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How's life in the Midwest? I'm tired of the hot stupid south and thinking of going up to Michigan/Ohio/Illinois/Wisconsin.
They don't want your kind frogposter, they already have enough of those. Unless you really love living in the suburb and driving 3 hours to get anywhere "fun" that isn't the local stripmall with the same big businesses and eateries as the stripmall down the road
I don't care about fun I just want snow, cloudy weather and a fireplace + a small farm for myself

Surely they would welcome a fellow frogposter, r-right guys?
Yes, I think you would be fine. Midwest people, especially Minnesotans, are friendly. You are at an advantage as a Southerner, since most of you guys are culturally ingrained with basic manners and courtesy vs some east coaster. You should be just fine, anon.
Thanks fren, Minnesota always seemed cool although everything past Minneapolis seems mysterious
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Stay out of Iowa, okay?
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What if I want to hang with Slipknot?
It's fine.

In that is the problem. It's perfectly fine. It's full of people and business that are content with just fine. "good enough" is the motto. There is omething soul sucking about it knowing that nothing beyond good enough is ever going to happen.

It's a place where people live their lives then die, nothing more. For most people that's perfectly fine. A content pillowy malaise.

I've never thought about blowing my brains out as much as I did in the two years I spent in Duluth.

There are far worst places than the Midwest. "Good enough" coupled with affordability has an appeal to most people. Try living in the PNW, a region of the country where mediocrity is championed and where people go to checkout from society and life. But is despite the amateurish and lackluster lifestyle offerings, everything is expensive as fuck.
Understandable, I checked on an old friend from Ohio and it seems like they're living that kind of life with 2 kids and very average jobs. Some places like Texas and Florida have huge potential financially, I just don't want to be stuck in 10-11 months of sunshine and heat which makes me a bit unusual. But also have to carefully research so I can find somewhere decent instead of moving to some town in Pennsylvania or North Dakota where there's no economy or ability to travel a few hours and be somewhere relevant. But I can also understand how much harder it might be to relocate if I was born into one of those towns where there's nothing going on and financial growth is capped by government restrictions or lack of humans.

Preferably though I'd just move to Norway or Finland, but that's not as simple
Live up north, somewhere near a big patch of public forest and a nice lake with a sandy shore either big or small. Get a state recreation pass.
If you're a quiet type who enjoys nature, you'll get along well with the people of the north country. They tend to be friendly but also private. Long harsh winters make them very patient and enduring of circumstances most people would find unpleasant or even intolerable.
>AAGH I CANT TAKE IT, why can't everyone just be normal like in NYC, hustling for wealth and flaunting their success and trampling all over the less fortunate?
I don't want to be a dude weed bro but.. I'm disappointed Washington is the only 0% income tax state with legalized weed. I would actually consider Wyoming a bit more if they didn't strictly bann weed. Not sure the 0% income tax matters much though when everything is so expensive. The rainforest is amazing though, I like places with Fir trees
>>2745730 (OP)>>2745765
That sounds like a comfy life, I have realized people up north seem to be more similar to my personality just from having online friends from different places. A lot more similar personality wise than the people down south who don't experience four seasons or really care about it, but that same personality also seems to exist anywhere in the north although in different forms. The long winters certainly do create a certain mindset, people are either going to enjoy it and have it be for them, or they're going to head south like my gramps unfortunately did
That's the South tho

High taxes. Fewer jobs than you would think. Big cities have similar socioeconomic factors if that's something you don't like about the South, but I would say you can make more money there than most of the South, excepting a few places like Atlanta.
Yeah Ohio seems like the only state with reasonable tax rates, people also say Ohioans are ruder than people in other midwestern states. I don't know if that's true though, maybe somebody here can confirm. Either way I doubt it's anything serious, some people just probably expect everyone to be ultra polite

Despite no income tax, WA makes it up by having some of the highest sales tax in the country; which is a regressive tax policy. In fact, WA has one of the most regressive tax structures in the nation. It's why the Seattle metro area has one of the highest concentration of millionaires in NA and yet the average household barely gets by.


For whatever reason lots of Ohioans find their way up to the PNW. I wouldn't say that they're rude, but they're certainly the least friendly of the bunch. But I understand them; when you're from a state where there is nothing but crime, poverty, and drug addiction, it's hard not to have a dour disposition towards life.
>But I understand them; when you're from a state where there is nothing but crime, poverty, and drug addiction, it's hard not to have a dour disposition towards life.

Damn I didn't know it was that bad there, outside of obvious major city areas like Cleveland or some parts of Columbus. But I've never been there
I don't get how people can have is hard in the midwest. Low cost of living, west and east coast are literally a day's drive away for easy trips to beautiful places.
Imagine basing your life choices on the legality of weed. How much of a fucking loser do you have to be. Of all the things that would factor into a potential place to live - the economy, cost of living, culture, accessibility, etc - somehow a weak drug on the level of alcohol is the priority. Even in the most Mormon, conservative, backward-ass state such as Utah any fool can get a medical card and buy the highest quality weed you can imagine. How is this even an issue in this day.
Dude, get help. If drugs run your life this much you have major issues. Nobody wants weed fags around.
Exactly, if a state can't even legalize weed and insist on remaining in the minority of states who have it banned then they must be retarded and there's not much reason to be there. I could go on but I don't want to get too conspiratorial on /trv/, either way those states in question pretty much want people sick and stupid for boomer's financial interests. Weed isn't a must, but I don't see why it shouldn't be an option to enjoy legally. But those other factors you named are definitely factors too, that's why people don't just blindly move to expensive places like LA, Washington State, Boulder Colorado, and so on. Of course on the other spectrum is places that allow drugs to run rampant like Portland and Philadelphia that nobody wants to move too
The only reason anybody has a problem with them is the smokerfags who make the streets smell like a skunk, if everybody took edibles nobody would care. But this wasn't meant to become a weed thread, so that's the end of that. It's really not that much different than any other factor like whether a state/county lets you collect rainwater
Wisconsin is a great place to come back to. It’s just super normal, easy to have a nice routine and great affordability. Do I want to spend my entire year here? No, but I travel a ton so it’s not like it really matters that I miss out on some of the big city amenities.
This is pretty much spot on. Life in the Midwest is
> get a good job, if you’re lucky
> get married, if you’re lucky
> have kids, if you’re lucky
And absolutely nothing else. It’s not so different than life in most places but there are places out there with at least the possibility of the crazy, the different, the adventurous. You won’t find it in the Midwest, or anywhere in flyover America for that matter.
t. 31 year old rust belter lived a life where nothing happened so far
I lived a decade of adventure while some dudes smoked weed in a house share in the rust belt lmao
>move to midwest
>think it will be a step down in quality of living even though worked in lower 48's for over a decade
>now fully remote pick a place with 250-500k pop
>quality of live barely down outside the fact I have to drive a bit more/uber to get to a bar, at least I am not stuck in traffic 4/5 times
>realize everything I want off amazon still easy to get, virtually any "quality" goods I can still drive 30-45 minutes
>food is better by a landslide
>easy to rent a home or apartment without insane markups each year or BS fees
>bar life is better as I am not having people BS me to keep up with the jones every weekend everyone knows the one or two "tall taliers"
>airport flights only a little shitter due to often requiring a layover more often
>making friends is easier imo due to how people are invested in hobbies

Oh no winters are a bit shittier, summers can be a tad more uncomfortable, but overall it's not the worst. Most /trv/ won't like it because the biggest burden of the midwest is you need to often put in effort for things more so than the coastal regions. People out here will also remember what you say and you'll often see people more than once after a while.

