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Beautiful Boracay Edition

Discuss your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.

Philippine Travel Guides:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEk6W_7_P9w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLi2L1udDN4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m57KaHerG0 [Embed]

Philippine e-Travel requirement before Arrival:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve43uk2cn0Y [Embed]
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white dorks and chuds get BTFO by White Chads
my pinay girl friend is so retarded
how'd you meet her?
This is quite typical. Just remember that they probably would treat you exactly like the girls did back home if they were poor and stupid. Meaning they wouldn’t give you the time of day.
I think I have the same shoes

Low IQ is super common here.
There are some very smart ones, if you keep searching, but it's about 2% of the population

Captcha VSTD :-(
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> american mystery meat
> Low skilled worker
> bitter about being a minimum wage wagie
> Hopeless about his own misery
Pic related
Any of you guys travel to the Philippines for an extended period of time? What are some decent banks if you are from the USA that won't make it a nightmare?
I'm a scoober. How is the scoobing in the Philippines? Are there any non deathtrap diveshops?
It’s going to be a nightmare because the USA has imposed requirements on all nations to spy on Americans and report their income and spending. Most banks don’t want the hassle and risk of sanctions so they won’t open an account for you. Your only option is to use a credit card for everything. But you will be very limited on who accepts it
>Are there any non deathtrap diveshops

Short answer, No. flips are cheap retarded scammers
Ferret cross board posters get the pesticide
you can always bring cash
>I'm a scoober. How is the scoobing in the Philippines? Are there any non deathtrap diveshops?
This video has your answers
You need to have a resident permit to get a bankaccount here I believe, I have been here for 4+ months multiple times.
And what I do is: Make a Gcash account u can do it with your foreign passport. You can request a Gcash card for 250 Php, Then use Worldremit to send money from your bank to your gcash(Its free to send this way, and withdraw
with ur Gcash card for only 18 php fee instead of 250 Php.

In Bohol there is a diveshop owned by a Aussie on panglao beach.

In Camiguen there is a diveshop owned by a German/Swiss which is really nice because everywhere they use this wooden boats with insanely loud engines. and here they actually give you earprotectors so you wont go deaf.
Is the only way to use grab and food panda by having a local sim card?
Anyone can use Grab. Never used food panda so I don't know for that
actually you are very wrong and stupid. If you take a grab ride and you dont have data access then you cant conculde the ride and pay the driver unless it is a cash ride. also, they will constantly pibg you about your “safety”
why do you shit for brains retards always come here and give bad advice?
what's wrong and stupid?
1. book using wifi
2. pay with cash
e-sims are really cheap.
Step 1: Install SMRT e-SIM
Step 2: Buy Magic Data package that doesn't expire
Step 3: Profit!
t. taxi scammer

>Any of you guys travel to the Philippines for an extended period of time? What are some decent banks if you are from the USA that won't make it a nightmare?
lived here 2yr
just withdraw from ATMs and use your credit card for other things

I paid for my apartment with USA-USA bank transfer because the landlord was in colorado
>because the landlord was in colorado
what a baller
Nice anon. Did he call?
Nice anon, he sounds pretty cool. I hope you didn't blow it by screaming for no reason and getting BPDemon emotional or anything! How Embarrassing that would be!
Of course not. Why would I give my number to an Aussie manlet who blocked my path as I was walking and tried following me to a restaurant?? Feels shitty, man.
I was genuinely trying to help the man get ice cream, all the while being a fucking pick up artist's experiment.

