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I recently moved to Park City Utah and now I have to leave because I wasnt homosexual enough to work for Vail Resorts. Is there anyplace left in this country I can find gainful employment. somewhere the management doesnt sign their correspondence specifying their "pronouns." Somewhere that hires actual, honest to God, U.S citizens

I am white, Male, Althetic, in my 30s. Ive done everything from construction, to sports education, to computer programming. I outperform 90% of people in everything Ive ever done. I was raised Catholic. I am just about out of money but I have a cargo van i can sleep in. Is there anywhere left in this country I can ride this out? Maybe make a living? A small life for myself? Ill settle for easy acess to pussy in the short-term, but i have been thinking long term goals for the most part.

Im going to head South out of park city i think.
Some stops Ive considered along the way
>Las Vegas
>Los Angeles
>San Diego
>New Orleans
If i strike out after all that I will head back up to my home city of Philadelphia.

I used to like driving, but ive done so many miles, i now resist it with every atom of my being.
Any advice to find
>Road trip partners
>opportunities to make money along the way
>best way to root out opportunties for work while being a new arrival in a town or city

I would ask about small towns, off the bewaten path, that still have real culture and industry, but if you know of a place like that, KEEP IT A FUCKING SECRET.

Park City used to be like that and now its one of the most Jewish heinous and faggy places in the country. If you ever want to see what a town looks like after its heart and soul dies.. thats the spot to see
>hates fags and liberals
>plans to stop at some of the gayest cities in his little roadtrip
you're not as smart as you think you are
i didnt claim to be smart, i said i, "outperform"
i am 100% self taught.
I learn fast.
I am good at spots. (boxing, snowboarding, motorcross)
I was making webpages at the age of 10 and had a lucrative career for the better part of a decade writing software and selling merchandise online.
I am good looking. Have sharp features and dark green eyes.
However, I have so many blind-spots its pathetic. Im not smart because I always underestimate insecure little men in higher places up the ladder than I. I am not inherently envious or hateful so Im never prepared for the amount of attention some pathetic little faggot has given until it interjects itself into my day to de-rail me and I have the worst temper so when I hit the ceiling my survival mode kicks in which basically shuts its all down and I just walk away in silence.
>>plans to stop at some of the gayest cities in his little roadtrip
So tell me smart man, which city in this gay-ridden country isnt a "gay little city"?

I'm from Philadelphia, The Mast Race City. After Philly, all other cities are gay little cities.

And thats one of the explicit points of my post. Its why I am asking. Where is left to run to in this eternal deathscape? This country is huge. There has to pockets that havnt been lost to Trannyism. I thought I found it in Utah, but that was over 10 years ago. Now that Utah is lost, barring Wyoming, where should I go?
>>hates fags and liberals
and i dont hate fags and liberals. I just dont like people having power over me in general, especially if they dont share mutual respect.

fags dont care about respect. they are creatures that act on insecurity and fear and they clique up with others like them and women in positions of power.

I dont give a fuck if someone is gay, but someone who acts llike a little bitch and expects not to get punched in the mouth for it just because his faggotry or liberalism grants him some magical elitist status.. that shit i cant be around
Your shit grammer proves you are a full-blown dunning-kruger moron. I am certain they detected that very quickly.
youre on a travel board saying retarded, irrelevant shit about U.S cities being gay and now you're worried about my grammar in my response that you didnt deserve in the first place.

Fucking kill yourself you trooned out loser. You useless sack of shit. do you really have nothing better to do than be a useless faggot on a image board where noone fucking asked for spinless, bitch ass, useless, opinion?
Go up and work in a canning factory in Alaska. Or on a fishing boat up there.
>Go up and work in a canning factory in Alaska. Or on a fishing boat up there.
Do you have any experience with this?
Any tips or advice?
i would actually thrive in an environment/industry like that. I have limited resources. Basically infinite gas and food and a van to sleep in but only $1000 disposable cash. also, only real thing holding me back from heading up there with the limited resources is my dog. I dont know how id take a job where id be on a vessel for weeks or more at a time while considering him.

Also, I was just browsing alaska.gov to check out some job listings and was at first hopeful for all the resources and career links, than i started visiting the links and they're all 404 or missing pages.

Why does it feel like this country has shadow banned me? Its like going on indeed and seeing infinite job postings. Than polishing the resume, applying to a hundred+ jobs. Writing letters. Messages. Making phone calls, and receiving absolutely zero response.

ever since 2020 its like the job listings went through the roof, but the actual jobs are non-existent. The U.S used to be so comfy. If you were willing to work, you would always have a job. Even if you didnt make much money, it was enough to have something to engage in and enough money for food and gas. now its like living in a thinly veiled, open-air prison, in which there is no work, but the country desperately wants to appear as if there is.

am i the only one experiencing this?
I live in this town that used to have a real small town vibe, but it became "popular" and built up ridiculous to the point its rush hour traffic all hours of the day, but its weird when you actually go into town, there is noone there and everything has off hours.