Sure if I change jobs my pay is going to go down, but given the cost of living so low my take home is still good enough for virtually anything.
>drive 30-45 minutes to get to work
>drive 30-45 minutes to go to the store
>drive 30-45 minutes to go to the gym
>drive 30-45 minutes to go fucking anywhere
It's fucking ass. And muh COL doesn't mean shit when high paying jobs are much scarcer.

In the grim darkness of Ohio, there is only corn, poverty, and depression.
Where are you living by chance? I am in Sioux Falls and 30 minutes would be driving clear on the opposite side of town.
>And muh COL doesn't mean shit when high paying jobs are much scarcer.
Again, Midwest is a large place do you mind citing where you are talking about specifically?

Most the time traffic is flowing, so if I am doing 30 minutes it's moving and not stop go like it was for me on worst coast. Even when I'd work in Columbus my longest commutes were maybe 35 minutes during crappy weather but that was usually to work. Due to how cheap living is if you can't find a good apartment/condo within walking distance for 3/4th of those things you suck at planning.
Based, for me I live in a small town and have to travel for anything good so the travel in the midwest probably isn't that big of a deal. The cost of living is crazy, even in a decent area with a decent little population you can actually get a nice place.
yeah they all get snow although its a different beast once you go north like the great lakes weather is rough winters at least it was when i lived up there
I loved living in Iowa. Nice and calm place to live.
As a cannabis user myself I perfectly understand the rationale behind strict drug prohibition. Chemical escapes are not healthy, and the majority of weed is bought by people who are high every day and checked out from reality. Rampant marijuana use, particularly high THC strains, exacerbates anti-social behavior. It's getting tough to find the mellow giggly schwag of old, which I greatly prefer to the turbofuel strains.
Can any Ohioans explain to me why real estate is still reasonable in areas that aren’t even dangerous outside the “3 Cs”?
Not native ohiofag but did a LOT of research into buying houses and talking to friends living there about it, here's what I found

Ohio houses are pretty old almost all from 1920-1960, these often might contain shit you don't want
The age of these houses, along with many people fleeing Ohio often means these places were unoccupied for a LONG time and only had some people come slap paint on it to flip
led paint in the basement/painted over
asbestos is a real possibility in houses
the insulation might be crap or needing to be fully replaced if you don't want to be furnace or fireplace on 24/7 for winters
ohio roads technically exist
utilities can be weird depending on where you live
many houses are 1 car driveways so enjoy street parking mayhem in winters

However, the median income in Ohio is pretty low meaning the housing market is also fairly low as brain drain has been a huge problem in the past though kinda reversing as cali is too expensive. I found one thing I had to do was look at the neighboorhood as recently as possible from any way I could because some houses look like a steal, but behind your house are 3 abandoned houses that are screaming to become fire hazards. Obvouisly you should check out the neighborhood anyways but if you're just scrolling through zillow it's going to give you a surprise IRL
Oh also many homes there are build with basements meaning that those aging houses might be a disaster waiting to happen if the supports are going. That shit is FUCKING expensive to fix.
How is this travel related conversations.
Was just answering anon's question

For me the midwest is ideal for travel lifestyle since I have a bunch of stuff+remote lab/work box I sometimes get into. Paying 550ish a month after utilities for a place to keep all my shit stored, not have to worry about "urban culture" visiting it, and a place to call home so I can cycle off travel to avoid burn out is nice. Sure I get that style isn't for everyone, but I found I enjoy traveling and appreciate the places I visit if I slice up my adventures by doing 3-6 months abroad, back for 3-4 months, 3-6 abroad, etc etc. 6k/yr to keep all my stuff secured and fall back on should I lose my job or whatever is a safety net I am willing to deal with.
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lol good question faggot, next time just be silent.

And go FUCK yourself you little ferret.
Make room you fuckin dumb tumbelweed. I want some cheap real estate outside of dayton
If you're OP, you're in for a rude awakening about the Midwest. It's well over 100 degrees and high humidity in the summer. So you ain't escaping the Southern heat and mosquitoes. Oh, did I mention the mosquitoes. Somehow they survive the minus 40 temperatures in the winter. Only real men can hack it in the land of extremes.
No not OP, I just watched some bald incel who lives in Ohio give a good breakdown of the real estate market and he searched Zillow onscreen. Pretty nice houses with low prices
So, you're not allowed to go onto Zillow in your country, or just need to be handheld. Yeah, no, with that kind of selfreliance, you'll do real well up there.
Excuse me, retard, I’m simply stating that I happened upon this video and he drove the point home vividly by doing what I already know how to do, had I known that particular area had a good real estate market.

Yapping for yaps sack is such a dog move
Emotional outburst like this will win ya all kinds of frens in the Midwest I betcha that.
The only friend I need is a cheap house near a shartmart and perhaps a friendly dog and/or cat

What? If you live in the midwest, you can drive all day east or west and still be in the midwest.
Just left NC for MI, it so fuckin cold bros
I was supposed to be born in Ohio or Pennsylvania bros
they probably live the best lives in the world
The only place that seems marginally relevant, cool and exciting is Chicago, the whole rest of the region is a boring bedroom region. Yes there is great nature in Minnesota and Wisconsin, but beyond that the feeling being "just fine" in life as a previous poster mentioned will bore you to tears and grind you down eventually if you are an adventurous outgoing person.
>Best lives
I know that's a shock to you but you'll get a little older one day and understand life, maybe, a little bit more
What if I’m a tired out 34 year old loser that just wants to grab a pizza from 711 and drink beers at my quaint 2 bedroom house with no immediate neighbors and pass out?
Here's the thing, if you chose to be cynical and give up, you'd just do that, and that would be that. It's not your choice though is it. You're here crying for help. Well go seek professional medical attention then, faggot.
Since when is inquiring, whether a state or locality,might be suitable for a night in with pizza, beers, and distant neighbors, a cry for help.
Oh, you can't find out the population per square mile of a place on your own. Seek help.
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>be IT
>live in midwest
>remote jobs can ask for under market rate 70-72k
>every position I was interviewing for offered by end of day
>utilites, good internet 300/100, and 1br apartment ~8k/yr all added p
>state has no income tax
>bring home more than my friends working jobs in LA and Boston who have to commute as well
>not worried about being cut because I make so much under the considered "market value" it's not even worth replacing me with an H1B

Even after 3 months of travel per year I am banking around 40k/yr straight into savings and investments. Probably buying a house soon so I can reduce my expenses even more.
Wtf did you do that for?
I think it would be cool to have a house from the 1800s
Based South Dakotan
Wife's job, mine is remote.
I spent a decade in the PNW but eventually returned to the Midwest. The coast has been metaphorically burning for years.

