english. Came back feeling like jesse pinkman escaping the slave lab.
-Also during the same trip in the balkans, I had a surprise when i discovred at the last minute that I couldnt go to Mostar (Bosnia) from Podgorica (Montenegro) like I planned. I had no shelter and had the absolute necessity to go to Bosnia, since my return flight was in Sarajevo. So I improvised, I slept in a bus that was going to Belgrade, Serbia, and arrived in the middle of the night there. It was scary to me because I was homeless, alone at night in a post-soviet country and without any signal on my phone. Turns out Belgrade was way cleaner and safe than expected (even better than most western cities). Ended up having good time and pursued my travel to Sarajevo without problem.
Rental car got a flat in Rovaniemi. Returned to the rental car desk but the guy had gone home already (I was the sole customer that day) and I was just stuck.

Ended up just getting another car but it was odd being stuck north of the arctic circle and just like, stranded.

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What goes on here?
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Sweet wine is drunk; incredibly sloppy sandwiches, which despite being neither little nor French are called Francezinhas (‘little Frenchies?’) are eaten. Pic related.
>little Frenchies
What a dumb sandwich.

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>travel to Japan
>have fun enjoying temples and shit during the day
>in the evening want to go to a nice bar to enjoy drinks and meet people
>turns out there are three options:
>(1) izakayas where everyone comes in groups and nobody wants to talk to you,
>(2) izakayas full of old men who will chat to you but are weird as fuck,
>(3) foreigner bars full of loud Americans on their first trip abroad making a fucking mess.
Where the fuck do I go to drink and chat with fun people?
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cite your sources. Anecdotally this doesn't seem true
Skill issue.
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she is definitely not married, divorced a while ago, lives in the states so when she goes back home she stays with her mother, not her own place, so my hotel would have to be the way to go. She will be on the same flight with us and we will go to dinner and drinks one night in Tokyo, hopefully i could ditch my mother or tire her out during the day so it could just be me and her alone for the night (ik, dick move)and it wouldnt be weird if i tried to make a move in front of my mom. And this wouldnt be a one off thing because she lives pretty close to me in the us, i could see her at home hopefully.
Where in Hakone anon? The place is all over. It was Motohakone, Gora? Actually Hakone were the pirate boat bring you form Togendai?

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Redpill me on visiting it.
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>half of ukraininas dont even use ukrainian
clearly you have never been to ukraine
>learn Ukrainian
why? that's like learning Hungarian. not enough speakers to justify the effort imo
>learn Russian
also why? especially in Western Ukraine, they will simply tell you, "Don't speak Russian with me."
A lot of Ukrainians now prefer to speak English over Russian if you can't speak Ukrainian
Also, Russia is losing its influence, and the language is part of that. Learning the Cyrillic alphabet can be useful, and it's simple enough to pick up
learn a useful language like Chinese or Spanish
He's right though
Mostly this. But let's be honest, PL/UA (even RU) is very fucking similar for what OP needs.
If OP's in Poland, learning some basic Polish well set him up for UA more or less.
Learning Cryillic is a hugely useful thing, and easily can be done in a day.
Makes being out there more fun as well, as you get to minigame reading shit.
If OP were to go to Kyiv and beyond, everybody still speaks Russian, it's only the west where you get 'lol no'. It's still a very fucking useful language, and has great synergy with all Slavic languages. It's worth learning if you've got an interest in the region.

There's far more to watch and listen to in Russian, too. Ukrainian is pretty fucking devoid of content to inspire you to learn. It only has a fashionable status giving it some resources (which run out once you leave A1/A2 level).
Polish is becoming more and more worthwhile learning, too.
have your passport on you at all times and be ready to contact your embassy within a second's notice otherwise you're getting stuffed into a van buddy

Where to move to live in a cheap place that only has white (or at least some kind of higher tier Asian) people and no usual migrant issues? I have to figure out where to spend the rest of my life and it seems that EU is entirely fucked. I just want a quiet nice place where I can walk the streets feeling safe and it needs to stay that way for 20 years or so until I die.
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I know a city that's

>not in the EU
>far removed from migrant issues and will stay that way
But I'm not gonna tell you. If you are deserving you will figure it out.

Hint: non-whites don't like cold climate
>Hint: non-whites don't like cold climate
Yeah that's why all the Nordic countries are full of them.
>mostly white/asian people
Yea, no, sorry OP that’s not ever gonna happen. If you want cheap, you’re gonna live with the human dogshit of society.

