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>barely mentioned in popular culture
>whitests white people
>mormons everywhere
>CIA/NSA headquarters

how is living here outside the big cities?
Not really, it's probably the most quintessentially American place you can get outside of Texas and Florida.
It’s actually getting quite popular. Population is exploding the past few years
Oddly, Utah is probably the only part of the U.S. where the cities are better than outside of them strictly because of the Mormon presence. Salt Lake City and Park City have pretty Mormon influence but no so much that it’s like a Mormon utopia and insufferable for everyone else. But the small towns are VERY Mormon and they’re also very distrustful of Mormons and general outsiders. The unfriendliest people I’ve ever met in this country were in Utah. They just don’t want you there, don’t like you, don’t trust you, and god forbid you try to find a place that sells liquor or beer they will look at you like the devil (happened to me, some older guy started yelling).
I didn't hate it but didn't love it but I can say unconditionally that Utah gives off the weirdest vibes of any place in the U.S.
It's not really a secret anymore as one of the fastest growing states, the best state to start a business, best financials for a state government, conservative values, etc.

Mormons make up less than 50 percent but they keep the joggers and freeloaders at bay. They prefer to be in their own communities and do not mingle with non-Mormons, which is better for everyone. They are culty and weird anyway.

All of the best activities revolve around the outdoors, especially the mountains, so if that's not your bag, you will absolutely hate it here. The city itself is small and liberal, with homeless taking over all public areas. The nightlife and singles scene suck, I honestly don't know how people can stand it here being single.

There is really no "outside the city" unless you mean Park City, which has an average home price of $2 million. You can go far to the west or south along the Wasatch Front, but the further you go, the more Mormons there are. The rest of the state is barely habitable due to the heat (St George) or just nothing but desert. Moab and the towns surrounding the national parks are just tourist areas, nobody wants to live there.

Let's see how long this special place in America lasts before the liberals move in and inevitably fuck things up, like Denver. It really is the best of all worlds, for certain people.
It seems like the most boring state, which is quite a feat because the Dakotas exist, but then again conservatives are boring people (especially the no-fun inbred puritanical types who live in Utah)
SLC has decent public transit and the homes look nice and not too expensive. I knew some Mormons growing up and they’re generally friendly, but I grew up in an overwhelmingly non-Mormon area in SoCal, so I’m sure they act different if they go to public schools in a liberal area. I’d imagine they don’t tone down their “Mormon-ness” in Utah since they are the majority, or close to it
Speaking of, how harsh is weed punished there? I'm visiting for a month and use weed to sleep, I just puff a few vapes from a cart every night but how fucked will I get if I caught with 2-3 carts?
>they don’t tone down their “Mormon-ness” in Utah
The self righteousness is put into overdrive. Companies have Mormon managers and they like you to know your place, goy. "They're not like us."

Get caught? I don't know. Can smell it just walking around though since Mexicans.
Depends on the amount but you should expect some jail time, court date, fines, probation, and possibly losing your license.
fuck you we're full
what about MA
Do you have a prescription just for sleep?
If you're looking for bars and nightlife, Utah is definitely one of the worst places in the US you can visit. A lot of bars close at 8pm on Friday night because they don't do any business at night.