Its like all of a sudden there is exponentially more cars and traffic, but less people.

At first i thought i was just crazy until i was talking with a mom and pop store owner in town last week and she brought up the same observation
No personal experience or advice for you, just had friends who did it years ago and they got on well. If you're going to be living in van or in a tent, it's possible even throughout winter, because of the mild weather (it's basically a rainforest) at least in the Sitka area. Good luck.
Try Panamint Springs Resort or one of the other resorts in Death Valley National Park. Alternately, Lajitas Golf Resort in Lajitas, Texas...there should be gig work available in Terlingua and it's quite the hard drinking politically incorrect little desert town. And for godsakes, never let your stack of goybux run so low again.
>And for godsakes, never let your stack of goybux run so low again.
yeah man, its kind of scary. I hate being poor but I never thought I would have this problem because I always had a job since I was old enough to work and never thought I wouldnt be able to get one since I started out working labor jobs and wasnt afraid to get my hands dirty.

Then I got a job as a software engineer and had a really comfortable, really lucrative, 10 years with the last several years I was "working" from home and spent all my free-time camping and riding motocross in the mountains and desert since I had automated all but 10% of my job.

then the owner of that company, essentially my mentor and business partner for the past decade, died, his wife took over and shut the business down within a year. going back into the job market after that was like arriving on a different planet. I had spent all my energy schooling this 60 year old businessman to the game, marketing his merch and coding the software to automate his business, then going back into the job market with no college education was like stepping onto a foreign planet. Ive had to live through watching billion dollar start-up companies copy my work and business model and every problem you can imagine while dragging my financial backers kicking and screaming into the 21st century to an unemployed, uneducated, heterosexual male in a country that only hires J1 foreigners, women, and LGBT. I got to cocky. I really thought id be ok as long as i stayed humble. but i was wrong
im fairly certain its not by accident though.
There is zero reason why I should be as poor as I am unless it is due to unnatural circumstances.

I dont know how they fucking did it, or what I missed when I was working in comfort for a decade, but the powers that be absolutely do not want me to have money. Not even simply to support myself. For a business to not hire me is absurd. I dont ask for much, dont need much and I am capable of much more than most businesses could ask. my contributions make the world a better place when I am gainfully employed and have money, its an objective fact. The ruling class wants me broke and miserable for no discernible reason.
thanks, anon
Jewish people live in that building anon
And truthfully, I find it silly to point the finger at Jews as the cause for the problems that are a plague on mankind. Surely, they are subversive, malicious and their rule is incongruous with Christianity and human nature over-all. However, the fatal blow comes from fruity, homosexual males, who have nothing to contribute beyond proliferating their identity, which is but the sum of their willingness to suck cock and weaponize their uselessness by projecting their insecurities onto anyone with talented capabilities and "Karens" who are empowered by subordinate yet superior heterosexuals as well as their customers who spend money to their companies, which exists while destroying the culture, industry and soul of whatever the thing is which they bought out from, stole or copied from the western man.

so yes, Jews may plant the poison seed, but Ive watched my entire life as my own kind watered and showered the plants with light.

And now they have enough foreigners they dont need us anymore. Which is why its impossible to find a job as a heterosexual, male citizen of the united states born after 1980 even though we are all basically over-qualified for the job market
just work for Deer Valley. they hate fags over there
do they really? thats kind of refreshing to hear.
I only snowboard, though. It would never work
Damn you got triggered so hard. None od what you said applies to me. I am living comfortably in Japan as a government contractor. You are a low IQ and pathetic begger.
It's spelt 'beggar', btw. I think you're confusing the word with 'bugger'; your favourite past-time.
no thats the proper spelling for an unemployed dish washer. Write it on a piece od scrap card board and hit the street corner
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Easy money produces the delusion of wealth. You get to believing that it is part of the natural order for money to flow into your pockets with minimal effort. LMAO nope. It's 100% golem privilege coupled with dumb luck.

Being a realist, I've never made more than $30K a year and always lived on less than 50% of my paycheck, with 20-30% of net pay going to living expenses being the average. For the past six work seasons I've worked for a small family-owned golf course in the Colorado Rockies, and have every intention of returning to work there whenever my labor is needed. Working for big corporations is gay and I will never do it again. When the COVID vaxx hysteria was in full swing, my boss rehired me and emphasized that my vaccination status was utterly irrelevant to my job status. Meanwhile, every big company was forcing noserapes on their employees as a condition of employment.

