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How's life in the Midwest? I'm tired of the hot stupid south and thinking of going up to Michigan/Ohio/Illinois/Wisconsin.
They don't want your kind frogposter, they already have enough of those. Unless you really love living in the suburb and driving 3 hours to get anywhere "fun" that isn't the local stripmall with the same big businesses and eateries as the stripmall down the road
I don't care about fun I just want snow, cloudy weather and a fireplace + a small farm for myself

Surely they would welcome a fellow frogposter, r-right guys?
Yes, I think you would be fine. Midwest people, especially Minnesotans, are friendly. You are at an advantage as a Southerner, since most of you guys are culturally ingrained with basic manners and courtesy vs some east coaster. You should be just fine, anon.
Thanks fren, Minnesota always seemed cool although everything past Minneapolis seems mysterious
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Stay out of Iowa, okay?
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What if I want to hang with Slipknot?
It's fine.

In that is the problem. It's perfectly fine. It's full of people and business that are content with just fine. "good enough" is the motto. There is omething soul sucking about it knowing that nothing beyond good enough is ever going to happen.

It's a place where people live their lives then die, nothing more. For most people that's perfectly fine. A content pillowy malaise.

I've never thought about blowing my brains out as much as I did in the two years I spent in Duluth.

There are far worst places than the Midwest. "Good enough" coupled with affordability has an appeal to most people. Try living in the PNW, a region of the country where mediocrity is championed and where people go to checkout from society and life. But is despite the amateurish and lackluster lifestyle offerings, everything is expensive as fuck.
Understandable, I checked on an old friend from Ohio and it seems like they're living that kind of life with 2 kids and very average jobs. Some places like Texas and Florida have huge potential financially, I just don't want to be stuck in 10-11 months of sunshine and heat which makes me a bit unusual. But also have to carefully research so I can find somewhere decent instead of moving to some town in Pennsylvania or North Dakota where there's no economy or ability to travel a few hours and be somewhere relevant. But I can also understand how much harder it might be to relocate if I was born into one of those towns where there's nothing going on and financial growth is capped by government restrictions or lack of humans.

Preferably though I'd just move to Norway or Finland, but that's not as simple
Live up north, somewhere near a big patch of public forest and a nice lake with a sandy shore either big or small. Get a state recreation pass.
If you're a quiet type who enjoys nature, you'll get along well with the people of the north country. They tend to be friendly but also private. Long harsh winters make them very patient and enduring of circumstances most people would find unpleasant or even intolerable.
>AAGH I CANT TAKE IT, why can't everyone just be normal like in NYC, hustling for wealth and flaunting their success and trampling all over the less fortunate?
I don't want to be a dude weed bro but.. I'm disappointed Washington is the only 0% income tax state with legalized weed. I would actually consider Wyoming a bit more if they didn't strictly bann weed. Not sure the 0% income tax matters much though when everything is so expensive. The rainforest is amazing though, I like places with Fir trees
>>2745730 (OP)>>2745765
That sounds like a comfy life, I have realized people up north seem to be more similar to my personality just from having online friends from different places. A lot more similar personality wise than the people down south who don't experience four seasons or really care about it, but that same personality also seems to exist anywhere in the north although in different forms. The long winters certainly do create a certain mindset, people are either going to enjoy it and have it be for them, or they're going to head south like my gramps unfortunately did
That's the South tho

High taxes. Fewer jobs than you would think. Big cities have similar socioeconomic factors if that's something you don't like about the South, but I would say you can make more money there than most of the South, excepting a few places like Atlanta.
Yeah Ohio seems like the only state with reasonable tax rates, people also say Ohioans are ruder than people in other midwestern states. I don't know if that's true though, maybe somebody here can confirm. Either way I doubt it's anything serious, some people just probably expect everyone to be ultra polite

Despite no income tax, WA makes it up by having some of the highest sales tax in the country; which is a regressive tax policy. In fact, WA has one of the most regressive tax structures in the nation. It's why the Seattle metro area has one of the highest concentration of millionaires in NA and yet the average household barely gets by.


For whatever reason lots of Ohioans find their way up to the PNW. I wouldn't say that they're rude, but they're certainly the least friendly of the bunch. But I understand them; when you're from a state where there is nothing but crime, poverty, and drug addiction, it's hard not to have a dour disposition towards life.
>But I understand them; when you're from a state where there is nothing but crime, poverty, and drug addiction, it's hard not to have a dour disposition towards life.