But I think Utah is the best place in the US for hiking, biking, and national parks. Zion, Bryce and Arches are 3 of the best national parks in the US. It's also an awesome state to camp in because they let anyone camp for free on BLM land and the whole state is practically BLM land. It's amazing for road trips because you can hit like 7 parks in a line with only 90 minutes between each park and then cross into Arizona and do the Grand Canyon and then Vegas. Some of the lesser known parks in Utah are amazing too like Escalante, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Snow canyon State Park, etc. The drive through the middle of Utah is gorgeous, especially in the remote areas. The ski resorts are amazing too. Park City can get insane, but Brianhead and Snowbasin are cheaper and significantly less crowded.
in my state, yes, but from what I've read Utah doesn't reciprocate medical marijuana
fucking junkie retard
you don't need weed to sleep, you're just an addict
another absolute fucking subhuman justifying his dependence with pure bullshit
grow up you little fag
I'm not going to argue medical stuff with a fat incel, keep seething
I have ADHD too btw
You don't know what you're talking about. I have to use heroin every hour or I get bad tremors, headaches and vomiting.
>arches and bryce are top 3.
kek, retard. Capitol Reef smokes both, as does canyonlands. But glacier btfos both of those. Arches/brcye aren't even (or are barely) top 10
True, most Utahns live in subdivisions about as generic as you can get. The unique regional scenery doesn't really lend itself to unique lifestyles and colorful personalities like it does in some other parts of the country.
Thousands of people every year see the scenery and think "whoa, wouldn't it be cool to live here". The reality is, it's tough to live in the high desert. Mormons take care of their own, they are one of the most cohesive religious communities in America. Either you play along with them, or you live your own life. People aren't gonna go out of their way to fit you into their lives; it takes years for people to build enough relationships in order to feel grounded. Drifter fatigue is very real; you as a stranger are assumed to be merely passing through until you prove otherwise.
>you as a stranger are assumed to be merely passing through until you prove otherwise.
Even after it's apparent you aren't going anywhere, they may likely just decide to try and make you leave. You're never really accepted.
I am seriously considering moving to SLC desu, it kind of seems like everything I want in a city
>how is it outside the big cities?
No clue, moved here about a year back and stuck to downtown SLC. Visiting is quite different from living.
>whitest whites
>Mormons everywhere
Outside of SLC proper? Yup.
I'd agree with this a lot, there's a mormon influence but it's not intolerable if you're not south towards BYU or up by Ogden. Right in the middle of the valley is the sweetspot for a normal dude. I find that mormons themselves can be quite accepting depending on your behavior, especially if you're a non-heretical Christian.
Yup. Major crime is property crime not violent crime, it ends up being quite safe as a result despite the flood of homeless and they're truly everywhere.
>Mormons are segregated
Somewhat but not quite. It really just depends on how you are. You will need to get used to dry hangouts void of excessive cursing.
>nightlife and singles scene sucks
Nightlife could use improvement but its not awful, singles scene is indeed atrocious due to the flood of mormon divorcees.
>Self righteous mormon managers
Yes they are, mine threatened to report a mormon single mom at my workplace to her college for an honor code violation (she brewed a cup of coffee in front of him). This dude threatened her academic career and financial future over a cup of coffee. Mormon assholes are absolutely too far gone.
>utah bars close at 8 on fridays due to lack of business
in bumfuck nowhere maybe, downtown the bars are packed to the brim.
For the most part, play along is the name of the game, and that's true most places where you want to be accepted. You moved to their community, you should be willing to fit the mold and that's true of anywhere you live. Don't have to join the religion but you should know what you're signing up for.
>despite the flood of homeless and they're truly everywhere.
are they like florida bums that harass you or do they keep to themselves?
By downtown, you mean Salt Lake City? Utah is a HUGE state and that's just about the only place you can get a drink after 8pm. You might find one bar in Provo open until midnight. The whole state is literally bumfuck nowhere.

Canyonlands is rad, but Capitol Reef is too remote for 99 percent of tourists. There's no infrastructure. That's a really remote area and it's not on the way to anything. I've did a few hikes there and I wouldn't go again or recommend it to anyone over any other national park in Utah. Escalante was a lot better and all the hikes were dog friendly, so that was unique as most Utah canyon hikes go.

