what's it like visiting these little german towns?
>>2749397Idk i gew up in one of thesePeople hate foreigners and are not open and thats a good thing
I was in Bavaria last summer and I couldn’t stop thinking that I just wanted to live out my remaining days in such a village.
>>2749485>People hate foreigners and are not openUhh... I think we need to send some migrants to your hometown then. Gotta beat that racism
>>2749637Yeah the german government is doing that already>>2749621I can see that but growing up in one is more meh
>>2749485Do they not like tourists at all? What if I learned German?
>>2749397There is a theme park in Japan that recreates the German countryside
>>2749828It's a safe bet that any village with no guesthouses won't be welcoming to outsiders.
>>2749637>>2749643ok then start breeding hans mercedes-bmw
>>2749397I honestly can't imagine more boring place to visit. I mean I could imagine living in German small town/countryside, because of how boring and predictable it is, but if you mean visiting it for few days then German autism will kill you with boredom (unless you're German yourself, but then you wouldn't ask such question).
>>2749397I'd like to live in the Rhine Rover Valley or near Garmisch
>>2749485need more muslims then
Boring as fuck. If you are looking for restaurants, bars, clubs, museums and the like you will not find it at all. If the village is near the mountains there will be outdoor activities. Be aware that there are low tier destinations like Harz. Just go for the alps. Hochschwarzwald and Hotzenwald are okay. You will need a car.
>>2749643>I can see that but growing up in one is more mehsounds exactly like the rural scottish town I grew up in very pretty, especially in the summer, but boring as fuck growing upnow I'm older I'm feeling the vague twinge of homesickness for the first time in my life as it really was comfy
>>2750335Confirming. Looks nice I guess, but nothing to do there.
>>2749397I grew up in a Bavaria village with around 2000 people living. As a kid it's really the best. Great school, lots of kids, always playing outside, no real danger, very safe. Lots of good memories that I still think of every now and then. And good friendships that still last. Then you get older I guess your teens and young adult and it gets incredible boring. I always dreamed of living in a huge as city like Tokyo or New York with endless amount of clubs, bars and restaurants. Instead I spent most of my days just playing video games and sometimes go snowboarding in winter. Now getting older, having a wife and son.. i can't imagine living somewhere else. My parents are closeby, my friends and I know my son gonna have a great childhood here. And suddenly I start to really appreciate this place. I wake up early morning, stand on the terrace drinking a cup of coffee while looking into the far nature. Sometimes I see deers far away, that always makes my day. Grew my own legal weed last year that I enjoy sometimes on the weekend. Two years ago I built a hammok between two trees in my garden. I lay down in spring/summer and read Tolkien books. Looking forward doing so again in some months. Work is chill too, 35h week and 32 day offs and public holidays. With my father I work on restaurating an BMW 2002 in his garage. We might finish it later this year and do a small trip to Nürburgring. (Just in case anyone cares about life there)So in my head it's great here but for visitors? I mean you can experience 100% authentic non tourist rural life. Nothing really too exciting, people are introverted/shy, almost no one speaks english. But if you want to roleplay as German I think it can't get any more real than that. Most villages (at least in the center) still look exactly the same as 100 years ago. There are farm houses up to 500 years old. But sometimes you can find beergardens that may be fun for tourists. Or you check for castle ruins, churches, etc.
>>2750914Thats fuckin sweet. Whats the political and philosophical viewpoints of most of these villages? Is anyone openly or secretly flying swastica flags?
>>2750922>Is anyone openly or secretly flying swastica flagsNo as it's illegal and Germans like to follow rules. But you see Germany flags sometimes but more often a Bavaria/King Ludwig flag where I live. CSU (right conservative) is at highest here, AfD has more voters compared to cities but there is also a not so low number of green votes. The greens are probably those "muh bio food, I don't care about high energy costs because I'm rich anyway" people.