However, out of spite, any anons that want to move to a nice area with mostly whites and Asians can come to Bellevue, WA. It’s a rich containment zone outside Seattle with a private security force run by the police alongside the police.

I applied to them but when they told me Id be wearing body armor and restraining, handcuffing people, for 24 dollars an hour, I ghosted the absolute fuck out of them.

So go make Bellevue unsafe everyone
In pretty much any ee country If there isn't a university in town then there won't be any migrants
This is not true at all. Croatia and Slovenia are completely fucked for example.

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Hey bros,
Me and my gf are flying to Queenstown to hike the Routeburn, but have a few days to spare after we finish. Any ideas for what we should do?
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Thank you, I was considering going throughout West coast route.
If you want to do another hike, the Abel Tasman trek is easier and only takes a few days. Or splash out on something epic like a helicopter tour of Fox Glacier, or a rafting trip. East coast would be worth a visit if you just want to kick back and eat hokey pokey ice cream and see how average kiwis live.

There's plenty of wilderness in the north island that people don't talk about. You don't get the alpine ranges, but there are endless forests and epic coastlines. Sure if you can only choose one island it's gotta be the south, but most of my best memories of /out/ing are in the north.

Bruh, don't tell people to skip the Routeburn.
Fiordlands is a great detour
great white shark watching
Milford Sound tours leave from Queenstown
Drive to Glenorchy
Eat a Fergburger

I am planning on moving to New Zealand for a year. Whats the best city to live in to both experience the beautiful nature aswell as the liveliness of the city.

I'm a 22m so a place with lots of young people would be preferred

Christchurch seems very nice but I've never been. Wellington also seems beautiful. Which city is the most based.

Does anyone have any recommendations?
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>Christchurch seems very nice but I've never been.
Situated in the middle of a vast farmland area, so if you're looking for nature you'll need a car and drive a few hours out to Arthur's Pass or somesuch. I can't speak for the city itself nowadays because I visited shortly after the earthquake, but it wasn't much to look at back then, felt more like a bland small town; I imagine it has changed but can't tell you how and to which extent.

Wellington (pic related) felt like a city in comparison, even if it's still small. Nature is right outside the city. Windy though. Auckland is a proper big city but to me feels artificial due to the lack of historical buildings. I'm a Yuropoor, mind you, and used to seeing medieval architecture in cities to the point where its absence feels off.
Wellington has the most faggots and Christchurch has the second most faggots, wellington is the best place to go?
didn't mean to add this sorry
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Cute birddo have a bump and may some friendly crows and ravens protect
Honestly I would suggest something like Kaiapoi, Rangiora, or Ashburton and get a car if you plan to be based near Christchurch.

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Do you agree with those redditers reactions?
>I 200% agree.

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I'm not American, I'm European, my opinions are just unpopular here.
And I have my beef with American diet too. Even setting aside all the processed to shit/fructose syrop everywhere/obesity epidemic issues, what's up with the obsession with breakfast food? That's like the worst meal of the day. Dinner > Breakfast any time.
Korea has a siberian climate so I can understand why soups are quite popular.
Korea food doesn't have variety. if i say how about 30, it's kinda impossible to name anymore.
the same taste now matter you pick always. it's good at first but this feeling doesn't last for more than half a year
Kill yourself, retarded weeaboo
How about you kill yourself? Im sure you'll meet your waifu

Currently in japan
Last time I was in Japan (that was in tokyo) i had some fat girl with bright pink hair take creepshots of me. Which although not okay and i didnt do anything about cause i dont wanna stand out, is understandable, cause i've got a big cock and i cannot hide the bulge. But this time i had other pictures taken of me and i dont get it. Im waiting at a crossing in kyoto and two like 17-19 year old japanese teen guys run up, one poses next to me with a thumbs up and his friends take a pic. Then they run away. Whats the point of that? Are they making fun off me? Taking pictures to mark me as a target for robbery? (I was wearing a nice, very obviously expensive jacket that most people cannot afford) i dont think im a model or anything and there are plenty of other foreigners here
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I think it was probably my jacket i just bought. Its something only really made in japan and cost the same as 1k usd. It was two teenage guys and one gave a thumbs up. Im very aware of how i dress so it definitely wasnt weird
Im generally called a 7/10 so dont think it was that
Still maybe you were right :(. They ran up stode straight sideways to me, smiled and gave thumbs up and ran off
Bump 2

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