Glacier is silly. If you're going to go through the trouble to get out to Glacier, you'd be better off going to Europe and doing the Alps. The Alps would be easier, cheaper, better views, better towns, better public transport, ski lifts, better food.
Mormonism is the most American religion

Its basically an American nationalist Islam
I havent had issues, some ask for cash but thats the extent of the annoyance. Ones near the supermarket dont even say a word just stand with the cardboard sign in complete silence.
>in provo the bars close early
Provo is like 90% mormon, no shit theres no barflies there. You've basically got a fraction of a very small fraction of residents that even drink at all there.
>cap reef
Just go to hanksville and do everything in the area instead. Bentonite hills, little wild horse, moon overlook, cainesville mesa hikes, goblin park, dirtbikes in factory butte... dont need to set foot in cap reef and you can have just as good a time if not better. Its super remote but it is kino as hell.
Assuming I have $10M net worth, is it easy to find and marry a Utah girl, have beautiful blue eyed children with her and live in a large house outside of Salt Lake City? I'm from western Europe.
Yes, but you first need to accept a 19th century hoax and give up drinking alcohol.

Then it is very easy.
giving up alcohol is easy. But i cant give up caffiene.
Where would I meet one? I assume that tinder is prohibited and that they don't go out to bars. Are there any openings outside of family setting and church?
No coffee. No tea. No hot drinks.
Signing up for a course at BYU is probably the easiest way.

But also just going to a temple. Or just joining a recreational sports league.
I lived there for 10 months and couldn’t wait to get out. I was in the SLC area and had no idea it got so smoggy certain times of year. I’m fine with Mormons but if you’re not one of them you’ll struggle to fit in. The non-Mormon population is largely ski bums and dude weed types. Naturally gorgeous state, not for me. I’d maybe consider moving back to southern Utah like St George so I could escape to Vegas or Phoenix if I needed to GTFO for a weekend
Mutual is literally mormon tinder.
I learned that catholic church (as a catholic) was the way to go for me. Met a lot of people through church groups that are neither too far gone or too cultish.
They have dispensaries for medical. Once you see how many crackheads and Methews we have here, that question will be moot. Obviously we're not NYC but you can smell it in most parks and nobody fucking cares what you do in your own place
yes it is the most boring state. please stay away, there is nothing but conservatives and religion here. You belong somewhere vibrant and full of culture, like California or NY.
They are reciprocal, just provide proof of your state card, pay the fee and you're good
It's because no-one wants to admit that its a nice place to live.
>amazingly beautiful and affordable state both in nature and communities
>well planned and guided education system that promotes traveling
>genuinely nice people
They are a bit overly nice and cynics think it's a cover. because of course they do.
Being lgbt, gang cringe, hate religion or into substances is where you will start to hit a barrier to entry.
>>CIA/NSA headquarters
The NSA's giant (unconstitutional) data center is in Utah.

The CIA recruits heavily from Mormon populations because they don't drink, gamble, and they have long documented roots in the USA (no possibility of connections to foreign governments).
Europoor here, how would it be for me to move to Utah?

I'm a good worker, have a master and love nature.
Convert to Mormonism, and it becomes very easy. You'll have to pass exams, though.
Not anymore
Is that it, nothing else?
I'm moving soon and wanted to go to an outdoorsy city for easy ski access in winter
I'm torn between SLC and Grand Junction, any anons have thoughts?
No, it is not that simple. If you want to move to the US permanently and aren't an investor, don't own your own business or aren't a highly recognized professional in your field (i.e. award winner) then you're likely going to need a company to sponsor you for a work visa which you then extend into a permanent residence permit (greencard) and from then on get citizenship. Your best bet is to work for a major company with an HQ or office in the US and using that as an in to relocate and be quickly sponsored. It's easier to do this if you already work for them. If you, say, work at a goldman sachs branch in europe, its easier to request a sponsor and relocate to the Utah branch because you've got experience and a reputation with the company that you're asking to sponsor you. Alternatively, you can apply for companies to hire and sponsor you but that's a lot harder, especially since they don't want you jumping ship 2-3 years after you get in the country and you don't have years with the company as proof of loyalty. Having a masters is good for getting into white collar work, but you need to actively make moves looking for an employer who will sponsor you. If you're serious about coming here, you're going to need to apply for a lot of jobs in SLC and make it clear that you will need them to sponsor your EB2/EB3 visa. Stipulations in the contract to not leave the company for X amount of years can help you out. It usually takes 2-3 years for sponsorship to be processed into a greencard so offering to stay at minimum for 4 years is a good way for the sponsor to get contractual reassurance that its worth the hassle of bringing you over here.

