My wife filled out what she knew using the online form filler, left the rest blank. I went and printed everything and I'm filling out spots left blank, she left my parents information blank so I filled out mother then father because it didn't specify an order. Looked over it, and SHE checked the male female boxes- with male first. What do I do besides get everything re-printed? I keeo reading that they don't care of you strike something and rewrite it but what about boxes? Do I just strikethrough and heavily X the correct sex? I just know she's going to call me a retard for not fully reading the form to see what she checked.
Ae you transitioning?
>>2749622No. It's my parents sexes, I didn't realize it was already selected so I switched the order. All the info is correct except my mom is checked male and my dad is checked female.
>>2749632Ultimate tranny family. Castrate yourself
>>2749689IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. I really don't want to reprint everything but I don't want to pay and resubmit everything
Why not leave it as is. And if they question you about it, accuse them of oppressive transphobia - or trans genocide even.
>>2749632If they don't care about strikethroughs they probably don't care about witeoutBut why not just fill it out correctly and print it again? Also it looks like using the form filler for part of it and handwriting the rest isn't allowed to begin with
>>2749780I read that partial hand partial form filler was ok, whiteout was not, printing is done in cash i never carry cash and it becomes a fucking drag to go get cash broken down into small increments then the rest of the slog.
>>2749783>The only handwritten marks we accept for the Form Filler are your original signature and date.Believe what you willDid you autistically withdraw exactly 50 cents from the bank? Why don't you have any leftover from the first time you printed it?alternatively>Representatives are available Mondays through Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time, or on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. We close on federal holidays. Our primary number is 1-877-487-2778. Se habla espaƱol.