Damn I didn't know it was that bad there, outside of obvious major city areas like Cleveland or some parts of Columbus. But I've never been there
I don't get how people can have is hard in the midwest. Low cost of living, west and east coast are literally a day's drive away for easy trips to beautiful places.
Imagine basing your life choices on the legality of weed. How much of a fucking loser do you have to be. Of all the things that would factor into a potential place to live - the economy, cost of living, culture, accessibility, etc - somehow a weak drug on the level of alcohol is the priority. Even in the most Mormon, conservative, backward-ass state such as Utah any fool can get a medical card and buy the highest quality weed you can imagine. How is this even an issue in this day.
Dude, get help. If drugs run your life this much you have major issues. Nobody wants weed fags around.
Exactly, if a state can't even legalize weed and insist on remaining in the minority of states who have it banned then they must be retarded and there's not much reason to be there. I could go on but I don't want to get too conspiratorial on /trv/, either way those states in question pretty much want people sick and stupid for boomer's financial interests. Weed isn't a must, but I don't see why it shouldn't be an option to enjoy legally. But those other factors you named are definitely factors too, that's why people don't just blindly move to expensive places like LA, Washington State, Boulder Colorado, and so on. Of course on the other spectrum is places that allow drugs to run rampant like Portland and Philadelphia that nobody wants to move too
The only reason anybody has a problem with them is the smokerfags who make the streets smell like a skunk, if everybody took edibles nobody would care. But this wasn't meant to become a weed thread, so that's the end of that. It's really not that much different than any other factor like whether a state/county lets you collect rainwater
Wisconsin is a great place to come back to. It’s just super normal, easy to have a nice routine and great affordability. Do I want to spend my entire year here? No, but I travel a ton so it’s not like it really matters that I miss out on some of the big city amenities.
This is pretty much spot on. Life in the Midwest is
> get a good job, if you’re lucky
> get married, if you’re lucky
> have kids, if you’re lucky
And absolutely nothing else. It’s not so different than life in most places but there are places out there with at least the possibility of the crazy, the different, the adventurous. You won’t find it in the Midwest, or anywhere in flyover America for that matter.
t. 31 year old rust belter lived a life where nothing happened so far
I lived a decade of adventure while some dudes smoked weed in a house share in the rust belt lmao
>move to midwest
>think it will be a step down in quality of living even though worked in lower 48's for over a decade
>now fully remote pick a place with 250-500k pop
>quality of live barely down outside the fact I have to drive a bit more/uber to get to a bar, at least I am not stuck in traffic 4/5 times
>realize everything I want off amazon still easy to get, virtually any "quality" goods I can still drive 30-45 minutes
>food is better by a landslide
>easy to rent a home or apartment without insane markups each year or BS fees
>bar life is better as I am not having people BS me to keep up with the jones every weekend everyone knows the one or two "tall taliers"
>airport flights only a little shitter due to often requiring a layover more often
>making friends is easier imo due to how people are invested in hobbies

Oh no winters are a bit shittier, summers can be a tad more uncomfortable, but overall it's not the worst. Most /trv/ won't like it because the biggest burden of the midwest is you need to often put in effort for things more so than the coastal regions. People out here will also remember what you say and you'll often see people more than once after a while.

Sure if I change jobs my pay is going to go down, but given the cost of living so low my take home is still good enough for virtually anything.
>drive 30-45 minutes to get to work
>drive 30-45 minutes to go to the store
>drive 30-45 minutes to go to the gym
>drive 30-45 minutes to go fucking anywhere
It's fucking ass. And muh COL doesn't mean shit when high paying jobs are much scarcer.

In the grim darkness of Ohio, there is only corn, poverty, and depression.
Where are you living by chance? I am in Sioux Falls and 30 minutes would be driving clear on the opposite side of town.
>And muh COL doesn't mean shit when high paying jobs are much scarcer.
Again, Midwest is a large place do you mind citing where you are talking about specifically?

Most the time traffic is flowing, so if I am doing 30 minutes it's moving and not stop go like it was for me on worst coast. Even when I'd work in Columbus my longest commutes were maybe 35 minutes during crappy weather but that was usually to work. Due to how cheap living is if you can't find a good apartment/condo within walking distance for 3/4th of those things you suck at planning.
Based, for me I live in a small town and have to travel for anything good so the travel in the midwest probably isn't that big of a deal. The cost of living is crazy, even in a decent area with a decent little population you can actually get a nice place.
yeah they all get snow although its a different beast once you go north like the great lakes weather is rough winters at least it was when i lived up there
I loved living in Iowa. Nice and calm place to live.
As a cannabis user myself I perfectly understand the rationale behind strict drug prohibition. Chemical escapes are not healthy, and the majority of weed is bought by people who are high every day and checked out from reality. Rampant marijuana use, particularly high THC strains, exacerbates anti-social behavior. It's getting tough to find the mellow giggly schwag of old, which I greatly prefer to the turbofuel strains.
Can any Ohioans explain to me why real estate is still reasonable in areas that aren’t even dangerous outside the “3 Cs”?
Not native ohiofag but did a LOT of research into buying houses and talking to friends living there about it, here's what I found