Stop going here for SEXO
tits or gtfo
Idk. Maybe you get a blowjob out of it. Or give a blowjob and get an icecream. Wtf else are you gonna do with your day?
>Curious to hear if anybody has any recommendations on where they would live if they were in my shoes.
>> 32 y/o, spent the last several years living in Iloilo City. I have become assimilated, learned Tagalog and some Illonggo and enjoy this country.
>> Had to leave after a nasty breakup in which my ex and her friends and family stalked/threatened to kill me.
>> Looking for a new home base where I can settle down/work/focus on my career and business.
>> $125k salary as a SWE, so decent internet is a must and there can't be constant brownouts
>> Looking for a place where I can spend ~30k-40k monthly on a decent fully furnished condo/small house with security that isn't strict and won't ask where I'm going/what I'm doing with my life.
>> Ideally driving distance from nice beaches/mountains/other nice nature-y shit. I generally don't leave the house during the week, though I like to unwind at least one day a week on the weekend.
>> Not a boring place but also not a pervert destination (Angeles is a no-go)
>Appreciate any feedback and recommendations
>I've used Wells Fargo the whole time I've been here and have never had any problems. Make sure you have reliable methods of pulling out money and that there isn't a single point of failure. In 6 years of using ATMs half a dozen times per week, I have had 1 instance where the machine failed to dispense. I filed a claim with Wells Fargo, they investigated it and reimbursed me in full. Have had 1 instance of an ATM machine capturing my ATM card. This was more scary as the policy is to destroy cards that this happens to, though I was able to sign a waiver and get it back the next morning. There are probably better things you can do though, I've never given a shit about transaction fees.
>Yes. Why would this be a problem? SIM cards are 54 pesos (Literally $1) and it takes 2 minutes to verify your identity.
It's unironically more gay if you didn't get his number. You just pussied out and pissed your panties. Embrace adventure, faggot.
I'm 40 years old with a little over a million USD. I've pretty much given up on life and starting a family. Is a million enough to rotmax with the occasional coom for the rest of my life in Manilla?
>I'm 40 years old with a little over a million USD.
You can live like a king in Manila with that much money.
stay out
Assume you're going to live for 40 more years. Also assume your investment earnings are cancelled out by inflation

That's 25k USD/yr for the rest of your life. It's a nice 'trust fund' amount, but not a 'fountain of unlimited money'.

So BGC is out for you, but a lot of the rest of the philippines is open to you.

If you are open to working at some point in the future, even for a little bit, then you could easily raise that 25k to 50k, which is a very good lifestyle for here.

The important think is t take s long term view, and DO NOT let some Pinay sob story drain your funds away.
thanks for the detailed response. Do you think the Philippines is a solid place to retire? What are other options people look at in this price range? I was just in Colombia and I found it livable as well. Haven't been to the Philippines but considering going in spring
I have half of what ypu have. Mostly in Bitcoin and I'm planning on retiring on it. What are you keeping that 1 mil in?

Yes, very very livable. But, the cost of electricity is very high here, for many people it's the same cost as rent. So if you need aircon 24/7, maybe you should relocate to one of the cooler spots (some of them like Baguio and Dumaguette are already filled, but others exist), or live near the beach...but this place has typhoons (they start in the east), earthquakes and volcanoes, so do some research before you pick a final home.

Also you cannot own land as a foreigner, so it may be a lease or renting long term for you, which for many people is the best part of it.
> I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a 58 year old Australian boomer asking me where he could buy ice cream

>My dad was a trike driver, he never brought took me ice cream!

> I couldn't pass this opportunity up, and asked if I could join him.

>He took me to Jolibee and brought me a 40 pesos Choco sundae, then he invited me to his 20 sqm condo to "watch a movie"

>I grew up in a shack, I've never been in a house with running water, I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by!

Go fuck yourself
Fuck you faggot (.5x)
What happened?
Cubabro here..

I'm thankful that Filipinos lurk here. Perhaps they can learn something. Everybody knows you can't speak your mind publicly in the Philippines because Filipinos have notoriously thin skin.

Filipinos are the biggest users of social media, which has led to a much more westernized life view, especially among the urban youth. It's just strange because these views are not backed up in most cases by money or government service like they are in America. A girl in America can really say "I don't need a man", because she doesn't.....welfare, food stamps, and a gamut of other programs will ensure she'll never starve. In the Philippines? She'll be lucky to get a bag of rice and 500 pesos from the DSWD if she's a single mom.....more likely the guy working at the office will offer to bang her for a thousand pesos. That's why you have so many emboldened white boomers who think they can fuck anyone and everyone simply because they are white.

Don't get mad that old white people use your country as a cum dump, get mad at your government for putting you in this situation. YOU allow it after all. Your brothers and fathers stand by instead of trying to rob those men or chase them away. Nobody shames these men, nobody confronts them in public, nobody makes public remarks or jokes when they see them in public with teenagers.....they just put their head down. WHY? Posting on 4chan isn't going to do anything, posting on reddit is useless. If your a little conyo teen girl and your reading this, next time you see a 60 year old boomer with his squatter teenage girlfriend, just roast them publicly. Laugh and point. Make them feel like the low people that they are. If the guy tries to say anything in his defense, threaten him with legal action (my dad is a lawyer if you wanna make an issue we can find something on you...etc) It's much more effective then crying on the internet
But to play devil's advocate, there are a lot of Filipinos who have a bit of money (1000 dollars from their virtual assistant job) who have a stick up their ass and who like to turn their nose up at any and all foreigners with no discretion what so ever. They literally can't tell the difference between a pedophile and a missionary, to them, they are all pedophiles. That pocket change really got to their head.

