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how friendly is this place for tourists?
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Georgia is friendly for tourist yes.
Tbilisi is cheap on Western salary, Batumi is Dubai of Europe bro.
Beautiful mountains and Black Sea coast only thing ruining it is Russian refugees fleeing Putler regime.
Georgia is ruined by Turkroach infestations not Russia. Fuck off to /pol/ or volunteer to die shouting Slava Ukrainiā€¦
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why would turks move to georgia an inferior country
His opinion, whether it was a joke post or not (I don't know enough about ecelebs to tell) reflects that of actual Georgians. Russian expats themselves whine about growing xenophobia.
I'm American, and haven't experienced any xenophobic people. Maybe, these people don't treat Georgians with respect.
Yes, Georgia is great. I've had numerous sexual encounters with pretty women and big feasts
I've been to Georgia and Armenia and they've been very pleasant and friendly, but they're also the only christian countries in your pic, the islamic ones might give a different experience including the russian dagestan, but I'm just assuming here really.
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I'm a burger and Georgians were extremely kind to me. They really hate russians for some strange reason, though
>pic related, my neighbor's driveway in Tbilisi
In other news: Georgia has this chili lemon sauce that's delicious. It reminds me, that when I get home, I need to try to grow lemongrass, as well as ginger.
Which is the better of the two? Or are they both equally worth going to?
Armenia was quite hospitable, almost everyone I encountered was gracious and I'd recommend it highly. Spend a couple days in Yerevan and then tour the monasteries across the country

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