> you have to drive 3 hours to get anywhere "fun"

2 hours in Michigan takes you clear across the state from Detroit into Grand Rapids. 2 hours in the PNW gets you from one side of your metro to the other during rush hour (aka, any weekday).

> It's full of people and business that are content with just fine

More like full of people who have no tolerance for antisocial behavior and know how to be happy living a normie life.

You want to be homeless? Here's a $20 bus ticket to the coast. Bleeding hearts will fund your drug addiction while fighting tooth & nail against any consequences or mandatory programs that would actually help you. (Free will & all)

You want to act 20 despite being 35? Great. You never have to grow up. Your social circle will never ask "Are you sure that's a good idea?". Fuck everything and everyone, try out all the drugs, why would you ever want to build a career, who has time to plan for retirement, live in the moment bro planning is for boring people. Live your entire life like burning man

You want politics that make you feel good, rather than policies that make life better? Boy have I got the goods. Every local homeless charity spends most of their budget hiring "consultants" rather than doing *anything* with your money. Your DEI fire chief will laugh, joke, & victim blame about their inability to help save anyone during a fire. Drug (un)enforcement policies will feel good for voters but actually increase fatality rates 10x.

The Midwest is heaven for normal people. It's only the terminally online that think the PNW is better in 2025. Your city isn't boring you are.
Jobless, forever single, addict, no kids, no personality of your own? The PNW is perfect for you.

Ohio is ass though.
>How's life in the Midwest?

i'm in indiana and I want to kill myself.

I think Wisconsin and IOWA are the greatest states in the country. Wisconsin is having lib fucks destroy the state though.

it's hard as fuck to meet people. guys see you as competition in small towns. not cheap as fuck anymore after inflation.

Good place to raise a family though.
I'm in grad school in Bloomington, IN at the moment. I hate it.
No offense but grad school sucks. You're poor, you have barely any money, your future is up in the air. That's no way to live. (Other than to set yourself up for a lifetime of higher salaries & success).

I look at my college town completely differently now (and with more fondness) as an adult with a successful career behind myself.
>How's life in the Midwest?
Barring the mega cities or cities with +500k pop, It's fine however trv would shit a brick most the time for the following reasons:

You'll most likely need to own a car however A->B cars are cheap as hell and low cost to insure or keep up, for some reason I doubt half US /trv/ have a valid license if at all. An electric bike can work but winters are dicey without jumping on the bus
Knowing how to be your own 'handyman' is a given for a few parts of life
Shit closes early it's not uncommon for bars or night life to close by midnight
You need to put yourself out there to find things to do and other hobbies, believe it or not midwest cities and towns often have a variety of modern hobbies not just 'yuuuup football!'
Quality goods are easy to find though the higher end things might need to be ordered, amazon or ship to store with target and the like has always worked for me 99% of the time
Food portions are far bigger even if you see on paper they might look pricey, a 15 dollar steak in South Dakota will make something on the coast look laughable
Pay for work is lower however the costs of everything is lower
Summers and winters can hit the extremes, falls and springs can be GOAT depending on the year
People are far more willing to open their doors to you compared to the city, all my friends in the city were friends sure but out here feels like they will go the extra bit to help out
Women are what you make, if people are truly as rich as people say they are it shouldn't be an issue to avoid porkers

One huge issue is that everyone will remember whatever stuff you tell them, unlike a city where everyone bullshits everyone, midwestern people will recall what you said and catch on if you're BS'ing them. After 7 years living and working on the west coast 22-30, moving to the midwest was a fantastic thing for me. It's not for everyone but it's good for self motivated people.
1800's house is great till you realize HVAC is going to be dogshit, possible hidden mold, leaks, structural stability during storms is questionable, etc etc. Unless you're looking for a literal log cabin that's probably still okay or a stone/brick house(which have their own problems in the midwest)

30-45 minutes driving is often clear across most cities baring ones with choke points like Chicago, St. Loius, etc. You have 0 clue what you're talking about however in places I lived on the west coast I was commonly taking 30+ minutes to get somewhere due to traffic stop/go, not wanting to shop at EBT line company, or so on.
I think it's 1/2 the people who grew up in a small town <10k people who by high school you basically know everyone or know someone who knows that person by the time you're 21. Sure if you grew up in Boonville MO you'll probably be bored of your brains out. However, I doubt anyone is thinking to go live in anywhere sub 100k people.

If you're considering moving out here to the midwest never go below 100k. 150-250k is the sweet spot for most of the conversations being had here.
I'm suddenly thinking Minnesota looks good, despite the 8% income tax. Seems like a friendly place and they actually use the tax money for things instead of pocketing the cash. Plus Anoka Minnesota has a cool Halloween fest
I've been a poorfag student in 4 cities during highschool, community college, undergrad, and now grad school. Bloomington is the worst. Reading this thread also reinforces my prior assessment that I don't really operate on the same wavelength as most Midwesterners .
Booneville is just outside of Columbia, which is probably about 150k by now, when school is in session. You got to remember, north of the Missouri river is where the glaciers wreaked havoc and mad shit flat like paper, and you can get anywhere in an hour, south is the Ozarks, where just because the way of the crow is 5 miles, don't mean it won't take a good hour to get there, if you're lazy and drive an automobile. You can always get there in 30 minutes if you run on them deer trails.
Booneville is about 30 minutes outside of Colombia, I doubt most anons would be willing to make that a daily commute(even if it would be fine in a hekkin coastal city).

Point being I think the people who constantly scream "AINT SHIT TO DO! REE FLY OVER" aren't taking into account the size of cities normal people would even consider a place. I doubt outside some one off cases people would never consider a city with a population under 75k.
I just want to be a loser in an affordable house with a grocery store and liquor store nearby. The real estate in Ohio is very affordable.

I watch an Ohio incel youtuber named Raymond and he said don’t buy a house in Toledo Youngstown or Cleveland, and has a video where he browses Zillow onscreen and shows a bunch of good spots within reasonable commute. I’ve realized living in big cities sucks ass, I hate being around people, and I’m old enough that I’ve “had my fun” and just want a quiet exurb of self sufficient small town white ppl.
If that's all anywhere will do, not sure why Ohio unless you simply want legal weed. Property taxes are kinda bad there and they get hit the worst of all 4 seasons due to stalling fronts against WV's mountains.

One of the problem with those zillow scrollers "DUDE LOOK AT THESE HOUSES" is they haven't even bothered with looking at the last inspection, things like piping, HVAC updates, and a slew of other things. Cheap houses often come with some gotchas.

>I just want to be a loser in an affordable house with a grocery store and liquor store nearby.
If this is really what you want move somewhere like Texas, NM, or western OK/Kansas. Lubbock and amarillo are good for this, if you are one of those "I SAW A HEKKIN BROWN PERSON!" and want none of that Ohio is lol, maybe try Grand Forks ND. Can hop to MN for weed, basically +80% white low taxes, decent paying jobs compared to Ohio. Not uncommon to just work a BS job like cashier for 15-18hr.
>Toledo Youngstown or Cleveland
These places are dumps.
Unironically just move to Charleston WV, brain drain is real meaning you can often get a fairly upkept house for ~55-70k because people are simply looking to GTFO after college. Cost of living is dirt and if you have any brain cells you should be able to get a job that will keep you around if you just show up. Alternatively look at ashland, enjoy a double wide with pennys per year in property tax and people who will leave you alone to drink yourself to death. Weather is super fall season is GOAT as well.
What is Dayton Ohio like? I’ll be going there in the spring to sperg about at the Air Force museum
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Wait till winter pops up, enjoy trying to keep that shit heated effectively.

trv be like
>Holy based I can sit in 30 minutes of traffic going 10mph to get to hekkin Whole Foods!
>whoa there driving 30 minutes at the speed limit to get across the entire city to go to Whole Foods?!?! Fucking cringe!

