Have you ever tried to live in SE Asia (specifically Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Vietnam) on a very low budget? I’m talking living in fan rooms and having a monthly budget of under $500. Basically, just a fuck it and go kind of escape from the west. Anyone currently huffing it hardcore in SE ASIA? What’s your budget like and what do you do all day?
>>2747622I've done so before. It's not too bad but I couldn't run AC. Chicken breast is like $1/lb in most of those countries and vegetables are cheap.
>>2747622if you are deliberately living like a peasant in a third world country that is not an "escape"
>>2747658It’s an adventure on a low budget. Some people like to push themselves, not be a fat complacent loser but switch it up and challenge ourselves for awhile. Huffing it in SE Asia on less than $500 a month is forged in fire for adulthood. Stop being a bitch
>>2747636>Chicken breast is like $1/lbmaybe like 10 year ago. Meat is so fucking expensive in the whole SEA. I miss european meat prices here soo muchin 2023 I was living in Siem Reap for like $500 not a fun times and definitelly I dont recomend that. I was paying 250+-$ for an appartment and rest was gas and food. Not much money left for fun. Dont quit your confy remote job without proper saving guys.
>>2747622>>2747702It's called slumming and it's a disgusting practice because it's rich people romanticizing poverty.
>>2747658Lol. thread = smoked>>2747723>Not much money left for fun.Yea I couldn’t tolerate that>has a remote job >voluntarily quits remote job You’ve earned a “suck my fucking dick” And a “go FUCK yourself”>”I couldn’t handle arbitraging my western remote salary to live on ez mode”Just fuck you all
>>2747702>want to live like a starving migrant worker in the third world>those people in the nice hotels enjoying life and not limiting themselves to starvation rations? oh yeah they're the "losers"it's really weird how people on here try to rationalise poverty tourism. same thing any time someone mentions travelling business class or something
>>2747732Define starving. You can eat 3 meals daily, you define it as starving because it’s not your high fat high sugar slop youre accustomed to in the west. You’re so addicted to the poison you call anything that’s basically small portion meat and high carb white rice “starving”
>>2747729Living in kampot for under $500 a month? Not that bad of an idea desu
>>2747622I live with less than 500$ per month in South America, and not like an insectI’d assume SEA comparable right?
>>2747742Elaborate your cost of living and your living situation and where? I was gonna attempt the under $500 in kampot camvodia or siem reap
>>2747729Nobody's romanticizing it, you prissy faggot. We're simply experiencing real life with all its ups and downs instead of the high-dollar globally homogenized leisure lifestyle.>>2747622Easy peasy. I saw studios for rent all across provincial Thailand for $90-150 per month. A/C usage is up to you, you can set it at 28 C if you want to save on the electric bill. Your biggest hurdle is figuring out how to remain a legal alien long enough to take advantage of monthly rates. Meal sharing is how the locals eat cheap & good. >>2747702Nah dude, living super cheap not an adventure, it's peak NPC existence. Adventure costs money.>>2747736Have you tried eating three stir fry meals daily? I usually manage two, even with hours of walking a day (which can be very unpleasant during the hot season and humid rainy season both).>>2747742It's significantly cheaper than South America.
>>2747622Not that hard even in a more civilized place like Chiang Mai. Like this anon >>2747753 said don't use AC too much, those utility bills can fuck you up. My place was 4500 baht + about 500 in utilities.
>>2747742>$500 a monthI don't care what continent you're on. Yes, you're an insect.
>>2747759Bro I eat out, go clubbing, drive a car, go to the gym and have a bbq once in a while with a 500$Cost of living isn’t the same in the whole world, not everywhere is US/Europe
>>2747759>gets jewed daily when it comes to COL>calls others insects
>>2747736>high fat high sugar sloplol you just described cheap food in any third world country
>>2747770It’s much worse in USA. Other countries ban certain ingredients while USA is the Wild West in terms of food regulation
>>2747765>>2747770post city so I can laugh at you, insect. it's hyderabad, isn't it?
>>2747763>>2747794whoops>pic related, your main street
>>2747794it's really weird that even on the travel board there are some people who just want to be utter miserable cunts all the time. are you like this in real life?anyway i don't know about the other person you're replying to but i'm currently in the uk but i'll be returning to kuala lumpur in a few daysnot sure why you're asking and i'm not sure why i'm bothering to reply really. you're just going to have another little tantrum and say i'm lying or something. you're a weird person anon
>>2747802>$500 a month in Kuala Lumpur I've been to KL and I'd love to see the shithole you're staying in. How many fellow jeets are you bunking with? have you scammed enough amazon cards for the first month of groceries yet?
>>2747805i think you're confused anon. that was some other person.i don't live on $500 per month in kl. i don't monitor my spending very closely. although since you're interested, i live in my house, in a gated community.now maybe stop trying to be so edgy and relentlessly unpleasant and realise that there are multiple different people in this threadi don't know why 4chan removed the "number of posters" counter but really it would be useful to have it back sometimes
>>2747622Pretty sure that's called "begpacking".
>>2747806>defending $500 a month>"akshually I am very rich saar, now stop making fun of the poorfags because you are jewish if you make money"anybody else smell curry?
>>2747783>Here's you're healthy, safe, government-approved food, bro!
>>2747818what is going on here exactly? are they eating pebbles? on purpose?it looks like one of those "china fakes everything" videos. there was a good one about "street food" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmMIFtMxgY8certainly in malaysia, a lot of the cheapest vegetables are usually imported from china. i do kind of wonder exactly what they have been dunked in to keep them fresh and so on. it's usually worth paying the extra to get vegetables from australia/new zealand (assuming it's actually true)
I spent $500 last month just on tiki drinks.
