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I am travelling to Australia this year for 3 weeks for the first time, and plan to see Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. I have family in Brisbane I'll be staying with while I'm there.

>30-year-old American male, Navy vet, good degree and job
>can move and work pretty much anywhere I want
>good-looking, I'm just just really bad at initiating
>given up on American girls completely, think this is probably my best bet at finding a girl I can actually get into

Where should I go while I'm visiting? Where should I hang out to meet interesting girls in Australia?
Most Australians hate yanks with a passion and Aussie women are gross whores
>given up on American girls completely, think this is probably my best bet at finding a girl I can actually get into
>goes to fucking australia
Oi shaaaaaaaron, give us a dart and let me finger ya at the movies have some fuckin VBs afterwards and a root
Fuck off cunt or ill stick a mop up your arse. All the American vets who move here turn out to be Chinese spies, traitors and total faggots.

Be prepared for a lot of dirty looks, and random cunts to hit you with glass bottles for no apparent reason. Nobody warned lmfao, so fair warning.

We consider you a foreigner but because you're white you don't get to play the racist card, so every cunt is going to bottle you. Cops don't give a fuck about bar fights unless someone has a knife, so we use bottles.
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I'm going to fuck your sister regardless, nigger. I just need advice on where to meet her.
>We consider you a foreigner but because you're white you don't get to play the racist card, so every cunt is going to bottle you.
>my nanny government will arrest me for hate crimes if I'm racist so I'll take my anger out on a fellow white
Kek, loser bogan
god I wish a big strong american would fuck my gf
Either you enjoy yourself traveling or you focus on dating. Dating is lots of work for non chads. Local women who aren’t drunk sluts(and they get slutty with Chads) don’t want a transient foreigner.

If you spend most of your time doing tourist bs you will get to see Australia. Or you could stay in only one locale and maximize your whole trip around dating and likely still waste your time. Overall your idea is stupid. If dating isn’t easy for you in the USA, it’ll be much harder abroad.
How are you gonna pull without a car? Or will you be renting one while you're there?
Haha a ticket to AUD is like 1000 bucks from SEA and hotels are hella expensive fuck that
>American vet
Probably best to not mention this until you have her in the bag. Most Australians detest war, and they especially detest the US war mongering. If you really must put that front and centre, try rural towns. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, are far too hippy to let this slide. You may even get attacked in the street for this.

>where to meet girls
There is an extreme cost of living crisis. Upwards of 1 million (out of the country of 28 million, with international obligations to become 30 million by 2030) people are homeless, with a further 1 million teetering on the edge of homelessness. Pubs, clubs, restaurants, who managed to survive the year long lockdowns are dropping like flies because its impossible to get cheap reliable staff (everyone is working two or three jobs with gig economy shit on top) and no one wants to pay the AU$50 per meal that the place needs to charge to break even. The only way to do it is through an app. Bumble, Tinder, Hinge, etc. Then set your location to the poor suburbs. You can easily pick up a girlfriend by stating that you own a house or have your own place. Offer them a steak dinner, most young people under the age of 25 haven't had a proper steak in years, at best they get some paper thin "sizzle steals" on special at woolies, so a proper 500g steak will be a pre-COVID nostalgia treat for them.
>australians will attack you on the street!
I guess I can afford a few steaks. Omw from Bali!

OP you should get more reasonable goals, like getting in a fistfight with a kangaroo. Personally, Ive worked with a group of aboriginee wiseman healers. We will soon be joining forces to rid the world of reptilians again
Mate Australian women are way worse than American women. Basically all white western women are a completely lost cause. Go to a poor country and find a woman that will appreciate you. You'll be way happier.
>I'm just just really bad at initiating
Australia will be even worse than America
Just get a SEA monkey and call it a day
>thinks getting an Australian gf would be "exotic"
Do Americans really?
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Here is the problem with your plan OP. Australian women, just like english women, are really unattractive. Crooked yellow teeth , weird fat distribution , acne , ruddy faces, the whole package.

Then you have the men that are all tall thin and often fairly handsome.

This is why those fuckers come to the US and fuck all of our ugly women, they cant believe their luck.
Also never and I mean never bring your attractive gf to oz, they will hit on her unmerciful right in front of you. They will complain about american men but they fucking love american women
Im not an aussie but imagine trying to land a nice gf when you are a american vet that asks about dating advice on the basket weaving forums.
I dont know if aussie girls are really sluts/bad as american girls, but man, I cant imagine you scoring any alright catch after reading your post.
Go to philipines where you can score some good looking gold digger, thats your only chance, maybe she will even appriciate your jarhead type personality and start to love you after some time, because most of expats that end up there are eithier obese as fuck, broke, dont have any spine or all 3, youll be the dense prince that they wanted all their life.
But they love american accents

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