America still has plenty of small companies looking for dedicated workers. The catch is, the work is REAL MEN'S work. Pajeets can't do it. Women can't do it. Faggots can't do it. Mexicans can do it, but they need a boss looking over their shoulder and cracking the whip every ten minutes to do it right the first time. Small business owners would much rather hire someone who is self-motivated and always proud of the quality of his labor.
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>You get to believing that it is part of the natural order for money to flow into your pockets with minimal effort. LMAO nope. It's 100% golem privilege coupled with dumb luck.
the thing about this is, I DID work my ASS off for years. Would work in the office for 8 hours a day, than go home and continue working, sometimes until the next morning, than head back into work. The thing that made it so difficult, was the person i was working for was being audited, was facing a bankrupcy, and lived and died by old-school business philosophies which he inherited from his jewish/chilean heritage of ruling class slave owners, which may have worked in Chile, but in the U.S 21st century it was just an obsolete business model. The work was difficult and the payoff was minimal, for years i was dragging him, kicking and screaming into the future, but once he finally started to listen to me, in the form of adopting my ideas as his own, the work became effortless and the payoffs were huge. Than he died shortly after and the business i had built for him was gone. if the economy was permitted to function without the influence of megalomaniacs who aim to have everyone impoverished and a no-balls government that allows corporations like "google" to exist and rob everyone of their earning power, being financially secure would come down to a matter of work ethic and nothing else. Instead, the common man, while just trying to make a dollar, is vilified, blacklisted and impoverished.
>Working for big corporations is gay and I will never do it again.
i always worked for small family owned places besides the Vail job. I thought id get to learn my enemy but couldnt last more than 2 months.
>America still has plenty of small companies looking for dedicated workers
if you say so. Ive been on the lookout. theyre definitely becoming few and far between. its clearly not about the economy anymore. The ruling class is simply opposed to individual independence.
i would wash dishes proudly while faggoy corporations watch their stock plummet and live in denial while their commitment to transsexualism makes turns them into a national embarrassment
>Somewhere that hires actual, honest to God, U.S citizens
>I am white, Male, Althetic, in my 30s. Ive done everything from construction, to sports education, to computer programming. I outperform 90% of people in everything Ive ever done. I was raised Catholic

No. Nobody hires us unless we have a security clearance.

Bite the bullet and go work for zog for a few years and get sponsored for a security clearance. Once you have your first one getting them after that is easy.

A security clearance puts you ahead of 99.5% of brownoids, and is the most important thing you can have for a job search these days. Go work for a company filling government contracts.

>desperate and about to become homeless
>holding himself back from actual opportunities because of a fucking dog

Actually nevermind, you are an idiot.
American vagabonds LOVE their dogs. America is full of pet lovers, but I've never met a group of people who had such a desperate emotional need for animal companionship as the average solitary van-dwelling vagabond in America.
The town I work in has 5000 people but no franchise restaurants apart from a Subway. Those places still exist all throughout America. BTW I got my job interview by calling the business and leaving a message, not by filling out some stupid online form. I chose that town above other prospects because it had a coin-operated public shower and free dispersed campsites close to town. Spent six months sleeping in my SUV and working up to 7 days a week to achieve the financial stability of a five-figure bank balance that I've enjoyed ever since.
its called having principles. you are pathetic.
i come from the people responsible for the conquest and liberation of the western world most of us live in. If i were to ever act in desperation there would be live, national coverage and it would be a historical event. the power and security enjoyed by the world does so based off the accomplishments and reputation of the men and women who passed their genes onto me. The stuff generated in my ball-sac keeps devilish men awake at night.

you can stay in this thread of you can go wherever it is faggots go to project their inadequacies to strangers. there's noone here asking for your opinion
>Nobody hires us unless we have a security clearance.
>get sponsored for a security clearance
actually solid advice.
I have a story for that too but i dont want to get into it. Ill look into it again.
>I got my job interview by calling the business and leaving a message, not by filling out some stupid online form
also good point.
searching for work online is a total crap shoot.
I have to just start showing up to places and go door to door, i guess
forgot to add you in the reply
>be megalomaniac schizoid
>can't keep a job
>homeless living in a van
>"everyone else is the problem, not me"
>muh ancestors

You're on your way to rock bottom. The problem is that mental cases like you find it really difficult to acknowledge their own deranged behavior is what got them there. Before you know it your van will be downgraded to a tent, and suddenly using stolen tools to tear catalytic converters out of parked cars will be seeming like a great opportunity to get ahead.

