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Baking new bread. Ask questions and give advice for those interested in visiting Colombia.
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first for Chicharron
can i get a cheap flight from bogota to bangkok?
hurrrrr whores hurrrrrrrrrrr
This is a general Colombia thread, friend. You are the first person to bring up cooming.
You're Colombian, aren't you? Too many White Dorks in Medellín pricing you out?
You're going to have to transfer at least once. Right now is the most expensive time of the year to fly.
Can someone redpill me on Parque de los Hippies in Bogotá? Was in Bogotá for a week and stumbled across this park on a Saturday while walking to my airbnb. People were partying, and I ended up staying the whole evening. Is it like this every weekend? As a side note, does Bogotá have a good techno scene?
you've just pulled that image up from the internet and don't know a thing about it, huh?
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What's wrong with a picture of Downtown Medellín for a Colombia general?
Is the Darien Gap actually open for tourism? Saw a cool youtube video and it looked like a decent hike with nice facilities and opportunities to meet new people.
because I've actually stood there and you haven't. most of the locals are scared to go there, especially at night. there are hundreds of crackheads 3 blocks away
I was there a month ago. It's fucking Downtown Medellín. Do you honestly think you're a special snowflake for going there?
yes and I'm going to gatekeep it. i'm a recognized guest at the nuttibara. that is not the tourist district. you need to move along. it's dangerous
kys nigger, it's fine during daylight hours if you don't act stupid. also helps not to be a weak manlet
are you part of the tourism committee? I run those streets 24/7 better watch your back puto. I got putos up your putos ass, puto
What's the deal with going to Colombia as a white American that doesn't speak Spainish? Will I be able to get by? Do people speak English at all?
Sorry for the dumb questions bros, and thx.
Try to at least learn the basics. Latin America isn't like Europe, the level of education is very low for most of the population. A lot of them don't even write and read in Spanish that well except for the upper middle class type people who went to a university, they usually do understand English.
White American that was just in Colombia here. I don't speak Spanish. Outside of Bogotá, Colombians don't really speak English. You'd be surprised how easy it is to pick up on a little Spanish. There is always Google translate to fall back on. Communication isn't a huge problem, but it definitely helps to speak Spanish there. I'm sure I paid the gringo price more than once. Try to learn how to say Spanish numbers 1,000 through 1,000,000
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It's pretty easy to get coke anywhere in Colombia, they practically shove it in your face to get you to buy it out in the open, which is cool, but what're your thoughts on it? Experiences/thoughts/stories/etc
It's lame. I've done coke in Medellín (not the garbage they push in Poblado). In my opinion, the high isn't worth the comedown. Colombians probably feel the same way, because tusi seems to be more popular with the locals. I saw pink and I think green tusi. I'm not sure what the difference in color means.

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