I'm not fat so I don't go to the store daily for refilling my fridge, I stock up every 1 or 2 weeks. Anything else I need I can walk ~10 minutes to Target, texas road house, chilis, etc. Rent is so cheap out here, I pay about 750 for a 2br, that living near some good shops and bars isn't hard. For reference back on the coast I would be paying almost double for a 1br in the same place probably 30 minutes walking from any 'good bar'.

Worked in Dayton, it's fine. Run down a fair bit but it's fine. People are heavy drinkers though very few times I can recall any bars I went to where people were 'just having a beer or two' after work to blow off a hard day.
Written by some faggot who hasn't spent a single moment that wasn't in front of his computer or in an air conditioned gym.,
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I live in western PA so basically midwest. My city is very poor but hey we got a house for 22k and there's an abandoned shopping mall in the center of town my boyfriend is thinking about buying. It's only 50k
We have an amazing local food culture here. The best italian, syrian, burgers etc you can get. We're also a day away from a lot of big cities. Not to mention all the nature. Town is about 90% white

The job market here is the worst part. Employers think you should practically work for free. They will ask for years of experience and pay $12. I'm self employed so it doesn't matter as much to me
>there's an abandoned shopping mall in the center of town my boyfriend is thinking about buying.
You guys ever go there and suck each other's cocks?
I don't have a penis so no. Why is everyone on this site obsessed with gay sex
Check out dorothy lane market. Get a killer brownie
>is a woman
>spoken for
>self employed
>boyfriend who is a property owner and wants to buy a fucking shopping mall
go back to Crystal cafe and Go fuck your self bitch
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Stay mad microdick sex tourist
You’re probably an ugly frumpy curdled milk dog of a woman. Be quiet
Have sex

I've been thinking of the Pittsburgh area as a potential place where I can relocate and lay down roots. It looks promising with low COL and but plenty of shit to do. What's the job market over there? I work in finance and commercial banking, despite the HQ of PNC I can't seem to find any non-retail banking jobs there. I hear the steel mills are constantly hiring and they pay almost six figures starting off; is this true?
>think Wisconsin and IOWA are the greatest states in the country. Wisconsin is having lib fucks destroy the state though
Wisconsin maybe but Iowa is boring as fuck and giga conformist. If you're on 4chan in general, you will never fit in here, I honestly miss Wisconsin despite all its flaws.
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Pittsburgh is an awesome city to relocate to! I'm not too far from there.
Job market is good with healthcare and tech being the biggest sectors. Some steel mills pay that much but there are still others that pay like $10/hr
The big draws really are that theres a lot to do, its cheap and the city and surrounding region have a unique culture

But you should still stay out
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>Just posts what is essentially the great lake states
I can't be the only one annoyed by this.

Anyways, as someone who travels 3-4 months on/3months off, the midwest is pretty GOAT if you can deal with some of the gatcha's. They aren't big but winters are fairly unforgiving to anyone not familiar with winter going on for longer than 2-3 months. It can start early some years as early as september, and sometimes roll on till may. You will probably want to learn how to cook at home for some weeks during the year of just frozen hell or pay excessive extra ubereat fees

The people here are nice but if you're an incel expect to be shut out of any long term conversations. People will smell bullshit or people who are hyperfocused on some dumb internet brain bullshit. Generally, people have a slew of hobbies here that you wouldn't expect and when compared to where I lived in a big city this surprised me.

The best part moving out to the midwest was easily the decrease in stress and other day to day bullshit that regularly was a common occurrence in a big city. I didn't even realize I had this until I moved out because how gay it sounds to think it exists but it's really something to just unplug or not have to worry what random BS is going to fuck up my weekend out because %thing% happened on the news to some random minority.

Crime is a basic non issue outside DUI's and occasional petty theft, really a good feeling when abroad.

Overall cost of living is rock bottom when compared outside some very specific goods which I just Amazon or Ship to Store option, like

Probably what turns off people the most to the midwest is the smaller pool of women but I've yet to see that as the issue due to me simply going to the gym, sports bars, and have saturdays doing some event around town. For reference my city/area is only ~135k, but as long as you avoid the tinder app, have no hobbies or consider 'Chilis' a bar, you're going to be fine.
>Unironically just move to Charleston WV
This or Ohio is my backup plan, I have a good chunk of change right now to throw at a house but interested to see where trump takes things. I could at the end of 4 years buy a house in Hawaii fully paid and essentially just 'retire' or just work my current remote gig till I burn out. Depending if I settle down with someone though. Midwest is nice though, I could easily buy a house or two here lease one out fully and then lease the first floor on another house out for passive income.

Insane the options out here now that people are fleeing the insane cost of living coasts
holy shit you sound like a faggot
West Michigan has that. Plus great summers, great beaches and beach towns. Winter activies all over.
Yes youngstown is a dump. Please dont come here. Stay in phoenix
>High taxes.
Most of them end up being cheaper unless you live in a shit hole. Texas has no income taxes, but also shit infrastructure and sky-high property taxes.
>fewer jobs than you would think
Depends on the job and where. There's tons of little towns that have a factory that pays 25-30/hour because there's nothing else in town

My guess is he is taking into account personal property taxes which Illions and Iowa kinda tip the scale on, though Iowa has some really cheap fucking houses to counterbalance the high tax rates. Minnisota just fucked everything up in taxes during recent years due to them funneling in migrants for no reason other than thinking they'd work the farms or some shit? lmfao.

The Dakota's are some of the best overall tax to income + cost of living you can get in the USA barring Texas(although DFW has been fucked recently). Biggest thing with the midwest states is goods often cost less so even it taxes are 'high' on paper you're still well under what places like coasties deal with
Perfect. I won't come back ever again.
I really don't get, how property taxes and jobs pertain to traveling. You all got lost in your way to /int/.
>I don't understand how things that affect my income would affect travel lifestyle
Then you are pretty short sighted. Believe it or not, everyone here isn't some crypto winner or living off NEET bux while having residence with their parents at 30.

For me my remote gig in the Midwest with a low cost of living allows me to cycle off and on from a few months of traveling before retuning home without taking much of a financial hit or be worried about squatters in my area. So it allows me to travel where when living on the east coast it was basically a non-option outside maybe utilizing some of the 4 weeks I was allowed off.

We have threads constantly like "what's it like living in X state, Y country, or Z geography" not sure why midwest is so triggering
Imagine that, a tranny with no roots changing the meaning of words to "win" an argument with an anonymous faggot on the line.
Projecting much? lmao.
>it's really something to just unplug or not have to worry what random BS is going to fuck up my weekend out because %thing% happened on the news to some random minority.