One of my favorite hobbies is to go up to a conyo rich girl dressed as the mestizo barangay captain and ask her a random question

>Hey, do you know where Jolibee is?

Yeah, if you...


And then just walk away dismissively shaking head.

Gotta keep em on their toes.
Are there any places left in the Philippines where I won't find any of you or other withoids?
I heard Samar is mostly devoid of tourists is that true?
Cubabro here..

It's a tradeoff

If you want modern luxuries, you're gonna see foreigners.

The farther away from civilization you go, the less foreigners you'll see.

You may think you're prepared to live in a Cuckshed, but unless you grew up in the back swamps of Alabama, you're gonna be in for a hell of a culture shock

Samar is a communist insurgent stronghold btw, nothing go on there but sari sari stores and 10 peso videoke.
>Cubabro here..
>Cubabro here..
Ahh ffs. Namefag retard is back. Hbu fuck back off to reddit retard?
Cubabro and shed anon are the only ones that post entertaining and useful information. Everyone else larps.
I've traveled Africa I think I'll be fine.
>Samar is a communist insurgent stronghold btw
Sounds good
Thank you for coming to this thread Cubabro. You're always welcome here.
>Thank you for coming to this thread Cubabro. You're always welcome here
>t. cubabro
put it into a mutual fund or managed portfolio and withdraw as needed
Cubabro here..

In all seriousness, let's look at the geography of the Philippines for places most likely to be devoid of whiteoids.

I must caveat, there is no place in the Philippines that hasn't been visited by whiteoids. You'll probably come across at least 1 random white dude everywhere you go. Also, most of these places are probably going to be boring as fuck. People don't go there for a reason

Luzon: Anything north of Manila and east of Angeles. Western Luzon is a well beaten trail....Manila, Subic, La Union, Bagiou, Vigan....up into Illocos where the people are known to be proud and less white worshiping then the rest of the Philippines. Eastern Luzon.....not so much. Tugeraro and Cabatuan are the 2 bigger cities on that side.

Luzon (2): Anything east of Batangas. I don't even know what to properly call that place.....Bicol peninsula? Legazpi would be the biggest city over there, wide open.

Mindoro: Puerto Galera is a minor coomer hub for white boomers, but outside of that I think the entire island is wide open

Masbate: Huge island that I've never heard of anyone visiting. Wide open

Panay: Iloilo is an underutilized city, although you'll see white people there....the entire of Panay island is mostly wide open.

Negros: Negros, especially Southern negros (dumaguete) is an overhyped boomer retirement home. Ditto for San Carlos City (thanks nigger sunshine shoulders) The farther north and west you go, the more the herd thins. Bacolod is underutilized for a city it's size.

Samar: Whole island wide open. NPA is active on the island. Waray are the predominant tribe and are known to be dickheads.

Leyte: Whole island wide open. Northern part (Tacloban) is waray, known to be dickheads
Mindanao: Draw a straight line from Davao north to Cagayan de Oro. Anything east of that line is wide open.....Butuan, Surigao city, Mati......Anything in-between Davao and Cagayan de Oro (following that line) is wide open. Anything WEST of that line ALONG THE NORTHERN COAST UNTIL YOU GET TO THE ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA is wide open, but gets progressively more sketch the more West you go. West of the line , specifically South West Mindanao and the Zamboanga peninsula is controlled by Muslim separatists, proceed with caution.

Places to avoid if you don't wanna see whiteoids:

The entire city of Manila, including BBC, Makati, and extending all the way into Cavite

Cebu, specifically IT park , Ayala, and southern Cebu province.