You won't take any advice you are given in this thread and you're just here to vent but you need to hear this:

The common problem in all of your scenarios is you. Only you can decide to get help.
shit dude what does it take to bestow some self awareness into you? i know nothing about you only that youre ignorant. youre idiotic. and youre such a loser you have nothing better but projecting insecurities to strangers on the internet. what do you gain from not knowing shit about shit and spewing it on the internet? seriously? im not sure why i am even replying but just so you know how idiotic i know you are and you must know you are:
1) i am not living in a van, i have my own place in a town i used to love, but im not willing to capitulate to faggotry just for the sake of faggots to stay here
2) The van allows me the freedom to tell employers and landlords to fuck off as i see fit, so I they can never chain me to an abusive situation
3) my parents own 3 houses, 2 of which are vacant 95% of the year, where Im welcome to stay at anytime.
4)i dont gauge my success or happiness on living in a house or being held hostage by real-estate and debt
7) etc.. etc...
i could go on about my passions, values and merit and how Im infinitely more virtuous than someone like you but I honestly think youve had enough for one day and by now you should be looking for a corner to cry in.
If any of that was true, why aren’t you set in a career already? A 30 year old in a new career is a bad sign to every hiring manager, sorry.
what is it with you people? Im not looking for career advice. Im looking for roadtrip advice. tips on worthwhile destinations. any locations which have held onto some measure of significant culture. Places like how Utah used to be 11 years ago. Before fentanyl and crack rock killed off Salt Lake. Before Park City died after Jews bought it and escalated "Gay Week" to "Year Round, Tranny Town"

you know, normal places with normal people, whose passion for outdoor recreation, sports and entertainment bring them together. Impressing some hiring manager is extremely low-priority for me as long as I can move away from California tier "liberals" and "progressives" when they start moving in. why are anons ITT acting like i should bend the knee or allow myself to be subjugated by these people? i dont get it. I dont even have a problem with gays but Im not going to suffer faggots or less capable women just because they think they are entitled to special powers of liberalism over my own better sense an autonomy. where did this idea come from? absolutely ridiculous. downright pathetic focal point of their existence if thats how they measure their value to society
also, not that its relevant, but my biggest obstacles in getting a job being im not a woman and im not a foreigner.

My biggest hurdles in keeping a job, a good job that is, is that I am intimidating to people in the management class. I'm good at what i do, I am good with people, good with customers and good for business. dealing with the managers at my last job was dealing with people who acted out of fear. they wernt people who acted out of competence, ethics or passion. its impossible to be good at what you do and work under those kind of people in that environment.

when i think about it, i dont understand how large corporations dont understand that. they'll never retain any actual talent because the managers will make designs to have them fired the moment they see theyre being outperformed by a subordinate. And at Vail, the senior "talent" in their management is utterly destitute.

yall need to learn to have pride in your work instead of worrying about how well you can fellatiate a penis
No one asked you, /trv/ is not your personal blog, faggot.
>passive agressive tone
>taking internet fights this serious
>legit proud to be borderline slave
>confuses feeling of being right with being actually right
You are not just retarded i wouldn’t even call you sentient, you are literally nothing but talking wild animal.
All your worth is nothing but product of your delusional imagination.
Go to Sedona and stick your head in the vortex.
This is /trv/, not english class, retarded teacher pet.
>willing sacrifice his only friend for money
Not everyone is souless golem.
You are either redditor or trailer trash.
>its always your own fault even when its not
Not sorry, self flaggelation and zealous idealism is not my thing, faggot.
Why do you act like other people magically care about your thoughts and feelings?
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>he doesn't know dunning-kruger was peak dunning-kruger
oh le nononono
Already told you. Terlingua, Texas.
You can also take your van to Quartzsite, Arizona...trip acid in the desert, live it up at the Par-T-R gathering and network there with all sorts of unconventional characters.
>le women and le foreigners
No, they are not to blame. Your are simply choosing to be disagreeable and obnoxiously insistent in how much better you are than everyone else. You need to get your feet on solid ground and accept that in your current state, you are a destitute, unlikeable male of low social value who has been consigned to the fringes of human society. Once you raze the edifices of your ego to the dirt, you can then work on rebuilding a genuine sense of self-worth which does not require stepping on other people to put yourself ahead. There are entire communities of people all throughout the rural parts of America who exist outside of the normie paradigm. Most of them are seeking prospective members, but none of them will work out for you if you are unable to see cooperation and not competition as the chief goal of human society outside the corporate bubble.
Using 500 words when 50 would suffice is a dead giveaway you’re a midwit. Brevity = intelligence.
>I am white, Male, Athletic, in my 30s
Make sure to capitalize the W in White, son.
>my home city of Philadelphia
Fucking yankee. Stay up north and quit spreading your faggotry.

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