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File: Southwest_Airlines.png (14 KB, 512x79)
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Last week I took a trip to Las Vegas, and was honestly excited to have a layover in Phoenix since I've never been there and want to move to Arizona one day. I booked a ticket through the Chase travel portal since it's my first time getting credit card reward points for flights and wanted to try SW since I've never flown them before. My flight left is for 5PM at Dulles and pre-borading is 4:30PM. I get at the gate in the email and wait for an hour only to miss my flight, since the actual gate was changed and I only would've known that if I resigned in again through their shitty app.

I never got an email update or a text that the gate was changed. When I talk to the agent about missing the flight he takes no responsibility and blames me but rebooks me to connecting flight to Denver. Keep in mind there was no visual indicator at any of the gates that they changed the gates and kids were being loud af, so there was a strong possibility that I just tuned it out do to them being so annoying.

I lose a ton of sleep due to waiting longer for the flight to Vegas, but when I actually get there they damage my items in my carry-ons and I have to look for luggage myself since one of the tags came off.

You guys can call be a retard but I will never fly this shitty airline again, unless I get a free flight.

This airline is complete garbage and needs to update their to the standard of Delta or any airline that's actually competent. They change their gates at the last second causing me to miss my first flight and damage my luggage. Fuck SW
>sitting at the gate for an hour
>doesn't bother to read the flight info plastered literally everywhere around the gate

skill issue

please tell me there was at least a plane sitting at the gate you were tuned out at. Bonus points if it was a Southwest plane.
>I get at the gate in the email and wait for an hour only to miss my flight, since the actual gate was changed and I only would've known that if I resigned in again through their shitty app.
So were other people waiting at the gate with you? Did you not read the gate information while you were waiting?
I have a feeling this is a lack of situational awareness on your part. Same thing happened with frontier. I realized there were no other passengers at the gate and no sign illuminated indicating my flight so I asked a gate agent and they redirected me.

Should’ve gone to Thailand…
I have never in my life relied on airline notifications whilst at the airport. That information is on boards everywhere you look.
There were people at the original gate I was emailed a day before and assumed they were all on the same flight as me since it was almost full.
I was a dumbass, I should talked to an agent or even other passengers to see if they were on the same flight as me. However, even then I still feel that the airline bears atleast some of the responsibility since I heard employees saying that they haven't flown out of that plane to Phoenix for awhile now and yet the only way I would've known this was checking the app (which I assumed wouldn't be any different than the email that I got). They could've put a sign or simply put text on the screen at the gate saying that my original flight was directed to another gate.
I got to my gate around pretty much exactly as when pre-boarding was supposed to start. I didn't really have the time to triple check if SW didn't change the gate at the last second.

Also, my rebooked connecting flight was delayed over an hour past its original time, so that goes both ways.
Yep. I check the boards every few minutes until I see the staff arrive and start preparing for boarding.

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