Ohio houses are pretty old almost all from 1920-1960, these often might contain shit you don't want
The age of these houses, along with many people fleeing Ohio often means these places were unoccupied for a LONG time and only had some people come slap paint on it to flip
led paint in the basement/painted over
asbestos is a real possibility in houses
the insulation might be crap or needing to be fully replaced if you don't want to be furnace or fireplace on 24/7 for winters
ohio roads technically exist
utilities can be weird depending on where you live
many houses are 1 car driveways so enjoy street parking mayhem in winters

However, the median income in Ohio is pretty low meaning the housing market is also fairly low as brain drain has been a huge problem in the past though kinda reversing as cali is too expensive. I found one thing I had to do was look at the neighboorhood as recently as possible from any way I could because some houses look like a steal, but behind your house are 3 abandoned houses that are screaming to become fire hazards. Obvouisly you should check out the neighborhood anyways but if you're just scrolling through zillow it's going to give you a surprise IRL
Oh also many homes there are build with basements meaning that those aging houses might be a disaster waiting to happen if the supports are going. That shit is FUCKING expensive to fix.
How is this travel related conversations.
Was just answering anon's question

For me the midwest is ideal for travel lifestyle since I have a bunch of stuff+remote lab/work box I sometimes get into. Paying 550ish a month after utilities for a place to keep all my shit stored, not have to worry about "urban culture" visiting it, and a place to call home so I can cycle off travel to avoid burn out is nice. Sure I get that style isn't for everyone, but I found I enjoy traveling and appreciate the places I visit if I slice up my adventures by doing 3-6 months abroad, back for 3-4 months, 3-6 abroad, etc etc. 6k/yr to keep all my stuff secured and fall back on should I lose my job or whatever is a safety net I am willing to deal with.
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lol good question faggot, next time just be silent.

And go FUCK yourself you little ferret.
Make room you fuckin dumb tumbelweed. I want some cheap real estate outside of dayton
If you're OP, you're in for a rude awakening about the Midwest. It's well over 100 degrees and high humidity in the summer. So you ain't escaping the Southern heat and mosquitoes. Oh, did I mention the mosquitoes. Somehow they survive the minus 40 temperatures in the winter. Only real men can hack it in the land of extremes.
No not OP, I just watched some bald incel who lives in Ohio give a good breakdown of the real estate market and he searched Zillow onscreen. Pretty nice houses with low prices
So, you're not allowed to go onto Zillow in your country, or just need to be handheld. Yeah, no, with that kind of selfreliance, you'll do real well up there.
Excuse me, retard, I’m simply stating that I happened upon this video and he drove the point home vividly by doing what I already know how to do, had I known that particular area had a good real estate market.

Yapping for yaps sack is such a dog move
Emotional outburst like this will win ya all kinds of frens in the Midwest I betcha that.
The only friend I need is a cheap house near a shartmart and perhaps a friendly dog and/or cat

What? If you live in the midwest, you can drive all day east or west and still be in the midwest.
Just left NC for MI, it so fuckin cold bros
I was supposed to be born in Ohio or Pennsylvania bros
they probably live the best lives in the world
The only place that seems marginally relevant, cool and exciting is Chicago, the whole rest of the region is a boring bedroom region. Yes there is great nature in Minnesota and Wisconsin, but beyond that the feeling being "just fine" in life as a previous poster mentioned will bore you to tears and grind you down eventually if you are an adventurous outgoing person.
>Best lives
I know that's a shock to you but you'll get a little older one day and understand life, maybe, a little bit more
What if I’m a tired out 34 year old loser that just wants to grab a pizza from 711 and drink beers at my quaint 2 bedroom house with no immediate neighbors and pass out?
Here's the thing, if you chose to be cynical and give up, you'd just do that, and that would be that. It's not your choice though is it. You're here crying for help. Well go seek professional medical attention then, faggot.
Since when is inquiring, whether a state or locality,might be suitable for a night in with pizza, beers, and distant neighbors, a cry for help.
Oh, you can't find out the population per square mile of a place on your own. Seek help.
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>be IT
>live in midwest
>remote jobs can ask for under market rate 70-72k
>every position I was interviewing for offered by end of day
>utilites, good internet 300/100, and 1br apartment ~8k/yr all added p
>state has no income tax
>bring home more than my friends working jobs in LA and Boston who have to commute as well
>not worried about being cut because I make so much under the considered "market value" it's not even worth replacing me with an H1B

Even after 3 months of travel per year I am banking around 40k/yr straight into savings and investments. Probably buying a house soon so I can reduce my expenses even more.

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