Bohol, specifically Panglao, but really the entire island

Boracay, entire island

Siargao, entire island

Palawan, it's a big island, but still, the entire island

Coron, entire island

Angeles city, quarantine the entire city
are there any other popular retirement countries within the Philippines price range? Particularly for younger (30s/40s) retirees?
>Angeles city, quarantine the entire city
Noooo everyone is great here
You need to come to terms with your lower position in the racial hierarchy. Sorry cubabro, must suck.
Imagine being brown wtf lol
I was using the term in response to a whiteoid wanting to avoid other whiteoids. I'm not resentful. Theirs enough to go around fren

Btw I'm not brown, I'm a light skinned Hispanic mestizo. Put be against a trike driver and we look absolutely nothing alike

And racial hierarchy? I'm basically the true Filipino master race of lore lol. These whores think I'm the barangay captain. Random street kids come up and give me gifts they snatched from pale white tourists

Just saying
I wish I was half as sexy as cubaro
I'm here but to tired and full of cake to leave my hotel.
The retard guard says this. Never seen or heard it said anywhere else. He's also a brown mutant
And he also posts low iq samefag self glazing like this:
>Thank you for coming to this thread Cubabro. You're always welcome here
>I wish I was half as sexy as cubaro
I wish this board would purge this mentally ill faggot
What's the best way to get around ?
Depends where you are. If you're in Manila, just use Grab Car or Grab Motorbike. They also have Ankas for motobikes. If you're going to another island, just fly there. The ferries are fucking packed all the fucking time with locals. Was in one recently and there was a family with 2 roosters in a little blue chicken box. I hate to admit this, but busses are not that bad here either and it's cheap.

Local showed a website called Sakay which shows public transpo routes and it helps.
Cubabro here...

I follow this thread religiously, and I don't even know who tf you are talking about when you say security guard. I THINK You're talking about some guy who used to call himself "TTT" who used to post in the thai generals. If you look back, he actually posted a picture of himself with a timestamp years ago.....he looks like a skinny Armenian dude. I've posted blacked out photos of myself and you would see that I am in fact, a chubby Cuban. He's shaped like a 140 pound tweaker, I'm shaped like a Cuban Daniel Cormier peak dad bod. You're literally arguing with yourself about this same fagging shit.

I think if you follow this thread you would be able to tell it's me just from the blog posting, reddit spacing, typo filled rants. I have a full time job, do you think I have time to create a complete alternate persona just to troll you ?

Meds, take them
Cubabro here..

The best way to get around is to unironcally look for a guy on a motorcycle carrying an extra helmet and ask him for a ride.

I know I know, it seems sketch to get a ride from a stranger. I was hesitant at first, but I've never once had a problem in many years .

Ride apps are to sanitary for me

Those habal habal niggers will take you to the moon and stand by as long as you pay them every 10 km and feed them rice and fish while they wait. I've made comrades and bodyguards from many of these dudes. I honestly could probably get someones head knocked off simply by calling on the habal habal mafia. I personally like older dudes with missing teeth and nothing to lose. You know they've been in the shit, so their just happy to make a couple of bucks the legal way.
what parts of Africa did you visit and do you have any good stories?
How can one person be so wrong and absorb so much humiliation?
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There is literally nobody on /trv/ or /pol/ or /g/ more mentally ill than you!
Sure. Ok. You're just brown retard mutants who call white people "whiteoids" by coincidence and like to namefag and samefag.
>How can one person be so wrong and absorb so much humiliation
Idk. Come get rejected in PH and show us
Thing is, ypu don't know who I am because I don't bring reddit to 4chan like this fat mutant
>Also, most of these places are probably going to be boring as fuck. People don't go there for a reason
Why people don't go there? (Apart from the islamists ofc)
I'm sure these places have nice beaches, volcanoes and stuff as well.
Are there places where flips go on beach holidays? I'd imagine they'd choose places to go on holidays without many tourists since those places are expensive.
Don't get it wrong, local people still go to these places, and you might even see a random backpacker or 2..

But the reality is most people are followers, they are going to follow the herd. In their defense, the major tourist attractions have infrastructure already in place to make a a vacation more enjoyable. Not everybody wants to be a RealTraveller, most people just wanna veg out on a beach resort with a beer and a pizza.

For example, in my wife's province, their is 2 hotels in town. If you don't like the hotel, or you don't like the food, to fucking bad. Their are no airbnbs within a 50 mile radius, and come 8pm, people go inside their houses. Their is no nightlife to speak of outside of drinking outside of a sari sari store or perhaps singing karaoke outside with with a bunch of trike drivers. They have a super nice white sand beach, but you Have to bring your own food and tent and cook on the beach because theirs no restaurants or rooms for rent. Theirs no place to easily rent a motorbike, theirs no one offering tours....basically everything is DIY.