It's because its hard that most people try to come in illegally with a bogus claim of asylum since that's a path to citizenship that only needs a story but its more of a gamble if you lose your case. Being from the EU though, you will not have that option available.
Don't forget they're known for taking orders without asking questions. That's the biggest one.
Their religion also ties into US patriotism and American Exceptionalism. George Washington is revered as a saint.
So yes, way too many FBI and CIA agents at mormons. One of the reasons they glow in the dark so hard.
Red or blue, simple as that
I'd take SLC over Grand Junction unless you want a smaller town. Grand Junction is really isolated and gets hot as fuck in the summer. Park City UT is one of the best winter sports/mountain access places on the planet, it's a fucking gorgeous area.
>Park City UT is one of the best winter sports/mountain access places on the planet, it's a fucking gorgeous area
Except for the fact that it's full of uptight assholes who moved there 20 years ago and resist any type of change because it hurts their ego (such as ebikes), Californians who fuck up every place they move to, and the hedge fund money that drives the median price of a home there to 2 million. And it's a tourist town where nobody gives a fuck about anyone else. Picture the angry, old, crusty white guy in spandex yelling at other people to get out of the bike lane, combined with high property crime from all the Mexicans who inevitably fill the manual labor jobs.

Other than that, it's a beautiful place for outdoor activities all year round. Just don't live there.
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I've lived in Utah for 30 years, and I am getting ready to move away to FL.

First off, people talk about mormons WAAAAAY too much... I grew up mormon, stopped going around when I was 18, and I barely even notice them any more. It is so easy to ignore, but everyone acts like they run your life... I don't drink/smoke, so I don't really care about the laws that everyone complains about with this place. I do expect those laws keep the junkie count down here though.

I don't bother trying to date mormon girls, since they are generally only interested in other mormons. But the other side is the ultra liberal psychos around SLC, who are even worse. Its a pretty tense divide, so many are religious, or anti religious, and I don't fall into either camp.

The mountains are really the only selling point here. lots of skiing options in the winter, and even more hiking/biking in the summer. I can't imagine someone wanting to move here, unless they are just huge into mountains. Ski resorts have been packed the past few years, with everyone moving here.

My main issue here is that I am bored to tears.
>go to church stuff
>go to some gay festival downtown
full of hippies pretending to have fun. Can't stand that crowd
>go to the bar
I don't drink
>go hiking
maybe, but its rarely a good temperature, and its still antisocial
>do other stuff around the city
I've done everything around here that could possibly interest me. I'm burned out

So why move to FL?
-Still not democrat run
-Lots of theme parks
-Tons of rain (Utah is dry af)

Hoping the social scene is different around there. I can't remember the last time I made a friend as an adult here...
>Still not democrat run
That's why I moved to Utah, fled NYC during the lockdowns and never been happier. Obviously I ski and bike, or it would be miserable here. For some reason, the people who grew up here don't really do those mountain sports.
>Tons of rain (Utah is dry af)
Moving from new england, this was tough
>I can't remember the last time I made a friend as an adult here...
Bro, that doesn't depend on where you are. People are more or less the same everywhere. Yeah some cities are more wary of strangers (like NYC) but also less judgemental (unlike Utah). In general, if you share something in common, it is much easier to be friends. The problem is that people don't have social interests that bring them together and require them to socialize. Outside of school and work, most people don't do anything with other people. You won't magically make friends unless you put yourself out there, even if everyone around you is a transplant. Get a social hobby that requires you to physically participate and converse with others. This is especially important if you are moving to a new state.
>get a social hobby
Thats what I mean. All of my hobbies in Utah revolve around sitting in my room, or going to the mountains alone.
In FL, I will be spending most my free time in theme parks / beaches, surrounded by people, so I will have a lot more opportunity to meet people there.