Yeah I was considering Minneapolis, but now I'm back to looking at mid-sized cities in other states. Mid sized cities have their own issues but it seems like all the major stuff is going to always happen in the biggest cities, and you definitely don't want to be there when those things go down

Also that picture is sick
That's crazy seeing people praising Pittsburgh, I thought it was run down at this point. I do like how it's inbetween places like Ohio/Michigan/Illinois to the west, and not a bad drive to the Northeast to the east. Michigan is my top option at the moment, but I do think the lack of sun might be bad for my health. I don't mind a lot of cloudy days, I actually prefer that but Michigan seems like it's so cloudy you literally won't get 10-30 minutes of sun a day
None of these things are issues for travelers. If you're living somewhere, and looking to discuss that, /int/ is the proper forum.
Traveling doesn't have to mean short term. When Arthur and Dutches camp relocated they were traveling to get to the new campsite. Also /int/ looks pretty spergy. But I'll check it out
>ask anonymous strangers that don't know him where to live to be the most fulfilled
>/int/ is spergy
Sounds like that's right up your alley.
That’s a nope and nope you piece of shit.
>discussing the fucking Midwest on the international forum.
Are you fucking retarded? Absolutely not. There’s nothing cosmopolitan or international about discussing the merits of living in the Midwest you little yappoid.

The thread compartmentalized the subject matter so insipid little aphids like you are supposed to read it and fuck off because it doesn’t pertain to you. Be quiet

This will be the last time you ever try to tell anyone else what belongs on the /trv/ board
Dunno about you but I've seen plenty of posts regarding people moving to the midwest to help lower their costs to better afford travel.

We have threads about people moving to other cities or places in the world why does this area trigger /trv/ so much?
Well I'm going to visit the places first, I've already got some trips booked. Somewhere like Pittsburgh was kind of off my radar but now I'm researching why I should give it a visit and consider it as an option
4chuds fucking love the midwest because they can buy their dilapidated shack and sit inside all day long while talking to no one and doing nothing.
Seems better than having cars honking outside your house I guess
Your fucked there no where to go that doesn't suck because America just sucks.
If you can make it through winters it's not bad, probably the one complaint I will give these threads is winters can make or break it for you.

I like that I can get a decent house for under 200k and rent for under 750 for a good place
I like that tech work can be done easily here and a good amount of hospitals and local governments pay very generously to keep skilled tech around.
I like food is cheap for the portions gotten
I like if I get that "did I lock my door?" feeling it's a non issue because 'urban youth' aren't checking
I like the air quality being good year round
I like people will be quick to call out BS rather than it being a pissing match between <person_you'll_never_meet_again> boasting their totally real 300k/yr job yet ordering miller lites at the bar

I will never understand why 4chan has such a hard on against it.
This was my take until I had to start paying taxes, work for a living, and reside outside of my parents house. Traveled a bunch and compared cost of living to average income, taxation, quality of life and goods, etc. I don't think /trv/ realizes just how good the USA can be once you take that into account.
Its way too crowded up here for that, can't find land for shit, this fucking state is just becoming one big suburb.
>I like that tech work can be done easily here and a good amount of hospitals and local governments pay very generously to keep skilled tech around.
Is this kind of work only available in the major cities? (Madison, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, etc.?)
I'm in the tech field and I've always wanted to move to the midwest but preferably to a smaller town and assumed finding any tech work within a reasonable distance from the less populated areas would be highly unlikely unless I worked remote
I'm a Fargo anon, but if I look at healthcare most basic admin positions like application admin start at 60k no prior experience outside application support. NDSU tech jobs starting 65-70k for L1 Net Admin/AD admin. Government jobs for tech willing to travel to sites can start around 55k+plus milage and other perks.

When I got relocated, which my company then was like eh nah nvm so just chilling here, I double checked a lot of shit and given the low cost of living you're bringing home the bacon still. For contrast I lived in AZ I was paying double the rent for a 1BR about 1400/mo where now I pay 700 for a 2br+garage. Internet is surprisingly cheaper too, electricity and such is also cheaper, and I never have seen traffic since moving here.

My use indeed or dice to spot check, or do "government of X" to look, personally I would not look at a metro area of less than 125k for decent jobs. Sioux Falls I hear has a good tech sector, same with Des Moines.

>The people here are nice but if you're an incel expect to be shut out of any long term conversations. People will smell bullshit or people who are hyperfocused on some dumb internet brain bullshit.

If what reality is this true? Midwesterners are the most socially awkward and inept Americans. They're way too socially retarded to develop any real relationship with anyone who isn't a carbon copy of themselves.


Pittsburgh is one of the best kept secrets in the US. A hand full of those decayed Midwest rust belt cities are starting to bounce back as refugees flee the burning coasts for better prospects.

Can anyone anons comment on Obetz being a decent hood for commuting to jobs in Columbus? What about Newark?
I'm in Detroit. We are on the come up because rich white people are buying cheap empty buildings and actually doing something with them. Plus we have a great club scene.

Better than Chinese and Russian oligarchs buying up real estate and using them to hide assets from their respective governments, like whats happening at the coasts.
How's the danger in Detroit? It always seemed like it was super dangerous at the least during the 2000s and maybe 2010s
In 2015 I did a work stay with a colony of white hippies who were planting in abandoned lots a block off Five Mile. It seemed anarchic but not particularly dangerous if you were a broke ass whitey. Live and let live. The park nearby was full of creepy old fags cruising around in their cars. Guess I fit in, rubbing one out in a thicket of bushes because it's rude to jazz all over your host's shower stall or guest bedroom. We cut Douglas fir rafters out of the attic of an abandoned schoolhouse to build a lean-to. Arsonists tried to torch the building several times but it failed to catch. Fire trucks and ambulances were much more common than police activity. Detroit was an arsonist's paradise. My hosts paid $3000 in back taxes for their home and were engaged in rehabilitating it. It was strange to sit in a backyard circle with barefoot hippies strumming a guitar while the yells of hoodrats and sheboons echoed on occasion from the boulevard. Was that fireworks or gunshots? Not my problem. After a week I got tired of being around communist Jewish homesteaders and headed out of the city.
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Damn, could buy that out right in full... Pretty good view too.
>If what reality is this true? Midwesterners are the most socially awkward and inept Americans.
It's called the one we live in. Midwesterners can smell an incel and kick that shit out faster than any coastie city faggot who just might go "eh dudes a bit odd".
>They're way too socially retarded to develop any real relationship with anyone who isn't a carbon copy of themselves.
Sure, if we are talking small town like Newton IL or Bain Bridge OH, sure. Even then most everyone by now is not the WE DUN LIKE UR CITY FOLK OUT HERE STRANGER hollywood stereotype. Everyone has a smartphone, everyone generally knows opposing views, everyone has expanded hobbies.

