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Is there a place in black Africa where you can just go, like you do to most European or East Asian countries? Where you can just go outside of hotel, without constant full-alert mode to avoid being scammed and/or robbed, or where you can just go on beach without being bothered by local niggers?

I've heard people in Rwanda and Cabo Verde are more relaxed and less obtrusive than typical Africans. Is this true? Are there other African places/countries like that?
obviously there are places that are more accustomed to tourists and foreigners
i worked in lusaka (zambia) for a bit. obviously lots of people go to zambia to see victoria falls (i did that too). many of them will also visit lusaka so there are always some white people around there are also loads of chinese and indians around.
of course you still have to keep your eyes open, leave the bling at home and stay away from the crappy areas. but generally it's a normal place and even walking around after dark didn't feel weird
So how much Lusaka (and southern Zambia in general) compares to Mombasa or Zanzibar and how much to Prague or Copenhagen? Would you let your wife with small child go there without you?
I walked around in Mombasa and Zanzibar without any problems, I would say Lusaka is a bit sketchier after dark.
>So how much Lusaka (and southern Zambia in general) compares to Mombasa or Zanzibar and how much to Prague or Copenhagen?
i've never been to either mombasa or zanzibar. i have been to both prague and copenhagen. obviously they are different from lusaka. if you are making some point about places being dangerous, then there are plenty of places in europe and the usa for example that i wouldn't want to go if i could help it. yes there is some correlation between the dangerous people in both places
>Would you let your wife with small child go there without you?
op didn't mention wives and/or children. you and i both know that you have some kind of disappointingly predictable cuntish answer ready either way so let's not bother eh
accra in ghana, senegal, gambia are white friendly
OP here. My wife gave birth and I made this thread because it changes perspective on safety etc. Before that sketchiest place we've been was probably South Bronx (only place in the world where wife refused to take her phone out to make a photo). With baby more important is general peace, when random niggers don't even start an interaction. Before, we could just ignore Mombasa's beach boys, but it won't change the fact they'll wake up or sometimes even try to touch my baby.

A like Africa because it's warm and sunny and tropical, but even people who like Africa must grow thick skin before they interact with locals. I'm looking for a place in Africa where such thick skin isn't necessary (because baby lacks it), and you can just go there carefree, like you go to most white/yellow places.
Accra, Serrekunda and Cap Skirring are on the list so we'll visit them sometime. Are there beach boys and other loud vendors, like in East African coast?
>Are there beach boys and other loud vendors
gambia is a sex tourist destination (and is famously particularly popular with middle aged and older white women). so yes there are beach boys, yes you and your wife will be pestered for money and/or to buy stuff etc
really for your requirements you should probably stick to resorts and enclaves that are designed for foreign families
kek I used to camp on the beach with the "Cap boys"; pay them $20 and they'll take you out in their fishing pirogues. Don't remember anyone trying to hustle me, other than restaurant owners.
However I wouldn't call Senegal and Gambia particularly relaxing...scammers are confined to the cities, but you will always have to endure the amused stares of strangers and the crowds of curious children. If you're looking for somewhere where people won't look twice at you, it'll have to be somewhere cosmopolitan like Kigali. Never been to Ghana but I would imagine it's a good bet, and I'm sure the beaches are better. Most places in Morocco, Mauritania are let-your-guard-down comfy, but they're not black.
Réunion and Mauritius they're French colonies that are a part of the EU. Must be the easiest places in Subsaharn Africa.
I met a man from Mauritius this year. He looked like a cross between Indian and African. He was incredibly nice. He certainly made me feel like it was a place to visit.
Cape Verde is nice you won’t get any trouble there the people are very nice. You do get some beggars but that’s the same in any poor country if you tell them “no” they stop

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