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what's something good to do in fresno? I'll be staying there for a week after I do a tech interview but before I go back home to spain. was told that there are a lot of spanish speakers? what are the good clubs
¿De dónde eres, y en qué empresa has conseguido la entrevista?

valencia y alldata

solo $110k/año para empezar
I grew up in Clovis, which is basically the nice part of fresno without as many druggies or degens.
>meth heads that do the zombie walk in downtown
>highest homeless per capita in the US.
> lots of mexicans in agriculture.
>Yosemite is cool
Old town saloon is cool in clovis, well i did respond to a shooting there once but otherwise nice. I personally most recommend Crow and Wolf Brewing Co. Taproom. local craft beer lots of white people and good drinks, with local food trucks outside, sequoia brewing co is cool too but its in downtown so with friends much better there. I can answer more too about good areas since i worked in the 911 system and seen where all the crimes usually happen.
I was stationed at a Navy Air base 30 min south of Fresno and it's pretty fucking depressing

>blocks and blocks of homeless tents
>high gang activity (Bulldogs, Norteños, Bikers, Nogs)
>Surrounded by farms so it stinks

The only saving grace were the clubs full of Hmong and Chicana sluts and QTs attending Fresno State. And when I say sluts, I mean "talk some shit and prove you're not a local then take em to the telly to get your dick wet" sluts. Yes, it was that easy. I was in the Navy so in shape but it was still a joke how fast they gave it up.

I'm sure the clubs I went to aren't around anymore, but I remember them being in North Fresno

¿¿there's a nice part of fresno?
There are random like... Mexican dance halls that have pretty good live bands come through Fresno. I found out about it on Instagram and saw them performing, then looked at their flyers because it's interesting that they have this separate live entertainment that white people would never hear about, a live entertainment economy that's big enough and widely known enough in that area that they can book a show, pay a band that's like 13 band members, and all make a profit at the end of it. And haul all of that gear on to the next venue at the next farming outpost from Northern California down to Mexico.

I'd go to some Mexican/Latino bars or even the grocery and chit chat with someone friendly specifically about finding a concert hall/dance hall. Ask people at food trucks, at Mexican restaurants. To me that's easier to drop in on, enjoy yourself, see something interesting, get some food and drinks, have an experience, rather than go to a sketchy bar with music blasting out of PA systems. They play the music really loud in Mexican bars.
>>Surrounded by farms so it stinks

It means there's tons of wineries which means there's a lot of events an dthings to go to.

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