As for the rain though, I don't think I've had any rain pass over me this entire month lol... Storms always seem to skip right over SLC
>tons of rain
Florida does not have the kind of gentle rain you can enjoy. You run for cover when it rains in Florida
>You run for cover when it rains in Florida
speak for yourself fag, when I lived in soflo my favorite days were the ones where I was ripping through the streets on a bike in the pouring run
ate shit many times but god was it thrilling
It's because they tend to be multilingual, you stupid fucks. The mormons are some of the most persecuted religious groups in the US, but that'd require some of you niggas to open a history textbook.
I doubt you'll be going to theme parks on a regular basis, that gets old and isn't really a hobby. But the nightlife and beaches and stuff should be a lot of fun and I find Floridians to be pretty extroverted and friendly. I think you'll have a blast and the storms are kind of cool, as long as they're not the kind that gets a name.
If you have some money you can get into sailing, that ends up being a pretty social hobby and FL is a great place for it. If you're on the east coast you can take trips to the bahamas and cruise around
If I lived near Tampa I’d get a season pass to Busch Gardens. The lines aren’t bad there and they have some great rides
From a lifelong SLC resident

Utah pros:

-Great mountainous scenery
-Countless hiking trails
-Greatest snow on earth for skiing
-Great national parks
-Very safe compared to other big cities
-People are generally friendly
-Growing economy
-Traffic isn't terrible
-Pretty quiet and uneventful

Utah Cons:

-Extremely dry
---Rain is rare and light
---Air dries out your skin (extra bad sunburns)
---Wildfire danger
---Poor landscaping
---Nonexistent water sports
-High elevation makes it harder to breathe
-Air quality gets very bad (with no rain to clean it out)
-Extreme temperature swings. from 0 in the winter to 110 in the summer
-Located extremely far from any other major city (Vegas is the nearest city, 6 hour drive)
-Restrictive laws against alcohol, fireworks, gambling, etc. (everyone goes to NV or WY for that)
-Cost of living has gone way up
-Very little unique culture
-Strange social environment between Mormons and non Mormons. Not heated, but it feels a bit segregated.
-Pretty quiet and uneventful

SLC feels like a great place if you want to settle down and start a family, or love the outdoors. Not great if you are looking to party...
America is so huge man
Must be nice having all these places you can visit while still staying in a single country. I feel like the US has lots of microcosms that you can experience for a short while then never see again if you don't wish to
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Small town Utah is dangerously based. I can drive 10 minutes and have a near infinite amount of canyons such as pic related to explore. Within two hours I can see basically every biome on earth that doesn't involve an ocean. I can drive down the street and get homemade milk and baked goods, served to me by a harem of unmarried QT Mormons who all want my dick.
Euros give us crap for not being "well travelled" and not knowing specifics of all the European countries, but the US is bigger than all of EU combined, with just as much diversity of nature and culture, so we don't even need to travel outside our own country to see a lifetime of new stuff. We are free to roam and move wherever we want, without a passport.
>with just as much diversity of nature and culture
Oh shut the fuck up lmao
Mate, your culture can't be school shootings and healthcare
There's diversity of nature, but as an American, culture is surprisingly uniform these days. 50 years ago it was different, but now people are basically the same whether you're in Appalachia or a big coastal city. The only difference is how religious they are and what party they vote for.

In Italy alone you can go 30 minutes in any direction by train and the average phenotype is completely different, food is different, architecture is in no way similar, and sometimes they'll even speak a different language.
Diversity of nature is 100% true. USA has almost every climate on earth
>>barely mentioned in popular culture
SLC Punk was alright. Maybe because I was 19.

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