If I go to Waterloo/Cedar falls you'll get a healthy mix of people there willing to talk as long as what you're talking about is down to earth and actually happens. No one wants to deal with some retard going "WOMEN IN THIS COUNTRY ONLY LIKE BBC IT'S OVER THEY DON'T KNOW THEIR PLACE!" because even the women will laugh you out of the bar. Most people have some weird hobby they got interested from YT about while passing the time during winter. You'd be surprised how interested people are to anyone who regularly travels and brings back souvenirs. I bring back coins to my city and often just go to a few bars to meet with friends and share stories, hit the gym, and hang out.

Though if you want to think everyone in the midwest is a carbon copy of Hank Hill go for it.

This is the most reddit tier post in this thread.

>Midwesterners can smell an incel and kick that shit out faster than any coastie city faggot who just might go "eh dudes a bit odd".

You've basically agreed with what I've said that Midwesterners can't relate to people who aren't carbon copies of themselves. Midwesterners aren't kicking anyone's ass, stop lying. You people are too autistic and too socially awkward to engage in that type of forward aggression. You people can't even handle shit talk and banter.
It's more like midwesterners like normal people who aren't incels, that's not a weird request or mindset by any means. I get we are on 4chan but not everyone here on trv is "american women sux SEA will truly save the race" style shit. Dunno what shitty coastie city you're from but I am glad to not live in that shit anymore and glad it's dealt with.

Believe it or not both sexes prefer not to deal with incels who can't stop spouting pol level doomcel takes.

>You people are too autistic and too socially awkward to engage in that type of forward aggression.
I never said they were going to beat the shit out of you retard, I said they will kick that shit out. Meaning they will shut down conversations with those individuals and cold shoulder them because no one wants to deal with whiney the pooh complaining about dumb shit rather than fixing it.

Guessing the reason you feel this way is because you're the kind of people who get cut out of social circles due to that kind of behavior.
If Norway and Finland is your target to move away from people who are fine with absolute mediocrity and an economy with zero potential then you are an all out retard. Speechless.

Thank you for proving the point that Midwesterners are autistic and awkward. Stay where you are and don't leave, because if you ever move to any of the coasts you'd have an emotional shutdown. But do go back to /leddit/ and take your bizarre incel fetish with you.
Imagine thinking that Midwesterners don't know how to troll.

Autists can't tell one form of social action from another so how would they know how to troll?
Anon I lived on the coast for 27 years, finally moved out to the midwest after 5 years of traveling the 48's for work and promoted to full time WFH. Picked up a lot of hobbies, interests, and stories along the way. Moving to the midwest was a breeze and was more welcoming than any coastal city I lived or worked in.

The only topics midwesterners don't care about is hearing some dumbass bitch about how /problem in america/ is and it sucks while X place is so much better. However, unlike most coastal cities midwest cities will just cut that shit out by stopping the interactions with you. Why would you WANT to sit at a bar or some event only to hear some dude come complaining about how da west has fallen or da womenz I see are fat or why is the population here only 80% white and 5% black!

No one has the patience for that compared to talking about hobbies or actual fun things. But again, that's not inherent to the midwest at all but it's more likely to be shut down quicker.
Because irony is big in Scandinavia and that's where they came from. You don't honestly think they forgot their sense of humus.
It's kinda funny
>Scandinavia rural towns where people drink, talk about ice sports, and build close relationships
:O so comfy!
>midwest towns where people drink, talk about football/baseball, and build close relationships
This post reminds of the arrogance and performative douchebaggery of the Pacific Northwest.
Even after 32 years, you couldn't figure out how to politely switch topics? I guess the other guy was right; the Midwest is for autists.

Ok so you admit that that life on the coast wasn't great for you because of your social awkwardness and autism, but life for you has improved because you live in a place where everyone is equally socially inept.
people in the midwest are mostly really nice. You thinking of going smaller town? You can live not too far from the great lakes pretty affordably although getting a non-remote job isn't easy unless you're in a city. Deluth and Green Bay are pretty ok, smaller, but still big enough to have an economy.

I hope you're sure you can deal w the lack of sun in the winter tho, it effects everyone.
do NOT listen to this anon, West Virginia is horrible. It's beautiful but you'll be in a state with an almost non-functional government. The states full of insane metheads and insane religious conservatives many of whom somehow also vote dem because of the gibs.
Never said the best part of the midwest was the people there anon, I am just telling you how social interactions can go. Personally I just like it due to the cost of living being ultra cheap and safe, allowing me to travel 3 months on and then come home for 3 months back to my 560/mo apartment.

Not WV but that's a huge red state and what's wrong with religious conservatives?

Is this place just trying to gate keep the 'flyover' states to keep roasie coasties out?

That's because the PNW is just an extension of the Midwest. Most of the whites in the region are 1st and 2nd generation Midwesterners.
That's fantastic, but what does that have to do with traveling.
>Scandinavia rural towns where people drink, talk about ice sports, and build close relationships
but they dont do that in scandinavia...in the big towns either. In the small towns they kill themselves. Or spend age 55-90 on the meagerest pension absolutely alone, making endless conversation with the grocery cashier for human contact after a lifetime of shunning interaction and human connection as childish and improper
I don't know I'm living in cleveland right bow on rent and I have a decent job it's great you don't have too many peoples and I can go to lake erie for chill
Lake Erie has the best discotheques on the entire nation.

>Never said the best part of the midwest was the people there anon, I am just telling you how social interactions can go.

Given how enthusiastically you write about the social scene, we both know that it's the best part for you.
What? This board seriously must read posts in the most fanfic-esque tone to make shit sound more important than it is.
Is tech work easy enough that just about anyone can get into it? Seems like so many Midwest anons are working remote but I’ve never gone after a STEM job because I’m shit at math

It's one of the easiest brain-dead professions to get into. Tech companies import retarded jeets to fill programmer roles because anyone can do it and they can pay them for cheap. That being said, most programmers are fucking retards and it's a reason why so many software developments end up as vaporware and why the entire industry is heavily reliant on government subsidies, projects, and grants to survive.
Biggest problem with the midwest as it stands today is that all the blue faggot leaning mega cities basically went "whoaaa you expect us to deal with these browns? lol!" and shipped them to all the midsized cities around the state. Springfield OH is a cluster fuck of hatians and niggers because the liberal college is like YASSS LET THEM IN! They basically all are riding huge gibs but the one good thing is it got the actual niggers and spics here in this area to stop being lazy because they have someone to hate too.