>>2747622stay home, pajeet and or white dorkus
>>2747830Yes, the pebbles are just a way to get the spicy oil that the chinks want to eat without having to eat actual food with it.
>>2747805I've done KL on 500 a month though its not fun, it's easily doable however>200-250/mo airbnb Always one of those apartments that got sectioned up to 6 rooms with a common 'area' and kitchen with thin walls and basically enough space for a bed and a nightstand in your "room". Alternatively, you're staying well outside the main city in one of those shit hotels that are airbnb listings.>125-150/mo foodEasy to go get pounds of rice, ramen, and frozen chicken for cheap>20/mo for SIM>80 for misc like occasional beers or train ridesI'd never do it again, I'd rather live section 8 on EBT than fucking that street shitter infested, piss leaking, smog filled, city again.
>>2748258>I'd never do it again, I'd rather live section 8 on EBT than fucking that street shitter infested, piss leaking, smog filled, city again.Lol
>>2748239Imagine being a literal 4th class citizen and having an air of superiority. Post a selfie. If you don't look 95 percent like this homeless nog, I'll pay for your next trip to Thailand.
>>2747830>fake CNN Travel logoThe stir-fried rocks is clearly a troll video, just like those Africans serving Indian street food. However, Chinese produce does stay fresh for suspiciously long. You have to wonder how much nutrition it has left by the time you eat it. >>2748258Makes no sense why someone would try to live dirt-cheap in KL when there are much cheaper places in Asia. Eating nothing but boiled chicken with plain rice or ramen every single meal in one of the world's great foodie cities is masochistic. However, KL has a huge supply of budget hotel rooms that sit vacant 75% of the time; even near Jalan Petaling you can negotiate a monthly rate of $250 for a room with a private bathroom and desk. Most hotels prohibit cooking in the room for many valid reasons, but the dirty smelly places won't give a shit if you sneak a hotplate in and stow your rotten ass chicken in the fridge.
>>2748306>The stir-fried rocks is clearly a troll video,it appears to be realhttps://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/suodiu-china-eating-stone-intl-hnk/index.html>>2748258>I'd rather live section 8 on EBT than fucking that street shitter infested, piss leaking, smog filled, city again.there's your problem anon, you live on peasant money, you get a peasant lifekl has lots of problems, i've posted about them on here plenty times beforebut generally if you have enough money you can live a comfortable, if slightly boring, life therethe same goes for most places really, that's why the whole premise of this thread is so stupid
>>2748306>>2748354>Makes no sense why someone would try to live dirt-cheap in KL>here's your problem anon, you live on peasant money, you get a peasant lifeI wasn't trying to live on peasant money or anything the like, it was a matter of circumstance. My bank in their infinite wisdom figured I was overseas too long or having too many transactions done while in Singapore and other countries, decided to freeze all my accounts and was only left with my backup account with minimal funding. It took a long fucking time to get my assets unfrozen, cards resent out, and so on. I was living in NEET mode as I wasn't sure the timeframe to unfuck my situation and a flight back home was just out of the question at the time. It wasn't one of those by choice haha lemme live like a poorfag thing, I was simply telling the OP an answer to his question. Not sure where the context in the post I made said I did it willingly or anything the like.I don't understand why this board will read a post by someone and instantly get some fandom level story about what an anon did rather than what they posted.
>>2748370>I don't understand why this board will read a post by someone and instantly get some fandom level story about what an anon did rather than what they posted.most of the people on this board don't actually travel, they just like to sit at home and make shit up about people that do
>>2748281i repeat, stay home whyte dorkus and or pajeet. learn a skill that doesnt involve speaking ur mother's tongue. u stupid whyte dork
>>2748281In some countries where they aren't exposed to many black people, they will tolerate them for a short while until they experience them. There's like this 1-2 year grace period where they're a curiosity, like a monkey with two heads. Pretty quickly, the locals figure out that the blacks are a scourge. They're too dumb too adapt to the cultural norms, and too ugly for the local women to date or marry. The locals get really hostile towards the blacks, and the blacks scream "racism" while they steal anything that's not nailed down and rape any woman they can get their hands on. Nearly all blacks are borderline retarded and clinical sociopaths. When I'm looking for a place to vacation, I literally look up which countries have the least blacks.
>>2747658>if you are deliberately living like a peasant in a third world country that is not an "escape"Living very simply is incredibly good for your mental health. I consider myself financially comfortable (just under $1m in liquid assets). But I love staying in simple little beach cabins on remote islands in Indonesia for like $8 per night. Same for Laos and Cambodia. I just love nature and I absolutely love SEA food.A lot of anons on here don't appreciate the simple things. It isn't a desperation thing for me at all.
>>2748570The communist Africans in Vientiane were pretty well behaved. It's the money-crazed capitalist negroes which become psychopathic.
>>2747622I've living in Vietnam right now. Nha Trang. The cheaper hotel which has worse wifi but still fairly good I stayed at for 2 months is about $300 and for food I just buy Banh and meat slices at the Vinmart. It's close to the beach so it's comfyThat being said, I upgraded to a better room in a different hotel and pay about $600 a month now. But it's because it has strong Wifi and I need it to work. My biggest issue is the fucking Visa shit. Every 3 months I have to jump and it's taking a toll on me because I hate flying. I wish I could get a Business Visa but there are basically no jobs that will hire foreigners, especially those who don't speak the language well
>>2747796Not posting picsBut not all of South America is a Favela, also that pic is from India
>>2747723>Meat is so fucking expensive in the whole SEAif you buy in supermarket. if you try local market, you can find stuff like buffalo meat, sometimes they have rat or frogs which aren't too expensive
>>2749134>Every 3 months I have to jumpthis is why nomading is a nightmare