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you have 1 teleporter pad at home, and can place 3 more anywhere in the world to travel to and from. Where do you place them?
>1 in the loo
>1 at your mom's house
>1 in space so I can just fucking instakill myself
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New York, Frankfurt, Singapore
I have to take an average 10hr flight just to get out of my backwater country to the northern hemisphere before I can then take another flight to my actual destination. Would be great if I could just skip out on the first flight entirely and teleport to a city with an expansive airport hub.
I'm in new england, so hawaii, vegas, and italy.
Somewhere extremely remote with a cabin. Siberia maybe
Why? You can get a $120 round trip to Vegas anytime
exactly, so I use it as a port for the area since I like the southwest.
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If I had a portal between my home town (Santa Cruz CA) and Bangkok my life would be almost perfect. The other two portals would be just gravy. But I'll say Wanaka, NZ and Park City, UT
Even Istanbul alone would cover a lot of ground. From IST, I can fly practically anywhere in Europe and Asia.

I think I would put the other two portals somewhere in Brazil and the middle of Africa.
Would be nice to:
>step out on to Dhermi beach to chill every now and again
>walk into the hustle and bustle of Istanbul and take ferries over the Bosphorus
>disappear into the chaos of Cairo and get drunk in rooftop and hotel bars with randoms

Think I'm wasting shit, and they'll get boring, but they came to mind first. Seems like I'm living in the past though.
>From IST, I can fly practically anywhere in Europe and Asia.
isn't Frankfurt Airport (FRA) the Airport with THE most direct flight routes?
they are close together, I think it's
>1. FRA ~340
>2. IST ~300

also IST is a little more "isolated"
Paris, Amsterdam, Munich, Zurich are all less <1h from Frankfurt while the next big Airports from IST are all 2h+
I'm really surprised here, desu. Something doesn't add up. I thought IST would absolutely crush FRA given the power of Turkish Airlines, its location and Turkey's government backed attempt at crushing air travel/hub status.

I'm guessing the sheer amount of airports in Europe and the volume provided by low cost airlines statpads pretty heavily.
nah Frankfurt held this title for a very long time

and IST is number 2 after all - that's still pretty impressive

>the sheer amount of airports in Europe and the volume provided by low cost airlines statpads pretty heavily.
not true at all!
FRA is Lufthansa's main Hub
which has an insane route network by itself
173 routes from FRA just by Lufthansa!
That already dwarfs most airports

but more importantly is Star Alliance

almost all Star Alliance member airlines have their overwhelming amount flights to Germany go through Frankfurt

FRA usually is too expensive for low cost airlines
Tokyo, Germany, Los Angeles.
Those about cover anywhere I want to visit with a 6 hour tops travel time. (I'm in Florida)
>my gfs house (when I get one)
>randomly teleports me under any occupied bed in the world so I can shake the bed and scream and then teleport out
>uninhabited tropical island
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>You are mom's house
Somewhere in USA with good connectivity. I don't know, perhaps Dallas.
Somewhere in Europe to save me the 2h drive to the airport from home - maybe Milan for the Ryanair hub.
>Tel Aviv
and I'll put mine in the National Mall in Washington DC

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