ICE can't clear these fucks out fast enough.
>For whatever reason lots of Ohioans find their way up to the PNW
tech industry/general opportunities. that's what all my ohio circle is there for
>Can any Ohioans explain to me why real estate is still reasonable in areas that aren’t even dangerous outside the “3 Cs”?
because they're all small/opaque enough that america (or at least midwest) is littered with them, but only a small % of overall people alive actually were from the same one.

mine was a 30,000 person town, next to us was 27,000, etc. they're typically places the younger people leave for college/opportunity, but some may stay forver or some may return to re-settle
>If you're considering moving out here to the midwest never go below 100k
What if I wanted to go 30k college town (kent, ohio)?
>If you're living somewhere, and looking to discuss that, /int/ is the proper forum.
Int did *not* feel like it serviced this area of discussion well
>Its way too crowded up here for that, can't find land for shit, this fucking state is just becoming one big suburb.
sounds like denver metro area
You sound like a bitch, you're going to hate the cold winters.
There is a reason China Libs are always attacking it. Because its still cute and all American.
its so fuckin cold in wisco lmao,, i have to dig my car out of the ice and snow every morning
Suburbia can be comfy. Chicago is a blast. Milwaukee, Madison, and Minneapolis are all great fun, too.
You would want to live in the upper Midwest. I'm in wisco and it's a good time. Just stay out of the Fox Valley area, that place is nothing but bars and boomers drinking themselves to death.
dude, I have a relative who lives near Green bay, can confirm, the Fox valley and anywhere surrounded Green bay is boomers drowning there sorrows in cheap beer and smokes. Rest of the Midwest is pretty great, minus the arctic blasts we get.
Everything along 41 from Fondy to GB should just get bulldozed and turned into agriculture. Oshkosh in particular is basically just Portland 2.0 at this point
Winters kinda suck in the north midwest and dakotas, all seasonal based workers are just sitting around at bars drinking all day. It kinda makes shit annoying if you're wanting to go hang out after work it's almost guaranteed that you're going to run into 2-3 people at the bar who've been drinking since open and are wasted as shit.

It might be just ND but I've never seen anyone really kicked out of a bar here for being as wasted as I've seen here. Like unless you're throwing punches it seems impossible. Not too much to do in winter unless you know people with ATV's or shit like that, perfect excuse though to gym max.
I would advise against Michigan. The lower peninsula has shit quality of life, bad water, and is packed to the brim with niggers both inside and outside Detroit.

Upper Peninsula is gorgeous. Problem is, there isn't much in the way of work up there. The biggest city comes in at barely over 30k people and is almost exclusively a college town. You're either in the tourism or logging industries, and Yoopers aren't as crazy about outsiders moving into their neighborhoods as they used to be. People are finding out about how great the UP is, and they don't like it.
It depends.

Living in an affluent part of Chicagoland with 6+ weeks of vacation time is awesome. Being stuck in some rustbelt hole like Youngstown or Flint with a low-wage job that doesn't offer any time off would be a truly miserable existence.
>4chuds fucking love the midwest because they can buy their dilapidated shack and sit inside all day long while talking to no one and doing nothing.
that could be the life for some, but real comfy adult midwest life involves friends of some kind I would imagine
>We are on the come up because rich white people are buying cheap empty buildings and actually doing something with them.
what is a good amount of cash to bring to Detroit for something like this?
As someone in the mitten, I want to emphasize that the lower half of Michigan is a hopeless shithole of despair. The one advantage we had, low COL, has been ruined through inflation and a growing lack of decent jobs. The Yoopers might have the last laugh as this state empties out for good. Millions left the state after 2008, coming back with the expectation that life (and the costs) haven't changed much. By 2050 this state will be made up exclusively of Indians (that everyone hates), niggers, and senile boomers wondering where their kids went.
And for anyone that wants to dispute this, go look at the avg rent in any small town between Detroit and GR. Rent is astronomical and the best jobs outside the big cities are gatekept by nepotism and union membership (hard to join, as I learned). Maybe $700 a month is cheap, but once you add up the utilities and groceries, along with the fact you are making $17/hr if you're lucky, then the point gets made that life sucks here. The only assholes willing to endure this shit are indians, and even they don't last long because nobody can stand them outside of their enclaves in the suburbs of Detroit.
>be shitalian american from staten island
>move to an ACTUALLY white semi rural area
>everyone is paler than me
>everyone is a head taller than me
>a lot of women are equal my height or a little taller
>everyone is more attractive than me
ahh, this is so hot. I love white people so much.

The average 4chan autist has a chance of fitting in, but normal coasties will have a hard time adjusting to the social scene as Midwesterners on average are socially awkward, odd, and boring.
>they can buy their dilapidated shack and sit inside all day long while talking to no one and doing nothing.

This is ALL I FUCKING WANT. give me a Walmart nearby, a liquor store, and a few slopdonalds and I’d be over the moon OVER THE MOON to just sit in my 2 bedroom house, make burgers with ingredients from Walmart, and drink decent ipa beer on a comfy couch in front of the TV alone.
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Stevens Point, Wisconsin is what you're after. |
>Rib Mountain
>World class fishing/hunting
>Nature reserves and hiking for days
>College town
>Few hours from Milwaukee
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oh yeah, remember "Point Place"?
On the flip side, Midwesterners aren't douchebags who are constantly status flexing like residents of coastal cities, or turning up their nose at anyone who isn't on top of the latest trends. Hanging out at the lake on a warm summer day is their idea of the best fun to be had on Earth.

Coloradans excepted, though Colorado flexing is more along the lines of "I have more expensive late-model gear than you and I've done more cool outdoor adventures than you".
Yep, cheap housing doesn't necessarily carry over to cheap rent. However, you have to put things in perspective. What are people paying for a one-bedroom apartment elsewhere in the country, in particularly those towns where menial labor jobs pay $20+ per hour. You can't get shit under $1000/month, unless you're in a shared room with shared bathroom.
You're just depressed and hating the place you live...a very common problem in muttland. The roads in lower Michigan are shamefully dilapidated, but Main Streets are full of businesses, people go out dining and drinking in the evenings, the town parks are beautiful, and otherwise it's quite a neat place to live - at least in the summertime when temps are warm and everyone is enjoying themselves. Towns like Monroe and Hastings are very appealing places, among many others all across southern Michigan. The bleakest parts of the mitten are the vast swampy areas in the northern interior. Places like Kalkaska.
Forgot to add, regarding the "incel" issue, there are tons of uglies still bumping in the Midwest. It's the kind of place where a drunk hookup at a party becomes a multi-year relationship involving kids simply because that's the path of least resistance. Yes, alcohol is almost always involved in getting people together, whether friendship or romance. Midwesterners are the biggest drinkers in America.
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>latest trends actually makes you ostracize yourself amongst white circles. For example, I refused to wear any brands growing up. Being a "prep" or "rich boy" wasn't a good thing.
>Got a 5br 2.5 bathroom hours for 330k last year.
>life isn't as exciting, but a lot more comfy
>weight off your shoulders not looking over back due to crime is real, leave the door unlocked still in WI
>Midwest is great for introverts
>get a girl, dog, cat, kids, and RELAX
You're talking out of your ass, try living here you arrogant fuckwit.
Now I know you're retarded. You know what Monroe has? Boarded up businesses, an aging downtown, and fent zombies roaming during daylight hours. I've driven across the mitten and there are entire regions past Adrian that have nothing but cornfields owned by Walmart, all the farmers got bought out and the local downtowns are dead or dying. Hudsonville, Coldwater, Three Rivers, Colon, Adrian, all places where life just crashes to a halt. Are there nice rural towns? Yes. We even have some decent cities, but because of the exorbitant prices good luck living a healthy social life. You aren't wrong about the rent, but the avg was attainable for most young people; the current situation is seeing us have rents on par with California and Colorado.
Wrong. Totally wrong. Bars were the go-to for socializing and mingling, but younger people have more or less dropped them as social venues. Even in rural areas, the local dive I visit is more or less empty. Most people just aren't really mingling unless it's done through an existing friend group, at the very least they will grew up in the same town. That hasn't changed. Outsiders think they have reliable friends because of our friendliness, but people here are every bit as squirrely as the shitbags from LA or Denver. The only reliable friends tend to be the people you grew up with, breaking into a local friend group is a long process that never really ends, as many people move. They won't keep up with you, but they will with their hometown friends, so if you aren't an efficient socializer GLHF.