Compare there to a place like Alona beach in Panglao.....hotels of all classes, international food, easy to book a tour, nightlife, good looking girls (or boys), airport......
Cubabro is the reason why I’m here. You can fuck off.
Their is a lot of relatively uncharted territory in the Philippines as far as tourism goes, especially if you're willing to go out on a motorbike and wing it....Just don't expect 5 star resorts and mcdonalds.

I've been to places way out in the province where I've had to sleep in the local people's houses. I'm sure there would be plenty of people willing to accommodate you in their home in exchange for some money and a meal. Filipinos are pretty chill in that manner

I was riding around Samar and some old lady let me sleep in her home (actually it was a shack) after I chatted with her and told them her I was from Cuba. I brought some beer and we grilled some chicken and pork for her family....they let me sleep in their only bed while they slept on mats on the floor. I gave them a thousand pesos when I departed and they were grateful for that. They showed me some hidden waterfalls and beaches off the beaten trail. They said they never saw a foreigner. I'm pretty sure they were NPA sympathizers because they kept asking me about Fidel Castro and how things were in Cuba... I just played along.

That's probably the biggest issue though...in these far out places, your options for accommodations and food are going to be limited. It's not like Manila or Cebu where you have a million options for hotels/condos and food. In the province, they got what they got, if you don't like it, to bad. You better be comfortable talking with people and getting on with random Indios to find the best spots because most of them are not on Google maps or if they are the information is wrong. Many of these roads are not even marked. I suggest you go the the plaza of the nearest town and ask the people loitering where the nice spots are.....somebody will magically appear with a motorbike to whisk you away up the mountain to a waterfall with a bunch of 10/10 island girls washing their clothes in a lagoon. Lol
Sounds great I'm sure I'd enjoy it for a week or two. For the rest of the stay I'd prefer something slightly more chill, but something that's not an ultra tourist trap mega resort. I'm sure there has to be something inbetween.
What I'm looking for is maybe a beach town where locals from Manila or wherever go on holidays, where you can still party and have some form of acommodation but where most of the guests are locals and not foreigners being ripped off.
Ok. But I'm white and he's calling me and my people "whiteoids". So maybe you're not white or maybe you are and you just like being submissive to fat brown men. Either way, we are not the same.
Ok got it. Basically you want to avoid foreigner tourist traps. May I suggest:

Luzon: San Fernando La Union is a beach town few hours away from Manila. You'll see some foreigners there, but it's mostly Filipinos. It's a tourist spot, but mostly catered to locals.

Luzon (2): Baler Aurora is a bit out the way but I heard its popular with people from Manila. Not overly touristy

Luzon (3): Batangas has a bunch of beaches. I think it's the most popular beach destination for Manila people

Luzon (bonus): If you want a mountain destination, try Sagada instead of Baguio. They have good weed and magic mushrooms also if you dudeeee weeeed.

Cebu: Cebu is a huge island with a large provincial area a bunch of tertiary islands being split. The southern half of the island is basically foreigner land. Oslob, Moalboal, Kawasan....all extremely tourist trappy .While their are off the beaten path places, you will definitely notice an abundance of foreigners there. The northern part of the island is the road less traveled....most people just pass through on a bus to get to the boat going to bantayan island. Bantayan island is probably the most popular of the tertiary islands, and is packed with white backpackers and boomers alike. To the north east of Cebu island, half way between Cebu and Leyte is a fairly large group of islands called the Camotes. They are serviced by daily ferries from Cebu and are popular with locals for weekend getaways. I'm sure you'll see foreigners but it isn't anywhere nearly as bad as bantayan....much more local vibe.
Davao: Samal island. Don't know much about it, but I think it's worth a go. I think it's the nearest beachy place to Davao, which despite being the 3rd largest city, isn't really known for mass international tourism

CDO: Cagayan de Oro is the 4th largest city in the Philippines, but the entire time I was there I saw a grand total of 5 foreigners. They have all the modern luxuries..... hotels, restaurants, bars.....and their is a decent swimmable beach with nice waves within reasonable distance from the city center. Their is also a very nice island called Camuguin which you can take a day trip to which isn't far. They also have white water rafting and a bunch of waterfalls in the vicinity.


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