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What happens here?
Not very much. There are some nice hikes and rugged remote nature if that's your bag. Large seabird colonies and other marine life if you want to get up close and personal with puffins. I liked the solitude and got rare good weather so had a good time. I can imagine the degenerates who post here would be very disappointed

getting there is about as difficult as it gets for a European country (vehicle ferry that goes from Denmark to Iceland via Torshavn, there are flights from some places like Edinburgh). but infrastructure is good (subsea tunnels, dirt cheap ferries and helicopters) thanks to economic bribery from Copenhagen. weather even in summer can be very bad, they have a phrase "outside dead weather" and the place shuts down while the atlantic expends itself. so plan to get back on the mainland at least a day before any onward travel.

I got stuck on mykines for an extra 12h due to bad tides, I enjoyed more time on this enigmatic place while some germans were shitting themselves about their return flight. they do a lot of fish farming and infamously hunt pilot whales, as a foreigner grinds are strictly none of your business if you happen across one

if you want to visit a remote atlantic archipelago I found shetland better anon - easier to get around, more going on as it is where the UK's oil money is, better preserved antiquities. still a fucking ballache to access
women go to denmark to sleep with Chæd and get degrees. men process fish and buy nice cars. there are tunnels connecting the islands where you drive undersea for miles. check it on youtube.
Nasty bastards. Blew up the Republic of Rockal in the war, and have been embargoed ever since.
I've heard those North Atlantic islands are the most expensive countries for travel in the world. How much do things cost there?
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I spent 9 days there anon, ask some questions and I will answer.

>picrel mindblowingly beautiful hike, will continue to post pics from my trip
faroes is quite expensive but not the most expensive place in the world. felt like Standard Nordic levels of expensive. the generous danish subsidies for some things like the inter island public transport take the edge off
Shetland is relatively expensive by UK standards, which means it is cheap compared to the nordic countries that surround it
main expense is travel to either archipelago, as you usually have to get somewhere awkward like Edinburgh or Aberdeen or Copenhagen to catch a flight or a ferry first. plus you have to book accom / hire cars far in advance, otherwise you'll be camping and looking at bus timetables
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This is on Mykines
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will post more if anyone wants more
Cool anon, got any snowy ones?
Unfortunately (or fortunately as I camped the whole time) there was no snow there at the time I went. Would love to see the hills covered in snow I bet it is beautiful,
Extremely based. Envious of the anon who visited
i trust you did the short hike out to the lighthouse
I was there during puffin season and had around a hundred thousand of the colourful lil bastards milling around
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I actually didn't do the hike, I didn't want to pay the money desu it was quite expensive. That was on my first day and I knew there would be other hikes I could do on the Island. I also went there after spending 11 days in Iceland so I wasn't too concerned.
I did a hike on Nolsoy and went to the lighthouse. But I picked the worst fucking day as there was fog everywhere as I reached the top of the mountain.
imagine poking a hole in it
>that steep slope
>those rocks scattered around on it
>those fragile wooden buildings


It used to be called Frisland but the house plantagenet had all history of it erased after it suffered a major tectonic collapse.

Even today, topographic maps of the sea floor surrounding the Faroe Islands are classified.

(Compare this to old maps of Frisland and decide for yourself.)
Why grass roof? How do you maintain it?
Im not sure anon, but I fairly sure only certain climates allow it. Definitely don't see grass roofs in warmer climates (correct me if I am wrong). But I like to imagine someone mowing their roof.
ah when I was there a while back there were far fewer charges for things.
I think the near constant cloud that clings to the top of the mountains gets to the locals, they're all a bit weird

modern turf roofs have fancy membranes as the waterproofing layer, so they can last fifty years with only routine maintenance. this is trimming the grass if it has heavy growth (you can also use sheep / goats) and taking heavy snowfall off. you also have to keep it watered.
in the faroes there's no such thing as a dry spell and the snow doesn't get that bad either, and there are plenty of sheep
ideal building material there to be honest
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Beautiful land, but no trees. Its expensive but chill, everything about the weather that have been said is true. If you like doing hikes on deserted cliffs thats your destination.
>fly there by plane
>its like 100 passanger bombardier or some shit
>we circle above faroes for 1h because bad, misty weather
>pilot says he dont have permissionto land (he was certain he would land) and that we need to go back to scotland for a refill
>we land in some top norther part of scotland
>no cloads, only airstrip, small infrastructure building and a dozen houses.
>the lone airstip personel granny hand us a samich
>after around 1h were back in air, weather became better apparently, but it becomes bad again just when we arrive at faroes
>pilot circles again and after 15minutes says that he got permission to do one attempt
>start descending
>shit visibility, like 0,5m, i flied hundreds of times, even if we went into cloads, it wasnt as thick as those ones
>more descending, plane shaking
>finnaly go throught the cloads
>mfw theres a cliff like 30m (at least it felt like it) pararell to the end of the wing.
>our pilot dont give a shit and just continues to descent even closing the distance to the cliff on the way to airstip
>We land with a big thud and make two jumps
>hear some people gasp like they lost conciousness, few people clap
That was my most stressfull landing probably.
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I am going to continue posting my photos because I haven't had a chance to share them with anyone.
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This was taken on the same hike as
which cost like 25dkk, worth every cent and I was alone the whole time.
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This is one of the most popular places on the whole archipelago, only saw one other person there. "Múlafossur"
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Small town on the southern half of Sandoy, costs are quite high to use the tolls to take the undersea tunnels to the other islands. Visiting this one cost me 50dkk from memory.
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Definitely imported, this car sticks out in the Faroe Islands.
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Football field next to the ferry to Mykines.
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One of the places I set up my tent. Was windy as fuck and the rustling of the plastic fucked up my sleep every night.
Did you say tent ?


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