So no, Michigan sucks please fuck off. The grocery prices are extortionate for how little we have, god forbid you want a drink or two even the bars are expensive as hell. Any town that isn't dead is trying to fleece you to keep the "up and coming" facade going. Shit blows and you're a retard for insinuating it doesn't.
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The Midwest is a place to settle, to create and maintain life. A place for those that can amuse themselves, delay gratification, and be content with what they have. Been around the world and back.
What the fuck is wrong with you terminally online retards? Is crafting some idealized image of somewhere your idea of a good time? Go to hell.
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I live here, "retard". It is cold outside. I am working from home. Have a great day, bud!
You have the exclusive privilege of having a shittier big city than us. I've left my car parked in Detroit and never had a break in, the one summer I hit Milwaukee some bum snags my tent and whatever else was easy to grab. Then there is the persistent delusion that the UP belongs to Wisconsin by right. That said you're still a better neighbor than Ohio. Madison was nice too.
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Born in Milwaukee, great city, best summers. Too bad about the blacks.
Same could be said for Detroit. The architecture is world class, but it's still overrun by niggers. All part of the "Detroit Comeback" that even Anthony Bourdain was skeptical of. The reason I disagree so thoroughly with your comment about the Midwest is how mediocre and dead-end this region is. There is a good reason most of the young people in Michigan flee the moment they graduate HS or college. Some return, but they live out their days breeding a local sow and living in suburbs that further contribute to the erosion of small towns. All the salt-of-the-earth types are getting harder to find or become jaded, and every town starts to look the same. I noticed the same when I drove through Ohio and Pennsylvania, heard Indiana wasn't much better. Wisconsin seemed nice but you're urbanizing way too much, half the charm was being dairyland.
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>Some return, but they live out their days breeding a local sow and living in suburbs that further contribute to the erosion of small towns.
Some have no problem with that, being content with what they have. They stop chasing the dragon and just appreciate the life they were given. One person's dead-end region is another's end game.
There's nothing wrong with family life, the issue is that it becomes a drawn-out spectacle of consumption. The family ceases to exist after the kids move out, and judging from what I've seen the parents don't handle it well. Maybe I'm just criticizing modern family life, this shitshow probably happens across the country at this point.
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Correct. So when my unborn grows up and moves out, I'll return to travel. I am planning my animals around this as well.

>Act I: Adventure
>Act II: Family, garden, pets
>Act III: Adventure again, revisit old places with a new perspective and witness what has transpired

>On the flip side, Midwesterners aren't douchebags who are constantly status flexing like residents of coastal cities, or turning up their nose at anyone who isn't on top of the latest trends.

To flex and show off you have to be proud of something first. No one is proud to live in the Midwest where mediocrity is embraced. If there was a group of Americans who could give weight to Elon and Vivek's argument for H1B Visas, it would be Midwesterners.
Unfortunately, the sunbelt is growing and rust belt is rusting.
I had breakfast during a road trip at a diner in southern Illinois. The waitress asks what kind of toast I want, I said sourdough. She looked at me like I was some kind of alien because obviously their only options are white and wheat.

The midwest fucking sucks
I want to move a little outside a major metro, buy a fixer upper house, work as a security guard, shop at Walmart, and drink by myself at home.

I don’t care about having a social life, I don’t care about women. I just want to be left alone. what is the best place to do this in Ohio?
Literally anywhere between Dayton south to the State line.
Minnesota/Wisconsin lake life is the best. Another cool place is Duluth. It's by great lakes. I was born and raised up there. Id trade the awful humidity of the south for mosquitos and deer flys any day. I just love the culture and people up there. It's most all Scandinavians and lots of nice people due to having many homogeneous communities.
Go to Duluth or a small lake community in Minnesota or Wisconsin
Duluth is a fun place to visit. I live on a comfy lake in a small rural town in Wisconsin about an hour or so from Duluth. Lots of big nice houses on this lake and very chill and comfy. Have a fireplace going on a cold windy winter night while looking out my full glass sliding doors onto the lake. Or listen to the haunting calls of loons at night during summer is just the best.
they will welcome him
I thought Duluth has turned into some gay midwest liberal town now?
>making significant life decisions revolving around marijuana
Holy fuck kill yourself
the midwest is trash but what you ask for is attainable probably. It's toxic. If you live in the cities, stay in the cities and if you live in the country stay there. There's a huge drug problem (bc it sucks here) so you'll be walking down the street and stopped by a cop bc they just think you are doin drugs. You'll lose your job bc you make so little and your boss is such a filthy piece of actual trash and you'll be miserable bc you'll be just about homeless and that's when they start spreading the rumor you're on drugs literally bc they are making you miserable and you can't even sleep and you just want to leave but you have no car and you're stuck in a small town when you are really more of a big city person and you might get along with plenty of people fine but some people just want to act like southerners aka 10,000% autistic and xenophobic even if they're faggots themselves. Obviously I'm trashing the country more than the cities. If you want to trash the cities in Ohio god bless you idk what to do with you. We lost all our industry to japanese cars and all our service jobs to india so we are fucked. The winter and summer are so bad you can't carsleep, meaning you need a place, and roommates are literally evil, so you're stuck bc you can't even carsleep for a decent amount of time and save any money and leave. There are locals and then professionals who move to small towns and they are different folk. If your mom moves to a small shittown and commutes but then she fuckin dies you're best to just walk all the way to Akron or somewhere and be homeless than be here even extremely temporarily bc it could suddenly be five-ten years somefuckinhow
What if I want to just be a security guard and buy a shitty house outside of Dayton or Columbus?
its better than canada at least
>it sucks
The only thing that sucks is how everyone gets into a near concrete level routine compared to the big city life on the coasts. It's something when I first moved out here I didn't notice at first but it's pretty funny and sad given how it is. From things to do with the seasons, to vacation excursions, to holiday traditions, to days of the week of drinking or eating out, and so on is pretty much set in stone.

It's hard to explain until you live here how weird it is but so fucking funny once you realize it. Not that big in the main cities like St. Paul, Chicago, etc. but the midsize smaller cities? it's hilarious to experience
I just finished my first winter in a midwestern city. The weather did suck, but it wasnt unbearably bad, it wasnt constantly snowing or anything. The urban value is amazing, i pay under $850 with utilities for a 1 bedroom in a pretty area near retail, parks, cafes, bars, a laundromat, and museums. I looked around a lot of cities and i dont think theres anywhere else at that price that i'd like better. Its a very diverse city but i havent had any runins with crime and have almost never felt unsafe walking around my part of town. The only sketchy feelings I get are certain parks and bus stops at night. I have had problems making friends, and the people i have met say locals here mainly stick to their cliques. But ive always been a shy guy and had issues socializing.
How are Japanese cars stealing our industry if they’re made here though?

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